Vocabulary Service
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A Brief Period of Postnatal Visual Deprivation Alters the Balance between Auditory and Visual Attention Journal Articles
A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study in Children With ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, OCD, and Matched Controls: Distinct and Non-Distinct White Matter Disruption and Dimensional Brain-Behavior Relationships Journal Articles
A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study in Children With ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, OCD, and Matched Controls: Distinct and Non-Distinct White Matter Disruption and Dimensional Brain-Behavior Relationships Journal Articles
A Feasibility Study on the Effectiveness of a Full-Body Videogame Intervention for Decreasing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Journal Articles
A Hypothesis-Generating Study Using Electrophysiology to Examine Cognitive Function in Colon Cancer Patients Journal Articles
A Pilot Study of Electrocortical Activity in Dysfunctional Anger: Decreased Frontocortical Activation, Impaired Attention Control, and Diminished Behavioral Inhibition Journal Articles
A Preliminary Attempt to Experimentally Induce Post Event Processing in Social Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
A century later: Woodworth's (1899) two-component model of goal-directed aiming. Journal Articles
A comparison of infants' and adults' sensitivity to Western musical structure. Journal Articles
A comparison of spatial frequency tuning for judgments of eye gaze and facial identity Journal Articles
A controlled clinical crossover trial of exercise training to improve cognition and neural communication in pediatric brain tumor survivors Journal Articles
A framework for the extended monitoring of levels of cognitive function in unresponsive patients Journal Articles
A left-ear advantage for forced-choice judgements of melodic contour. Journal Articles
A linear cue combination framework for understanding selective attention Journal Articles
A longitudinal comparison of emotional, behavioral and attention problems in autistic and typically developing children Journal Articles
A novel demonstration of preparation in pop-out search. Journal Articles
A paradox of apparent brainless behavior: The time-course of compound word recognition Conferences
A roadmap to advance delirium research: Recommendations from the NIDUS Scientific Think Tank Journal Articles
A staged approach for identifying children with developmental coordination disorder from the population Journal Articles
A switch in task affects priming of pop-out: evidence for the role of episodes Journal Articles
A variable mapping task produces symmetrical interference between global information and local information Journal Articles
Aberrant interhemispheric alpha coherence on electroencephalography in schizophrenic patients during activation tasks Journal Articles
Abnormal visual experience during development alters the early stages of visual-tactile integration Journal Articles
Action representations in perception, motor control and learning: implications for medical education Journal Articles
Activation in SI and SII; the influence of vibrotactile amplitude during passive and task-relevant stimulation Journal Articles
Acute aerobic exercise enhances attentional modulation of somatosensory event-related potentials during a tactile discrimination task Journal Articles
Adaptation to different mouth shapes influences visual perception of ambiguous lip speech Journal Articles
Adult ADHD and working memory: Neural evidence of impaired encoding Journal Articles
Affective biases in English are bi-dimensional Journal Articles
Age related differences in learning with the useful field of view Journal Articles
Age-related changes in postural control to the demands of a precision task Journal Articles
Age-related loss in attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing Journal Articles
Aging and auditory temporal sequencing: Ordering the elements of repeating tone patterns Journal Articles
Aging, Subjective Experience, and Cognitive Control: Dramatic False Remembering by Older Adults. Journal Articles
Aging, spaced retrieval, and inflexible memory performance Journal Articles
An EEG Investigation of the Attention-Related Impact of Mindfulness Training in Youth With ADHD: Outcomes and Methodological Considerations Journal Articles
An associative interpretation of the indirect McCollough effect. Journal Articles
An evaluation of memory and attention in BRCA mutation carriers using an online cognitive assessment tool Journal Articles
An event-related brain potential study of receptive speech comprehension using a modified Token Test Journal Articles
An eye-to-hand magnet effect reveals distinct spatial interference in motor planning and execution Journal Articles
Another look at the effect of a surprising intervening event on negative priming. Journal Articles
Anticipatory Brain Activity in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Journal Articles
Antidepressant Monotherapy vs Sequential Pharmacotherapy and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, or Placebo, for Relapse Prophylaxis in Recurrent Depression Journal Articles
Are Orchids Left and Dandelions Right? Frontal Brain Activation Asymmetry and Its Sensitivity to Developmental Context Journal Articles
Are there sex differences in hemispatial visual neglect after unilateral stroke? Journal Articles
Assessing adult receptive vocabulary with event-related potentials: An investigation of cross-modal and cross-form priming Journal Articles
Assessing the effect of lexical variables in backward recall. Journal Articles
Assessing the effect of pain on demands for attentional resources using ERPs Journal Articles
Assessing the influence of letter position in reading normal and transposed texts using a letter detection task. Journal Articles
Association Between the Visual N1-P2 Complex and Neuroticism Journal Articles
Association between media attention and presentation of vaccination information on Canadian chiropractors’ websites: a prospective mixed-methods cohort study Journal Articles
Association of apolipoprotein E variation with cognitive impairment across multiple neurodegenerative diagnoses Journal Articles
Asymmetries in intermanual transfer of training and motor overflow in adults with down's syndrome and nonhandicapped children Journal Articles
Asymmetries in the discrete and pseudocontinuous regulation of visually guided reaching Journal Articles
Asymmetries in the spatial localization of transformed targets Journal Articles
Attending, ignoring, and repetition: On the relation between negative priming and inhibition of return Journal Articles
Attention Demands of Spatially Locating Position of a Ball in Flight Journal Articles
Attention modulates event-related spectral power in multisensory self-motion perception Journal Articles
Attention switching in depth using random-dot autostereograms: Attention gradient asymmetries Journal Articles
Attention, awareness of contingencies, and control in spatial localization: A qualitative difference approach. Journal Articles
Attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli: A comparison between prefrontal lesion patients and healthy age-matched controls Journal Articles
Attentional and Motor Response Priming in a Bimanual Task Journal Articles
Attentional avoidance of emotional stimuli in postpartum women with childhood history of maltreatment and difficulties with emotion regulation. Journal Articles
Attentional cartography: mapping the distribution of attention across time and space Journal Articles
Attentional influences on memory formation: A tale of a not-so-simple story Journal Articles
Attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the encoding of emotional information Journal Articles
Atypical biological motion kinematics are represented by complementary lower-level and top-down processes during imitation learning Journal Articles
Audiovisual interactions depend on context of congruency Journal Articles
Aural and written language elicit the same processes: Further evidence from the missing-phoneme effect. Journal Articles
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Shared or Unique Neurocognitive Profiles? Journal Articles
Automatic face identity encoding at the N170 Journal Articles
Automatic imitation is reduced in narcissists. Journal Articles
Autonomic nervous system reactivity to positive and negative mood induction: The role of acute psychological responses and frontal electrocortical activity Journal Articles
Autonomic predictors of Stroop performance in young and middle-aged adults Journal Articles
Axis of elongation can determine reference frames for object perception. Journal Articles
Becoming a Face Expert Journal Articles
Behavioral manifestations of autism in the first year of life Journal Articles
Behavioural and ecological consequences of limited attention Journal Articles
Behavioural effects of acute phenylalanine and tyrosine depletion in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Behavioural effects of acute tryptophan depletion in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Between-person effects on attention and action: Joe and Fred revisited Journal Articles
Between-trial inhibition and facilitation in goal-directed aiming: manual and spatial asymmetries Journal Articles
Bimanual Interference in Rapid Discrete Movements Is Task Specific and Occurs at Multiple Levels of Processing Journal Articles
Boredom, sustained attention and the default mode network Journal Articles
Brief Report: Attentional Cueing to Images of Social Interactions is Automatic for Neurotypical Individuals But Not Those with ASC Journal Articles
Brief Report: Infants Developing with ASD Show a Unique Developmental Pattern of Facial Feature Scanning Journal Articles
Can skilled readers perform a second task in parallel? A functional connectivity MRI study Journal Articles
Can sodium valproate improve learning in children with epileptiform bursts but without clinical seizures? Journal Articles
Cannabis involvement and neuropsychological performance: findings from the Human Connectome Project Journal Articles
Cannabis use in Attention – Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A scoping review Journal Articles
Cardiovascular disease in cerebral palsy: shifting our focus from attention to prevention Journal Articles
Causes and Consequences of Limited Attention Journal Articles
Central executive function in working memory: event-related brain potential studies Journal Articles
Cerebral specialization in young adults with Down syndrome. Journal Articles
Changing the “When” and “What” of Intended Actions Journal Articles
Characteristics of the indirect McCollough effect Journal Articles
Children's control over attention to phonological and semantic properties of words Journal Articles
Classification and perceived similarity of compound gratings that differ in relative spatial phase Journal Articles
Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Mood Disorders: Rationale, Early Evidence, and Future Directions Journal Articles
Cognitive impairment in a Brazilian sample of patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Cognitive impairment in school-aged children with early trauma Journal Articles
Color vision in ADHD: Part 2 - Does Attention influence Color Perception? Journal Articles
Comparing imagery and perception: Using eye movements to dissociate mechanisms in search Journal Articles
Comparison of cytokine levels in depressed, manic and euthymic patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Composing alarms: considering the musical aspects of auditory alarm design Journal Articles
Computational principles of working memory in sentence comprehension Journal Articles
Conflicting effects of context in change detection and visual search: A dual process account. Journal Articles
Congruency effects on recognition memory: A context effect. Journal Articles
Contact and other‐race effects in configural and component processing of faces Journal Articles
Context-dependent control of attention capture: Evidence from proportion congruent effects. Journal Articles
Context-dependent modulation of spatial attention: prioritizing behaviourally relevant stimuli. Journal Articles
Context-specific control and the Stroop negative priming effect Journal Articles
Context-specific control in the single-prime negative-priming procedure Journal Articles
Context-specific learning and control: The roles of awareness, task relevance, and relative salience Journal Articles
Contextual control over selective attention: evidence from a two-target method Journal Articles
Contextual distinctiveness produces long-lasting priming of pop-out. Journal Articles
Contingent capture can occur at specific feature values: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence Journal Articles
Contingent color aftereffects: Reassessing old conclusions Journal Articles
Contributions of reader- and text-level characteristics to eye-movement patterns during passage reading. Journal Articles
Cortical processing of irrelevant somatosensory information from the leg is altered by attention during early movement preparation Journal Articles
Cueing color imagery: A critical analysis of imagery-perception congruency effects. Journal Articles
Detecting Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in a Communications Clinic: Diagnostic Utility of the Gordon Diagnostic System Journal Articles
Developmental changes in the processing of hierarchical shapes continue into adolescence Journal Articles
Dichoptic Attentive Motion Tracking is Biased Toward the Nonamblyopic Eye in Strabismic Amblyopia Journal Articles
Differential visual processing for equivalent retinal information from near versus far space Journal Articles
Discrimination of speed in 5-year-olds and adults: Are children up to speed? Journal Articles
Disruptive influences of a cued voluntary shift on coordinated movement in Parkinson's disease Journal Articles
Dissociated Contextual Interference Effects in Children and Adults Journal Articles
Dissociated contextual interference effects in children and adults. Journal Articles
Distinguishing shyness and sociability in adults: An event-related electrocortical-neuroendocrine study Journal Articles
Distractive Auditory Stimuli in the Form of Music in Individuals With COPD Journal Articles
Does Anxiety Enhance or Hinder Attentional and Impulse Control in Youth With ADHD? An ERP Analysis Journal Articles
Does Joe influence Fred's action? Journal Articles
Does the relation between the control of attention and second language proficiency generalize from India to Canada? Journal Articles
Dual-state modulation of the contextual cueing effect: Evidence from eye movement recordings Journal Articles
Dyadic peer interaction and task orientation in attention-deficit-disordered children Journal Articles
ERN varies with degree of psychopathy in an emotion discrimination task Journal Articles
ERP indices of emotionality and semantic cohesiveness during recognition judgments Journal Articles
Early information processing biases in social anxiety Journal Articles
Early integration of vowel and pitch processing: A mismatch negativity study Journal Articles
Effect of distraction and coping style on in vivo exposure for specific phobia of spiders Journal Articles
Effect of frequency ratio on infants' and adults' discrimination of simultaneous intervals. Journal Articles
Effect of obesity on cognition in adults with and without a mood disorder: study design and methods Journal Articles
Effect of propranolol and phenothiazines on electrodermal orienting and habituation in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Effects of Aging on the Useful Field of View Journal Articles
Effects of Attentional Focus on Subjective Hunger Ratings Journal Articles
Effects of Menstrual Cycle Phase on Face Preferences Conferences
Effects of Response Priming and Inhibition on Movement Planning and Execution Journal Articles
Effects of Vision on Head-Putter Coordination in Golf Journal Articles
Effects of a context shift and multiple context extinction on reactivity to alcohol cues. Journal Articles
Effects of acute prednisone administration on memory, attention and emotion in healthy human adults Journal Articles
Effects of focus of attention depend on golfers' skill Journal Articles
Effects of harmonics on relative pitch discrimination in a musical context Journal Articles
Effects of reaction time variability and age on brain activity during Stroop task performance Journal Articles
Effects of schizophrenia and prefrontal leukotomy on movement preparation and generation Journal Articles
Effects of task instructions and oscillation frequency on bimanual coordination Journal Articles
Electrical Brain Activity Associated with Automatic and Controlled Processing of Melodic Contour and Interval Journal Articles
Electrodermal response and outcome from severe brain injury Journal Articles
Encoding difficulty and memory enhancement for young and older readers. Journal Articles
Endogenous temporal orienting of attention in detection and discrimination tasks Journal Articles
Enhanced Salience and Emotion Recognition in Autism: A PET Study Journal Articles
Enhanced production and perception of musical pitch in tone language speakers Journal Articles
Enhancement of Neuroplastic P2 and N1c Auditory Evoked Potentials in Musicians Journal Articles
Error Patterns on the Continuous Performance Test in Non‐Medicated and Medicated Samples of Children With and Without ADHD: A Meta‐Analytic Review Journal Articles
Especial Skills: Their Emergence With Massive Amounts of Practice. Journal Articles
Establishment of Joint Attention in Dyads Involving Hearing Mothers of Deaf and Hearing Children, and Its Relation to Adaptive Social Behavior Journal Articles
Evaluating the effect of distractions in the operating room on clinical decision-making and patient safety Journal Articles
Event understanding and memory in healthy aging and dementia of the Alzheimer type. Journal Articles
Event-related potential measures of the inhibition of information processing: I. Selective attention in the waking state Journal Articles
Event-related potentials as brain correlates of item specific proportion congruent effects Journal Articles
Evidence of a divided-attention advantage in autism Journal Articles
Evidence of anticipatory eye movements in the spatial Hebb repetition effect: Insights for modeling sequence learning. Journal Articles
Executive function and mothering: Challenges faced by teenage mothers Journal Articles
Exploring the relationship between boredom and sustained attention Journal Articles
Extending end-state comfort effect: Do we consider the beginning state comfort of another? Journal Articles
Eye Direction, Not Movement Direction, Predicts Attention Shifts in Those with Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Eye Tracking Effort Expenditure and Autonomic Arousal to Social and Circumscribed Interest Stimuli in Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Eye–hand coordination in goal-directed aiming Journal Articles
Facial cues of dominance modulate the short-term gaze-cuing effect in human observers Journal Articles
Factor Structure of Parent- and Teacher-Rated Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in the Preschoolers with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment Study (PATS) Journal Articles
Factor analysis of the children’s sleep habits questionnaire among preschool children with autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Five short screening tests in the detection of prevalent delirium: diagnostic accuracy and performance in different neurocognitive subgroups Journal Articles
Forward and backward recall: Different visuospatial processes when you know what’s coming Journal Articles
From pre-processing to advanced dynamic modeling of pupil data Journal Articles
Frontal brain electrical asymmetry and cardiac vagal tone predict biased attention to social threat Journal Articles
Functional MRI of working memory and selective attention in vibrotactile frequency discrimination Journal Articles
Functional brain organization of preparatory attentional control in visual search Journal Articles
Functional connectivity of the vigilant-attention network in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Journal Articles
Gating at early cortical processing stages is associated with changes in behavioural performance on a sensory conflict task Journal Articles
Gaze, goals and growing up: Effects on imitative grasping Journal Articles
Gender Differences in Perception of Self-Orientation: Software or Hardware? Journal Articles
Gender Differences in Prism Adaptation as Influenced by a Secondary Task Journal Articles
Goal-directed aiming and the relative contribution of two online control processes Journal Articles
Hand deviations toward distractors Journal Articles
Hand, Space and Attentional Asymmetries in Goal-Directed Manual Aiming* *Presented at the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS), Vancouver, B.C., Canada. October 1995. Journal Articles
Hemispheric Specialization for Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Tactual Perception Using a Dichotomous Stimulation Technique Journal Articles
Hemispheric lateralization in preattentive processing of speech sounds Journal Articles
High- and low-intensity exercise do not improve cognitive function after stroke: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Holistic Processing Is Not Correlated With Face-Identification Accuracy Journal Articles
How Prevalent Is Object-Based Attention? Journal Articles
How strongly do word reading times and lexical decision times correlate? Combining data from eye movement corpora and megastudies Journal Articles
How the Visual System Detects Changes in the Direction of Moving Targets Journal Articles
Human Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials Fail to Provide Evidence of Efferent Modulation of Auditory Input During Attentional Tasks Journal Articles
INCOG 2.0 Guidelines for Cognitive Rehabilitation Following Traumatic Brain Injury: Methods, Overview, and Principles Journal Articles
INCOG Recommendations for Management of Cognition Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Part II Journal Articles
Identification of disoriented objects: Effects of context of prior presentation. Journal Articles
Imagined event files: An interplay between imagined and perceived objects Journal Articles
Imagined object files: Visual imagery produces partial repetition costs where perception does not Journal Articles
Immediate serial recall, word frequency, item identity and item position. Journal Articles
Impaired disengagement of attention and its relationship to emotional distress in infants at high-risk for autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Impaired distractor inhibition in patients with schizophrenia on a negative priming task Journal Articles
Implementing flexibility in automaticity: Evidence from context-specific implicit sequence learning Journal Articles
Improved Sparse Coding Under the Influence of Perceptual Attention Journal Articles
Improvement in cognitive functioning in patients with first-episode psychosis during treatment with quetiapine: An interim analysis Journal Articles
Improvements and important considerations for the 5-choice serial reaction time task—An effective measurement of visual attention in rats Journal Articles
Inattention and hyperactive/impulsive component scores do not differentiate between autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in a clinical sample Journal Articles
Individual differences in phonological learning and verbal STM span Journal Articles
Individualized pattern recognition for detecting mind wandering from EEG during live lectures Journal Articles
Infants’ and adults’ use of duration and intensity cues in the segmentation of tone patterns Journal Articles
Influence of Caregiver Singing and Background Music on Posture, Movement, and Sensory Awareness in Dementia Care Journal Articles
Influence of Endogenous and Exogenous Orientations of Attention on Inhibition of Return in a Cross-Modal Target—Target Aiming Task Journal Articles
Inhibition of Return and the Attentional Set for Integrating Versus Differentiating Information Journal Articles
Inhibition of return for the length of a line? Journal Articles
Inhibition of return in a 3D scene depends on the direction of depth switch between cue and target. Journal Articles
Inhibitory control in typically developing preschoolers: Relations among temperament, respiratory sinus arrhythmia, and behavior at age 4 Journal Articles
Inhibitory processes in auditory selective attention: Evidence of location-based and frequency-based inhibition of return Conferences
Integrating cues of social interest and voice pitch in men's preferences for women's voices Journal Articles
Interactions of impulsivity, general executive functions, and specific inhibitory control explain symptoms of social-networks-use disorder: An experimental study Journal Articles
Interference effects from grammatically unavailable constituents during sentence processing. Journal Articles
Interfering effects of multitasking on muscle activity in the upper extremity Journal Articles
Intermittent Vision and Discrete Manual Aiming Journal Articles
Intestinal bacteria influence brain activity in healthy humans Journal Articles
Ironic effects of repetition: Measuring age-related differences in memory. Journal Articles
It hurts more than it helps: Cuing T1 with imagery can impair T2 identification in an attentional blink task Journal Articles
Item-specific control of attention capture: An eye movement study Journal Articles
Joint Attention in Toddlerhood Predicts Internalizing Problems at Early School Age Journal Articles
Key membership and implied harmony in Western tonal music: Developmental perspectives Journal Articles
Kinematic Analyses of Manual Asymmetries in Visual Aiming Movements Journal Articles
Kinematic analysis of goal-directed aims made against early and late perturbations: An investigation of the relative influence of two online control processes Journal Articles
Lateral peri-hand bias affects the horizontal but not the vertical distribution of attention. Journal Articles
Learning of association between a context and multiple possible target locations in a contextual cueing paradigm Journal Articles
Learning to diminish the effects of proactive interference: Reducing false memory for young and older adults Journal Articles
Learning what to expect: context-specific control over intertrial priming effects in singleton search Journal Articles
Letter Localization, Not Discrimination, Is Constrained by Attention. Journal Articles
Letter Names and Alphabet Book Reading by Senior Kindergarteners: An Eye Movement Study Journal Articles
Local and Global Minima in Visual Completion: Effects of Symmetry and Orientation Journal Articles
Long-term conceptual implicit memory: A decade of evidence Journal Articles
Long-term effects of concussion on attention, sensory gating and motor learning. Journal Articles
Long-term semantic priming: A computational account and empirical evidence. Journal Articles
Low Fidelity Imitation of Atypical Biological Kinematics in Autism Spectrum Disorders Is Modulated by Self-Generated Selective Attention Journal Articles
Mapping Brain Activity During Loss of Situation Awareness Journal Articles
Mapping the dynamic allocation of temporal attention in musical patterns. Journal Articles
Maximizing the Morning Commute: A Randomized Trial Assessing the Effect of Driving on Podcast Knowledge Acquisition and Retention Journal Articles
McCollough effects as conditioned responses: Reply to Dodwell and Humphrey. Journal Articles
Mechanisms of “Cough-Trick” for Pain Relief during Venipuncture: An Experimental Crossover Investigation in Healthy Volunteers Journal Articles
Memory and confidence in memory judgments among individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder and non-clinical controls Journal Articles
Mental toughness in surgeons: Is there room for improvement? Journal Articles
Mixed pro and antisaccade performance in children and adults Journal Articles
Modification of planned actions Journal Articles
Modifying interpretation biases: Effects on symptomatology, behavior, and physiological reactivity in social anxiety Journal Articles
Modulation of Electrocortical Brain Activity by Attention in Individuals with and without Tinnitus Journal Articles
Modulatory effects of movement sequence preparation and covert spatial attention on early somatosensory input to non-primary motor areas Journal Articles
Moving together: toward understanding the mechanisms of joint action Journal Articles
Multimodal Inhibition of Return Effects in Adults With and Without Down Syndrome Journal Articles
Music and Speech Processing in the First Year of Life Journal Articles
N of 1 Study: Methylphenidate in a Patient with Borderline Personality Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Journal Articles
Name that tune: Identifying popular recordings from brief excerpts Journal Articles
Negative Priming 1985 to 2015: A Measure of Inhibition, the Emergence of Alternative Accounts, and the Multiple Process Challenge Journal Articles
Negative Priming, Attention, and Discriminating the Present from the Past Journal Articles
Negative priming without overt prime selection. Journal Articles
Neural correlates of behavioral variation in healthy adults' antisaccade performance Journal Articles
Neural correlates of trait anxiety in sensory processing and distractor filtering. Journal Articles
Neural speech restoration at the cocktail party: Auditory cortex recovers masked speech of both attended and ignored speakers Journal Articles
Neural temporal dynamics of contingency judgement Journal Articles
Neurocognition in the Emergency Department after a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Youth Journal Articles
Neurophysiological Evidence for Disturbances of Conflict Processing in Patients With Schizophrenia. Journal Articles
Neurophysiological evidence of cognitive inhibition anomalies in persons with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Neuroprogression and Cognitive Functioning in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Neuropsychological Impact of Cg25 Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression Journal Articles
Newborns' discrimination of chromatic from achromatic stimuli Journal Articles
Nomadic inhibition of attention and motor responses Journal Articles
Noradrenergic dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex in depression: an [15O] H2O PET study of the neuromodulatory effects of clonidine Journal Articles
Novel taste facilitation of the association of visual cues with toxicosis in rats. Journal Articles
Obsessive‐compulsive disorder in children and youth: neurocognitive function in clinic and community samples Journal Articles
Occasional changes in sound location enhance middle latency evoked responses Journal Articles
On estimating processing variance: Commentary and reanalysis of Kail's “developmental functions for speeds of cognitive processes” Journal Articles
On the Difficulty of Noticing Obvious Features in Patient Appearance Journal Articles
On the Strategic Modulation of the Time Course of Facilitation and Inhibition of Return Journal Articles
On the role of attention in generating explicit awareness of contingent relations: Evidence from spatial priming Journal Articles
On the strategic modulation of the time course of facilitation and inhibition of return. Journal Articles
On the time course of attentional focusing in older adults Journal Articles
Online Modulation of Selective Attention is not Impaired in Healthy Aging Journal Articles
Optimizing the use of Vision in Manual Aiming: The Role of Practice Journal Articles
Orienting in space and time: Joint contributions to exogenous spatial cuing effects Journal Articles
Overtraining and transfer processes. Journal Articles
PITHIA: Protein Interaction Site Prediction Using Multiple Sequence Alignments and Attention Journal Articles
Patterns of Attentional Impairment Following Closed Head Injury: A Collaborative European study Journal Articles
Perceived pitch class of isolated musical triads. Journal Articles
Perceptual Load-Dependent Neural Correlates of Distractor Interference Inhibition Journal Articles
Perceptual distinctiveness produces long-lasting priming of pop-out Journal Articles
Performance on WISC-III and WAIS-R NI Vocabulary Subtests Assessed with Event-Related Brain Potentials: An Innovative Method of Assessment Journal Articles
Peripheral target detection can be modulated by target distance but not attended distance in 3D space simulated by monocular depth cues Journal Articles
Pitch characteristics of infant-directed speech affect infants’ ability to discriminate vowels Journal Articles
Pitch interactions in the perception of isolated musical triads Journal Articles
Precursors of self‐regulation in infants at elevated likelihood for autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Predictability of the target stimulus for sensory-guided movement modulates early somatosensory cortical potentials Journal Articles
Predictable chaos: a review of the effects of emotions on attention, memory and decision making Journal Articles
Predictors of neuropsychological outcome after pediatric concussion Journal Articles
Preface to the special issue: Computational cognitive neuroscience Journal Articles
Prefrontal cortex VAMP1 gene network moderates the effect of the early environment on cognitive flexibility in children Journal Articles
Proactive control: Endogenous cueing effects in a two-target attentional blink task Journal Articles
Proactive interference, accessibility bias, and process dissociations: Valid subject reports of memory. Journal Articles
Processing of gaze direction within the N170/M170 time window: A combined EEG/MEG study Journal Articles
Progressive N170 habituation to unattended repeated faces Journal Articles
Protein deficiency magnifies social influence on the food choices of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal Articles
Psychological Treatments for Social Phobia Journal Articles
Reading polymorphemic Dutch compounds: Toward a multiple route model of lexical processing. Journal Articles
Recall by expert medical practitioners and novices as a record of processing attention. Journal Articles
Recognizing the Face of Johnny, Suzy, and Me: Insensitivity to the Spacing Among Features at 4 Years of Age Journal Articles
Recollection and familiarity for words and faces: a study comparing Remember–Know judgements and the Process Dissociation Procedure Journal Articles
Reduced substantia innominata volume mediates contributions of microvascular and macrovascular disease to cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease Journal Articles
Reframing Diagnostic Error: Maybe It's Content, and Not Process, That Leads to Error Journal Articles
Rehearsal in serial memory for visual-spatial information: Evidence from eye movements Journal Articles
Reliability and validity of the Daily Cognitive–Communication and Sleep Profile: a new instrument for monitoring sleep, wakefulness and daytime function Journal Articles
Remembering ‘primed’ words: The effect of prime encoding demands. Journal Articles
Remembering “primed” words: A counter-intuitive effect of repetition on recognition memory. Journal Articles
Reporting bias, not external focus: A robust Bayesian meta-analysis and systematic review of the external focus of attention literature. Journal Articles
Reproducing the Location-Based Context-Specific Proportion Congruent Effect for Frequency Unbiased Items: A Reply to Hutcheon and Spieler (2016) Journal Articles
Response to an intervening event reverses nonspatial repetition effects in 2AFC tasks: Nonspatial IOR? Journal Articles
Revisiting the double-edged sword of self-regulation: Linking shyness, attentional shifting, and social behavior in preschoolers Journal Articles
Scan Path Differences and Similarities During Emotion Perception in those With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Scanning of own‐ versus other‐race faces in infants from racially diverse or homogenous communities Journal Articles
Selecting a Bedside Cognitive Vital Sign to Monitor Cognition in Hospital: Feasibility, Reliability, and Responsiveness of Logical Memory Journal Articles
Selective attention and recognition: effects of congruency on episodic learning Journal Articles
Selective attention effects on recognition: the roles of list context and perceptual difficulty Journal Articles
Selective attention: A reevaluation of the implications of negative priming. Journal Articles
Self-Selected Visual Information During Discrete Manual Aiming Journal Articles
Self-controlled KR schedules: Does repetition order matter? Journal Articles
Self-focused attention and safety behaviors across group therapies for social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Semantic similarity and immediate serial recall: Is there an effect on all trials Journal Articles
Seniors’ Perceptions of Vehicle Safety Risks and Needs Journal Articles
Separate and joint effects of alcohol and caffeine on conflict monitoring and adaptation Journal Articles
Separate mechanisms recruited by exogenous and endogenous spatial cues: Evidence from a spatial Stroop paradigm. Journal Articles
Serial Habituation in Two-, Three-, and Four-Month-Old Infants Journal Articles
Short article: The flexibility of context-specific control: Evidence for context-driven generalization of item-specific control settings Journal Articles
Short- and long-term memory tasks predict working memory performance, and vice versa. Journal Articles
Shyness and face scanning in children Journal Articles
Social categories as a context for the allocation of attentional control. Journal Articles
Socioeconomic status and self–other processing: socioeconomic status predicts interference in the automatic imitation task Journal Articles
Solving the chicken-and-egg problem of letter detection and fixation duration in reading Journal Articles
Sources of P300 attenuation after head injury: Single‐trial amplitude, latency jitter, and EEG power Journal Articles
Spatial attention in three-dimensional space: A meta-analysis for the near advantage in target detection and localization. Journal Articles
Spatial contingency and the McCollough effect Journal Articles
Spatial phase differences can drive apparent motion Journal Articles
Spatial working memory and attention skills are predicted by maternal stress during pregnancy Journal Articles
Specificity versus Variability: Effects of Practice Conditions on the Use of Afferent Information for Manual Aiming Journal Articles
Spectral-motion aftereffects and the tritone paradox among Canadian subjects Journal Articles
Speech Production Errors in Adults With and Without Down Syndrome Following Verbal, Written, and Pictorial Cues Journal Articles
Spiritual experiences are related to engagement of a ventral frontotemporal functional brain network: Implications for prevention and treatment of behavioral and substance addictions Journal Articles
Strategies and pseudoneglect on luminance judgments: An eye-tracking investigation. Journal Articles
Stress and binge drinking: A toxic combination for the teenage brain Journal Articles
Subjective semantic surprise resulting from divided attention biases evaluations of an idea’s creativity Journal Articles
Subtle persistent working memory and selective attention deficits in women with premenstrual syndrome Journal Articles
Successful computer-assisted cognitive remediation therapy in patients with unipolar depression: a proof of principle study Journal Articles
Support for a history-dependent predictive model of dACC activity in producing the bivalency effect: An event-related potential study Journal Articles
Suppression of somatosensory stimuli during motor planning may explain levels of balance and mobility after stroke Journal Articles
Sustaining Attention for a Prolonged Duration Affects Dynamic Organizations of Frequency-Specific Functional Connectivity Journal Articles
Synapsin II knockout mice show sensorimotor gating and behavioural abnormalities similar to those in the phencyclidine-induced preclinical animal model of schizophrenia Journal Articles
Synchronization with competing visual and auditory rhythms: bouncing ball meets metronome Journal Articles
Systematic Review: Audiovisual Interventions for Reducing Preoperative Anxiety in Children Undergoing Elective Surgery Journal Articles
Talking is harder than listening: The time course of dual-task costs during naturalistic conversation. Journal Articles
Task switching in video game players: Benefits of selective attention but not resistance to proactive interference Journal Articles
Task-Relevant Modulation of Contralateral and Ipsilateral Primary Somatosensory Cortex and the Role of a Prefrontal-Cortical Sensory Gating System Journal Articles
Task-dependent and distinct roles of the temporoparietal junction and inferior frontal cortex in the control of imitation Journal Articles
Task-relevancy effects on movement-related gating are modulated by continuous theta-burst stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and primary somatosensory cortex Journal Articles
Temporal order and processing acuity of visual, auditory, and tactile perception in developmentally dyslexic young adults Journal Articles
Temporal properties of attention sharing consequent to disturbed balance Journal Articles
The 20/20 patient who can’t read Journal Articles
The Acute Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Control among People with Chronic Stroke Journal Articles
The Bivalency effect in task switching: Event‐related potentials Journal Articles
The Cocktail Party Problem Journal Articles
The Effect of Walking with an Assistive Device and Using a Wheelchair on School Performance in Students with Myelomeningocele Journal Articles
The Effects of Depleted Self-Control Strength on Skill-Based Task Performance Journal Articles
The Effects of Methylphenidate on the Mother‐child Interactions of Hyperactive Identical Twins Journal Articles
The Etiology of Diagnostic Errors Journal Articles
The Influence of Binocular Visual Deprivation on the Development of Visual-Spatial Attention Journal Articles
The Influences of Face Inversion and Facial Expression on Sensitivity to Eye Contact in High-Functioning Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
The RULER model. Is this how the somatosensory cortex works? Journal Articles
The Role of Oculomotor Information in the Learning of Sequential Aiming Movements Journal Articles
The amplitude of N2pc reflects the physical disparity between target item and distracters Journal Articles
The associative basis of contingent color aftereffects. Journal Articles
The attentional‐relevance and temporal dynamics of visual‐tactile crossmodal interactions differentially influence early stages of somatosensory processing Journal Articles
The bright side of being blue: Depression as an adaptation for analyzing complex problems. Journal Articles
The contribution of the prefrontal cortex to relevancy-based gating of visual and tactile stimuli Journal Articles
The contribution of vision to asymmetries in manual aiming Journal Articles
The contribution of visual attention and declining verbal memory abilities to age-related route learning deficits Journal Articles
The correlation of feature identification and category judgments in diagnostic radiology Journal Articles
The development of fine-grained sensitivity to eye contact after 6years of age Journal Articles
The disruptive effect of chronic pain on mismatch negativity Journal Articles
The dopamine D4 receptor gene, birth weight, maternal depression, maternal attention, and the prediction of disorganized attachment at 36 months of age: A prospective gene × environment analysis Journal Articles
The effect of a concurrent cognitive task on cortical potentials evoked by unpredictable balance perturbations. Journal Articles
The effect of apparent distance on peripheral target detection Journal Articles
The effect of gaze information associated with the search items on contextual cueing effect Journal Articles
The effect of pain on involuntary and voluntary capture of attention Journal Articles
The effect of task-relevance on primary somatosensory cortex during continuous sensory-guided movement in the presence of bimodal competition Journal Articles
The effect of variability of unattended information on global and local processing: evidence for lateralization at early stages of processing Journal Articles
The effect of word position on eye-movements in sentence and paragraph reading Journal Articles
The effectiveness of imagery and sentence strategy instructions as a function of visual and auditory processing in young school-age children Journal Articles
The effects of age and divided attention on spontaneous recognition Journal Articles
The effects of occlusion and past experience on the allocation of object-based attention Journal Articles
The effects of processing requirements on neurophysiological responses to spoken sentences*1 Journal Articles
The effects of response priming on the planning and execution of goal-directed movements in the presence of a distracting stimulus Journal Articles
The impact of text repetition on content and function words during reading: Further evidence from eye movements. Journal Articles
The influence of a secondary task and type of feedback on adaptation to lateral displacement of the visual array Journal Articles
The influence of trait and state rumination on cardiovascular recovery from a negative emotional stressor Journal Articles
The influence of uncertainty and premovement visual information on manual aiming. Journal Articles
The influence of word function in the missing-letter effect: Further evidence from French Journal Articles
The influence of word function in the missing-letter effect: further evidence from French. Journal Articles
The irrelevant speech effect in backward recall is modulated by foreknowledge of recall direction and response modality. Journal Articles
The long and short of semantic priming effects in lexical decision. Journal Articles
The manifestation of attentional capture: facilitation or IOR depending on task demands Journal Articles
The missing-colour effect: The attentional beam captures reading-relevant and reading-irrelevant information Journal Articles
The one-target advantage: A test of the movement integration hypothesis Journal Articles
The processing of spatial information in short-term memory: Insights from eye tracking the path length effect Journal Articles
The relationship between frontal somatosensory-evoked potentials and motor planning Journal Articles
The relationship between impulsivity, risk-taking propensity and nicotine dependence among older adolescent smokers Journal Articles
The role of eye movements in the missing-letter effect revisited with the rapid serial visual presentation procedure. Journal Articles
The role of verbal memory in regressions during reading Journal Articles
The time course for visual extinction after a ‘virtual’ lesion of right posterior parietal cortex Journal Articles
The time course of attention shifts following perturbation of upright stance Journal Articles
Theory of Mind in Children with Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
Thought dismissability in obsessive-compulsive disorder versus panic disorder Journal Articles
Top-down attentional processes modulate the coding of atypical biological motion kinematics in the absence of motor signals. Journal Articles
Transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques to study the somatosensory system Journal Articles
Transgenerational effects of maternal care interact with fetal growth and influence attention skills at 18months of age Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of the cerebellum impairs change-detection processes: Cerebellar contributions to sensorimotor integration Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing Journal Articles
Turning order into chaos through repetition and addition of elementary acts in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Journal Articles
Using a Manipulation Check to Uncover Age-Related Difference in Focus of Attention Instruction During a Balance Task Journal Articles
Using the Gross Motor Function Measure to Evaluate Motor Development in Children with Down Syndrome Journal Articles
Vigilant or avoidant? Children's temperamental shyness, patterns of gaze, and physiology during social threat Journal Articles
Virtual experiments in megastudies: A case study of language and emotion Journal Articles
Visual Feature Integration in Learning Disabled Children Journal Articles
Visual determinants of a cross-modal illusion Journal Articles
Visual imagery influences attentional guidance during visual search: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence Journal Articles
Visual information processing and alpha blocking in schizophrenics and normals Journal Articles
Visuospatial, Visuoperceptual, and Visuoconstructive Abilities in Congenital Hypothyroidism Journal Articles
Vocal Control: Is It Susceptible to the Negative Effects of Self-Regulatory Depletion? Journal Articles
When Do Objects Become Landmarks? A VR Study of the Effect of Task Relevance on Spatial Memory Journal Articles
When experience meets language statistics: Individual variability in processing English compound words. Journal Articles
When paying attention becomes counterproductive: Impact of divided versus skill-focused attention on novice and experienced performance of sensorimotor skills. Journal Articles
White matter growth as a mechanism of cognitive development in children Journal Articles
Working memory and everyday cognition in adults with Down's syndrome Journal Articles
Working memory capacity affects trade-off between quality and quantity only when stimulus exposure duration is sufficient: Evidence for the two-phase model Journal Articles