selected scholarly activity
- Modeling and Control of Batch Processes 2019
- Fault-Tolerant Process Control. Ed. 9781447148081. 2013
- First Principles Based Development of Hybrid Models of Distillation Towers. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 1117-1122. 2022
- An Adaptive Data-Based Modeling Approach for Predictive Control of Batch Systems. Advances in Industrial Control. 115-135. 2019
- Batch Process Modeling and Control: Background: Theory and Applications. Advances in Industrial Control. 11-19. 2019
- Data-Driven Model Predictive Quality Control of Batch Processes: Theory and Applications. Advances in Industrial Control. 137-153. 2019
- Data-Driven Modeling and Quality Control of Variable Duration Batch Processes with Discrete Inputs: Theory and Applications. Advances in Industrial Control. 261-297. 2019
- Handling Multi-rate and Missing Data in Variable Duration Economic Model Predictive Control of Batch Processes with Application to Electric Arc Furnace Operation. Advances in Industrial Control. 235-259. 2019
- Integrating Data-Based Modeling and Nonlinear Control Tools for Batch Process Control: Theory and Applications. Advances in Industrial Control. 87-113. 2019
- Introduction: Theory and Applications. Advances in Industrial Control. 3-10. 2019
- Model Predictive Quality Control of Polymethyl Methacrylate. Advances in Industrial Control. 155-169. 2019
- Multi-rate Modeling and Economic Model Predictive Control of the Electric Arc Furnace: Theory and Applications. Advances in Industrial Control. 171-196. 2019
- Robust Model Predictive Control and Fault-Handling of Batch Processes. Advances in Industrial Control. 47-68. 2019
- Safe-Steering of Batch Processes: Theory and Applications. Advances in Industrial Control. 23-45. 2019
- Subspace Identification Based Modeling and Control of Batch Particulate Processes: Theory and Applications. Advances in Industrial Control. 299-319. 2019
- Subspace Identification for Data-Driven Modeling and Quality Control of Batch Processes: Theory and Applications. Advances in Industrial Control. 199-234. 2019
- Subspace-Based Model Identification of a Hydrogen Plant Startup Dynamics: Theory and Applications. Advances in Industrial Control. 321-335. 2019
- Transition From Batch to Continuous Operation in Bio-reactors: A Model Predictive Control Approach and Application. Advances in Industrial Control. 69-83. 2019
- Control and Fault-Handling Subject to Asynchronous Measurements. 205-252. 2013
- Fault Diagnosis and Robust Safe-Parking. 105-124. 2013
- Fault-Tolerant Process Control. 9-28. 2013
- Integrated Fault-Detection and Fault-Tolerant Control. 29-54. 2013
- Integrated Fault-Detection and Isolation and Fault-Tolerant Control. 55-84. 2013
- Isolation and Handling of Sensor Faults. 179-203. 2013
- Safe-Parking. 85-103. 2013
- Utilizing FDI Insights in Controller Design and PID Monitoring. 125-177. 2013
- Techniques for Uniting Lyapunov based and Model Predictive Control. 77-91. 2007
- A Practical Reinforcement Learning (RL) Controller Design for Nonlinear Systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1269-1274. 2024
- Construction of Robust NCR for Input-Constrained Discrete Nonlinear Systems Using Backward Reachability. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 4954-4959. 2024
- Data-Driven Modeling and Control of Semicontinuous Distillation Process. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 4434-4439. 2024
- Application of Economic Model Predictive Control on a Lab Scale Rotomolding Process. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2485-2490. 2022
- Data Driven Modeling and Model Predictive Control of Bioreactor for Production of Monoclonal Antibodies. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1347-1352. 2022
- Economic Analysis and Cost Optimization of Adenovirus Purification Processes. Molecular Therapy. 391-392. 2021
- Integrating Dynamic Neural Network Models with Principal Component Analysis for Model Predictive Control. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 11313-11318. 2020
- Constrained control Lyapunov function construction via approximation of static Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5027-5032. 2019
- Data-Driven Control of Rotational Molding Process. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5117-5122. 2019
- Fault diagnosis design for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5787-5792. 2018
- Handling Nonlinearity in Model Predictive Control with Explicit Performance Specification. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2133-2138. 2018
- Lyapunov-based Economic Model Predictive Control of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 3900-3907. 2018
- Using Null Controllable Regions to Stabilize Nonlinear Systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 3141-3146. 2018
- Quality monitoring of rotational molded parts using a nondestructive technique. Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings. 2018
- Development of a high fidelity and subspace identification model of a hydrogen plant startup dynamics. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2857-2862. 2017
- Handling multi-rate and missing data in system identification. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 839-844. 2017
- Quality control of variable duration batch processes via subspace identification. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1505-1510. 2017
- Subspace identification and predictive control of batch particulate processes. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 505-510. 2017
- 375086 Economic Model Predictive Control of the Electric Arc Furnace Using Data-Driven Models. 2016 American Control Conference (ACC). 2016
- Data-driven quality control of batch processes via subspace identification. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 4163-4168. 2016
- Simultaneous actuator and sensor fault isolation of nonlinear systems subject to uncertainty. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 6857-6862. 2016
- Computation and analysis of optimal operating strategies for air separation units using high fidelity dynamic models. Computing and Systems Technology Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting. 409-410. 2016
- Data-driven model predictive control of a seeded batch crystallization process. Computing and Systems Technology Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting. 606-608. 2016
- Development of a high fidelity and reduced order data-driven model of hydrogen plant. Computing and Systems Technology Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting. 407-408. 2016
- Economic Model Predictive Control of the Electric Arc Furnace using Data-driven Multi-rate Models. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1790-1795. 2016
- Fault detection and isolation and optimal parking for HVAC systems. Computing and Systems Technology Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting. 579-581. 2016
- Subspace based quality control of variable duration batch processes. Computing and Systems Technology Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting. 50-52. 2016
- Detecting and isolating sensor and actuator faults in solution copolymerization of MMA and VAc process. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1617-1622. 2015
- Output feedback model predictive control of stochastic nonlinear systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 793-798. 2015
- 331313 Offset-Free Model Predictive Control of a Heat Pump. 2014 American Control Conference. 2014
- Lyapunov-based offset-free model predictive control of nonlinear systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2839-2844. 2014
- A comparison of PLS and subspace identification for batch model predictive quality control. Computing and Systems Technology Division 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting. 1132-1134. 2014
- A tuning framework for Lyapunov based offsetfree model predictive controller. Computing and Systems Technology Division 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting. 1095-1096. 2014
- Actuator and sensor fault isolation of a styrene polymerization process. Computing and Systems Technology Division 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting. 940-942. 2014
- Offset-free Model Predictive Controller of a Heat Pump. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2014
- Optimization of the protein pegylation process. Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development and Manufacturing Forum 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting. 269. 2014
- Actuator and sensor fault isolation of nonlinear systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 3567-3572. 2013
- Model predictive quality control of Polymethyl methacrylate. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 3942-3947. 2013
- Active fault isolation of nonlinear systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 6667-6672. 2012
- Adaptive data-based model predictive control of batch systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5670-5675. 2012
- Isolation and handling of sensor faults in nonlinear systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 6661-6666. 2012
- Model predictive quality control of batch processes. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5646-5651. 2012
- Offset-free model predictive controller for Vapor Compression Cycle. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 398-403. 2012
- Data-based modeling and control of nylon-6,6 batch polymerization. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2540-2545. 2011
- Fault detection and isolation and safe-parking of networked systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 3146-3151. 2011
- Integrated fault diagnosis and robust safe-parking for fault-tolerant control of nonlinear systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 804-809. 2011
- Integrating data-based modeling and nonlinear control tools for batch process control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2534-2539. 2011
- A safe-parking approach to handle partial plant shutdown. Computing and Systems Technology Division - Core Programming Topic at the 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting. 166-167. 2011
- Active fault isolation of nonlinear process systems. Computing and Systems Technology Division - Core Programming Topic at the 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting. 345-347. 2011
- Adaptive data-based model predictive control of batch systems. Computing and Systems Technology Division - Core Programming Topic at the 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting. 1025-1026. 2011
- Data-Based Modeling and Control of Nylon-6, 6 Batch Polymerization. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 2540-2545. 2011
- Data-based modeling and control of nylon-6,6 batch polymerization. Computing and Systems Technology Division - Core Programming Topic at the 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting. 326-327. 2011
- Lyapunov-based model predictive control of stochastic nonlinear processes. Computing and Systems Technology Division - Core Programming Topic at the 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting. 1096-1098. 2011
- Offset-free model predictive control of vapor compression cycle. Computing and Systems Technology Division - Core Programming Topic at the 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting. 314-315. 2011
- Data-based methods for control of batch processes. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 2010
- On constructing constrained control Lyapunov functions for linear systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5191-5196. 2010
- Uniting Safe-parking and reconfiguration-based approaches for fault-tolerant control of switched nonlinear systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2829-2834. 2010
- Robust Model Predictive Control & Fault-Handling of Batch Processes. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 4415-4420. 2010
- Argon purification by cascaded PSA process using cation exchanged zeolite as oxygen selective adsorbent. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 2009
- A Safe-parking framework for plant-wide fault-tolerant control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 148-153. 2009
- Latent Variable MPC for trajectory tracking in batch processes: Role of the model structure. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 4779-+. 2009
- Latent Variable Batch Predictive Control. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 2008
- Safe parking of batch processes. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 2008
- Safeparking of Multi-Unit Process Systems. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 2008
- Enhanced stability regions for model predictive control of nonlinear process systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1133-1138. 2008
- Safe-parking of nonlinear process systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1487-1492. 2008
- Transition from batch to continuous operation in bio-reactors: A model predictive control approach and application. 2007 AIChE Annual Meeting. 2007
- Control of a Polyethylene Reactor: Handling Sensor Faults. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5577-5582. 2007
- Predictive Control of Switched Nonlinear Systems: Satisfying Uncertain Schedules Subject to State and Control Constraints. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1371-1376. 2007
- Robust Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems: Handling Rate Constraints. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5188-5193. 2007
- Fault-tolerant control of a polyethylene reactor. Journal of Process Control. 439-451. 2007
- Control of a polyethylene reactor: Handling sensor faults. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2113-2118. 2007
- Enhancing fault isolation through nonlinear controller design. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 81-86. 2007
- Predictive control of switched nonlinear systems: Satisfying uncertain schedules subject to state and control constraints. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 4635-+. 2007
- Robust model predictive control of Nonlinear systems: Handling rate constraints. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2077-2082. 2007
- Techniques for Uniting Lyapunov-Based and Model Predictive Control. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 77-91. 2007
- Fault-Tolerant Control of Nonlinear Processes: Performance-Based Reconfiguration and Robustness. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 6020-6025. 2006
- Fault-Tolerant Control of Nonlinear Systems Subject to Sensor Data Losses. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 3498-+. 2006
- Fault-tolerant control of a polyethylene reactor. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 893-+. 2006
- Fault-tolerant control of a polyethylene reactor. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 6026-6032. 2006
- Fault-tolerant control of nonlinear processes: Performance-based reconfiguration and robustness. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 886-+. 2006
- Fault-tolerant control of nonlinear systems: Fault-detection and isolation and controller reconfiguration. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 35-+. 2006
- Fault-tolerant control of nonlinear systems: Fault-detection and isolation and controller reconfiguration. 2006 American Control Conference. 8 pp.-8 pp.. 2006
- Fault-tolerant control of nonlinear systems: Fault-detection and isolation and controller reconfiguration. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5115-5122. 2006
- Predictive Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 93-100. 2006
- Predictive control of infinite dimensional systems. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 97-+. 2006
- Predictive control of particle size distribution in particulate processes. Chemical Engineering Science (CES). 268-281. 2006
- Fault-tolerant control of a polyethylene reactor. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 6837-6843. 2005
- Fault-tolerant control of nonlinear process systems: Handling sensor malfunctions. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 6743. 2005
- Fault-tolerant control of nonlinear process systems: Performance-based reconfiguration and robustness. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 6458-6459. 2005
- Fault-tolerant process control: Nonlinear Fdi and reconfiguration. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 7291. 2005
- Hybrid predictive control: Discrete actuation and sensing. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 7289-7290. 2005
- Lyapunov-based predictive control of hybrid systems. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 7287-7288. 2005
- Predictive control of particulate processes with actuator/sensor faults. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 7058-7059. 2005
- Predictive control of transport-reaction processes. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 2335-2345. 2005
- Integrated fault-detection and fault-tolerant control of process systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 1592-1592. 2005
- Integrated fault-detection and fault-tolerant control of process systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). 105-110. 2005
- Output feedback control of switched nonlinear systems using multiple Lyapunov functions. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 3792-3799. 2005
- Predictive control of diffusion-reaction processes. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 4551-4556. 2005
- Predictive control of particle size distribution in protein crystallization. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 943-948. 2005
- Robust stabilization of nonlinear processes using hybrid predictive control. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 824-824. 2005
- Robust stabilization of nonlinear processes using hybrid predictive control. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). 1013-1018. 2005
- Stabilization of nonlinear systems with state and control constraints using lyapunov-based predictive control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 828-833. 2005
- Predictive Control of Switched Nonlinear Processes With Scheduled Mode Transitions 1. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 257-262. 2004
- A hybrid predictive control approach for output feedback stabilization of constrained linear systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 578-583. 2004
- A hybrid predictive control approach for output feedback stabilization of constrained linear systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 578-583 vol.1. 2004
- A method for PID controller tuning using nonlinear control techniques. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2925-2930. 2004
- Predictive control of parabolic PDEs with state and control constraints. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 254-260. 2004
- Stabilization of switched nonlinear systems using predictive control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 560-565. 2004
- Stabilization of switched nonlinear systems using predictive control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 560-565 vol.1. 2004
- Hybrid control of uncertain process systems. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 814-819. 2003
- Hybrid control: A paradigm for implementing predictive control to nonlinear systems with guaranteed stability regions. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 4899-4907. 2003
- Hybrid control: a paradigm for implementing control to nonlinear systems with guaranteed stability regions. Proceedings of the 2003 American Control Conference, 2003.. 4899-4907. 2003
- Uniting bounded control and MPC for stabilization of constrained linear systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 4493-4500. 2002
- A Cell Population Model with Structured Medium for Budding Yeast Cultures. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 91-96. 2001
- 371412 Actuator and Sensor Fault Isolation of a Styrene Polymerization Process
- 385514 A Tuning Framework for Lyapunov Based Offsetfree Model Predictive Controller
- 385773 MPC of a Heat Pump: Achieving Energy Efficiency through Improved Tuning
- Control and Safe Steering of Batch Processes Under Uncertainty
- Energy Efficient Model Predictive Control of Buildings
- Uniting Bounded Control and MPC for Stabilization of Constrained Systems: Output Feedback
journal articles
- Implementing Recurrent Neural Networks in Process Systems Engineering applications, the right way!. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 195:109027. 2025
- Integrating autoencoder with Koopman operator to design a linear data‐driven model predictive controller. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 103. 2025
- Leveraging neural networks to estimate parameters with confidence intervals. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 103:666-678. 2025
- Noise aware parameter estimation in bioprocesses: Using neural network surrogate models with nonuniform data sampling. AIChE Journal. 71. 2025
- Expediting adenovirus titer assays via an algorithmic live-cell imaging technique.. Journal of Biotechnology. 395:216-227. 2024
- Image based Modeling and Control for Batch Processes. Journal of Process Control. 143. 2024
- An Integrated Dynamic and Quality Modeling Framework for Batch Processes. Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part B. 210:698-706. 2024
- Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Process Systems: Handling Plant-Model Mismatch. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 63:13650-13659. 2024
- A hybrid clustering approach integrating first-principles knowledge with data for fault detection in HVAC systems. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 187:108717-108717. 2024
- Minimizing total annualized cost per tonne of feed processed of a semicontinuous distillation process utilizing data-driven model predictive control. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 186:108711-108711. 2024
- Selective protein quantification on continuous chromatography equipment with limited absorbance sensing: A partial least squares and statistical wavelength selection solution. Journal of Chemometrics. 38. 2024
- A practically implementable reinforcement learning control approach by leveraging offset-free model predictive control. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 181:108511-108511. 2024
- A Hybrid-based Clustering Approach for Fault Detection in HVAC Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 58:259-264. 2024
- A practically implementable reinforcement learning‐based process controller design. AIChE Journal. 70. 2024
- Real time optimization of distillation columns using data-driven models. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2024
- Utilizing Neural Networks for Image-based Model Predictive Controller of a batch Rotational Molding process. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 58:470-475. 2024
- A Hybrid Hubspace-RNN based approach for Modelling of Non-Linear Batch Processes. Chemical Engineering Science (CES). 281:119118-119118. 2023
- Selecting model features that lead to linear models of bi-product distillation towers. Journal of Process Control. 130:103071-103071. 2023
- Data-Driven Modeling for Multiphase Processes: Application to a Rotomolding Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 62:7058-7071. 2023
- Process‐aware data‐driven modelling and model predictive control of bioreactor for the production of monoclonal antibodies. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 101:2677-2692. 2023
- A hybrid control design for stabilisation of nonlinear systems from the null controllable region*. International Journal of Control. 96:1026-1038. 2023
- Are Neural Networks the Right Tool for Process Modeling and Control of Batch and Batch-like Processes?. Processes. 11:686-686. 2023
- Determining appropriate input excitation for model identification of a continuous bio-process. Digital Chemical Engineering. 6:100071-100071. 2023
- Linear hybrid models of distillation towers. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 171:108160-108160. 2023
- Predicting the Volume Phase Transition Temperature of Multi-Responsive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Based Microgels Using a Cluster-Based Partial Least Squares Modeling Approach. ACS Applied Polymer Materials. 4:9160-9175. 2022
- Adaptive Predictive Control Algorithm for Batch Processes: Application to a Rotational Molding Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 61:17572-17581. 2022
A hybrid machine learning approach integrating recurrent neural networks with subspace identification for modelling
HVAC systems. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 100:3620-3634. 2022 - A novel linear hybrid model predictive control design: application to a fed batch crystallization process. Digital Chemical Engineering. 3:100033-100033. 2022
- Dynamic real-time optimization for nonlinear systems with Lyapunov stabilizing MPC. Journal of Process Control. 114:1-15. 2022
- Design and application of data driven economic model predictive control for a rotational molding process. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 161:107713-107713. 2022
- Artificial Neural Network-Based Model Predictive Control Using Correlated Data. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 61:3075-3090. 2022
- Application of data-driven modeling approaches to industrial hydroprocessing units. Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part B. 177:123-135. 2022
- Artificial neural network based model predictive control: Implementing achievable set‐points. AIChE Journal. 68. 2022
- Flooding and offset-free nonlinear model predictive control of a high-purity industrial ethylene splitter using a hybrid model. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 155:107514-107514. 2021
- Integration of energy systems for buildings and light industrial plants. Energy. 233:121120-121120. 2021
- Polymethyl Methacrylate Quality Modeling with Missing Data Using Subspace Based Model Identification. Processes. 9:1691-1691. 2021
- Controllability minimum principle based construction of the null controllable region for nonlinear systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 31:6025-6038. 2021
- Hybrid Partial Least Squares Models for Batch Processes: Integrating Data with Process Knowledge. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 60:9508-9520. 2021
- Model predictive control using subspace model identification. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 149:107276-107276. 2021
- Definition and Utilization of the Null Controllable Region for Model Predictive Control of Multi-Input Linear Systems. Mathematics. 9:1110-1110. 2021
- Adaptive system identification of industrial ethylene splitter: A comparison of subspace identification and artificial neural networks. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 147:107240-107240. 2021
- Model Predictive Control Embedding a Parallel Hybrid Modeling Strategy. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 60:2547-2562. 2021
- Subspace Based Model Identification for an Industrial Bioreactor: Handling Infrequent Sampling Using Missing Data Algorithms. Processes. 8:1686-1686. 2020
- A hybrid modeling approach integrating first-principles knowledge with statistical methods for fault detection in HVAC systems. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 142:107022-107022. 2020
- Subspace based model identification for missing data. AIChE Journal. 66. 2020
- Integrating dynamic neural network models with principal component analysis for adaptive model predictive control. Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part B. 161:26-37. 2020
- Integrating Data-Driven Modeling with First-Principles Knowledge. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 59:5103-5113. 2020
- A trajectory‐based method for constructing null controllable regions. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 30:776-786. 2020
- Handling Constraints and Raw Material Variability in Rotomolding through Data-Driven Model Predictive Control. Processes. 7:610-610. 2019
- Hybrid Modeling Approach Integrating First-Principles Models with Subspace Identification. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 58:13533-13543. 2019
- Modeling and fault diagnosis design for HVAC systems using recurrent neural networks. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 126:189-203. 2019
- Data-Driven Advances in Manufacturing for Batch Polymer Processing Using Multivariate Nondestructive Monitoring. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 58:9940-9951. 2019
- Michael Thompson Michael Thompson Data-driven advances in manufacturing for batch polymer processing using multivariate nondestructive monitoring 2019
- Distributed fault diagnosis of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. AIChE Journal. 65:640-651. 2019
- Handling sensor faults in economic model predictive control of batch processes. AIChE Journal. 65:617-628. 2019
- Model predictive control of uni-axial rotational molding process. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 121:306-316. 2019
- Utilizing big data for batch process modeling and control. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 119:228-236. 2018
- Utilizing big data for batch process modeling and control. Computers and Electrical Engineering. 72:237-247. 2018
- Adaptive Model Predictive Batch Process Monitoring and Control. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 57:14628-14636. 2018
- Economic model predictive control of stochastic nonlinear systems. AIChE Journal. 64:3312-3322. 2018
- Distributed fault diagnosis for networked nonlinear uncertain systems. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 115:22-33. 2018
- Actuator and sensor fault isolation of nonlinear systems subject to uncertainty. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 28:1996-2013. 2018
- Data Driven Economic Model Predictive Control. Mathematics. 6:51-51. 2018
- Adaptive output‐feedback Lyapunov‐based model predictive control of nonlinear process systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 28:1597-1609. 2018
- Output-Feedback Lyapunov-Based Predictive Control of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 63:571-577. 2018
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems: Fault detection and isolation and safe parking. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 108:139-151. 2018
- Model predictive control with closed-loop re-identification. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 109:249-260. 2018
- Output-Feedback Lyapunov-Based Predictive Control of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems.. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.. 63:571-577. 2018
- Utilizing null controllable regions to stabilize input-constrained nonlinear systems. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 108:24-30. 2018
- Prescribing Closed-Loop Behavior Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 56:15083-15093. 2017
- Constrained control Lyapunov function-based control of nonlinear systems. Systems & control letters (Print). 110:55-61. 2017
- Subspace-based model identification of a hydrogen plant startup dynamics. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 106:183-190. 2017
- Subspace model identification and model predictive control based cost analysis of a semicontinuous distillation process. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 103:39-57. 2017
- Subspace Identification-Based Modeling and Control of Batch Particulate Processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 56:7491-7502. 2017
- Handling multi‐rate and missing data in variable duration economic model predictive control of batch processes. AIChE Journal. 63:2705-2718. 2017
- Data-Driven Modeling and Quality Control of Variable Duration Batch Processes with Discrete Inputs. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 56:6962-6980. 2017
- Modeling and Optimization of Protein PEGylation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 55:11785-11794. 2016
- Subspace identification for data‐driven modeling and quality control of batch processes. AIChE Journal. 62:1581-1601. 2016
- Fault detection and isolation analysis and design for solution copolymerization of MMA and VAc process. AIChE Journal. 62:1054-1064. 2016
- Multi-rate modeling and economic model predictive control of the electric arc furnace. Journal of Process Control. 40:50-61. 2016
- Offset-Free Model Predictive Control with Explicit Performance Specification. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 55:995-1003. 2016
- Lyapunov‐based offset‐free model predictive control of nonlinear process systems. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 93:471-478. 2015
- Model Predictive Quality Control of Polymethyl Methacrylate. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 23:687-692. 2015
- Offset-Free Model Predictive Control of a Heat Pump. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 54:994-1005. 2015
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Energy Efficient Buildings. Journal of Process Control. 24:701-702. 2014
- Safe-Parking of a Hydrogen Production Unit. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 53:8147-8154. 2014
- Isolation and handling of sensor faults in nonlinear systems. Automatica. 50:1066-1074. 2014
- Constrained control Lyapunov function based model predictive control design. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 24:374-388. 2014
- Actuator and sensor fault isolation of nonlinear process systems. Chemical Engineering Science (CES). 104:294-303. 2013
- Data‐driven model predictive quality control of batch processes. AIChE Journal. 59:2852-2861. 2013
- Active fault isolation of nonlinear process systems. AIChE Journal. 59:2435-2453. 2013
- Predictive control methods to improve energy efficiency and reduce demand in buildings. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 51:77-85. 2013
- An adaptive data-based modeling approach for predictive control of batch systems. Chemical Engineering Science (CES). 91:11-21. 2013
- Data-Based Modeling and Control of Nylon-6, 6 Batch Polymerization. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 21:94-106. 2013
- Lyapunov-based model predictive control of stochastic nonlinear systems. Automatica. 48:2271-2276. 2012
- Offset-free model predictive control of a vapor compression cycle. Journal of Process Control. 22:1374-1386. 2012
- Integrating data‐based modeling and nonlinear control tools for batch process control. AIChE Journal. 58:2105-2119. 2012
- Generic Mathematical Model for PSA Process. Chemical Product and Process Modeling. 7. 2012
- Energy efficient model predictive building temperature control. Chemical Engineering Science (CES). 69:45-58. 2012
- An integrated fault diagnosis and safe‐parking framework for fault‐tolerant control of nonlinear systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 22:105-122. 2012
- Latent variable model predictive control for trajectory tracking in batch processes: Alternative modeling approaches. Journal of Process Control. 21:1345-1358. 2011
- Robust model predictive control and fault handling of batch processes. AIChE Journal. 57:1796-1808. 2011
- An Integrated Fault Detection and Isolation and Safe-Parking Framework for Networked Process Systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 50:5667-5679. 2011
- On Constructing Constrained Control Lyapunov Functions for Linear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 56:5191-5196. 2011
- A safe-parking and safe-switching framework for fault-tolerant control of switched nonlinear systems. International Journal of Control. 84:9-23. 2011
- Safe-Parking Framework for Fault-Tolerant Control of Transport−Reaction Processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 49:4285-4296. 2010
- Latent Variable Model Predictive Control (LV-MPC) for trajectory tracking in batch processes. Journal of Process Control. 20:538-550. 2010
- Safe‐steering of batch process systems. AIChE Journal. 55:2861-2872. 2009
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- Special issue on “Control of networked and complex process systems”. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 32:1963-1963. 2008
- Enhanced stability regions for model predictive control of nonlinear process systems. AIChE Journal. 54:1487-1498. 2008
- Handling sensor malfunctions in control of particulate processes. Chemical Engineering Science (CES). 63:1217-1229. 2008
- Model-based control of particulate processes. Chemical Engineering Science (CES). 63:1156-1172. 2008
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- Transition from Batch to Continuous Operation in Bio‐Reactors: A Model Predictive Control Approach and Application. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 85:416-423. 2007
- Fault‐tolerant control of nonlinear process systems subject to sensor faults. AIChE Journal. 53:654-668. 2007
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- Robust Model Predictive Control Design for Fault-Tolerant Control of Process Systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 45:8565-8574. 2006
- Predictive control of parabolic PDEs with state and control constraints. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 16:749-772. 2006
- Stabilization of nonlinear systems with state and control constraints using Lyapunov-based predictive control. Systems & control letters (Print). 55:650-659. 2006
- Integrated fault‐detection and fault‐tolerant control of process systems. AIChE Journal. 52:2129-2148. 2006
- Fault‐tolerant control of nonlinear processes: performance‐based reconfiguration and robustness. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 16:91-111. 2006
- A method for PID controller tuning using nonlinear control techniques. AIChE Journal. 51:3292-3299. 2005
- Output feedback control of switched nonlinear systems using multiple Lyapunov functions. Systems & control letters (Print). 54:1163-1182. 2005
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- Robust hybrid predictive control of nonlinear systems. Automatica. 41:209-217. 2005
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- Closed‐loop dynamic real‐time optimization with stabilizing model predictive control. AIChE Journal. 2021