Prefrontal Cortex
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DCC gene network in the prefrontal cortex is associated with total brain volume in childhood Journal Articles
A Computational Model of Prefrontal Control in Free Recall: Strategic Memory Use in the California Verbal Learning Task Journal Articles
A Family Focused Intervention Influences Hippocampal‐Prefrontal Connectivity Through Gains in Self‐Regulation Journal Articles
A neural network model of hippocampal–striatal–prefrontal interactions in contextual conditioning Journal Articles
A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy investigation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in acute mania Journal Articles
Abnormal cellular energy and phospholipid metabolism in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of medication‐free individuals with bipolar disorder: an in vivo1H MRS study Journal Articles
Acute aerobic exercise enhances attentional modulation of somatosensory event-related potentials during a tactile discrimination task Journal Articles
Age-associated increase in mnemonic strategy use is linked to prefrontal cortex development Journal Articles
Altered Brain Structure in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Potential Contributions of Pre-Existing and Disease-Driven Factors Journal Articles
Altered intracortical myelin staining in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in severe mental illness Journal Articles
Antipsychotic drug use is correlated with CRP40/mortalin mRNA expression in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of human postmortem brain specimens Journal Articles
Artificial rearing causes changes in maternal behavior and c-fos expression in juvenile female rats. Journal Articles
Assessing the effects of tDCS over a delayed response inhibition task by targeting the right inferior frontal gyrus and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex Journal Articles
Association of ventral striatum monoamine oxidase-A binding and functional connectivity in antisocial personality disorder with high impulsivity: A positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging study Journal Articles
Attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli: A comparison between prefrontal lesion patients and healthy age-matched controls Journal Articles
Atypical antipsychotic drugs upregulate synapsin II in the prefrontal cortex of post-mortem samples obtained from patients with schizophrenia Journal Articles
Behavioral effects of non-viral mediated RNA interference of synapsin II in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat Journal Articles
Brain Aging and Its Modifiers Journal Articles
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met polymorphism affects prefrontal energy metabolism in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) Val 108/158 Metpolymorphism does not modulate executive function in children with ADHD Journal Articles
Cathodal stimulating the left DLPFC changes risk disposition toward common risky behaviors in daily-life Journal Articles
Change in expression of vesicular protein synapsin II by chronic treatment with D2 allosteric modulator PAOPA Journal Articles
Changes in cortical thickness across the lifespan in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Changes in the neural bases of emotion regulation associated with clinical improvement in children with behavior problems Journal Articles
Chronic prenatal ethanol exposure alters expression of central and peripheral insulin signaling molecules in adult guinea pig offspring Journal Articles
Cocaine treatment increases expression of a 40 kDa catecholamine‐regulated protein in discrete brain regions Journal Articles
Comparison of the Performance of Normal Individuals and Survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury on Repeat Administrations of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Journal Articles
Corrected values of brain metabolites for the article: ‘Abnormal cellular energy and phospholipid metabolism in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of medication‐free individuals with bipolar disorder: an in vivo1H MRS study’ Journal Articles
Cortical abnormalities in adults and adolescents with major depression based on brain scans from 20 cohorts worldwide in the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder Working Group Journal Articles
Cortical morphometry of the five-factor model of personality: findings from the Human Connectome Project full sample Journal Articles
Cortical thickness correlates of cognitive performance in cognitively-matched individuals with and without schizophrenia Journal Articles
Cross-Reactive DNA Microarray Probes Lead to False Discovery of Autosomal Sex-Associated DNA Methylation Journal Articles
Depressive-like behaviours and decreased dendritic branching in the medial prefrontal cortex of mice with tumors: A novel validated model of cancer-induced depression Journal Articles
Design and Implementation of an fMRI Study Examining Thought Suppression in Young Women with, and At-risk, for Depression Journal Articles
Differential expression of transcriptional regulatory units in the prefrontal cortex of patients with bipolar disorder: potential role of early growth response gene 3 Journal Articles
Diminished Frontostriatal Activity During Processing of Monetary Rewards and Losses in Pathological Gambling Journal Articles
Dissociation of response inhibition and performance monitoring in the stop signal task using event‐related fMRI Journal Articles
Divergent neural substrates of inhibitory control in binge eating disorder relative to other manifestations of obesity Journal Articles
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex sensitivity to rTMS Journal Articles
Dynamic Causal Modeling of Insular, Striatal, and Prefrontal Cortex Activities During a Food-Specific Go/NoGo Task Journal Articles
EEG modulation by different transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) montages: a randomized double-blind sham-control mechanistic pilot trial in healthy participants Journal Articles
Early‐ and later‐developing shyness in children: An investigation of biological and behavioral correlates Journal Articles
Effects of Moderate Exercise on Cortical Resilience: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study Targeting the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Journal Articles
Effects of cannabidiol on amphetamine-induced oxidative stress generation in an animal model of mania Journal Articles
Effects of lithium and valproate on amphetamine-induced oxidative stress generation in an animal model of mania. Journal Articles
Effects of mood stabilizers on mitochondrial respiratory chain activity in brain of rats treated with d-amphetamine Journal Articles
Effects of neuromodulation on cognitive performance in individuals exhibiting addictive behaviors: A systematic review Journal Articles
Effects of quinpirole on central dopamine systems in sensitized and non-sensitized rats Journal Articles
Effects of schizophrenia and prefrontal leukotomy on movement preparation and generation Journal Articles
Effects of self-generated sad mood on regional cerebral activity: A PET study in normal subjects Journal Articles
Effects of sodium butyrate on aversive memory in rats submitted to sepsis Journal Articles
Elevated Monoamine Oxidase-A Distribution Volume in Borderline Personality Disorder Is Associated With Severity Across Mood Symptoms, Suicidality, and Cognition Journal Articles
Elucidating the Effect of a Brief Drinking Intervention Using Neuroimaging: A Preliminary Study Journal Articles
Ethanol during adolescence decreased the BDNF levels in the hippocampus in adult male Wistar rats, but did not alter aggressive and anxiety-like behaviors Journal Articles
Examination of Neural Systems Sub-Serving Facebook “Addiction” Journal Articles
Excess social media use in normal populations is associated with amygdala-striatal but not with prefrontal morphology Journal Articles
Frontal alpha asymmetry and aerobic exercise: are changes due to cardiovascular demand or bilateral rhythmic movement? Journal Articles
Functional role of the prefrontal cortex in retrieval of memories: a PET study Journal Articles
GPR56/ADGRG1 is associated with response to antidepressant treatment Journal Articles
Gender differences in cognitive and affective interpersonal emotion regulation in couples: an fNIRS hyperscanning Journal Articles
Gender-specific resting-state rDMPFC-centric functional connectivity underpinnings of intertemporal choice Journal Articles
Gene Regulatory Network of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: a Master Regulator Analysis of Major Psychiatric Disorders Journal Articles
Grasping behavior in schizophrenia suggests selective impairment in the dorsal visual pathway. Conferences
Gray matter brain volumes in childhood-maltreated patients with bipolar disorder type I: A voxel-based morphometric study Journal Articles
Greater Individual Variability in Functional Brain Activity during Working Memory Performance in young people with Autism and Executive Function Impairment Journal Articles
Hemispheric mPFC asymmetry in decision making under ambiguity and risk: An fNIRS study Journal Articles
Histone deacetylase activity and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in a pharmacological model of mania Journal Articles
Imipramine treatment reverses depressive‐like behavior in alloxan‐diabetic rats Journal Articles
Increased subgenual prefrontal cortex size in remitted patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Instructional cues modify performance on the Iowa Gambling Task Journal Articles
Ketamine alters behavior and decreases BDNF levels in the rat brain as a function of time after drug administration Journal Articles
Ketamine and imipramine in the nucleus accumbens regulate histone deacetylation induced by maternal deprivation and are critical for associated behaviors Journal Articles
Long-lasting recognition memory impairment and alterations in brain levels of cytokines and BDNF induced by maternal deprivation: effects of valproic acid and topiramate Journal Articles
Long-term effects of concussion on relevancy-based modulation of somatosensory-evoked potentials Journal Articles
Medial prefrontal cortical synapsin II knock-down induces behavioral abnormalities in the rat: Examining synapsin II in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia Journal Articles
Memantine treatment reverses anhedonia, normalizes corticosterone levels and increases BDNF levels in the prefrontal cortex induced by chronic mild stress in rats Journal Articles
Memory and brain-derived neurotrophic factor after subchronic or chronic amphetamine treatment in an animal model of mania Journal Articles
Modality-specific control processes in verbal versus spatial working memory Journal Articles
Modulation of Cortical-Limbic Pathways in Major Depression Journal Articles
Modulation of Dopamine D<sub>2</sub> Receptor Expression by an NMDA Receptor Antagonist in Rat Brain Journal Articles
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor-induced blockade of locomotor sensitization to quinpirole: role of striatal dopamine uptake inhibition Journal Articles
Morphology, morphometry and probability mapping of the pars opercularis of the inferior frontal gyrus: an in vivo MRI analysis Journal Articles
Naturalizing aesthetics: Brain areas for aesthetic appraisal across sensory modalities Journal Articles
Network properties of intracortical myelin associated with psychosocial functioning in bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Neural Changes Associated with Treatment Outcome in Children with Externalizing Problems Journal Articles
Neural activity associated with failed inhibition: an event related fMRI study or performance monitoring. Conferences
Neural correlates of increased alcohol demand following alcohol cue exposure in adult heavy drinkers Journal Articles
Neuroanatomical Profile of Antimaniac Effects of Histone Deacetylases Inhibitors Journal Articles
Neurobiological foundations and clinical relevance of effort-based decision-making Journal Articles
Neuronal Correlates of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met Polymorphism and Morphometric Abnormalities in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Neurophysiological Evidence for Disturbances of Conflict Processing in Patients With Schizophrenia. Journal Articles
Neurophysiological mechanisms of emotion regulation for subtypes of externalizing children Journal Articles
Neuropsychological Impact of Cg25 Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression Journal Articles
Noradrenergic dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex in depression: an [15O] H2O PET study of the neuromodulatory effects of clonidine Journal Articles
Obesity-Induced Structural and Neuronal Plasticity in the Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex. Journal Articles
Olanzapine plus fluoxetine treatment increases Nt-3 protein levels in the rat prefrontal cortex Journal Articles
PAOPA, a potent dopamine D2 receptor allosteric modulator, prevents and reverses behavioral and biochemical abnormalities in an amphetamine-sensitized preclinical animal model of schizophrenia Journal Articles
PLG regulates hnRNP-L expression in the rat striatum and pre-frontal cortex: identification by ddPCR Journal Articles
Pathological laughing and crying in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: an association with prefrontal cognitive dysfunction Journal Articles
Peer influence, Frontostriatal connectivity, and delay discounting in African American emerging adults Journal Articles
Peripheral neurofilament light chain and intracortical myelin in bipolar I disorder Conferences
Peripheral neurofilament light chain and intracortical myelin in bipolar I disorder. Journal Articles
Prefrontal Cortex 5-HT2 Receptors in Depression: An [18F]Setoperone PET Imaging Study Journal Articles
Prefrontal Cortex Dopamine Transporter Gene Network Moderates the Effect of Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Conditions on Cognitive Flexibility and Brain Gray Matter Density in Children Journal Articles
Prefrontal cortex VAMP1 gene network moderates the effect of the early environment on cognitive flexibility in children Journal Articles
Prefrontal cortex regulates inhibition and excitation in distributed neural networks Journal Articles
Re.Test-retest reliability problems in Schaller et al. (2011) rTMS results Journal Articles
Reduced Prefrontal Synaptic Connectivity and Disturbed Oscillatory Population Dynamics in the CNTNAP2 Model of Autism Journal Articles
Reduced expression of synapsin II in a chronic phencyclidine preclinical rat model of schizophrenia Journal Articles
Regulation of autism-relevant behaviors by cerebellar–prefrontal cortical circuits Journal Articles
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment of Medication-Resistant Depression in Older Adults Journal Articles
Response inhibition in psychopathy: The frontal N2 and P3 Journal Articles
Resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with bipolar disorder during clinical remission: a systematic review Journal Articles
Resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with bipolar disorder during clinical remission: a systematic review. Journal Articles
Reward-related frontostriatal activity and smoking behavior among adolescents in treatment for smoking cessation Journal Articles
Serotonin 5-HT2 Receptors in Schizophrenia: A PET Study Using [18F]Setoperone in Neuroleptic-Naive Patients and Normal Subjects Journal Articles
Serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene network moderates the impact of prenatal maternal adversity on orbitofrontal cortical thickness in middle childhood Journal Articles
Sex modulated the relationship between trait approach motivation and decision-making Journal Articles
Sex modulates the effect of HD-tDCS over the prefrontal cortex on the Iowa Gambling Task Journal Articles
Sex-based differences in right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex roles in fairness norm compliance Journal Articles
Shift in the brain network of emotional regulation in midlife women Journal Articles
Social circuits and their dysfunction in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Spiritual experiences are related to engagement of a ventral frontotemporal functional brain network: Implications for prevention and treatment of behavioral and substance addictions Journal Articles
Striatum brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels are decreased in dystrophin-deficient mice Journal Articles
Structural and Functional Brain Correlates of Neuroprogression in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Synapsin II gene expression in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of brain specimens from patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: effect of lifetime intake of antipsychotic drugs Journal Articles
Synapsin II knockout mice show sensorimotor gating and behavioural abnormalities similar to those in the phencyclidine-induced preclinical animal model of schizophrenia Journal Articles
Taking NIRS-BCIs Outside the Lab: Towards Achieving Robustness Against Environment Noise Journal Articles
Task-Relevant Modulation of Contralateral and Ipsilateral Primary Somatosensory Cortex and the Role of a Prefrontal-Cortical Sensory Gating System Journal Articles
Task-dependent and distinct roles of the temporoparietal junction and inferior frontal cortex in the control of imitation Journal Articles
Task-relevancy effects on movement-related gating are modulated by continuous theta-burst stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and primary somatosensory cortex Journal Articles
Teaching the Brain to See Journal Articles
The Effects of Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation to the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex on Executive Function, Food Cravings, and Snack Food Consumption Journal Articles
The Neuroeconomics of Tobacco Demand: An Initial Investigation of the Neural Correlates of Cigarette Cost-Benefit Decision Making in Male Smokers Journal Articles
The bright side of being blue: Depression as an adaptation for analyzing complex problems. Journal Articles
The cerebellum and its role in word generation: A cTBS study Journal Articles
The complex minds of teenagers: Neuroanatomy of personality differs between sexes Journal Articles
The contribution of the prefrontal cortex to relevancy-based gating of visual and tactile stimuli Journal Articles
The neurocognitive mechanisms underlying food cravings and snack food consumption. A combined continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) and EEG study Journal Articles
The role of the left prefrontal cortex in verbal processing Journal Articles
The role of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in dorsomedial prefrontal–amygdala neural circuitry during positive‐social emotion regulation Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts somatosensory modulation during standing balance as measured by electroencephalography Journal Articles
Treatment of Executive Function Deficits in autism spectrum disorder with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: A double-blind, sham-controlled, pilot trial Journal Articles
Triple network resting-state functional connectivity patterns of alcohol heavy drinking Journal Articles
Working memory in pregnant women: Relation to estrogen and antepartum depression Journal Articles