Vocabulary Service
subject area of
10 Ultrastructural and Morphometric Studies on Ion and Acid-Base Transport Processes in Freshwater Fish Journal Articles
2 Gill Internal Morphology Journal Articles
2 Gill Internal Morphology**Financially supported by Grant CNRS AI 03 4302. Chapters
3D Eutrophication Modeling of Hamilton Harbour: Analysis of Remedial Options Journal Articles
5 Mercury Chapters
5 The role of feeding in salt and water balance Chapters
6 Feeding and Digestion in Elasmobranchs: Tying Diet and Physiology Together Chapters
7 Effects of Herbicides on Fish Chapters
9 An Introduction to Gonadotropin Receptor Studies in Fish Journal Articles
9 The Pseudobranch: Morphology and Function Journal Articles
A Comparison of Photosynthate Allocation in Lakes Journal Articles
A Local Analgesic, Lidocaine, Did Not Affect Short‐Term Welfare during Electroanesthesia of a Teleost Fish Journal Articles
A Self‐Contained, Controlled Hatchery System for Rearing Lake Whitefish Embryos for Experimental Aquaculture Journal Articles
A Test of Hypotheses to Explain the Sigmoidal Relationship between Total Phosphorus and ChlorophyllaConcentrations in Canadian Lakes Journal Articles
A Three-Dimensional Nested Hydrodynamic/Pollutant Transport Simulation Model for the Nearshore Areas of Lake Ontario Journal Articles
A comparative study of picomolar affinity 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding sites in the hearts of three salmonid species Journal Articles
A comparison of passive and active gear in fish community assessments in summer versus winter Journal Articles
A field survey of the bredding habits of Eretmodus cyanostictus, a biparental mouthbrooding cichlid in Lake Tanganyika Journal Articles
A model to predict embryonic development and hatching in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) under variable incubation temperatures Journal Articles
A numerical integration method for fish population fecundity Journal Articles
A sediment bioassay to assess the effects of aquaculture waste on growth, reproduction, and survival of Sphaerium simile (Say) (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) Journal Articles
A shoreline divided: Twelve-year water quality and land cover trends in Lake Ontario coastal wetlands Journal Articles
A study of the histology of the digestive tract of the Nile tilapia Journal Articles
A synthesis of the ecological processes influencing variation in life history and movement patterns of American eel: towards a global assessment Journal Articles
Abnormal Migration Timing and High en route Mortality of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River, British Columbia Journal Articles
Abnormal pituitary‐gonad function in two feral populations of goldfish, Carassius auvatus (L.), suffering epizootics of an ulcerative disease Journal Articles
Acclimation of juvenile Mugil liza Valenciennes, 1836 (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae) to different environmental salinities Journal Articles
Accumulation of Essential and Nonessential Metals by Chironomid Larvae in Relation to Physical and Chemical Properties of the Elements Journal Articles
Acute and Final Temperature Preferenda as Predictors of Lake St. Clair Fish Catchability Journal Articles
Acute copper toxicity in juvenile fat snook Centropomus parallelus (Teleostei: Centropomidae) in sea water Journal Articles
Advances in Limnology Journal
Advancing re-designation of beneficial use impairments in the Toronto and Region Area of Concern: Synthesis and highlights Journal Articles
After More Than Ten Years of Effort, Are Remedial Action Plans Making a Difference? Journal Articles
Age-Groups from Size-Frequency Data: A Versatile and Efficient Method of Analyzing Distribution Mixtures Journal Articles
Air breathing in Magadi tilapia Alcolapia grahami, under normoxic and hyperoxic conditions, and the association with sunlight and reactive oxygen species Journal Articles
Alternative reproductive tactics in goby fishes of the Caspian Sea Journal Articles
Alternative reproductive tactics, an overlooked source of life history variation in the invasive round goby Journal Articles
An Empirical Model to Predict in situ Grazing Rates of Diaptomus minutus Lilljeborg on Small Algal Particles Journal Articles
An Epidemiological Evaluation of the Biochemical Basis for Steroid Hormonal Depressions in Fish Exposed to Industrial Wastes Conferences
An Examination of Utilizing External Measures to Identify Sexually Maturing Female American Eels, Anguilla Rostrata, in the St. Lawrence River Journal Articles
An appraisal of policy implementation deficits in the Great Lakes Journal Articles
An evaluation of sanitary and environmental survey use to protect beaches in the Great Lakes basin Journal Articles
An overview of mercury concentrations in freshwater fish species: a national fish mercury dataset for Canada Journal Articles
Anadromy in Arctic populations of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush): otolith microchemistry, stable isotopes, and comparisons with Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) Journal Articles
Analysis of Mark–Recapture Data from Hatchery-Raised Salmon Using Log-Linear Models Journal Articles
Application of a Three-dimensional Wind Driven Circulation Model to Assess the Locations of New Drinking Water Intakes in Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Application of a glyphosate-based herbicide to Phragmites australis: Impact on groundwater and near-shore lake water at a beach on Georgian Bay Journal Articles
Application of dynamic contributing area for modelling the hydrologic response of the Assiniboine River Basin to a changing climate Journal Articles
Application of telemetry-based fish habitat models to predict spatial habitat availability and inform ecological restoration. Journal Articles
Application of the Wetland Fish Index to Northern Great Lakes Marshes with Emphasis on Georgian Bay Coastal Wetlands Journal Articles
Application of the wetland fish index to Northern Great Lakes marshes with emphasis on Georgian Bay coastal wetlands Journal Articles
Applications of telemetry to fish habitat science and management Journal Articles
Approaches and research needs for advancing the protection and recovery of imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels in Canada1 Journal Articles
Aquaculture Journal
Aquaculture Nutrition Journal
Aquaculture Research Journal
Are small fishes more sensitive to habitat loss? A generic size-based model Journal Articles
Assessing Trends in Organochlorine Concentrations in Lake Winnipeg Fish Following the 1997 Red River Flood Journal Articles
Assessing the health of lake whitefish populations in the Laurentian Great Lakes: Lessons learned and research recommendations Journal Articles
Assessing the utility of C:N ratios for predicting lipid content in fishes Journal Articles
Assessing the water metabolism of coastal urban areas based on the water mass balance framework across time periods: A case study of Cape Town, South Africa Journal Articles
Assessing transboundary scientific collaboration in the Great Lakes of North America Journal Articles
Assessment of Phosphorus Limitation in an Oligotrophic Lake Using Radiophosphorus Uptake Kinetics Journal Articles
Assimilation of freshwater salmonid aquaculture waste by native aquatic biotaThis paper is part of the series “Forty Years of Aquatic Research at the Experimental Lakes Area”. Journal Articles
At the intersection between toxicology and physiology: What we have learned about sea lampreys and bony fish physiology from studying the mode of action of lampricides Journal Articles
Beach science in the Great Lakes Journal Articles
Benthic Macroinvertebrates Modify Copper and Zinc Partitioning in Freshwater–Sediment Microcosms Journal Articles
Biochemical composition and performance of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) eggs and larvae obtained from farmed and wild broodstocks Journal Articles
Bioenergetics modelling of grass carp: Estimated individual consumption and population impacts in Great Lakes wetlands Journal Articles
Biofilm and substrate preference in the dreissenid larvae of Lake Erie Journal Articles
Biological traits of eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida) in the lower Thames River, Canada, with comparisons to a more southern population Journal Articles
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Journal
Canadian Recreational Fisheries: 35 Years of Social, Biological, and Economic Dynamics from a National Survey Journal Articles
Carbon isotopic records from the otoliths of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from eastern Newfoundland, Canada Journal Articles
Carp Exclusion, Food-web Interactions, and the Restoration of Cootes Paradise Marsh Journal Articles
Change in biomass of benthic and planktonic algae along a disturbance gradient for 24 Great Lakes coastal wetlands Journal Articles
Changes in Maturity, Plasma Sex Steroid Levels, Hepatic Mixed-Function Oxygenase Activity, and the Presence of External Lesions in Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Exposed to Bleached Kraft Mill Effluent Journal Articles
Changes in the condition, early growth, and trophic position of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in response to an experimental aquaculture operation Journal Articles
Changes in water chemistry associated with beaver-impounded coastal marshes of eastern Georgian Bay Journal Articles
Chapter 3 The GnRH System and the Neuroendocrine Regulation of Reproduction Books
Characterisation of water temperature variability within a harbour connected to a large lake Journal Articles
Characteristics of nearshore water quality of Lake Ontario coast under Credit Valley Conservation Jurisdiction, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Choosing source populations for conservation reintroductions: lessons from variation in thermal tolerance among populations of the imperilled redside dace1 Journal Articles
Coastal Management Journal
CobiaRachycentron canadumL. reared in low-salinity water: does dietary sodium chloride affect growth and osmoregulation? Journal Articles
Comment on “Linked sediment/contaminant transport model for rivers with applications to the Buffalo River, New York” (J. Great Lakes Res. 20:671–682) Journal Articles
Commentary: Climate change adaptive management in the Great Lakes Journal Articles
Community Structure of Lake St. Clair Fishes Based Upon Catchability Studies from 1977 to 1988 Journal Articles
Community engagement is critical to achieve a “thriving and prosperous” future for the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River basin Journal Articles
Comparative spatial ecology of sympatric adult muskellunge and northern pike during a one-year period in an urban reach of the Rideau River, Canada Journal Articles
Comparing Immobilization, Recovery, and Stress Indicators Associated with Electric Fish Handling Gloves and a Portable Electrosedation System Journal Articles
Comparison of approaches for modelling submerged aquatic vegetation in the Toronto and Region Area of Concern Journal Articles
Competitive Interactions between Round Gobies and Logperch Journal Articles
Conference report: muskellunge science and management: progress through partnerships Journal Articles
Consequences of changing water clarity on the fish and fisheries of the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Consequences of oral lure retention on the physiology and behaviour of adult northern pike (Esox lucius L.) Journal Articles
Consistent differential resource use by sympatric lake (Coregonus clupeaformis) and round (Prosopium cylindraceum) whitefish in Lake Huron: a multi-time scale isotopic niche analysis Journal Articles
Contaminated Sediment Management in the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem Journal Articles
Contribution of phosphorus to Georgian Bay from groundwater of a coastal beach town with decommissioned septic systems Journal Articles
Coping with aquatic hypoxia: how the plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus) tolerates the intertidal zone Journal Articles
Coupling non‐invasive physiological assessments with telemetry to understand inter‐individual variation in behaviour and survivorship of sockeye salmon: development and validation of a technique Journal Articles
Critical forces defining alternative futures for the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River basin Journal Articles
Cybium Journal
Cybium: Foreword Journal Articles
Cytochrome P450 1A and related measurements in juvenile chinook salmon (<i>Oncorhynchus tshawytscha</i>) from the Fraser River Conferences
DNA barcoding vs. morphological identification of larval fish and embryos in Lake Huron: Advantages to a molecular approach Journal Articles
Data-limited models to predict river temperatures for aquatic species at risk1 Journal Articles
Demography and substrate affinity of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in Hamilton Harbour Journal Articles
Design and management of bird nesting habitat: tactics for conserving colonial waterbird biodiversity on artificial islands in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario Journal Articles
Design and management of bird nesting habitat: tactics for conserving colonial waterbird biodiversity on artificial islands in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario Conferences
Developing a Mechanistic Understanding of Fish Migrations by Linking Telemetry with Physiology, Behavior, Genomics and Experimental Biology: An Interdisciplinary Case Study on Adult Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Conferences
Development and use of the Wetland Fish Index to assess the quality of coastal wetlands in the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Development of Ischnura verticalis (Coenagrionidae: Odonata): Effects of Temperature and Prey Abundance Journal Articles
Development of a rainbow trout intestinal epithelial cell line and its response to lipopolysaccharide Journal Articles
Dibutyl phthalate disrupts energy metabolism and morphology in the gills and induces hepatotoxicity in zebrafish Journal Articles
Dichloroacetate reveals the presence of metabolic inertia at the start of exercise in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792) Journal Articles
Diet and cannibalism in plainfin midshipmanPorichthys notatus Journal Articles
Dietary Change during Development in the Freshwater Calanoid Copepod Epischura lacustris Forbes Journal Articles
Differential Gene Expression between Fall‐ and Spring‐Run Chinook Salmon Assessed by Long Serial Analysis of Gene Expression Journal Articles
Differential occurrence of Escherichia coli and human Bacteroidales at two Great Lakes beaches Journal Articles
Differential recovery of δ13C in multiple tissues of white sucker across age classes after the closure of a pulp mill Journal Articles
Diminished social status affects ionoregulation at the gills and kidney in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Discrimination of the Endangered Atlantic Whitefish from Lake Whitefish and Round Whitefish by Use of External Characters Journal Articles
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms Journal
Dispersal patterns and status change in a co‐operatively breeding cichlidNeolamprologus pulcher: evidence from microsatellite analyses and behavioural observations Journal Articles
Distribution of the Stonefly Nymph Paragnetina media (Plecoptera:Perlidae): Influence of Prey, Predators, Current Speed, and Substrate Composition Journal Articles
Diversity of movement patterns of Longnose Gar tracked in coastal waters of western Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Does condition of Lake Whitefish spawners affect physiological condition of juveniles? Journal Articles
Does proximity to aquatic pollution affect reproductive traits in a wild‐caught intertidal fish? Journal Articles
Does the level of asepsis impact the success of surgically implanting tags in Atlantic salmon? Journal Articles
Does urea reabsorption occur via the glucose pathway in the kidney of the freshwater rainbow trout? Journal Articles
Donning our thinking hats for the development of the Great Lakes nearshore governance framework Journal Articles
Dopamine inhibits gonadotropin secretion in the Chinese loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus) Journal Articles
Ecological variation in invasive brown trout (Salmo trutta) within a remote coastal river catchment in northern Patagonia complicates estimates of invasion impact Journal Articles
Ecology of Freshwater Fish Journal
Effect of Sedimentation on Infaunal Invertebrate Populations of Cobequid Bay, Bay of Fundy Journal Articles
Effect of gender and reproductive status on brain catecholamine and indoleamine levels of flagfish (Jordanella floridae) Journal Articles
Effect of holding temperature on ovulation, egg fertility, plasma levels of reproductive hormones and in vitro ovarian steroidogenesis in the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
Effect of salinity on survival, growth and biochemical parameters in juvenile Lebranch mullet Mugil liza (Perciformes: Mugilidae) Journal Articles
Effects of (D-Ala6, Pro9N ethylamide) — LHRH on plasma levels of gonadotropin, 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one and testosterone in male goldeye (hiodon alosoides Rafineque) Journal Articles
Effects of Delay in Water Addition or Rinsing on Fertilization Rates of Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, and Rainbow Trout Eggs Journal Articles
Effects of Exercise Training on the Performance, Growth, and Protein Turnover of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri) Journal Articles
Effects of Herbicides on Fish Chapters
Effects of clove oil and MS-222 on blood hormone profiles in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum Journal Articles
Effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists and dopamine antagonists on gonadotropin secretion and ovulation in Chinese loach, Paramisgurnus dabryanus Journal Articles
Effects of increasing tile drainage and seasonal weather patterns on phosphorus loading from three major Canadian Lake Erie tributaries Journal Articles
Effects of landscape variables and season on reference water chemistry of coastal marshes in eastern Georgian Bay Journal Articles
Effects of metacercariae (Digenea:Microphallidae) on the hepatopancreas of Chasmagnathus granulata (Decapoda:Grapsidae) Journal Articles
Effects of northern pike (<i>Esox lucius</i>) additions on pollutant accumulation and food web structure, as determined by δ<SUP>13</sup> C and δ<SUP>15</sup> N , in a eutrophic and an oligotrophic lake Journal Articles
Effects of northern pike (Esox lucius) additions on pollutant accumulation and food web structure, as determined by δ13C and δ15N , in a eutrophic and an oligotrophic lake Journal Articles
Effects of spruce budworm defoliation on in-stream algal production and carbon use by food webs Journal Articles
Effects of trophic position and lipid on organochlorine concentrations in fishes from subarctic lakes in Yukon Territory Journal Articles
Effects of trophic position and lipid on organochlorine concentrations in fishes from subarctic lakes in Yukon Territory Journal Articles
Electric Fish Handling Gloves Provide Effective Immobilization and Do Not Impede Reflex Recovery of Adult Largemouth Bass Journal Articles
Embryonic and larval development of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and its sensitivity to incubation temperature Journal Articles
Embryonic development of lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis: a staging series, analysis of growth and effects of fixation Journal Articles
Energy as a driver of change in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River Basin Journal Articles
Enhancing Climate Resiliency Through Improving Ecosystem Services in Shoreline Municipalities–Lessons from Canada Journal Articles
Environmental Biology of Fishes Journal
Environmental factors associated with the distribution of non-native starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) in a Lake Ontario coastal wetland Journal Articles
Enzymatic and mitochondrial responses to 5 months of aerial exposure in the slender lungfish Protopterus dolloi Journal Articles
Estimates of Toxic Contaminant Mean Concentrations and Loads from Runoff Water Quality Data Journal Articles
Estimating establishment probabilities of Cladocera introduced at low density: an evaluation of the proposed ballast water discharge standards Journal Articles
Estimation of Arachidonic Acid Requirement for Improvement of Pre‐maturation Growth and Egg and Larval Quality in the Female Blue Gourami (Trichopodus trichopterus; Pallas, 1770): A Model for the Anabantidae Family Journal Articles
Estimation of phosphorus loads from septic systems to tributaries in the Canadian Lake Erie Basin Journal Articles
Evaluating immobilisation thresholds and suitability of conductive glove electrodes for largemouth bass electroanaesthesia Journal Articles
Evaluation of carbon pathways supporting the diet of invasive Hemimysis anomala in a large river Journal Articles
Evidence for a Reduction of 2,3,7,8-TCDD Toxic Equivalent Concentrations in White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Exposed to Bleached Kraft Pulp Mill Effluent, Following Process and Treatment Improvements Conferences
Exploring the environmental context of recentDidymosphenia geminataproliferation in Gaspésie, Quebec, using paleolimnology Journal Articles
Factors Governing Clutch Size in Two Species of Diaptomus (Copepoda: Calanoida) Journal Articles
Factors Regulating in situ Filtering Rates of Cladocera Journal Articles
Factors influencing peak summer surface water temperature in Canada’s large lakes Journal Articles
Factors that regulate the zooplankton community structure of a turbid, hypereutrophic Great Lakes wetland Journal Articles
Factors that regulate the zooplankton community structure of a turbid, hypereutrophic Great Lakes wetland Journal Articles
Fatty acids, stable isotopes, and regurgitate reveal diet differences between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie double-crested cormorants ( Phalacrocorax auritus ) Journal Articles
Feasibility of Modeling Remedial Measures for Microbiological Pollution of the St. Clair River at Sarnia Bay Journal Articles
Feasibility of implementing an integrated long-term database to advance ecosystem-based management in the Laurentian Great Lakes basin Journal Articles
Feeding and Digestion in Elasmobranchs: Tying Diet and Physiology Together Chapters
Fifteen years of Canada’s Species at Risk Act: Evaluating research progress for aquatic species in the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence River basin1 Journal Articles
First report of ranavirus mortality in a common snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina Journal Articles
Fish Consumption Practices among Frequent Consuming Fishers of Five Ontario Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOCs) Journal Articles
Fish Physiology Journal
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Journal
Fish and Fisheries Journal
Fish and Shellfish Immunology Journal
Fish community structure varies by location and presence of artificial islands: a case study in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Fish living near two wastewater treatment plants have unaltered thermal tolerance but show changes in organ and tissue traits Journal Articles
Fish species richness is a key predictor of community biomass and productivity in littoral regions of Severn Sound, an embayment of southern Georgian Bay, Lake Huron Journal Articles
Fish surgery – A dirty business? Comments to a letter submitted by D. Mulcahy and C.A. Harms Journal Articles
Fisheries Journal
Fisheries Management and Ecology Journal
Fisheries Research Journal
Flatfish Densities Determined with a Diver-Operated Flounder Sampler Journal Articles
Flow Distribution in the St. Lawrence River System at Wolfe Island, Kingston Basin, Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Food Limitation of Larval Dragonflies: A Field Test of Spacing Behaviour Journal Articles
Food web incorporation of marine-derived nutrients after the reintroduction of endangered inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Journal Articles
Food web structure within an estuary of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence undergoing eutrophication Journal Articles
Foreword Journal Articles
Gear-Type Influences on Fish Catch and a Wetland Fish Index in Georgian Bay Wetlands Journal Articles
Genetic Structure Among Breeding Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) from the Great Lakes and Eastern Canada Journal Articles
Genetic population structure of the round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum) in North America: multiple markers reveal glacial refugia and regional subdivision Journal Articles
Genetic structure of Lake Magadi tilapia populations Journal Articles
Genetic structure of Lake Magadi tilapia populations Journal Articles
Gill epithelial cells kinetics in a freshwater teleost, Oncorhynchus mykiss during adaptation to ion-poor water and hormonal treatments Journal Articles
Gill morphology during hypercapnia in brown bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus): role of chloride cells and pavement cells in acid‐base regulation Journal Articles
Governance and geopolitics as drivers of change in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence basin Journal Articles
Growth and differentiation of epidermal cells from the rainbow trout established as explants and maintained in various media Journal Articles
Growth and differentiation of epidermal cells from the rainbow trout established as explants and maintained in various media Journal Articles
Growth and otolith morphology vary with alternative reproductive tactics and contaminant exposure in the round goby Neogobius melanostomus Journal Articles
Growth of Juvenile Brazilian Flounder,Paralichthys orbignyanus, Cultured at Different Salinities Journal Articles
Growth, Fecundity, and Energy Stores of White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) from Lakes Containing Elevated Levels of Copper and Zinc Journal Articles
Haematocrit values in feral goldfish, Camssius auratus L., as indicators of the health of the population Journal Articles
Harvest and Mercury Levels of Striped Bass in Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Canada Journal Articles
Hepatic 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity, plasma steroid hormone concentrations, and liver bioassay-derived 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxic equivalent concentrations in wild white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) caged in bleached kraft pulp mill effluent Journal Articles
Hepatic mixed function oxygenase activity and vitellogenin induction in fish following a treatment of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) Journal Articles
Hepatic mixed function oxygenase activity and vitellogenin induction in fish following a treatment of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) Journal Articles
Histopathology of “hole-in-the-head” disease in the Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus Journal Articles
Hormonal and physiological changes in Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus treated with thyroxine Journal Articles
Hormonal induction of precocious sex reversal in the ricefield eel, Monopterus albus Journal Articles
Hormone-induced ovulation, natural spawning and larviculture of Brazilian flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1839) Conferences
How influential is the role of oligotrophication on the integrity of fish assemblages in the littoral zone? Journal Articles
How to Manage Data to Enhance Their Potential for Synthesis, Preservation, Sharing, and Reuse—A Great Lakes Case Study Journal Articles
ICES Journal of Marine Science Journal
Identification of Lampricide Formulations as a Potent Inducer of MFO Activity in Fish Journal Articles
Immune adaptive response induced by Bicotylophora trachinoti (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae) infestation in pompano Trachinotus marginatus (Perciformes: Carangidae) Journal Articles
Impact of Bleached Kraft Mill Effluent on Population Characteristics, Liver MFO Activity, and Serum Steroid Levels of a Lake Superior White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Population Journal Articles
Importance of long-term intensive monitoring programs for understanding multiple drivers influencing Lake Ontario zooplankton communities Journal Articles
Importance of long-term intensive monitoring programs for understanding multiple drivers influencing Lake Ontario zooplankton communities Journal Articles
Incubation of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) embryos in cooling water discharge and the impacts of fluctuating thermal regimes on development Journal Articles
Induced ovulation and spawning of cultured freshwater fish in China: Advances in application of GnRH analogues and dopamine antagonists Journal Articles
Induction of ovulation in the loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus) using pimozide and [D-Ala6, Pro9-N-ethylamide]-LHRH Journal Articles
Influence of plasma lipid changes in response to 17β-oestradiol stimulation on plasma growth hormone, somatostatin, and thyroid hormone levels in immature rainbow trout Journal Articles
Influence of plasma lipid changes in response to 17β‐oestradiol stimulation on plasma growth hormone, somatostatin, and thyroid hormone levels in immature rainbow trout Journal Articles
Influence of seasonal changes in relative liver size, condition, relative gonad size and variability in ovarian development in multiple spawning fish species used in environmental monitoring programmes Journal Articles
Influence of shoreline features on fish distribution in the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Influence of thyroxine on spawning performance and larval development of Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus Journal Articles
International Association for Great Lakes Research Five Year Plan: 1999–2004: Work Plan to Achieve the Five Year Plan Objectives Journal Articles
International Association for Great Lakes Research Position Statement on Remedial Action Plans Journal Articles
Interspecies differences in biochemical, histopathological, and population responses in four wild fish species exposed to ethynylestradiol added to a whole lakeThis paper is part of the series “Forty Years of Aquatic Research at the Experimental Lakes Area”. Journal Articles
Interspecific Predation of Common Strait of Georgia Planktonic Coelenterates: Laboratory Evidence Journal Articles
Intertidal Catastrophes: Effect of Storms and Hurricanes on Intertidal Benthos of the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy Journal Articles
Intracoelomic Implantation of Transmitters in Longnose Gar Journal Articles
Intracoelomic implantation of transmitters in Longnose GarLepisosteus osseus Journal Articles
Iron cycling in a littoral freshwater beach: Implications for floc trace metal dynamics Journal Articles
Is It Time For A Great Lakes Ecosystem Management Agreement Separate from the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement? Journal Articles
Isotopic Structure of Lake Whitefish in Lake Huron: Evidence for Regional and Local Populations Based on Resource Use Journal Articles
Journal of Applied Aquaculture Journal
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health Journal
Journal of Fish Biology Journal
Journal of Fish Diseases Journal
Journal of Great Lakes Research Journal
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society Journal
Keeping Remedial Action Plans On Target: Lessons Learned from Collingwood Harbour Journal Articles
Lack of antigenicity of human chorionic gonadotropin in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) Journal Articles
Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in Goulais Bay, Lake Superior: Cohort strength determinants and population viability Journal Articles
Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in Goulais Bay, Lake Superior: Cohort strength determinants and population viability Journal Articles
Lake Whitefish Feeding habits and condition in Lake Michigan Journal Articles
Lake whitefish ( Coregonus clupeaformis ) energy and nutrient partitioning in lakes Michigan, Erie and Superior Journal Articles
Lampricide bioavailability and toxicity to invasive sea lamprey and non-target fishes: The importance of alkalinity, pH, and the gill microenvironment Journal Articles
Large lakes of northern Canada: Emerging research in a globally-important fresh water resource Journal Articles
Latitudinal variability in lunar spawning rhythms: absence of a lunar pattern in the northern mummichog Fundulus heteroclitus macrolepidotus Journal Articles
Life outside the fishbowl: Tracking an introduced population of goldfish (Carassius auratus) in an embayment on the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Linking lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) condition with male gamete quality and quantity Journal Articles
Lipid composition off tissue and plasma in two mediterranean fishes, the gilt-head sea bream (Chrysophyrys auratus) and the European seabass (Dicentratchus labrx) Journal Articles
Lipid peroxidation induced by Clinostomum detruncatum in muscle of the freshwater fish Rhamdia quelen Journal Articles
Liver size reveals social status in the African cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher Journal Articles
Living on the Edge: How we converted challenges into profitable opportunities Journal Articles
Local factors and sources affecting freshwater chloride concentrations in the Toronto region Journal Articles
Male primer endocrine responses to preovulatory female cyprinids under natural conditions in Sweden Journal Articles
Marine Fisheries Review Journal
Measures of larval lake whitefish length and abundance as early predictors of year-class strength in Lake Michigan Journal Articles
Melatonin, but not somatostatin-14 influences in vitro steroidogenesis by ovarian follicles of rainbow trout Journal Articles
Mercury Books
Mercury Concentrations in the Food Web of Lake Malawi, East Africa Journal Articles
Mercury biomagnification in the food webs of acidic lakes in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, Nova Scotia Journal Articles
Meristic and Morphometric Variation between the Endangered Acadian Whitefish, Coregonus huntsmani, and the Lake Whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis, in the Canadian Maritime Provinces and the State of Maine, USA Journal Articles
Metabolic Effects of Bovine Growth Hormone and Genetically Engineered Rainbow Trout Growth Hormone in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Reared at a High Temperature Journal Articles
Metabolic rates and swimming performance of adult Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) after a controlled infection withParvicapsula minibicornis Journal Articles
Metal Regulation, Tolerance, and Body Burdens in the Larvae of the Genus Chironomus Journal Articles
Microbial source tracking to identify fecal sources contaminating the Toronto Harbour and Don River watershed in wet and dry weather Journal Articles
Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the harbour porpoise, (<I>Phocoena phocoena</I>), subpopulations in North American waters Journal Articles
Mixed parentage in Neolamprologus pulcher groups Journal Articles
Modelling of climate-induced hydrologic changes in the Lake Winnipeg watershed Journal Articles
Modelling the impact of poaching on metapopulation viability for data-limited species Journal Articles
Models to predict total phosphorus concentrations in coastal embayments of eastern Georgian Bay, Lake Huron Journal Articles
Modifying effects of a cobble substrate on thermal environments and implications for embryonic development in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Morphological responses of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) gill to hyperoxia, base (NaHCO3) and acid (HCl) infusions Journal Articles
Multiple male reproductive morphs in the invasive round goby (Apollonia melanostoma) Journal Articles
Neotropical Ichthyology Journal
Neuroendocrine regulation of growth hormone secretion in teleost fishes with emphasis on the involvement of gonadal sex steroids Journal Articles
North American Journal of Aquaculture Journal
North American Journal of Fisheries Management Journal
Numerical modeling of fine particle plume transport in a large lake Journal Articles
Nutritional characteristics of the potential aquaculture feed species Boekelovia hooglandii Journal Articles
Observed Currents and Water Levels in Hamilton Harbour Journal Articles
Observed trends and future projections of precipitation and air temperature in the Lake Winnipeg watershed Journal Articles
Ocean and Coastal Management Journal
On the Electroimmobilization of Fishes for Research and Practice: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Needs Journal Articles
On the relevance of animal behavior to the management and conservation of fishes and fisheries Journal Articles
Organochlorine transfer in the food web of subalpine Bow Lake, Banff National Park Journal Articles
Organochlorine transfer in the food web of subalpine Bow Lake, Banff National Park Journal Articles
Otolith morphology varies between populations, sexes and male alternative reproductive tactics in a vocal toadfish Porichthys notatus Journal Articles
Out of control: How we failed to adapt and suffered the consequences Journal Articles
Percentage land use in the watershed determines the water and sediment quality of 22 marshes in the Great Lakes basin Journal Articles
Percentage land use in the watershed determines the water and sediment quality of 22 marshes in the Great Lakes basin Journal Articles
Performance of Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Pérez-Farfante, 1967) broodstock in tanks with sand and hard substrate Conferences
Periphytic algal biomass as a bioindicator of phosphorus concentrations in agricultural headwater streams of southern Ontario Journal Articles
Persistence of fecal contamination and pathogenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 in snow and snowmelt Journal Articles
Phosphorus loading to nearshore waters from legacy septic system groundwater plumes in a Great Lakes coastal community Journal Articles
Physiological and energetic correlates of en route mortality for abnormally early migrating adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Thompson River, British Columbia Journal Articles
Physiology of individual late-run Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) sampled in the ocean correlates with fate during spawning migration Journal Articles
Plasma non-esterified fatty acid profiles and 17β-oestradiol levels of juvenile immature and maturing adult American eels in the St Lawrence River Journal Articles
Plasma nonesterified fatty acid profiles in male and female sockeye salmon, (Oncorhynchus nerka), during the spawning migration Journal Articles
Polymethylene-interrupted fatty acids: Biomarkers for native and exotic mussels in the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Polyunsaturated fatty acids do not activate protein kinase C in the testis of the goldfish (Carassius auratus) Journal Articles
Polyunsaturated fatty acids modulate the properties of the sex steroid binding protein in goldfish Journal Articles
Population Decline of the American Eel: Implications for Research and Management Journal Articles
Population viability and perturbation analyses to support recovery of imperilled Eastern Sand Darter(Ammocrypta pellucida) Journal Articles
Predicting the age at maturity of Asian carp using air temperature Journal Articles
Predicting warming-induced hypoxic stress for fish in a fragmented river channel using ecosystem metabolism models Journal Articles
Predictions on the effect of common carp (<i>Cyprinus carpio</i>) exclusion on water quality, zooplankton, and submergent macrophytes in a Great Lakes wetland Journal Articles
Predictions on the effect of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) exclusion on water quality, zooplankton, and submergent macrophytes in a Great Lakes wetland Journal Articles
Preface Chapters
Prevalence and Intensity of Salmincola edwardsii in Brook Trout in Northwest New Brunswick, Canada Journal Articles
Primary culture and histological characterization of phagocytic cells from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
Primary determinants of macrophyte community structure in 62 marshes across the Great Lakes basin: latitude, land use, and water quality effects Journal Articles
Primary determinants of macrophyte community structure in 62 marshes across the Great Lakes basin: latitude, land use, and water quality effects Journal Articles
Quantifying importance of marine prey in the diets of two partially anadromous fishes Journal Articles
Quantifying status and trends from monitoring surveys: application to pygmy whitefish (Prosopium coulterii) in Lake Superior Journal Articles
Quantifying status and trends from monitoring surveys: application to pygmy whitefish (Prosopium coulterii) in Lake Superior Journal Articles
Rapid evolution meets invasive species control: the potential for pesticide resistance in sea lamprey Journal Articles
Recovery Potential Assessment for Lake Sturgeon in Canadian Designatable Units Journal Articles
Recovery of ovary size, follicle cell apoptosis, and HSP70 expression in fish exposed to bleached pulp mill effluent Journal Articles
Recovery of ovary size, follicle cell apoptosis, and HSP70 e×pression in fish e×posed to bleached pulp mill effluent Journal Articles
Recurrent Amyloodiniosis on Broodstock of the Brazilian Flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus: Dinospore Monitoring and Prophylactic Measures. Journal Articles
Reductions in federal oversight of aquatic systems in Canada: implications of the new Navigation Protection Act Journal Articles
Reflections on social and organizational dimensions of Great Lakes remediation, restoration, and revitalization Journal Articles
Regionalized ensemble estimation of wave periods for assessing wave energy resources across Canada. Part I: Improved wave-period modelling methodology Journal Articles
Regionalized ensemble estimation of wave periods for assessing wave energy resources across Canada. Part II: Wave-period and wave-energy analyses Journal Articles
Relationship between Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Water, Sediment, Benthic Invertebrates, and Tissues of White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) at Metal-Contaminated Sites Journal Articles
Relationship of road density and marsh condition to turtle assemblage characteristics in the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Relative importance of macrophyte community versus water quality variables for predicting fish assemblages in coastal wetlands of the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Reproductive biology of Eretmodus cyanostictus, a cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika Journal Articles
Reproductive life-history strategies in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) from the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Research Priorities for Great Lakes Rehabilitation Journal Articles
Research needs to better understand Lake Ontario ecosystem function: A workshop summary Journal Articles
Research priorities for the management of freshwater fish habitat in Canada Journal Articles
Restoring Active Participation Journal Articles
Restoring the Great Lakes: Institutional Analysis and Design Journal Articles
Resuspension and Redistribution of Sediments in Hamilton Harbour Journal Articles
Reviewing uncertainty in bioenergetics and food web models to project invasion impacts: Four major Chinese carps in the Great Lakes Journal Articles
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries Journal
Salinity influence on growth, osmoregulation and energy turnover in juvenile pompano Trachinotus marginatus Cuvier 1832 Journal Articles
Scenario analysis: An integrative and effective method for bridging disciplines and achieving a thriving Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin Journal Articles
Science Must Inform Great Lakes Policy Journal Articles
Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes Journal Articles
Seasonal Effects of Bleached Kraft Mill Effluent on Reproductive Parameters of White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Populations of the St. Maurice River, Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Seasonal Stable Isotope Records of Otoliths from Ocean-pen Reared and Wild Cod, Gadus morhua Journal Articles
Seasonal changes in the pituitary‐ gonad axis of feral goldfish, Carassius auratus L., from Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Seasonal changes in the quality of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) semen: Effect of a delay in stripping on spermatocrit, motility, volume and seminal plasma constituents Journal Articles
Seasonal migrations and reproductive patterns in the lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, in the vicinity of hydroelectric stations in northern Ontario Journal Articles
Seasonal plasticity in telencephalon mass of a benthic fish Journal Articles
Seasonal, Interannual, and Spatial Variability in the Concentrations of Total Suspended Solids in a Degraded Coastal Wetland of Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Sedimentological and Biological Changes in the Windsor Mudflat, an Area of Induced Siltation Journal Articles
Site fidelity of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus): insights from stable carbon and nitrogen analysis Journal Articles
Sizes, condition factors and sex ratios of the scattered populations of the small cichlid fish, Alcolapia grahami, that inhabits the lagoons and sites of Lake Magadi (Kenya), one of the most extreme aquatic habitat on Earth Journal Articles
Snowpack response in the Assiniboine-Red River basin associated with projected global warming of 1.0 °C to 3.0 °C Journal Articles
Spatial and Temporal Movements of White Sucker: Implications for Use as a Sentinel Species Journal Articles
Spatial ecology of reintroduced walleye (Sander vitreus) in Hamilton Harbour of Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal ecology of juvenile Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) and Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in upper St. Lawrence River nursery bays during their inaugural fall and winter Journal Articles
Spawning Season Distribution in Subpopulations of Muskellunge in Georgian Bay, Lake Huron Journal Articles
Speed of sound gradients due to summer thermal stratification can reduce the detection range of acoustic fish tags: results from a field study in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario Journal Articles
Sperm maturation and male tactic‐specific differences in ejaculates in the plainfin midshipman fishPorichthys notatus Journal Articles
Sperm quality of Brazilian flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus throughout the reproductive season Journal Articles
Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Records From Lake Erie Sediment Cores: Mollusc Aragonite 4600 BP–200 BP Journal Articles
Stable carbon isotope variations in otoliths of Atlantic cod (<i>Gadus morhua</i>) Journal Articles
Stable carbon isotope variations in otoliths of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Journal Articles
Stable isotope analysis provides novel insights for measuring lake ecosystem recovery following acidification Journal Articles
Steroidogenic capacity of coho salmon ovarian follicles throughout the periovulatory period Journal Articles
Stimulation of pituitary gonadotropin and ovarian development by chronic administration of testosterone in female Japanese silver eel, Anguilla japonica Journal Articles
Stochastic determinants of assemblage patterns in coral reef fishes: a quantification by means of two models Journal Articles
Structure and enzymatic removal of the chorion of embryos of the Nile tilapia Journal Articles
Subtle fisheries gear model differences substantially influence catch rates of an invasive fish Journal Articles
Sulfation and uptake of the maturation-inducing steroid, 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one by rainbow trout ovarian follicles Journal Articles
Summer Circulation in the Kingston Basin, Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Suspended Solids, Trace Metal and PAH Concentrations and Loadings from Coal Pile Runoff to Hamilton Harbour, Ontario Journal Articles
Swimming capacity and behaviour of juvenile round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) Journal Articles
Synthesis review on groundwater discharge to surface water in the Great Lakes Basin Journal Articles
Temporal and spatial changes in bacterial diversity in mixed use watersheds of the Great Lakes region Journal Articles
Temporal changes in maturation, mean length-at-age, and condition of spring-spawning Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) in Newfoundland waters Conferences
Testing hypotheses about fecundity, body size and maternal condition in fishes Journal Articles
Testing the synergistic effects of GnRH and testosterone on the reproductive physiology of pre‐adult pink salmonOncorhynchus gorbuscha Journal Articles
Tetrahymena glochidiophila n. sp., a new species of Tetrahymena (Ciliophora) that causes mortality to glochidia larvae of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia) Journal Articles
The Effects of Temperature, Age, and Acclimation to Salinity on the Survival of Farfantepenaeus paulensis Postlarvae Journal Articles
The Great Lakes Futures Project: Principles and policy recommendations for making the lakes great Journal Articles
The Invasive Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the Diet of Nestling Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario Journal Articles
The Mauthner Cell Journal Articles
The Ongoing Review of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Journal Articles
The Remedial Action Plan That Led to the Cleanup and Delisting of Collingwood Harbour as an Area of Concern Journal Articles
The Science Framework for Implementing the Fisheries Protection Provisions of Canada's Fisheries Act Journal Articles
The Utility of Magnetic Properties as a Proxy for Mapping Contamination in Hamilton Harbour Sediment Journal Articles
The analysis of metabolites in rainbow trout white muscle: a comparison of different sampling and processing methods Journal Articles
The benefits of uniparental versus biparental mouth brooding in Galilee St. Peter's fish Journal Articles
The benefits of uniparental versus biparental mouth brooding in Galilee St. Peter's fish Journal Articles
The cortisol stress response in male round goby (Neogobius melanostomus): effects of living in polluted environments? Journal Articles
The effect of postprandial changes in pH along the gastrointestinal tract on the distribution of ions between the solid and fluid phases of chyme in rainbow trout Journal Articles
The effect of protein levels on growth, postprandial excretion and tryptic activity of juvenile mulletMugil platanus(Günther) Journal Articles
The effects of long-term thyroxine administration on hematological, biochemical and immunological features in sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) Journal Articles
The influence of dietary arachidonic acid on growth, reproductive performance, and fatty acid composition of ovary, egg and larvae in an anabantid model fish, Blue gourami ( Trichopodus trichopterus ; Pallas, 1770) Journal Articles
The influence of reproductive status on the stimulatory action of N-methyl-D,L-aspartate on growth hormone secretion, in vitro in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
The influence of status and the social environment on energy stores in a social fish Journal Articles
The movement ecology of fishes Journal Articles
The physiological effects of social status in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher Journal Articles
The relationship between thermal physiology and lampricide sensitivity in larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Journal Articles
The role of feeding in salt and water balance Books
The toxicity of the anti-sea lice pesticide AlphaMax® to the polychaete worm Nereis virens Journal Articles
The translocation trade-off for eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida): balancing harm to source populations with the goal of re-establishment1 Journal Articles
The use of fine needle fibre endoscopy in fish for in vivo examination of visceral organs, with special reference to ovarian evaluation Journal Articles
Thermal dependence of size-at-hatch in the lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Thiamine concentrations in lake whitefish eggs from the upper Great Lakes are related to maternal diet Journal Articles
Thirteen novel ideas and underutilised resources to support progress towards a range‐wide American eel stock assessment Journal Articles
Thirty-five years of restoring Great Lakes Areas of Concern: Gradual progress, hopeful future Journal Articles
Thirty-year update: Changes in biological characteristics of degraded muskellunge nursery habitat in southern Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, Canada Journal Articles
Thriving and prosperous: How we rallied to confront collective challenges Journal Articles
Tolerance of Juvenile Flatfish Paralichthys orbignyanus to Acid Stress Journal Articles
Toward a “Better Understanding” of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem Journal Articles
Towards the development of an ecosystem model for the Hamilton Harbour, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Toxicity of two pyrethroid-based anti-sea lice pesticides, AlphaMax® and Excis®, to a marine amphipod in aqueous and sediment exposures Journal Articles
Tracking bowfin with acoustic telemetry: Insight into the ecology of a living fossil Journal Articles
Trade-offs between suppression and eradication of sea lampreys from the Great Lakes Journal Articles
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Journal
Trying hard to adapt to a chaotic world: How complex challenges overwhelmed best intentions Journal Articles
Uncertainty Analysis of a Two-dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Journal Articles
Unintended consequences and trade‐offs of fish passage Journal Articles
Use and Development of the Wetland Macrophyte Index to Detect Water Quality Impairment in Fish Habitat of Great Lakes Coastal Marshes Journal Articles
Use of Artificial Substrates to Estimate Prey Resources available to a Visually Feeding Benthivorous Fish Journal Articles
Use of IKONOS Imagery to Map Coastal Wetlands of Georgian Bay Journal Articles
Use of White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Populations to Assess the Health of Aquatic Ecosystems Exposed to Low-Level Contaminant Stress Journal Articles
Use of the Morphoedaphic Index to Predict Nutrient Status and Algal Biomass in Some Canadian Lakes Journal Articles
Using Scenarios to Assess Possible Future Impacts of Invasive Species in the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Validation of qPCR method for enterococci quantification at Toronto beaches: Application for rapid recreational water monitoring Journal Articles
Warmer waters increase the larval sea lamprey's (Petromyzon marinus) tolerance to the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) Journal Articles
Water Currents in the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers Journal Articles
Wave Directional Spectra Measurements by Small Arrays in Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Wave Directional Spectra and Wave-Current Interaction in Lake St. Clair Journal Articles
Wave exposure and hydrologic connectivity create diversity in habitat and zooplankton assemblages at nearshore Long Point Bay, Lake Erie Journal Articles
What do warming waters mean for fish physiology and fisheries? Journal Articles