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BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers, Oral Contraceptive Use, and Breast Cancer Before Age 50 Journal Articles
DHCR7 mutation carrier rates and prevalence of the RSH/Smith‐Lemli‐Opitz syndrome: Where are the patients? Journal Articles
GRIN2Bencephalopathy: novel findings on phenotype, variant clustering, functional consequences and treatment aspects Journal Articles
A 3-bp deletion in the HBS1L-MYB intergenic region on chromosome 6q23 is associated with HbF expression Journal Articles
A Novel Human β-Globin Gene Variant [Hb London-Ontario,HBB: c.332T>G] is Associated with Transfusion-Dependent Anemia in a Patient with a Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Pattern Consistent with β-Thalassemia Trait Journal Articles
A Novel Sickling Hemoglobinopathy Journal Articles
A Preliminary Study of DBH (Encoding Dopamine Beta-Hydroxylase) Genetic Variation and Neural Correlates of Emotional and Motivational Processing in Individuals With and Without Pathological Gambling Journal Articles
A Reanalysis of Protein Polymorphism in Drosophila Melanogaster, D. Simulans, D. Sechellia and D. Mauritiana: Effects of Population Size and Selection Journal Articles
A Recurrent De Novo Heterozygous COG4 Substitution Leads to Saul-Wilson Syndrome, Disrupted Vesicular Trafficking, and Altered Proteoglycan Glycosylation Journal Articles
A Reliable Screening Test to Identify Adult Carriers of the (--SEA) alpha0-Thalassemia Deletion Journal Articles
A UV-specific endonucleolytic activity present in human cell extracts Journal Articles
A comprehensive study of genic variation in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. VII. Varying rates of genic divergence as revealed by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Journal Articles
A deficiency in the repair of UV and γ-ray damaged DNA in fibroblasts from Cockayne's syndrome Journal Articles
A new highly penetrant form of obesity due to deletions on chromosome 16p11.2 Journal Articles
A variant Sp1 (R218Q) transcription factor might enhance HbF expression in β0‐thalassaemia homozygotes Journal Articles
ATM whole gene deletion in an Italian family with hereditary pancreatic cancer: Challenges to cancer risk prediction associated with an 11q22.3 microdeletion Journal Articles
Abnormal Haem Binding and Globin SH Group Blockade in Unstable Haemoglobins Journal Articles
Abnormal enzyme phenotype (e1 a e1 f): Normal response to succinylcholine Journal Articles
Age at first birth and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers Journal Articles
Allele frequency data for VNTR locus D17S79: Identification of an internalHaeIII polymorphism in the black population Journal Articles
An International Multicenter Evaluation of Inheritance Patterns, Arrhythmic Risks, and Underlying Mechanisms of
-Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia Journal Articles
An atypical pulmonary fibrosis is associated with co-inheritance of mutations in the calcium binding protein genes S100A3 and S100A13 Journal Articles
Analysis of IFT74as a candidate gene for chromosome 9p-linked ALS-FTD Journal Articles
Analysis of inbreeding depression in Agaricus bisporus. Journal Articles
Association between ADIPOQ gene polymorphisms and the risk of new-onset diabetes mellitus after liver transplantation Journal Articles
Association between the Lynch syndrome gene MSH2 and breast cancer susceptibility in a Canadian familial cancer registry Journal Articles
Association of apolipoprotein E variation with cognitive impairment across multiple neurodegenerative diagnoses Journal Articles
Association of breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers with genetic variants showing differential allelic expression: identification of a modifier of breast cancer risk at locus 11q22.3 Journal Articles
Association of cyclooxygenase-2 genetic variant with cardiovascular disease Journal Articles
Attitudes of high school students toward carrier screening and prenatal diagnosis of cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
Autism and the X chromosome: No linkage to microsatellite loci detected using the affected sibling pair method Journal Articles
Beyond the Brain Journal Articles
Biochemical and imaging surveillance in germline TP53 mutation carriers with Li-Fraumeni syndrome: a prospective observational study Journal Articles
Biotinidase deficiency: Spectrum of molecular, enzymatic and clinical information from newborn screening Ontario, Canada (2007–2014) Journal Articles
Breast cancer in a BRCA2 mutation carrier with a history of prostate cancer Journal Articles
Breast cancer risk after age 60 among BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers Journal Articles
Breastfeeding and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers Journal Articles
Breastfeeding and the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer among women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation Journal Articles
CNTN5-/+or EHMT2-/+human iPSC-derived neurons from individuals with autism develop hyperactive neuronal networks Journal Articles
Cancer prevention and screening in a BRCA2-positive male to female transgender patient Journal Articles
Cardiovascular risk factors and non-invasive assessment of subclinical atherosclerosis in youth Journal Articles
Carrier frequency of the RSH/Smith‐Lemli‐Opitz IVS8‐1G>C mutation in African Americans Journal Articles
Characterization of a Rare Single α-Globin Gene Deletion in a Chinese Woman with Hb H Disease Journal Articles
Cholesterol Metabolism and Suicidality in Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome Carriers Journal Articles
Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Mutations, Protein Activity and HDL-Cholesterol Concentration Journal Articles
Clinical course and molecular characterization of a compound heterozygote for sickle hemoglobin and hemoglobin kenya Journal Articles
Cognitive Decline in a Colombian Kindred With Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer Disease Journal Articles
Coinheritance of α-thalassemia-1 and hemoglobin E/β0-thalassemia: Practical implications for neonatal screening and genetic counseling Journal Articles
Complete Genomes Reveal Signatures of Demographic and Genetic Declines in the Woolly Mammoth Journal Articles
Compound Heterozygosity for Hb S [β6(A3)Glu→Val] and Hb Kenya (Aγ81Leu-β86Ala) in a Ugandan Woman Journal Articles
Compound Heterozygosity for Hb S and Hb G-Copenhagen Journal Articles
Compound Heterozygosity for two Genotypes of α-Thalassemia-2 : Hematological, Biosynthetic and DNA Studies Journal Articles
Contraceptive use and the risk of ovarian cancer among women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation Journal Articles
DHCR7 genotypes of cousins with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Journal Articles
DNA diagnosis of Hb S and Hb Caribbean (α2β291 Leu→Arg) in a Jamaican family Journal Articles
Depression, Migraine With Aura and Migraine Without Aura: Their Familiality and Interrelatedness Journal Articles
Detection of the (–SEA) double α‐globin gene deletion by a simple immunologic assay for embryonic ζ‐globin chains Journal Articles
Diagnosis and high incidence of hyperornithinemia‐hyperammonemia‐homocitrullinemia (HHH) syndrome in northern Saskatchewan Journal Articles
Diagnosis of arylsulfatase A deficiency Journal Articles
Diverse hematological phenotypes of β‐thalassemia carriers Journal Articles
Does activated protein C resistance increase the risk of systemic embolism in non rheumatic atrial fibrillation? Journal Articles
Does aspirin really reduce the risk of colon cancer? Journal Articles
Does genetic introgression improve female reproductive performance? A test on the endangered Florida panther Journal Articles
Double heterozygosity for germline mutations in BRCA1 and p53 in a woman with early onset breast cancer Journal Articles
Down’s Syndrome Associated with a Familial (21q—;22q+) Translocation Journal Articles
Duration of tamoxifen use and the risk of contralateral breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers Journal Articles
Effect of Rosuvastatin on Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Children With Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia Journal Articles
Effect of the Factor V Leiden Mutation on the Clinical Expression of Severe Hemophilia A Journal Articles
Endpoints in myelin-deficient (MD) rats. Journal Articles
Environmental and allele‐specific influences on T cell receptor gene rearrangement: skewed α, δ and γ gene rearrangement patterns in chimeric mice Journal Articles
Evaluating the effects of historic bottleneck events: an assessment of microsatellite variability in the endangered, North Atlantic right whale Journal Articles
Evaluation of Genes Encoding for the Transient Outward Current (Ito) Identifies the
Gene as a Cause of J-Wave Syndrome Associated With Sudden Cardiac Death Journal Articles
Evidence for genetic monogamy and female‐biased dispersal in the biparental mouthbrooding cichlid Eretmodus cyanostictus from Lake Tanganyika Journal Articles
Evidence for size and sex‐specific dispersal in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Journal Articles
Evidence for synergistic effects of PRNP and ATP7Bmutations in severe neuropsychiatric deterioration Journal Articles
Evidence of a Founder Effect for the Protein C Gene 3363 Inserted C Mutation in Thrombophilic Pedigrees of French Origin Journal Articles
Examining the Clinical Use of Hemochromatosis Genetic Testing Journal Articles
Excess of Rare Variants in Non–Genome-Wide Association Study Candidate Genes in Patients With Hypertriglyceridemia Journal Articles
Exome sequencing identifies rare LDLR and APOA5 alleles conferring risk for myocardial infarction Journal Articles
Factor VII deficiency: clinical manifestation of 717 subjects from Europe and Latin America with mutations in the factor 7 gene Journal Articles
Familial partial lipodystrophy presenting as metabolic syndrome Journal Articles
Fetal haemoglobin levels and haematological characteristics of compound heterozygotes for haemoglobin S and deletional hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin Journal Articles
Fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia: a glass half full? Journal Articles
Founder effect for the T93MDHCR7mutation in Smith‐Lemli‐Opitz syndrome Journal Articles
Frequent heteroplasmy and recombination in the mitochondrial genomes of the basidiomycete mushroom Thelephora ganbajun Journal Articles
Gene symbol: ARSA. Journal Articles
Genetic Analyses of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences Suggest Introgression and Duplication in the Medicinal Mushroom Agaricus subrufescens Journal Articles
Genetic analysis indicates that transcription factors AP-2alpha and Pax6 cooperate in the normal patterning and morphogenesis of the lens. Journal Articles
Genetic risk factors associated with lipid‐lowering drug‐induced myopathies Journal Articles
Genetic variants of MARCO are associated with susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis in a Gambian population Journal Articles
Genitopatellar syndrome and neuroblastoma: The multidisciplinary management of a previously unreported association Journal Articles
Germline BRCA1 Mutations and a Basal Epithelial Phenotype in Breast Cancer Journal Articles
Haemoglobin D Los Angeles, D-β<sup>+</sup>-Thalassaemia, and D-β°- Thalassaemia Journal Articles
Haemoglobin Q-Thailand and hereditary spherocytosis in a Chinese family Journal Articles
Hb Castilla [β32(B14)Leu → Arg] Caused by a De Novo Mutation Journal Articles
Hb E/Hb LeporeHollandia in a family from Bangladesh Journal Articles
Hb H hydrops foetalis syndrome: a case report and review of literature Journal Articles
Hb S/ +-thalassemia due to Hb sickle and a novel deletion of DNase I hypersensitive sites HS3 and HS4 of the locus control region Journal Articles
Hb S/β°‐Thalassemia due to the ˜1.4‐kb deletion is associated with a relatively mild phenotype Journal Articles
Hemoglobin E diseases: Hematological, analytical, and biosynthetic studies in homozygotes and double heterozygotes for α‐thalassemia Journal Articles
Hemoglobin H (Hb H) disease in Canada: Molecular diagnosis and review of 116 cases Journal Articles
Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin Caused by Single Nucleotide Promoter Mutations in Sickle Cell Trait and Hb SC Disease Journal Articles
Heterozygous NOTCH1 deletion associated with variable congenital heart defects Journal Articles
Heterozygous Mutations Causing Partial Prohormone Convertase 1 Deficiency Contribute to Human Obesity Journal Articles
Heterozygous frameshift variants in HNRNPA2B1 cause early-onset oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy Journal Articles
Hormonal Contraception and Breast Cancer Risk for Carriers of Germline Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Journal Articles
Hybridation naturelle entre deux sous-espèces de souris domestique,Mus musculus domesticusetMus musculus castaneus, près du lac Casitas (Californie) Journal Articles
Identifican of A New High Oxygen Affinity Hemoglobin Variant: Hb Aurora [β139(H17)Asn→Tyr] Journal Articles
Identification of a New β-Thalassemia Nonsense Mutation [Codon 59 (AAG→TAG)] Journal Articles
Identification of a new hemoglobin variant: Hb St. Joseph's [β77(EF1)His→Leu] Journal Articles
Identification of an extensive ζ‐α globin gene deletion in a Chinese individual Journal Articles
Identification of restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms in genomic DNA of the lesser snow goose (Anser caerulescens caerulescens). Journal Articles
Impact of ACE2 gene polymorphism on antihypertensive efficacy of ACE inhibitors Journal Articles
Incidence of endometrial cancer in BRCA mutation carriers. Journal Articles
Integrins Regulate Responsiveness to Slit Repellent Signals Journal Articles
International variation in rates of uptake of preventive options in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers Journal Articles
Late‐onset metachromatic leukodystrophy clinically presenting as isolated peripheral neuropathy: Compound heterozygosity for the IVS2+1G→a mutation and a newly identified missense mutation (Thr408Ile) in a Spanish family Journal Articles
Leigh syndrome associated with mitochondrial complex I deficiency due to novel mutations In NDUFV1 and NDUFS2 Journal Articles
Low genic variation in male-reproductive-tract proteins of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans. Journal Articles
Males With MECP2 C-terminal-Related Atypical Rett Syndromes and Their Carrier Mothers Journal Articles
Management of Patients with Hereditary Hypercoagulable Disorders Journal Articles
Maturity Onset Diabetes in the Young (MODY) type 3. Journal Articles
Mesenteric-portal Vein Thrombosis in a Patient with Hyperhomocysteinemia and Heterozygous for 20210A Prothrombin Allele Journal Articles
Metachromatic leukodystrophy: Multiple nonfunctional and pseudodeficiency alleles in a pedigree: Problems with diagnosis and counseling Journal Articles
Mild Microcytic Anemia in an Infant with a Compound Heterozygosity for Hb C (HBB: c.19G > A) and Hb Osu Christiansborg (HBB: c.157G > A) Journal Articles
Missense variants in the N-terminal domain of the A isoform of FHF2/FGF13 cause an X-linked developmental and epileptic encephalopathy Journal Articles
Modulation of Gut Microbiota Composition by Serotonin Signaling Influences Intestinal Immune Response and Susceptibility to Colitis Journal Articles
Molecular genetic analysis of severe protein C deficiency. Journal Articles
Mutation Analysis in F9 Gene of 17 Families with Haemophilia B from Iran Conferences
Mutation screening of a neutral amino acid transporter, ASCT1, and its potential role in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Mutations in SRCAP, Encoding SNF2-Related CREBBP Activator Protein, Cause Floating-Harbor Syndrome Journal Articles
Newborn Screening for β-Thalassemia Identifies a Complex Genotype Involving a Novel β-Globin Gene Mutation (
:c.336dup) Journal Articles
Next generation sequencing reveals novel compound heterozygous deletions in NDUFAF2 in a child with mitochondrial complex I deficiency, nuclear type 10 Journal Articles
Novel SCO2 mutation (G1521A) presenting as a spinal muscular atrophy type I phenotype Journal Articles
Oophorectomy and risk of contralateral breast cancer among BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers Journal Articles
Pathogenic SPTBN1 variants cause an autosomal dominant neurodevelopmental syndrome Journal Articles
Patients with thalassemia in the United States Journal Articles
Patterns of allele distribution in a hybrid population of the Cryptococcus neoformans species complex Journal Articles
Performance of heterozygous brain-derived neurotrophic factor knockout mice on behavioral analogues of anxiety, nociception, and depression. Journal Articles
Peripheral blood epi-signature of Claes-Jensen syndrome enables sensitive and specific identification of patients and healthy carriers with pathogenic mutations in KDM5C Journal Articles
Phenotypic Analysis of Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy in the Hutterite Population: Role of Electrocardiogram in Identifying High‐Risk Desmocollin‐2 Carriers Journal Articles
Phenotypic variability associated with progranulin haploinsufficiency in patients with the common 1477C-->T (Arg493X) mutation: an international initiative. Journal Articles
Polygenic Risk Score for Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Is Associated With Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease and Enriches for Individuals With Familial Hypercholesterolemia Journal Articles
Prevalence and Genotypes of α- and β-Thalassemia Carriers in Hong Kong — Implications for Population Screening Journal Articles
RNA-Seq effectively monitors gene expression in Eutrema salsugineum plants growing in an extreme natural habitat and in controlled growth cabinet conditions Journal Articles
Rapid progression of prostate cancer in men with a BRCA2 mutation Journal Articles
Re: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Mammography in Women With a Hereditary Risk of Breast Cancer Journal Articles
Recombination between the factor VIII gene and the DXS52 locus gives the most probable genetic order as centromere‐FRA(X)‐DXS15‐DXS52‐F8C‐telomere Journal Articles
Reduced capacity to repair irradiated adenovirus in fibroblasts from xeroderma pigmentosum heterozygotes. Journal Articles
Report of the first patient with a homozygous OTUD7A variant responsible for epileptic encephalopathy and related proteasome dysfunction Journal Articles
Risk of Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With Common Thrombophilia Journal Articles
SLOS carrier frequency in Poland as determined by screening for Trp151X and Val326Leu DHCR7 mutations Journal Articles
Serum alpha - fetoprotein levels in patients with cystic fibrosis and their parents and siblings. Journal Articles
Should we screen for globin gene mutations in blood samples with mean corpuscular volume (MCV) greater than 80 fL in areas with a high prevalence of thalassaemia? Journal Articles
Sickle Cell Traits in Canada Journal Articles
Sickle cell disease caused by Hb S/Québec‐CHORI: Treatment with hydroxyurea and response Journal Articles
Sickle cell disease caused by heterozygosity for Hb S and novel LCR deletion: Report of two patients Journal Articles
Sickle cell disease due to compound heterozygosity for Hb S and a novel 7.7‐kb β‐globin gene deletion Journal Articles
Single CT Scan Prolongs Survival by Extending Cancer Latency inTrp53Heterozygous Mice Journal Articles
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: phenotypic extreme with minimal clinical findings Journal Articles
Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome with a classical phenotype, oesophageal achalasia and borderline plasma sterol concentrations Journal Articles
Spectrum of β-Thalassemia Mutations in Egypt Journal Articles
Splice Acceptor Mutation [
:c.93-2A > T] in a Patient with Hb S/β
-Thalassemia Journal Articles
Steroid receptor coactivator-1 modulates the function of Pomc neurons and energy homeostasis Journal Articles
THE Hb S/β+-Thalassemia Phenotype Demonstrates that the IVS-I (−2) (A>C) Mutation is a Mild β-Thalassemia Allele Journal Articles
Targeted copy number variant identification across the neurodegenerative disease spectrum Journal Articles
Ten-Year Multi-Institutional Results of Breast-Conserving Surgery and Radiotherapy in BRCA1/2-Associated Stage I/II Breast Cancer Journal Articles
The Effects of Weak Genetic Perturbations on the Transcriptome of the Wing Imaginal Disc and Its Association With Wing Shape in Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
The Interaction of Anti 3. 7 Type Quadruplicated α-Globin Genes and Heterozygous β-Thalassemia Journal Articles
The Pea3 Ets transcription factor regulates differentiation of multipotent progenitor cells during mammary gland development Journal Articles
The Phenotypic Spectrum of a Mutation Hotspot Responsible for the Short QT Syndrome Journal Articles
The association between smoking and cancer incidence in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers Journal Articles
The fragile‐X syndrome, IV. Progress towards the identification of linked restriction fragment length variants (RFLVs) Journal Articles
The relationship between CYP2C19 polymorphisms and ischaemic and bleeding outcomes in stable outpatients: the CHARISMA genetics study Journal Articles
Thrombosis in inherited factor VII deficiency Journal Articles
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) secretion from human nasal epithelium is a function of TSLP genotype Journal Articles
Treatment of a Lysosomal Storage Disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis VII, with Microencapsulated Recombinant Cells Journal Articles
Trinucleotide repeat polymorphism within the human antithrombin gene (AT3): allele frequency data for three population groups Journal Articles
Two different missense mutations at Arg 178 of the protein C (PROC) gene causing recurrent venous thrombosis Journal Articles
Variation and heritability of Hb F and F‐cells among β‐thalassemia heterozygotes in Hong Kong Journal Articles
α1-Antitrypsin Deficiency Alleles in Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease Journal Articles
β+-Thalassemia Trait Due to a Novel Mutation in the β-Globin Gene Promoter: −26 (A>C) [HBB c.−76A>C] Journal Articles
β‐thalassemia intermedia caused by compound heterozygosity for Hb Malay (β codon 19 AAC→AGC; Asn→Ser) and codons 41/42 (‐CTTT) β
‐thalassemia mutation Journal Articles
β‐thalassemia intermedia due to compound heterozygosity for two β‐globin gene promoter mutations, including a novel TATA box deletion Journal Articles
δβ-Thalassemia in an African-American: Identification of the deletion endpoints and PCR-Based diagnosis Journal Articles