selected scholarly activity
- Misbehaving Drinking Water Systems: Risk and the Complex Nature of Failure. Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Business in Association with Future Earth. 283-301. 2021
- An Overview of Transient Fault Detection Techniques. 13-37. 2017
- Sustainability Implications. 53-62. 2012
- Sustainability Implications. 71-80. 2012
- Handbook of Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Volume One. 53-62. 2012
- 17. Natural Cities, Unnatural Energy?. 295-321. 2011
- Natural Cities, Unnatural Energy?. 295-321. 2011
- Water Resource Management for Iran’s Persepolis Complex. 87-102. 2010
- A two-dimensional water quality approach in transient flow modeling. 613-619. 2004
- Multiobjective design of water networks with random loads. 1319-1324. 2004
- Analytical Analysis of Linear Discretization Strategies in Unsteady Open Channel Flows. 888-893. 1995
- Impact of Conversion to Compact Fluorescent Lighting, and other Energy Efficient Devices, on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Water distribution systems handbook. 2.1-2.43.
- Evidence-Based Water Loss Management: Development and Deployment of a Mobile DMA Testing Unit. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 121-133. 2023
- Systematic surge protection strategies: case studies in practical choices. 14th International Conference on Pressure Surges. 109-123. 2023
- Insights and Challenges Associated with Air in Pressurized Water Conveyance Systems. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2022. 1054-1065. 2022
- MOC-CFD coupled model of load rejection in hydropower station. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 012021-012021. 2021
- REVISITING TRANSIENT OPTIMIZATION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS. 38th IAHR World Congress - "Water: Connecting the World". 3467-3477. 2019
- UNSTEADY FRICTION IN A RAPID FILLING PIPELINE WITH TRAPPED AIR. 38th IAHR World Congress - "Water: Connecting the World". 3386-3393. 2019
- Mind the Gap: A preliminary Investigation into the Gaps Between Faculty and Student Expectations in Engineering Mathematics Instruction. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2019
- Safely landing water networks during power outages with energy storage. 2018 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton). 346-350. 2018
- A selective literature review of vortex rope in turbine draft tubes and the associated induced pressure pulsations in the conveyance system. 13th International Conference on Pressure Surges. 503-519. 2018
- Comparing CFD and 1-D solvers for the classic laminar water-hammer event in a pipe-reservoir system, perspectives on energy transformations and wave reflection. 13th International Conference on Pressure Surges. 471-485. 2018
- Comparing pure CFD and 1-D solvers for the classic water hammer models of a pipe-reservoir system. 1st International WDSA / CCWI 2018 Joint Conference. 2018
- Exploring surge protection strategies: System modification, operational considerations, surge protection devices, emergency control procedures and inter-systems protection. 13th International Conference on Pressure Surges. 821-832. 2018
- Monte carlo simulation of velocity as water quality indicator in distribution networks. 1st International WDSA / CCWI 2018 Joint Conference. 2018
- Owning up to our misbehaving systems: The complex and multifaceted assessment of failure. 13th International Conference on Pressure Surges. 5-11. 2018
- Reflections on the acoustic wave propagation speed in homogeneous two-phase flow. 13th International Conference on Pressure Surges. 455-470. 2018
- Exploring the Validity of Design Storms as Tools to Size and Design Stormwater Infrastructure for Urban Sewersheds. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2017. 465-477. 2017
- Algebraic Water Hammer: Global Formulation for Simulating Transient Pipe Network Hydraulics. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016. 191-201. 2016
- The crucial role of air vacuum valve vertical position on producing secondary transient pressures. BHR Group - 12th International Conference on Pressure Surges. 761-773. 2016
- Metrics for the Rapid Assessment of Transient Severity in Pipelines. Pipelines 2015. 815-824. 2015
- The Link between Transient Surges and Minimum Pressure Criterion in Water Distribution Systems. Pipelines 2015. 805-814. 2015
- Minimum Pressure Criterion in Water Distribution Systems: Challenges and Consequences. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015. 777-791. 2015
- Exploring the Sensitivity of Fatigue Analysis with Regard to Design Parameters in PVC Pipes Subjected to Cyclic Transient Pressures. Procedia Engineering. 174-181. 2015
- Understanding of the Risks of High Pressures Following Rapid Pressurization in Pipelines Containing Entrapped Air Pockets: A Novel Energy Auditing Approach. Volume 4: Production Pipelines and Flowlines; Project Management; Facilities Integrity Management; Operations and Maintenance; Pipelining in Northern and Offshore Environments; Strain-Based Design; Standards and Regulations. 2014
- A Non-Oscillatory Shock Capturing Based Numerical Model for Calculating Highly Transient Mixed Flow in Pipelines. Pipelines 2014. 825-835. 2014
- A Quasi-Two-Phase Flow Model for Calculating Filling in Pipelines. Pipelines 2014. 973-985. 2014
- Application of Transfer Matrix Method to Dynamic Analysis of Pipes With FSI. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP. 2014
- Vibration Analysis of Curved Pipes Conveying Fluid. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP. 2014
- Guidelines for transients are in need of revision. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 042006-042006. 2014
- Treatise on water hammer in hydropower standards and guidelines. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 042007-042007. 2014
- A Non-oscillatory Preissmann Slot Method Based Numerical Model. Procedia Engineering. 1366-1373. 2014
- An Energy Approach to Studying Pipe Network Transients. Procedia Engineering. 1298-1305. 2014
- Integrating Data for Water Demand Management. Procedia Engineering. 583-591. 2014
- Water Distribution System Performance Metrics. Procedia Engineering. 363-369. 2014
- Pipeline Optimization Accounting for Transient Conditions: Exploring the Connections between System Configuration, Operation, and Surge Protection. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013. 903-912. 2013
- Prospective Professors in Training: A Transition Program for Ph.D. Candidates in Engineering. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2013
- Rapid filling in pipe systems with column separation. BHR Group - 11th International Conferences on Pressure Surges. 543-555. 2012
- Intrusion Modelling and the Effect of Ground Water Conditions. Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010. 585-594. 2011
- Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Branched Pipeline Systems: Analytical Probabilistic Assessment of Fire Flow Failure. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011. 156-165. 2011
- Numerical analysis of transient pipe flow: Steady state to comprehensive water hammer model. 34th IAHR Congress 2011 - Balance and Uncertainty: Water in a Changing World, Incorporating the 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and the 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering. 4127-4134. 2011
- Application of Enhanced Rough Set Approach to the Evaluation of Urban Water Resources Utilization: A Case Study of Beijing. 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering. 1-5. 2010
- Benefits of a system wide hydraulic transient master plan. Water Security Congress and Distribution Systems Symposium and Exposition 2010. 1901-1937. 2010
- An exploratory approach to teaching gradually varied flow. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research. 175-180. 2010
- Negative pressures in full-scale distribution system: Field investigation, modelling, estimation of intrusion volumes and risk for public health. INTEGRATING WATER SYSTEMS. 363-+. 2010
- Intrusion volumes computed with transient analysis supported by transient pressure recordings in a full-scale distribution system. Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition 2009. 801-823. 2009
- Optimizing pump scheduling to reduce energy costs in water utilities. American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition 2009, ACE 2009. 2009
- EPEC 2009 detailed program. 2009 IEEE Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC). 1-29. 2009
- Essential role of technical review in hydro-designs. 2009 IEEE Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC). 1-7. 2009
- Smart Grids better with integrated energy system. 2009 IEEE Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC). 1-8. 2009
- Comparison of Pressures Simulated Using Transient Analysis with Field Data from a Full-Scale Distribution System. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009. 1-9. 2009
- Assessing Performance of a Water Transmission System Using an Inverse Transient Method. Pipelines 2008. 1-8. 2008
- Assessing the Degree of Unsteadiness in Flow Modeling: From Physics to Numerical Solution. Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006. 1-16. 2008
- Cross Correlation Analysis of Residential Demand in the City of Milford, Ohio. Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006. 1-13. 2008
- Effect of Time Step and Data Aggregation on Cross Correlation of Residential Demands. Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006. 1-11. 2008
- Electricity Usage in Water Distribution Networks. 2007 IEEE Canada Electrical Power Conference. 97-102. 2007
- Smaller Hydro, Higher Risk. 2007 IEEE Canada Electrical Power Conference. 91-96. 2007
- To Switch, or Not to Switch: A Critical Analysis of Canada's Ban on Incandescent Light Bulbs. 2007 IEEE Canada Electrical Power Conference. 550-555. 2007
- The hydrologic cycle: a complex history with continuing pedagogical implications. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 23-31. 2007
- Improvement of the Yazd water conveyance control system by Ga optimization. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND IASTED INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. 170-+. 2007
- Comparison of genetic algorithms to mathematical programming for the optimal design and operation of pumping stations. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 2005
- Development of sustainable water systems for urban areas: A human hydrologic cycle approach. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 2005
- Urban morphology and infrastructure: Implications for a sustainable future. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 2005
- A Numerical Study of a 2D Multi-Component Corrosion Model in a Water Distribution System. Impacts of Global Climate Change. 1-12. 2005
- A Systematic Exploration of Uncertainty and Convergence of Inverse Transient Calibration for WDSs. Impacts of Global Climate Change. 1-12. 2005
- Stochasticity of Demand and Probabilistic Performance of Water Networks. Impacts of Global Climate Change. 1-12. 2005
- Water Distribution System Reliability Under a Fire Flow Condition: A Probabilistic Approach. Impacts of Global Climate Change. 1-12. 2005
- Saving energy while managing demand in water delivery systems. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century. 2005
- Systematic protection for worst case transient loadings in pipeline systems. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century. 2005
- The search for the worst case transient loadings in water distribution systems. 31st IAHR Congress 2005: Water Engineering for the Future, Choices and Challenges. 1317-1326. 2005
- Pipe breaks and the role of leaks from an economic perspective. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 163-169. 2003
- Energy Dissipation Mechanisms in Water Distribution Systems. Volume 1: Fora, Parts A, B, C, and D. 2771-2778. 2003
- Optimum Selection of Hydraulic Devices for Water Hammer Control in the Pipeline Systems Using Genetic Algorithm. Volume 1: Fora, Parts A, B, C, and D. 2877-2883. 2003
- Pipe Systems With Micro-Turbines: Water Hammer Considerations. Volume 1: Fora, Parts A, B, C, and D. 2865-2870. 2003
- Solute Dispersion and Transport in Pipes under Transient Hydraulic Conditions. Bridging the Gap. 1-10. 2001
- Wiarton Distribution System Hydraulic Model. Bridging the Gap. 1-10. 2001
- Analysis of interpolation strategies in fixed-grid method of characteristics solution in open channels. HYDRAULICS OF RIVERS WATER WORKS AND MACHINERY, VOL II, THEME D, PROCEEDINGS. 927-932. 2001
- Evaluation of the long-term energy costs of leaks in buried pipeline systems. UNDERGROUND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH: MUNICIPAL, INDUSTRIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS. 197-201. 2001
- Ice jams: Field and experimental investigation. HYDRAULICS OF RIVERS WATER WORKS AND MACHINERY, VOL II, THEME D, PROCEEDINGS. 428-433. 2001
- Influence of snowmelt on runoff in the upper main river catchment. HYDRAULICS OF RIVERS, WATER WORKS AND MACHINERY, VOL 1, THEME D, PROCEEDINGS. 65-71. 2001
- Numerical solution of the advection-dispersion-reaction equation under transient hydraulic conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL HYDRAULICS AND ECO-HYDRAULICS, THEME B, PROCEEDINGS. 58-63. 2001
- Smart pipe systems-concepts, opportunities and challenges. UNDERGROUND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH: MUNICIPAL, INDUSTRIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS. 403-408. 2001
- Role and Characterization of Leaks under Transient Conditions. Building Partnerships. 1-10. 2000
- Actual unsteady velocity profiles in pressurized pipes and the steady-state approach. 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRESSURE SURGES. 519-528. 2000
- Conducting extended period analysis with a transient model. 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRESSURE SURGES. 571-585. 2000
- Numerical solution of the advection equation with reaction under transient conditions. 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRESSURE SURGES. 225-240. 2000
- Velocity Profiles, Unsteady Friction Losses and Transient Modelling. WRPMD'99. 1-11. 1999
- Efficient valve closure for slow transient pipe network models. 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER PIPELINE SYSTEMS. 261-269. 1997
- Transient analysis and optimization in pipelines - a numerical exploration. 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER PIPELINE SYSTEMS. 281-296. 1997
- Artesian landfill liner system: Numerical and cost optimization models for preliminary design. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR SITE REMEDIATION AND HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT. 520-527. 1995
- Calibration using inverse transient analysis. WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING, VOLS 1 AND 2. 1799-1803. 1995
- Comprehensive network analysis with time decoupled boundary conditions. WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING, VOLS 1 AND 2. 1849-1853. 1995
- Time discretization for fixed grid MOC in pipeline systems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM. 31-34. 1994
- Sustainable Engineering Practice: Aspects Of Environmental Engineering Education. Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium on Technology and Society - ISTAS `91. 302-310. 1991
- A Novel Variable Renewable Energy Integration Model for Evaluating Electricity System Policies
- A framework study to unravel the misting phenomena in Niagara Falls
- A non-oscillatory Preissmann slot method based numerical model for simulating transient mixed flow in sewer pipe systems
- Top Ten Reasons to Use 100 mm Diameter Pipes in North America. 55.
journal articles
- A novel modular system for pipe racks using friction-slip connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 226. 2025
- Automatic flow control of water distribution systems. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 62:520-530. 2024
- Recognize Risk Management Pitfalls. Journal of the American Water Works Association. 116:58-60. 2024
- A Comprehensive Numerical Overview of the Performance of Godunov Solutions Using Roe and Rusanov Schemes Applied to Dam-Break Flow. Water (Switzerland). 16:950-950. 2024
- Roles of Value in the Evaluation and Modeling of Decision Strategies for Pipe Maintenance in Water Distribution Networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 150. 2024
- Whole value at risk for flood damage estimates through spatial data analysis. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability. 4:015011-015011. 2024
- Exploring the Sensitivity of the Transient Response following Power Failure to Air Valve and Pipeline Characteristics. Water (Switzerland). 15:3476-3476. 2023
- How different regional approaches to the network design result in key differences in burst event severity and failure vulnerability. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 23:3552-3562. 2023
- Improved Air Valve Selection through Better Device Characterization and Modeling. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 149. 2023
- Mobile DMA testing for leakage assessment: perspectives from Ontario, Canada. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 23:1843-1858. 2023
- Contribution of Air Management to the Energy Efficiency of Water Pipelines. Sustainability. 15:3875-3875. 2023
- Energy dissipation in a rapid filling vertical pipe with trapped air. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 61:120-132. 2023
- Port-Hamiltonian based control of water distribution networks. Systems & control letters (Print). 170:105402-105402. 2022
- Flood Prediction with Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Equations: A Case Study of Tongo-Bassa Watershed in Cameroon. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 12:11622-11622. 2022
- The Crucial Importance of Air Valve Characterization to the Transient Response of Pipeline Systems. Water (Switzerland). 14:2590-2590. 2022
- Concerning Dynamic Effects in Pipe Systems with Two-Phase Flows: Pressure Surges, Cavitation, and Ventilation. Water (Switzerland). 14:2376-2376. 2022
- Influence of spiral flow on the hydraulic performance of a siphon outlet conduit in an axial flow pump system. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 60:515-526. 2022
- Numerical-based studies on hydraulic vibration of pipe flow in hydropower systems. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 60:557-567. 2022
- Analytical Implementation and Prediction of Hydraulic Characteristics for a Francis Turbine Runner Operated at BEP. Sustainability. 14:1965-1965. 2022
- Performance Similarity between Different-Sized Air Exchange Valves. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 147. 2021
- Unsteady friction in transient vertical-pipe flow with trapped air. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 59:820-834. 2021
- Developing the next generation of infrastructure engineers. Infrastructure Asset Management. 8:155-163. 2021
- Local scour around a bridge pier under ice-jammed flow condition – an experimental study. Vodohospodarsky Casopis/Journal of Hydrology & Hydromechanics. 69:275-287. 2021
- The concept of value in sustainable infrastructure systems: a literature review. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability. 1:022001-022001. 2021
- How Larger Lead Scale Particles are Likely to Move in Service Lines. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 147. 2021
- Godunov-Type Solutions for Transient Pipe Flow Implicitly Incorporating Brunone Unsteady Friction. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 147. 2021
- An Overview of the Numerical Approaches to Water Hammer Modelling: The Ongoing Quest for Practical and Accurate Numerical Approaches. Water (Switzerland). 13:1597-1597. 2021
- Transient-based leak detection in the frequency domain considering fluid–structure interaction and viscoelasticity. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 153:107500-107500. 2021
- Comprehensive adaptive modelling of 1-D unsteady pipe network hydraulics. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 59:263-279. 2021
- A 30‐year review of copper pitting corrosion and pinhole leaks: Achievements and research gaps. AWWA Water Science. 3. 2021
- Assessment of groundwater ingress to a partially pressurized water-conveyance tunnel using a conduit-flow process model: a case study in Iran. Hydrogeology Journal. 28:2573-2585. 2020
- Pipeline leak localization using matched-field processing incorporating prior information of modeling error. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 143:106849-106849. 2020
- Effects of Relaxed Minimum Pipe Diameters on Fire Flow, Cost, and Water Quality Indicators in Drinking Water Distribution Networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 146. 2020
- Expulsion of Entrapped Air in a Rapidly Filling Horizontal Pipe. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 146. 2020
- Experimental and numerical simulation of bidirectional propagation of an air cavity. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 58:638-652. 2020
- Effects of Demand, Mixing Fraction, and Rate Coefficient Uncertainty on Water Quality Models. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 146. 2020
- Discussion of “Skeletonizing Pipes in Series within Urban Water Distribution Systems Using a Transient-Based Method” by Yuan Huang, Feifei Zheng, Huan-Feng Duan, Tuqiao Zhang, Xinlei Guo, and Qingzhou Zhang. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 146. 2020
- Primitive Form Godunov-Type Scheme for Two-Phase Homogeneous Water Hammer Flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 146. 2020
- Energy-Based Evaluation of 1D Unsteady Friction Models for Classic Laminar Water Hammer with Comparison to CFD. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 146. 2020
- Pressure surge control strategies revised. AWWA Water Science. 2. 2020
- Reconstructing infrastructure for resilient essential services during and following protracted conflict: A conceptual framework. International Review of the Red Cross. 101:1001-1029. 2019
- Water Quality and Fire Protection Trade‐Offs in Water Distribution Networks. Journal of the American Water Works Association. 111:44-52. 2019
- Formation and movement of ice accumulation waves under ice cover –an experimental study. Vodohospodarsky Casopis/Journal of Hydrology & Hydromechanics. 67:171-178. 2019
- Predicting Health Risks from Intrusion into Drinking Water Pipes over Time. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 145. 2019
- Hydro storage reduces electricity costs and keep wind and solar unpolluted. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 240:082015-082015. 2019
- Individual-level evolutions manifest population-level scaling in complex supply networks. Physical Review E. 98. 2018
- Distortions From a Simplified Approach to Fatigue Analysis in PVC Pipes. Journal of the American Water Works Association. 110:E60-E69. 2018
- Numerical Simulation of a Check Valve Closure Induced by Pump Shutdown. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 144. 2018
- Influence of velocity head on filling transients in a branched pipeline. Engineering Computations. 35:2502-2513. 2018
- Does the stream power theory have a physical foundation?. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 56:585-595. 2018
- Dynamic Behavior of Entrapped Air Pocket in a Water Filling Pipeline. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 144. 2018
- Increased hydropower potential at Niagara: a scenario-based analysis. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 45:676-683. 2018
- Conceptual analogy for modelling entrapped air action in hydraulic systems By Sandra C. Martins, Helena M. Ramos, and António B. Almeida. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 56:576-578. 2018
- Generalized Flexible Method for Simulating Transient Pipe Network Hydraulics. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 144. 2018
- Organization and scaling in water supply networks. Physical Review E. 96:062317. 2017
- System design and operation for integrating variable renewable energy resources through a comprehensive characterization framework. Renewable Energy. 113:1019-1032. 2017
- The influence of non-uniform blockages on transient wave behavior and blockage detection in pressurized water pipelines. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research. 17:1-7. 2017
- A scenario based approach to designing electricity grids with high variable renewable energy penetrations in Ontario, Canada: Development and application of the SILVER model. Energy. 138:185-196. 2017
- Numerical investigation of rapid filling in bypass pipelines. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 55:647-656. 2017
- Three-dimensional transient simulation of a prototype pump-turbine during normal turbine shutdown. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 55:520-537. 2017
- An Open-Access Web-Based Tool to Access Global, Hourly Wind and Solar PV Generation Time-Series Derived from the MERRA Reanalysis Dataset. Energies. 10:1007-1007. 2017
- A practical overview of unsteady pipe flow modeling: from physics to numerical solutions. Urban Water Journal. 14:502-508. 2017
- Intrinsic relationship between energy consumption, pressure, and leakage in water distribution systems. Urban Water Journal. 14:515-521. 2017
- Transient performance of a dual disc check valve during the opening period. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 101:15-22. 2017
- Numerical modeling of the effects of roughness on flow and eddy formation in fractures. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 9:105-115. 2017
- Opportunities for increased hydropower diversion at Niagara: An sSWOT analysis. Renewable Energy. 101:757-770. 2017
- Water Column Separation and Cavity Collapse for Pipelines Protected with Air Vacuum Valves: Understanding the Essential Wave Processes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 143. 2017
- Influence of Potential Future Sea-Level Rise on Tides in the China Sea. Journal of Coastal Research. 331:105-117. 2017
- Reverzibilne hidroelektrane smanjuju troškove proizvodnje i obezbeđuju čistu energiju vetra i sunca. Termotehnika. 43:39-47. 2017
- Reviewing and critiquing published approaches to the sustainability assessment of hydropower. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 67:225-234. 2017
- UV Disinfection of Wastewater and Combined Sewer Overflows. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 996:267-275. 2017
- Encouraging Effective Air Management in Water Pipelines: A Critical Review. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 142. 2016
- Adaptive Hybrid Transient Formulation for Simulating Incompressible Pipe Network Hydraulics. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 142. 2016
- Closure to “Energy Metrics for Water Distribution System Assessment: Case Study of the Toronto Network” by Rebecca Dziedzic and Bryan W. Karney. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 142. 2016
- CFD Approach for Column Separation in Water Pipelines. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 142. 2016
- Exploring the multi-faceted role of pumped storage at Niagara. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 142. 2016
- Field Data–Based Methodology for Estimating the Expected Pipe Break Rates of Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 142. 2016
- Improved Rigid Water Column Formulation for Simulating Slow Transients and Controlled Operations. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 142. 2016
- Analyzing water customer service expectations: A case study of the City of Guelph. Utilities Policy. 41:67-76. 2016
- Pressure Standards in Water Distribution Systems: Reflection on Current Practice with Consideration of Some Unresolved Issues. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 142. 2016
- Surface breakup of a non-turbulent liquid jet injected into a high pressure gaseous crossflow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 80:100-117. 2016
- Influence of impeller-tongue interaction on the unsteady cavitation behavior in a centrifugal pump. Engineering Computations. 33:171-183. 2016
- Erratum for “Energy Metrics for Water Distribution System Assessment: Case Study of the Toronto Network” by Rebecca Dziedzic and Bryan W. Karney. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 142:08216001. 2016
- Spurious Numerical Oscillations in the Preissmann Slot Method: Origin and Suppression. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 142. 2016
- Water Hammer in a Horizontal Rectangular Conduit Containing Air-Water Two-Phase Slug Flow. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 142. 2016
- Physical Understanding of Sudden Pressurization of Pipe Systems with Entrapped Air: Energy Auditing Approach. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 142. 2016
- Cost Gradient–Based Assessment and Design Improvement Technique for Water Distribution Networks with Varying Loads. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 142. 2016
- Performance Index for Water Distribution Networks under Multiple Loading Conditions. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 142. 2016
- Water user survey on expectations of service in Guelph, ON, Canada. Water Practice and Technology. 10:767-770. 2015
- Micro hydroelectric energy recovery in municipal water systems: A case study for Vancouver. Urban Water Journal. 12:678-690. 2015
- A selected literature review of efficiency improvements in hydraulic turbines. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 51:18-28. 2015
- Energy Metrics for Water Distribution System Assessment: Case Study of the Toronto Network. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 141. 2015
- The Challenge of Air Valves: A Selective Critical Literature Review. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 141. 2015
- FSI research in pipeline systems – A review of the literature. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 57:277-297. 2015
- Discussion of “Mixed Flows with Depressurizing Wavefront in Circular Pipe” by Samba Bousso, Mathurin Daynou, and Musandji Fuamba. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE. 141. 2015
- Building an Integrated Water–Land Use Database for Defining Benchmarks, Conservation Targets, and User Clusters. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 141. 2015
- Virtual testing for modal and damping ratio identification of submerged structures using the PolyMAX algorithm with two-way fluid–structure Interactions. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 54:548-565. 2015
- Application of Thermodynamic Method in Pump Efficiency Measurement, and Comparison with Conventional Method. Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 51:189-196. 2015
- Comparing Unsteady Modeling Approaches of Surges Caused by Sudden Air Pocket Compression. Journal of Water Management Modeling. 2015
- Numerical modelling of flow and transport in rough fractures. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 6:535-545. 2014
- Profile-Induced Column Separation and Rejoining during Rapid Pipeline Filling. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 140. 2014
- Pump energy efficiency field testing and benchmarking in Canada. Aqua Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society. 63:570-577. 2014
- Leak Size, Detectability and Test Conditions in Pressurized Pipe Systems. Water Resources Management. 28:4583-4598. 2014
- Column separation and rejoinder during rapid pipeline filling induced by a partial flow blockage. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 52:693-704. 2014
- Analytical and experimental investigation of chlorine decay in water supply systems under unsteady hydraulic conditions. Journal of Hydroinformatics. 16:690-709. 2014
- Long-term scenario alternatives and their implications: LEAP model application of Panama׳s electricity sector. Energy Policy. 68:146-157. 2014
- Discussion of “Pressure Surges Following Sudden Air Pocket Entrapment in Storm-Water Tunnels” by Jose G. Vasconcelos and Gabriel M. Leite. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 140. 2014
- Sustainable power and scenic beauty: The Niagara River Water Diversion Treaty and its relevance today. Energy Policy. 66:526-536. 2014
- Energy Metrics for Water Distribution System Assessment. Journal of Water Management Modeling. 2014
- Mixed Flows with Depressurizing Wavefront in Circular Pipe. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE. 140:04013007. 2014
- Frequency domain analysis of pipe fluid transient behaviour. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 51:609-622. 2013
- Phenomenon of White Mist in Pipelines Rapidly Filling with Water with Entrapped Air Pockets. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 139:1041-1051. 2013
- Investigation of Hydraulic Transients of Two Entrapped Air Pockets in a Water Pipeline. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 139:949-959. 2013
- Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Branched Pipeline Systems with Analytical Assessment of Fire Flow Failure Probability. Water Resources Management. 27:3663-3678. 2013
- Contaminant Intrusion in Water Distribution Systems: A Lagrangian-Eulerian Transient Water Quality Model. Journal of the American Water Works Association. 105:E278-E290. 2013
- The expanding scope of air pollution monitoring can facilitate sustainable development. Science of the Total Environment. 448:189-196. 2013
- Closure to “Influence of Entrapped Air Pockets on Hydraulic Transients in Water Pipelines” by Ling Zhou, Deyou Liu, Bryan Karney, and Qinfen Zhang. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 139:107-108. 2013
- Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Urban Water Resources Utilization Based on Dynamic Reduct. Water Resources Management. 26:2733-2745. 2012
- How severe can transients be after a sudden depressurization?. Journal of the American Water Works Association. 104:67-68. 2012
- Analytical study on possible self-excited oscillation in S-shaped regions of pump-turbines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 225:1132-1142. 2011
- Influence of Entrapped Air Pockets on Hydraulic Transients in Water Pipelines. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 137:1686-1692. 2011
- Rigid-plug elastic-water model for transient pipe flow with entrapped air pocket. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 49:799-803. 2011
- Nonreflective Boundary Design via Remote Sensing and Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control Valve. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 137:1477-1489. 2011
- Stochastic Analysis of Water Hammer and Applications in Reliability-Based Structural Design for Hydro Turbine Penstocks. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 137:1509-1521. 2011
- Rapid Filling Analysis of Pipelines with Undulating Profiles by the Method of Characteristics. ISRN Dentistry. 2011:1-16. 2011
- Transient Modeling of a Full-Scale Distribution System: Comparison with Field Data. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 137:173-182. 2011
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- Negative pressures in full-scale distribution system: field investigation, modelling, estimation of intrusion volumes and risk for public health 2010
- Forecast of water level and ice jam thickness using the back propagation neural network and support vector machine methods. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 7:215-224. 2010
- Life-Cycle Perspective on Residential Water Conservation Strategies. Journal of Infrastructure Systems. 16:40-49. 2010
- Negative pressures in full-scale distribution system: field investigation, modelling, estimation of intrusion volumes and risk for public health. Drinking Water Engineering and Science. 3:101-106. 2010
- A selective literature review of transient-based leak detection methods. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research. 2:212-227. 2009
- Leaks and Water Use Representation in Water Distribution System Models: Finding a Working Equivalence. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 135:234-239. 2009
- Systematic Surge Protection for Worst-Case Transient Loadings in Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 135:218-223. 2009
- Modeling to evaluate response of the Great Lake's water resources system against climate change scenarios. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 6:292038-292038. 2009
- Pressure‐relief valve selection and transient pressure control. Journal of the American Water Works Association. 100:62-69. 2008
- A transient 2-D water quality model for pipeline systems. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 46:516-525. 2008
- Systematic exploration of pipeline network calibration using transients. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 46:129-137. 2008
- An Extended 1-D Transient Corrosion Model Including Multi-Component Chemical Species. Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006. 1-17. 2008
- Red Water and Discoloration in a WDS; A Numerical Simulation. Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006. 1-16. 2008
- Flow and high sediment yield from the Huangfuchuan watershed. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 5:149-160. 2008
- Optimal design and operation of irrigation pumping stations using mathematical programming and Genetic Algorithm (GA). Journal of Hydraulic Research. 46:237-246. 2008
- Incipient Motion of Non-Cohesive Sediment Under Ice Cover -An Experimental Study* * Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.10372028).. Shuidonglixue Yanjiu yu Jinzhan / Journal of Hydrodynamics Ser. A. 20:117-124. 2008
- Systematic exploration of pipeline network calibration using transients. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 46:129-137. 2008
- Effects of river ice on stage-discharge relationships - A case study of the Yellow River. International Journal of Sediment Research. 22:263-272. 2007
- Life-Cycle Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory for Water Treatment Systems. Journal of Infrastructure Systems. 13:261-270. 2007
- Life-Cycle Inventory of Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Two Hydropower Projects in China. Journal of Infrastructure Systems. 13:271-279. 2007
- A 2-D transient multicomponent simulation model: Application to pipe wall corrosion. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research. 1:56-69. 2007
- Closure “Two-Dimensional Simulation Model of Sediment Removal and Flow in Rectangular Sedimentation Basin” by Gh. Naser, B. W. Karney, and A. A. Salehi. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 133:945-946. 2007
- In-line check valves for water hammer control. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 45:547-554. 2007
- Reservoir operation in assigning optimal multi-crop irrigation areas. Agricultural Water Management. 90:149-159. 2007
- Stochastic Design of Water Distribution Systems with Expected Annual Damages. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 133:244-252. 2007
- Cross Correlation of Demands in Water Distribution Network Design. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 133:137-144. 2007
- The need for comprehensive transient analysis of distribution systems. Journal of the American Water Works Association. 99:112-123. 2007
- An experimental study into local scour in a channel caused by a 90° bend. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 33:902-911. 2006
- Benchmark Tests of Evolutionary Algorithms: Mathematic Evaluation and Application to Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Environmental Informatics. 7:24-35. 2006
- Hydraulic Optimization of Transient Protection Devices Using GA and PSO Approaches. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 132:44-52. 2006
- Two-Dimensional Simulation Model of Sediment Removal and Flow in Rectangular Sedimentation Basin. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 131:1740-1749. 2005
- Numerical methods for modeling transient flow in distribution systems. Journal of the American Water Works Association. 97:104-115. 2005
- Linking Health Concepts in the Assessment and Evaluation of Water Distribution Systems. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. 25:247-253. 2005
- Hydraulic Transient Guidelines for Protecting Water Distribution Systems. Journal of the American Water Works Association. 97:111-124. 2005
- Impacts of Leaks on Energy Consumption in Pumped Systems with Storage. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 131:146-155. 2005
- Variation in water level under ice-jammed condition – field investigation and experimental study. Nordic Hydrology. 36:65-84. 2005
- ICE JAMS IN A SMALL RIVER AND THE HEC-RAS MODELING. Shuidonglixue Yanjiu yu Jinzhan / Journal of Hydrodynamics Ser. A. 17:127-133. 2005
- Life-Cycle Energy Analysis of a Water Distribution System. Journal of Infrastructure Systems. 10:120-130. 2004
- Fluid transients and pipeline optimization using GA and PSO: the diameter connection. Urban Water Journal. 1:167-176. 2004
- Modelling the advection equation under water hammer conditions. Urban Water Journal. 1:97-112. 2004
- On the fundamental equations of water hammer. Urban Water Journal. 1:71-83. 2004
- Urban Water Journal: Special Issue on Transients. Urban Water Journal. 1:69-70. 2004
- Closure to “Energy and Costs of Leaky Pipes: Toward Comprehensive Picture” by Andrew F. Colombo and Bryan W. Karney. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 130:181-183. 2004
- Sources of error in network modeling: a question of perspective. Journal of the American Water Works Association. 95:119-130. 2003
- Development of Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes in Engineering Students. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. 22:460-473. 2002
- Energy and Costs of Leaky Pipes: Toward Comprehensive Picture. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 128:441-450. 2002
- Field Investigation of Frazil Jam Evolution: A Case Study. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 128:781-787. 2002
- Extended-Period Analysis with a Transient Model. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 128:616-624. 2002
- Closure to “Velocity Profiles and Unsteady Pipe Friction in Transient Flow,” by Bruno Brunone, Bryan W. Karney, Michele Mecarelli, and Marco Ferrante July/August 2000, Vol. 126, No. 4, pp. 236–244. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 128:86-86. 2002
- Field Investigation of Frazil Jam Evolution: A Case Study. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 128:781-787. 2002
- Environmental Education Research: Implications for Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education. 90:267-275. 2001
- Modeling Cyanogen Chloride Kinetics in Distribution Systems: A Semi-BatchC tProtocol for Natural Waters. Ozone: Science and Engineering. 23:15-33. 2001
- Suspended sediment concentration and deformation of riverbed in a frazil jammed reach. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 27:1120-1129. 2000
- Fishing for a New Way to Teach Environmentally Sensitive Engineering Practice. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. 20:383-392. 2000
- Velocity Profiles and Unsteady Pipe Friction in Transient Flow. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 126:236-244. 2000
- Forum Article. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 126:230-231. 2000
- Valve Closure in Graph-Theoretical Models for Slow Transient Network Analysis. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 126:304-309. 2000
- Forum Article. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 125:1114-1117. 1999
- Climate Variability and the Frequency of Extreme Temperature Events for Nine Sites across Canada: Implications for Power Usage. Journal of Climate. 12:2490-2502. 1999
- Efficient Inverse Transient Analysis in Series Pipe Systems. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 125:761-764. 1999
- Modeling Surface and Subsurface Runoff in a Forested Watershed. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCE. 4:165-173. 1999
- Climate variability and the frequency of extreme temperature events for nine sites across Canada: Implications for power usage. Journal of Climate. 12:2490-2502. 1999
- Artesian Landfill Liner System: Optimization and Numerical Analysis. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 124:345-356. 1998
- Guest Editorial. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 124:561-562. 1998
- Reviewing the review process. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 124:561-562. 1998
- Energy Estimates for Discretization Errors in Water Hammer Problems. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 124:384-393. 1998
- Transient Analysis with Time-Decoupled Pumping Station. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 124:301-306. 1998
- Discussions and Closure: Filling of Pipelines with Undulating Elevation Profiles. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 123:1170-1174. 1997
- Flexible Discretization Algorithm for Fixed-Grid MOC in Pipelines. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 123:1004-1011. 1997
- Efficient Valve Representation in Fixed-Grid Characteristics Method. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 123:709-718. 1997
- Discussion and Closure: Transients in Distribution Networks: Field Tests and Demand Models. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 123:473-474. 1997
- Closure to “Transients in Distribution Networks: Field Tests and Demand Models” by Duncan McInnis and Bryan W. Karney. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 123:473-473. 1997
- Modeling Low Velocity/High Dispersion Flow in Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE. 122:218-221. 1996
- Modified Transformation and Integration of 1D Wave Equations. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 121:758-760. 1995
- Transients in Distribution Networks: Field Tests and Demand Models. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 121:218-231. 1995
- Equivalent Differential Equations in Fixed‐Grid Characteristics Method. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 120:1159-1175. 1994
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- Efficient Calculation of Transient Flow in Simple Pipe Networks. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 118:1014-1030. 1992
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- A Decision-Making Framework for Engineering Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA).
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- Can you change your lifestyle to spend less and save more?. Skulematters. 26-26.
- Comparing Expectations to Experience in Online Teaching. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA).
- Eigenvalue approach for unsteady friction water hammer model. Water Engineering Research. 5:177-183.
- Energizing water supply systems. Part I: Improving Conventional Approaches. Canadian Water Treatment. 8:14-16.
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- Managing urban water utilization: A delicate balance. Journal of Policy Engagement. 2:10-14.
- Math, policy and responsible action. Engineering Dimensions. 32:46-49.
- Navigating the sometimes contested waters among policy, engineering and sustainability. Engineering Dimensions. 34:34-36.
- Re-envisioning Our Water Supply System. Public Sector Digest. 43-45.
- Reflections at the Water Hole. Water Canada Magazine. 42-42.
- Stream Water Temperature and Climate Change-An Ecological Perspective
- The Water-Energy Nexus. Skulematters. 32-32.
- The human hydrologic cycle: Sustainable water systems for urban areas. Canadian Water Treatment. 7:6-8.
- Transient analysis to assess valve status and topology in pipe networks. 9th International Conference on Pressure Surges.
- VASCULAR RESONANCE A MURDERER. This article: Vascular resonance A Murderer was submitted to the journal; reviewed only by one reviewer and not considered for publication. Despiite numerous reminders, only one referee has responded and recommended against publication..
- Why Engineers Need Public Policy Training and Practice. Journal of Policy Engagement. 1:9-12.