selected scholarly activity
- Force Measurement. 63-78. 2023
- The Development of New Aluminum Alloys for the Laser-Powder Bed Fusion Process. Minerals, Metals and Materials Series. 1273-1283. 2023
- Effect of Microstructure and Internal Defects on the Mechanical Properties of Ti6Al4V Gyroid Lattice Structures for Biomedical Implants. ASTM Special Technical Publication. 271-288. 2020
- Residual Stress Formation in Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) of Invar 36. ASTM Special Technical Publication. 34-44. 2020
- Insights on Laser Additive Manufacturing of Invar 36. 71-93. 2020
- Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing of Lightweight Metal Matrix Composites. 55-109. 2019
- Process-Structure-Property Relationships in Additively Manufactured Metal Matrix Composites. 111-177. 2019
- Sensors. 20-1-20-152. 2018
- Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook. 41-1-41-17. 2017
- Mechatronic Systems, Sensors, and Actuators. 34-48. 2017
- Force Measurement 2014
- Tool Condition Monitoring in Machining. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. 55-82. 2006
- IV.2 Intelligent Machining Systems - Challenges and Opportutinties. 437-445. 2000
- On the Mechanics and Properties of Chip Formation During Machining of Hardened Steel. 253-258. 1997
- Vibration Monitoring of Tool Failure in Drilling. 249-254. 1995
- El-Wardany, T. I., and Elbestawi, M. A., 2001, “Effect of material models on the accuracy of high speed machining simulation”, Scientific Fundamentals of HSC, Herbert Schulz, Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich 2001
- Opportunities and Challenges in Integrating Additive Manufacturing in the SEPT Learning Factory. Procedia Manufacturing. 108-113. 2020
- Real Time Monitoring in L-PBF Using a Machine Learning Approach. Procedia Manufacturing. 725-731. 2020
- Using the SEPT Learning Factory for the Implementation of Industry 4.0: case of SMEs. Procedia Manufacturing. 102-107. 2020
- IoT, IIoT and Cyber-Physical Systems Integration in the SEPT Learning Factory. Procedia Manufacturing. 116-122. 2019
- SEPT Approaches for Education and Training using a Learning Factory. Procedia Manufacturing. 109-115. 2019
- SEPT Learning Factory Framework. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 354-362. 2019
- Framework for the Development of a Cyber-Physical Systems Learning Centre. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 919-930. 2018
- SEPT Learning Factory for Industry 4.0 Education and Applied Research. Procedia Manufacturing. 249-254. 2018
- A simple method for the estimation of laser absorptivity using heat-sensitive paints. Measurement Science and Technology. 117002-117002. 2009
- A Fracture Mechanics Approach to the Prediction of Tool Wear in Dry High Speed Machining of Aluminum Cast Alloys—Part 2: Model Calibration and Verification. Journal of tribology. 31-39. 2007
- A Fracture Mechanics Approach to the Prediction of Tool Wear in Dry High-Speed Machining of Aluminum Cast Alloys—Part 1: Model Development. Journal of tribology. 23-30. 2007
- Effects of Edge Preparation and Feed when Hard Turning a Hot Work Die Steel with Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride Tools. CIRP annals. 89-92. 2006
- The Effect of Microstructure on Chip Formation and Surface Defects in Microscale, Mesoscale, and Macroscale Cutting of Steel. CIRP annals. 97-102. 2006
- Tool Condition Monitoring in Machining - Neural Networks. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 5-16. 2006
- A Fracture Mechanics Approach to the Prediction of Tool Wear in Dry High Speed Machining of Aluminum Cast Alloys: Part 1 — Model Development. Tribology. 165-172. 2005
- A Fracture Mechanics Approach to the Prediction of Tool Wear in Dry High Speed Machining of Aluminum Cast Alloys: Part 2 — Model Calibration and Verification. Tribology. 173-179. 2005
- Evaluation of Tool Wear Suppressive Ability of Lubricants Usein in Minimum Quantity Lubrication Application in High Speed Machining of Cast Aluminum Alloys. Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Handling, Parts A and B. 23-29. 2005
- Experimental Investigation of Workpiece/Fixture Contact and Its Implementation in Numerical Simulation of Machining Processes. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1396-1401. 2004
- Ultra high speed machining of aluminum alloys: Machinability aspects and attainable accuracy. Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institute of SME. 129-136. 2003
- Physics-based simulation of high speed machining. Machining Science and Technology. 301-329. 2002
- 3D Finite Element Analysis for the High Speed Machining of Hardened Steel. Manufacturing. 201-209. 2002
- Development of a Novel Modular and Agile Face Machining Technology. CIRP annals. 307-310. 2002
- Internet-based manufacturing process optimization and monitoring system. Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 1113-1118. 2002
- Internet-based manufacturing process optimization and monitoring system. Proceedings 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No.02CH37292). 1113-1118. 2002
- Minimum Time Trajectory Planning Along Specified Tool Path With Consideration of Cutting Force Constraint and Feed Drive Dynamics. Manufacturing. 159-169. 2002
- Predicting the variations in process dynamics during sculptured surface machining. TRANSACTIONS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN MANUFACTURING RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF SME, VOL XXX, 2002. 369-376. 2002
- Predicting the variations in process dynamics during sculptured surface machining. Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers. MF. 1-8. 2002
- Robust motion control for linear motor drives. METAL CUTTING AND HIGH SPEED MACHINING. 475-486. 2002
- Tool Performance in High Speed Finish Milling of Ti6Al4V. Manufacturing. 211-219. 2002
- Tool performance in high speed finish milling of Ti6AI4V. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 211-219. 2002
- Tribological Aspects of Workpiece/Fixture Contact in Machining Processes. Manufacturing. 259-267. 2002
- Milling of titanium alloy using directed through spindle coolant. TRANSACTIONS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN MANUFACTURING RESEARCH INSTITUTION OF SME, VOL XXIX, 2001. 167-174. 2001
- Aluminum Tailored Blank Welding Using Laser Beam Shaping and Twin-Spot Optics. Manufacturing Engineering. 1009-1016. 2000
- Laser-Assisted Surface Engineering of Silicon Nitride to Minimize the Surface Defects Generated During Grinding Operation: Part I. Manufacturing Engineering. 997-1007. 2000
- Ultra-Violet Excimer Laser Micro-Patterning of Polymers. Manufacturing Engineering. 979-987. 2000
- Integrated solid modeller based solutions for machining. Computer-Aided Design. 553-568. 2000
- Integrated solid modeler based solutions for machining. Proceedings of the fifth ACM symposium on Solid modeling and applications. 296-305. 1999
- DEVELOPMENT OF THE TIARA HEXAPOD - A MACHINE TOOL BASED ON PARALLEL KINEMATIC STRUCTURES. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 869-878. 1999
- Detection, Modelling, and Compensation of Geometric Errors in Coordinate Measuring Machines. Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 597-603. 1998
- Critical assessment of carbide and PCBN tool performance in high speed milling of dies and molds. Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers. MF. 183-188. 1998
- On the modelling of system flexibilities in milling operation. IMechE Event Publications. 103-115. 1998
- On line inspection and control of workpiece dimension using ultrasonic sensors. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 643-650. 1997
- Closing the Gap Between CAD/CAM and Machining Process Simulation: A Generic Solution. Manufacturing Science and Engineering: Volume 2. 127-134. 1997
- Influence of the Clamping Mechanism on Tool Failure During Dry High Speed Machining. Manufacturing Science and Engineering: Volume 2. 285-296. 1997
- On Line Inspection and Control of Workpiece Dimension Using Ultrasonic Sensors. Dynamic Systems and Control. 643-650. 1997
- PC Based Open Architecture Machine Tool Control. Manufacturing Science and Engineering: Volume 1. 39-48. 1997
- High-Speed Milling of Dies and Molds in Their Hardened State. CIRP annals. 57-62. 1997
- Tool-workpiece interaction during milling of flexible parts. MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS: MONITORING AND SIMULATION TECHNIQUES. 339-350. 1997
- Integrated modeling for metal removal operations. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 191-198. 1996
- Investigation of die polishing strategies using five-axis machining centre. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 243-250. 1996
- Integrated Modeling for Metal Removal Operations. Dynamic Systems and Control. 191-198. 1996
- Investigation of Die Polishing Strategies Using Five-Axis Machining Centre. Dynamic Systems and Control. 243-250. 1996
- Knowledge updating for automated tool condition monitoring in machining. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 1063-1071. 1995
- Open-architecture controller for die and mold machining. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 194-199. 1995
- Development of an ultrasonic sensor for in-process measurement of workpiece diameter in bar tuning. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Production Engineering Division (Publication) PED. 193-202. 1994
- Intelligent, open architecture control for machining systems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Production Engineering Division (Publication) PED. 851-861. 1994
- Modeling and compensation for five-axis machine tool errors. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Production Engineering Division (Publication) PED. 827-839. 1994
- Tool condition monitoring in machining by fuzzy neural networks. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 1019-1034. 1994
- Material side flow in finish turning of hardened steel with ceramic tools. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Production Engineering Division (Publication) PED. 159-170. 1993
- Fuzzy logic approach for multi-sensor process monitoring in machining. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Production Engineering Division (Publication) PED. 1-16. 1992
- On the design of knowledge based control systems in manufacturing. Flexible Automation 1992. 1441-1450. 1992
- Surface finish in turning of hardened steel. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Production Engineering Division (Publication) PED. 141-159. 1992
- Sensing and control for automated robotic edge deburring. Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, Instrumentation, and Automation. 927-933. 1992
- Simulation of adaptive controller for flexible joint manipulators during constrained motion task execution. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 513-516. 1992
- Simulation of robust dynamic controller for redundant manipulators. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 521-524. 1992
- Modelling machining dynamics including damping in the tool-workpiece interface. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Production Engineering Division (Publication) PED. 253-263. 1991
- Modelling of the Puma Robot for Control of Grinding Applications. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 711-716. 1991
- Adaptive tracking in pure-feedback nonlinear systems. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2470-2475. 1991
- Robotic grinding force regulation: design, implementation and benefits. Proceedings., IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 258-265. 1990
- Force Control for Robotic Rigid Disk Grinding. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1804-1810. 1990
- State-space self-tuning control with application to end milling. IFAC Proceedings Series. 937-943. 1989
- Knowledge-Based Approach to Adaptive Computer Control in Manufacturing Systems. 1989 American Control Conference. 366-372. 1989
- On adaptive force/motion control of constrained robots. 15th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 433-438. 1989
- Application of some parameter adaptive control algorithms in machining. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC. 63-70. 1988
- Development of machine tool condition monitoring system using pattern recognition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Production Engineering Division (Publication) PED. 89-98. 1988
- Intelligent control for computer integrated manufacturing. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2314-2321. 1988
- Implementation of Self-Tuning Control to Surface Accuracy Control in End Milling. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1172-1177. 1988
- Stochastic Self-Tuning Control of Cutting Forces in a CNC Machine Tool. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1178-1183. 1988
- CONDITION MONITORING SYSTEM FOR ROTATING EQUIPMENT IN A CANDU POWER PLANT.. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 49-57. 1985
- TRANSPORTATION OF IRRADIATED FUEL BY TRACTOR-TRAILER: A SIMULATION OF THE VIBRATION ENVIRONMENT.. Computers in Engineering, Proceedings of the International Computers in Engineering Conference and. 682-687. 1984
- DYNAMICS OF RAILCAR END IMPACTS.. CANCAM Proceedings - Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics. 481-482. 1981
- Additive Manufacturing of Composite Materials: An Overview
- On The Use of Multiple Linear Models for the Control of Nonlinear Piezoelectric Actuators
- Selective laser melting of graphene-reinforced aluminum matrix composites for electrical batteries
journal articles
- Influence of the graphene incorporation on nanostructure and thermal properties of the laser powder bed fusion processed AlSi12 matrix composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 1010. 2025
- Development of a novel TiAl-Ti6Al4V alloy via laser powder bed fusion. Manufacturing Letters. 42:1-4. 2024
- In-situ laser removal of Cu2O and CuO during laser powder bed fusion of copper parts. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 135:1955-1983. 2024
- Accelerating Laser Powder Bed Fusion: The Influence of Roller-Spreading Speed on Powder Spreading Performance. Metals. 14. 2024
- Osteogenic Properties of Titanium Alloy Ti6Al4V-Hydroxyapatite Composites Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 33:9664-9675. 2024
- Laser powder bed fusion of bio-inspired metamaterials for energy absorption applications: A review. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 31:2126-2155. 2024
- Optimizing magnetic performance of Fe–50Ni alloy for electric motor cores through LPBF: A study of as-built and heat-treated scenarios. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 29:2554-2571. 2024
- Negative Thermal Expansion Metamaterials: A Review of Design, Fabrication, and Applications. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 8:40-40. 2024
- Laser powder bed fusion of WC-Co form turning tools with integrated cooling features: Design, printing, and test machining of Ti6Al4V. CIRP annals. 73:65-68. 2024
- Osseointegration of functionally graded Ti6Al4V porous implants: Histology of the pore network. Biomaterials Advances. 155:213697-213697. 2023
- Laser powder bed fusion of differently designed NiTi stent structures having enhanced recoverability and superelasticity. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 954:170196-170196. 2023
- Characterizing Mineral Ellipsoids in New Bone Formation at the Interface of Ti6Al4V Porous Implants. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 10. 2023
- Characterizing Mineral Ellipsoids in New Bone Formation at the Interface of Ti6Al4V Porous Implants (Adv. Mater. Interfaces 24/2023). Advanced Materials Interfaces. 10. 2023
- On the preparation and characterization of AlSi12-graphene powder for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing applications. Powder Technology. 426:118689-118689. 2023
- Influence of Combined Heat Treatment and Hot Isostatic Pressure (HT-HIP) on Titanium Aluminide Processed by L-PBF. Materials. 16:5071-5071. 2023
- On the Fabrication of High-Performance Additively Manufactured Copper Winding Using Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Materials. 16:4694-4694. 2023
- Enhancement of heat exchanger performance using additive manufacturing of gyroid lattice structures. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 126:4021-4036. 2023
- Processing of hydroxyapatite (HA)–Ti–6Al–4V composite powders via laser powder bed fusion (LPBF): effect of HA particle size and content on the microstructure and mechanical properties. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 24:8766-8781. 2023
- The role of texture and restoration mechanisms in defining the tension-compression asymmetry behavior of aged NiTi alloys fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 864:144592-144592. 2023
- Characterizing Mineral Ellipsoids in New Bone Formation at the Interface of Ti6Al4V Porous Implants 2023
- Influence of scanning strategies on L-PBF processing of titanium aluminides. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 86:187-207. 2023
- Machining characteristics of additively manufactured titanium, cutting mechanics and chip morphology. CIRP annals. 72:49-52. 2023
- Laser powder bed fusion of hydroxyapatite functionalized Ti-6Al-4V bi-material with potential biomedical applications. Materials Letters. 326:132973-132973. 2022
- Laser powder bed fusion of titanium aluminides using sequential thermal scanning strategy. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 83:438-457. 2022
- Unraveling the low thermal conductivity of the LPBF fabricated pure Al, AlSi12, and AlSi10Mg alloys through substrate preheating. Additive Manufacturing. 59:103148-103148. 2022
- Resistance spot welding of NiTi shape memory alloy sheets: Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 81:467-475. 2022
- Minimizing the surface roughness in L-PBF additive manufacturing process using a combined feedforward plus feedback control system. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 121:7811-7831. 2022
- Improvement of fatigue performance of laser powder bed fusion fabricated IN625 and IN718 superalloys via shot peening. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 304:117571-117571. 2022
- A novel post-processing approach towards improving hole accuracy and surface integrity in laser powder bed fusion of IN625. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 119:6225-6234. 2022
- Titanium aluminides processing by additive manufacturing – a review. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 119:5583-5614. 2022
- Microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of nano-scale/sub-micron TiB-reinforced titanium matrix composites fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 896:163054-163054. 2022
- Porosity formation mitigation in laser powder bed fusion process using a control approach. Optics and Laser Technology. 147:107611-107611. 2022
- Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Unalloyed Tungsten: A Review of Process, Structure, and Properties Relationships. Metals. 12:274-274. 2022
- Multi-Scale Modeling of Residual Stresses Evolution in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Inconel 625. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 6:2-2. 2022
- Unique opportunities for microstructure engineering via trace B4C addition to Ti-6Al-4V through laser powder bed fusion process: As-built and heat-treated scenarios. Additive Manufacturing. 50:102557-102557. 2022
- An analytical model for the optimized design of micro-textured cutting tools. CIRP annals. 71:49-52. 2022
- Applications of Machine Learning in Process Monitoring and Controls of L-PBF Additive Manufacturing: A Review. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 11:11910-11910. 2021
- New insights on the laser powder bed fusion processing of a NiTi alloy and the role of dynamic restoration mechanisms. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 885:160971-160971. 2021
- On the application of machine learning for defect detection in L-PBF additive manufacturing. Optics and Laser Technology. 143:107338-107338. 2021
- Distortion and printability of stent structures in laser powder bed fusion processing of NiTi alloys. Materials Letters. 300:130163-130163. 2021
- Influence of alloying elements on laser powder bed fusion processability of aluminum: A new insight into the oxidation tendency. Additive Manufacturing. 46:102145-102145. 2021
- TiB reinforced Ti-6Al-4V matrix composites with improved short-term creep performance fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 70:593-607. 2021
- Laser powder bed fusion processability of Ti-6Al-4V powder decorated by B4C particles. Materials Letters. 296:129923-129923. 2021
- Part deflection and residual stresses in laser powder bed fusion of H13 tool steel. Materials and Design. 204:109659-109659. 2021
- The Effect of MQL on Tool Wear Progression in Low-Frequency Vibration-Assisted Drilling of CFRP/Ti6Al4V Stack Material. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 5:50-50. 2021
- Process–Structure–Property Relationships of Copper Parts Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Materials. 14:2945-2945. 2021
- In-situ monitoring and detection of spatter agglomeration and delamination during laser-based powder bed fusion of Invar 36. Optics and Laser Technology. 136:106741-106741. 2021
- Laser powder bed fusion of functionally graded bi-materials: Role of VC on functionalizing AISI H13 tool steel. Materials and Design. 201:109503-109503. 2021
- The influence of selective laser melting defects on the fatigue properties of Ti6Al4V porosity graded gyroids for bone implants. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 193:106180-106180. 2021
- On-line melt pool temperature control in L-PBF additive manufacturing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 112:2789-2804. 2021
- Additive texturing of metallic surfaces for wetting control. Additive Manufacturing. 37:101631-101631. 2021
- Current and Potential Applications of Additive Manufacturing for Power Electronics. IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics. 2:33-42. 2021
- Role of powder particle size on laser powder bed fusion processability of AlSi10mg alloy. Additive Manufacturing. 37:101630-101630. 2021
- Medical Additive Manufacturing: From a Frontier Technology to the Research and Development of Products. Engineering. 6:1217-1221. 2020
- Machinability of SLM-produced Ti6Al4V titanium alloy parts. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 57:768-786. 2020
- On selective laser melting of Inconel 718: Densification, surface roughness, and residual stresses. Materials and Design. 193:108818-108818. 2020
- Selective Laser Melting of Aluminum and Titanium Matrix Composites: Recent Progress and Potential Applications in the Aerospace Industry. Aerospace. 7:77-77. 2020
- A study of the relationship between thermal expansion and residual stresses in selective laser melting of Ti-6Al-4V. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 52:181-192. 2020
- Influence of thermal properties on residual stresses in SLM of aerospace alloys. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 26:213-222. 2020
- Effect of process parameters on chip formation during vibration-assisted drilling of Ti6Al4V. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 106:1105-1119. 2020
- Selective laser melting of hybrid ex-situ/in-situ reinforced titanium matrix composites: Laser/powder interaction, reinforcement formation mechanism, and non-equilibrium microstructural evolutions. Materials and Design. 184:108185-108185. 2019
- Characterization of Composite Powder Feedstock from Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Perspective. Materials. 12:3673-3673. 2019
- Elimination of delamination and burr formation using high-frequency vibration-assisted drilling of hybrid CFRP/Ti6Al4V stacked material. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 105:859-873. 2019
- An experimental investigation of surface integrity in selective laser melting of Inconel 625. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 104:3511-3529. 2019
- An Investigation into Tool Wear and Hole Quality during Low-Frequency Vibration-Assisted Drilling of CFRP/Ti6Al4V Stack. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 3:63-63. 2019
- Process–Structure–Property Relationships in Selective Laser Melting of Porosity Graded Gyroids. Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME. 13. 2019
- Process-Structure-Property Relationships of AISI H13 Tool Steel Processed with Selective Laser Melting. Materials. 12:2284-2284. 2019
- Surface and microstructure characterization of low-frequency vibration-assisted drilling of Ti6Al4V. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 103:1443-1457. 2019
- Density and mechanical properties in selective laser melting of Invar 36 and stainless steel 316L. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 266:397-420. 2019
- Chip Morphology and Delamination Characterization for Vibration-Assisted Drilling of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 3:23-23. 2019
- Selective laser melting of porosity graded lattice structures for bone implants. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 100:2915-2927. 2019
- Friction stir processing of AlSi10Mg parts produced by selective laser melting. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 263:308-320. 2019
- The Effect of Selective Laser Melting Process Parameters on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al6061 and AlSi10Mg Alloys. Materials. 12:12-12. 2018
- On the Effect of Selective Laser Melting Process Parameters on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al Alloys 2018
- A study of thermal expansion coefficients and microstructure during selective laser melting of Invar 36 and stainless steel 316L. Additive Manufacturing. 24:405-418. 2018
- Effect of Selective Laser Melting Process Parameters on the Quality of Al Alloy Parts: Powder Characterization, Density, Surface Roughness, and Dimensional Accuracy. Materials. 11:2343-2343. 2018
- Effect of SLM Process Parameters on the Quality of Al Alloy Parts; Part I: Powder Characterization, Density, Surface Roughness, and Dimensional Accuracy 2018
- Effect of SLM Process Parameters on the Quality of Al Alloy Parts; Part II: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties 2018
- Low-frequency vibration-assisted drilling of hybrid CFRP/Ti6Al4V stacked material. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 98:2801-2817. 2018
- Influence of Shot Peening on AlSi10Mg Parts Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 2:40-40. 2018
- Thermal post-processing of AlSi10Mg parts produced by Selective Laser Melting using recycled powder. Additive Manufacturing. 21:234-247. 2018
- On the characterization of stainless steel 316L parts produced by selective laser melting. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 95:1953-1974. 2018
- A Review of Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies. Solid State Phenomena. 278:1-14. 2018
- Guest editorial. International Journal of Engineering Education. 34:1148-1149. 2018
- Innovation in Engineering Practice and Technology Education. International Journal of Engineering Education. 34:1148-1149. 2018
- Lattice Structures and Functionally Graded Materials Applications in Additive Manufacturing of Orthopedic Implants: A Review. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 1:13-13. 2017
- The selection of process parameters in additive manufacturing for aerospace alloys. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 92:2081-2098. 2017
- On the surface quality of additive manufactured parts. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 89:1969-1974. 2017
- Predicting the Effects of Grain Size on Machining-Induced Residual Stresses in Steels. Advanced Materials Research. 996:634-639. 2014
- Modeling the effect of compacted graphite iron microstructure on cutting forces and tool wear. CIRP - Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. 5:87-101. 2012
- Modeling the effect of the microstructure of compacted graphite iron on chip formation. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 51:753-765. 2011
- On stress propagation and fracture in compacted graphite iron. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 56:233-244. 2011
- Force prediction and stability analysis of plunge milling of systems with rigid and flexible workpiece. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 54:853-877. 2011
- An optimized rational fraction polynomial approach for modal parameters estimation from FRF measurements. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 24:831-842. 2010
- Predicting the effect of vibration on ultraprecision machining surface finish as described by surface finish lobes. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 49:1165-1174. 2009
- ULTRA PRECISION MACHINING DISTURBANCE FREQUENCY EXTRACTION FROM FINISHED SURFACE METROLOGY. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering, ASPE 2008 and the 12th ICPE. 2008
- A modified time-efficient FE approach for predicting machining-induced residual stresses. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 44:149-161. 2008
- Effects of Strain Hardening and Initial Yield Strength on Machining-Induced Residual Stresses. Journal of engineering materials and technology. 129:567-579. 2007
- Effects of workpiece thermal properties on machining-induced residual stresses - thermal softening and conductivity. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 221:1387-1400. 2007
- Control of a dual stage magnetostrictive actuator and linear motor feed drive system. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 33:379-388. 2007
- An improved cutting force and surface topography prediction model in end milling. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 47:1263-1275. 2007
- Modeling the effects of microstructure in metal cutting. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 47:368-375. 2007
- Modelling the effects of tool-edge radius on residual stresses when orthogonal cutting AISI 316L. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 47:401-411. 2007
- Tool wear when turning hardened AISI 4340 with coated PCBN tools using finishing cutting conditions. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 47:263-272. 2007
- Grain Size and Orientation Effects When Microcutting AISI 1045 Steel. CIRP annals. 56:57-60. 2007
- High-power diode laser assisted hard turning of AISI D2 tool steel. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 46:2009-2016. 2006
- Prediction of cutting forces in the micro-machining of silicon using a “hybrid molecular dynamic-finite element analysis” force model. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 46:1727-1739. 2006
- Surface defects during microcutting. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 46:1378-1387. 2006
- Chip formation during microscale cutting of a medium carbon steel. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 46:467-481. 2006
- A study of wear on coated PCBN tools when turning hardened AISI 4340 using FEM simulation. Industrial Diamond Review. 66:60-+. 2006
- Finite element modeling of erosive wear. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 45:1337-1346. 2005
- On the use of a new cell to model geometric asymmetry of metallic foams. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 41:1327-1340. 2005
- Experimental determination of the friction coefficient on the workpiece-fixture contact surface in workholding applications. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 45:705-712. 2005
- On the FE Modeling of Closed-cell Aluminum Foam. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design. 2:23-34. 2005
- Design and control of a dual-stage feed drive. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 45:153-165. 2005
- Effect of coolant strategy on tool performance, chip morphology and surface quality during high-speed machining of A356 aluminum alloy. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 45:219-227. 2005
- Modelling of Abrasive Waterjet Machining: A New Approach. CIRP annals. 54:285-288. 2005
- Effect of workpiece/fixture dynamics on the machining process output. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 218:1541-1553. 2004
- Three-dimensional elastoplastic finite element model for residual stresses in the shot peening process. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 218:1471-1481. 2004
- Model-based controller design for machine tool direct feed drives. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 44:465-477. 2004
- High Speed Face Milling of a Aluminium Silicon Alloy Casting. CIRP annals. 53:69-72. 2004
- Ultra-High Speed Machining of A356-T6 Aluminum Alloy for Automotive Applications. SAE Technical Papers. 1. 2004
- A solid modeler based ball-end milling process simulation. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 22:775-785. 2003
- Identification of acceleration deceleration profile of feed drive systems in CNC machines. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 43:441-451. 2003
- Optimized feed scheduling in three axes machining. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 43:269-282. 2003
- Optimized feed scheduling in three axes machining. Part I: Fundamentals of the optimized feed scheduling strategy. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 43:253-267. 2003
- 302 Z-List Based Modeling of Cutting Geometry and Cutting Forces in 5-Axis Machining of Complex Surfaces. Proceedings of International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st century : LEM21. 2003:421-427. 2003
- 410 Identification of the Constitutive Equation and the Shear Localization Onset based on the Mechanics of Orthogonal Metal Cutting. Proceedings of International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st century : LEM21. 2003:687-694. 2003
- Surface Generation with Engineered Diamond Grinding Wheels: Insights from Simulation. CIRP annals. 52:271-274. 2003
- From the basic mechanics of orthogonal metal cutting toward the identification of the constitutive equation. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 42:1373-1383. 2002
- Generic Simulation Approach for Multi-Axis Machining, Part 1: Modeling Methodology. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 124:624-633. 2002
- Generic Simulation Approach for Multi-Axis Machining, Part 2: Model Calibration and Feed Rate Scheduling. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 124:634-642. 2002
- A chip formation based analytic force model for oblique cutting. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 42:529-538. 2002
- On the prediction of cutting dynamics in ball-end milling of die surfaces. Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology). 12:48-59. 2001
- Tool wear and surface integrity during high-speed turning of hardened steel with polycrystalline cubic boron nitride tools. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 215:755-767. 2001
- Geometric Simulation of Ball-End Milling Operations. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 123:177-184. 2001
- Motion control for linear motor feed drives in advanced machine tools. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 41:479-507. 2001
- On machining dynamics of flexible parts. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics. 215:53-59. 2001
- Adaptive compensation of quasi-static errors for an intrinsic machine. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 40:2267-2291. 2000
- A mechanistic force model of the 5-axis milling process. Manufacturing Engineering. 11:979-987. 2000
- Generic Simulation Approach for Multi-Axis Machining: Part II—Model Calibration and Feed Rate Scheduling. Manufacturing Engineering. 11:1009-1016. 2000
- Generic Simulation Approach for Multi-Axis Machining: Part I—Modeling Methodology. Manufacturing Engineering. 11:997-1007. 2000
- Surface Integrity of Die Material in High Speed Hard Machining, Part 1: Micrographical Analysis. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 122:620-631. 2000
- Surface Integrity of Die Material in High Speed Hard Machining, Part 2: Microhardness Variations and Residual Stresses. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 122:632-641. 2000
- High-speed five-axis milling of hardened tool steel. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 40:869-885. 2000
- Kinematic and geometric error compensation of a coordinate measuring machine. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 40:833-850. 2000
- High speed servo control of multi-axis machine tools. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 40:539-559. 2000
- Development of the TIARA Hexapod: A Machine Tool Based on Parallel Kinematic Structures. Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 10:869-878. 1999
- Effects of process parameters on material side flow during hard turning. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 39:1017-1030. 1999
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- METAL CUTTING THEORY AND PRACTICE. Machining Science and Technology. 2:383-384. 1998
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- An improved process simulation system for ball-end milling of sculptured surfaces. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 38:1089-1107. 1998
- In-process monitoring and control of thickness error in machining hollow shafts. Mechatronics. 8:301-322. 1998
- Milling Process Simulation—A Generic Solid Modeller Based Paradigm. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 120:213-221. 1998
- Model-Based Predictive Control of Workpiece Accuracy in Bar Turning. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 120:57-67. 1998
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- Effects of process parameters on chip formation when machining hardened steel. Manufacturing Science and Technology. 6:13-20. 1997
- General geometric modelling approach for machining process simulation. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 13:237-247. 1997
- An Enhanced Dynamic Model in Turning Including the Effect of Ploughing Forces. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 119:10-20. 1997
- Closed form formulation of cutting forces for ball and flat end mills. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 37:17-27. 1997
- Prediction of tool failure rate in turning hardened steels. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 13:1-16. 1997
- Tool Condition Monitoring in Machining by Fuzzy Neural Networks. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 118:665-672. 1996
- FUZZY CLUSTERING FOR AUTOMATED TOOL CONDITION MONITORING IN MACHINING. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 10:533-550. 1996
- Dual-Sensor Based Robotic Deburring. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 118:439-441. 1996
- Tool condition monitoring in drilling using vibration signature analysis. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 36:687-711. 1996
- Cutting temperature of ceramic tools in high speed machining of difficult-to-cut materials. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 36:611-634. 1996
- Response to Mathias and Nettelbeck on the Structure of Competence: Need for Theory-Based Methods to Test Theory-Based Questions. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 17:145-152. 1996
- A Model for Chip Formation During Machining of Hardened Steel. CIRP annals. 45:71-76. 1996
- In-process evaluation of workpiece geometrical tolerances in bar turning. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 36:33-46. 1996
- An investigation of a heat pipe cooling system for use in turning on a lathe. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 10:357-366. 1995
- Automated Monitoring of Manufacturing Processes, Part 1: Monitoring Methods. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 117:121-132. 1995
- Automated Monitoring of Manufacturing Processes, Part 2: Applications. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 117:133-141. 1995
- A multi-sensor strategy for tool failure detection in milling. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 35:383-398. 1995
- Modelling and dynamic analysis of a two-link manipulator with both joint and link flexibilities. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 179:839-854. 1995
- A Strategy for the Compensation of Errors in Five-Axis Machining. CIRP annals. 44:373-377. 1995
- CONTROL STRATEGY FOR MULTIPASS ROBOTIC GRINDING. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 10:114-119. 1995
- Modelling Machining Dynamics Including Damping in the Tool-Workpiece Interface. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 116:435-439. 1994
- An investigation of the use of heat pipes for machine tool spindle bearing cooling. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 34:1031-1043. 1994
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- Surface topography characterization in finish milling. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 34:245-255. 1994
- Optimal planning of an adaptively controlled robotic disk grinding process. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 33:809-825. 1993
- Generation of Milled Surfaces Including Tool Dynamics and Wear. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 115:245-252. 1993
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- Parametric modelling and control of the robotic grinding process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 8:182-192. 1993
- Hierarchical, Knowledge-Based Control in Turning. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 115:122-132. 1993
- Performance of Whisker-Reinforced Ceramic Tools in Milling Nickel-Based Superalloy. CIRP annals. 42:99-102. 1993
- Tool condition monitoring in turning using fuzzy set theory. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 32:781-796. 1992
- Workpiece burn and surface finish during controlled force robotic disk grinding. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 32:797-809. 1992
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- Force Control for Robotic Deburring. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 113:395-400. 1991
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- Omar E.E., El-Wardany T.I., Ng E. , Elbestawi M.A., 2007, ‘Surface Prediction in High Speed Machining’, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 47, No. 7-8, p. 1263-1275. Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture.
- Winter Annual Meeting
- ’ Effect of Coefficient of Friction on FE Modelling of Metal Cutting Process’. Auto 21 Theme: Materials and Manufacturing, Journal: International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture..
- Osseointegration of functionally-graded Ti6Al4V porous implants: Histology of the pore network 2023
- The effect of MQL on tool wear progression in low-frequency vibration-assisted drilling of CFRP/Ti6Al4V stack material 2021
- Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Functionally Graded Bi-Materials: Role of VC on Functionalizing AISI H13 Tool Steel 2021
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- Sensor based planning and control for open architecture machining. Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers. MS. 1995