Ultra-Violet Excimer Laser Micro-Patterning of Polymers Conferences uri icon

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  • Abstract Two polymer materials, PDLA and PVA, have been patterned by ultra-violet (UV) Excimer laser micromachining for biomedical applications. In this work, Parametric investigations were conducted for both PVA and PDLA polymers using a XeCl (Xenon-chloride) Excimer laser of 308 nm wavelength. Laser machined micro-patterns were examined by a high-resolution optical microscope. A surface profilometer was used to measure the actual depths of the micromachined patterns. Results show that it is much easier to pattern PVA than PDLA at 308 nm wavelength. The micro-channels show distinguished edges, indicating that thermal damage to the surrounding polymer is minimized.

publication date

  • November 5, 2000