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CDKN2AMutations in Multiple Primary Melanomas Journal Articles
A Bayesian destructive weighted Poisson cure rate model and an application to a cutaneous melanoma data Journal Articles
A Phase I Study of Adenovirus Mediated Gene Transfer of Interleukin 2 cDNA into Metastatic Breast Cancer or Melanoma. The Toronto Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
A Proposed New Model to Explain the Role of Low Dose Non-DNA Targeted Radiation Exposure in Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Journal Articles
A Randomized Phase II Study of Two Schedules of Bryostatin-1 (NSC339555) in Patients with Advanced Malignant Melanoma – A National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group Study Journal Articles
A cure rate survival model under a hybrid latent activation scheme Journal Articles
A lentiviral vector‐based insertional mutagenesis screen identifies mechanisms of resistance to MAPK inhibitors in melanoma Journal Articles
A minimal gene set characterizes TIL specific for diverse tumor antigens across different cancer types. Journal Articles
A new frontier in treatment of advanced melanoma: Redefining clinical management in the era of immune checkpoint inhibitors Journal Articles
A p16-Ki-67-HMB45 immunohistochemistry scoring system as an ancillary diagnostic tool in the diagnosis of melanoma Journal Articles
A phase II study of cediranib, an oral VEGF inhibitor, in previously untreated patients with metastatic or recurrent malignant melanoma Journal Articles
A phase II study of ispinesib (SB-715992) in patients with metastatic or recurrent malignant melanoma: a National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group trial Journal Articles
A quantitative systems approach to identify paracrine mechanisms that locally suppress immune response to Interleukin-12 in the B16 melanoma model Journal Articles
Abnormal Melanosomes: Ultrastructural Markers of Melanocytic Atypia Journal Articles
Adenovector-mediated gene delivery of interleukin-2 in metastatic breast cancer and melanoma: results of a phase 1 clinical trial Journal Articles
Affected members of melanoma‐prone families with linkage to 9p21 but lacking mutations in CDKN2A do not harbor mutations in the coding regions of either CDKN2B or p19ARF Journal Articles
Amplified KpnL repetitive DNA sequences in homogeneously staining regions of a human melanoma cell line. Journal Articles
Amplified sequences from chromosome 15, including centromeres, nucleolar organizer regions, and centromeric heterochromatin, in homogeneously staining regions in the human melanoma cell line MeWo Journal Articles
An HLA-G/SPAG9/STAT3 axis promotes brain metastases Journal Articles
An Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario) Clinical Practice Guideline: Surveillance Strategies in Patients with Stage I, II, III or Resectable IV Melanoma Who Were Treated with Curative Intent Journal Articles
Association BetweenNRASandBRAFMutational Status and Melanoma-Specific Survival Among Patients With Higher-Risk Primary Melanoma Journal Articles
Association of Circadian Timing of Initial Infusions of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors with Survival in Advanced Melanoma Journal Articles
Association of cutaneous malignant melanoma with intermittent exposure to ultraviolet radiation: results of a case-control study in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Association of morphological differentiation with enhanced surface antigen expression and susceptibility to natural killer cell lysis in theophylline-treated human melanoma cells. Journal Articles
Automatic detection of melanoma using broad extraction of features from digital images Journal Articles
Benzodiazepine-induced inhibition of human malignant melanoma (M-6) cell growth. Journal Articles
Bilateral adrenal metastases from malignant melanoma: concordant findings on 18F-FDG and 18F-FDOPA PET Journal Articles
Biopsia selectiva del ganglio centinela en el melanoma mediante localización con linfogammagrafía preoperatoria y sonda de detección gamma intraoperatoria Journal Articles
Bone Marrow‐Derived Dendritic Cell Vaccination of Dogs with Naturally Occurring Melanoma by Using Human gp100 Antigen Journal Articles
Canadian Cohort Expanded-Access Program of Nivolumab Plus Ipilimumab in Advanced Melanoma Journal Articles
Cancer immunology and canine malignant melanoma: A comparative review Journal Articles
Cancer incidence among Ontario police officers Journal Articles
Cell-based cancer gene therapy: breaking tolerance or inducing autoimmunity? Journal Articles
Central Nervous System–Specific Outcomes of Phase 3 Randomized Clinical Trials in Patients With Advanced Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, and Melanoma Journal Articles
Choroidal melanoma and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment Journal Articles
Combining backscattered electrons and low energy photons to improve the dose distribution to an eyelid Journal Articles
Comparison of Dermatologists' and Nondermatologists' Diagnostic Accuracy for Malignant Melanoma Journal Articles
Computed tomography-derived assessments of regional muscle volume: Validating their use as predictors of whole body muscle volume in cancer patients Journal Articles
Conditional Survival-Based “Abbreviated” Routine Cancer Surveillance for Pathologic Stage IB Melanoma Journal Articles
Conjunctival Melanoma in Children: A Clinicopathologic Study of 2 Cases Journal Articles
Cutaneous malignant melanoma in Norway Journal Articles
DNA amplification and tumorigenicity of the human melanoma cell line MeWo. Journal Articles
Deep Semisupervised Transfer Learning for Fully Automated Whole-Body Tumor Quantification and Prognosis of Cancer on PET/CT Journal Articles
Dense pooling layers in fully convolutional network for skin lesion segmentation Journal Articles
Destructive weighted Poisson cure rate models Journal Articles
Diazepam Inhibits Forskolin‐Stimulated Adenylyl Cyclase Activity in Human Tumour Cells Journal Articles
Do larger people have more naevi? Naevus frequency versus naevus density Journal Articles
Dose-Dependent Development of Depressive Symptoms During Adjuvant Interferon- Treatment of Patients With Malignant Melanoma Journal Articles
Dual NRASQ61R and BRAFV600E mutation-specific immunohistochemistry completes molecular screening in melanoma samples in a routine practice Journal Articles
Enabling topical immunization via microporation: a novel method for pain-free and needle-free delivery of adenovirus-based vaccines Journal Articles
Enhanced Immune Response to the Melanoma Antigen gp100 Using Recombinant Adenovirus-Transduced Dendritic Cells Journal Articles
Enhanced Natural Killer Sensitivity With Concomitant Clonal Selection for Cells Bearing Homogeneously Staining Regions in the Human Melanoma Cell Line MeWo Upon Induction of Differentiation With Theophylline<xref ref-type="fn" rid="FN2">2</xref> Journal Articles
Enhanced protein expression by internal ribosomal entry site-driven mRNA translation as a novel approach for in vitro loading of dendritic cells with antigens Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of melanoma attributable to ultraviolet radiation in Canada Journal Articles
Evaluation of Vision LLMs GTP-4V and LLaVA for the Recognition of Features Characteristic of Melanoma Journal Articles
Evidence for unequal crossing-over as the mechanism for amplification of some homogeneously staining regions Journal Articles
Expectation Maximization Algorithm for Box–Cox Transformation Cure Rate Model and Assessment of Model Misspecification Under Weibull Lifetimes Journal Articles
Experience With Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Eyelid and Conjunctival Malignancies at a Cancer Center Journal Articles
Extraction of skin lesions from non-dermoscopic images for surgical excision of melanoma Journal Articles
Extrascleral Extension of Choroidal Melanoma Diagnosed by Ultrasound Journal Articles
Fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology of major salivary glands. Journal Articles
Gender-Related Differences in Outcome for Melanoma Patients Journal Articles
Genome-Wide Analysis of Circulating Cell-Free DNA Copy Number Detects Active Melanoma and Predicts Survival. Journal Articles
HDAC Inhibition Suppresses Primary Immune Responses, Enhances Secondary Immune Responses, and Abrogates Autoimmunity During Tumor Immunotherapy Journal Articles
Health Technology Reassessment: Addressing Uncertainty in Economic Evaluations of Oncology Drugs at Time of Reimbursement Using Long-Term Clinical Trial Data Journal Articles
Homogeneity/Heterogeneity Hypotheses for Standardized Mortality Ratios Based on Minimum Power‐divergence Estimators Journal Articles
Human malignant melanoma cells express high-affinity receptors for melatonin: antiproliferative effects of melatonin and 6-chloromelatonin Journal Articles
Hydrochlorothiazide use and risk of keratinocyte carcinoma and melanoma: A multisite population-based cohort study Journal Articles
IL-15 has innate anti-tumor activity independent of NK and CD8 T cells Journal Articles
Imatinib for Melanomas Harboring Mutationally Activated or Amplified KIT Arising on Mucosal, Acral, and Chronically Sun-Damaged Skin Journal Articles
Impact of Baseline Corticosteroids on Immunotherapy Efficacy in Patients With Advanced Melanoma Journal Articles
Improved survival in patients with poor-prognosis malignant melanoma treated with adjuvant levamisole: a phase III study by the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group. Journal Articles
Incidence of Radionecrosis in Single-Fraction Radiosurgery Compared with Fractionated Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Brain Metastasis Journal Articles
Incorporation of frailties into a cure rate regression model and its diagnostics and application to melanoma data Journal Articles
Indoor tanning and skin cancer in Canada: A meta-analysis and attributable burden estimation Journal Articles
Interleukin-21 Has Activity in Patients With Metastatic Melanoma: A Phase II Study Journal Articles
Intraoperative Sonographically Assisted Radioactive Iodine 125 Plaque Brachytherapy for Choroidal Melanoma Journal Articles
Is Access to Care Associated With Stage at Presentation and Survival for Melanoma Patients? Journal Articles
KEYNOTE-022: Pembrolizumab with trametinib in patients with BRAF wild-type melanoma or advanced solid tumours irrespective of BRAF mutation Journal Articles
Lessons learned from the Sunbelt Melanoma Trial Journal Articles
Linkage analysis of 26 Canadian breast and breast-ovarian cancer families Journal Articles
Long-Term Toxicities of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor (ICI) in Melanoma Patients Journal Articles
Low and steady wins the race: For melanoma brain metastases, is prevention better than a cure? Journal Articles
Malignant Melanoma with Osteoclast-Like Giant Cells: An Unusual Host Response Journal Articles
Maraba MG1 Virus Enhances Natural Killer Cell Function via Conventional Dendritic Cells to Reduce Postoperative Metastatic Disease Journal Articles
Medical Immunosuppression and Outcomes in Cutaneous Melanoma: A Population-Based Cohort Study Journal Articles
Melanoma detection by analysis of clinical images using convolutional neural network Journal Articles
Melanoma in children and the use of sentinel lymph node biopsy Conferences
Metabolic response by FDG-PET to imatinib correlates with exon 11 KIT mutation and predicts outcome in patients with mucosal melanoma Journal Articles
Metabolomic adaptations and correlates of survival to immune checkpoint blockade Journal Articles
Metastasis of choroidal melanoma to the contralateral choroid, orbit, and eyelid. Journal Articles
Metastasis to the penis from malignant melanoma: Case report and review of the literature Journal Articles
Method to Our Madness or Madness in Our Methods? Pitfalls in Trial Methodology Journal Articles
Miliary patterns in malignant melanoma. Journal Articles
Modeling anti-tumor Th1 and Th2 immunity in the rejection of melanoma Journal Articles
Modelo experimental de tratamiento con extracto de semillas de uva, vino tinto y etanol del melanoma metastásico pulmonar Journal Articles
Multicenter Adoption and Outcomes of Nodal Observation for Patients with Melanoma and Sentinel Lymph Node Metastases Journal Articles
Multifocal neurotoxicity during interleukin-2 therapy for malignant melanoma Journal Articles
Needle aspiration cytologic biopsy in head and neck masses Journal Articles
Network meta-analysis of therapies for previously untreated advanced BRAF-mutated melanoma Journal Articles
Neuroanatomical location of brain metastases from solid tumours based on pathology: An analysis of 511 patients with a comparison to the provided clinical history Journal Articles
No Association Between BMI and Immunotoxicity or Clinical Outcomes for Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Journal Articles
Nonsurgical Management of Lymph Node Basins in Melanoma Journal Articles
Objective Responses in Patients with Malignant Melanoma or Renal Cell Cancer in Early Clinical Studies Do Not Predict Regulatory Approval Journal Articles
On a class of non‐linear transformation cure rate models Journal Articles
Oncosuppressive miRNAs loaded in lipid nanoparticles potentiate targeted therapies in BRAF-mutant melanoma by inhibiting core escape pathways of resistance Journal Articles
Opioids and Dose-Related Deaths—Association or Causation? Journal Articles
Orbital cellular blue nevus complicated by malignant melanoma Journal Articles
Outcome analysis of visual acuity and side effect after ruthenium-106 plaque brachytherapy for medium-sized choroidal melanoma Journal Articles
PCSK9 facilitates melanoma pathogenesis via a network regulating tumor immunity Journal Articles
Patient experiences and outcomes following facial skin cancer surgery: A qualitative study Journal Articles
Pembrolizumab-induced immune-related sclerosing cholangitis Journal Articles
Phase II Study of Marimastat (BB-2516) in Malignant Melanoma – A Clinical and Tumor Biopsy Study of the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group Journal Articles
Phase II trial of flavopiridol, a cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor, in untreated metastatic malignant melanoma Journal Articles
Phase II trial of vorinostat in advanced melanoma Journal Articles
Poly(ethylene glycol) induces cell toxicity in melanoma cells by producing a hyperosmotic extracellular medium Journal Articles
Predictors of Immunotherapy-Induced Immune-Related Adverse Events Journal Articles
Primary Malignant Melanoma of Proximal Tibia Journal Articles
Prognostic Factors in Choroidal and Ciliary Body Melanomas With Extrascleral Extension Journal Articles
Prognostic importance of glomeruloid microvascular proliferation indicates an aggressive angiogenic phenotype in human cancers. Journal Articles
Prognosticating Role of Serum Eosinophils on Immunotherapy Efficacy in Patients with Advanced Melanoma Journal Articles
Proportional hazards under Conway–Maxwell-Poisson cure rate model and associated inference Journal Articles
Quantitative evaluation of binary digital region asymmetry with application to skin lesion detection Journal Articles
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial comparing the response rates of carmustine, dacarbazine, and cisplatin with and without tamoxifen in patients with metastatic melanoma Journal Articles
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial comparing the response rates of carmustine, dacarbazine, and cisplatin with and without tamoxifen in patients with metastatic melanoma. National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group. Journal Articles
Real-World Evidence of Systemic Therapy Sequencing on Overall Survival for Patients with Metastatic BRAF-Mutated Cutaneous Melanoma Journal Articles
Rearrangements of chromosomal regions containing ribosomal RNA genes and centromeric heterochromatin in the human melanoma cell line MeWo Journal Articles
Relationship of Melanoma and other Skin Cancer Mortality to Latitude and Ultraviolet Radiation in the United States and Canada Journal Articles
Relative tumorigenicities of hybrid cells with and without hsr‐bearing chromosomes from a human melanoma cell line Journal Articles
Reliability of interviewer and subject assessments of nevus counts in a study of melanoma Journal Articles
Response to single agent PD-1 inhibitor after progression on previous PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors: a case series Journal Articles
Retinoblastoma, eosinophilic granuloma, and malignant melanoma: A case report Journal Articles
Rise in Plasma Beta-Endorphin, ACTH, and Cortisol in Cancer Patients Undergoing Whole Body Hyperthermia Journal Articles
Risk of cutaneous melanoma associated with a family history of the disease Journal Articles
Risk of cutaneous melanoma associated with pigmentation characteristics and freckling: Systematic overview of 10 case‐control studies Journal Articles
Role of the Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor CDKN2A in Familial Melanoma Journal Articles
SALVO: Single-Arm Trial of Ipilimumab and Nivolumab as Adjuvant Therapy for Resected Mucosal Melanoma Conferences
Safety and efficacy analysis of pembrolizumab dosing patterns in patients with advanced melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer Journal Articles
Sensitization of human melanoma cells by tamoxifen to apoptosis induction by pancratistatin, a nongenotoxic natural compound Journal Articles
Sentinel lymph node biopsy in thin melanoma patients Journal Articles
Serum Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Prognosticating Immunotherapy Efficacy Journal Articles
Signet-Ring Cell Melanoma Journal Articles
Surgical Management of Lymph Nodes in Melanoma Journal Articles
Surgical margins and prognostic factors in patients with thick (>4 mm) primary melanoma Conferences
Surveillance evaluations in patients with stage I, II, III, or resectable IV melanoma who were treated with curative intent: A systematic review Journal Articles
Survivals following discontinuation of PD-1 inhibitor treatment in advanced melanoma patients Journal Articles
Systemic Adjuvant Therapy for Adult Patients at High Risk for Recurrent Cutaneous or Mucosal Melanoma: An Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario) Clinical Practice Guideline Journal Articles
Systemic Therapy for Previously Untreated Advanced
-Mutated Melanoma: Navigating a Shifting Landscape Journal Articles
Systemic Therapy for Previously Untreated Advanced BRAF-Mutated Melanoma Journal Articles
Systemic adjuvant therapy for adult patients at high risk for recurrent melanoma: A systematic review Journal Articles
The Association of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma and Fluorescent Light Exposure Journal Articles
The efficacy and toxicity of immune checkpoint inhibitors in a real-world older patient population Journal Articles
The evidence for tamoxifen and chemotherapy as treatment for metastatic melanoma Journal Articles
The impact of statins on melanoma survival: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade controls phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) expression through multiple mechanisms Journal Articles
Tumor-associated antigens as immunotherapy targets. Journal Articles
Tumorigenicity of ten karyotypically distinct cell types present in the human melanoma cell line MeWo-A Journal Articles
Type I IFN signaling on dendritic cells is required for NK cell-mediated anti-tumor immunity Journal Articles
Update on Immunotherapeutics in the Management of Metastatic Melanoma. Journal Articles
Use of host factors to identify people at high risk for cutaneous malignant melanoma . Journal Articles
Use of tetracycline as an inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase activity secreted by human bone-metastasizing cancer cells. Journal Articles
Vemurafenib-induced radiation recall dermatitis: case report and review of the literature. - PubMed - NCBI Other
Venous Thromboembolism Events in Patients with Advanced Cancer on Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Journal Articles
Vesicular Stomatitis Virus as a Novel Cancer Vaccine Vector to Prime Antitumor Immunity Amenable to Rapid Boosting With Adenovirus Journal Articles
Whole body hyperthermia (41-42 degrees C) induces interleukin-1 in vivo. Journal Articles
[Melanoblastosis diffusa meninge-cerebralis and Sturge-Weber disease]. Journal Articles
[Prevention and early diagnosis of malignant melanoma]. Journal Articles
“Self and parent-assessed skin cancer risk factors in school-age children” Journal Articles