0401 Atmospheric Sciences
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subject area of
In situ measurements of liquid water content profiles in midlatitude stratiform clouds Journal Articles
A 10-year global monthly averaged terrestrial net ecosystem exchange dataset inferred from the ACOS GOSAT v9 XCO2 retrievals (GCAS2021) Journal Articles
A 3D cloud‐construction algorithm for the EarthCARE satellite mission Journal Articles
A Canadian River Ice Database from the National Hydrometric Program Archives Journal Articles
A Functionalized Monte Carlo 3D Radiative Transfer Model: Radiative Effects of Clouds Over Reflecting Surfaces Journal Articles
A Method to Derive the Multispectral Surface Albedo Consistent with MODIS from Historical AVHRR and VGT Satellite Data Journal Articles
A Mixed-Level Factorial Inference Approach for Ensemble Long-Term Hydrological Projections over the Jing River Basin Journal Articles
A Parameterization for Computing Grid-Averaged Solar Fluxes for Inhomogeneous Marine Boundary Layer Clouds. Part I: Methodology and Homogeneous Biases Journal Articles
A Parameterization for Computing Grid-Averaged Solar Fluxes for Inhomogeneous Marine Boundary Layer Clouds. Part II: Validation Using Satellite Data Journal Articles
A Probabilistic Rain Diagnostic Model Based on Cyclone Statistical Analysis Journal Articles
A Radiation Algorithm with Correlated-k Distribution. Part I: Local Thermal Equilibrium Journal Articles
A Stepwise-Clustered Precipitation Downscaling Method for Ensemble Climatic Projections in the Mediterranean Region Journal Articles
A TRMM Microwave Radiometer Rain Retrieval Method Based on Fractional Rain Area Journal Articles
A comparative life cycle assessment based evaluation of greenhouse gas emission and social study: natural fibre versus glass fibre reinforced plastic automotive parts Journal Articles
A comparison of two representations of subgrid‐scale cloud structure in a global model: radiative effects as a function of cloud characteristics Journal Articles
A conservative adaptive wavelet method for the shallow‐water equations on staggered grids Journal Articles
A conservative adaptive wavelet method for the shallow‐water equations on the sphere Journal Articles
A coupled dynamical-copula downscaling approach for temperature projections over the Canadian Prairies Journal Articles
A criticality index for air pollution monitors Journal Articles
A deep learning model for predicting climate-induced disasters Journal Articles
A land use regression model for predicting ambient volatile organic compound concentrations in Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
A long-term hydrometeorological dataset (1993–2014) of a northern mountain basin: Wolf Creek Research Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada Journal Articles
A method to preserve trends in quantile mapping bias correction of climate modeled temperature Journal Articles
A national‐scale assessment of long‐term water budget closures for Canada's watersheds Journal Articles
A note on the relationship between net radiation and solar radiation Journal Articles
A parametrization of 3‐D subgrid‐scale clouds for conventional GCMs: Assessment using A‐Train satellite data and solar radiative transfer characteristics Journal Articles
A sequential factorial analysis approach to characterize the effects of uncertainties for supporting air quality management Journal Articles
A stepwise-clustered copula downscaling approach for ensemble analyses of discrete and interactive features in precipitation-extreme variations: a case study for eastern China Journal Articles
A stepwise-clustered heat stress downscaling approach to analyze future variations of heat stress in East China Journal Articles
A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change Journal Articles
A treatment-effect model to quantify human dimensions of disaster impacts: the case of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico Journal Articles
Accelerating radiative transfer calculations for high‐resolution atmospheric models Journal Articles
Accounting for Unresolved Clouds in a 1D Infrared Radiative Transfer Model. Part II: Horizontal Variability of Cloud Water Path Journal Articles
Accounting for subgrid-scale cloud variability in a multi-layer ID solar radiative transfer algorithm Journal Articles
Across-track extension of retrieved cloud and aerosol properties for the EarthCARE mission: the ACMB-3D product Journal Articles
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences Journal
Advances in Meteorology Journal
Advances of the smooth variable structure filter: square-root and two-pass formulations Journal Articles
Aerosol charge neutralization and its impact on particle filtration efficiency of common face mask materials Journal Articles
Air pollution exposure: An activity pattern approach for active transportation Journal Articles
Albedo investigations in Labrador-Ungava Journal Articles
An integrated multi‐GCMs Bayesian‐neural‐network hydrological analysis method for quantifying climate change impact on runoff of the Amu Darya River basin Journal Articles
An intercomparison of EarthCARE cloud, aerosol, and precipitation retrieval products Journal Articles
An optimisation model for electric-environmental system planning - a case study of Heilongjiang Province, China Journal Articles
Analysis of global three-dimensional aerosol structure with spectral radiance matching Journal Articles
Analyzing spatial–temporal change of multivariate drought risk based on Bayesian copula: Application to the Balkhash Lake basin Journal Articles
Annual carbon balance of Canada's forests during 1895–1996 Journal Articles
Anthropocene Journal
Anthropogenic and biogenic organic compounds in summertime fine aerosols (PM2.5) in Beijing, China Journal Articles
Apparatus for Atmospheric Surface Layer Measurements over Waves Journal Articles
Application of a Monte Carlo solar radiative transfer modelin the McICA framework Journal Articles
Approaches for reducing uncertainties in regional forest carbon balance Journal Articles
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences Journal
Assessing 1D Atmospheric Solar Radiative Transfer Models: Interpretation and Handling of Unresolved Clouds Journal Articles
Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Human‐Perceived Temperature Extremes and Underlying Uncertainties Journal Articles
Assessing Entropy-based Bayesian Model Averaging Method for Probabilistic Precipitation Forecasting Journal Articles
Assessing Hydrologic Impact of Climate Change with Uncertainty Estimates: Bayesian Neural Network Approach Journal Articles
Assessing Simulated Clouds and Radiative Fluxes Using Properties of Clouds Whose Tops are Exposed to Space Journal Articles
Assessing a Cloud Optical Depth Retrieval Algorithm with Model-Generated Data and the Frozen Turbulence Assumption Journal Articles
Assessing flood disaster impacts in agriculture under climate change in the river basins of Southeast Asia Journal Articles
Assessing the quality of active–passive satellite retrievals using broad‐band radiances Journal Articles
Assessment and Optimization of the Gamma-Weighted Two-Stream Approximation Journal Articles
Assessment of climate change impacts on watershed in cold-arid region: an integrated multi-GCM-based stochastic weather generator and stepwise cluster analysis method Journal Articles
Assessment of the SMAP Level-4 Surface and Root-Zone Soil Moisture Product Using In Situ Measurements Journal Articles
Asymmetric influence of forest cover gain and loss on land surface temperature Journal Articles
Atmosphere Journal
Atmosphere - Ocean Journal
Atmosphere‐wetland carbon exchanges: Scale dependency of CO2 and CH4 exchange on the developmental topography of a peatland Journal Articles
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) Journal
Atmospheric Environment Journal
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Journal
Atmospheric Pollution Research Journal
Atmospheric Research Journal
Author Correction: Contrasting responses of autumn-leaf senescence to daytime and night-time warming Journal Articles
Biogenic Emissions and Nocturnal Ozone Depletion Events at the Amphitrite Point Observatory on Vancouver Island Journal Articles
Bivariate hydrologic risk analysis based on a coupled entropy-copula method for the Xiangxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China Journal Articles
Boundary-Layer Meteorology Journal
Boundary-layer resistances of artificial leaves in turbulent air II: Leaves inclined to the mean flow Journal Articles
Boundary-layer resistances of artificial leaves in turbulent air: I. Leaves parallel to the mean flow Journal Articles
Broadband radiative quantities for the EarthCARE mission: the ACM-COM and ACM-RT products Journal Articles
Broadband solar fluxes and heating rates for atmospheres with 3D broken clouds Journal Articles
Broadband solar fluxes and heating rates for atmospheres with 3D broken clouds Journal Articles
Bulk stomatal resistance control on evaporation Journal Articles
Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS) Journal
Calibration of polydimethylsiloxane and XAD-Pocket passive air samplers (PAS) for measuring gas- and particle-phase SVOCs Journal Articles
Calibrations and Performance of the Airborne Cloud Extinction Probe Journal Articles
Canadian cryospheric response to an anomalous warm summer: A synthesis of the climate change action fund project “the state of the arctic cryosphere during the extreme warm summer of 1998” Journal Articles
Carbon balance of China constrained by CONTRAIL aircraft CO<sub>2</sub> measurements Journal Articles
Challenges in and Opportunities for International Collaboration: Costing Flood Damages and Losses across Canada, Mexico, and the United States Journal Articles
Changes in rainfall characteristics in northern Nigeria Journal Articles
Changes in social vulnerability to flooding: a quasi-experimental analysis Journal Articles
Characteristics and Source Apportionment of Metallic Elements in PM2.5 at Urban and Suburban Sites in Beijing: Implication of Emission Reduction Journal Articles
Characterization and Summary of the 1999–2005 Canadian Prairie Drought Journal Articles
Citizen science: best practices to remove observer bias in trend analysis Journal Articles
Climate Change Impact on Photovoltaic Energy Output: The Case of Greece Journal Articles
Climate Dynamics Journal
Climate Impacts in Europe Under +1.5°C Global Warming Journal Articles
Climate Research Journal
Climate Variability and the Frequency of Extreme Temperature Events for Nine Sites across Canada: Implications for Power Usage Journal Articles
Climate change and the long-term viability of the World’s busiest heavy haul ice road Journal Articles
Climate classification through recursive multivariate statistical inferences: a case study of the Athabasca River Basin, Canada Journal Articles
Climate indices to characterize climatic changes across southern Canada Journal Articles
Climate variability and the frequency of extreme temperature events for nine sites across Canada: Implications for power usage Journal Articles
Climate warming will not decrease perceived low-temperature extremes in China Journal Articles
Climatological aspects of cyclonic tracks associated with flood events in Crete, Greece Journal Articles
Cloud Geometry Effects on Atmospheric Solar Absorption Journal Articles
Cloud Transmissivities for Canada Journal Articles
Cloud overlapping parameter obtained from CloudSat/CALIPSO dataset and its application in AGCM with McICA scheme Journal Articles
Coherence among the Northern Hemisphere land, cryosphere, and ocean
responses to natural variability and anthropogenic forcing during the
satellite era Journal Articles
Combining land surface temperature and shortwave infrared reflectance for early detection of mountain pine beetle infestations in western Canada Journal Articles
Comment on “Can human populations be stabilized?” by Stephen G. Warren Journal Articles
Community-based flood damage assessment approach for lower West Rapti River basin in Nepal under the impact of climate change Journal Articles
Comparing Evapotranspiration from Eddy Covariance Measurements, Water Budgets, Remote Sensing, and Land Surface Models over Canadaa,b Journal Articles
Comparison between measured and modelled cloudless‐sky solar irradiances at the surface and at the top of the atmosphere Journal Articles
Comparison of interpolation methods for estimating spatial distribution of precipitation in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Comparison of regional carbon flux estimates from CO2 concentration measurements and remote sensing based footprint integration Journal Articles
Comparison of weather station snowfall with winter snow accumulation in high arctic basins Journal Articles
Comprehensive assessment of meteorological conditions and airflow connectivity during HCCT-2010 Journal Articles
Computation of domain‐average radiative flux profiles using Gaussian quadrature Journal Articles
Contrasting interannual atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> variabilities and their terrestrial mechanisms for two types of El Niños Conferences
Contrasting responses of autumn-leaf senescence to daytime and night-time warming Journal Articles
Convenient Access to Archived Predictions: Canada’s CaSPAr Platform Journal Articles
Copulas‐based risk analysis for inter‐seasonal combinations of wet and dry conditions under a changing climate Journal Articles
Correlation Dimensions of Local, Short-Term Climatic Attractors from Observations and a Global Climate Model Journal Articles
Correlation of nitrogen dioxide with other traffic pollutants near a major expressway Journal Articles
Correspondence 2 Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “The impact of long-term weather changes on air quality in Brazil” [J. Atmos. Environ. 283 (2022) 119182] Journal Articles
Country-level and gridded estimates of wastewater production, collection, treatment and reuse Journal Articles
Coupling of winter climate transitions to snow and clouds over the Prairies Journal Articles
Cutover peatlands: A persistent source of atmospheric CO2 Journal Articles
Decadal trends in the seasonal-cycle amplitude of terrestrial CO<sub>2</sub> exchange resulting from the ensemble of terrestrial biosphere models Journal Articles
Design and characteristics of a portable breath actuated, particle size selective medical aerosol inhaler Journal Articles
Development of a Multi‐Region Power System Risk Management Model for Supporting China's Carbon Neutrality Ambition in 2060s Journal Articles
Development of a non-destructive neutron radiography technique to measure the three-dimensional soot deposition profiles in diesel engine exhaust systems Journal Articles
Development of climate change projections for small watersheds using multi-model ensemble simulation and stochastic weather generation Journal Articles
Diagnosis and testing of low-level cloud parameterizations for the NCEP/GFS model using satellite and ground-based measurements Journal Articles
Differential thermal analysis, thermal gravimetric analysis, and solid phase micro-extraction gas chromatography analysis of water and fuel absorption in diesel soot Journal Articles
Diurnal variation in net radiation depletion within a corn crop Journal Articles
Do State‐Of‐The‐Art Atmospheric CO2 Inverse Models Capture Drought Impacts on the European Land Carbon Uptake? Journal Articles
Downscaled compound heatwave and heavy-precipitation analyses for Guangdong, China in the twenty-first century Journal Articles
Downscaling Ensemble Weather Predictions for Improved Week-2 Hydrologic Forecasting Journal Articles
Downscaling Precipitation and Temperature with Temporal Neural Networks Journal Articles
Drought Occurring With Hot Extremes: Changes Under Future Climate Change on Loess Plateau, China Journal Articles
Dynamically-downscaled projections of changes in temperature extremes over China Journal Articles
Dynamically-downscaled temperature and precipitation changes over Saskatchewan using the PRECIS model Journal Articles
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Journal
Dynamics of biogenic gas bubbles in peat and their effects on peatland biogeochemistry Journal Articles
E-? modelling of turbulent air flow downwind of a model forest edge Journal Articles
Earth System Dynamics Journal
Earth System Science Data Journal
Earth's Future Journal
EarthCARE’s Broadband Radiometer: Uncertainties Associated with Cloudy Atmospheres Journal Articles
Effect of water table drawdown on northern peatland methane dynamics: Implications for climate change Journal Articles
Effects of 3‐D clouds on atmospheric transmission of solar radiation: Cloud type dependencies inferred from A‐train satellite data Journal Articles
Effects of foliage clumping on the estimation of global terrestrial gross primary productivity Journal Articles
Effects of heterogeneous vegetation on the surface hydrological cycle Journal Articles
Effects of spatial sampling density and spatial extent on linear land use regression modelling of NO2 estimates in an automobile-oriented city Journal Articles
Energy and Water Cycles in a High-Latitude, North-Flowing River System Journal Articles
Ensemble Bayesian Model Averaging Projections of Wind‐Speed Extremes for Wind Energy Applications Over China Under Climate Change Journal Articles
Ensemble Drought Exposure Projection for Multifactorial Interactive Effects of Climate Change and Population Dynamics: Application to the Pearl River Basin Journal Articles
Ensemble Projections of Regional Climatic Changes over Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Ensemble projection of city-level temperature extremes with stepwise cluster analysis Journal Articles
Entrapment: An Important Mechanism to Explain the Shortwave 3D Radiative Effect of Clouds Journal Articles
Environmental effects following a seismic sequence: the 2019 Cotabato—Davao del Sur (Philippines) earthquakes Journal Articles
Erratum: The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies Journal Articles
Erratum: The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies Journal Articles
Error Analysis for an Algorithm That Reduces Radiative Transfer Calculations in High‐Resolution Atmospheric Models Journal Articles
Establishing an air pollution monitoring network for intra-urban population exposure assessment: A location-allocation approach Journal Articles
Estimating Cloud Field Albedo Using One-Dimensional Series Of Optical Depth Journal Articles
Estimating Cloud Optical Depth from Surface Radiometric Observations: Sensitivity to Instrument Noise and Aerosol Contamination Journal Articles
Estimating global solar radiation Journal Articles
Estimating latent heat flux of subtropical forests using machine learning algorithms Journal Articles
Estimating the Surface Wind Speed Over Drifting Pack Ice from Surface Weather Charts Journal Articles
Estimating the surface wind speed over drifting pack ice from surface weather charts Journal Articles
Estimation of Errors in Two-Stream Approximations of the Solar Radiative Transfer Equation for Cloudy-Sky Conditions Journal Articles
Estimation of daily NO2 with explainable machine learning model in China, 2007–2020 Journal Articles
Estimation of errors associated with the EarthCARE 3D scene construction algorithm Journal Articles
Estimation of insolation for West Africa Journal Articles
Estimation of sulfur dioxide air pollution concentrations with a spatial autoregressive model Journal Articles
Evaluating climate change impacts on the hydrology of watershed in northwestern China using a stepwise‐clustered downscaling approach Journal Articles
Evaluating the Dependence between Temperature and Precipitation to Better Estimate the Risks of Concurrent Extreme Weather Events Journal Articles
Evaluation and optimization of sampling errors for the Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Journal Articles
Evaluation and optimization of sampling errors for the Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Journal Articles
Evaluation of Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPEs) as an Input of Hydrological Models for Hydrometeorological Applications Journal Articles
Evaluation of Uncertainties in Input Data and Parameters of a Hydrological Model Using a Bayesian Framework: A Case Study of a Snowmelt–Precipitation-Driven Watershed Journal Articles
Evaluation of Water Stress Impact on the Parameter Values in Stomatal Conductance Models Using Tower Flux Measurement of a Boreal Aspen Forest Journal Articles
Evaluation of a high‐resolution numerical weather prediction model's simulated clouds using observations from CloudSat, GOES‐13 and in situ aircraft Journal Articles
Evaluation of bias correction techniques for generating high-resolution daily temperature projections from CMIP6 models Journal Articles
Evaluation of clear-sky surface downwelling shortwave fluxes computed by three atmospheric radiative transfer models Journal Articles
Evaluation of precipitation and temperature simulation performance of the CMIP3 and CMIP5 historical experiments Journal Articles
Evaporation from soybeans Journal Articles
Factorial Sensitivity Analysis of Physical Schemes and Their Interactions in RegCM Journal Articles
Formation of Ice on Roads beneath Bridges Journal Articles
Future Changes in Precipitation Extremes Over Canada: Driving Factors and Inherent Mechanism Journal Articles
Future changes in precipitation extremes over China projected by a regional climate model ensemble Journal Articles
Future changes of temperature and heat waves in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Future projections of temperature changes in Ottawa, Canada through stepwise clustered downscaling of multiple GCMs under RCPs Journal Articles
Gamma-Weighted Discrete Ordinate Two-Stream Approximation for Computation of Domain-Averaged Solar Irradiance Journal Articles
Generation and analysis of a new global burned area product based on MODIS 250 m reflectance bands and thermal anomalies Journal Articles
Geomorphic and stratigraphic evidence for an unusual tsunami or storm a few centuries ago at Anegada, British Virgin Islands Journal Articles
Global Biogeochemical Cycles Journal
Global datasets of hourly carbon and water fluxes simulated using a satellite-based process model with dynamic parameterizations Journal Articles
Global datasets of leaf photosynthetic capacity for ecological and earth system research Journal Articles
Global monthly CO<sub>2</sub> flux inversion with a focus
over North America Conferences
Global monthly CO2flux inversion with a focus over North America Journal Articles
Global radiation and reflection coefficients at Azraq in Jordan Journal Articles
Global radiation within corn Journal Articles
Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database Journal Articles
Global water availability and its distribution under the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase Six scenarios Journal Articles
High Arctic Patchy Wetlands: Hydrologic Variability and Their Sustainability Conferences
High-Resolution Probabilistic Projections of Temperature Changes over Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
High-resolution multispectral imaging with random coded exposure Journal Articles
High-resolution projections of mean and extreme precipitations over China through PRECIS under RCPs Journal Articles
High‐resolution projections of 21st century climate over the Athabasca River Basin through an integrated evaluation‐classification‐downscaling‐based climate projection framework Journal Articles
High‐resolution temperature and precipitation projections over Ontario, Canada: a coupled dynamical‐statistical approach Journal Articles
Historical Spatial and Temporal Climate Trends in Southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Homotrema rubrum (Lamarck) taphonomy as an overwash indicator in Marine Ponds on Anegada, British Virgin Islands Journal Articles
How clean are electric vehicles? Evidence-based review of the effects of electric mobility on air pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions and human health Journal Articles
How private vehicle use increases ambient air pollution concentrations at schools during the morning drop-off of children Journal Articles
Hydrogeomorphic Relations Among Soil Pipes, Flow Pathways, and Soil Detachments Within A Permafrost Hillslope Journal Articles
Hydrologic Impacts of Ensemble-RCM-Projected Climate Changes in the Athabasca River Basin, Canada Journal Articles
Hydrological effects on carbon cycles of Canada's forests and wetlands Journal Articles
Hydrological effects on carbon cycles of Canada’s forests and
wetlands Journal Articles
Identifying changes and critical drivers of future temperature and precipitation with a hybrid stepwise-cluster variance analysis method Journal Articles
Impact of a New Radiation Package, McRad, in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System Journal Articles
Impact of rain snow threshold temperature on snow depth simulation in land surface and regional atmospheric models Journal Articles
Impacts of the Two Biggest Lakes on Local Temperature and Precipitation in the Yellow River Source Region of the Tibetan Plateau Journal Articles
Implementation of the JMA Typhoon Bogus in the BMRC Tropical Prediction System Journal Articles
Implications of future climate on water availability in the western Canadian river basins Journal Articles
Improved Constraints on the Recent Terrestrial Carbon Sink Over China by Assimilating OCO‐2 XCO2 Retrievals Journal Articles
Improved Simulation of Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiative Transfer in the CCC-GCM Journal Articles
Improved estimate of global gross primary production for reproducing its long-term variation, 1982–2017 Journal Articles
Improved performance of a PRECIS ensemble in simulating near-surface air temperature over China Journal Articles
Improving the modelling of short‐wave radiation through the use of a 3D scene construction algorithm Journal Articles
Increase of High Molecular Weight Organosulfate With Intensifying Urban Air Pollution in the Megacity Beijing Journal Articles
Increase of nitrooxy organosulfates in firework-related urban aerosols during Chinese New Year's Eve Journal Articles
Increasing contribution of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate Journal Articles
Indirect Aerosol Forcing by Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Clouds Journal Articles
Inference of Cloud Optical Depth from Aircraft-Based Solar Radiometric Measurements Journal Articles
Inferring Optical Depth of Broken Clouds above Green Vegetation Using Surface Solar Radiometric Measurements Journal Articles
Inferring Optical Depth of Broken Clouds from Landsat Data Journal Articles
Interaction of a negatively buoyant line plume with a density interface Journal Articles
Interannual variability of net ecosystem CO2 exchange at a subarctic fen Journal Articles
International Journal of Biometeorology Journal
International Journal of Climatology Journal
International Journal of Global Warming Journal
Interpreting the radiative properties of advanced high strength steel strip using a hybrid thin film/geometric optics model Journal Articles
Introduction Chapters
Introduction—Water Sustainability Journal Articles
Inverse modeling of CO<sub>2</sub> sources and sinks using satellite observations of CO<sub>2</sub> from TES and surface flask measurements Journal Articles
Investigating future precipitation changes over China through a high‐resolution regional climate model ensemble Journal Articles
Investigating the relationship of lightning activity and rainfall: A case study for Crete Island Journal Articles
Investigation of Changes in Extreme Temperature and Humidity Over China Through a Dynamical Downscaling Approach Journal Articles
Isolating the Industrial Contribution of PM2.5 in Hamilton and Burlington, Ontario Journal Articles
Isotopic evidence for the origin of sulphate in coastal rain Journal Articles
Isotopic evidence for the origin of sulphate in coastal rain Journal Articles
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems Journal
Journal of Aerosol Science Journal
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology Journal
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing Journal
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology Journal
Journal of Climate Journal
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Atmospheres Journal
Journal of Hydrometeorology Journal
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Journal
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Journal
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan Journal
Land use regression models coupled with meteorology to model spatial and temporal variability of NO2 and PM10 in Changsha, China Journal Articles
Large Soil Carbon Storage in Terrestrial Ecosystems of Canada Journal Articles
Linking variability in soil solution dissolved organic carbon to climate, soil type, and vegetation type Journal Articles
Long-term observations of saccharides in remote marine aerosols from the western North Pacific: A comparison between 1990–1993 and 2006–2009 periods Journal Articles
Lotka's wheel and the long arm of history: how does the distant past determine today's global rate of energy consumption? Journal Articles
Machine learning prediction of climate-induced disaster injuries Journal Articles
Machine learning prediction of climate-induced disaster property damages considering hazard- and community-related attributes Journal Articles
Managing the Cascading Risks of Droughts: Institutional Adaptation in Transboundary River Basins Journal Articles
Mapping Water, Energy and Carbon Footprints Along Urban Agglomeration Supply Chains Journal Articles
Mapping of Flood Areas Using Landsat with Google Earth Engine Cloud Platform Journal Articles
Mapping surface‐cover parameters using aggregation rules and remotely sensed cover classes Journal Articles
Measuring lichen specimen characteristics to reduce relative local uncertainties for trace element biomonitoring Journal Articles
Mechanisms of sulphate aerosol production in clouds: effect of cloud
characteristics and season in the Indian region Journal Articles
Mechanisms of sulphate aerosol production in clouds: effect of cloud characteristics and season in the Indian region Journal Articles
Meteorological Applications Journal
Methods for Estimating Surface Water Storage Changes and Their Evaluations Journal Articles
Microphysical properties of continental clouds from in situ measurements Journal Articles
Microphysical properties of continental clouds from in situ measurements Journal Articles
Mixed-layer heat advection and entrainment during the sea breeze Journal Articles
Model for Calculating Photosynthetic Photon Flux Densities in Forest Openings on Slopes Journal Articles
Modeling Evapotranspiration over China’s Landmass from 1979 to 2012 Using Multiple Land Surface Models: Evaluations and Analyses Journal Articles
Modeling and Scaling Coupled Energy, Water, and Carbon Fluxes Based on Remote Sensing: An Application to Canada’s Landmass Journal Articles
Modeling spatial patterns of link-based PM2.5 emissions and subsequent human exposure in a large canadian metropolitan area Journal Articles
Modeling the Response of Canopy Stomatal Conductance to Humidity Journal Articles
Modelling carbon‐coupled energy and water dynamics of a boreal aspen forest in a general circulation model land surface scheme Journal Articles
Modelling net radiation in a High Arctic environment using summer field camp data Journal Articles
Modelling the microscale spatial distribution of urban air temperature in suburban sprawl Journal Articles
Modulation of Land Photosynthesis by the Indian Ocean Dipole: Satellite‐Based Observations and CMIP6 Future Projections Journal Articles
Molecular characterization of firework-related urban aerosols using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry Journal Articles
Molecular markers of biomass burning, fungal spores and biogenic SOA in the Taklimakan desert aerosols Journal Articles
Monte Carlo Simulation of Solar Reflectances for Cloudy Atmospheres Journal Articles
Monthly Weather Review Journal
Multilevel factorial analysis for effects of SSPs and GCMs on regional climate change: a case study for the Yangtze River Basin Journal Articles
Multiple reflections across a linear discontinuity in surface albedo Journal Articles
Multisegment statistical bias correction of daily GCM precipitation output Journal Articles
Natural Hazards Journal
Nature Climate Change Journal
Neglect by GCMs of subgrid‐scale horizontal variations in cloud‐droplet effective radius: A diagnostic radiative analysis Journal Articles
Neighbourhood scale nitrogen dioxide land use regression modelling with regression kriging in an urban transportation corridor Journal Articles
Net terrestrial CO2exchange over China during 2001-2010 estimated with an ensemble data assimilation system for atmospheric CO2 Journal Articles
New methods to derive street-scale spatial patterns of air pollution from mobile monitoring Journal Articles
Nonstationary desertification dynamics of desert oasis under climate change and human interference Journal Articles
Northward Shifts of the Sahara Desert in Response to Twenty-First-Century Climate Change Journal Articles
Numerical Simulation of the Lateral Interactions Between Buoyant Clouds Journal Articles
Numerical model generation of test frames for pre-launch studies of EarthCARE's retrieval algorithms and data management system Journal Articles
Observations Over a Century Underscore an Increasing Likelihood of Compound Dry-Hot Events in China Journal Articles
Observed changes in temperature extremes for the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region of China Journal Articles
Observed regional climatic changes over Ontario, Canada, in response to global warming Journal Articles
On fitting the log-linear model to wind speed and temperature profiles over a melting glacier Journal Articles
On the CO<sub>2</sub> exchange between the atmosphere and the
biosphere: the role of synoptic and mesoscale processes Journal Articles
On the CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and the biosphere: the role of synoptic and mesoscale processes Journal Articles
On the aerosol and cloud phase function expansion moments for radiative transfer simulations Journal Articles
On the use of simulated photon paths to co‐register top‐of‐atmosphere radiances in EarthCARE radiative closure experiments Journal Articles
Optical Depth of Overcast Cloud across Canada: Estimates Based on Surface Pyranometer and Satellite Measurements Journal Articles
PRECIS‐projected increases in temperature and precipitation over Canada Journal Articles
Paleoclimate and vegetation of the Last Glacial Cycles in Jerusalem from a Speleothem Record Journal Articles
Parameterization of surface incoming radiation in tropical cloudy conditions Journal Articles
Parameterizing Grid-Averaged Longwave Fluxes for Inhomogeneous Marine Boundary Layer Clouds Journal Articles
Partial validation of a lossy compression approach to computing radiative transfer in cloud system‐resolving models Journal Articles
Performance of Goddard earth observing system GCM column radiation models under heterogeneous cloud conditions Conferences
Performance of statistical and machine learning ensembles for daily temperature downscaling Journal Articles
Permafrost hydrology in North America1 Journal Articles
Perturbation Solution for Four-Stream Infrared Radiative Transfer Journal Articles
Physical Geography Journal
Population-scale COVID-19 curfew effects on urban black carbon concentrations and sources in Kigali, Rwanda Journal Articles
Positive or Negative? Urbanization‐Induced Variations in Diurnal Skin‐Surface Temperature Range Detected Using Satellite Data Journal Articles
Potential evaporation in the peace river region of British Columbia Journal Articles
Potential evapotranspiration at Simcoe, Southern Ontario Journal Articles
Potential of bias correction for downscaling passive microwave and soil moisture data Journal Articles
Preliminary comparisons between mutagenicity and magnetic susceptibility of respirable airborne particulate Journal Articles
Probabilistic Flood Forecasting Using Hydrologic Uncertainty Processor with Ensemble Weather Forecasts Journal Articles
Probabilistic Inference Coupled with Possibilistic Reasoning for Robust Estimation of Hydrologic Parameters and Piecewise Characterization of Interactive Uncertainties Journal Articles
Probabilistic assessment of crop yield loss to drought time‐scales in Xinjiang, China Journal Articles
Probabilistic projections of regional climatic changes over the Great Lakes Basin Journal Articles
Probable tsunami origin for a Shell and Sand Sheet from marine ponds on Anegada, British Virgin Islands Journal Articles
Problems of determining snow albedo for the high arctic: Research note Journal Articles
Projected changes in temperature, precipitation, and their extremes over China through the RegCM Journal Articles
Projected increases in intensity and frequency of rainfall extremes through a regional climate modeling approach Journal Articles
Projected increases in near-surface air temperature over Ontario, Canada: a regional climate modeling approach Journal Articles
Projection of apparent temperature using statistical downscaling approach in the Pearl River Delta Journal Articles
Projections of daily mean surface temperature over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region through a stepwise cluster downscaling method Journal Articles
Publisher Correction: Contrasting responses of autumn-leaf senescence to daytime and night-time warming Journal Articles
Quantile delta-mapped spatial disaggregation analysis for climate variations over the Yangtze River Basin Journal Articles
Quantile delta-mapped spatial disaggregation analysis for summertime compound extremes over China Journal Articles
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Journal
Radiative sensitivities for cloud structural properties that are unresolved by conventional GCMs Journal Articles
Reassessing the Elliptic Phase Function for Use in Two-Stream Approximations Journal Articles
Reconciling and Improving Formulations for Thermodynamics and Conservation Principles in Earth System Models (ESMs) Journal Articles
Reconstruction of interannual variability of NEP using a process‐based model (InTEC) with climate and atmospheric records at Fluxnet‐Canada forest sites Journal Articles
Rectifier effect in an atmospheric model with daily biospheric fluxes:
impact on inversion calculation Conferences
Recursive multivariate principal‐monotonicity inferential climate downscaling Journal Articles
Refined estimate of China's CO<sub>2</sub> emissions in spatiotemporal distributions Journal Articles
Regional CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes from 2010 to 2015 inferred from GOSAT XCO<sub>2</sub> retrievals using a new version of the Global Carbon Assimilation System Journal Articles
Regional Considerations of Coastline Change, Tsunami Damage and Recovery along the Southern Coast of the Bay of Izmit (The Kocaeli (Turkey) Earthquake of 17 August 1999) Journal Articles
Relationship between ecosystem productivity and photosynthetically active radiation for northern peatlands Journal Articles
Relationships between net primary productivity and forest stand age in U.S. forests Journal Articles
Relationships of the Hygroscopicity of HULIS With Their Degrees of Oxygenation and Sources in the Urban Atmosphere Journal Articles
Representativity of cloud‐profiling radar observations for data assimilation in numerical weather prediction Journal Articles
Response of peatland carbon dioxide and methane fluxes to a water table drawdown experiment Journal Articles
Satellite-based near-real-time global daily terrestrial evapotranspiration estimates Journal Articles
Satellite‐based estimation of cloud‐base heights using constrained spectral radiance matching Journal Articles
Scaling properties of observed and simulated satellite visible radiances Journal Articles
Sea ice, climate change, and community vulnerability in northern Foxe Basin, Canada Journal Articles
Seeking potential contributions to future carbon budget in conterminous US forests considering disturbances Journal Articles
Short-lived pollutants in the Arctic: their climate impact and possible mitigation strategies Journal Articles
Significance of nitrogen dioxide absorption in estimating aerosol optical depth and size distributions Journal Articles
Simulating dynamics of –<sup>13</sup>C of CO<sub>2</sub> in the planetary boundary layer over a boreal forest region: covariation between surface fluxes and atmospheric mixing Conferences
Simulating dynamics of –13C of CO2in the planetary boundary layer over a boreal forest region: covariation between surface fluxes and atmospheric mixing Journal Articles
Simulating the effects of past changes in climate, atmospheric composition, and fire disturbance on soil carbon in Canada's forests and wetlands Journal Articles
Simulation of Evapotranspiration and Its Response to Plant Water and CO2 Transfer Dynamics Journal Articles
Simulation of North American lake‐ice cover characteristics under contemporary and future climate conditions Journal Articles
Simulation of canopy radiation transfer and surface albedo in the EALCO model Journal Articles
Snowpack driven streamflow predictability under future climate: contrasting changes across two western Canadian river basins Journal Articles
Solar Radiative Fluxes for Broken Cloud Fields above Reflecting Surfaces Journal Articles
Solar Radiative Fluxes for Stochastic, Scale-invariant Broken Cloud Fields Journal Articles
Solar Radiative Transfer Through Clouds Possessing Isotropic Variable Extinction Coefficient Journal Articles
Solar Radiative Transfer for Wind-Sheared Cumulus Cloud Fields Journal Articles
Solar radiative transfer for stratiform clouds with horizontal variations in liquid‐water path and droplet effective radius Journal Articles
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Canadian Seasonal Streamflows Journal Articles
Spatial distribution of carbon sources and sinks in Canada's forests Conferences
Spatial distribution of carbon sources and sinks in Canada’s
forests Journal Articles
Spatial modelling of particulate matter air pollution sensor measurements collected by community scientists while cycling, land use regression with spatial cross-validation, and applications of machine learning for data correction Journal Articles
Spatial-temporal heterogeneity of air pollution and its relationship with meteorological factors in the Pearl River Delta, China Journal Articles
Spatially simulating changes of soil water content and their effects on
carbon sequestration in Canada’s forests and wetlands Journal Articles
Spatially simulating changes of soil water content and their effects on carbon sequestration in Canada's forests and wetlands Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Meteorological Drought for the Island of Crete Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity in Precipitation over China and Its Connections with Large-Scale Climate Oscillations—A Moisture Budget Perspective Journal Articles
Spring-summer temperatures since AD 1780 reconstructed from stable oxygen isotope ratios in white spruce tree-rings from the Mackenzie Delta, northwestern Canada Journal Articles
State of the Climate in 2010 Journal Articles
Stepwise‐clustered heatwave downscaling and projection for Guangdong Province Journal Articles
Stochastic generation of subgrid‐scale cloudy columns for large‐scale models Journal Articles
Stochastic trends in observed annual average temperature series Journal Articles
Substrate effects in the photoenhanced ozonation of pyrene Journal Articles
Surface Albedo Estimates from Nimbus-7 ERB Data and a Two-Stream Approximation of the Radiative Transfer Equation Journal Articles
Surface albedo at a tower site in Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Surface energy balance calculations for small northern lakes Journal Articles
Surface-based observations of volcanic aerosol effects Journal Articles
Surface-based observations of volcanic aerosol effects Journal Articles
THE I3RC: Bringing Together the Most Advanced Radiative Transfer Tools for Cloudy Atmospheres Journal Articles
Tailored Investments Needed to Support Weather, Water, Ice, and Climate Services in the Polar Regions Journal Articles
Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography Journal
Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology Journal
Temperature change signals in northern Canada: convergence of statistical downscaling results using two driving GCMs Conferences
Terrestrial ecosystem carbon flux estimated using GOSAT and OCO-2 XCO<sub>2</sub> retrievals Journal Articles
The 2 °C global warming effect on summer European tourism through different indices Journal Articles
The Canadian Surface Prediction Archive (CaSPAr): A Platform to Enhance Environmental Modeling in Canada and Globally Journal Articles
The EarthCARE Satellite: The Next Step Forward in Global Measurements of Clouds, Aerosols, Precipitation, and Radiation Journal Articles
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation: an assessment using several global atmospheric models Journal Articles
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation’s Conditional Random Noise: Impact on Simulated Climate Journal Articles
The Variability of Arctic Sea Ice Extent from Spring to Summer and Its Linkage to the Decline of SIE in September Journal Articles
The application of semicircular-buffer-based land use regression models incorporating wind direction in predicting quarterly NO 2 and PM 10 concentrations Journal Articles
The effect of temperature on arson incidence in Toronto, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The effect of uncertainty in aerodynamic resistance on evaporation estimates from the combination model Journal Articles
The impact of long-term weather changes on air quality in Brazil Journal Articles
The pulmonary circulation of some domestic animals at high altitude Journal Articles
The relationship between turbidity and spectral optical depth Journal Articles
The role of OCO-3 XCO2 retrievals in estimating global terrestrial net ecosystem exchanges Journal Articles
The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies Journal Articles
The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies (vol 3, pg 875, 2013) Journal Articles
The sensitivity of domain-averaged solar fluxes to assumptions about cloud geometry Journal Articles
The sensitivity of domain‐averaged solar fluxes to assumptions about cloud geometry Journal Articles
The use of wind fields in a land use regression model to predict air pollution concentrations for health exposure studies Journal Articles
The use of wind fields to improve empirical chronic air pollution exposure models. Journal Articles
Theoretical and Applied Climatology Journal
Thirteen years of observations on biomass burning organic tracers over Chichijima Island in the western North Pacific: An outflow region of Asian aerosols Journal Articles
Thirteen years of observations on primary sugars and sugar alcohols over remote Chichijima Island in the western North Pacific Journal Articles
Tracking local radiocarbon releases from nuclear power plants in southern Ontario (Canada) using annually-dated tree-ring records Journal Articles
Trends in Land Evapotranspiration over Canada for the Period 1960–2000 Based on In Situ Climate Observations and a Land Surface Model Journal Articles
Twenty-first century probabilistic projections of precipitation over Ontario, Canada through a regional climate model ensemble Journal Articles
UV‐B cloud optical properties for Canada Journal Articles
Uncertainty analysis of statistically downscaled temperature and precipitation regimes in Northern Canada Journal Articles
Underestimation of Global Photosynthesis in Earth System Models Due to Representation of Vegetation Structure Journal Articles
Understanding the Creation and Use of Polar Weather and Climate Information Conferences
Urban Climate Journal
Use of Ecosystem Flux Data and a Simulation Model to Examine Seasonal Drought Effects on a Subtropical Coniferous Forest Journal Articles
Use of Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPEs) for Improved Hydrological Model Calibration and Flood Forecasting Journal Articles
Using ecosystem experiments to improve vegetation models Journal Articles
Using two-stream theory to capture fluctuations of satellite-perceived TOA SW radiances reflected from clouds over ocean Journal Articles
Variational Assimilation of Surface Wave Data for Bathymetry Reconstruction. Part II: Second Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Journal Articles
Variational assimilation of surface wave data for bathymetry reconstruction. Part I: algorithm and test cases Journal Articles
Variations of Climate, Surface Energy Budget, and Minimum Snow/Ice Extent over Canadian Arctic Landmass for 2000–16 Journal Articles
Vegetation Functional Properties Determine Uncertainty of Simulated Ecosystem Productivity: A Traceability Analysis in the East Asian Monsoon Region Journal Articles
Wavelet Analysis of the Interannual Variability in Southern Québec Streamflow Journal Articles
What eddy‐covariance measurements tell us about prior land flux errors in CO2‐flux inversion schemes Journal Articles
Wildfire and degradation accelerate northern peatland carbon release Journal Articles
Winter North Atlantic Oscillation impact on European precipitation and drought under climate change Journal Articles
Winter hydrometeorological extreme events modulated by large-scale atmospheric circulation in southern Ontario Journal Articles