publication venue for
- Analyzing spatial–temporal change of multivariate drought risk based on Bayesian copula: Application to the Balkhash Lake basin. 149:787-804. 2022
- Projection of apparent temperature using statistical downscaling approach in the Pearl River Delta. 144:1253-1266. 2021
- Projections of daily mean surface temperature over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region through a stepwise cluster downscaling method. 141:71-86. 2020
- Performance of statistical and machine learning ensembles for daily temperature downscaling. 140:571-588. 2020
- Identifying changes and critical drivers of future temperature and precipitation with a hybrid stepwise-cluster variance analysis method. 137:2437-2450. 2019
- Winter North Atlantic Oscillation impact on European precipitation and drought under climate change. 135:323-330. 2019
- Future changes of temperature and heat waves in Ontario, Canada. 132:1029-1038. 2018
- Climatological aspects of cyclonic tracks associated with flood events in Crete, Greece. 130:1163-1174. 2017
- Seeking potential contributions to future carbon budget in conterminous US forests considering disturbances. 130:971-978. 2017
- Climate change and the long-term viability of the World’s busiest heavy haul ice road. 129:1089-1108. 2017
- Bivariate hydrologic risk analysis based on a coupled entropy-copula method for the Xiangxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. 125:381-397. 2016
- Uncertainty analysis of statistically downscaled temperature and precipitation regimes in Northern Canada. 91:149-170. 2008
- Potential evapotranspiration at Simcoe, Southern Ontario. 16:391-417. 1968
- Global radiation and reflection coefficients at Azraq in Jordan. 15:376-384. 1967
- Albedo investigations in Labrador-Ungava. 13:137-151. 1963