selected scholarly activity
- Designing Robots That Challenge to Optimize Motor Learning. 39-58. 2016
- Developing Sport Expertise. 132-153. 2013
- 2.34 Motor Learning and Memory. 645-662. 2008
- Motor Learning and Memory. 645-662. 2008
- Intention in Bimanual Coordination Performance and Learning. Understanding Complex Systems. 41-56. 2004
- The gunslinger effect: Why are movements made faster when responding to vs. initiating an action?. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S35-S35. 2013
- Yoked versus self-controlled practice schedules and performance on dual-task transfer tests. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S49-S49. 2013
- Hands-on or hands-off? Assessing the impact of manual guidance on learning a challenging walking task after stroke: a pilot study protocol. Stroke. E154-E155. 2012
- Easy to difficult progressions in practice do not always facilitate implicit learning. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S127-S127. 2012
- Positive social-comparative feedback enhances motor learning. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S81-S82. 2012
- Optimal challenge point: task training compared to standard physiotherapy training for upper limb recovery after a stroke. Stroke. E612-E612. 2011
- Varied overground walking task practice versus body weight supported treadmill training in community dwelling adults within one year of stroke: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Neurology. E589-E589. 2011
- Effects of perceptual- and motor-priming congruency on sequence learning. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S94-S94. 2011
- Structuring adaptive practice schedules to challenge learners. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S7-S7. 2011
- Do vision and audition influence bimanual timing coordination for in-phase and anti-phase patterns in a linear slide task?. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S82-S83. 2010
- Impact of focus of attention instructions on walking performance in individuals with and without history of stroke. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S59-S60. 2009
- Shea & Morgan (1979) 30 years later: Perspectives on contextual interference research-Extensions of contextual interference research. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S4-S4. 2009
- Coordination of head and putter movement in expert and less-skilled golfers. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S104-S105. 2008
- Learning effects of self-controlled, best-trial, and worst-trial feedback schedules on an interception task. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S52-S52. 2007
- On the specificity of especial motor skills. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S94-S94. 2007
- The autonomic response and determinants of a hierarchical order of feature integration during simulated driving. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S116-S117. 2007
- Collective and experiential dimensions of teachers' practical knowledge: African American women in the professoriate speak. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. A14-A14. 2007
- Effects of performance-contingent switch rules on motor learning. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S100-S100. 2006
- Conundrums of effective practice. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S7-S7. 2005
- Focus of attention affects upper extremity functional recovery after stroke. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S138-S138. 2005
- How individuals choose to self-schedule practice as a function of task complexity. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S85-S85. 2005
- Motor Learning Conundrums (and Possible Solutions). Quest. 67-78. 2005
- Effects of augmented information timing and repetition distribution in learning novel typographical script. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S149-S149. 2004
- Cognitive effort and mental code similarity in a human-computer interaction. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S107-S107. 2003
- Aging effects in switching from bimanual to unimanual performance. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). 108-108. 2002
- Win-shift/lose-stay: Contingent switching as an alternative to random practice?. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). 116-116. 2002
- Combined effects of perceptual and motor training in polyrhythmic finger tapping. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S93-S93. 2001
- Contextual interference and age effects on motor learning. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S64-S64. 2001
- Influence of strategies in achieving interpersonal coordination. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S97-S97. 2001
- Summary of symposium: Where have we been and where are we going? Developing a new theory of motor learning for 2001 and beyond. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S4-S4. 2001
- Bimanual characteristics of a confederate/coordinator unit. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S111-S111. 2000
- The influence of Parkinson's disease on bimanual coordination: Freezing & amplitude deficits in anti-phase but not in-phase movements. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S14-S14. 2000
- Hot Topics in Motor Control and Learning: Introduction. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 316-318. 1998
- Aging and learning a new bimanual coordination pattern: Visual feedback effects. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S78-S78. 1998
- Effects of spatial orientation on learning a new bimanual coordination pattern. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S41-S41. 1998
- Aging and Learning a New Bimanual Coordination Pattern: Problems and Solutions. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S121-S121. 1997
- Alternative Views of the Dynamic Systems Approach to Motor Control and Learning: Promises, Potential Limitations, and Future Directions. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S21-S21. 1997
- Contextual interference in learning new patterns of bimanual coordination. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S114-S114. 1997
- Future Directions for Dynamic Systems Research: Suggestions of an Interested Observer. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S22-S22. 1997
- GOAL AND KR BANDWIDTH EFFECTS IN MOTOR LEARNING. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 507-507. 1990
journal articles
- Motor Learning: Reflections on the Past 40 Years of Research. Kinesiology Review. 10:274-282. 2021
- Somatosensory Integration and Masking of Complex Tactile Information: Peripheral and Cortical Contributions. Brain Sciences. 10:954-954. 2020
- Using a Manipulation Check to Uncover Age-Related Difference in Focus of Attention Instruction During a Balance Task. Experimental Aging Research. 42:307-313. 2016
- On the Role of Error in Motor Learning. Journal of Motor Behavior. 48:99-115. 2016
- In Memoriam: Richard Allen Schmidt (1941 – 2015). Journal of Motor Behavior. 48:1-4. 2016
- Age-related changes in postural control to the demands of a precision task. Human Movement Science. 44:134-142. 2015
- Nominal and functional task difficulty in skill acquisition: Effects on performance in two tests of transfer. Human Movement Science. 41:218-229. 2015
- Varied Overground Walking Training Versus Body-Weight-Supported Treadmill Training in Adults Within 1 Year of Stroke. Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation. 29:329-340. 2015
- The impact and specificity of nerve perturbation on novel vibrotactile sensory letter learning. SOMATOSENSORY AND MOTOR RESEARCH. 31:167-177. 2014
- What Roles Do Errors Serve in Motor Skill Learning? An Examination of Two Theoretical Predictions. Journal of Motor Behavior. 46:329-337. 2014
- The origin, and application of somatosensory evoked potentials as a neurophysiological technique to investigate neuroplasticity.. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. 58:170-183. 2014
- Do Vision and Audition Influence Bimanual Timing Coordination for In-Phase and Anti-Phase Patterns in a Linear Slide Task?. Open Sports Sciences Journal. 3:105-110. 2014
- The Role of Enactment in Learning American Sign Language in Younger and Older Adults. ISRN Dentistry. 2013:1-7. 2013
- Yoked Versus Self-Controlled Practice Schedules and Performance on Dual-Task Transfer Tests. Open Sports Sciences Journal. 6:62-69. 2013
- The Gunslinger Effect: Why Are Movements Made Faster When Responding to Versus Initiating an Action?. Journal of Motor Behavior. 45:85-90. 2013
- Multijoint error compensation mediates unstable object control. Journal of Neurophysiology. 108:1167-1175. 2012
- Effects of Vision on Head-Putter Coordination in Golf. Motor Control. 16:371-385. 2012
- Understanding Self-Controlled Motor Learning Protocols through the Self-Determination Theory. Frontiers in Psychology. 3:611. 2012
- Varied overground walking-task practice versus body-weight-supported treadmill training in ambulatory adults within one year of stroke: a randomized controlled trial protocol. BMC Neurology. 11:129. 2011
- Exploring Spared Capacity in Persons With Dementia: What WiiTMCan Learn. Activities, Adaptation and Aging. 34:303-313. 2010
- Effects of Masking Noise on Laryngeal Resistance for Breathy, Normal, and Pressed Voice. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. 53:850-861. 2010
- Do Vision and Audition Influence Bimanual Timing Coordination for In-Phase and Anti-Phase Patterns in a Linear Slide Task?~!2010-03-11~!2010-05-07~!2010-07-13~!. Open Sports Sciences Journal. 3:105-110. 2010
- Self-regulated frequency of augmented information in skill learning.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 64:33-40. 2010
- Tribute to Betty S. Adelman. Journal of Motor Behavior. 41:284-285. 2009
- Especial Skills: Specificity Embedded Within Generality. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). 30:723-736. 2008
- Win-Shift, Lose-Stay: Contingent Switching and Contextual Interference in Motor Learning. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 107:407-418. 2008
- Do Expert Golfers Keep Their Heads Still While Putting?. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 3:135-143. 2008
- Head–Putter Coordination Patterns in Expert and Less Skilled Golfers. Journal of Motor Behavior. 40:267-272. 2008
- Examining the proactive and retroactive placement of augmented information for learning a novel computer alphabet.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 62:42-50. 2008
- P2.064 A model of post-stroke walking retraining based on contemporary motor learning principles: a case study. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. 14:S59-S59. 2008
- The Effect of Self-Regulated and Experimenter-Imposed Practice Schedules on Motor Learning for Tasks of Varying Difficulty. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 78:476-486. 2007
- The influence of augmented feedback and prior learning on the acquisition of a new bimanual coordination pattern. Human Movement Science. 25:339-348. 2006
- Anchoring Strategies for Learning a Bimanual Coordination Pattern. Journal of Motor Behavior. 38:101-117. 2006
- Learning a new human–computer alphabet: The role of similarity and practice. Acta Psychologica. 120:267-287. 2005
- Especial Skills: Their Emergence With Massive Amounts of Practice.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 31:970-978. 2005
- The effect of postural stability and spatial orientation of the upper limbs on interlimb coordination. Experimental Brain Research. 161:265-275. 2005
- Journal of Motor Behavior: Preface. Journal of Motor Behavior. 36:354. 2004
- Preface. Journal of Motor Behavior. 36:354-354. 2004
- The Ebbinghaus illusion affects on-line movement control. Neuroscience Letters. 366:308-311. 2004
- Challenge Point: A Framework for Conceptualizing the Effects of Various Practice Conditions in Motor Learning. Journal of Motor Behavior. 36:212-224. 2004
- Perceptual and motor contributions to bimanual coordination. Neuroscience Letters. 363:102-107. 2004
- Contextual Interference: Single Task versus Multi-task Learning. Motor Control. 8:213-233. 2004
- Schema Theory: Critical Review and Implications for the Role of Cognition in a New Theory of Motor Learning. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 74:376-382. 2003
- Part and whole perceptual-motor practice of a polyrhythm. Neuroscience Letters. 338:205-208. 2003
- Disruptive influences of a cued voluntary shift on coordinated movement in Parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia. 41:442-452. 2003
- Effects of focus of attention depend on golfers' skill. Journal of Sports Sciences. 21:593-600. 2003
- Spatial constraints in bimanual coordination: influences of effector orientation. Experimental Brain Research. 146:205-212. 2002
- Age-related differences and the role of augmented visual feedback in learning a bimanual coordination pattern. Acta Psychologica. 110:247-263. 2002
- Aging, Attention, and Bimanual Coordination. Canadian Journal on Aging. 21:549-557. 2002
- Bimanual coordination deficits with Parkinson's disease: The influence of movement speed and external cueing. Movement Disorders. 17:30-37. 2002
- Bimanual coordination deficits with Parkinson's disease: The influence of movement speed and external cueing. Movement Disorders. 17:30-30. 2002
- Learning to use minimal access surgical instruments and 2-dimensional remote visual feedback: how difficult is the task for novices?. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 7:117-131. 2002
- Effects of Aging on Automatic and Effortful Processes in Bimanual Coordination. Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 55:P85-P94. 2000
- Ergonomics Challenges. Ergonomics in Design. 7:22-27. 1999
- The role of augmented information prior to learning a bimanual visual‐motor coordination task: Do instructions of the movement pattern facilitate learning relative to discovery learning?. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 90:389-403. 1999
- The effects of proactive and retroactive demonstrations on learning signed letters. Acta Psychologica. 101:79-90. 1999
- Hot Topics in Motor Control and Learning. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 69:334-337. 1998
- Contextual Interference in Learning New Patterns of Bimanual Coordination. Journal of Motor Behavior. 30:151-157. 1998
- Interlimb coordination: Learning and transfer under different feedback conditions. Human Movement Science. 16:749-785. 1997
- Dissociated Contextual Interference Effects in Children and Adults. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 84:851-858. 1997
- Dissociated contextual interference effects in children and adults.. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 84:851-858. 1997
- Effects of Aging and Reduced Relative Frequency of Knowledge of Results on Learning a Motor Skill. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 84:1107-1122. 1997
- Effects of aging and reduced relative frequency of knowledge of results on learning a motor skill. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 84:1107-1122. 1997
- Learning a new bimanual coordination pattern: Reciprocal influences of intrinsic and to-be-learned patterns.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 51:1-9. 1997
- Modeled Timing Information during Random Practice Eliminates the Contextual Interference Effect. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 68:100-105. 1997
- Delayed Visual Feedback While Learning to Track a Moving Target. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 67:416-423. 1996
- Effects of task instructions and oscillation frequency on bimanual coordination. Psychological Research. 59:100-106. 1996
- Relative Phase Alterations during Bimanual Skill Acquisition. Journal of Motor Behavior. 27:263-274. 1995
- The role of target information on manual-aiming bias. Psychological Research. 58:2-9. 1995
- Reducing Knowledge of Results about Relative versus Absolute Timing: Differential Effects on Learning. Journal of Motor Behavior. 26:362-369. 1994
- Effects of Bandwidth Goals and Bandwidth Knowledge of Results on Motor Learning. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 65:244-249. 1994
- Cognitive Effort and Motor Learning. Quest. 46:328-344. 1994
- Contextual Interference in Movements of the Same Class: Differential Effects on Program and Parameter Learning. Journal of Motor Behavior. 25:254-263. 1993
- Variance and Invariance in Expert and Novice Triple Junipers. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 64:404-412. 1993
- Acquiring bimanual skills: Contrasting forms of information feedback for interlimb decoupling.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 19:1328-1344. 1993
- Chapter 16 Three Legacies of Bryan and Harter: Automaticity, Variability and Change in Skilled Performance. Advances in Psychology. 102:295-315. 1993
- Effects of Aging and Schedules of Knowledge of Results on Motor Learning. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 47:P406-P411. 1992
- Contextual Interference in Motor Learning: Dissociated Effects Due to the Nature of Task Variations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 44:627-644. 1992
- Effects of the Model's Skill Level on Observational Motor Learning. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 63:25-29. 1992
- What Is Repeated in a Repetition? Effects of Practice Conditions on Motor Skill Acquisition. Physical Therapy. 71:150-156. 1991
- Prior processing effects on gymnastic judging.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 17:126-136. 1991
- Bandwidth Knowledge of Results and Motor Learning: More than Just a Relative Frequency Effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 42:777-789. 1990
- Influence of an unskilled model's practice schedule on observational motor learning. Human Movement Science. 9:349-367. 1990
- On the Role of Knowledge of Results in Motor Learning. Journal of Motor Behavior. 22:191-208. 1990
- When to Provide Knowledge of Results During Motor Learning: Scheduling Effects. Human Performance. 3:87-105. 1990
- Some Reminiscences on Distribution of Practice Effects. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 60:297-299. 1989
- Cognition in motor learning: Imagery effects on contextual interference. Human Movement Science. 8:227-245. 1989
- Distribution of Practice in Motor Skill Acquisition: Different Effects for Discrete and Continuous Tasks. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 60:59-65. 1989
- Training for Transfer of a Movement Timing Skill. Journal of Motor Behavior. 21:48-59. 1989
- Effect of head position on badminton players' reaction times, movement times and kinematic elements of running backward. Journal of Biomechanics. 22:1016. 1989
- Distribution of Practice in Motor Skill Acquisition: Learning and Performance Effects Reconsidered. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 59:277-287. 1988
- Chapter 7 Transfer-Appropriate Processing: A Framework for Conceptualizing Practice Effects in Motor Learning. Advances in Psychology. 50:201-215. 1988
- Effects of duration and activity during the post-KR interval on motor learning. Psychological Research. 49:237-241. 1987
- The preparation of actions and parameters of action: A fixed or variable process?. Acta Psychologica. 66:83-102. 1987
- The beneficial influence of forgetting on shorterm retention of movement information. Human Movement Science. 6:233-245. 1987
- Experience and Set in the Running Sprint Start. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 64:547-550. 1987
- Contextual Interference Effects during Skill Acquisition and Transfer in Down’s Syndrome Adolescents. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 3:250-258. 1986
- Probing the motor program: Effects of output competition during movement preparation. Human Movement Science. 5:173-183. 1986
- Dual-task interference between speaking and listening and a unipedal force production task. Neuropsychologia. 24:583-586. 1986
- Influence of Practice Schedule on Testing Schema Theory Predictions in Adults. Journal of Motor Behavior. 17:283-299. 1985
- On the nature of movement representation in memory. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 76:175-182. 1985
- Effects of Presentation Schedule on Retention and Prototype Formation for Kinesthetically Presented Figures. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 60:639-643. 1985
- Can Forgetting Facilitate Skill Acquisition?. Advances in Psychology. 27:3-22. 1985
- Activity during the Post-KR Interval: Effects upon Performance or Learning?. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 54:340-345. 1983
- The locus of contextual interference in motor-skill acquisition.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 9:730-746. 1983
- Encoding Specificity. Journal of Motor Behavior. 14:86-90. 1982
- ENCODING SPECIFICITY - A REPLY. Journal of Motor Behavior. 14:86-90. 1982
- A parallel between the preselection effect in psychomotor memory and the generation effect in verbal memory.. Journal of experimental psychology. Human learning and memory. 7:77-78. 1981
- Why hierarchical retrieval schemes do not facilitate recall: A cue overload explanation.. Canadian journal of psychology. 35:347-350. 1981
- Encoding Specificity Principle in Motor Short-Term Memory for Movement Extent. Journal of Motor Behavior. 12:63-67. 1980