publication venue for
- Product Innovation and Technology Strategy 2000
- Strategies to Improve Portfolio Management of New Products. 67:55-66. 2024
- Dynamic Portfolio Management for New Product Development. 66:19-31. 2023
- New-Product Portfolio Management with Agile. 63:29-38. 2020
- Agile–Stage-Gate for Manufacturers. 61:17-26. 2018
- Idea-to-Launch Gating Systems: Better, Faster, and More Agile. 60:48-52. 2017
- Agile–Stage-Gate Hybrids. 59:21-29. 2016
- Managing the Front End of Innovation-Part II Results from a Three-Year Study. 57:25-+. 2014
- Managing the Front End of Innovation Part-I Results From a Three-Year Study. 57:34-43. 2014
- What's Next?: After Stage-Gate. 57:20-31. 2014
- Where Are All the Breakthrough New Products?: Using Portfolio Management to Boost Innovation. 56:25-33. 2013
- Best Practices in the Idea-to-Launch Process and Its Governance. 55:43-54. 2012
- Developing a Product Innovation and Technology Strategy for Your Business. 53:33-40. 2010
- How Companies are Reinventing Their Idea-to-Launch Methodologies. 52:47-57. 2009
- The State of Product Development. 52:6-7. 2009
- Maximizing Productivity in Product Innovation. 51:47-58. 2008
- Grappling with innovation. 50:7-8. 2007
- CTO Power. 50:23-31. 2007
- Winning Businesses in Product Development: The Critical Success Factors. 50:52-66. 2007
- Managing Technology Development Projects. 49:23-31. 2006
- Total Rewards: Good Fit for Tech Workers. 49:27-35. 2006
- Benchmarking Best NPD Practices—III. 47:43-55. 2004
- Benchmarking Best NPD Practices—II. 47:50-59. 2004
- Benchmarking Best NPD Practices—I. 47:31-43. 2004
- Overcoming the Crunch in Resources for New Product Development. 46:48-58. 2003
- Optimizing the Stage-Gate Process: What Best-Practice Companies Do—II. 45:43-49. 2002
- Optimizing the Stage-Gate Process: What Best-Practice Companies Do—I. 45:21-27. 2002
- New Problems, New Solutions: Making Portfolio Management More Effective. 43:18-33. 2000
- Succeeding in technological innovation. 43:28-45. 2000
- Identifying ‘Super-Technology’ Industries. 42:31-36. 1999
- Best Practices for Managing R&D Portfolios. 41:20-33. 1998
- Portfolio Management in New Product Development: Lessons from the Leaders—II. 40:43-52. 1997
- Portfolio Management in New Product Development: Lessons from the Leaders—I. 40:16-28. 1997
- Winning Businesses in Product Development: The Critical Success Factors. 39:18-29. 1996
- Developing New Products On Time, In Time. 38:49-57. 1995
- Debunking the Myths of New Product Development. 37:40-50. 1994
- New Products: What Distinguishes the Winners?. 33:27-31. 1990
- New Product Performance and Product Innovation Strategies. 29:17-25. 1986
- Training Technologists to Become Managers. 28:18-21. 1985
- Most New Products Do Succeed. 26:20-25. 1983
- How to Identify Potential New Product Winners. 23:10-19. 1980
- The Role of Marketing Research in New Technology Ventures. 20:20-25. 1977