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A Maxi Cl− Channel in Cultured Pavement Cells From the Gills of the Freshwater Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus Mykiss Journal Articles
A Pilot Study of Gene Expression Modulation from Antioxidant System of Killifish Austrolebias charrua After Exposure to Roundup Transorb® Journal Articles
A Two-Species Biomarker Model for the Assessment of Sediment Toxicity in the Marine and Estuarine Environment Using the Comet Assay Journal Articles
A waterborne chemical cue from Gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta, prompts pulsatile urea excretion in conspecifics Journal Articles
ATP-Dependent Silver Transport across the Basolateral Membrane of Rainbow Trout Gills Journal Articles
Acute toxicity, accumulation and tissue distribution of copper in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus acclimated to different salinities: In vivo and in vitro studies Journal Articles
Adaptations toin situfeeding: novel nutrient acquisition pathways in an ancient vertebrate Journal Articles
Afferent neural activity from pseudobranch of teleosts. Effects of Po2, pH, osmotic pressure and Na+ ions Journal Articles
Air breathing and aquatic gas exchange during hypoxia in armoured catfish Journal Articles
Air breathing in Magadi tilapia Alcolapia grahami, under normoxic and hyperoxic conditions, and the association with sunlight and reactive oxygen species Journal Articles
Ammonia sensing by neuroepithelial cells and ventilatory responses to ammonia in rainbow trout Journal Articles
An evaluation of sodium loss and gill metal binding properties in rainbow trout and yellow perch to explain species differences in copper tolerance Journal Articles
Antioxidant responses after microcystin exposure in gills of an estuarine crab species pre-treated with vitamin E Journal Articles
Appearance of cuboidal cells in relation to salinity in gills of Fundulus heteroclitus, a species exhibiting branchial Na+ but not Cl− uptake in freshwater Journal Articles
Assessing the bioaccumulation potential of ionizable organic compounds: Current knowledge and research priorities Journal Articles
Biochemical and physiological adaptations in the estuarine crab Neohelice granulata during salinity acclimation Journal Articles
Biochemical biomarkers in gills of mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae from three Brazilian estuaries Journal Articles
Biologically incorporated dietary silver has no ionoregulatory effects in American red crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) Journal Articles
Biomarkers of waterborne copper exposure in the guppy Poecilia vivipara acclimated to salt water Journal Articles
Cadmium affects the social behaviour of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
Changes in gene expression in gills of the euryhaline killifish Fundulus heteroclitus after abrupt salinity transfer Journal Articles
Characterization of a Radiation-Induced Stress Response Communicated in Vivo between Zebrafish Journal Articles
Combining elevated temperature with waterborne copper: Impacts on the energy metabolism of the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Comparative study of gill neuroepithelial cells and their innervation in teleosts and Xenopus tadpoles Journal Articles
Copper accumulation and toxicity in isolated cells from gills and hepatopancreas of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) Journal Articles
Copper effects on key metabolic enzymes and mitochondrial membrane potential in gills of the estuarine crab Neohelice granulata at different salinities Journal Articles
Copper toxicity in the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias): Urea loss contributes to the osmoregulatory disturbance Conferences
Critical body residues, Michaelis–Menten analysis of bioaccumulation, lethality and behaviour as endpoints of waterborne Ni toxicity in two teleosts Journal Articles
Cultured gill epithelia as models for the freshwater fish gill Journal Articles
Development of a Retinoic Acid Receptor-Binding Assay with Rainbow Trout Tissue: Characterization of Retinoic Acid Binding, Receptor Tissue Distribution, and Developmental Changes Journal Articles
Development of oxygen sensing in the gills of zebrafish Journal Articles
Dibutyl phthalate disrupts energy metabolism and morphology in the gills and induces hepatotoxicity in zebrafish Journal Articles
Dibutyl phthalate rapidly alters calcium homeostasis in the gills of Danio rerio Journal Articles
Dietary iron alters waterborne copper-induced gene expression in soft water acclimated zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Distinct physiological strategies are used to cope with constant hypoxia and intermittent hypoxia in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) Journal Articles
Disturbance in Na+ regulation in cells rich in mitochondria isolated from gills of the yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides exposed to copper under different osmotic conditions Journal Articles
Divergent Chemosymbiosis-Related Characters in Thyasira cf. gouldi (Bivalvia: Thyasiridae) Journal Articles
Do circulating plasma AVT and/or cortisol levels control pulsatile urea excretion in the gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta)? Journal Articles
Ecotoxicological effects of salicylic acid in the freshwater fish Salmo trutta fario: antioxidant mechanisms and histological alterations Journal Articles
Effect of copper on ion content in isolated mantle cells of the marine clam Mesodesma mactroides Journal Articles
Effect of microcystin on ion regulation and antioxidant system in gills of the estuarine crab Chasmagnathus granulatus (Decapoda, Grapsidae) Journal Articles
Effects of Extracts from the CyanobacteriumMicrocystis aeruginosaon Ion Regulation and Gill Na+,K+‐ATPase and K+‐Dependent Phosphatase Activities of the Estuarine CrabChasmagnathus granulata(Decapoda, Grapsidae) Journal Articles
Effects of Zinc Exposure on Oxygen Consumption and Gill Na + ,K + -ATPase of the Estuarine Crab Chasmagnathus granulata Dana, 1851 (DecapodaGrapsidae) Journal Articles
Effects of contaminated sediment from Cork Harbour, Ireland on the cytochrome P450 system of turbot Journal Articles
Effects of copper exposure on the energy metabolism in juveniles of the marine clam Mesodesma mactroides Journal Articles
Effects of increasing temperature on antioxidant defense system and oxidative stress parameters in the Antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps and Notothenia rossii Journal Articles
Effects of spironolactone and RU486 on gene expression and cell proliferation after freshwater transfer in the euryhaline killifish Journal Articles
Epithelial mitochondria-rich cells and associated innervation in adult and developing zebrafish Journal Articles
Evidence for a morphological component in acid-base regulation during environmental hypercapnia in the brown bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus) Journal Articles
Evidence for a protective response by the gill proteome of rainbow trout exposed to X‐ray induced bystander signals Journal Articles
Exposure to wastewater effluent disrupts hypoxia responses in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) Journal Articles
Expression of genes related to metal metabolism in the freshwater fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii living in a historically contaminated area associated with copper mining Journal Articles
Fish gill morphology: inside out Journal Articles
Gene Expression and Enzyme Activity of Mitochondrial Proteins in Irradiated Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Walbaum) TissuesIn Vitro Journal Articles
Gene expression after freshwater transfer in gills and opercular epithelia of killifish: insight into divergent mechanisms of ion transport Journal Articles
Genotoxicity of field‐collected inter‐tidal sediments from Cork Harbor, Ireland, to juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) as measured by the Comet assay Journal Articles
Gill Morphology and Acid-Base Regulation in Freshwater Fishes Journal Articles
Gill and liver histopathological changes in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed to oil sands process-affected water Journal Articles
Gill membrane remodeling with soft-water acclimation in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Gill paracellular permeability and the osmorespiratory compromise during exercise in the hypoxia-tolerant Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) Journal Articles
Growth hormone transgenesis affects osmoregulation and energy metabolism in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Identification and immunocytochemical localization of two different carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes in teleostean fish erythrocytes and gill epithelia Journal Articles
Identification of the putative goldfish (Carassius auratus) magnesium transporter SLC41a1 and functional regulation in the gill, kidney, and intestine in response to dietary and environmental manipulations Journal Articles
Immunocytochemical localization of carbonic anhydrase in the pseudobranch tissue of the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus my-kiss Journal Articles
Influence of acclimation and cross-acclimation of metals on acute Cd toxicity and Cd uptake and distribution in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Integrated biological responses of zebrafish (Danio rerio) to analyze water quality in regions under anthropogenic influence Journal Articles
Interactions between hypoxia tolerance and food deprivation in Amazonian oscars, Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz) Journal Articles
Interspecific and environment-induced variation in hypoxia tolerance in sunfish Journal Articles
Intracellular vesicular trafficking in the gill epithelium of urea-excreting fish Journal Articles
Intraspecific divergence of ionoregulatory physiology in the euryhaline teleostFundulus heteroclitus: possible mechanisms of freshwater adaptation Journal Articles
Intraspecific variation in gene expression after seawater transfer in gills of the euryhaline killifish Fundulus heteroclitus Journal Articles
Investigating the mechanisms of Ni uptake and sub-lethal toxicity in the Atlantic killifish Fundulus heteroclitus in relation to salinity Journal Articles
Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in a proteomic legacy in adult gills. Part A; proteomic responses in the irradiated fish and in non-irradiated bystander fish Journal Articles
Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in a proteomic legacy in adult gills. Part B; the effect of a second radiation dose, after one year, on the proteomic responses in the irradiated and non-irradiated bystander fish Journal Articles
Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in trans-generational effects including the induction of a bystander effect in non-irradiated fish Journal Articles
Kinetic and toxicological characteristics of acetylcholinesterase from the gills of oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae) and other aquatic species Conferences
Life-time exposure to waterborne copper III: Effects on the energy metabolism of the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Links between Osmoregulation and Nitrogen-Excretion in Insects and Crustaceans Journal Articles
Lipids as energy source during salinity acclimation in the euryhaline crab Chasmagnathus granulata dana, 1851 (crustacea‐grapsidae) Journal Articles
Magnetosome-containing bacteria living as symbionts of bivalves Journal Articles
Mechanism of acute silver toxicity in marine invertebrates Conferences
Mechanisms of copper accumulation in isolated mantle cells of the marine clam Mesodesma mactroides Journal Articles
Mechanisms of ion and acid‐base regulation at the gills of freshwater fish Journal Articles
Metabolic Costs of Exposure to Wastewater Effluent Lead to Compensatory Adjustments in Respiratory Physiology in Bluegill Sunfish Journal Articles
Metal Accumulation and Ion Regulation in the Fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii Living in a Site Chronically Contaminated by Copper: Insights from Translocation Experiments Journal Articles
Metal accumulation and expression of genes encoding for metallothionein and copper transporters in a chronically exposed wild population of the fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii Journal Articles
Metallothionein-like proteins in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus: Effect of water salinity and ions Journal Articles
Modes of metal toxicity and impaired branchial ionoregulation in rainbow trout exposed to mixtures of Pb and Cd in soft water Journal Articles
Morphology of gill epithelia in fish Journal Articles
Na+ versus Cl− transport in the intact killifish after rapid salinity transfer Journal Articles
Nacl Uptake by the Branchial Epithelium in Freshwater Teleost Fish: An Immunological Approach to Ion-Transport Protein Localization Journal Articles
Neuroepithelial cells and associated innervation of the zebrafish gill: A confocal immunofluorescence study Journal Articles
Neuroepithelial cells in fish gill primary lamellae Journal Articles
Neuroepithelial oxygen chemoreceptors of the zebrafish gill Journal Articles
New developments on gill innervation: insights from a model vertebrate Journal Articles
Nitrogen Excretion and the Cardiorespiratory Physiology of the Gulf Toadfish,Opsanus beta Journal Articles
Ontogenesis of oxygen chemoreception in aquatic vertebrates Journal Articles
Oxidative Stress in a Wild Population of the Freshwater Fish Hyphessobrycon Luetkenii Chronically Exposed to a Copper Mining Area: New Insights into Copper Toxicology Journal Articles
Oxidative stress and DNA damage responses to phenanthrene exposure in the estuarine guppy Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Oxidative stress and metabolic responses to copper in freshwater- and seawater-acclimated killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus Journal Articles
Oxidative stress response and gene expression with acute copper exposure in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Parental Males of the Plainfin Midshipman Are Physiologically Resilient to the Challenges of the Intertidal Zone Journal Articles
Peripheral Chemoreceptors in Air- Versus Water- Breathers Chapters
Physiological and Molecular Characterization of Urea Transport by the Gills of the Lake Magadi Tilapia (Alcolapia Grahami) Journal Articles
Physiological and molecular mechanisms of osmoregulatory plasticity in killifish after seawater transfer Journal Articles
Physiological tradeoffs may underlie the evolution of hypoxia tolerance and exercise performance in sunfish (Centrarchidae) Conferences
Potency and specificity of amiloride and its analogues on branchial sodium fluxes in freshwater trout and goldfish Journal Articles
Potential Oxygen Sensing Pathways in the Zebrafish Gill Journal Articles
Proteomic changes in the gills of wild-type and transgenic radiosensitive medaka following exposure to direct irradiation and to X-ray induced bystander signals Journal Articles
Proteomic responses in the gills of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas, Rafinesque, 1820) after 6 months and 2 years of continuous exposure to environmentally relevant dietary226Ra Journal Articles
Proton pumps in fish gill pavement cells? Journal Articles
Pulsatile Urea Excretion In Gulf Toadfish (Opsanus Beta): Evidence For Activation Of A Specific Facilitated Diffusion Transport System Journal Articles
Regulation of gill transcellular permeability and renal function during acute hypoxia in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus): new angles to the osmorespiratory compromise Journal Articles
Respiratory responses to progressive hypoxia in the Amazonian oscar, Astronotus ocellatus Journal Articles
Responses of biomarkers in wild freshwater mussels chronically exposed to complex contaminant mixtures Journal Articles
Salinity-dependent copper accumulation in the guppy Poecilia vivipara is associated with CTR1 and ATP7B transcriptional regulation Journal Articles
Sex-biased response of pollution biomarkers in fish: Insights from the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Short-term silver accumulation in tissues of three marine invertebrates: Shrimp Penaeus duorarum, sea hare Aplysia californica, and sea urchin Diadema antillarum Conferences
Silver accumulation in Daphnia magna in the presence of reactive sulfide Journal Articles
Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of neuroepithelial cells and other cell types of the gills of zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to hypoxia Journal Articles
Spatial patterns of microplastics in freshwater bivalves (Bivalvia: Unionidae and Sphaeriidae) relative to municipal wastewater discharges. Journal Articles
Tentative de localisation histochimique d'une ATPase-Na+-K+ au niveau de l'�pith�lium pseudobranchial des T�l�ost�ens Journal Articles
The Effects of Acute Copper and Ammonia Challenges on Ammonia and Urea Excretion by the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus Journal Articles
The Effects of Copper on Na+/K+-ATPase and Aquaporin Expression in Two Euryhaline Invertebrates Journal Articles
The Influence of Sex, Parasitism, and Ontogeny on the Physiological Response of European Eels (Anguilla anguilla) to an Abiotic Stressor Journal Articles
The Physiological Basis for Altered Na+and Cl−Movements across the Gills of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Alkaline (pH = 9.5) Water Journal Articles
The bioaccumulation of waterborne zinc in tissues of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) and its effect on biochemical parameters Journal Articles
The effects of chronic acetaminophen exposure on the kidney, gill and liver in rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) Journal Articles
The effects of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) on fuel stores and ion balance in a non-target fish, the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
The interactive effect of digesting a meal and thermal acclimation on maximal enzyme activities in the gill, kidney, and intestine of goldfish (Carassius auratus) Journal Articles
The neuroepithelial cells of the fish gill filament: Indolamine‐immunocytochemistry and innervation Journal Articles
Tissue-specific effects of acute aluminium exposure on the radiation-induced bystander effect in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) Journal Articles
Toxicity and Accumulation of Mercury in Three Species of Crabs with Different Osmoregulatory Capacities Journal Articles
Transport Properties of Cultured Branchial Epithelia from Freshwater Rainbow Trout: A Novel Preparation with Mitochondria-Rich Cells Journal Articles
Trophic transfer potential of nTiO2, nZnO, and triclosan in an algae-algae eating fish food chain Journal Articles
Ultrastructure of marine teleost gill epithelia: SEM and TEM study of the chloride cell apical membrane Journal Articles
Upregulating Nrf2-dependent antioxidant defenses in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas: Investigating the Nrf2/Keap1 pathway in bivalves Journal Articles
Urea and water permeability in the ureotelic gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) Journal Articles
Water Chemistry Alters Gene Expression and Physiological End Points of Chronic Waterborne Copper Exposure in Zebrafish, Danio rerio Journal Articles
Waterborne copper exposure inhibits ammonia excretion and branchial carbonic anhydrase activity in euryhaline guppies acclimated to both fresh water and sea water Journal Articles
[Anatomical relationships of the ionocytes (chloride cells) with the branchial venous compartment: definition of two types of epithelium in fish gills]. Journal Articles
[Branchial vascularization in the eel: action of acetylcholine and adrenaline on the distribution of polymerizable resin in the different vascular compartments]. Journal Articles
[Morphology and physiology of organs of aquatic respiration in vertebrates: the gill]. Journal Articles
[The effect of hypoxia on the branchial vascular system of the perfused trout head]. Journal Articles
[The pseudo-branchia of teleosts: electrophysiological tests of its chemoreceptor and baroreceptor functions]. Journal Articles
mRNA Expression and activity of ion‐transporting proteins in gills of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus: Effects of waterborne copper Journal Articles