Emergency Service, Hospital
Vocabulary Service
subject area of
"SARS-Ed": severe acute respiratory syndrome and the impact on medical education. Journal Articles
2019 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces Journal Articles
SAEM GRACE: Anti‐craving medications for alcohol use disorder treatment in the emergency department: A systematic review of direct evidence Journal Articles
SAEM GRACE: Phenobarbital for alcohol withdrawal management in the emergency department: A systematic review of direct evidence Journal Articles
A 25-year-old woman with diabetes in custody Journal Articles
A Citywide Prehospital Protocol Increases Access to Stroke Thrombolysis in Toronto Journal Articles
A Cross-sectional Survey of Levels of Care and Response Mechanisms for Evolving Critical Illness in Hospitalized Children Journal Articles
A Longitudinal Survey on Canadian Emergency Physician Burnout Journal Articles
A Multicenter Assessment of the Sensitivity and Specificity for a Single High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Test at Emergency Department Presentation for Hospital Admission Journal Articles
A Multicentre Prospective Cohort Study to Identify High-Risk Transient Ischemic Attack/Minor Stroke Patients Benefitting from Echocardiography. Journal Articles
A Novel Method to Link and Validate Routinely Collected Emergency Department Clinical Data to Measure Quality of Care Journal Articles
A Population-Based Assessment of the Burden of Acute Pancreatitis in the United States Journal Articles
A Spinal Tap Does Not Require Skin Markings Journal Articles
A Survey of Caregiver Perspectives on Children’s Pain Management in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
A Survey of Children's Perspectives on Pain Management in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Child and Adolescent Healthcare Utilization for Eating Disorders During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
A Systematic Review of the Impact of Healthcare Reforms on Access to Emergency Department and Elective Surgery Services Journal Articles
A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Brief Interventions for Alcohol Misuse among Adults in Emergency Departments Journal Articles
A cohort study of regional migration and the risks of attempted suicide and violent assault injury Journal Articles
A comparison in a youth population between those with and without a history of concussion using biomechanical reconstruction Journal Articles
A comparison of the home‐care and healthcare service use and costs of older
ustralians randomised to receive a restorative or a conventional home‐care service Journal Articles
A door-to-needle time of 30 minutes or less for myocardial infarction thrombolysis is possible in rural emergency departments Journal Articles
A laboratory score at presentation to rule-out serious cardiac outcomes or death in patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of acute coronary syndrome Journal Articles
A letter from CMAJ's editorial board to the CMA. Journal Articles
A national cross-sectional survey of health literacy of caregivers attending Canadian pediatric emergency departments. Journal Articles
A national survey of children’s experiences and needs when attending Canadian pediatric emergency departments Journal Articles
A pilot study examining the speed and accuracy of triage for simulated disaster patients in an emergency department setting: Comparison of a computerized version of Canadian Triage Acuity Scale (CTAS) and Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) methods Journal Articles
A randomized trial comparing prescribed light exercise to standard management for emergency department patients with acute mild traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
A realist review of brief interventions for alcohol misuse delivered in emergency departments Journal Articles
A retrospective cohort study examining health care utilization patterns in individuals diagnosed with an eating disorder in childhood and/or adolescence Journal Articles
A review of interventions to improve clinical outcomes following hospitalisation for heart failure Journal Articles
A step closer in reducing hemolysis in blood samples collected in the emergency department Journal Articles
A suicide prevention strategy for youth presenting to the emergency department with suicide related behaviour: protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Access to primary care in adults in a provincial correctional facility in Ontario Journal Articles
Accuracy of emergency physician–performed ultrasonography in the diagnosis of deep-vein thrombosis Journal Articles
Acute Aortic Syndrome: Yield of Computed Tomography Angiography in Patients With Acute Chest Pain Journal Articles
Acute Care Use for Ambulatory Care–Sensitive Conditions in High-Cost Users of Medical Care with Mental Illness and Addictions Journal Articles
Acute Care Visits for Assault and Maltreatment Before vs During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Acute Management and Outcomes of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Presenting to Canadian Emergency Departments with Hypoglycemia Journal Articles
Acute hyperkalemia in the emergency department: a summary from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes conference Journal Articles
Acute pain and pain control: State of the art Journal Articles
Addition of intravenous aminophylline to inhaled beta2-agonists in adults with acute asthma Journal Articles
Admissions and Emergency Visits by Late Preterm Singletons and Twins in the First 5 Years: A Population-Based Cohort Study Journal Articles
Adverse Events Associated With Prescription Drug Cost-Sharing Among Poor and Elderly Persons Journal Articles
Agreement and prognostic accuracy of three ED vulnerability screeners: findings from a prospective multi-site cohort study Journal Articles
Airborne grass pollen and thunderstorms influence emergency department asthma presentations in a subtropical climate Journal Articles
Airway management of an open penetrating neck injury Journal Articles
Ambulatory follow‐up among publicly insured children discharged from the emergency department Journal Articles
An Extended Validity Argument for Assessing Feedback Culture Journal Articles
An Innovative Model of Pediatric Emergency Department Mental Health Care: Protocol for a Multicenter Type 1 Effectiveness-Implementation Cluster Randomized Trial Journal Articles
An Interesting Case of Viral Pericarditis Journal Articles
An approach to rule-out an acute cardiovascular event or death in emergency department patients using outcome-based cutoffs for high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays and glucose Journal Articles
An atypical presentation of giant cell arteritis Journal Articles
An ecological analysis of child medical emergency admissions to hospitals in West Glamorgan Journal Articles
An evaluation of door to needle time (DNT) of thrombolytic therapy following acute myocardial infarction in three large tertiary referral hospitals in Dhaka City. Journal Articles
Analytical performance of cardiac troponin assays – Current status and future needs Journal Articles
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-induced angioedema: Still unrecognized Journal Articles
Ankle Radiograph Utilization after Learning a Decision Rule: A 12‐month Follow‐up Conferences
Annual and Seasonal Trends in Ambulatory Visits for Pediatric Concussion in Ontario between 2003 and 2013 Journal Articles
Antibiotic prescribing patterns in the pediatric emergency department at Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation: a retrospective chart review Journal Articles
Anticoagulation for newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation and 90-day rates of stroke and bleeding Journal Articles
Anticoagulation prescription among atrial fibrillation patients managed with and without an anticoagulant initiation pathway: a cohort study Journal Articles
Application of High-Sensitivity Troponin in Suspected Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Application of Syncope Guidelines in the Emergency Department Do Not Reduce Admission Rates: A Retrospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Application of biomedical informatics to chronic pediatric diseases: a systematic review Journal Articles
Approaches to Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in Health Care Settings Journal Articles
Are Canadian clinicians providing consistent sport-related concussion management advice? Journal Articles
Aspirin and clopidogrel in patients with ACS undergoing PCI: CURE and PCI-CURE. Journal Articles
Assault by strangulation: sex differences in patient profile and subsequent readmissions Journal Articles
Assessing Competence in Emergency Radiology Using an Online Simulator Journal Articles
Assessing Dehydration Employing End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide in Children With Vomiting and Diarrhea Conferences
Assessing the prevalence and clinical relevance of positive abdominal and pelvic CT findings in senior patients presenting to the emergency department Journal Articles
Assessing, treating and preventing community acquired pneumonia in older adults: findings from a community-wide survey of emergency room and family physicians Journal Articles
Association Between Burn Injury and Mental Illness among Burn Survivors: A Population-Based, Self-Matched, Longitudinal Cohort Study Journal Articles
Association between maternal schizophrenia and risk of serious asthma exacerbations in childhood. Journal Articles
Association between parental perception of children's vulnerability to illness and management of children's asthma Journal Articles
Associations between continuity of primary and specialty physician care and use of hospital-based care among community-dwelling older adults with complex care needs Journal Articles
Attitudes of emergency department physicians and nurses toward implementation of an early warning score to identify critically ill patients: qualitative explanations for failed implementation Journal Articles
Audit and feedback for individual practitioners in the emergency department: an evidence-based and practical approach Journal Articles
BET 1: Screening for delirium within the emergency department Journal Articles
Background incidence rates of hospitalisations and emergency department visits for thromboembolic and coagulation disorders in Ontario, Canada for COVID-19 vaccine safety assessment: a population-based retrospective observational study Journal Articles
Bacterial DNA patterns identified using paired-end Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA genes from whole blood samples of septic patients in the emergency room and intensive care unit Journal Articles
Baseline characteristics, adenosine diphosphate receptor inhibitor treatment patterns, and in-hospital outcomes of myocardial infarction patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention in the prospective Canadian Observational AntiPlatelet sTudy (COAPT) Journal Articles
Benefit of direct ambulance to coronary care unit admission of acute myocardial infarction patients undergoing primary percutanoues intervention Journal Articles
Brain Natriuretic Peptide in the Evaluation of Emergency Department Dyspnea: Is There a Role? Journal Articles
Brief Interventions for Cannabis Use in Healthcare Settings: Systematic Review and Meta-analyses of Randomized Trials Journal Articles
Building Capacity in Healthcare by Re-examining Clinical Services in Paramedicine Journal Articles
Burn center care reduces acute health care utilization after discharge: A population-based analysis of 1,895 survivors of major burn injury Journal Articles
CAEP, CCCS, and CNSF Position Statement – Management of devastating brain injuries in the emergency department: Enhancing neuroprognostication and maintaining the opportunity for organ and tissue donation Journal Articles
CAEP, CCCS, and CNSF Position Statement – Management of devastating brain injuries in the emergency department: Enhancing neuroprognostication and maintaining the opportunity for organ and tissue donation – Addendum Journal Articles
CCEDRRN COVID-19 Infection Score (CCIS): development and validation in a Canadian cohort of a clinical risk score to predict SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients presenting to the emergency department with suspected COVID-19 Journal Articles
CIHI Survey: Alternative Level of Care in Canada: A Summary Journal Articles
COPD exacerbations in the emergency department: Epidemiology and related costs. A retrospective cohort multicentre study from the Italian Society of Emergency Medicine (SIMEU) Journal Articles
Can A Community Evidence-based Asthma Care Program Improve Clinical Outcomes? Journal Articles
Can Montelukast Shorten Prednisolone Therapy in Children with Mild to Moderate Acute Asthma? A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Can a mobile app technology reduce emergency department visits and readmissions after lung resection? A prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Canadian Anaphylaxis Network-Predicting Recurrence after Emergency Presentation for Allergic REaction (CAN-PREPARE): a prospective, cohort study protocol Journal Articles
Canadian physician survey on the medical management of hereditary angioedema Journal Articles
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome presentation to the emergency department: A two-year multicentre retrospective chart review in a major urban area Journal Articles
Caring for victims of intimate partner violence: a survey of Canadian emergency departments Journal Articles
Causal Analysis of Emergency Department Delays Journal Articles
Causes of early postpartum complications that result in visits to the emergency department Journal Articles
Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome: A rare postoperative complication of carotid endarterectomy Journal Articles
Cervical Spine Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Alert, Neurologically Intact Trauma Patients With Persistent Midline Tenderness and Negative Computed Tomography Results Journal Articles
Characteristics and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 who return to the emergency department: a multicentre observational study by the Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CCEDRRN) Journal Articles
Characteristics of Patients Who Leave Emergency Departments without Being Seen Journal Articles
Characteristics of emergency patients admitted to hospital with asthma: A population‐based cohort study in Queensland, Australia Journal Articles
Characteristics of frequent users of the emergency department with chronic pain Journal Articles
Chest ultrasonography by frontline physicians is more sensitive than CXR for diagnosing pneumothorax in trauma patients Journal Articles
Child maltreatment and onset of emergency department presentations for suicide-related behaviors Journal Articles
Child maltreatment and repeat presentations to the emergency department for suicide-related behaviors Journal Articles
Children's multiple vitamins: overuse leads to overdose. Journal Articles
Chronic Pain in the Emergency Department: A Pilot Mixed-Methods Cross-Sectional Study Examining Patient Characteristics and Reasons for Presentations Journal Articles
Chronic Psychotic Disorders and Correctional Involvement: A Population-Based Matched Case-Control Study in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Clinical Decision Rules to Rule Out Subarachnoid Hemorrhage for Acute Headache Journal Articles
Clinical Guidelines and Policies: Can they Improve Emergency Department Pain Management? Journal Articles
Clinical Outcomes in Obese and Normal-weight Children Undergoing Ultrasound for Suspected Appendicitis Conferences
Clinical Outcomes of Failing to Dose-Reduce Cephalosporin Antibiotics in Older Adults with CKD Journal Articles
Clinical Predictors of Intracranial Bleeding in Older Adults Who Have Fallen: A Cohort Study Journal Articles
Clinical Risk Score for Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms Among Children With Acute Concussion in the ED Journal Articles
Clinical characteristics and management of pediatric egg-induced anaphylaxis: A cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Clinical chemistry score misses fewer deaths as compared to troponin T alone in a United States emergency department population Journal Articles
Clinical chemistry score versus high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I and T tests alone to identify patients at low or high risk for myocardial infarction or death at presentation to the emergency department Journal Articles
Clinical factors associated with the use of dexamethasone for asthma in the pediatric emergency department Journal Articles
Clinical implications of the Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3) Journal Articles
Clinical outcomes for chest pain patients discharged home from emergency departments using high-sensitivity versus conventional cardiac troponin assays Journal Articles
Co-ingestion of tricyclic antidepressants with selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors: Overdose in the emergency department. Journal Articles
Coaching in emergency medicine Journal Articles
Cognition in the Emergency Department as a Predictor of Recovery after Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
Combining presentation high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I and glucose measurements to rule-out an acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting to emergency department with chest pain Journal Articles
Common Diagnoses and Outcomes in Elderly Patients Who Present to the Emergency Department with Non-Specific Complaints Journal Articles
Comorbidity Burden and Health Services Use in Community-Living Older Adults with Diabetes Mellitus: A Retrospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Comparative Evaluation of 2-Hour Rapid Diagnostic Algorithms for Acute Myocardial Infarction Using High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Journal Articles
Comparing Methodologies for Evaluating Emergency Medical Services Ground Transport Access to Time‐critical Emergency Services: A Case Study Using Trauma Center Care Journal Articles
Comparison of Adult Diabetic Ketoacidosis Treatment Protocols From Canadian Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Comparison of Frailty Screening Instruments in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
Comparison of YEARS and Adjust-Unlikely D-dimer Testing for Pulmonary Embolism in the Emergency Department Conferences
Comparison of paediatric emergency department visits for attempted suicide, self-harm, and suicidal ideation before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Comparison of the age-adjusted and clinical probability-adjusted D-dimer to exclude pulmonary embolism in the ED Journal Articles
Comparison of two biomarker only algorithms for early risk stratification in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome Journal Articles
Computed tomography angiography to identify the cause of a transient ischemic attack versus irradiating patients without cause (or even a TIA) Journal Articles
Conceptual Framework for Health‐related Quality of Life Assessment in Acute Gastroenteritis Journal Articles
Concomitant pulmonologist and primary care for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a population study Journal Articles
Concordance between physiotherapists and physicians for care of patients with musculoskeletal disorders presenting to the emergency department Journal Articles
Conflict Prevention, Conflict Mitigation, and Manifestations of Conflict During Emergency Department Consultations Journal Articles
Conquering Consultations: A Guide to Advances in the Science of Referral-Consultation Interactions for Residency Education Journal Articles
Contemporary Emergency Department Management of Patients with Chest Pain: A Concise Review and Guide for the High-Sensitivity Troponin Era Journal Articles
Core requirements of frailty screening in the emergency department: an international Delphi consensus study Journal Articles
Correlates of child mental health and substance use related emergency department visits in Ontario: A linked population survey and administrative health data study Journal Articles
Correlation of the Canadian Pediatric Emergency Triage and Acuity Scale to ED resource utilization Journal Articles
Cost Consequence Analysis of Implementing the Low Risk Ankle Rule in Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Cost Evaluation of the Ontario Virtual Urgent Care Pilot Program: Population-Based, Matched Cohort Study Journal Articles
Cost-Effectiveness of Rhythm versus Rate Control in Atrial Fibrillation Journal Articles
Costs of postpartum care: examining associations from the Ontario mother and infant survey. Journal Articles
Critical care response teams: A step forward in patient care, or a step closer to an emergency physician manpower crisis? Journal Articles
Critical care response teams: a step forward in patient care, or a step closer to an emergency physician manpower crisis? Journal Articles
Critical care response teams: potential roles for emergency physicians Journal Articles
Cross-sectional imaging of nontraumatic peritoneal and mesenteric emergencies Journal Articles
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
DIVERT-Collaboration Action Research and Evaluation (CARE) Trial Protocol: a multiprovincial pragmatic cluster randomised trial of cardiorespiratory management in home care Journal Articles
Decreased health care utilization and health care costs in the inpatient and emergency department setting following initiation of ketogenic diet in pediatric patients: The experience in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Delayed intracranial hemorrhage after head injury among elderly patients on anticoagulation seen in the emergency department Journal Articles
Delirium, confusion, or altered mental status as a risk for abnormal head CT in older adults in the emergency department: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Delphi consensus study to develop guidelines for the management of adults with borderline personality disorder in the emergency department: a protocol Journal Articles
Demographic characteristics, outcomes and experience of patients using virtual urgent care services from 14 emergency department led sites in Ontario Journal Articles
Derivation and Initial Validation of Clinical Phenotypes of Children Presenting with Concussion Acutely in the Emergency Department: Latent Class Analysis of a Multi-Center, Prospective Cohort, Observational Study Journal Articles
Derivation and Validation of the Detection of Indicators and Vulnerabilities for Emergency Room Trips Scale for Classifying the Risk of Emergency Department Use in Frail Community‐Dwelling Older Adults Journal Articles
Derivation and validation of a two‐variable index to predict 30‐day outcomes following heart failure hospitalization Journal Articles
Derivation of a clinical prediction score for the diagnosis of clinically significant symptomatic carotid artery disease. Journal Articles
Derivation of the Falls Decision Rule to exclude intracranial bleeding without head CT in older adults who have fallen Journal Articles
Design and rationale for a pragmatic cluster randomized trial of the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) for social housing residents in Ontario and Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Determining the clinical significance of errors in pediatric radiograph interpretation between emergency physicians and radiologists Journal Articles
Developing a machine learning model to predict patient need for computed tomography imaging in the emergency department Journal Articles
Development of a machine learning-based acuity score prediction model for virtual care settings Journal Articles
Development of the Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network population-based registry: a methodology study Journal Articles
Development of the Hereditary Angioedema Rapid Triage Tool Journal Articles
Development of the PriCARE classification for potentially preventable emergency department visits by ambulance: a RAND/UCLA modified Delphi study protocol Journal Articles
Did Ontario's End-of-Life Care Strategy Reduce Acute Care Service Use?: The need to use quality indicators for improvement Journal Articles
Differences in Healthcare Use Between Patients With Persistent and Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Undergoing Catheter‐Based Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: A Population‐Based Cohort Study From Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Differences in Outcomes Associated With Individual Radiologists for Emergency Department Patients With Headache Imaged With CT: A Retrospective Cohort Study of 25,596 Patients Journal Articles
Differentiating Vestibular Migraine and Posterior Circulation Transient Ischemic Attack in the Emergency Department: An Expert Practice Review. Journal Articles
Digging into the complex problem of mental health presentations to pediatric emergency departments: a how-to guide Journal Articles
Direct oral anticoagulants: a practical guide for the emergency physician Journal Articles
Discharge planning and patient satisfaction in an emergency short‐stay unit Journal Articles
Distance from Home Birth to Emergency Obstetric Services and Neonatal Outcomes: A Cohort Study Journal Articles
Do Patient-Reported Symptoms Predict Emergency Department Visits in Cancer Patients? A Population-Based Analysis Journal Articles
Do Patients Respond to Posted Emergency Department Wait Times: Time-Series Evidence From the Implementation of a Wait Time Publication System in Hamilton, Canada Journal Articles
Documented Use of Analgesics in the Emergency Department and upon Release of Patients with Extremity Fractures Journal Articles
Does Increasing Home Care Nursing Reduce Emergency Department Visits at the End of Life? A Population-Based Cohort Study of Cancer Decedents Journal Articles
Does early palliative identification improve the use of palliative care services? Journal Articles
Does routine symptom screening with ESAS decrease ED visits in breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy? Journal Articles
Does the Clinical Examination Predict Lower Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease? Journal Articles
Don't panic, it is only an emergency Journal Articles
Door-to-antibiotic time for pneumonia in a rural emergency department Journal Articles
Early Identification and Incidence of Mild TBI in Ontario Journal Articles
Early initiation of palliative care is associated with reduced late-life acute-hospital use: A population-based retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Economic Analysis of Mobile Integrated Health Care Delivered by Emergency Medical Services Paramedic Teams Journal Articles
Economic Considerations of Early Rule-In/Rule-Out Algorithms for The Diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction in The Emergency Department Using Cardiac Troponin and Glycemic Biomarkers Journal Articles
Effect of Access to After-Hours Primary Care on the Association Between Home Nursing Visits and Same-Day Emergency Department Use Journal Articles
Effect of COVID-19 on computed tomography usage and critical test results in the emergency department: an observational study Journal Articles
Effect of Gender, Age, and Severity of Asthma Attack on Patterns of Emergency Department Visits due to Asthma by Month and Day of the Week Journal Articles
Effect of Oximetry on Hospitalization in Bronchiolitis Journal Articles
Effect of Patient-Centered Transitional Care Services on Clinical Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for Heart Failure Journal Articles
Effect of a clinical pathway on the hospitalisation rates of children with asthma: a prospective study Journal Articles
Effect of a structured diabetes education programme in primary care on hospitalizations and emergency department visits among people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus: results from the Patient Empowerment Programme Journal Articles
Effect of a transitional care model following hospitalization for heart failure: 3‐year outcomes of the Patient‐Centered Care Transitions in Heart Failure (PACT‐HF) randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Effect of socio-demographic and health factors on the association between multimorbidity and acute care service use: population-based survey linked to health administrative data Journal Articles
Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Patient Volumes, Acuity, and Outcomes in Pediatric Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Effect of the Low Risk Ankle Rule on the frequency of radiography in children with ankle injuries Journal Articles
Effectiveness of caregiver educational materials for paediatric community-acquired pneumonia in the emergency department: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Effectiveness of emergency department-based and initiated youth suicide prevention interventions: A systematic review Journal Articles
Effectiveness of pharmaceutical care at discharge in the emergency department: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Efficacy of Hospital at Home in Patients with Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Efficacy of substituting innovator propafenone for its generic formulation in patients with atrial fibrillation Journal Articles
Elder Abuse in the Out-of-Hospital and Emergency Department Settings: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Electrical stimulation for drug-resistant epilepsy: an evidence-based analysis. Journal Articles
Eligibility for anticoagulation initiation in atrial fibrillation: Agreement between emergency physician and medical record review Journal Articles
Emergency Department Boarding Time Is Associated with Functional Decline in Older Adults Six Months Post Discharge. Journal Articles
Emergency Department Ondansetron Use in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Vomiting Journal Articles
Emergency Department Presentation After Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Emergency Department Presentations and Youth Suicide: A Case-Control Study Journal Articles
Emergency Department Record Keeping and the Potential for Injury Surveillance Journal Articles
Emergency Department Utilization for Patients Receiving Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: A Retrospective Analysis of Identification and Outcomes for Those Presenting for Immune-Related Adverse Events Journal Articles
Emergency Department disposition decisions and associated mortality and costs in ICU patients with suspected infection Journal Articles
Emergency Management of Migraine: Is the Headache Really Over? Journal Articles
Emergency Room Visits and Readmissions Following Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (iERAS) Program Journal Articles
Emergency care of acute asthma. Journal Articles
Emergency department boarding: a descriptive analysis and measurement of impact on outcomes Journal Articles
Emergency department equipment for obese patients: perceptions of adequacy Journal Articles
Emergency department interventions that could be conducted in subacute care settings for patients with nonemergent conditions transported by paramedics: a modified Delphi study Journal Articles
Emergency department length of stay for patients requiring mechanical ventilation: a prospective observational study Journal Articles
Emergency department management of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis in children Journal Articles
Emergency department overcrowding. Journal Articles
Emergency department patient compliance with follow-up for outpatient exercise stress testing: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Emergency department use before cancer diagnosis in Ontario, Canada: a population-based study. Journal Articles
Emergency department use in people who experience imprisonment in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Emergency department visit for atrial fibrillation: sex differences in treatment and outcomes in the Global RE-LY AF Registry Journal Articles
Emergency department visits and hospital admissions for suicidal ideation, self-poisoning and self-harm among adolescents in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Emergency department visits and unplanned hospitalizations in the treatment period for head and neck cancer patients treated with curative intent: A population-based analysis Journal Articles
Emergency department visits for children with acute asthma: discharge instructions, parental plans, and follow-through of care—a prospective study Journal Articles
Emergency medicine residency fact board: Why our attempt to encourage on-shift learning failed. Journal Articles
Emergency physician gender and head computed tomography orders for older adults who have fallen Journal Articles
End-of-Life Planning Education and Advance Directives Completion Rates Journal Articles
Endotoxemia Following Multiple Trauma Journal Articles
Enhancing Patient Flow in an Acute Care Hospital: Successful Strategies at the Juravinski Hospital Journal Articles
Epidemiology of Thoracolumbar Spine Injury in Blunt Trauma Journal Articles
Ethics consultation in paediatric and adult emergency departments: an assessment of clinical, ethical, learning and resource needs Journal Articles
Ethnic Diversity and Pathways to Care for a First Episode of Psychosis in Ontario Journal Articles
Etiology of community-acquired pediatric viral diarrhea: a prospective longitudinal study in hospitals, emergency departments, pediatric practices and child care centers during the winter rotavirus outbreak, 1997 to 1998 Journal Articles
Evaluating Patients’ Perception of the Risk of Acute Care Visits During Systemic Therapy for Cancer Journal Articles
Evaluating emergency department transfers from urgent care centres: insights for paramedic integration with subacute healthcare Journal Articles
Evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of point-of-care ultrasound for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis in a canadian emergency department Journal Articles
Evaluating “ED STAT!”: A Novel and Effective Faculty Development Program to Improve Emergency Department Teaching Journal Articles
Evaluation of the ability of standardized supports to improve public health response to syndromic surveillance for respiratory diseases in Canada Journal Articles
Evidence-Based Minireview: The role of IV iron in management of patients with iron-deficiency anemia presenting to the emergency department Journal Articles
Examination of staphylococcal stethoscope contamination in the emergency department (pilot) study (EXSSCITED pilot study) Journal Articles
Examining Canada's return visits to the emergency department after a concussion Journal Articles
Examining the association between loneliness and emergency department visits using Canadian Longitudinal Study of Aging (CLSA) data: a retrospective cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Examining the association between paramedic transport to the emergency department and hospital admission: a population-based cohort study Journal Articles
Examining the clinical management of asthma exacerbations by nurse practitioners in a pediatric emergency department Journal Articles
Examining the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on community virus prevalence and healthcare utilisation reveals that peaks in asthma, COPD and respiratory tract infection occur with the re-emergence of rhino/enterovirus Journal Articles
Examining the relationship between triage acuity and frailty to inform the care of older emergency department patients: Findings from a large Canadian multisite cohort study Journal Articles
Examining the utility of the Hamilton early warning scores (HEWS) at triage: Retrospective pilot study in a Canadian emergency department Journal Articles
Examining the “Potentially Preventable Emergency Department Transfer” Indicator Among Nursing Home Residents Journal Articles
Experience with bretylium tosylate by a hospital cardiac arrest team. Journal Articles
Experiences of substance-using suicidal males who present frequently to the emergency department Journal Articles
External validation of the detection of indicators and vulnerabilities for emergency room trips (DIVERT) scale: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Eyeballing: the use of visual appearance to diagnose ‘sick’ Journal Articles
Factors Associated With Early Computed Tomography Imaging in Children Hospitalized With Severe Orbital Infections. Journal Articles
Factors associated with emergency department presentation after total joint arthroplasty: a population-based retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Factors associated with not receiving homecare, end-of-life homecare, or early homecare referral among cancer decedents: A population-based cohort study Journal Articles
Factors associated with opioid overdose during medication-assisted treatment: How can we identify individuals at risk? Journal Articles
Factors associated with recurrent emergency department visits among people living with dementia: A retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Factors influencing time to computed tomography in emergency department patients with suspected subarachnoid haemorrhage Journal Articles
Failure to cope Journal Articles
Fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults presenting to the emergency department for minor injuries: Impact on return to the ED and future falls Journal Articles
Frailty and associated prognosis among older emergency department patients with suspected infection: A prospective, observational cohort study Journal Articles
Fruit-Induced Anaphylaxis: Clinical Presentation and Management Journal Articles
Functional Decline After Nonhospitalized Injuries in Older Patients: Results From the Canadian Emergency Team Initiative Cohort in Elders Journal Articles
Gallstone disease in the elderly: are older patients managed differently? Journal Articles
Geriatric Syndromes Predict Postdischarge Outcomes Among Older Emergency Department Patients: Findings From the interRAI Multinational Emergency Department Study Journal Articles
Global Emergency Medicine Journal Club: Social Media Responses to the January 2014 Online Emergency Medicine Journal Club on Subarachnoid Hemorrhage∗ Journal Articles
Going home after esophagectomy: The story is not over yet Journal Articles
Going to the COVID-19 Gemba: Using observation and high reliability strategies to achieve safety in a time of crisis Journal Articles
Grass pollen as a trigger of emergency department presentations and hospital admissions for respiratory conditions in the subtropics: A systematic review Journal Articles
GridlockED as an Intervention for Nurses (GAAIN) Study Journal Articles
Guidelines for Reasonable and Appropriate Care in the Emergency Department (GRACE‐4): Alcohol use disorder and cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome management in the emergency department Journal Articles
Guidelines for reasonable and appropriate care in the emergency department 3 (GRACE‐3): Acute dizziness and vertigo in the emergency department Journal Articles
Head computed tomography findings in geriatric emergency department patients with delirium, altered mental status, and confusion: A systematic review Journal Articles
Health Care Utilization After a Visit to a Within-Group Family Physician vs a Walk-In Clinic Physician. Journal Articles
Health Outcomes Categorized by Current and Previous Definitions of Acute Myocardial Infarction in an Unselected Cohort of Troponin-Naïve Emergency Department Patients Journal Articles
Health Status and Health Service Utilization of Infants and Mothers During the First Year After Neonatal Intensive Care Journal Articles
Health care impact of implementing a clinical pathway for acute care of pediatric concussion: a stepped wedge, cluster randomised trial Journal Articles
Health care utilisation and costs associated with different treatment protocols for newly diagnosed childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: A population-based study in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Health care utilization and outcomes of patients seen by virtual urgent care versus in-person emergency department care Journal Articles
Health care utilization by people with HIV on release from provincial prison in Ontario, Canada in 2010: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Health services use among children diagnosed with medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency through newborn screening: a cohort study in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Healthcare Utilization and Costs for Musculoskeletal Disorders in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Healthcare utilization and costs for spinal conditions in Ontario, Canada - opportunities for funding high-value care: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
High Intensity Physician-Based Service Use for Mental Health Concerns in a General-Population Sample of Children and Youth: Utilisation des services de haute intensité dispensés par des médecins pour les problèmes de santé mentale dans un échantillon d'enfants et de jeunes de la population générale. Journal Articles
High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I for Predicting Death in a Female Emergency Department Population Journal Articles
High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Risk Cutoffs for Acute Cardiac Outcomes at Emergency Department Presentation Journal Articles
High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Testing and Cardiovascular Outcomes at 30 Days and 1 Year in Patients Discharged Home from the Emergency Department with Chest Pain Journal Articles
High-frequency QRS analysis in the evaluation of chest pain in the emergency department Journal Articles
High-sensitivity cardiac troponin concentrations at emergency department presentation in females and males with an acute cardiac outcome Journal Articles
Home Care Nursing Visits and Same-Day Emergency Department Use: Which Patients Are Most at Risk? Journal Articles
Home telemonitoring effectiveness in COPD: a systematic review Journal Articles
Hospital Care Cost and Resource Use of Early Discharge of Healthy Late Preterm and Term Singletons: A Population-based Cohort Study and Cost Analysis Journal Articles
Hospital Emergency Readiness Overview Study Journal Articles
Hospital and physician-based mental healthcare during 12 months of opioid agonist treatment for opioid use disorder: Exploring costs and factors associated with acute care. Journal Articles
Hospital volume and stroke outcome Journal Articles
Hospitalization and emergency department visits among seniors receiving homecare: a pilot study Journal Articles
How Do Older Adults Decide to Visit the Emergency Department? Patient and Caregiver Perspectives Journal Articles
How do I find a point-of-care answer to my clinical question? Journal Articles
How do emergency departments and emergency leaders catalyze positive change through quality improvement collaborations? Journal Articles
How does fast track affect quality of care in the emergency department? Journal Articles
How many work‐related injuries requiring hospitalization in British Columbia are claimed for workers' compensation? Journal Articles
Hydrops Fetalis Caused by α-Thalassemia: An Emerging Health Care Problem Journal Articles
Hypertension prevalence but not control varies across the spectrum of risk in patients with atrial fibrillation: A RE-LY atrial fibrillation registry sub-study Journal Articles
Hyponatremia‐associated hospital visits are not reduced by early electrolyte testing in older adults starting antidepressants Journal Articles
Identification of Medication Safety Indicators in Acute Care Settings for Public Reporting in Ontario Journal Articles
Identification of myocardial injury in the emergency setting Journal Articles
Identification of older adults with frailty in the Emergency Department using a frailty index: results from a multinational study Journal Articles
Identifying children exposed to maltreatment: a systematic review update Journal Articles
Identifying patient characteristics associated with potentially redirectable paramedic transported emergency department visits in Ontario, Canada: a population-based cohort study Journal Articles
Impact of Reaction Setting on the Management, Severity, and Outcome of Pediatric Food-Induced Anaphylaxis: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal Articles
Impact of Standardized Edmonton Symptom Assessment System Use on Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalization: Results of a Population-Based Retrospective Matched Cohort Analysis Journal Articles
Impact of a centralized osteoporosis coordinator on post-fracture osteoporosis management: a cluster randomized trial Journal Articles
Impact of a restrictive drug access program on the risk of cardiovascular encounters in children exposed to ADHD medications. Journal Articles
Impact of clinical history on choice of abdominal/pelvic CT protocol in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
Impact of community based, specialist palliative care teams on hospitalisations and emergency department visits late in life and hospital deaths: a pooled analysis Journal Articles
Impact of emergency department probiotic treatment of pediatric gastroenteritis: study protocol for the PROGUT (Probiotic Regimen for Outpatient Gastroenteritis Utility of Treatment) randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Impact of the integrated comprehensive care program post-thoracic surgery: A propensity score–matched study Journal Articles
Implementation, Clinical Benefit and Safety of a D-Dimer-Focused Pulmonary Embolism Testing Pathway in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
Improved Outcomes With Early Collaborative Care of Ambulatory Heart Failure Patients Discharged From the Emergency Department Journal Articles
Improved survival in overweight and obese patients with aggressive B-cell lymphoma treated with rituximab-containing chemotherapy for curative intent Journal Articles
Improving Pediatric Readiness in General Emergency Departments: A Prospective Interventional Study Journal Articles
Improving end-of-life care in the emergency department: Development of a standardized approach to an imminently dying patient Journal Articles
Incidence of intracranial bleeding in seniors presenting to the emergency department after a fall: A systematic review Journal Articles
Incident Cerebrovascular Disease in Rural and Urban Alberta Journal Articles
Inclusion of patient-level emergency department characteristics to classify potentially redirectable visits to subacute care: a modified Delphi consensus study Journal Articles
Incorporating a Computerized Cognitive Battery Into the Emergency Department Care of Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries—Is It Feasible? Journal Articles
Increased demand for paramedic transports to the emergency department in Ontario, Canada: a population-level descriptive study from 2010 to 2019 Journal Articles
Increasing Awareness of the Low Risk of Severe Reaction at Infant Peanut Introduction: Implications During COVID-19 and Beyond Journal Articles
Influence of electronic triage decision-support on hospital admission, left without being seen and time to physician initial assessment in the emergency department Journal Articles
Influence of publicly available online wait time data on emergency department choice in patients with noncritical complaints Journal Articles
Injuries related to car crime: the joy-riding epidemic Journal Articles
Insight Into Health Care Services: A Characterization of Emergency Room Visits and Economic Hazards in the United States Journal Articles
Integration of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) for personalized symptom management in “real-world” oncology practices: a population-based cohort comparison study of impact on healthcare utilization Journal Articles
Inter-rater reliability and comfort in the application of a basic life support termination of resuscitation clinical prediction rule for out of hospital cardiac arrest Journal Articles
Intra-individual variability in troponin T concentration in dialysis patients Journal Articles
Intracranial Haemorrhage in Patients on Antithrombotics: Clinical Presentation and Determinants of Outcome in a Prospective Multicentric Study in Italian Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Intracranial hemorrhage after head injury among older patients on anticoagulation seen in the emergency department: a population-based cohort study Journal Articles
Introducing an innovative model of acute paediatric mental health and addictions care to paediatric emergency departments: a protocol for a multicentre prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Intubation practices and outcomes for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19: a national observational study by the Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CCEDRRN) Journal Articles
Is Fetal Gender Associated with Emergency Department Visits for Asthma During Pregnancy? Journal Articles
Is oral contrast necessary for multidetector computed tomography imaging of patients with acute abdominal pain? Journal Articles
Is pretest probability assessment on emergency department patients with suspected venous thromboembolism documented before SimpliRED D-dimer testing? Conferences
Is recovery from ankle sprains negatively affected by obesity? Journal Articles
Isopropyl alcohol inhalation for the treatment of nausea in adult emergency department patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
I’m here because I was told to come: a study of cancer patients’ reasons for attending the emergency department Journal Articles
Just the Facts: how to teach emergency department flow management Journal Articles
Just the facts: geriatric pharmacology for the emergency department Journal Articles
Just the facts: high-impact emergency department intervention following opioid overdose Journal Articles
Just the facts: how to diagnose and manage patients with multiple myeloma in the emergency department? Journal Articles
Knowledge to action: Rationale and design of the Patient-Centered Care Transitions in Heart Failure (PACT-HF) stepped wedge cluster randomized trial Journal Articles
LVS‐HARMED Risk Score for Incident Heart Failure in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Who Present to the Emergency Department: Data from a World‐Wide Registry Journal Articles
Letter to the editor Journal Articles
Letter to the editor. Journal Articles
Limited GPA and Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in a Pediatric Patient Journal Articles
Location of death among patients presenting with cardiovascular disease to the emergency department in the United states Journal Articles
Long-Term Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution and Risk of Hospitalization with Community-acquired Pneumonia in Older Adults Journal Articles
Long-term clinical outcomes and healthcare resource utilization in male and female patients following hospitalization for heart failure. Journal Articles
Los criterios de Ottawa para tobillo: valoración en un servicio de urgencias en México Journal Articles
Low caregiver health literacy is associated with non-urgent pediatric emergency department use. Journal Articles
Low-acuity emergency department use among patients in different primary care models in Hamilton and Ontario Journal Articles
Lung Ultrasound in the ED: Will Death Do Us Part? Journal Articles
Lung-Protective Ventilation and Associated Outcomes and Costs Among Patients Receiving Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in the ED Journal Articles
M-Mode in the Emergency Department: Is it Really Necessary? Journal Articles
Management of acute asthma in adults in the emergency department: nonventilatory management Journal Articles
Management of anaphylaxis after pre-hospital epinephrine use in children with food-induced anaphylaxis. Journal Articles
Managing anaphylaxis Journal Articles
Mapping emergency physician reasoning for adhering to evidence‐based pulmonary embolism testing Journal Articles
Material Hardships and Health Care Utilization Among Low-Income Children with Special Health Care Needs Journal Articles
Measuring Frailty Can Help Emergency Departments Identify Independent Seniors at Risk of Functional Decline After Minor Injuries Journal Articles
Medical Costs of Delayed Hip Fracture Surgery Journal Articles
Medication-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations among older adults. Journal Articles
Meeting Canadian emergency department triage and acuity scale benchmarks in a rural emergency department. Journal Articles
Metered‐dose inhaler ipratropium bromide in moderate acute asthma in children: A single‐blinded randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Milk-induced anaphylaxis among children presenting to Canadian emergency departments Journal Articles
Misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder as borderline personality disorder: clinical and economic consequences Journal Articles
Misuse of the emergency department by the elderly population: myth or reality? Journal Articles
Mortality and Prehospital Thrombolysis for Acute Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Multicentre, randomised clinical trial of paediatric concussion assessment of rest and exertion (PedCARE): a study to determine when to resume physical activities following concussion in children Journal Articles
Nasal Suctioning Therapy Among Infants With Bronchiolitis Discharged Home From the Emergency Department Journal Articles
National survey of emergency physicians for transient ischemic attack (TIA) risk stratification consensus and appropriate treatment for a given level of risk Journal Articles
National trends in population rates of opioid‐related mortality, hospitalization and emergency department visits in Canada between 2000 and 2017. A population‐based study Journal Articles
Natural Progression of Symptom Change and Recovery From Concussion in a Pediatric Population Journal Articles
Neighborhood socioeconomic factors and characteristics correlated with avoidable emergency department visits: A spatial analysis of a Canadian academic hospital. Journal Articles
Neurocognition in the Emergency Department after a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Youth Journal Articles
Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation: a utilization review of use in a teaching hospital. Journal Articles
Novel care pathway to optimise antimicrobial prescribing for uncomplicated community-acquired pneumonia: study protocol for a prospective before–after cohort study in the emergency department of a tertiary care Canadian children’s hospital Journal Articles
Nursing Home Resident Admission Characteristics and Potentially Preventable Emergency Department Transfers Journal Articles
Nursing home-acquired pneumonia: an emergency department treatment algorithm Journal Articles
Occupational Violence at Lebanese Emergency Departments: Prevalence, Characteristics and Associated Factors Journal Articles
Oligoanalgesia in a rural emergency department. Journal Articles
Operating room use for emergency general surgery cases: analysis of the Patterns of Complex Emergency General Surgery in Canada study Journal Articles
Ophthalmic referrals from emergency wards—a study of cases referred for urgent eye care (The R.E.S.C.U.E Study) Journal Articles
Oral anticoagulation for patients with atrial fibrillation in the ED: RE-LY AF registry analysis Journal Articles
Organ donation – emergency medicine's call to action Journal Articles
Outcomes and Care of Patients With Acute Heart Failure Syndromes and Cardiac Troponin Elevation Journal Articles
Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2–Positive Youths Tested in Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Outcomes of emergency department thoracotomy in a tertiary care Canadian trauma centre Journal Articles
Ovarian Torsion in a Pediatric Patient Journal Articles
PAPP-A as a marker of increased long-term risk in patients with chest pain Journal Articles
Paediatric emergency department staff perceptions of infection control measures against severe acute respiratory syndrome Journal Articles
Pain Management in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
Pain and Anxiety in Rural Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients Awaiting Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization Journal Articles
Palliative homecare is associated with reduced high- and low-acuity emergency department visits at the end of life: A population-based cohort study of cancer decedents Journal Articles
Paper Case Scenarios in the Assessment of Triage Tools Journal Articles
Parental experiences and preferences as participants in pediatric research conducted in the emergency department Journal Articles
Parents' intentions to use paediatric nurse practitioner services in an emergency department Journal Articles
Parvovirus infection mimicking systemic lupus erythematosus Journal Articles
Pathways to cancer care after a suspected cancer diagnosis in the emergency department: a survey of emergency physicians across Ontario. Journal Articles
Patient Characteristics Associated with Nocturnal Emergency Department Visits for Asthma Journal Articles
Patient Satisfaction With Care for Urgent Health Problems: A Survey of Family Practice Patients Journal Articles
Patient adherence with emergency department referral to a cardiovascular evaluation and risk assessment clinic. Journal Articles
Patient and System-Related Delays of Emergency Medical Services Use in Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Results from the Third Gulf Registry of Acute Coronary Events (Gulf RACE-3Ps) Journal Articles
Patient satisfaction with wait times at an emergency ophthalmology on-call service Journal Articles
Patient values and preferences in pulmonary embolism testing in the emergency department Journal Articles
Patient videos for the emergency department waiting room. Journal Articles
Patient-reported outcome measures are associated with health care utilization in patients with transplant ineligible multiple myeloma: a population-based study Journal Articles
Patients living with disabilities: The need for high-quality primary care. Journal Articles
Pattern of Physical Injury Associated with Intimate Partner Violence in Women Presenting to the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Patterns of complex emergency general surgery in Canada Journal Articles
Patterns of health care use related to respiratory conditions in early life: A birth cohort study with linked administrative data Journal Articles
Patterns of practice in emergency department management of chest pain of suspected cardiac origin: Clinical utility of single stat creatine kinase (CK) Journal Articles
Patterns of referral to interprofessional services among frail older adults presenting to emergency departments in Canada. Journal Articles
Pediatric Constipation in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
Pediatric use of emergency departments Journal Articles
Perceptual Reasons for Resistance to Change in the Emergency Department Use of Holding Chambers for Children With Asthma Journal Articles
Performance of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin in the emergency department for myocardial infarction and a composite cardiac outcome across different estimated glomerular filtration rates Journal Articles
Pharmacological agents for procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department and intensive care unit: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised trials Journal Articles
Phase‐specific risks of outpatient visits, emergency visits, and hospitalizations during Children's Oncology Group‐based treatment for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A population‐based study Journal Articles
Physical Function and Frailty for Predicting Adverse Outcomes in Older Primary Care Patients Journal Articles
Physician Home Visit Patterns and Hospital Use Among Older Adults with Functional Impairments Journal Articles
Physician Initial Assessment Times Based on CTAS Scores: Are We Meeting the Recommendations? Journal Articles
Physician Pain Reminder as an Intervention to Enhance Analgesia for Extremity and Clavicle Injuries in Pediatric Emergency Journal Articles
Pneumatic Tube Delivery System for Blood Samples Reduces Turnaround Times Without Affecting Sample Quality Journal Articles
Point-of-care ultrasonography had 92% sensitivity and 97% specificity for diagnosing diverticulitis in the ED Journal Articles
Point-of-care ultrasound to diagnose appendicitis in a Canadian emergency department Journal Articles
Population-Based Study of Risk of AKI with Levetiracetam Journal Articles
Post-COVID-19 condition symptoms among emergency department patients tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Journal Articles
Post-Transient Ischemic Attack Early Stroke Stratification: The ABCD2 Prognostic Aid Journal Articles
Post-Tsunami Medical Care: Health Problems Encountered in the International Committee of the Red Cross Hospital in Banda Aceh, Indonesia Journal Articles
Postpartum Emergency Department Use Following Midwifery-Model vs Obstetrics-Model Care Journal Articles
Postresuscitation debriefing in the pediatric emergency department: a national needs assessment Journal Articles
Practicing procedures on the recently dead Journal Articles
Predicting Adverse Outcomes for Shiga Toxin–Producing Escherichia coli Infections in Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Predicting hospital admission for older emergency department patients: Insights from machine learning Journal Articles
Predicting hospital and emergency department utilization among community-dwelling older adults: Statistical and machine learning approaches Journal Articles
Prediction of Emergent Heart Failure Death by Semi-Quantitative Triage Risk Stratification Journal Articles
Prediction of emergency department revisits among child and youth mental health outpatients using deep learning techniques Journal Articles
Predictors of Hospital Admission for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations in Canadian Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Predictors of Low-Acuity Emergency Department Use by Patients Enrolled in a Family Health Team Journal Articles
Predictors of admission to hospital of patients triaged as nonurgent using the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale Journal Articles
Predictors of frequent emergency department visits among rural older adults in Ontario using the Resident Assessment Instrument-Home Care Journal Articles
Predictors of major intervention in infants with bronchiolitis Journal Articles
Predictors of neurologists confirming or overturning emergency physicians' diagnosis of TIA or stroke Journal Articles
Predictors of persistent concussion symptoms in adults with acute mild traumatic brain injury presenting to the emergency department Journal Articles
Predictors of triage pain assessment and subsequent pain management among pediatric patients presenting to the emergency department Journal Articles
Prehospital prediction of hospital admission for emergent acuity patients transported by paramedics: A population-based cohort study using machine learning Journal Articles
Presenting characteristics of patients undergoing cardiac troponin measurements in the emergency department Journal Articles
Prevalence and contribution of respiratory viruses in the community to rates of emergency department visits and hospitalizations with respiratory tract infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma Journal Articles
Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Across Medical and Surgical Health Care Settings Journal Articles
Prevalence of Mental Health and Addiction Service use Prior to and During Incarceration in Provincial Jails in Ontario, Canada: A Retrospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Primary Care Physician Volume and Quality of Diabetes Care Journal Articles
Procalcitonin Algorithms for Antibiotic Therapy Decisions Journal Articles
Procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department. Canadian consensus guidelines Journal Articles
Profile of eye-related emergency department visits in Ontario – a Canadian perspective Journal Articles
Profiles of Older Patients in the Emergency Department: Findings From the interRAI Multinational Emergency Department Study Journal Articles
Prognostic Accuracy of the HEART Score for Prediction of Major Adverse Cardiac Events in Patients Presenting With Chest Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Prognostic Accuracy of the Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment for Mortality in Patients With Suspected Infection Journal Articles
Prognostic value of procalcitonin in respiratory tract infections across clinical settings Journal Articles
Prospective validation of Canadian TIA Score and comparison with ABCD2 and ABCD2i for subsequent stroke risk after transient ischaemic attack: multicentre prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Prospective validation of the ABCD2 score for patients in the emergency department with transient ischemic attack Journal Articles
Protocol for Improving Care by FAster risk-STratification through use of high sensitivity point-of-care troponin in patients presenting with possible acute coronary syndrome in the EmeRgency department (ICare-FASTER): a stepped-wedge cluster randomised quality improvement initiative Journal Articles
Pseudo-Wellens’ syndrome type A in asymptomatic severe hypertension at a rural emergency department Journal Articles
Psychiatric Hospitalizations: A Comparison by Gender, Sociodemographics, Clinical Profile, and Postdischarge Outcomes Journal Articles
Public Performance Metrics: Driving Physician Motivation and Performance. Journal Articles
Pulmonary embolism management in the emergency department: part 2 Journal Articles
Pulmonary embolism prevalence among emergency department cohorts: A systematic review and meta‐analysis by country of study Journal Articles
Pulmonary function testing in the Emergency Department and medications prescribed at discharge: results of the Multinational Acute asthma Management, Burden, and Outcomes (MAMBO) study Journal Articles
Pulmonary hypertension survival and hospitalisations in people living with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Quantifying the escalating impact of paramedic transported emergency department visits for opioid-related conditions in Ontario, Canada: A population-based cohort study Journal Articles
RAFF-3 Trial: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomised Trial to Improve Care of Acute Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
READMIT: A clinical risk index to predict 30-day readmission after discharge from acute psychiatric units Journal Articles
RELIEF: A Digital Health Tool for the Remote Self-Reporting of Symptoms in Patients with Cancer to Address Palliative Care Needs and Minimize Emergency Department Visits Journal Articles
Radiologist Productivity Analytics: Factors Impacting Abdominal Pelvic CT Exam Reporting Times Journal Articles
Randomized, Double-Blind Study on Sedatives and Hemodynamics During Rapid-Sequence Intubation in the Emergency Department: The SHRED Study Conferences
Rapid Assessment and Treatment of Transient Ischemic Attacks and Minor Stroke in Canadian Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Rates of Hospital-Based Care among Older Adults in the Community and Residential Care Facilities: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study Journal Articles
Real-world health care utilization and effectiveness of omalizumab for the treatment of severe asthma Journal Articles
Real‐world outcomes of FOLFIRINOX vs gemcitabine and nab‐paclitaxel in advanced pancreatic cancer: A population‐based propensity score‐weighted analysis Journal Articles
Reasons for Frequent Emergency Department Use by Medicaid Enrollees: A Qualitative Study Journal Articles
Reasons for repeated emergency department visits among community‐dwelling older adults with dementia in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Recommendations for patient-centered emergency care Journal Articles
Recruitment of adolescents with suicidal ideation in the emergency department: lessons from a randomized controlled pilot trial of a youth suicide prevention intervention Journal Articles
Reducing emergency hospital admissions: a population health complex intervention of an enhanced model of primary care and compassionate communities Journal Articles
Rehospitalizations and Emergency Department Visits after Hospital Discharge in Patients Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis Journal Articles
Relapse after Emergency Department Discharge for Acute Asthma Journal Articles
Relationships Between Material Hardship, Resilience, and Health Care Use Journal Articles
Relevance of opioid guidelines in the emergency room (ROGER) Journal Articles
Reliability of the Canadian Emergency Department Triage and Acuity Scale: Interrater Agreement Journal Articles
Reliability of the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale: interrater and intrarater agreement from a community and an academic emergency department Journal Articles
Remote, proactive, telephone based management of toxicity in outpatients during adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy for early stage breast cancer: pragmatic, cluster randomised trial Journal Articles
Repeat Substance-Using Suicidal Clients—How Can We Be Helpful? Journal Articles
Reported Emergency Department Avoidance, Use, and Experiences of Transgender Persons in Ontario, Canada: Results From a Respondent-Driven Sampling Survey Conferences
Reporting and evaluating wait times for urgent hip fracture surgery in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Resource Use in the Last Three Months of Life by Lung Cancer Patients in Southern Ontario Journal Articles
Resource Utilization in Children who Receive a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Consult in the Emergency Department: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal Articles
Resource utilization during pediatric to adult transfer of care in IBD Journal Articles
Response of a community hospital and its emergency department to the H1N1 pandemic influenza Journal Articles
Return to the ED and hospitalisation following minor injuries among older persons treated in the emergency department: predictors among independent seniors within 6 months Journal Articles
Review of implementation strategies to change healthcare provider behaviour in the emergency department Journal Articles
Risk Stratification in the Era of High-Sensitivity Troponin Assays Journal Articles
Risk of Serious Falls Associated With Oxybutynin and Tolterodine: A Population Based Study Journal Articles
Risk of intracranial hemorrhage between different direct oral anticoagulants in older patients seen in the emergency department with a head injury: A population-based cohort study Journal Articles
Risk of stroke is low after transient ischemic attack presentation with isolated dizziness Journal Articles
Role of first-drawn indeterminate troponin-I levels in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
Root cause analysis of delays to discharge for patients held for serial cardiac troponin levels Journal Articles
Rural health disparities in health care utilization for dementia in Minnesota Journal Articles
SAEM GRACE: Dopamine antagonists and topical capsaicin for cannabis hyperemesis syndrome in the emergency department: A systematic review of direct evidence Journal Articles
Safety Audits in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
Seafood-induced anaphylaxis in children presenting to Canadian emergency departments Journal Articles
Seasonal variation in hospital encounters with hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia Journal Articles
Self-Inflicted Nailgun-Induced Penetrating Penile Injury: Case Report and Discussion Journal Articles
Sensitivity of computed tomography performed within six hours of onset of headache for diagnosis of subarachnoid haemorrhage: prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Sesame-induced anaphylaxis in pediatric patients from the cross-Canada anaphylaxis registry Journal Articles
Sex differences in hospital admissions from emergency departments in asthmatic adults: a population-based study Journal Articles
Sex-Specific Clinical Outcomes of the PACT-HF Randomized Trial Journal Articles
Sex-specific, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T cut-off concentrations for ruling out acute myocardial infarction with a single measurement Journal Articles
Short- and Long-Term Risk Stratification Using a Next-Generation, High-Sensitivity Research Cardiac Troponin I (hs-cTnI) Assay in an Emergency Department Chest Pain Population Journal Articles
Short-Term Adverse Health Effects in a Community Exposed to a Large Polyvinylchloride Plastics Fire Journal Articles
Should you adjust your D-dimer? Journal Articles
Simulating an emergency department: the importance of modeling the interactions between physicians and delegates in a discrete event simulation Journal Articles
Single-Use Detergent Sacs Journal Articles
Sleep Disturbance in Older Patients in the Emergency Department: Prevalence, Predictors and Associated Outcomes Journal Articles
Social Behaviors Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Test Positivity Among Children Evaluated in Canadian Emergency Departments, 2020 to 2022: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study. Journal Articles
Social determinants of health and sepsis: a case-control study Journal Articles
Social factors in frequent callers: a description of isolation, poverty and quality of life in those calling emergency medical services frequently Journal Articles
Societal Costs of Inappropriate Emergency Department Thoracotomy Journal Articles
Sodium Bicarbonate Use in Shock and Cardiac Arrest Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal characteristics of asthma emergency department presentations in diverse geographical and climatic regions, Queensland, Australia Journal Articles
Stepping up to the Canadian opioid crisis: a longitudinal analysis of the correlation between socioeconomic status and population rates of opioid-related mortality, hospitalization and emergency department visits (2000–2017) Journal Articles
Stratified, Urgent Care for Transient Ischemic Attack Results in Low Stroke Rates Journal Articles
Structures, processes and models of care for emergency general surgery in Ontario: a cross-sectional survey Journal Articles
Study protocol for two complementary trials of non-steroidal or opioid analgesia use for children aged 6 to 17 years with musculoskeletal injuries (the No OUCH study) Journal Articles
Survival of Boerhaave syndrome against all odds at a rural Emergency Department Journal Articles
Tackling the demand for emergency department services: there are no silver bullets Journal Articles
TelEmergency: A Novel System for Delivering Emergency Care to Rural Hospitals Journal Articles
Temporal trends in anaphylaxis ED visits over the last decade and the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on these trends Journal Articles
Test for respiratory and asthma control in preschool kids in the emergency department as a predictor of wheezing exacerbations Journal Articles
Test or Rest? Computerized Cognitive Testing in the Emergency Department after Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Does Not Delay Symptom Recovery Journal Articles
Tetanus immunization status and immunologic response to a booster in an emergency department geriatric population Journal Articles
The Application of Change Management Principles to Facilitate the Introduction of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants into Six Ontario Emergency Departments Journal Articles
The Association Between Frailty and a Nurse-Identified Need for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Referral from the Emergency Department Journal Articles
The Association Between Nursing Home Resident Characteristics and Transfers to the Emergency Department: A Population-Level Retrospective Cohort Study Theses
The Association Between Prior Mental Health Service Utilization and Risk of Recidivism among Incarcerated Ontario Residents Journal Articles
The BEACON study: protocol for a cohort study as part of an evaluation of the effectiveness of smartphone-assisted problem-solving therapy in men who present with intentional self-harm to emergency departments in Ontario Journal Articles
The Burden of Atrial Fibrillation on the Hospital Sector in Canada Journal Articles
The CCEDRRN COVID-19 Mortality Score to predict death among nonpalliative patients with COVID-19 presenting to emergency departments: a derivation and validation study Journal Articles
The COVID‐19 impact and characterization on substance use‐related emergency department visits for adolescents and young adults in Canada: Practical implications Journal Articles
The Canadian Community Utilization of Stroke Prevention Study in Atrial Fibrillation in the Emergency Department (C-CUSP ED) Journal Articles
The Diagnostic Accuracy and Clinimetric Properties of Screening Instruments to Identify Frail Older Adults Attending Emergency Departments: A Protocol for a Mixed Methods Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
The EDIT Survey: Identifying Emergency Department Information Technology Knowledge and Training Gaps Journal Articles
The Effectiveness of a Student Volunteer Program for Research in a Pediatric Emergency Department Journal Articles
The Integrated Comprehensive Care Program: A Novel Home Care Initiative After Major Thoracic Surgery Journal Articles
The International Federation for Emergency Medicine report on emergency department crowding and access block: A brief summary Journal Articles
The Medical Chaperone: Outdated Anachronism or Modern Necessity? Journal Articles
The Ontario Asthma Regional Variation Study Journal Articles
The Professional Benefits for Volunteer Research Assistants in a Pediatric Emergency Department Journal Articles
The RACE to Treat Atrial Fibrillation in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
The Short Performance Physical Battery Is Associated with One-Year Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalization Journal Articles
The Use of Noninvasive Ventilation in Emergency Department Patients With Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
The accuracy of pulse oximetry in emergency department patients with severe sepsis and septic shock: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
The association between home care visits and same-day emergency department use: a case–crossover study Journal Articles
The association between pre-tonsillectomy education and postoperative emergency department returns: A retrospective cohort pilot study Journal Articles
The associations of supervised consumption services with the rates of opioid‐related mortality and morbidity outcomes at the public health unit level in Ontario (Canada): A controlled interrupted time‐series analysis Journal Articles
The burden of illness of osteoporosis in Canada Journal Articles
The case for quality improvement in emergency medicine Journal Articles
The diagnosis of acute appendicitis in a pediatric population: To CT or not to CT Conferences
The effect of COVID-19 on emergency medical service call volumes and patient acuity: a cross-sectional study in Niagara, Ontario Journal Articles
The effectiveness of physiologically based early warning or track and trigger systems after triage in adult patients presenting to emergency departments: a systematic review Journal Articles
The emergence of the physician assistant role in a Canadian acute care surgery setting Journal Articles
The end of early-goal directed therapy? Journal Articles
The future is in your hands – Handheld ultrasound in the emergency department Journal Articles
The health care utilization of people in prison and after prison release: A population-based cohort study in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The high risk of stroke immediately after transient ischemic attack Journal Articles
The impact of pediatric emergency department crowding on patient and health care system outcomes: a multicentre cohort study Journal Articles
The impact of rural residence on medically serious medicinal self-poisonings Journal Articles
The impact of transitional care programs on health services utilization in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review Journal Articles
The impact on patient flow after the integration of nurse practitioners and physician assistants in 6 Ontario emergency departments Journal Articles
The impact on patient flow after the integration of nurse practitioners and physician assistants in 6 Ontario emergency departments. Journal Articles
The influence of triage systems and triage scores on timeliness of ED analgesic administration Journal Articles
The predictive utility of functional status at discharge: a population-level cohort analysis Journal Articles
The quick response initiative in the emergency department: who benefits? Journal Articles
The safety of oral anticoagulants registry (SOAR): A national, ED-based study of the evaluation and management of bleeding and bleeding concerns due to the use of oral anticoagulants Journal Articles
The use of a cytokine panel to define the long-term risk stratification of heart failure/death in patients presenting with chest pain to the emergency department Journal Articles
The utility of autopsies in a pediatric emergency department Journal Articles
The value of MRI in transient ischemic attack/minor stroke following a negative CT for predicting subsequent stroke. Journal Articles
Thrombolysis with alteplase 3–4.5 hours after acute ischaemic stroke: trial reanalysis adjusted for baseline imbalances Journal Articles
Time of Transfer of Admitted Patients from the ED: A Contributor to ED Boarding in High-Volume Community Hospitals Journal Articles
Timed Up and Go predicts functional decline in older patients presenting to the emergency department following minor trauma Journal Articles
Timing of hip hemiarthroplasty and the influence on prosthetic joint infection Journal Articles
Towards evidence-based emergency medicine: best BETs from the Manchester Royal Infirmary. BET 1: Which form of aspirin is the fastest to inhibit platelet aggregation in emergency department patients with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction? Journal Articles
Treatment of Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Canada: A Review of Treatment Protocols from Canadian Pediatric Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Treatments, resource utilization, and outcomes of COVID-19 patients presenting to emergency departments across pandemic waves: an observational study by the Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CCEDRRN) Journal Articles
Tree nut-induced anaphylaxis in Canadian emergency departments: Rate, clinical characteristics, and management Journal Articles
Trends and Factors Associated With Pediatric Opioid Use in Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Trends and hospital practice variation for analgesia for children with sickle cell disease with vaso-occlusive pain episodes: An 11-year analysis. Journal Articles
Trends in Narcotic and Corticosteroid Prescriptions in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the United States Ambulatory Care Setting from 2003 to 2011 Journal Articles
Trends in Providing Out-of-Office, Urgent After-Hours, and On-Call Care in British Columbia Journal Articles
Trends of Peanut-Induced Anaphylaxis Rates Before and After the 2017 Early Peanut Introduction Guidelines in Montreal, Canada Journal Articles
Triage Questions Journal Articles
Triage Tool Inter-rater Reliability: A Comparison of Live Versus Paper Case Scenarios Journal Articles
Triaging Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus Patients in the Emergency Department: Do All Patients Require Referral? Journal Articles
Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right: Harm Aggravated by Inaccurate Information on the Internet Journal Articles
Understanding communication between emergency and consulting physicians: a qualitative study that describes and defines the essential elements of the emergency department consultation-referral process for the junior learner Journal Articles
Understanding diagnosis through ACTion: evaluation of a point-of-care checklist for junior emergency medical residents Journal Articles
Undetectable Concentrations of a Food and Drug Administration–approved High‐sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Assay to Rule Out Acute Myocardial Infarction at Emergency Department Arrival Journal Articles
Unique Characteristics of High-Cost Users of Medical Care With Comorbid Mental Illness or Addiction in a Population-Based Cohort Journal Articles
Universal screening in the emergency department for intimate partner violence would consume scarce resources without improving patient well-being Journal Articles
Use of BNP and NT-proBNP for the diagnosis of heart failure in the emergency department: a systematic review of the evidence Journal Articles
Use of Medical Services by Methylphenidate-Treated Children in the General Population Journal Articles
Use of multidetector computed tomography for the assessment of acute chest pain: a consensus statement of the North American Society of Cardiac Imaging and the European Society of Cardiac Radiology Journal Articles
Use of multidetector computed tomography for the assessment of acute chest pain: a consensus statement of the North American Society of Cardiac Imaging and the European Society of Cardiac Radiology Journal Articles
Using the clinical chemistry score in the emergency department to detect adverse cardiac events: a diagnostic accuracy study Journal Articles
Utility of the LACE index at the bedside in predicting 30-day readmission or death in patients hospitalized with heart failure Journal Articles
Utilization of serum D-dimer assays prior to computed tomography pulmonary angiography scans in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism among emergency department physicians: a retrospective observational study Journal Articles
Validating the Emergency Department Avoidability Classification (EDAC): A cluster randomized single-blinded agreement study Journal Articles
Validation of a classification to identify emergency department visits suitable for subacute and virtual care models: a randomised single-blinded agreement study protocol Journal Articles
Validation of the BAP-65 score for prediction of in-hospital death or use of mechanical ventilation in patients presenting to the emergency department with an acute exacerbation of COPD: a retrospective multi-center study from the Italian Society of Emergency Medicine (SIMEU) Journal Articles
Variability in practice patterns among emergency physicians in the evaluation of patients with a suspected diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Journal Articles
Variations and Gaps in Management of Acute Asthma in Ontario Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Variations in Cause and Management of Atrial Fibrillation in a Prospective Registry of 15 400 Emergency Department Patients in 46 Countries Journal Articles
Venous Thromboembolism in Patients Discharged From the Emergency Department With Ankle Fractures: A Population-Based Cohort Study Conferences
Vestibular suppressants for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Virtual emergency care: Decoupling the need for emergency services and expedited care Journal Articles
Visits to the emergency department by community-dwelling people with dementia during the first 2 waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario: a repeated cross-sectional analysis Journal Articles
Wait times in the emergency department for patients with mental illness Journal Articles
West of Ireland facial injury study. Part 1 Journal Articles
West of Ireland facial injury study. Part 2 Journal Articles
What Are Staff Perceptions About Their Current Use of Emergency Departments for Long-Term Care Residents at End of Life? Journal Articles
When and how pediatric anaphylaxis cases reach the emergency department: Findings from the Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis Registry Journal Articles
When the system comes together to solve emergency department flow Journal Articles
Where do family practice patients go in case of emergency? Journal Articles
Which adults aged 65 and older are at low-risk for cervical spine injuries after low-level falls? Journal Articles
Which older emergency patients are at risk of intracranial bleeding after a fall? A protocol to derive a clinical decision rule for the emergency department Journal Articles
Who Needs Epinephrine? Anaphylaxis, Autoinjectors, and Parachutes Journal Articles
Why do patients who are triaged as low-acuity visit the emergency department? - A Polish perspective. Journal Articles
Why is improving pain care so hard? Journal Articles
Zones of prevention: the geography of fall injuries in the elderly Journal Articles
“It saved me from the emergency department”: A qualitative study of patient experience of virtual urgent care in Ontario Journal Articles
“SARS-Ed”: severe acute respiratory syndrome and the impact on medical education Journal Articles
“Unless you went in with your head under your arm”: Patient perceptions of emergency room visits Journal Articles
“What is the actual goal of the pathway?”: examining emergency department physician and nurse perspectives on the implementation of a pediatric concussion pathway using the theoretical domains framework Journal Articles