Embryo, Mammalian
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3 Macrophages and migratory cells in endometrium relevant to implantation Journal Articles
A novel approach identifies new differentially methylated regions (DMRs) associated with imprinted genes Journal Articles
A prospective study of prognostic factors in in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer Journal Articles
AP‐2α is required after lens vesicle formation to maintain lens integrity Journal Articles
Adenovirus-mediated decorin gene transfer prevents TGF-β-induced inhibition of lung morphogenesis Journal Articles
Adult skin-derived precursor Schwann cells exhibit superior myelination and regeneration supportive properties compared to chronically denervated nerve-derived Schwann cells Journal Articles
Analysis of immunosuppressive molecules associated with murine in vitro fertilized embryos Journal Articles
Ankyrin-G regulates neurogenesis and Wnt signaling by altering the subcellular localization of β-catenin Journal Articles
Astrocytes Prevent Abnormal Neuronal Development in the Fragile X Mouse Journal Articles
Canonical WNT/β-catenin signaling is required for ureteric branching Journal Articles
Changes in the expression of novel Cdk5 activator messenger RNA (p39nck5ai mRNA) during rat brain development Journal Articles
Cholinergic Surveillance over Hippocampal RNA Metabolism and Alzheimer's-Like Pathology Journal Articles
Chromosomal damage induced by human adenovirus type 12 requires expression of the E1B 55-kilodalton viral protein Journal Articles
Cigarette smoking and outcomes of in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer: a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Cloning, genomic organization and expression pattern of a novel Drosophila gene, the disco-interacting protein 2 ( dip2 ), and its murine homolog Journal Articles
Complement targeting of nonhuman sialic acid does not mediate cell death of human embryonic stem cells Journal Articles
Control of Motoneuron Survival by Angiogenin Journal Articles
Correction of chromosomal mutation and random integration in embryonic stem cells with helper-dependent adenoviral vectors Journal Articles
Cycle characteristics and outcome in relation to ovarian response during in vitro fertilization Journal Articles
Cytokines and BMP-4 promote hematopoietic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells Journal Articles
Detection and quantification of endoplasmic reticulum stress in living cells using the fluorescent compound, Thioflavin T Journal Articles
Differences in the sex ratios of offspring originating in the right and left ovaries of Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) Journal Articles
Directed differentiation of neural cells to hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons Journal Articles
Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 Regulates Neuronal Progenitor Proliferation via Modulation of GSK3β/β-Catenin Signaling Journal Articles
Dixdc1 Is a Critical Regulator of DISC1 and Embryonic Cortical Development Journal Articles
Effects of sodium warfarin administered during pregnancy in mice Journal Articles
Embryonic and Neonatal Phenotyping of Genetically Engineered Mice Journal Articles
Endothelial and Hematopoietic Cell Fate of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Originates from Primitive Endothelium with Hemangioblastic Properties Journal Articles
Energy-stress-mediated AMPK activation inhibits ferroptosis Journal Articles
Ermap, a gene coding for a novel erythroid specific adhesion/receptor membrane protein Journal Articles
Evaluation of normal gestational sac growth: appearance of embryonic heartbeat and embryo body movements using the transvaginal technique. Journal Articles
Fertilization and embryo development of oocytes obtained transvaginally under ultrasound guidance Journal Articles
Follistatin Targets Distinct Pathways To Promote Brown Adipocyte Characteristics in Brown and White Adipose Tissues Journal Articles
Follistatin promotes adipocyte differentiation, browning, and energy metabolism Journal Articles
Gene regulation of melatonin and dopamine receptors during eye development Journal Articles
Gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells with an adenoviral vector Journal Articles
Generation of hematopoietic repopulating cells from human embryonic stem cells independent of ectopicHOXB4expression Journal Articles
Genetic Manipulation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells: A System to Study Early Human Development and Potential Therapeutic Applications Journal Articles
Growth of 293 Cells in Suspension Culture Journal Articles
Hematopoiesis from Human Embryonic Stem Cells Journal Articles
Hematopoietic development from human embryonic stem cell lines Journal Articles
Hemoglobin switching during murine embryonic development: evidence for two populations of embryonic erythropoietic progenitor cells Journal Articles
Hirano bodies and other cytoskeletal abnormalities develop in fetal rat CNS grafts isolated for long periods in peripheral nerve Journal Articles
Homer modulates NFAT-dependent signaling during muscle differentiation Journal Articles
Human Embryonic Stem Cells Possess Immune‐Privileged Properties Journal Articles
Human embryonic stem cells maintained in the absence of mouse embryonic fibroblasts or conditioned media are capable of hematopoietic development Journal Articles
Human embryonic zeta-globin chain expression in deletional alpha- thalassemias Journal Articles
Human embryonic zeta-globin chains in adult patients with alpha-thalassemias. Journal Articles
Human embryonic–derived hematopoietic repopulating cells require distinct factors to sustain in vivo repopulating function Journal Articles
Identification of low molecular weight immunosuppressor molecules in human in vitro fertilization supernatants predictive of implantation as a polyamine—possibly spermine Journal Articles
Immunological mechanisms to establish embryo tolerance in early bovine pregnancy Journal Articles
Immunosuppressive Factor (or Factors) Produced by Human Embryos in Vitro Journal Articles
Impaired c-src activation and motility defects in PEA3-null fibroblasts Journal Articles
Induction of mitotic aneuploidy using Chinese hamster primary embryonic cells. Test results of 10 chemicals Journal Articles
Integrated Stress Response Modulates Cellular Redox State via Induction of Cystathionine γ-Lyase Journal Articles
Isolation of human iPS cells using EOS lentiviral vectors to select for pluripotency Journal Articles
Lactate-mediated changes in growth morphology and transformation frequency of irradiated C3h cells Journal Articles
Laminin terminates the Netrin/DCC mediated attraction of vagal sensory axons Journal Articles
Low Levels of X-Inactive Specific Transcript in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos Derived from Female Bovine Freemartin Donor Cells Journal Articles
Male Sexual Dysfunction in Mice Bearing Targeted Mutant Alleles of thePEA3 etsGene Journal Articles
Metformin inhibits growth and enhances radiation response of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) through ATM and AMPK Journal Articles
Mice with a Targeted Mutation of Patched2 Are Viable but Develop Alopecia and Epidermal Hyperplasia Journal Articles
Molecular cloning and characterization of PEA3, a new member of the Ets oncogene family that is differentially expressed in mouse embryonic cells. Journal Articles
Murine Hn1 on Chromosome 11 is expressed in hemopoietic and brain tissues Journal Articles
Netrin/DCC‐mediated attraction of vagal sensory axons to the fetal mouse gut Journal Articles
Physiological Modulation of Intestinal Motility by Enteric Dopaminergic Neurons and the D2Receptor: Analysis of Dopamine Receptor Expression, Location, Development, and Function in Wild-Type and Knock-Out Mice Journal Articles
Production of Immunosuppressor Factor(s) by Preimplantation Human Embryos Journal Articles
Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma regulates synapse structure, function and plasticity Journal Articles
Redox-Induced Src Kinase and Caveolin-1 Signaling in TGF-β1-Initiated SMAD2/3 Activation and PAI-1 Expression Journal Articles
Salicylate activates AMPK and synergizes with metformin to reduce the survival of prostate and lung cancer cells ex vivo through inhibition of de novo lipogenesis Journal Articles
Stimulatory and inhibitory signaling molecules that regulate renal branching morphogenesis Journal Articles
The Ultimate Source of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells: Thinking Outside the Marrow Journal Articles
The fgl2 prothrombinase/fibroleukin gene is required for lipopolysaccharide-triggered abortions and for normal mouse reproduction Journal Articles
Tolerance Signaling Molecules and Pregnancy: IDO, Galectins, and the Renaissance of Regulatory T Cells Journal Articles
Transformation of rat embryo fibroblasts by cloned polyoma virus DNA fragments containing only part of the early region. Journal Articles
Transplantation of Mouse Astrocyte Precursor Cells Cultured in Vitro into Neonatal Cerebelluma Journal Articles
Trophic and proliferative effects of Shh on motor neurons in embryonic spinal cord culture from wildtype and G93A SOD1 mice Journal Articles