- Acker, Nicola, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Ackerman, Melanie, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Akhtar-Danesh, Noori, Associate Professor
- Allen, Dianne, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Anderson, Laurisa, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Anstee, Debra, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Attridge, Shealynn Josephine, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Baartman, Janese, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Baguley, Karen, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Barbato, Beverly, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Barker, Megan, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Baumann, Margaret Andrea, Professor
- Baxter, Pamela, Professor
- Becker, Gina, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Bedini, Deborah, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Belita, Emily, Assistant Professor
- Bennett, Claudine, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Bentley-Poole, Lynda Marie, Assistant Professor
- Bienert, Anna, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Bisch, Courtney, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Black, Lana, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Blackwood, Jeneen, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Block, Jessica, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Boamah, Sheila, Assistant Professor
- Bock, Melissa, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Boudreau, Jordan, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Boyes, Kristen, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Boyes, Olivia, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Bryant-Lukosius, Denise, Professor
- Brydges, Evelyn, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Buchanan, Gina, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Buck, Mary, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Bullard, Carrie, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Burnside, Heather, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Burse, Donna, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Bush, Susanne, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Butt, Michelle Lynn, Associate Professor
- Byrne, Carolyn, Professor Emeritus
- Calixto, Francis, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Campagnolo, Brittney, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Cardinali, Miranda, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Carmichael, Brendan, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Carr, Donna, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Carroll, Sandra, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences and Executive Director, Nursing
- Carter, Christina, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Carter, Nancy Marie, Associate Professor
- Caskie, Rachel, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Cavalieri, Vanessa, Assistant Professor
- Cavey, Nina Ann, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Chagnon, Carol, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Chatelain, Jessica, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Chen, Ruth, Associate Professor
- Christmas, Andrea, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Ciliska, Donna Kay, Professor Emeritus
- Clause, Rose Frances, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Coker, Esther, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Congram, Jane, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Corbett, Patricia, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Cordon, Charissa, Assistant Professor (Part-Time)
- Costantini, Lucia, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Cotnam, Sandra, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Couture, Jodi, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Craig, Elizabeth, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Crisan, Ioana, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Crook, Joan, Professor Emeritus
- Culver, Kirsten, Assistant Professor
- Curkovic, Alexandra, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- D'hondt, Allison, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Dal Bello, Dianne, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Dass, Rini, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Day, Nicole, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Dean, Terrie, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Degelder, Tammy, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Diamond, Alison, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Dicenso, Albina, Professor Emeritus
- Difronzo, Lisa, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Dill, Michelle, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Diogo, Stephanie, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Dion, Megan, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Dobbins, Maureen, Professor
- Domjancic, Michelle, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Downey, Bernice, Associate Professor
- Duffin, Catherine, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Duong, Mandy, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Dupuy, Kelly, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Edwards, Nicole, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Eigenbrood, Kimberley, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Elliott, Heather, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Enns, Robin, Assistant Professor
- Feikema, Marilyn, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Fisher, Kathryn A, Assistant Professor (Part-Time)
- Fisher, Margaret Ellen McKinlay, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Fitzpatrick, Mary, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Forbes, Kyla, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Ford, Patricia, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Fox-Threlkeld, Jo-ann Elizabeth, Professor Emeritus
- Freeman, Laura, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- French, Susan Elizabeth, Professor Emeritus
- Frigula, Nicki, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Fry-O'Rourke, Ashley, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Furtado, Stephanie, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Fusek, Bozena, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Gale, Kristen Alexa Victoria, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Gallant, Gabrielle, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Ganann, Rebecca, Associate Professor
- Gandza, Stephen, Assistant Professor
- Gardiner, Erika, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Gauthier, Leslie, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Gauvin-Toste, Noelle, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Gavran, Dunja, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Gibson-stewart, Gemini, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Gillespie, Amber, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Gimbel, Krista, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Gondo, Sarah, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Green, Sonya, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Guevarra, Janine Frances, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Gutierrez, Alvin, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Hagerman, Lisa-Anne, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Halladay, Jillian, Assistant Professor
- Hammond, Cynthia, Assistant Professor
- Hannon, Ruth, Assistant Professor
- Harkness, Karen, Assistant Clinical Professor
- HASSAN, HINDA, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Helli, Peter, Assistant Professor
- Hencze, Jenn, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Henry, Shaunattonie, Assistant Professor
- Hogeboom, Meredith, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Holt, Kelly, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Hoosein, Sharon, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Indycki, Joanna, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Jack, Susan, Professor
- Janik, Kalina, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Jarman, Hellen, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Jegajothi, Kokila, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Jenkins, Susannah, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Johal, Jagdeep (Nicki), Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Johal, Jessie, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Johnson, Donna, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Johnston, Amanda, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Jolly, Seema, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Jones, Jaclyn, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Jones, Tara, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Kaasalainen, Sharon June, Professor
- Katerji, Hayat, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Kaur Kainth, Bishav, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Kaur, Prabhjeet, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Kere, Josephine, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Khalili, Yassaman, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Kipp, Lindsay, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Knoops, Melissa, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Kolm, Kari, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Korslick, Shelly, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Kruisselbrink, Jaclyn, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Kucava, Christine, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Landeen, Janet, Associate Professor (Part-Time)
- Latto-Hall, Claire, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Law, Jen, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Leach, Kristine, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- LeBouthillier, Shawna, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- LeClair, Kelly, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Lee, Ruth, Associate Clinical Professor
- Leslie, Yolande, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Leslie-Moyer, Angela, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Lickers, Tracy, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Limeback, Katelyn, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Lindsay, Mandy, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Lippert, Seth, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Long, Tarrah, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Lounsbury, Jennifer, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Lukic, Jelena, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Lupinsky, Alysia, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- MacCullouch, Lori, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Machonisa, Portia, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Maher, Tressa, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Majumdar, Basanti, Professor Emeritus
- Mak, Derek, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Malecki, Victoria, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Mamoukhova, Farida, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Manayathu Jones, Jane, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Maretzki, Alexandra, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Marinoiu, Damaris, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Markle-Reid, Maureen Frances, Professor Emeritus
- Marshall, Emily, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Martin, Alanna, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Martin, Lynn, Associate Professor
- Martin-Misener, Ruth, Associate Clinical Professor
- Matheson, Nicole, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Mathewson, Caitlin, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Mcbride, Meghan, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- McCormick, Loretta, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- McCreadie, Maureen, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- McDermott, Sun-hee, Assistant Clinical Professor
- McDonald, Tanya, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- McGillion, Michael, Associate Professor
- McInnes, Lora, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Meng, Hong, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Merla, Jennifer, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- MIller, Andrea, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Mitton, Jennifer, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Mlekuz, Patricia, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Mohaupt, Jennifer, Assistant Professor
- Morin, Marie, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Morris, Jillian, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Morrison, Maggie, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Mujica, Iris, Assistant Professor
- Murphy, Heidi, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Nader-Sanchez, Michelle, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Nagel, Teddy, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Nazarali, Zafreen, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Norman, Dianne, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Northwood, Melissa, Assistant Professor
- Notarandrea, Carolyn, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- O'Sullivan, Elizabeth, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Olarte Godoy, Jennifer, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Oteng, Jennifer, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Pace, Julie, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Page, Cheryl, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Paladan, Fernando, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Paleczny, Sandra, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Palma, Amy, Assistant Professor
- Pandhoo, Jephinah, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Papini, Amira, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Paquin, Brittany, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Parris, Rebecca, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Parzen, Maurine, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Pathirana, Sachith, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Paton, Brittany, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Patterson, Erin, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Patterson, Priscilla, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Pawlowski, Agata, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Peiravi, Mozhgan, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Petis, Ashley, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Phuong, Phuc- Nhi, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Picard, Lindsay, Assistant Professor (Part-Time)
- Pierazzo, Joanna, Associate Professor
- Pilla, Jane, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Pilla, John, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Pinelli, Janet May, Professor Emeritus
- Ploeg, Jenny, Professor Emeritus
- Plummer, Winsome, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Plunkett, Robyn, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Ponce, Mariela, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Potvin, Melanie, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Pratt, Maria, Assistant Professor
- Prieur, Adam, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Radyk, Rachel, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Rankin, Aric, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Raposo, Mark, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Razaq, Salsabela, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Reid, Alina, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Renda, Anthony, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Rennie, Rachele, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Richter, Lisa, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Rideout, Elizabeth, Professor Emeritus
- Ritchie Tanguay, Susan, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Roberts, Jacqueline, Professor Emeritus
- Robinson, Karen, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Rock, Anne Marie, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Rolfe, Steven, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Roloson, Jessica, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Romeril, Sarah, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Ruaux, Martin, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Rudge, Carter, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Rush, Janet, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Ryu, Suji, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Samwel, Shelley, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Sardo, Arlene, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Scott, Ted, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Shackleton, Sarah, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Shantz, Lisa, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Sherifali, Diana, Associate Professor
- Sheriff, Romaine, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Sherwood, Lawson, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Sherwood, Susan, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Sidwell, Casey, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Sill, Melissa, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Simpson, Cheryl, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Sinden, Meaghan, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Sing, Thomas, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Skelly, Jennifer, Associate Professor (Part-Time)
- Sloan-Birbeck, Cynthia, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Sluser, Carla, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Smart, Whitney, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Smith, Nikki, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Smyth, Paula, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Spanjevic, Lilian, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Spark, Rebecca, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Sparkes, Jane, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Staebler-Abrahams, Leah, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Stager Piatkowski, Jennifer, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Steele, Kate, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Strachan, Patricia H, Associate Professor
- Sudar, Hilary, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Swanson, Hilary, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Sword, Wendy Ann, Professor Emeritus
- Tardif, Michele, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Tatar, Gelu, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Taylor, Tiffany, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Telesz, Katarzyna, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Thabane, Lehana, Associate Member
- Thomson, Alexandra, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Tivanian, Krista, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Torry, Jennifer, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Trushinski, Sara, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Tseitlin, Hanna, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Tsetsekas, Paige, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Valaitis, Ruta K, Professor Emeritus
- Van Dyk, Jodie, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Van Kooten, Linsey, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Vickers, John Douglas, Professor Emeritus
- Viloria-Tan, Eileen, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Visekruna, Sanja, Assistant Professor
- Vohra, Julie, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Volman, Larisa, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Wahoush, Ellen Olive, Associate Professor (Part-Time)
- Walmsley, Jackie, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Watcheston, Ashley, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Webster, Alanna, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Webster, Lisa, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Weir, Robin Elizabeth, Professor Emeritus
- Weirmier, Tamara, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Welch, Becky, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Whiteman, Rhonda, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Whitmore, Carly, Assistant Professor
- Whitson, Melissa, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Williams, Alyssa, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Williams, Cheryl, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Wilson, Denise, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Wilson, Jennifer, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Wishart, Elizabeth, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Wong, Kam Yuet, Professor (Part-Time)
- Wright, Lynn, Assistant Clinical Professor
- Yang, Bai, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Younes, Hala, Lecturer (Adjunct)
- Yous, Marie-lee, Assistant Professor
- Zahreddine, Hassan, Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
- Zimmerman, Rosanne, Assistant Clinical Professor