selected scholarly activity
- Relation between depression and sociodemographic factors. 219-235. 2016
- Venous Thromboembolism in Surgical Lung Cancer Patients: A Provincial Population-Based Study. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 890-897. 2022
- Interprofessional Education in Anatomy: Using Q Methodology to Determine Student Perceptions. The FASEB Journal. 2017
- Interprofessional Education in Anatomy: Using Q Methodology to Determine Student Perceptions. The FASEB Journal. 2017
- Incidence of Abnormal Lipid Tests among First Episode of Psychosis Patients: Hazard Rate Greater for Males than Females. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 118-118. 2016
- Intramedullary lesion length on MRI is a predictor of outcome in cervical spinal cord injury. Journal of Neurosurgery. A1175-A1175. 2016
- Testing of the French Language and Australian Versions of the Quality of Prenatal Care Questionnaire (QPCQ). Reproductive Sciences. 321A-321A. 2014
- Population Study of Uterine Leiomyosarcoma Incidence, Mortality and Survival. Laboratory Investigation. 287A-287A. 2013
- A Hospital End-of-Life Protocol to Improve Discussions and Documentation of Patient and Family Wishes: Evaluation of Uptake and Satisfaction. Journal of Palliative Care. 187-187. 2012
- Survival of Breast Intracystic/Solid Papillary Carcinoma Compared to Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. Modern Pathology. 38A-38A. 2011
- Survival of Breast Intracystic/Solid Papillary Carcinoma Compared to Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. Laboratory Investigation. 38A-38A. 2011
- Inter-Observer Agreement among Pathologists for Assessing Invasion in Early Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Still a Diagnostic Challenge. Modern Pathology. 232A-232A. 2010
- Inter-Observer Agreement among Pathologists for Assessing Invasion in Early Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Still a Diagnostic Challenge. Laboratory Investigation. 232A-232A. 2010
- Needle Core Biopsy Has High Sensitivity for Identifying Breast Papillary Lesions Requiring Surgical Excision: Diagnostic Accuracy in 161 Cases. Laboratory Investigation. 45A-45A. 2010
- Needle Core Biopsy Has High Sensitivity for Identifying Breast Papillary Lesions Requiring Surgical Excision: Diagnostic Accuracy in 161 Cases. Modern Pathology. 45A-45A. 2010
- Priority health needs for patients receiving concurrent chemotherapy and radiation for stage III non-small cell lung cancer and impact of the role of the advanced practice nurse (APN). Journal of Thoracic Oncology. S436-S437. 2009
- Development and Validation of a Risk Score for Post Infectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Gastroenterology. A631-A631. 2009
- Information Needs of Digestive Disease Patients: the Patient Education Needs Survey (PENS). Gastroenterology. A638-A638. 2009
- HER2/neu Testing in Breast Carcinoma. Concordance Study Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) vs. Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization (CISH). Modern Pathology. 38A-38A. 2009
- HER2/neu Testing in Breast Carcinoma. Concordance Study Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) vs. Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization (CISH). Laboratory Investigation. 38A-38A. 2009
- Reproducibility of Needle Core Biopsy Diagnosis of Breast Papillary Lesions. Laboratory Investigation. 38A-38A. 2009
- Reproducibility of Needle Core Biopsy Diagnosis of Breast Papillary Lesions. Modern Pathology. 38A-38A. 2009
- Pathways to care and first episode psychosis: are there ethnic differences in a sample from Ontario?. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. A7-A7. 2008
- Socioeconomic disability in first episode psychosis: are we fostering financial autonomy?. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. A120-A120. 2008
- Absolute death rates by fracture type in Canadians. Arthritis and Rheumatism. S747-S747. 2008
- Readiness to change eating habits and physical activity in patients with affective psychosis and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Schizophrenia Research. 38-38. 2006
- 487: Association between Depression and Demographic Factors in Ontario. American Journal of Epidemiology. S122-S122. 2005
- Effect of gender, age and severity of asthma attack on patterns of emergency department visits due to asthma by month and day of the week.. American Journal of Epidemiology. S67-S67. 2005
journal articles
- Why do instructors pass underperforming students? A Q-methodology study.. BMC Medical Education. 24:1135. 2024
- Impact of Wait Time From Preoperative CT to Pancreatectomy on Overall Survival for Patients With Pancreatic Carcinoma.. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal. 76:8465371241275150. 2024
- Impact of pre-operative abdominal MRI on survival for patients with resected pancreatic carcinoma: a population-based study. The Lancet Regional Health - Americas. 35:100809-100809. 2024
- Anatomy beyond the pandemic: A Q‐methodology study exploring student perceptions toward a hybrid curriculum. Anatomical Sciences Education. 17:831-843. 2024
- Patient and public involvement in international research: Perspectives of a team of researchers from six countries on collaborating with people with lived experiences of dementia and end‐of‐life. Health Expectations. 27:e13942. 2024
- Factors associated with pressure ulcer and dehydration in long-term care settings in Ontario, Canada. PLoS ONE. 19:e0297588-e0297588. 2024
- Student perceptions of hybrid delivery of interprofessional anatomy—The best of both worlds?. Anatomical Sciences Education. 17:128-138. 2024
- A Multiphase Mixed Methods Study on the Integration of a Population Health Approach in Sexual Health Programs and Services in Ontario Public Health Units. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 55:319-332. 2023
- Influences on the uptake of a population health approach to sexual health programs in Ontario public health units: a qualitative descriptive study. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitswissenschaften. 31:1443-1452. 2023
- Readiness for interprofessional learning among health science students: a cross-sectional Q-methodology and likert-based study. BMC Medical Education. 23:583. 2023
- A longitudinal Q-study to assess changes in students’ perceptions at the time of pandemic. Scientific Reports. 13:8770. 2023
- Mortality in ASIA Impairment Scale grade A to D Patients With Odontoid Fracture and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evidence of Spinal Cord Injury. Neurotrauma Reports. 4:375-383. 2023
- Impact of factor rotation on Q-methodology analysis. PLoS ONE. 18:e0290728-e0290728. 2023
- Using Q-Methodology to Evaluate Student Perceptions of Online Anatomy in the Time of COVID-19. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 14. 2023
- qpair: A command for analyzing paired Q-sorts in Q-methodology. Stata Journal. 22:884-907. 2022
- Preliminary instrument development to measure implementing a population health approach in sexual health. Public Health Nursing. 39:1374-1385. 2022
- How to analyze change in perception from paired Q-sorts. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 51:5681-5691. 2022
- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on non–small-cell lung cancer pathologic stage and presentation. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 65:E496-E503. 2022
- Using Q‐methodology to determine students' perceptions of interprofessional anatomy education. Anatomical Sciences Education. 15:877-885. 2022
- Venous Thromboembolism in Surgically Treated Esophageal Cancer Patients: A Provincial Population-Based Study. TH Open. 06:e168-e176. 2022
- Frequency of Neglect and Its Effect on Mortality in Long-Term Care before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare Policy. 17:101-121. 2022
- Survival effects of time to surgery for Stage I lung cancer: A population-based study. Surgical Oncology. 42:101744-101744. 2022
- Emerging from the Pandemic: Q‐Method Analysis of the Return to Normalcy in Undergraduate Anatomy. The FASEB Journal. 36. 2022
- Using Q‐Methodology to Evaluate Student Perceptions of Online Anatomy in the Time of COVID‐19. The FASEB Journal. 36:10.1096/fasebj.2022.36.s1.r4007. 2022
- Implementing the Synergy Model: A Qualitative Descriptive Study. Nursing Reports. 12:100-111. 2022
- COVID-19 excess mortality among long-term care residents in Ontario, Canada. PLoS ONE. 17:e0262807-e0262807. 2022
- The Effect of Major and Minor Complications After Lung Surgery on Length of Stay and Readmission. Journal of Patient Experience. 9:237437352210775-237437352210775. 2022
- Evaluation of the Caring Ahead: Preparing for End-of-Life With Dementia Questionnaire. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 22:2108-2114.e4. 2021
- Unintentional injury deaths among youth in Ontario, Canada from 2000 to 2015: Rates are falling but there are caveats. Canadian Geographer. 65:255-266. 2021
- Efficacy of Early (≤ 24 Hours), Late (25–72 Hours), and Delayed (>72 Hours) Surgery with Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Confirmed Decompression in American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale Grades C and D Acute Traumatic Central Cord Syndrome Caused by Spinal Stenosis. Journal of Neurotrauma. 38:2073-2083. 2021
- Uptake and survival effects of minimally invasive surgery for lung cancer: A population-based study. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 47:1791-1796. 2021
- Caring ahead: Mixed methods development of a questionnaire to measure caregiver preparedness for end-of-life with dementia. Palliative Medicine. 35:768-784. 2021
- Wait times in the management of non–small cell lung carcinoma before, during and after regionalization of lung cancer care: a high-resolution analysis. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 64:E218-E227. 2021
- Treatment Modality and Trends in Survival for Gallbladder Cancer: a Population-Based Study. Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer. 52:256-262. 2021
- Attitudes, beliefs, and practices among Swiss chiropractors regarding medication prescribing for musculoskeletal conditions: a national Q-methodology study. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies. 28:54. 2020
- Methods of competing risks flexible parametric modeling for estimation of the risk of the first disease among HIV infected men. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 20:17. 2020
- Uptake of minimally invasive surgery for early stage colorectal cancer and its effect on survival: A population-based study. Surgical Oncology. 35:540-546. 2020
- Caregiver preparedness for death in dementia: an evaluation of existing tools. Aging & Mental Health. 24:1671-1680. 2020
- Change in treatment modality and trends in survival among stage I non-small cell lung cancer patients: a population-based study. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 12:4670-4679. 2020
- Screening and Intervention Practices for Alcohol Use by Pregnant Women and Women of Childbearing Age: Results of a Canadian Survey. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 42:1121-1128. 2020
- Attitudes, beliefs, and practices regarding medication prescribing for musculoskeletal conditions: a protocol for a national Q-methodology study of Swiss chiropractors.. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. 64:119-130. 2020
- Usefulness of Abductive Reasoning in Nursing Education. Nurse Educator. 45:220-224. 2020
- Mind the gap: is the Canadian long-term care workforce ready for a palliative care mandate?. Ageing and Society. 40:1223-1243. 2020
- Beyond Average Information: How Q‐Methodology Enhances Course Evaluations in Anatomy. Anatomical Sciences Education. 13:137-148. 2020
- Efficacy of Ultra-Early (< 12 h), Early (12–24 h), and Late (>24–138.5 h) Surgery with Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Confirmed Decompression in American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale Grades A, B, and C Cervical Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma. 37:448-457. 2020
- Trends in Survival Based on Treatment Modality in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer: A Population-Based Study. Current Oncology. 27:1-8. 2020
- “A Crazy Roller Coaster at the End”: A Qualitative Study of Death Preparedness With Caregivers of Persons With Dementia. SAGE Open Nursing. 6:237796082094911-237796082094911. 2020
- Trends in survival based on treatment modality for esophageal cancer: a population-based study. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 31:1192-1199. 2019
- Trends in Survival Based on Treatment Modality in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients: A Population-Based Study. Cancer Investigation. 37:355-366. 2019
- What Does Death Preparedness Mean for Family Caregivers of Persons With Dementia?. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 36:436-446. 2019
- Condition-Specific Pamphlets to Improve End-of-life Communication in Long-term Care: Staff Perceptions on Usability and Use. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 20:262-267. 2019
- Social capital and self-rated health: A cross-sectional study of the general social survey data comparing rural and urban adults in Ontario. Health and Social Care in the Community. 27:424-436. 2019
- How the Rural Context Influences Social Capital: Experiences in two Ontario Communities. Journal of Rural and Community Development. 14:1-+. 2019
- Critical Care Nurses’ Reasons for Working or Not Working Overtime. Critical Care Nurse. 38:47-57. 2018
- Potential Dangers of Nursing Overtime in Critical Care. Nursing Leadership. 31:48-60. 2018
- Qfactor: A Command for Q-methodology Analysis. Stata Journal. 18:432-446. 2018
- Policy to practice: Investment in transitioning new graduate nurses to the workplace. Journal of Nursing Management. 26:373-381. 2018
- A government policy on full-time nursing employment in Ontario, Canada: An evaluation. Health Policy. 122:109-114. 2018
- Perspectives of Nurse Practitioner–Physician Collaboration among Nurse Practitioners in Canadian Long-Term Care Homes: A National Survey. Nursing Leadership. 30:10-25. 2017
- The ACHRU-CPP versus usual care for older adults with type-2 diabetes and multiple chronic conditions and their family caregivers: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 18:55. 2017
- What are the differences among occupational groups related to their palliative care-specific educational needs and intensity of interprofessional collaboration in long-term care homes?. BMC Palliative Care. 16:33. 2017
- Application of AOSpine Subaxial Cervical Spine Injury Classification in Simple and Complex Cases. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 31:S24-S32. 2017
- Critical care nurses' perceptions of the outcomes of working overtime in Canada. Nursing Outlook. 65:400-410. 2017
- Intramedullary Lesion Length on Postoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a Strong Predictor of ASIA Impairment Scale Grade Conversion Following Decompressive Surgery in Cervical Spinal Cord Injury. Neurosurgery. 80:610-620. 2017
- A critical appraisal of chronic kidney disease mineral and bone disorders clinical practice guidelines using the AGREE II instrument. International Urology and Nephrology. 49:273-284. 2017
- A descriptive case study of the changing nature of nurses' work: The impact of managing infectious diseases requiring isolation. American Journal of Infection Control. 45:200-202. 2017
- Care Delivery Patterns, Processes, and Outcomes for Primary Ovarian Cancer Surgery: A Population-Based Review Using a National Administrative Database. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 39:25-33. 2017
- Effects of different phosphate lowering strategies in patients with CKD on laboratory outcomes: A systematic review and NMA. PLoS ONE. 12:e0171028-e0171028. 2017
- Understanding interprofessional collaboration in the context of chronic disease management for older adults living in communities: a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 73:71-84. 2017
- “Now I Don’t Have to Guess”: Using Pamphlets to Encourage Residents and Families/Friends to Engage in Advance Care Planning in Long-Term Care. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. 3:233372141774732-233372141774732. 2017
- Risk factors for and prediction of mortality in critically ill medical–surgical patients receiving heparin thromboprophylaxis. Annals of Intensive Care. 6:18. 2016
- Strategic Workforce Planning for Health Human Resources. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 48:93-99. 2016
- The Aging, Community and Health Research Unit—Community Partnership Program for older adults with type 2 diabetes and multiple chronic conditions: a feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 2:24. 2016
- The effectiveness of a nurse practitioner-led pain management team in long-term care: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 62:156-167. 2016
- A review of instruments to measure interprofessional collaboration for chronic disease management for community-living older adults. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 30:201-210. 2016
- Long-term trends in the incidence and relative survival of pancreatic cancer in Canada: A population-based study. Pancreatology. 16:259-265. 2016
- Comparative Effectiveness of Phosphate Binders in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. PLoS ONE. 11:e0156891-e0156891. 2016
- First‐episode affective psychosis and lipid monitoring: survival analysis of the first abnormal lipid test. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 9:507-511. 2015
- Quality of prenatal care questionnaire: psychometric testing in an Australia population. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 15:214. 2015
- Temporal trends in the incidence and relative survival of non-small cell lung cancer in Canada: A population-based study. Lung Cancer. 90:8-14. 2015
- Exploring Student and Faculty Perceptions of Clinical Simulation: A Q-Sort Study. Journal of Nursing Education. 54:485-491. 2015
- The effect of surgeon volume on procedure selection in non–small cell lung cancer surgeries. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 150:507-513. 2015
- The impact of age and race on longevity in pediatric astrocytic tumors: A population‐based study. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 62:1567-1571. 2015
- Predictors of intramedullary lesion expansion rate on MR images of patients with subaxial spinal cord injury. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 22:611-621. 2015
- A mixed methods study of the work patterns of full‐time nurse practitioners in nursing homes. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). 24:1327-1337. 2015
- Integrative review: an evaluation of the methods used to explore the relationship between overtime and patient outcomes. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 71:961-974. 2015
- An Evaluation of Chronic Pain Questionnaires in the Adult Population. Journal of Nursing Measurement. 23:22-39. 2015
- Further Insights Into Long-Term Trends in Relative Survival of Vulvar Cancer Patients: A Population-Based Study. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 25:125-130. 2015
- Psychometric Testing of the French Language Quality of Prenatal Care Questionnaire. Journal of Nursing Measurement. 23:436-451. 2015
- Community health nurses’ learning needs in relation to the Canadian community health nursing standards of practice: results from a Canadian survey. BMC Nursing. 13:31. 2014
- Comparative Analysis of External Validity Reporting in Non-randomized Intervention Studies. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 46:47-64. 2014
- Quality of prenatal care questionnaire: instrument development and testing. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 14:188. 2014
- Nurses' Perception and Comfort Level with Diabetes Management Practices in Long-Term Care. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 38:314-319. 2014
- A concept analysis of abductive reasoning. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 70:1980-1994. 2014
- Trends in incidence and survival of women with invasive vulvar cancer in the United States and Canada: A population-based study. Gynecologic Oncology. 134:314-318. 2014
- Are parents doing what they want to do? Congruency between parents’ actual and desired participation in the care of their hospitalized child. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing. 37:103-121. 2014
- Cognitive function and self-care management in older patients with heart failure. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 13:277-284. 2014
- Comparative effectiveness of surgical versus nonoperative management of unilateral, nondisplaced, subaxial cervical spine facet fractures without evidence of spinal cord injury. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 20:270-277. 2014
- Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination of Advanced Practice Nursing Information and Research to Acute-Care Administrators. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 46:10-27. 2014
- A Comparison Between Behavioral and Verbal Report Pain Assessment Tools for Use with Residents in Long Term Care. Pain Management Nursing. 14:e106-e114. 2013
- Does Youth Net Decrease Mental Illness Stigma in High School Students?. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 32:9-22. 2013
- Viewpoints about collaboration between primary care and public health in Canada. BMC Health Services Research. 13:311. 2013
- A concept analysis of nursing overtime. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 69:2401-2412. 2013
- A systematic review of the effectiveness of advanced practice nurses in long‐term care. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 69:2148-2161. 2013
- A Value-Added Benefit of Nurse Practitioners in Long-Term Care Settings: Increased Nursing Staff’s Ability to Care for Residents. Nursing Leadership. 26:24-37. 2013
- Interobserver Agreement for Assessing Invasion in Stage 1A Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma. American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 37:1336-1341. 2013
- Perceptions of Professionalism Among Nursing Faculty and Nursing Students. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 35:248-271. 2013
- Assessing Family Members' Satisfaction with Information Sharing and Communication during Hospital Care at the End of Life. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 16:82-86. 2013
- Employment goals, expectations, and migration intentions of nursing graduates in a Canadian border city: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 49:1531-1543. 2012
- Five-year trends in mortality indices among gynecological cancer patients in Canada. Gynecologic Oncology. 127:620-624. 2012
- Women's and care providers' perspectives of quality prenatal care: a qualitative descriptive study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 12:29. 2012
- Temporal Trends in the Relative Survival Among Women With Cervical Cancer in Canada: A Population-Based Study. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 22:1208-1213. 2012
- The Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary Pain Protocol in Long Term Care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 13:664.e1-664.e8. 2012
- Case study methodology in nurse migration research: An integrative review. Applied Nursing Research. 25:222-228. 2012
- Effective Retention Strategies for Midcareer Critical Care Nurses. Nursing Research. 61:300-308. 2012
- Clustering and stability of functional lower gastrointestinal symptom after enteric infection. Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 24:546-546. 2012
- Migration: a concept analysis from a nursing perspective. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 68:1176-1186. 2012
- Concurrent binge drinking and depression among Canadian youth: prevalence, patterns, and suicidality. Alcohol. 46:165-172. 2012
- Teaching Critical Management Skills to Senior Nursing Students:Videotaped or Interactive Hands-On Instruction?. Nursing Education Perspectives. 33:106-110. 2012
- Imputation strategies for missing binary outcomes in cluster randomized trials. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 11:18. 2011
- Silencing synaptic communication between random interneurons duringDrosophilalarval locomotion. Genes, Brain and Behavior. 10:883-900. 2011
- Social determinants of older adults’ awareness of community support services in Hamilton, Ontario. Health and Social Care in the Community. 19:661-672. 2011
- Temporal trends in the relative survival among patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer in Canada 1992–2005: A population-based study. Gynecologic Oncology. 123:192-195. 2011
- Online communities of practice as a communication resource for community health nurses working with homeless persons. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 67:1273-1284. 2011
- Self-reported teamwork in family health team practices in Ontario: organizational and cultural predictors of team climate.. Canadian Family Physician. 57:e185-e191. 2011
- Factors associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among adults. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 24:128-134. 2011
- Parents’ perceptions and attitudes on childhood obesity: A Q‐methodology study. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. 23:67-75. 2011
- A Questionnaire for Assessing Community Health Nurses’ Learning Needs. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 32:1055-1072. 2010
- Nurses' Perceptions of and Satisfaction With the Medication Administration System in Long-Term-Care Homes. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 42:59-79. 2010
- Nurses' perceptions of and satisfaction with the medication administration system in long-term-care homes.. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 42:58-79. 2010
- A Flexible Method for Testing Independence in Two-Way Contingency Tables. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. 9:443-451. 2010
- Would Older Adults Turn to Community Support Services for Help to Maintain Their Independence?. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 29:554-578. 2010
- Ethnic Diversity and Pathways to Care for a First Episode of Psychosis in Ontario. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 36:688-701. 2010
- An Outbreak of Acute Bacterial Gastroenteritis Is Associated With an Increased Incidence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 105:933-939. 2010
- Association between fruit juice consumption and self‐reported body mass index among adult Canadians. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 23:162-168. 2010
- Fruit and Vegetable Intake In Canadian Ethnic Populations. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 71:11-16. 2010
- Older Adults’ Awareness of Community Health and Support Services for Dementia Care. Canadian Journal on Aging. 28:359-370. 2009
- Simulated experiences: Nursing students share their perspectives. Nurse Education Today. 29:859-866. 2009
- Development and Validation of a Risk Score for Post-Infectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 104:2267-2274. 2009
- Relation between fractures and mortality: results from the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 181:265-271. 2009
- Nurse Faculty Perceptions of Simulation Use in Nursing Education. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 31:312-329. 2009
- Nurse Practitioner and Physician Collaboration in Long-Term Care Homes: Survey Results. Canadian Journal on Aging. 28:77-77. 2009
- Public Health Science and Practice: From Fragmentation to Alignment. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 100:I1-I2. 2009
- Comparison of generalized estimating equations and quadratic inference functions using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) database. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 8:28. 2008
- How powerful is the antedependence test for analysing serial measurements with dropouts?. Journal of Applied Statistical Science. 16:137-150. 2008
- Registered Nurses and Licensed/Registered Practical Nurses: A Description and Comparison of Their Decision-Making Process. Nursing Leadership. 21:56-72. 2008
- Q-Methodology in Nursing Research. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 30:759-773. 2008
- Nursing Generations in the Contemporary Workplace. Public Personnel Management. 37:137-159. 2008
- Mortality risks associated with Barrett’s oesophagus: authors' reply. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 27:853-854. 2008
- Mortality rates in patients with Barrett’s oesophagus. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 27:316-320. 2008
- Guidelines for reporting descriptive statistics in health research. Nurse researcher. 15:72-81. 2008
- Validity of self-reported height and weight for measuring prevalence of obesity.. Open Medicine. 2:e83-e88. 2008
- Where Would You Turn for Help? Older Adults' Awareness of Community Support Services. Canadian Journal on Aging. 27:359-370. 2008
- Pragmatists, Positive Communicators, and Shy Enthusiasts: Three Viewpoints on Web Conferencing in Health Sciences Education. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 9:e39-e39. 2007
- Is plasma vitamin C an appropriate biomarker of vitamin C intake? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition Journal. 6:41. 2007
- Relation between body mass index and depression: a structural equation modeling approach. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 7:17. 2007
- Substance Use and Abuse in First-Episode Psychosis: Prevalence Before and After Early Intervention. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 33:1354-1363. 2007
- Use of Q-Methodology to Identify Nursing Faculty Viewpoints of a Collaborative BScN Program Experience. Nursing Leadership. 20:67-85. 2007
- Seasonal Variation in Leisure-time Physical Activity Among Canadians. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 98:203-208. 2007
- Psychotic Disorders, Eating Habits, and Physical Activity: Who Is Ready for Lifestyle Changes?. Psychiatric Services. 58:233-239. 2007
- Relation between depression and sociodemographic factors. International Journal of Mental Health Systems. 1:4-4. 2007
- Sex differences in hospital admissions from emergency departments in asthmatic adults: a population-based study. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. 96:666-672. 2006
- Is Fetal Gender Associated with Emergency Department Visits for Asthma During Pregnancy?. Journal of Asthma. 43:293-299. 2006
- Patient Characteristics Associated with Nocturnal Emergency Department Visits for Asthma. Journal of Asthma. 43:469-475. 2006
- A Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome extranet: supporting local communication and information dissemination. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 5:17. 2005
- Childhood obesity, prevalence and prevention. Nutrition Journal. 4:24. 2005
- Effect of Gender, Age, and Severity of Asthma Attack on Patterns of Emergency Department Visits due to Asthma by Month and Day of the Week. European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE). 20:947-956. 2005
- How does correlation structure differ between real and fabricated data-sets?. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 3:18. 2003
- A review of statistical methods for analysing pain measurements. European Journal of Pain. 5:457-463. 2001
- Using an antedependence test to analyse post-operative pain measurements. Statistics in Medicine. 19:1889-1899. 2000