selected scholarly activity
- 302. Treating dysthymia in primary care: sertraline vs IPT (a two-year follow up). Biological Psychiatry. S91-S91. 2000
- Surviving social assistance: 12 month prevalence rates of depression in sole support parents and their children receiving social assistance.. Psychosomatic Medicine. 95-95. 1997
- Causal attributions, perceived control, and coping strategies as predictors of post-rape recovery. International Journal of Psychology. 84156-84156. 1996
journal articles
- Perceptions of Mental Health among Pakistani Women with Micro-Finance Loans: An Interpretive Descriptive Study. Qualitative Report. 28:2401-2420. 2023
- Usefulness of Abductive Reasoning in Nursing Education. Nurse Educator. 45:220-224. 2020
- Study exploring depression and cardiovascular diseases amongst Arabic speaking patients living in the State of Qatar: Rationale and methodology. Global Cardiology Science and Practice. 2012:24-24. 2012
- A Narrative Inquiry of a Program That Provides Permanent Housing With Supports to Homeless Individuals With Severe Mental Illness. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 30:31-43. 2011
- Parenting-by-gender interactions in child psychopathology: attempting to address inconsistencies with a Canadian national database. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 4:5. 2010
- Understanding how education/support groups help lone mothers. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 10:4. 2010
- The Family Standpoint of Investigation: Examining the Correlates and Costs of Parental Stress in a Sample of Families Involved With Ontario Child Welfare. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 29:131-154. 2010
- The costs and effects of addressing the needs of vulnerable populations: results of 10 years of research.. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 41:193-203. 2009
- A narrative inquiry: moving on from homelessness for individuals with a major mental illness. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 16:68-75. 2009
- Recreation for children on social assistance, 4–17 years old, pays for itself the same year. Journal of Public Health. 28:203-208. 2006
- Changes in Children's Behavior and Costs for Service Use Associated With Parents' Response to Treatment for Dysthymia. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 45:239-246. 2006
- Effective/efficient mental health programs for school-age children: a synthesis of reviews. Social Science and Medicine. 58:1367-1384. 2004
- Adolescent Emotional/Behavioral Problems and Risk Behavior in Ontario Primary Care: Comorbidities and Costs. Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners. 8:135-144. 2004
- Burden of dysthymia and comorbid illness in adults in a Canadian primary care setting: high rates of psychiatric illness in the offspring. Journal of Affective Disorders. 78:73-80. 2004
- A Pilot Study of a Parent-Education Group for Families Affected by Depression. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 48:78-86. 2003
- Nursing alumni as student mentors: nurturing professional growth. Nurse Education Today. 22:427-432. 2002
- Sertraline and/or interpersonal psychotherapy for patients with dysthymic disorder in primary care: 6-month comparison with longitudinal 2-year follow-up of effectiveness and costs. Journal of Affective Disorders. 68:317-330. 2002
- The 2‐year costs and effects of a public health nursing case management intervention on mood‐disordered single parents on social assistance. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 8:45-59. 2002
- When the bough breaks: provider-initiated comprehensive care is more effective and less expensive for sole-support parents on social assistance. Social Science and Medicine. 53:1697-1710. 2001
- The costs and effects of addressing the needs of vulnerable populations: results of 10 years of research.. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 33:65-76. 2001
- Service Needs of Families where one Parent has an Affective Illness: Implications for Service, Education, and Policy. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 20:107-121. 2001
- How People With SCHIZOPHRENIA Build Their HOPE. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. 39:46-53. 2001
- The development of an applied whole-systems research methodology in health and social service research: A Canadian and United Kingdom collaboration. Critical Public Health. 10:331-342. 2000
- Hope, quality of life, and symptom severity in individuals with schizophrenia.. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 23:364-369. 2000
- Economic evaluations of community‐based care: lessons from twelve studies in Ontario. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 5:367-385. 1999
- Erratum to “Prevalence of dysthymic disorder in primary care”. Journal of Affective Disorders. 55:245-245. 1999
- Community Care for People with Chronic Conditions: An Analysis of Nine Studies of Health and Social Service Utilization in Ontario. Milbank Quarterly. 77:363-392. 1999
- Prevalence of dysthymic disorder in primary care1Drs Steiner and Browne are co-principal investigators of this study.1. Journal of Affective Disorders. 54:303-308. 1999
- Health education or empowerment education with individuals with a serious persistent psychiatric disability.. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 22:368-380. 1999
- The quick response initiative in the emergency department: who benefits?. Health Care Management Science. 2:137-148. 1999
- Surviving social assistance: 12-month prevalence of depression in sole-support parents receiving social assistance.. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 158:881-888. 1998
- The Efficacy and Efficiency of the Quick Response Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Canadian Journal on Aging. 17:272-295. 1998
- Fast-tracking in baccalaureate nursing education: one Canadian response to students with advanced standing. Nurse Education Today. 16:108-114. 1996
- An 18-month follow-up on the effectiveness of a sexuality workshop: Some methodological pitfalls. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. 22:3-8. 1996
- Factors Influencing Staff Hopefulness in Working with People with Schizophrenia. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 17:457-467. 1996
- More effective and less expensive: lessons from five studies examining community approaches to care. Health Policy. 34:95-112. 1995
- Benchmarking quality rules. Nursing Management. 2:13-13. 1995
- Hope and Schizophrenia: Clinicians Identify Hope-Instilling Strategies. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. 33:15-19. 1995
- Exploring the lived experiences of psychiatric nursing students through self‐reflective journals. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 21:878-885. 1995
- Public health nursing clientele shared with social assistance: proportions, characteristics and policy implications.. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 86:155-161. 1995
- Pathways into the Work Force: Antecedents of School and Work Force Status. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 33:1036-1046. 1994
- The Importance of Relationships in Fostering Hope. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. 32:31-34. 1994
- Devising a model health visitor supervision process.. Community Practitioner. 67:195-198. 1994
- A system-linked research unit on "health and social service utilization".. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 26:97-101. 1994
- Methodological challenges in coping and adaptation research.. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 26:89-96. 1994
- The cost of poor adjustment to chronic illness: lessons from three studies. Health and Social Care in the Community. 2:85-93. 1994
- Wellness Education for Individuals with Chronic Mental Illness Living in the Community. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 15:239-252. 1994
- Research methods in complementary therapies. Nursing standard : official newspaper of the Royal College of Nursing. 6:54-56. 1992
- Outcome, Prognosis, and Risk in a Longitudinal Follow-up Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 31:916-923. 1992
- Journal keeping as an educational strategy in teaching psychiatric nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 17:347-355. 1992
- Growth Hormone Therapy in Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency. Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics, Supplement. 80:139-146. 1991
- Prevalence of Behavioral Symptoms and the Relationship of Child, Parent, and Family Variables in 4??? and 5-Year-Olds. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 12:177???184-177???184. 1991
- A collaborative model for the clinical education of baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 16:101-107. 1991
- Learning clinical teaching skills at the baccalaureate level. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 14:678-685. 1989
- The Meaning of Illness Questionnaire. Nursing Research. 37:368???373-368???373. 1988
- Ontario Child Health Study: Patterns of Ambulatory Medical Care Utilization and Their Correlates. Pediatrics. 82:425-434. 1988
- Ontario Child Health Study: Reliability and Validity of the General Functioning Subscale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device. Family Process. 27:97-104. 1988
- Gender differences in variables associated with psychosocial adjustment to a burn injury. Research in Nursing and Health. 11:23-30. 1988
- Ontario Child Health Study. JAMA psychiatry. 44:832-832. 1987
- Adult Psychosocial Adjustment Following Childhood Injury: The Effect of Disfigurement. Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association.. 8:280-285. 1987
- Analyses of Coping Responses and Adjustment. Nursing Research. 36:94???97-94???97. 1987
- The Social Competence of Children Following Burn Injury: A Study of Resilience. Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association.. 7:247-252. 1986
- Psychosocial adjustment of burn survivors. Burns. 12:28-35. 1985
- Methodological problems in studies of burn survivors and their psychosocial prognosis. Burns. 10:427-433. 1984
- A review of current approaches used to help children and parents cope with health care procedures.. Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing : JSPN. 13:145-165. 1984