Translational Research, Biomedical
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CJEM and the changing landscape of medical education and knowledge translation Journal Articles
A Review of the Neurobiological Basis of Trauma-Related Dissociation and Its Relation to Cannabinoid- and Opioid-Mediated Stress Response: a Transdiagnostic, Translational Approach Journal Articles
A Scoping Review of the Use of Theory in Studies of Knowledge Translation Journal Articles
A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Knowledge Translation Interventions for Chronic Noncancer Pain Management Journal Articles
A Translational Study of the Neoplastic Cells of Giant Cell Tumor of Bone Following Neoadjuvant Denosumab Journal Articles
A description of a tailored knowledge translation intervention delivered by knowledge brokers within public health departments in Canada Journal Articles
A knowledge translation intervention to enhance clinical application of a virtual reality system in stroke rehabilitation Journal Articles
A method to audit and score implementation of knowledge translation (KT) interventions in large health regions – an observational pilot study using rectal cancer surgery in Ontario Journal Articles
A modified Delphi and cross-sectional survey to facilitate selection of optimal outcomes and measures for a systematic review on geriatrician-led care models Journal Articles
A multi-faceted approach to promote knowledge translation platforms in eastern Mediterranean countries: climate for evidence-informed policy Journal Articles
A prospective 2-site parallel intervention trial of a research-based film to increase exercise amongst older hemodialysis patients Journal Articles
A scoping review of classification schemes of interventions to promote and integrate evidence into practice in healthcare Journal Articles
A translational view of the genetics of lipodystrophy and ectopic fat deposition. Chapters
Academic research productivity of post-graduate students at Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Uganda, from 1996 to 2010: a retrospective review Journal Articles
Accelerating Knowledge Translation: Reflections From the Online ALiEM-Annals Global Emergency Medicine Journal Club Experience Journal Articles
Adapting Knowledge Translation Strategies for Rare Rheumatic Diseases Journal Articles
Adjudication of etiology of acute kidney injury: experience from the TRIBE-AKI multi-center study Journal Articles
Amplifying the role of knowledge translation platforms in the COVID-19 pandemic response Journal Articles
An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report: Translational Research in Rare Respiratory Diseases Conferences
An interactive method for engaging the public health workforce with evidence Journal Articles
An interdisciplinary knowledge translation intervention in long-term care: Study protocol for the vitamin D and osteoporosis study (ViDOS) pilot cluster randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
An update on research priorities in hydrocephalus: overview of the third National Institutes of Health-sponsored symposium “Opportunities for Hydrocephalus Research: Pathways to Better Outcomes” Conferences
Applying Hospital Evidence to Paramedicine: Issues of Indirectness, Validity and Knowledge Translation Journal Articles
Applying knowledge translation tools to inform policy: the case of mental health in Lebanon Journal Articles
Assessing the influence of knowledge translation platforms on health system policy processes to achieve the health millennium development goals in Cameroon and Uganda: a comparative case study Journal Articles
Attributes and Features of Context Relevant to Knowledge Translation in Health Settings: A Response to Recent Commentaries Journal Articles
Barriers and opportunities faced by public health practitioners in using public health guidance on COVID-19: a knowledge translation exercise for the eCOVID-19 RecMap Journal Articles
Barriers to participation in biosampling-based translational research: A cross-sectional survey of Canadian critical care researchers Journal Articles
Barriers, facilitators and views about next steps to implementing supports for evidence-informed decision-making in health systems: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Basic and Translational Research in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Journal Articles
Best Practice Recommendations for the Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of Online Knowledge Translation Resources in Rehabilitation Journal Articles
Brazil launches an innovative program to develop the National Institutes for Science and Technology (INCTs): the INCT for Translational Medicine Journal Articles
Bridging the gaps between research, policy and practice in low- and middle-income countries: a survey of health care providers Journal Articles
Bridging the gaps between research, policy and practice in low- and middle-income countries: a survey of researchers Journal Articles
Can knowledge exchange support the implementation of a health-promoting schools approach? Perceived outcomes of knowledge exchange in the COMPASS study Journal Articles
Capturing lessons learned from evidence-to-policy initiatives through structured reflection Journal Articles
Cardiac Biomarkers and Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery Journal Articles
Cardiovascular Devices and Platelet Interactions Journal Articles
Challenges in Measuring Benefit of Clinical Research Training Programs—the ASH Clinical Research Training Institute Example Journal Articles
Citizen expectations of ‘academic entrepreneurship’ in health research: public science, practical benefit Journal Articles
Climate for evidence informed health system policymaking in Cameroon and Uganda before and after the introduction of knowledge translation platforms: a structured review of governmental policy documents Journal Articles
Closing the gap: applying the Theoretical Domains Framework to improve knowledge translation Journal Articles
Cochrane Africa: a network of evidence-informed health-care decision making across sub-saharan Africa Journal Articles
Collection and Analyses of Cerebrospinal Fluid for Pediatric Translational Research Journal Articles
Concocting that Magic Elixir: Successful Grant Application Writing in Dissemination and Implementation Research Journal Articles
Consensus Planning Toward a Community-Based Approach to Promote Physical Activity in Youth with Cerebral Palsy Journal Articles
Core competencies in the science and practice of knowledge translation: description of a Canadian strategic training initiative Journal Articles
Current management of advanced and castration resistant prostate cancer. Journal Articles
D-cycloserine to enhance extinction of cue-elicited craving for alcohol: a translational approach Journal Articles
Decision boxes for clinicians to support evidence-based practice and shared decision making: the user experience Journal Articles
Defining the critical hurdles in cancer immunotherapy Journal Articles
Deliberative Dialogues as a Strategy for System-Level Knowledge Translation and Exchange Journal Articles
Dementia knowledge transfer project in a rural area Journal Articles
Designing a rapid response program to support evidence-informed decision-making in the Americas region: using the best available evidence and case studies Journal Articles
Developing a workbook to support the contextualisation of global health systems guidance: A case study identifying steps and critical factors for success in this process at the World Health Organization. Journal Articles
Developing a workbook to support the contextualisation of global health systems guidance: a case study identifying steps and critical factors for success in this process at WHO Journal Articles
Developing evidence briefs for policy: a qualitative case study comparing the process of using a guidance-contextualization workbook in Peru and Uganda Journal Articles
Diagnosis and Rationale for Action against Cow's Milk Allergy (DRACMA): A summary report Journal Articles
Dissemination and implementation of national physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and/or sleep guidelines among community-dwelling adults aged 18 years and older: a systematic scoping review and suggestions for future reporting and research Journal Articles
Does the Knowledge-to-Action (KTA) Framework Facilitate Physical Demands Analysis Development for Firefighter Injury Management and Return-to-Work Planning? Journal Articles
Effectiveness of knowledge translation tools addressing multiple high-burden chronic diseases affecting older adults: protocol for a systematic review alongside a realist review Journal Articles
Engagement of health research institutions in knowledge translation in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Journal Articles
Engaging knowledge users in a systematic review on the comparative effectiveness of geriatrician-led models of care is possible: A cross-sectional survey using the Patient Engagement Evaluation Tool Journal Articles
Evaluating change in virtual reality adoption for brain injury rehabilitation following knowledge translation Journal Articles
Evaluating the design and reporting of pragmatic trials in osteoarthritis research Journal Articles
Evidence Gaps in the Global Decade of Road Traffic Safety Journal Articles
Evidence briefs and deliberative dialogues: perceptions and intentions to act on what was learnt Journal Articles
Evidence summaries (decision boxes) to prepare clinicians for shared decision-making with patients: a mixed methods implementation study Journal Articles
Evidence use in equity focused health impact assessment: a realist evaluation Journal Articles
Evidence-informed recommendations for constructing and disseminating messages supplementing the new Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines Journal Articles
Examining Fall Risk Assessment in Geriatric Rehabilitation Settings Using Translational Research. Journal Articles
Examining the use of health systems and policy research in the health policymaking process in Israel: views of researchers Journal Articles
Exchanging and using research evidence in health policy networks: a statistical network analysis Journal Articles
Expansive Generation of Functional Airway Epithelium From Human Embryonic Stem Cells Journal Articles
Exploring the uptake and framing of research evidence on universal screening for intimate partner violence against women: a knowledge translation case study Journal Articles
Factors Influencing the Uptake of Canadian Research Findings into the Care of Children with Arthritis: A Healthcare Provider Perspective Journal Articles
Good practices in harnessing social media for scholarly discourse, knowledge translation, and education Journal Articles
Hacking systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): outcomes of the Waterlupus hackathon Journal Articles
Health research institutional mapping: an Eastern Mediterranean Regional perspective Journal Articles
Health systems and policy research evidence in health policy making in Israel: what are researchers’ practices in transferring knowledge to policy makers? Journal Articles
How does integrated knowledge translation (IKT) compare to other collaborative research approaches to generating and translating knowledge? Learning from experts in the field Journal Articles
How is the use of research evidence in health policy perceived? A comparison between the reporting of researchers and policy-makers Journal Articles
Identifying candidate quality indicators of tools that support the practice of knowledge translation: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Impact of a Knowledge Translation Intervention on Physical Activity and Mobility in Older Adults (the Move4Age Study): Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Journal Articles
Implementation research evidence uptake and use for policy-making Journal Articles
Implementing a Knowledge Translation Intervention in Long-Term Care: Feasibility Results From the Vitamin D and Osteoporosis Study (ViDOS) Journal Articles
Implementing stakeholder-informed research in the substance abuse treatment sector: strategies used by Connections, a Canadian knowledge translation and exchange project Journal Articles
Incorporating research evidence into decision-making processes: researcher and decision-maker perceptions from five low- and middle-income countries Journal Articles
Initiatives supporting evidence informed health system policymaking in Cameroon and Uganda: a comparative historical case study Journal Articles
Institutionalization of evidence-informed practices in healthcare settings Journal Articles
Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Medicina Translacional (INCT-TM): abordagens metodológicas Journal Articles
Integrated Knowledge Translation: Illustrated with Outcome Research in Mental Health Journal Articles
Integrating research into clinical practice: challenges and solutions for Canada Journal Articles
Intermittent androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: translating randomized controlled trials into clinical practice. Journal Articles
International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS 2012) Journal Articles
Internet-Based Dementia Prevention Intervention (DementiaRisk): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial and Knowledge Translation. Journal Articles
Interrogating the Gut-Brain Axis in the Context of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Translational Approach Journal Articles
Interventions for preventing, delaying the onset, or decreasing the burden of frailty: an overview of systematic reviews Journal Articles
Into, and Out of, the “Valley of Death”: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Introducing Knowledge Translation to Plastic Surgery: Turning Evidence into Practice Journal Articles
It’s Time to Increase Community Hospital-Based Health Research Journal Articles
Knowledge Translation Efforts in Child and Youth Mental Health: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Knowledge Translation Interventions to Address Gaps in Rectal Cancer Care. Journal Articles
Knowledge Translation Strategy to Reduce the Use of Potentially Inappropriate Medications in Hospitalized Elderly Adults Journal Articles
Knowledge Translation from Research to Clinical Practice: Measuring Participation of Children with Disabilities Journal Articles
Knowledge to Practice in Developmental Coordination Disorder: Impact of an Evidence-Based Online Module on Physical Therapists’ Self-Reported Knowledge, Skills, and Practice Journal Articles
Knowledge to Practice in Developmental Coordination Disorder: Utility of an Evidence-Based Online Module for Physical Therapists Journal Articles
Knowledge translation in biostatistics: a survey of current practices, preferences, and barriers to the dissemination and uptake of new statistical methods Journal Articles
Knowledge translation in transfusion medicine. Part 1: The basics and the frameworks Journal Articles
Knowledge translation in transfusion medicine. Part 2: Selecting the knowledge and identifying the barriers Journal Articles
Knowledge translation in transfusion medicine. Part 3: Interventions and tools Journal Articles
Knowledge translation in transfusion medicine. Part 4: Measurement and sustainability of knowledge use Journal Articles
Knowledge translation of research findings Journal Articles
Knowledge translation strategies to improve the use of evidence in public health decision making in local government: intervention design and implementation plan Journal Articles
Knowledge translation strategies to support service providers’ implementation of the “F-words in Childhood Disability” Journal Articles
Knowledge translation tool to improve pregnant women’s awareness of gestational weight gain goals and risks of gaining outside recommendations: a non-randomized intervention study Journal Articles
Learning to lead: a review and synthesis of literature examining health care managers' use of knowledge Journal Articles
Lessons learned from descriptions and evaluations of knowledge translation platforms supporting evidence-informed policy-making in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review Journal Articles
Lost in Translation: The Gut Microbiota in Psychiatric Illness Journal Articles
Maximizing research impacts on cancer prevention: An integrated knowledge translation approach used by the Canadian Population Attributable Risk of Cancer (ComPARe) study Journal Articles
Methods, strategies and technologies used to conduct a scoping literature review of collaboration between primary care and public health Journal Articles
Molecular Pathways: Leveraging the BCL-2 Interactome to Kill Cancer Cells—Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Permeabilization and Beyond Journal Articles
Mouse is the new woman? Translational research in reproductive immunology Journal Articles
Moving knowledge into action for more effective practice, programmes and policy: protocol for a research programme on integrated knowledge translation Journal Articles
Moving towards a new vision: implementation of a public health policy intervention Journal Articles
Navigating the Landscape of Translational Geroscience in Canada: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Current Progress and Future Directions Journal Articles
New treatment and markers of prognosis for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: lessons learned from translational research Journal Articles
Online strategies to facilitate health‐related knowledge transfer: a systematic search and review Journal Articles
Optimal Global Value of Information Trials: Better Aligning Manufacturer and Decision Maker Interests and Enabling Feasible Risk Sharing Journal Articles
Osteoporosis Prescribing in Long-Term Care: Impact of a Provincial Knowledge Translation Strategy Journal Articles
Patient, caregiver and other knowledge user engagement in consensus-building healthcare initiatives: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Perceptions of Health Professionals on Pain in Extremely Low Gestational Age Infants Journal Articles
Pharmacomechanical Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis in Acute Femoral–Popliteal Deep Vein Thrombosis: Analysis from a Stratified Randomized Trial Journal Articles
Policy options to increase motivation for improving evidence-informed health policy-making in Iran Journal Articles
Policymaker experiences with rapid response briefs to address health-system and technology questions in Uganda Journal Articles
Preventing Fractures in Long-Term Care: Translating Recommendations to Clinical Practice Journal Articles
Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome: the science of translation Books
Promoting Therapists’ Use of Motor Learning Strategies within Virtual Reality-Based Stroke Rehabilitation Journal Articles
Quality Improvement in Colorectal Cancer in Local Health Integration Network 4 (LHIN 4) Project (QICC-L4): Integrated Knowledge Translation in a Large Geographic Region Journal Articles
Safe and Effective Prescription of Exercise in Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Rationale and Methods for an Integrated Knowledge Translation Study Journal Articles
Setting priorities for knowledge translation of Cochrane reviews for health equity: Evidence for Equity Journal Articles
Social media in knowledge translation and education for physicians and trainees: a scoping review Journal Articles
Special populations: Do we need evidence from randomized controlled trials to support the need for respiratory syncytial virus prophylaxis? Journal Articles
State of the Future: Translational Approaches in Renal Cell Carcinoma in the Immunotherapy Era Journal Articles
Steps toward improving ethical evaluation in health technology assessment: a proposed framework Journal Articles
Strategies to assess the validity of recommendations: a study protocol Journal Articles
Successful knowledge translation intervention in long-term care: final results from the vitamin D and osteoporosis study (ViDOS) pilot cluster randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Supporting the Use of Research Evidence in the Canadian Health Sector Journal Articles
Sustainability and scalability of a volunteer-based primary care intervention (Health TAPESTRY): a mixed-methods analysis Journal Articles
Talk, trust and time: a longitudinal study evaluating knowledge translation and exchange processes for research on violence against women Journal Articles
Teaching critical appraisal skills in healthcare settings Journal Articles
Team-Based Integrated Knowledge Translation for Enhancing Quality of Life in Long-term Care Settings: A Multi-method, Multi-sectoral Research Design Journal Articles
The ABCs of clinical biochemistry Journal Articles
The CANadian Pediatric Weight management Registry (CANPWR): lessons learned from developing and initiating a national, multi-centre study embedded in pediatric clinical practice Journal Articles
The Development of Evidence Briefs to Transfer Knowledge about Advanced Practice Nursing Roles to Providers, Policymakers and Administrators Journal Articles
The NeuroDevNet Autism Spectrum Disorders Demonstration Project Journal Articles
The Role of Integrated Knowledge Translation in Intervention Research Journal Articles
The architecture of diagnostic research: From bench to bedside-research guidelines using liver stiffness as an example Journal Articles
The effectiveness of knowledge translation interventions for promoting evidence-informed decision-making among nurses in tertiary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
The evolution of social networks through the implementation of evidence-informed decision-making interventions: a longitudinal analysis of three public health units in Canada Journal Articles
The future of translational research on alcohol use disorder Journal Articles
The research process from ideas to implementation Journal Articles
The validity of recommendations from clinical guidelines: a survival analysis Journal Articles
The value of frameworks as knowledge translation mechanisms to guide community participation practice in Ontario CHCs Journal Articles
The value of hackathons in integrated knowledge translation (iKT) research: Waterlupus Journal Articles
Towards a better understanding of the nomenclature used in information-packaging efforts to support evidence-informed policymaking in low- and middle-income countries Journal Articles
Towards a common terminology: a simplified framework of interventions to promote and integrate evidence into health practices, systems, and policies Journal Articles
Training cameroonian researchers on pragmatic knowledge translation trials: a workshop report Journal Articles
Training scholars in dissemination and implementation research for cancer prevention and control: a mentored approach Journal Articles
Translating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Youth to Rural-Community Settings via Tele-Psychiatry Journal Articles
Translational Research in Bipolar Disorders Journal Articles
Translational Success Stories Journal Articles
Transradial access: A case for knowledge translation Journal Articles
Trends in knee arthroscopy utilization: a gap in knowledge translation Journal Articles
Understanding context in knowledge translation: a concept analysis study protocol Journal Articles
Understanding evidence: a statewide survey to explore evidence-informed public health decision-making in a local government setting Journal Articles
Understanding the impact of maternal and infant nutrition on infant/child health: multiethnic considerations, knowledge translation, and future directions for equitable health research Journal Articles
Use of Modified Delphi to Plan Knowledge Translation for Decision Makers: An Application in the Field of Advanced Practice Nursing Journal Articles
Use of the KT-MCC strategy to improve the quality of decision making for multidisciplinary cancer conferences: a pilot study Journal Articles
Use of the theoretical domains framework and behaviour change wheel to develop a novel intervention to improve the quality of multidisciplinary cancer conference decision-making Journal Articles
Using an integrated knowledge translation approach to build a public health research agenda Journal Articles
Vascular Regenerative Cell Exhaustion in Diabetes: Translational Opportunities to Mitigate Cardiometabolic Risk Journal Articles
Virtual Reality and Active Videogame-Based Practice, Learning Needs, and Preferences: A Cross-Canada Survey of Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists Journal Articles
Viscosupplementation in Knee Osteoarthritis: Evidence Revisited Journal Articles
What are the best methodologies for rapid reviews of the research evidence for evidence-informed decision making in health policy and practice: a rapid review Journal Articles
WhatisKT wiki: a case study of a platform for knowledge translation terms and definitions — descriptive analysis Journal Articles
Where is students’ research in evidence-informed decision-making in health? Assessing productivity and use of postgraduate students’ research in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review Journal Articles
Why are we failing to implement effective therapies in cardiovascular disease? Journal Articles
Yale Center for Clinical Investigation: Leveraging Industry Partnerships and Research Cores Journal Articles