Radiation Dosage
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In vivostudy of an x-ray fluorescence system to detect bone strontium non-invasively Journal Articles
A 238Pu irradiator for exposure of cultured cells with alpha-radiation: Construction, calibration and dosimetry Journal Articles
A Dose Threshold for a Medium Transfer Bystander Effect for a Human Skin Cell Line Journal Articles
A limited, low-dose computed tomography protocol to examine the sacroiliac joints. Journal Articles
A machine learning framework with anatomical prior for online dose verification using positron emitters and PET in proton therapy Journal Articles
A radiation-induced adaptive response prolongs the survival of prion-infected mice Journal Articles
A small but real risk of cancer in children from undergoing CT Journal Articles
A systematic review of the gonadal effects of therapeutic radioactive iodine in male thyroid cancer survivors Journal Articles
Accuracy of Dose Calculation for Hemibody Treatments at Extended Distance Using a Commercial Treatment Planning System Journal Articles
Acute pulmonary and splenic response in an in vivo model of whole-body low-dose X-radiation exposure Journal Articles
Adjuvant radiotherapy for early breast cancer: patterns of practice in Ontario. Journal Articles
An Environmental Scan of the National and Provincial Diagnostic Reference Levels in Canada for Common Adult Computed Tomography Scans Journal Articles
An Official American Thoracic Society/Society of Thoracic Radiology Clinical Practice Guideline: Evaluation of Suspected Pulmonary Embolism In Pregnancy Journal Articles
An analysis of the effects of increasing doses of ionizing radiation to the exteriorized rat ovary on follicular development, atresia, and serum gonadotropin levels Journal Articles
An evaluation of the EGS4 and CYLTRAN Monte Carlo codes with regard to boundary beta‐ray dosimetry by comparison with experimental beta‐ray dose backscatter factors Journal Articles
An opposed matched field IMRT technique for prostate cancer patients with bilateral prosthetic hips Journal Articles
Apoptosis and other effects of radiation in normal human urothelial cells Journal Articles
Artificial neural network modeling of apoptosis in gammairradiated human lymphocytes Journal Articles
Assessment of Cataract Risk after Diagnostic Head CT Scan Radiation Exposure in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Audible radiation monitors: the value in reducing radiation exposure to fluoroscopy personnel. Journal Articles
Ausencia de daño cromosómico y genotóxico inducido por la dosis de radiación administrada en las exploraciones gammagráficas Journal Articles
Automatic image guidance for prostate IMRT using low dose CBCT Journal Articles
Beyond current guidelines: reduction in minimum administered radiopharmaceutical activity with preserved diagnostic image quality in pediatric hepatobiliary scintigraphy Journal Articles
Biennial lung cancer screening in Canada with smoking cessation—outcomes and cost-effectiveness Journal Articles
Biological Effects and Adaptive Response from Single and Repeated Computed Tomography Scans in Reticulocytes and Bone Marrow of C57BL/6 Mice Journal Articles
Biological effects of tritium on fish cells in the concentration range of international drinking water standards Journal Articles
Biophysical dose measurement using electron paramagnetic resonance in rodent teeth Journal Articles
Bolus chasing: A new technique in peripheral arteriography Journal Articles
Bystander Effects in Repair-Deficient Cell Lines Journal Articles
Calculation of Singlet Oxygen Dose Using Explicit and Implicit Dose Metrics During Benzoporphyrin Derivative Monoacid Ring A (BPD‐MA)‐PDT In Vitro and Correlation with MLL Cell Survival Journal Articles
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Position Statement on Radiation Exposure From Cardiac Imaging and Interventional Procedures Journal Articles
Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian Association of Radiologists consensus training standards for cardiac computed tomography Journal Articles
Canadian Cytogenetic Emergency Network (CEN) for biological dosimetry following radiological/nuclear accidents Journal Articles
Cataract Formation and Low-Dose Radiation Exposure from Head Computed Tomography (CT) Scans in Ontario, Canada, 1994–2015 Journal Articles
Chronic exposure by ingestion of environmentally relevant doses of226Ra leads to transient growth perturbations in fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas, Rafinesque, 1820) Journal Articles
Comparison of Radiation Doses and Best-Practice Use for Myocardial Perfusion Imaging in US and Non-US Laboratories Journal Articles
Comparison of direct and bystander effects induced by ionizing radiation in eight fish cell lines Journal Articles
Computed Tomography Radiation Dose: A Primer for Administrators Journal Articles
Consensus document on the radial approach in percutaneous cardiovascular interventions: position paper by the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions and Working Groups on Acute Cardiac Care** and Thrombosis of the European Society of Cardiology Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness of Lung Cancer Screening in Canada Journal Articles
Cumulative Effective Doses From Radiologic Procedures for Pediatric Oncology Patients Journal Articles
Current worldwide nuclear cardiology practices and radiation exposure: results from the 65 country IAEA Nuclear Cardiology Protocols Cross-Sectional Study (INCAPS) Journal Articles
Cytoskeletal Reorganization and Altered Phagocytotic Ability in Primary Cultures of Rainbow Trout Hemopoietic Tissue Exposed to Low-Level Ionizing Radiation Journal Articles
Delayed expression of lethal mutations and genomic instability in the progeny of human epithelial cells that survived in a bystander-killing environment Journal Articles
Design of a Hybrid Computational Fluid Dynamics–Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Methodology for Radioactive Particulate Resuspension Studies Journal Articles
Deterministic Effects to the Lens of the Eye Following Ionizing Radiation Exposure Journal Articles
Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Calf Journal Articles
Dilution of Irradiated Cell Conditioned Medium and the Bystander Effect Journal Articles
Dose reduction for cardiac CT using a registration‐based approach Journal Articles
Dosimetric analysis of fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas, Rafinesque, 1820) exposed via ingestion to environmentally relevant activities of Ra-226 for two years Journal Articles
Dosimetric characterization of the irradiation cavity for accelerator-basedin vivoneutron activation analysis Journal Articles
EOS Low-Dose Radiography Journal Articles
Eco-systems biology—From the gene to the stream Journal Articles
Effect of Radial Versus Femoral Access on Radiation Dose and the Importance of Procedural Volume Journal Articles
Effect of the introduction of helical CT on radiation dose in the investigation of pulmonary embolism Journal Articles
Effective Doses in Children: Association With Common Complex Imaging Techniques Used During Interventional Radiology Procedures Journal Articles
Effective Target Size for the Induction of Bystander Effects in Medium Transfer Experiments Journal Articles
Effective dose estimation for pediatric upper gastrointestinal examinations using an anthropomorphic phantom set and metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) technology Journal Articles
Effectiveness of custom neutron shielding in the maze of radiotherapy accelerators Journal Articles
Effectiveness of the implementation of a simple radiation reduction protocol in the catheterization laboratory Journal Articles
Effects of historic radiation dose on the frequency of sex-linked recessive lethals in Drosophila populations following the Chernobyl nuclear accident Journal Articles
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Measurements of Lifetime Doses in Teeth of Durham Region Residents, Ontario Journal Articles
Encapsulated Gamma Source Contact Dose Conversion Factors: Updating NCRP-40 Guidance Journal Articles
Entrance skin dose measured with MOSFETs in children undergoing interventional radiology procedures Journal Articles
Environmental and industrial developments in radiation cataractogenesis Journal Articles
Estimates of Effective Dose to Pediatric Patients Undergoing Enteric and Venous Access Procedures Journal Articles
Estimating Effective Dose to Pediatric Patients Undergoing Interventional Radiology Procedures Using Anthropomorphic Phantoms and MOSFET Dosimeters Journal Articles
Estimating Radiation Exposure to the Patient Journal Articles
Estimating radiation exposure to the patient - Response Journal Articles
Estimating the Reduction in the Radiation Burden From Nuclear Cardiology Through Use of Stress-Only Imaging in the United States and Worldwide Journal Articles
Evaluation of quantitative imaging methods for organ activity and residence time estimation using a population of phantoms having realistic variations in anatomy and uptake Journal Articles
Evaluation of radiation dose to patients during abdominal embolizations Journal Articles
Experimental and computational determination of neutron dose equivalent around radiotherapy accelerators Journal Articles
Exposure to acute levels of waterborne aluminium modifies the legacy of early life stage irradiation, including the communication of radiation-induced bystander signals, in adult rainbow trout Journal Articles
Factors contributing to radiation dose for patients and operators during diagnostic cardiac angiography. Journal Articles
Gender Differences in Radiation Dose From Nuclear Cardiology Studies Across the World Journal Articles
Genetic Factors Influencing Bystander Signaling in Murine Bladder Epithelium after Low-Dose IrradiationIn Vivo Journal Articles
Good drivers: Achieving dose reduction across a health care system through implementation of multiple radiation-sparing practices Journal Articles
How to Follow up Patients After Curative Resection of Lung Cancer Journal Articles
Human micronucleus counts are correlated with age, smoking, and cesium-137 dose in the Goiânia (Brazil) radiological accident Journal Articles
Impact of Center Experience on Patient Radiation Exposure During Transradial Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Intervention: A Patient‐Level, International, Collaborative, Multi‐Center Analysis Journal Articles
Impact of age on the selection of nuclear cardiology stress protocols: The INCAPS (IAEA nuclear cardiology protocols) study Journal Articles
Implications for environmental health of multiple stressors Journal Articles
Implications for human and environmental health of low doses of ionising radiation Journal Articles
In vivo X-ray fluorescence of lead in bone Journal Articles
In vivo X-ray fluorescence of lead in bone using K X-ray excitation with 109Cd sources: Radiation dosimetry studies Journal Articles
In vivo analysis with 14 mev neutrons: a comment on the fast flux distribution through the body Journal Articles
In vivo measurement of lead in bone using X-ray fluorescence Journal Articles
Inter-Relationship between Low-Dose Hyper-Radiosensitivity and Radiation-Induced Bystander Effects in the Human T98G Glioma and the Epithelial HaCaT Cell Line Journal Articles
Intraoperative radiation exposure in hip arthroscopy: a systematic review Journal Articles
Investigating coherent normalization and dosimetry for the 241Am-La K XRF system Journal Articles
Investigation of Abscopal and Bystander Effects in Immunocompromised Mice After Exposure to Pencilbeam and Microbeam Synchrotron Radiation Journal Articles
Investigation of light propagation models to determine the optical properties of tissue from interstitial frequency domain fluence measurements Journal Articles
Ionizing Radiation Exposure During Pregnancy: Effects on Postnatal Development and Life Journal Articles
Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in a proteomic legacy in adult gills. Part B; the effect of a second radiation dose, after one year, on the proteomic responses in the irradiated and non-irradiated bystander fish Journal Articles
Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in trans-generational effects including the induction of a bystander effect in non-irradiated fish Journal Articles
Is there a role for the adverse outcome pathway framework to support radiation protection? Journal Articles
Local Dose Coefficients for Radionuclide Contamination in Wounds Journal Articles
Low doses of ionizing radiation can prevent radiation-induced colonic epithelial hyporesponsiveness to muscarinic agonists Journal Articles
Low-Dose Nonenhanced Helical CT of Renal Colic: Assessment of Ureteric Stone Detection and Measurement of Effective Dose Equivalent Journal Articles
Low-dose non-targeted radiation effects in human esophageal adenocarcinoma cell lines Journal Articles
Medium from Irradiated Cells Induces Dose-Dependent Mitochondrial Changes and BCL2 Responses in Unirradiated Human Keratinocytes Journal Articles
Meeting radiation dosimetry capacity requirements of population-scale exposures by geostatistical sampling Journal Articles
Minimal-dose computed tomography is superior to chest x-ray for the follow-up and treatment of patients with resected lung cancer Journal Articles
Modified fast adaptive scatter kernel superposition (mfASKS) correction and its dosimetric impact on CBCT‐based proton therapy dose calculation Journal Articles
Modulation of Radiation Responses by Pre-exposure to Irradiated Cell Conditioned Medium Journal Articles
Monte Carlo simulation of neutron irradiation facility developed for accelerator based in vivo neutron activation measurements in human hand bones Journal Articles
Monte Carlo simulation of trabecular bone remodelling and absorbed dose coefficients for tritium and 14C Conferences
Muscarinic receptor size on smooth muscle cells and membranes Journal Articles
Nitrofurans as radiosensitizers of hypoxic mammalian cells. Journal Articles
Nuclear Cardiology Practice in Asia: Analysis of Radiation Exposure and Best Practice for Myocardial Perfusion Imaging ― Results From the IAEA Nuclear Cardiology Protocols Cross-Sectional Study (INCAPS) ― Journal Articles
Nuclear Cardiology Practices and Radiation Exposure in the Oceania Region: Results From the IAEA Nuclear Cardiology Protocols Study (INCAPS) Journal Articles
Nuclear cardiology practice and associated radiation doses in Europe: results of the IAEA Nuclear Cardiology Protocols Study (INCAPS) for the 27 European countries Journal Articles
On the Use of Location and Occupancy Factors for Estimating External Exposure From Deposited Radionuclides Journal Articles
One-Decade-Spanning transgenerational effects of historic radiation dose in wild populations of bank voles exposed to radioactive contamination following the chernobyl nuclear disaster Journal Articles
Opportunities to improve thein vivomeasurement of manganese in human hands Journal Articles
Optical Coherence Tomography–Guided Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in ST-Segment–Elevation Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Optimization of a Neutron Long Counter Design by Monte Carlo Simulation Journal Articles
Parallel comparison of pre-conditioning and post-conditioning effects in human cancers and keratinocytes upon acute gamma irradiation Journal Articles
Patient Safety and Radiation Exposure in Transcystic Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration: A CARES Working Group Multicenter Study. Journal Articles
Pediatricians’ awareness of diagnostic medical radiation effects and doses; are the latest efforts paying off? Journal Articles
Performance of the cancer risk management model lung cancer screening module Journal Articles
Phase I/II trials of 186Re-HEDP in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: post-hoc analysis of the impact of administered activity and dosimetry on survival Journal Articles
Pre-exposure of human squamous carcinoma cells to low-doses of gamma-rays leads to an increased resistance to subsequent low-dose cisplatin treatment Journal Articles
Predicting Malignancy Risk of Screen-Detected Lung Nodules–Mean Diameter or Volume Journal Articles
Predictors of Increased Radiation Dose During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Journal Articles
Preliminary Determination of Activation Products for a Varian Truebeam Linear Accelerator Journal Articles
Protracted Exposure to a Sub-background Radiation Environment Negatively Impacts the Anhydrobiotic Recovery of Desiccated Yeast Sentinels Journal Articles
Radial Artery Access as a Predictor of Increased Radiation Exposure During a Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization Procedure Journal Articles
Radiation Dose from Diagnostic Computed Tomography in Saskatchewan Journal Articles
Radiation Dose in Interventional Cardiology Procedures: Urgent Need for Monitoring Dose and Establishing Diagnostic Reference Levels Journal Articles
Radiation Exposure From Diagnostic Imaging in Severely Injured Trauma Patients Conferences
Radiation Risk to Children From Computed Tomography Journal Articles
Radiation dose to the internal pudendal arteries from permanent-seed prostate brachytherapy as determined by time-of-flight MR angiography Journal Articles
Radiation doses and fractionation schedules in non-low-risk ductal carcinoma in situ in the breast (BIG 3–07/TROG 07.01): a randomised, factorial, multicentre, open-label, phase 3 study Journal Articles
Radiation doses originating from diagnostic procedures during the treatment and follow-up of children and adolescents with malignant lymphoma Journal Articles
Radiation exposure for ‘caregivers’ during high-dose outpatient radioiodine therapy Journal Articles
Radiation exposure from medical imaging: A silent harm? Journal Articles
Radiation from CT scans in paediatric trauma patients: Indications, effective dose, and impact on surgical decisions Journal Articles
Radiation-induced carcinogenesis:Studies using human epithelial cell lines Journal Articles
Re-evaluation of the linear no-threshold (LNT) model using new paradigms and modern molecular studies Journal Articles
Reconstruction of organ doses for patients undergoing computed tomography examinations in Canada 1992–2019 Journal Articles
Reduction in Radiation Dose in Mercaptoacetyltriglycerine Renography with Enhanced Planar Processing Journal Articles
Regional Nodal Irradiation in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Journal Articles
Renal Colic Imaging: Myths, Recent Trends, and Controversies Journal Articles
Reply to the Editor Journal Articles
Retrospective radiation dosimetry using electron paramagnetic resonance in canine dental enamel Journal Articles
Review of tissue simulating phantoms for optical spectroscopy, imaging and dosimetry Journal Articles
Robotically Driven Interventions: A Method of Using CT Fluoroscopy without Radiation Exposure to the Physician Journal Articles
SOLLID – a single centre study to develop methods to investigate the effects of low radiation doses within nuclear medicine, to enable multicentre epidemiological investigations Journal Articles
Safety, efficacy, and feasibility of an ultra-low dose radiation protocol for CT-guided percutaneous needle biopsy of pulmonary lesions: Initial experience Journal Articles
Sedimentation Analysis of DNA from Irradiated and Unirradiated L Cells Journal Articles
Severe consequences of high-dose radiation Journal Articles
Simulation of scattering and attenuation of 511 keV photons in a combined PET/field-cycled MRI system Journal Articles
Simulation studies of time reversal‐based protoacoustic reconstruction for range and dose verification in proton therapy Journal Articles
Single Center Experience With Application of the ALARA Concept to Serial Imaging Studies After Blunt Renal Trauma in Children—Is Ultrasound Enough? Journal Articles
Single-aliquot EPR dosimetry of wallboard (drywall) Journal Articles
Spatial dose-rate distribution for an 194Ir point source in water Journal Articles
Stability of Intracavitary Applicator Placement for HDR Brachytherapy of Cervix Cancer Journal Articles
Stereotactic body radiotherapy versus conventional external beam radiotherapy in patients with painful spinal metastases: an open-label, multicentre, randomised, controlled, phase 2/3 trial Journal Articles
Targets, pools, shoulders, and communication – a reflection on the evolution of low-dose radiobiology Journal Articles
Technical Note: Machine learning approaches for range and dose verification in proton therapy using proton‐induced positron emitters Journal Articles
Techniques of in vivo neutron activation analysis Journal Articles
The Adaptive Response Modifies Latency for Radiation-Induced Myeloid Leukemia in CBA/H Mice Journal Articles
The Involvement of Calcium and MAP Kinase Signaling Pathways in the Production of Radiation-Induced Bystander Effects Journal Articles
The National Lung Screening Trial: Overview and Study Design Journal Articles
The Northern Marshall Islands Radiological Survey Journal Articles
The Relative Biological Effectiveness of Low-Dose Mammography Quality X Rays in the Human Breast MCF-10A Cell Line Journal Articles
The Release of Bystander Factor(s) from Tissue Explant Cultures of Rainbow Trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) after Exposure to γ Radiation Journal Articles
The effect of dose of thoracic irradiation on recurrence in patients with limited stage small cell lung cancer. Initial results of a canadian multicenter randomized trial Journal Articles
The influence of changing dose rate patterns from inhaled beta-gamma emitting radionuclide on lung cancer Journal Articles
The tubercular badger and the uncertain curve:- The need for a multiple stressor approach in environmental radiation protection Journal Articles
The use of CT for selectron patients Journal Articles
The variance of bladder and rectal doses calculated from orthogonal and simple stereo films in cervix high-dose-rate brachytherapy Journal Articles
The ‘what, when, where, who and how?’ of cardiac computed tomography in 2009: Guidelines for the clinician Journal Articles
Transgenerational effects of historic radiation dose in pale grass blue butterflies around Fukushima following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant meltdown accident Journal Articles
Uncomfortable issues in radiation protection posed by low-dose radiobiology Journal Articles
Use of digital dosemeters for supporting staff radiation safety in paediatric interventional radiology suites Journal Articles
What is the role of invasive versus non‐invasive coronary angiography in the investigation of patients suspected to have coronary heart disease? Journal Articles
When a duck is not a duck; a new interdisciplinary synthesis for environmental radiation protection Journal Articles
Whole-Brain Perfusion Imaging With 320-MDCT Scanner: Reducing Radiation Dose by Increasing Sampling Interval Journal Articles
Worldwide Diagnostic Reference Levels for Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Journal Articles
Worldwide Variation in the Use of Nuclear Cardiology Camera Technology, Reconstruction Software, and Imaging Protocols Journal Articles
[18F]FNDP PET neuroimaging test–retest repeatability and whole-body dosimetry in humans Journal Articles
“Living in Contaminated Areas”—Consideration of Different Perspectives Journal Articles