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subject area of
18 F-DCFPyL in the Detection of Prostate Cancer Spread to the Lumbosacral Plexus. Journal Articles
18F-DCFPyL PET/CT in Oncocytoma Journal Articles
l-Glutaric Acidemia: Investigation of a Patient and His Family Journal Articles
A New Strategy for the Preparation of Peptide-Targeted Radiopharmaceuticals Based on an Fmoc-Lysine-Derived Single Amino Acid Chelate (SAAC). Automated Solid-Phase Synthesis, NMR Characterization, and in Vitro Screening of fMLF(SAAC)G and fMLF[(SAAC−Re(CO)3)+]G Journal Articles
A Prospective Study of 18F-DCFPyL PSMA PET/CT Restaging in Recurrent Prostate Cancer following Primary External Beam Radiotherapy or Brachytherapy Journal Articles
A Single Point Mutation in ϵ-COP Results in Temperature-sensitive, Lethal Defects in Membrane Transport in a Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Mutant Journal Articles
A lysine residue from an extracellular turret switches the ion preference in a Cav3 T-Type channel from calcium to sodium ions Journal Articles
A novel antithrombotic coronary stent: lysine-poly(HEMA)-modified cobalt–chromium stent with fibrinolytic activity Journal Articles
A transgenic mouse model demonstrating the oncogenic role of mutations in the polycomb-group gene EZH2 in lymphomagenesis Journal Articles
Active site labeling of the gentamicin resistance enzyme AAC(6')-APH(2") by the lipid kinase inhibitor wortmannin Journal Articles
Adsorption of plasminogen from human plasma to lysine-containing surfaces Journal Articles
Adsorption of plasminogen from plasma to lysine-derivatized Polyurethane surfaces Journal Articles
Altered inactivation of trinitrophenylated thrombin by antithrombin iii in the presence of heparin Journal Articles
An Automated Deep Learning-Based Framework for Uptake Segmentation and Classification on PSMA PET/CT Imaging of Patients with Prostate Cancer Journal Articles
Benchmarking pKa prediction methods for Lys115 in acetoacetate decarboxylase Journal Articles
Biosynthesis of lycopodine Journal Articles
Biosynthesis of the Piperidine Nucleus Journal Articles
Catalytic Residues and an Electrostatic Sandwich That Promote Enolpyruvyl Shikimate 3-Phosphate Synthase (AroA) Catalysis Journal Articles
Chromatography of heparin on Sepharose–lysine: molecular size fractionation and its relevance to thrombin and antithrombin III binding Journal Articles
Comprehensive Radiolabeling, Stability, and Tissue Distribution Studies of Technetium-99m Single Amino Acid Chelates (SAAC) Journal Articles
Conformational requirement for lysine hydroxylation in collagen. Structural studies on synthetic peptide substrates of lysyl hydroxylase. Journal Articles
Cytosolic acetyl-CoA promotes histone acetylation predominantly at H3K27 in Arabidopsis Journal Articles
Dentate granule cell layer collagen explant cultures: Spontaneous axonal growth and induction by brain-derived neurotrophic factor or basic fibroblast growth factor Journal Articles
Electrophoretic deposition of chiral polymers and composites Journal Articles
Factor XIIIa Mediated Attachment of S. aureus Fibronectin-Binding Protein A (FnbA) to Fibrin: Identification of Gln103 as a Major Cross-Linking Site Journal Articles
Fibrinolytic properties of lysine‐derivatized polyethylene in contact with flowing whole blood (Chandler loop model) Journal Articles
Flare on Serial Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen-Targeted 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT Examinations in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: First Observations. Journal Articles
General method for the determination of precursor configuration in biosynthetic precursor-product relations. Derivation of pipecolic acid from D-lysine, and of piperidine alkaloids from L-lysine Journal Articles
Helix Induction in Antimicrobial Peptides by Alginate in Biofilms Journal Articles
Histones link inflammation and thrombosis through the induction of Weibel–Palade body exocytosis Journal Articles
Identification of the Catalytic Residues of AroA (Enolpyruvylshikimate 3-Phosphate Synthase) Using Partitioning Analysis Journal Articles
Image acquisition and interpretation of 18F-DCFPyL (piflufolastat F 18) PET/CT: How we do it. Journal Articles
Imaging CAR T cell therapy with PSMA-targeted positron emission tomography Journal Articles
Inhibition of thrombin by antithrombin III in the presence of certain glycosaminoglycans found in the mammalian aorta Journal Articles
Interactions of fibrinolytic system proteins with lysine‐containing surfaces Journal Articles
Interactions of plasminogen and fibrinogen with model silica glass surfaces: Adsorption from plasma and enzymatic activity studies Journal Articles
Interactions of polylysine with platelets Other
Local pH-dependent conformational changes leading to proteolytic susceptibility of cystatin C Journal Articles
Low‐energy conformations of two lysine‐containing tetrapeptides of collagen: Implications for posttranslational lysine hydroxylation Journal Articles
Lys 42/43/44 and Arg 12 of thrombin-activable fibrinolysis inhibitor comprise a thrombomodulin exosite essential for its antifibrinolytic potential Journal Articles
Lysine-PEG-modified polyurethane as a fibrinolytic surface: Effect of PEG chain length on protein interactions, platelet interactions and clot lysis Journal Articles
Lysine-derivatized polyurethane as a clot lysing surface: conversion of adsorbed plasminogen to plasmin and clot lysis in vitro Journal Articles
Lysine–poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) modified polyurethane surface with high lysine density and fibrinolytic activity Journal Articles
Lysis of surface-localized fibrin clots by adsorbed plasminogen in the presence of tissue plasminogen activator Journal Articles
Maternal exposure to polystyrene microplastics alters placental metabolism in mice Journal Articles
Metabolic Regulation of the Epigenome Drives Lethal Infantile Ependymoma Journal Articles
Mimicking the fibrinolytic system on material surfaces Journal Articles
Modeling P-Loops Domain of Sodium Channel: Homology with Potassium Channels and Interaction with Ligands Journal Articles
Multiple recurrent genetic events converge on control of histone lysine methylation in medulloblastoma Journal Articles
Mutations in the Chromatin Regulator Gene BRPF1 Cause Syndromic Intellectual Disability and Deficient Histone Acetylation Journal Articles
Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibition Delays Axonal Degeneration and Promotes the Survival of Axotomized Retinal Ganglion Cells Journal Articles
Nuclear import of the BTB/POZ transcriptional regulator Kaiso Journal Articles
Polyphosphate colocalizes with factor XII on platelet-bound fibrin and augments its plasminogen activator activity Journal Articles
Postexercise net protein synthesis in human muscle from orally administered amino acids Journal Articles
Postexercise net protein synthesis in human muscle from orally administered amino acids Journal Articles
Prenatal nicotine exposure leads to decreased histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9) methylation and increased p66shc expression in the neonatal pancreas Journal Articles
Prospective, Single-Arm Trial Evaluating Changes in Uptake Patterns on Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen–Targeted 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT in Patients with Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Starting Abiraterone or Enzalutamide Journal Articles
Prostate Cancer Lymphangitic Pulmonary Carcinomatosis Journal Articles
Protein‐Resistant and Fibrinolytic Polyurethane Surfaces Journal Articles
Reaction of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine with protein: formation of nitroguanido derivatives. Journal Articles
SIPL1-facilitated PTEN ubiquitination contributes to its association with PTEN Journal Articles
SUMOylation of periplakin is critical for efficient reorganization of keratin filament network Journal Articles
Some observations on the affinity chromatography of rabbit plasminogen Journal Articles
Studies on Cross-Linked Regions of Elastin Journal Articles
Studies on lysine, glutamine and glutamic acid tRNAs from Drosophila Journal Articles
Studies on the coagulant enzyme from Agkistrodon rhodostoma venom. Isolation and some properties of the enzyme Journal Articles
Surfaces having dual fibrinolytic and protein resistant properties by immobilization of lysine on polyurethane through a PEG spacer Journal Articles
Synthesis and turnover of prothrombin during experimental inflammation in rats. Journal Articles
Synthesis of IgG, IgA, IgM by Chicken Tissues: Immunofluorescent and 14C Amino Acid Incorporation Studies Journal Articles
Testosterone injection stimulates net protein synthesis but not tissue amino acid transport Journal Articles
The Effect of Heparin Adsorbed on Sepharose-Lysine on the Inactivation of Thrombin by Anti-Thrombin III Journal Articles
The Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrum of Ferricytochrome c and Lysine-Modified Derivatives at Alkaline pH Journal Articles
The Histone Demethylase KDM5b/JARID1b Plays a Role in Cell Fate Decisions by Blocking Terminal Differentiation Journal Articles
The Localization of Transfer RNA
Genes in
Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
The Roles of Selected Arginine and Lysine Residues of TAFI (Pro-CPU) in Its Activation to TAFIa by the Thrombin-Thrombomodulin Complex Journal Articles
The Transactivation Function of the Pea3 Subfamily Ets Transcription Factors Is Regulated by Sumoylation Journal Articles
The affinity of human, rabbit and bovine thrombins for sepharose-lysine and other conjugates Journal Articles
The effect of aggregating agents on oxidative metabolism of rabbit platelets Other
The effect of heparin on the affinity chromatography of plasminogen Demonstration of heparin-plasminogen interaction Journal Articles
The lysine acetylome of the nematocidal bacterium Bacillus nematocida and impact of nematode on the acetylome Journal Articles
The relevance of the structure of lysine bound to Sepharose for the affinity of rabbit plasminogen Journal Articles
Thrombin-activable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor Attenuates (DD)E-mediated Stimulation of Plasminogen Activation by Reducing the Affinity of (DD)E for Tissue Plasminogen Activator Journal Articles
[Theoretical conformational analysis of methylamide of N-acetyl-L-lysine]. Journal Articles