Vocabulary Service
subject area of
A Comparison of Self-report and Health Care Provider Data to Assess Surveillance Definitions of Influenza-like Illness in Outpatients Journal Articles
A meta-research study of randomized controlled trials found infrequent and delayed availability of protocols Journal Articles
A nutritional program to improve outcome of very low birth weight infants Journal Articles
A systematic review and survey of the management of unexpected neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
Acceptability and Validity of the EQ-5D in Patients Living With Dementia Journal Articles
Adipositas im Kindes- und Jugendalter Journal Articles
An international external quality assessment for laboratory diagnosis of heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
Ausmaß und Auswirkungen von Rationierung in deutschen Krankenhäusern Journal Articles
Awareness - Aktuelle juristische Aspekte Journal Articles
Awareness - Current legal Aspects Journal Articles
Bayesian Models with Spatial Correlation Improve the Precision of EQ-5D-5L Value Sets Journal Articles
Behavioural problems in children who weigh 1000 g or less at birth in four countries Journal Articles
Biomarkers for predicting atrial fibrillation: An explorative sub-analysis of the randomised SCREEN-AF trial Journal Articles
Bipolar disorder: building the path of return to the ideas of Kraepelin Journal Articles
Chemistry of Urban Grime: Inorganic Ion Composition of Grime vs Particles in Leipzig, Germany Journal Articles
Child maltreatment reports and Child Protection Service responses during COVID-19: Knowledge exchange among Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Israel, and South Africa Journal Articles
Chronic diseases in pregnant women: prevalence and birth outcomes based on the SNiP-study Journal Articles
Clinical Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Collaborative Dementia Care Journal Articles
Co-producing the covid-19 response in Germany, Hong Kong, Lebanon, and Pakistan Journal Articles
Comorbidity of obsessive compulsive disorder in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Comparative Efficacies and Tolerabilities of Intravenous Azithromycin Plus Ceftriaxone and Intravenous Levofloxacin with Step-Down Oral Therapy for Hospitalized Patients with Moderate to Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia Journal Articles
Completion and publication rates of randomized controlled trials in surgery: an empirical study Journal Articles
Comprehensive upstream treatment for atrial fibrillation, when and how? Journal Articles
Concomitant therapy: off-pump coronary revascularization and transcatheter aortic valve implantation Journal Articles
Conventional versus Transapical Aortic Valve Replacement: Is It Time for Shift in Indications? Journal Articles
Coombs' crossmatch after negative antibody screening--a retrospective observational study comparing the tube test and the microcolumn technology. Journal Articles
Coombs’ crossmatch after negative antibody screening - a retrospective observational study comparing the tube test and the microcolumn technology Journal Articles
Current concepts in the management of Helicobacter pylori infection—The Maastricht 2‐2000 Consensus Report Journal Articles
Das GRADE-System Journal Articles
Das GRADE-System: Ein Prolog zur Artikelserie in der ZEFQ Journal Articles
Determination of ReQuest<sup>TM</sup>-Based Symptom Thresholds to Define Symptom Relief in GERD Clinical Studies Journal Articles
Determination of ReQuest™-Based Symptom Thresholds to Define Symptom Relief in GERD Clinical Studies Journal Articles
Determining the price for pharmaceuticals in Germany: comparing a shortcut for IQWiG's efficiency frontier method with the price set by the manufacturer for ticagrelor Journal Articles
Deutschsprachige Übersetzung des PANELVIEW Instruments zur Evaluierung des Prozesses der Leitlinienentwicklung aus der Perspektive der Leitliniengruppe Journal Articles
Diagnostik prämenstrueller Störungen Journal Articles
Diagnostik und linked evidence – Wie robust muss die Kette sein? Journal Articles
Disability in women suffering from interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome Journal Articles
Economic burden of work injuries and diseases: a framework and application in five European Union countries Journal Articles
Ein Instrument zur Erstellung von Leitlinienberichten: das RIGHT-Statement Journal Articles
Erhöhung der Frühgeborenenrate durch Rauchen in der Schwangerschaft und daraus resultierende Kosten für die Perinatalmedizin in Deutschland Journal Articles
Exploring reasons for recruitment failure in clinical trials: a qualitative study with clinical trial stakeholders in Switzerland, Germany, and Canada Journal Articles
Fate of Cd during Microbial Fe(III) Mineral Reduction by a Novel and Cd-Tolerant Geobacter Species Journal Articles
Fetal and neonatal outcomes after term and preterm delivery following betamethasone administration Journal Articles
Fetal and neonatal outcomes after term and preterm delivery following betamethasone administration in twin pregnancies Journal Articles
GRADE Leitlinien: 13. Erstellen von Summary-of-Findings-Tabellen und Evidenzprofilen – kontinuierliche Endpunkte Journal Articles
GRADE Leitlinien: 5. Einschätzung der Qualität der Evidenz – Publikationsbias Journal Articles
GRADE Leitlinien: 6. Einschätzung der Qualität der Evidenz – Unzureichende Präzision Journal Articles
GRADE Leitlinien: 7. Einschätzung der Qualität der Evidenz – Inkonsistenz Journal Articles
GRADE Leitlinien: 8. Einschätzung der Qualität der Evidenz – Indirektheit Journal Articles
GRADE guidelines: 15. Going from evidence to recommendation—determinants of a recommendation's direction and strength Journal Articles
GRADE-Leitlinien: 1. Einführung – GRADE-Evidenzprofile und Summary-of-Findings-Tabellen Journal Articles
GRADE-Leitlinien: 11. Gesamtbeurteilung des Vertrauens in Effektschätzer für einen einzelnen Studienendpunkt und für alle Endpunkte Journal Articles
GRADE-Leitlinien: 12. Erstellen von „Summary-of-Findings“-Tabellen – Dichotome Endpunkte Journal Articles
GRADE-Leitlinien: 16. Von der Evidenz zur Empfehlung oder Entscheidung – Vorgehen nach GRADE für Tests in der klinischen Praxis und in Public Health Journal Articles
GRADE-Leitlinien: 2. Formulierung der Fragestellung und Entscheidung über wichtige Endpunkte Journal Articles
GRADE-Leitlinien: 3. Bewertung der Qualität der Evidenz (Vertrauen in die Effektschätzer) Journal Articles
GRADE-Leitlinien: 4. Bewertung der Qualität der Evidenz – Studienlimitationen (Risiko für Bias) Journal Articles
Gaining insights into the waterpipe tobacco industry: participant observation and a cross-sectional survey of products at a trade exhibition Journal Articles
Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus Journal Articles
German cross-cultural adaptation of the Health Utilities Index and its application to a sample of childhood cancer survivors Journal Articles
Guidelines 2.0: Systematische Entwicklung einer umfassenden Checkliste für eine vertrauenswürdige Leitlinienentwicklung Journal Articles
Health-Related Quality of Life for Extremely Low Birth Weight Adolescents in Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands Journal Articles
History of anaesthesia Journal Articles
History of anaesthesia: Nurse anaesthesia practice in the G7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America). Journal Articles
Influence of core body temperature on Tryptophan metabolism, kynurenines, and estimated IDO activity in critically ill patients receiving target temperature management following cardiac arrest Journal Articles
Intention to change smoking in pregnant and postpartum women according to number of pregnancies Journal Articles
International Survey of Transfusion Practices for Extremely Premature Infants Journal Articles
Investigating the role and applicability of patient versions of guidelines in oncology and deriving recommendations for the development, dissemination and implementation of patient versions in Germany: protocol for multiphase study Journal Articles
Is the whole larger than the sum of its parts? Impact of missing data imputation in economic evaluation conducted alongside randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Korpuskarzinom in der Nachsorge Journal Articles
Lessons from the eight countries Journal Articles
Levels of lipids in preterm infants fed breast milk Journal Articles
Manual für Methoden und Nutzung versorgungsnaher Daten zur
Wissensgenerierung Journal Articles
Methodological idiosyncracies, frameworks and challenges of non-pharmaceutical and non-technical treatment interventions Journal Articles
Multiple viral hepatitis in injection drug users and associated risk factors Journal Articles
Neonatal and neurodevelopmental outcome in infants born before 30 weeks of gestation with absent or reversed end-diastolic flow velocities in the umbilical artery Journal Articles
Neonatology/Paediatrics - Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 13. Journal Articles
Nonregistration, discontinuation, and nonpublication of randomized trials: A repeated metaresearch analysis Journal Articles
Online survey on uterotomy closure techniques in caesarean section Journal Articles
Oral vitamin B12 therapy in the primary care setting: a qualitative and quantitative study of patient perspectives. Journal Articles
Osteoporosis in Pediatric Patients Suffering From Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease With and Without Steroid Treatment Journal Articles
Patient, Public, and Healthcare Professional’s Sepsis Awareness, Knowledge, and Information Seeking Behaviors: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Personbezogene Faktoren und Teilhabe Journal Articles
Pooled analysis of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for primary renal cell carcinoma: A report from the International Radiosurgery Oncology Consortium for Kidney (IROCK) Journal Articles
Premature discontinuation of pediatric randomized controlled trials: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Premature discontinuation of randomized trials in critical and emergency care: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Prevalence, characteristics, and publication of discontinued randomized trials Journal Articles
Procedures and methods of benefit assessments for medicines in Germany: give the child a name Journal Articles
Prävalenz des Rauchens vor und während der Schwangerschaft - populationsbasierte Daten Journal Articles
Rationale and design of repeated cross-sectional studies to evaluate the reporting quality of trial protocols: the Adherence to SPIrit REcommendations (ASPIRE) study and associated projects Journal Articles
Reduced levels of maternal progesterone during pregnancy increase the risk for allergic airway diseases in females only Journal Articles
Reliability of Trial Information Across Registries for Trials With Multiple Registrations Journal Articles
Reliability of classification of cerebral palsy in low-birthweight children in four countries Journal Articles
Reporting quality of clinical trial protocols: a repeated cross-sectional study about the Adherence to SPIrit Recommendations in Switzerland, CAnada and GErmany (ASPIRE-SCAGE) Journal Articles
Reporting quality of trial protocols improved for non-regulated interventions but not regulated interventions: A repeated cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Response times follow lognormal or gamma distribution in arthritis patients Journal Articles
Results of a systematic evaluation of treatment outcomes for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in patients receiving danaparoid, ancrod, and/or coumarin explain the rapid shift in clinical practice during the 1990s Journal Articles
SIPS – Screening-Instrument für prämenstruelle Symptome* Journal Articles
Safety of percutaneous dilatational tracheotomy (PDT) with the rigid tracheotomy endoscope (TED): a 6-month follow-up multicenter investigation Journal Articles
School-Age Outcomes in Children Who Were Extremely Low Birth Weight From Four International Population-Based Cohorts Journal Articles
Schumann's hand injury. Journal Articles
Self-administration and interviewer-administration of the German Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire: instrument development and assessment of validity and reliability in two randomised studies. Journal Articles
Shared decision-making and patient and public involvement: Can they become standard in Switzerland? Journal Articles
Sorafenib Maintenance After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia With FLT3–Internal Tandem Duplication Mutation (SORMAIN) Journal Articles
Soziodemografie von Erstgebärenden und Mehrfachgebärenden in einer bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Erhebung – Ergebnisse des Survey of Neonates in Pomerania (SNiP) Journal Articles
Subgroup analyses in randomised controlled trials: cohort study on trial protocols and journal publications Journal Articles
Survey of Neonates in Pomerania (SNiP): a population-based birth study - objectives, design and population coverage Journal Articles
Survey of Neonates in Pomerania (SniP): A population based analysis of the mothers’ quality of life after delivery with special relations to their social integration Journal Articles
Tabakrauchexposition in der Wohnung und stationäre Behandlungen von Kindern unter 5 Jahren in Deutschland Journal Articles
The ??2-Agonist Controversy Journal Articles
The Care of Preterm Infants With Birth Weight Below 1250 g Journal Articles
The Clinical Effectiveness of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Journal Articles
The German method for setting ceiling prices for drugs: in some cases less data are required Journal Articles
The German national registry for primary immunodeficiencies (PID) Journal Articles
The development of the frozen section technique, the evolution of surgical biopsy, and the origins of surgical pathology. Journal Articles
The impact of socioeconomic factors on the efficiency of voluntary toxoplasmosis screening during pregnancy: a population-based study Journal Articles
The patient-rated wrist evaluation (PRWE): cross-cultural adaptation into German and evaluation of its psychometric properties. Journal Articles
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Patients at Extremely High Risk of Perioperative Mortality. Journal Articles
Two-year survival with nivolumab in previously treated advanced non–small-cell lung cancer: A real-world pooled analysis of patients from France, Germany, and Canada Journal Articles
Ultrasound Screening Strategies for the Diagnosis of Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract Journal Articles
Unemployment and Mortality: A Comparative Study of Germany and the United States Journal Articles
Verfahrensweisen und Methoden zur Nutzenbewertung von Arzneimitteln in Deutschland – ein Auftragsgutachten –Zuschrift Nr. 2 Journal Articles
Versorgungsnahe Daten für Versorgungsanalysen – Teil
3 des Manuals Journal Articles
Versorgungsnahe Daten zur Evaluation von Interventionseffekten: Teil
2 des Manuals Journal Articles
When Worlds Collide: Sociology, Disciplinary Nightmares, and Fromm's Revision of Freud Journal Articles
When a duck is not a duck; a new interdisciplinary synthesis for environmental radiation protection Journal Articles
Zum Einfluss von vorausgegangenen Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen, Aborten und Totgeburten auf die Rate Neugeborener mit niedrigem Geburtsgewicht und Frühgeborener sowie auf die somatische Klassifikation der Neugeborenen Journal Articles
[Chronic illnesses in childhood: diagnosis - disability - identity]. Journal Articles
[Concept for assessment and evaluation of quality in ambulatory nursing services]. Journal Articles
[Sick juveniles fall into a service gap upon maturation.German Society of Social Pediatrics and Youth Medicine requests clear and smooth flowing care transition regulations]. Journal Articles