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A Comparison of the Zinc, Copper and Manganese Status of Very Low Birth Weight Pre‐Term and Full‐Term Infants during the First Twelve Months Journal Articles
A catalytic DNA for porphyrin metallation Journal Articles
ATP-Dependent Silver Transport across the Basolateral Membrane of Rainbow Trout Gills Journal Articles
Acute copper toxicity in the euryhaline copepod Acartia tonsa: implications for the development of an estuarine and marine biotic ligand model Journal Articles
Acute exposure to waterborne copper inhibits both the excretion and uptake of ammonia in freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Acute toxicity, accumulation and tissue distribution of copper in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus acclimated to different salinities: In vivo and in vitro studies Journal Articles
Acute waterborne copper toxicity to the euryhaline copepod Acartia tonsa at different salinities: Influence of natural freshwater and marine dissolved organic matter Journal Articles
Altered performance of white sucker populations in the manitouwadge chain of lakes is associated with changes in benthic macroinvertebrate communities as a result of copper and zinc contamination Journal Articles
Altered transition metal homeostasis in mice following manganese injections for manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging Journal Articles
Altered transition metal homeostasis in the cuprizone model of demyelination Journal Articles
An evaluation of sodium loss and gill metal binding properties in rainbow trout and yellow perch to explain species differences in copper tolerance Journal Articles
An in vitro approach for modelling branchial copper binding in rainbow trout Journal Articles
Anti-Aβ agents for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Antioxidant responses in different body regions of the polychaeta Laeonereis acuta (Nereididae) exposed to copper Journal Articles
Associations of dietary copper intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality: findings from the Chinese Perspective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE-China) Study Journal Articles
Bioavailability of sediment-associated Cu and Zn to Daphnia magna Journal Articles
Biomarkers of waterborne copper exposure in the Neotropical fish Prochilodus lineatus Journal Articles
Biomarkers of waterborne copper exposure in the guppy Poecilia vivipara acclimated to salt water Journal Articles
COX19 mediates the transduction of a mitochondrial redox signal from SCO1 that regulates ATP7A-mediated cellular copper efflux Journal Articles
Carbonic anhydrase activity as a potential biomarker for acute exposure to copper in corals Journal Articles
Cellular approaches for diagnostic effects assessment in ecotoxicology: introductory remarks to an EU-funded project Journal Articles
Chronic copper toxicity in the estuarine copepod Acartia tonsa at different salinities Journal Articles
Combining elevated temperature with waterborne copper: Impacts on the energy metabolism of the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Concentration and Trophic Transfer of Copper, Selenium, and Zinc in Marine Species of the Chilean Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula Area Journal Articles
Concentrations of Fe, Cu and Zn in breast tissue: a synchrotron XRF study Journal Articles
Contrasting reproductive health of female clams Megapitaria squalida from two nearby metal-polluted sites in the Gulf of California: Potential effects of copper, lead, and cobalt Journal Articles
Copper accumulation and toxicity in isolated cells from gills and hepatopancreas of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) Journal Articles
Copper at low levels impairs memory of adult zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) and affects swimming performance of larvae Journal Articles
Copper effects on biomarkers associated with photosynthesis, oxidative status and calcification in the Brazilian coral Mussismilia harttii (Scleractinia, Mussidae) Journal Articles
Copper effects on key metabolic enzymes and mitochondrial membrane potential in gills of the estuarine crab Neohelice granulata at different salinities Journal Articles
Copper exposure and seawater acidification interaction: Antagonistic effects on biomarkers in the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Mussismilia harttii Journal Articles
Copper toxicity in the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias): Urea loss contributes to the osmoregulatory disturbance Conferences
Copper uptake in adult rainbow trout irradiated during early life stages and in non-irradiated bystander trout which swam with the irradiated fish Journal Articles
Copper uptake, patterns of bioaccumulation, and effects in glochidia (larvae) of the freshwater mussel (Lampsilis cardium) Journal Articles
Copper-Induced Chemosensory Impairment is Reversed by a Short Depuration Period in Northern Clearwater Crayfish (Faxonius propinquus) Journal Articles
Copper-phthalocyanine based metal–organic interfaces: The effect of fluorination, the substrate, and its symmetry Journal Articles
Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of a New CuTi2S4 Modification in Comparison to the Thiospinel Journal Articles
DNA quaternary structure in the radiation sensitivity of human lymphocytes--a proposed role of copper. Journal Articles
DNA-Templated Click Ligation Chain Reaction Catalyzed by Heterogeneous Cu2O for Enzyme-Free Amplification and Ultrasensitive Detection of Nucleic Acids Journal Articles
Development of an Embryo Toxicity Test to Assess the Comparative Toxicity of Metal Exposure on Different Life Stages of Freshwater Gastropods Journal Articles
Displacement of Cu(II) by Ag(I) in Solvated Metal Sulfides. A DFT and AIM Computational Study Journal Articles
Distribution of copper in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans using green turtles (Chelonia mydas) as a bioindicator Journal Articles
Disturbance in Na+ regulation in cells rich in mitochondria isolated from gills of the yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides exposed to copper under different osmotic conditions Journal Articles
Ecotoxicological responses of a reef calcifier exposed to copper, acidification and warming: A multiple biomarker approach Journal Articles
Effect of copper on ion content in isolated mantle cells of the marine clam Mesodesma mactroides Journal Articles
Effect of sample preparation techniques on the concentrations and distributions of elements in biological tissues using µSRXRF: a comparative study Journal Articles
Effects of Cu Ions and Explicit Water Molecules on the Copper Binding Domain of Amyloid Precursor Protein APP(131–189): A Molecular Dynamics Study Journal Articles
Effects of chronic metal exposure and metamorphosis on the microbiomes of larval and adult insects and riparian spiders through the aquatic-riparian food web. Journal Articles
Effects of copper exposure on the energy metabolism in juveniles of the marine clam Mesodesma mactroides Journal Articles
Effects of increasing temperature alone and combined with copper exposure on biochemical and physiological parameters in the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Mussismilia harttii Journal Articles
Effects of life-time exposure to waterborne copper on the somatotropic axis of the viviparous fish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Effects of natural exposure to copper and zinc on egg size and larval copper tolerance in white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Journal Articles
Effects of soybean oil and dietary copper levels on nutrient digestion, ruminal fermentation, enzyme activity, microflora and microbial protein synthesis in dairy bulls Journal Articles
Elevation of copper and nickel levels in primaries from black and mallard ducks collected in the Sudbury district, Ontario Journal Articles
Energy metabolism enzymes inhibition by the combined effects of increasing temperature and copper exposure in the coral Mussismilia harttii Journal Articles
Epidemiology of antibiotic and heavy-metal resistance in bacteria: A computer-based data system Journal Articles
Essential and non-essential trace elements in fish consumed by indigenous peoples of the European Russian Arctic Journal Articles
Evidence for a maternal yolk factor associated with increased tolerance and resistance of feral white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) to waterborne copper Journal Articles
Exchange of albumin adsorbed on polymer surfaces. Journal Articles
Exposure of a Cree Population Living near Mine Tailings in Northern Quebec (Canada) to Metals and Metalloids Journal Articles
Exposure to a Mixture of Zinc and Copper Decreases Survival and Fecundity of Discocotyle sagittata (Leuckart) Parasitizing Juvenile Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar L. Journal Articles
Expression of genes related to metal metabolism in the freshwater fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii living in a historically contaminated area associated with copper mining Journal Articles
Freeze-substitution staining of rat growth plate cartilage with alcian blue for electron microscopic study of proteoglycans. Journal Articles
Gastrointestinal assimilation of Cu during digestion of a single meal in the freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Gene expression endpoints following chronic waterborne copper exposure in a genomic model organism, the zebrafish, Danio rerio Journal Articles
High performance nonenzymatic electrochemical sensors via thermally grown Cu native oxides (CuNOx) towards sweat glucose monitoring Journal Articles
Histological and morphological alterations induced by copper exposure in Laeonereis acuta (Polychaeta, Nereididae) Conferences
Homocysteine-dependent Alterations in Mitochondrial Gene Expression, Function and Structure Journal Articles
Immunosensor for Rapid Detection of Gibberellin Acid in the Rice Grain Journal Articles
Impaired regulation of divalent cations with acute copper exposure in the marine clam Mesodesma mactroides Journal Articles
In Vitro Selection of Kinase and Ligase Deoxyribozymes Journal Articles
Influence of 96h sub-lethal copper exposure on aerobic scope and recovery from exhaustive exercise in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) Journal Articles
Influence of acclimation and cross-acclimation of metals on acute Cd toxicity and Cd uptake and distribution in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Influence of copper pre-exposure on biochemical responses of the sea anemone Bunodosoma cangicum to changes in oxygen availability Journal Articles
Interactive effects of copper and dissolved organic matter on sodium uptake, copper bioaccumulation, and oxidative stress in juvenile freshwater mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea) Journal Articles
Interactive effects of nanoplastics, multi-contaminants, and environmental conditions on prairie aquatic ecosystems: A factorial composite toxicity analysis within a Canadian context. Journal Articles
International replications, anyone? Journal Articles
Iodine and bromine in fish consumed by indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic Journal Articles
Isolated and combined effects of thermal stress and copper exposure on the trophic behavior and oxidative status of the reef-building coral Mussismilia harttii Journal Articles
Life-time exposure to waterborne copper II: Patterns of tissue accumulation and gene expression of the metal-transport proteins ctr1 and atp7b in the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Life-time exposure to waterborne copper III: Effects on the energy metabolism of the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Life-time exposure to waterborne copper IV: Sperm quality parameters are negatively affected in the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Marked Tachypnea in Siblings With Chronic Beryllium Disease due to Copper-Beryllium Alloy Journal Articles
Mechanisms of copper accumulation in isolated mantle cells of the marine clam Mesodesma mactroides Journal Articles
Metabolic status of the coral Mussismilia harttii in field conditions and the effects of copper exposure in vitro Journal Articles
Metal Accumulation and Ion Regulation in the Fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii Living in a Site Chronically Contaminated by Copper: Insights from Translocation Experiments Journal Articles
Metal accumulation and expression of genes encoding for metallothionein and copper transporters in a chronically exposed wild population of the fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii Journal Articles
Metal-rich lacustrine sediments from legacy mining perpetuate copper exposure to aquatic-riparian food webs. Journal Articles
Mortality, bioaccumulation and physiological responses in juvenile freshwater mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea) chronically exposed to copper Journal Articles
Nonenzymatic Electrochemical Glutamate Sensor Using Copper Oxide Nanomaterials and Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes Journal Articles
Oxidative Stress in a Wild Population of the Freshwater Fish Hyphessobrycon Luetkenii Chronically Exposed to a Copper Mining Area: New Insights into Copper Toxicology Journal Articles
Oxidative stress and metabolic responses to copper in freshwater- and seawater-acclimated killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus Journal Articles
Oxidative stress response and gene expression with acute copper exposure in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Oxidative stress responses in two populations of Laeonereis acuta (Polychaeta, Nereididae) after acute and chronic exposure to copper Journal Articles
Parental exposure of the freshwater snail Planorbella pilsbryi to copper results in transgenerational effects in offspring. Journal Articles
Physiological effects of copper in the euryhaline copepod Acartia tonsa: Waterborne versus waterborne plus dietborne exposure Journal Articles
Radiation-induced bystander effects in the Atlantic salmon (salmo salar L.) following mixed exposure to copper and aluminum combined with low-dose gamma radiation Journal Articles
Reactive oxygen species generation and expression of DNA repair-related genes after copper exposure in zebrafish (Danio rerio) ZFL cells Journal Articles
Salinity-dependent copper accumulation in the guppy Poecilia vivipara is associated with CTR1 and ATP7B transcriptional regulation Journal Articles
Selective Cu2+ Binding, Redox Silencing, and Cytoprotective Effects of the Small Heat Shock Proteins αA- and αB-Crystallin Journal Articles
Selective detection and recovery of gold at tannin-immobilized non-conducting electrode Journal Articles
Sensitivity of larval and juvenile freshwater mussels (unionidae) to ammonia, chloride, copper, potassium, and selected binary chemical mixtures Journal Articles
Sequence Diversity, Metal Specificity, and Catalytic Proficiency of Metal-Dependent Phosphorylating DNA Enzymes Journal Articles
Serum iron, copper and zinc concentrations and risk of cancer mortality in US adults Journal Articles
Serum zinc, copper, and selenium concentrations in preterm infants receiving enteral nutrition or parenteral nutrition supplemented with zinc and copper Journal Articles
Sex-biased response of pollution biomarkers in fish: Insights from the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Signatures of contamination in invasive round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus): A double strike for ecosystem health? Journal Articles
Sodium turnover rate determines sensitivity to acute copper and silver exposure in freshwater animals Journal Articles
Soil-applied zinc and copper suppress cadmium uptake and improve the performance of cereals and legumes Journal Articles
Structural Basis for the Biological Effects of Pr(III) Ions: Alteration of Cell Membrane Permeability Journal Articles
Structure and dissociation characteristics of metal chloride anion clusters containing redox‐active metal ions studied by laser desorption and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and ab initio calculations Journal Articles
The Effects of Acute Copper and Ammonia Challenges on Ammonia and Urea Excretion by the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus Journal Articles
The Effects of Copper and Nickel on the Embryonic Life Stages of the Purple Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) Journal Articles
The Effects of Copper on Na+/K+-ATPase and Aquaporin Expression in Two Euryhaline Invertebrates Journal Articles
The distribution of trace elements Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn and the determination of copper oxidation state in breast tumour tissue using μSRXRF and μXANES Journal Articles
The effects of copper and benzo[a]pyrene on retinoids and reproduction in zebrafish Journal Articles
The evaluation of biologically important trace metals in liver, kidney and breast tissue Journal Articles
The first polluted river? Repeated copper contamination of fluvial sediments associated with Late Neolithic human activity in southern Jordan Journal Articles
The further development of rainbow trout primary epithelial cell cultures as a diagnostic tool in ecotoxicology risk assessment Journal Articles
The localisation and micro-mapping of copper and other trace elements in breast tumours using a synchrotron micro-XRF system Journal Articles
The oxidative stress response in freshwater-acclimated killifish ( Fundulus heteroclitus ) to acute copper and hypoxia exposure Journal Articles
The relative sensitivity of four benthic invertebrates to metals in spiked‐sediment exposures and application to contaminated field sediment Journal Articles
The relative sensitivity of sperm, eggs and embryos to copper in the blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus) Journal Articles
Toward an Efficient DNAzyme Journal Articles
Toxicity of dissolved Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd to developing embryos of the blue mussel (Mytilus trossolus) and the protective effect of dissolved organic carbon Journal Articles
Water Chemistry Alters Gene Expression and Physiological End Points of Chronic Waterborne Copper Exposure in Zebrafish, Danio rerio Journal Articles
Waterborne copper exposure inhibits ammonia excretion and branchial carbonic anhydrase activity in euryhaline guppies acclimated to both fresh water and sea water Journal Articles
Waterborne copper is more toxic to the killifish Poecilia vivipara in elevated temperatures: Linking oxidative stress in the liver with reduced organismal thermal performance Journal Articles
Whole-body autoradiography: An efficient technique to study copper accumulation and body distribution in small organisms Journal Articles
Wilson's disease presenting as Heinz-body hemolytic anemia. Journal Articles
X-ray fluorescence and energy dispersive x-ray diffraction for the quantification of elemental concentrations in breast tissue Journal Articles
mRNA Expression and activity of ion‐transporting proteins in gills of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus: Effects of waterborne copper Journal Articles