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A DSM-5-based tool to monitor concurrent mood and premenstrual symptoms: the McMaster Premenstrual and Mood Symptom Scale (MAC-PMSS) Journal Articles
A Pilot, 8-Week, Placebo Lead-In Trial of Quetiapine Extended Release for Depression in Midlife Women Journal Articles
A Scoping Review of Physical Rehabilitation in Long-Term Care: Interventions, Outcomes, Tools Journal Articles
A Study of Family Support, Friendship, and Psychological Well-Being among Older Women in Hong Kong Journal Articles
A cross-sectional study of emotional intelligence in baccalaureate nursing students Journal Articles
A dyadic investigation of shy children's behavioral and affective responses to delivering a speech. Journal Articles
A pilot study assessing art therapy as a mental health intervention for subfertile women Journal Articles
A preliminary investigation of dispositional affect, the P300, and sentence processing Journal Articles
A qualitative evaluation of the impact of a Good Life Club on people living with dementia and care partners Journal Articles
A randomized controlled trial of an intervention for infants’ behavioral sleep problems Journal Articles
A review of factors that moderate autobiographical memory performance in patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Acquired mutism: physiopathy and assessment. Journal Articles
Acute Effects of Exercise on Neuropsychological Function in Elderly Subjects Journal Articles
Adaptation and validation of the Mood Rhythm Instrument for use in Brazilian adolescents Journal Articles
Affect across adulthood: Evidence from English, Dutch, and Spanish. Journal Articles
Affective Decision Making in Women With Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Affective Instability and Suicidal Ideation and Behavior in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Affective State Control for Neuroprostheses Conferences
Affective biases in English are bi-dimensional Journal Articles
Affective flexibility and generalized anxiety disorder: valence-specific shifting difficulties Journal Articles
Affective instability in borderline personality disorder: Experience sampling findings Journal Articles
Afterimage induced neural activity during emotional face perception Journal Articles
Age-Related Decline in Perception of Prosodic Affect Journal Articles
Alexithymia and health behaviors in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Amygdala and affective responses to infant pictures: Comparing depressed and non‐depressed mothers and non‐mothers Journal Articles
An evaluation of the donor experience in the canadian multicenter randomized trial of bone marrow versus peripheral blood allografting Journal Articles
An experience sampling investigation of emotion and worry in people with generalized anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Another look at the effect of a surprising intervening event on negative priming. Journal Articles
Antidepressants in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder: Decoding Contradictory Evidence and Opinion Journal Articles
Assessing depressive symptoms in persons who die of suicide in mainland China Journal Articles
Assessment of Executive Functions in a Brazilian Sample of Bipolar Subjects Journal Articles
Associations Between Dysfunctional Behaviors, Gender, and Burden in Spousal Caregivers of Cognitively Impaired Older Adults Journal Articles
Autonomic nervous system reactivity to positive and negative mood induction: The role of acute psychological responses and frontal electrocortical activity Journal Articles
Behavioral and neuroendocrine responses in shy children Conferences
Behavioral economic analysis of stress effects on acute motivation for alcohol Journal Articles
Behavioral, Situational, and Temporal Effects of Treatment of ADHD With Methylphenidate Journal Articles
Behavioural effects of acute phenylalanine and tyrosine depletion in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Behavioural effects of acute tryptophan depletion in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Breastfeeding and maternal sensitivity predict early infant temperament Journal Articles
C-Reactive Protein Alterations in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Catching the Alcohol Buzz: An Examination of the Latent Factor Structure of Subjective Intoxication Journal Articles
Childhood Motor Coordination and Adult Affective Experience Among Extremely Low Birth Weight Survivors Journal Articles
Clients’ psychosocial communication and midwives’ verbal and nonverbal communication during prenatal counseling for anomaly screening Journal Articles
Clinical staging and serum cytokines in bipolar patients during euthymia Journal Articles
Cognition and Mood in Systemic Lupus Erythematosu Journal Articles
Colour-induced relationship between affect and reaching kinematics during a goal-directed aiming task Journal Articles
Commitment to relationships and preferences for femininity and apparent health in faces are strongest on days of the menstrual cycle when progesterone level is high Journal Articles
Complementarity of Linguistic and Prosodic Processes in the Intact Brain Journal Articles
Context-Dependent Categorical Perception of Surprise Journal Articles
Controlled Rocking CLT Walls for Buildings in Regions of Moderate Seismicity: Design Procedure and Numerical Collapse Assessment Journal Articles
Corticosteroids and neuropsychological functioning in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus Journal Articles
Cortisol, Hedonics, and Maternal Responsiveness in Human Mothers Journal Articles
Cross-regional cortical synchronization during affective image viewing Journal Articles
Current Pharmacologic Treatment of Dementia: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians Journal Articles
Delusion or obsession: Clinical dilemma Journal Articles
Depressed Affect is Associated with Poorer Cardiovascular Recovery in Young Women Following a Mental Stressor Journal Articles
Development of frontal electroencephalogram (EEG) and heart rate (ECG) responses to affective musical stimuli during the first 12 months of post-natal life Journal Articles
Different aspects of facial affect recognition impairment following traumatic brain injury: The role of perceptual and interpretative abilities Journal Articles
Discontinuing cannabis improves depression in people with multiple sclerosis: A short report Journal Articles
Discriminative validity and interpretability of the mood and feelings questionnaire Journal Articles
Distinctive messages in infant-directed lullabies and play songs. Journal Articles
Does a Combination Regimen of Thyroxine (T4) and 3,5,3′-Triiodothyronine Improve Depressive Symptoms Better Than T4Alone in Patients with Hypothyroidism? Results of a Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Dopamine dysregulation syndrome: implications for a dopamine hypothesis of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Early information processing biases in social anxiety Journal Articles
Effect of dexamethasone on affective behavior and adrenal reactivity following septal lesions in the rat. Journal Articles
Effect of dysfunctional attitudes and postpartum state on vulnerability to depressed mood Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Cholinesterase Inhibitors and Memantine for Treating Dementia: Evidence Review for a Clinical Practice Guideline Journal Articles
Effects and management of the menopausal transition in women with depression and bipolar disorder. Conferences
Effects of Mood Stabilizers on Brain Energy Metabolism in Mice Submitted to an Animal Model of Mania Induced by Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation Journal Articles
Effects of Naltrexone During the Descending Limb of the Blood Alcohol Curve Journal Articles
Effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on psychological health in adolescents with obesity: The HEARTY randomized controlled trial. Journal Articles
Effects of autonomous motivational priming on motivation and affective responses towards high-intensity interval training Journal Articles
Effects of functional impairment on internalizing symptom trajectories in adolescence: A longitudinal, growth curve modelling study Journal Articles
Effects of mood stabilizers on hippocampus BDNF levels in an animal model of mania Journal Articles
Effects of self-generated sad mood on regional cerebral activity: A PET study in normal subjects Journal Articles
Effects of self‐regulatory strength depletion on muscular performance and EMG activation Journal Articles
Elevated Monoamine Oxidase-A Distribution Volume in Borderline Personality Disorder Is Associated With Severity Across Mood Symptoms, Suicidality, and Cognition Journal Articles
Emotional Responsivity in Children with Autism, Children with Other Developmental Disabilities, and Children with Typical Development Journal Articles
Emotional memory in bipolar disorder: Impact of multiple episodes and childhood trauma Journal Articles
Evaluating the South Oaks Gambling Screen With DSM-IV and DSM-5 Criteria Journal Articles
Evaluations of older and younger adult speakers: Influence of communication effectiveness and noise. Journal Articles
Evidence for Use of Mood Stabilizers and Anticonvulsants in the Treatment of Nonaffective Disorders in Children and Adolescents Journal Articles
Facial-affect recognition deficit as a predictor of different aspects of social-communication impairment in traumatic brain injury. Journal Articles
Fear-potentiated startle responses in temperamentally different human infants Conferences
Flumazenil has an anxiolytic effect in simulated stress Journal Articles
Frontal EEG Responses as a Function of Affective Musical Features Journal Articles
Frontal Electroencephalogram Activation Asymmetry, Emotional Intelligence, and Externalizing Behaviors in 10-Year-Old Children Journal Articles
Frontal Electroencephalogram Alpha Asymmetry During Sleep: Stability and Its Relation to Affective Style. Journal Articles
Frontal brain electrical activity (EEG) and heart rate in response to affective infant-directed (ID) speech in 9-month-old infants Conferences
Frontal electroencephalogram asymmetry during affective processing in children with Down syndrome: a pilot study Conferences
Functional neural correlates of facial affect recognition impairment following TBI Journal Articles
Group cognitive behavioral therapy for bipolar disorder: a feasibility and effectiveness study Journal Articles
Group‐level physiological synchrony and individual‐level anxiety predict positive affective behaviors during a group decision‐making task Journal Articles
Home Ownership and the Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Children and Youth Journal Articles
Hope, older adults, and chronic illness: a metasynthesis of qualitative research Journal Articles
Hormonal and Subjective Responses to Intravenous m-Chlorophenylpiperazine in Women With Seasonal Affective Disorder Journal Articles
Hormonal and Subjective Responses to Intravenous meta-Chlorophenylpiperazine in Bulimia Nervosa Journal Articles
Impact of High-Dose Vitamin D3 Supplementation in Patients with Crohn’s Disease in Remission: A Pilot Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Study Journal Articles
Increased serum neurotrophin-4/5 levels in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Individuals with Autism can Categorize Facial Expressions Journal Articles
Influence of intensity on children’s sensitivity to happy, sad, and fearful facial expressions Journal Articles
Informal caregiving in COPD: A systematic review of instruments and their measurement properties Journal Articles
Integrating motivational interviewing with cognitive-behavioral therapy for severe generalized anxiety disorder: An allegiance-controlled randomized clinical trial. Journal Articles
Interaction with demonstrator rats changes observer rats' affective responses to flavors. Journal Articles
Interrelationships among impulsive personality traits, food addiction, and Body Mass Index Journal Articles
Investigation of serum high-sensitive C-reactive protein levels across all mood states in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Is Talk “Cheap”? An Initial Investigation of the Equivalence of Alcohol Purchase Task Performance for Hypothetical and Actual Rewards Journal Articles
Is cannabis treatment for anxiety, mood, and related disorders ready for prime time? Journal Articles
Isometric exercise and cognitive function: an investigation of acute dose–response effects during submaximal fatiguing contractions Journal Articles
Longitudinal Changes in Sleep, Biological Rhythms, and Light Exposure From Late Pregnancy to Postpartum and Their Impact on Peripartum Mood and Anxiety Journal Articles
Lower rates of comorbidities in euthymic bipolar patients Journal Articles
Maternal Side-Effects After Multiple Courses of Antenatal Corticosteroids (MACS): The Three- Month Follow-Up of Women in the Randomized Controlled Trial of MACS for Preterm Birth Study Journal Articles
Maternal affect and quality of parenting experiences are related to amygdala response to infant faces Journal Articles
Maternal regulation of child affect in externalizing and typically-developing children. Journal Articles
Maternally separated rats show deficits in maternal care in adulthood Journal Articles
Meanings in policy: A textual analysis of Canada's “Achieving Health for All” document Journal Articles
Meta-Analyses of Mood Stabilizers, Antidepressants and Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: Effectiveness for Depression and Anger Symptoms Journal Articles
Methylphenidate Effects on Functional Outcomes in the Preschoolers with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment Study (PATS) Journal Articles
Mismatch between self-reported quality of life and functional assessment in acute mania: A matter of unawareness of illness? Journal Articles
Modafinil reduces excessive somnolence and enhances mood in patients with myotonic dystrophy Journal Articles
Mood and gut feelings Journal Articles
Multidimensional assessment of impulsivity in relation to obesity and food addiction Journal Articles
Negative Affect Following Dating Application Use is Predicted by Social Anxiety Symptoms and Match Rate. Journal Articles
Negative emotionality as a candidate mediating mechanism linking prenatal maternal mood problems and offspring internalizing behaviour Journal Articles
Negative priming for obsessive-compulsive checkers and noncheckers. Journal Articles
Neuroanatomy of the human affective system Journal Articles
Neuroprogression and Cognitive Functioning in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Neuropsychological Impact of Cg25 Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression Journal Articles
Norms of valence, arousal, and dominance for 13,915 English lemmas Journal Articles
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as a Disturbance of Security Motivation. Journal Articles
Perception of affective and linguistic prosody: an ALE meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies Journal Articles
Performance of heterozygous brain-derived neurotrophic factor knockout mice on behavioral analogues of anxiety, nociception, and depression. Journal Articles
Physical Literacy, Physical Activity and Health: Toward an Evidence-Informed Conceptual Model Journal Articles
Pitch underlies activation of the vocal system during affective vocalization Journal Articles
Probiotic supplementation can positively affect anxiety and depressive symptoms: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Profile of mood states and cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infraction Journal Articles
Psychological and Behavioral Responses to Interval and Continuous Exercise Journal Articles
Psychological aspects of systemic lupus erythematosus: cognitive function, mood, and self-report. Journal Articles
Psychological factors that may confer risk for bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Psychometric properties of the State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA): Comparison to the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Conferences
Psychopharmacology of personality disorders: Review and emerging issues Journal Articles
Psychosocial Health of Living Kidney Donors: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Quality of life in children with epilepsy: How does it compare with the quality of life in typical children and children with cerebral palsy? Journal Articles
Re.Test-retest reliability problems in Schaller et al. (2011) rTMS results Journal Articles
Reducing potential risk factors for suicide-related behavior with a group intervention for clients with recurrent suicide-related behavior. Journal Articles
Rhythmicity of Mood Symptoms in Individuals at Risk for Psychiatric Disorders Journal Articles
Risk aversion in risk‐taking tasks: Combined effects of feedback attributes and cognitive reflection ability Journal Articles
Risk of dementia in bipolar disorder and the interplay of lithium: a systematic review and meta‐analyses Journal Articles
Risperidone Treatment of Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Rules versus Prototype Matching: Strategies of Perception of Emotional Facial Expressions in the Autism Spectrum Journal Articles
SNORD90 induces glutamatergic signaling following treatment with monoaminergic antidepressants Journal Articles
SPINning factors: Factor analytic evaluation of the Social Phobia Inventory in clinical and nonclinical undergraduate samples Journal Articles
Safety and Tolerability of Varenicline Tartrate (Champix®/Chantix®) for Smoking Cessation in HIV-Infected Subjects: A Pilot Open-Label Study Journal Articles
Selective and Nonselective Transfer: Positive and Negative Priming in a Multiple-Task Environment. Journal Articles
Self-portrayal concerns and their relation to safety behaviors and negative affect in social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Sexual function and affect in parkinsonian men treated with L-dopa Journal Articles
Sleep, daily activity rhythms and postpartum mood: A longitudinal study across the perinatal period Journal Articles
Sliding into happiness: A new tool for measuring affective responses to words. Journal Articles
Social support and education groups for single mothers: a randomized controlled trial of a community-based program Journal Articles
Subjective Response to Alcohol Among Alcohol‐Dependent Individuals: Effects of the Mu‐Opioid Receptor (OPRM1) Gene and Alcoholism Severity Journal Articles
Subjective well-being amongst community-dwelling elders: what determines satisfaction with life? Findings from the Dublin Healthy Aging Study Journal Articles
Systematic implementation of an advance health care directive in the community. Journal Articles
Systematic review of the neural basis of social cognition in patients with mood disorders Journal Articles
Temperament and its Relationship to Autistic Symptoms in a High-Risk Infant Sib Cohort Journal Articles
The Development of a Clinical Rating Scale the McMaster Model of Family Functioning Journal Articles
The Edmonton Functional Assessment Tool: Further Development and Validation for Use in Palliative Care Journal Articles
The Effect of Group Psychosocial Support on Survival in Metastatic Breast Cancer Journal Articles
The Impact of Therapy on Quality of Life and Mood in Neuropathic Pain: What Is the Effect of Pain Reduction? Journal Articles
The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Task Force Report on Antidepressant Use in Bipolar Disorders Journal Articles
The Mood Rhythm Instrument: development and preliminary report Journal Articles
The Physical Health Questionnaire (PHQ): Construct Validation of a Self-Report Scale of Somatic Symptoms. Journal Articles
The bright side of being blue: Depression as an adaptation for analyzing complex problems. Journal Articles
The effect of psychological interventions on the prevention of chronic pain in adults: a systematic review protocol Journal Articles
The effects of acute aerobic exercise on mood and inflammation in individuals with multiple sclerosis and incomplete spinal cord injury Journal Articles
The identification of unipolar mania subtype based on anxiety comorbidity Journal Articles
The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development Journal Articles
The impact of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder on bipolar disorder patients Journal Articles
The influence of caregiver singing and background music on vocally expressed emotions and moods in dementia care Journal Articles
The lively challenges and opportunities of non-representational theory: A reply to Hanlon and Kearns Journal Articles
The perception of facial expressions by the three-month-old. Journal Articles
The potential use of biomarkers as an adjunctive tool for staging bipolar disorder Journal Articles
The role of Pavlovian processes in drug tolerance and dependence: Implications for treatment Journal Articles
The source dilemma hypothesis: Perceptual uncertainty contributes to musical emotion Journal Articles
The stress–response-dampening effects of placebo Journal Articles
The use of aftereffects in the study of relationships among emotion categories. Journal Articles
The ‘taking place’ of health and wellbeing: Towards non-representational theory Journal Articles
There is more to mental illness than negative affect: comprehensive temperament profiles in depression and generalized anxiety Journal Articles
Thought suppression and its effects on thought frequency, appraisal and mood state in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder Journal Articles
Three methods for minimally important difference: no relationship was found with the net proportion of patients improving Journal Articles
Toward a Computational Affective Neuroscience Journal Articles
Triggers for acute mood episodes in bipolar disorder: A systematic review Journal Articles
Uninterrupted Infant Sleep, Development, and Maternal Mood Journal Articles
Upbeat and happy: Arousal as an important factor in studying attention Journal Articles
Using acute tryptophan depletion to investigate predictors of treatment response in adolescents with major depressive disorder: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Val66Met polymorphism and serum brain‐derived neurotrophic factor in bipolar disorder: an open‐label trial Journal Articles
Validation of the English version of the Mood Rhythm Instrument Journal Articles
Variability and predictors of negative mood intensity in patients with borderline personality disorder and recurrent suicidal behavior: Multilevel analyses applied to experience sampling methodology. Journal Articles
White matter correlates of different aspects of facial affect recognition impairment following traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Written Disclosure in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Journal Articles
Youth with chronic health problems: how do they fare in main-stream mentoring programs? Journal Articles
iGen or shyGen? Generational Differences in Shyness Journal Articles
“PSA-itis”: Knowledge of Serum Prostate Specific Antigen and Other Causes of Anxiety in Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer Journal Articles