selected scholarly activity
- Climate Change and Land Use Pattern in Brazil. 443-472. 2020
- Chapter One Transportation where people leave: An introduction. Advances in Transport Policy and Planning. 1-14. 2018
- Transportation where people leave: An introduction. Advances in Transport Policy and Planning. 1-14. 2018
- Access and social complexity: Identifying and managing access requirements across social groups and across the world. 190-217. 2016
- Clustering and Co-occurrence of Cancer Types: A Comparison of Techniques with an Application to Pediatric Cancer in Murcia, Spain. 47-67. 2015
- Micro-geography of segregation: evidence from historical US census data. 91-110. 2014
- Local Weighting Matrices or the Necessity of Flexibility. Advances in Spatial Science. 193-212. 2012
- Mobility Without Accessibility: The Case of Car Use and Discretionary Activities. 89-105. 2011
- Geographically Weighted Regression. 461-486. 2010
- Progress in Spatial Analysis: Introduction. Advances in Spatial Science. 1-13. 2010
- Topology, Dependency Tests and Estimation Bias in Network Autoregressive Models. Advances in Spatial Science. 29-57. 2010
- Geographically Weighted Regression. 407-414. 2009
- Geographically-Weighted Regression. 75-81. 2009
- Safety and tolerability of long-term albumin treatment in patients with decompensated cirrhosis. Journal of Hepatology. S231-S231. 2024
- Exploring the diversity of informal settlements in Brazil: a clustering approach to qualitative field survey data. Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics. 63-73. 2022
- Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Simulation of Subcutaneous and Intravenous IgG Dosing in Primary Immunodeficiency Patients. Journal of Clinical Immunology. S35-S35. 2020
- Spatio-Temporal Progress Estimation for Highway Construction. COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. 541-548. 2013
- Nonstationary Spatial Interpolation Method for Urban Model Development. Transportation Research Record. 103-111. 2006
- Local Analysis of Spatial Relationships: A Comparison of GWR and the Expansion Method. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 162-172. 2005
- Discrete Choice Model with Structuralized Spatial Effects for Location Analysis. Transportation Research Record. 183-190. 2004
- Spatial economic externalities and coordinated land use-transportation planning. URBAN TRANSPORTATION AND ENVIRONMENT. 649-655. 2000
journal articles
- 2024 JGS Best Paper Award and the Editors' Choice Paper Volume 27(1). Journal of Geographical Systems. 27:1-4. 2025
- Traffic danger's potential impact on children's accessibility. Transportation Research. 135. 2024
- A geo-referenced micro-data set of real estate listings for Spain’s three largest cities. Environment and planning. B: Urban analytics and city science. 51:1369-1379. 2024
- Exploring modal shift in non-active sustainable transport modes during the first wave of COVID-19 in Bangladesh. Multimodal Transportation. 3:100130-100130. 2024
- What's a School Worth to a Neighborhood? A Spatial Hedonic Analysis of Property Prices in the Context of Accommodation Reviews in Ontario. Geographical Analysis. 56:217-243. 2024
- Socio-economic and demographic differences in the impact of COVID-19 on personal travel in the Global South. Transport Reviews. 44:272-298. 2024
- Framing active school travel in Ontario, or how spinach is good for you. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 180:103953-103953. 2024
- "Where Do Children Go?": Exploring Children's Daily Destinations With Children, Parents, and Experts. Urban Planning. 9. 2024
- 2023 JGS best paper award and the editors’ choice paper volume 26(1). Journal of Geographical Systems. 26:1-5. 2024
- Multimodal spatial availability: A singly-constrained measure of accessibility considering multiple modes. PLoS ONE. 19:e0299077-e0299077. 2024
- Using machine learning to identify spatial market segments. A reproducible study of major Spanish markets. Environment and planning. B: Urban analytics and city science. 51:89-108. 2024
- Hägerstrand meets big data: time-geography in the age of mobility analytics. Journal of Geographical Systems. 25:327-336. 2023
- Identifying Urban and Socio-Environmental Patterns of Brazilian Amazonian Cities by Remote Sensing and Machine Learning. Remote Sensing. 15:3102-3102. 2023
- Well-being implications of immobility during COVID-19: evidence from a student sample in Bangladesh using the satisfaction with life scale. Transportation. 51:1-31. 2023
- TTS2016R: A data set to study population and employment patterns from the 2016 Transportation Tomorrow Survey in the Greater Golden Horseshoe area, Ontario, Canada. Environment and planning. B: Urban analytics and city science. 50:556-563. 2023
- 2022 JGS best paper award and the editors’ choice paper volume 25(1). Journal of Geographical Systems. 25:1-4. 2023
- Introducing spatial availability, a singly-constrained measure of competitive accessibility. PLoS ONE. 18:e0278468-e0278468. 2023
- Mobility of older adults and the living environment: Introduction. Journal of Transport Geography. 106:103525-103525. 2023
- State-of-the-Art and Framework for Identifying Urban Patterns by Remote Sensing Data. Revista Brasileira de Cartografia. 75. 2023
- Reproducibility of Research During COVID‐19: Examining the Case of Population Density and the Basic Reproductive Rate from the Perspective of Spatial Analysis. Geographical Analysis. 54:860-880. 2022
- Children’s Access to Non-School Destinations by Active or Independent Travel: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19:12345-12345. 2022
- Perceived barriers to the movement of goods in Canada: A grounded theory investigation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 162:27-45. 2022
- Neuropsychological, neuropsychiatric, and quality‐of‐life assessments in Alzheimer's disease patients treated with plasma exchange with albumin replacement from the randomized AMBAR study. Alzheimer's and Dementia. 18:1314-1324. 2022
- Correlates of bicycling trip flows in Hamilton, Ontario: fastest, quietest, or balanced routes?. Transportation. 49:867-895. 2022
- Accessibility to primary care physicians: Comparing floating catchments with a utility-based approach. Journal of Transport Geography. 101:103356-103356. 2022
- Plasma exchange with albumin replacement and disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a pilot study. Neurological Sciences. 43:3211-3221. 2022
- Reliability of the Reflective Learning Framework for Assessing Higher-Order Thinking in Geography and Sustainability Courses. Journal of Geography. 121:18-33. 2022
- 2021 JGS best paper award and the editors’ choice paper volume 24(1). Journal of Geographical Systems. 24:1-4. 2022
- A spatial modeling approach to estimating bike share traffic volume from GPS data. Sustainable Cities and Society. 76:103401-103401. 2022
- Conventional Therapeutic Plasma Exchange Versus Low Volume Plasma Exchange in Chronic Pathologies: Potential Benefit in Alzheimer’s Disease. Clinical Medicine Insights: Blood Disorders. 16. 2022
- Efficacy and safety evaluation of Fanhdi®, a plasma‐derived factor VIII/ von Willebrand factor concentrate, in Von Willebrand's disease patients undergoing surgery or invasive procedures: A prospective clinical study. Haemophilia. 28:e23-e27. 2022
- Examining equity in accessibility to bike share: A balanced floating catchment area approach. Transportation Research. 102:103091-103091. 2022
- Changes in accessibility to emergency and community food services during COVID-19 and implications for low income populations in Hamilton, Ontario. Social Science and Medicine. 291:114442-114442. 2021
- The effect of politician denialist approach on COVID-19 cases and deaths. Economia. 22:214-224. 2021
- Built for active travel? Investigating the contextual effects of the built environment on transportation mode choice. Journal of Transport Geography. 96:103158-103158. 2021
- Open spatial sciences: an introduction. Journal of Geographical Systems. 23:467-476. 2021
- Using environmental audits and photo-journeys to compare objective attributes and bicyclists’ perceptions of bicycle routes. Journal of Transport and Health. 22:101092-101092. 2021
- “Going through a little bit of growing pains”: A qualitative study of the factors that influence the route choice of regular bicyclists in a developing cycling city. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 81:431-444. 2021
- A Spatio‐Temporal Analysis of the Environmental Correlates of COVID‐19 Incidence in Spain. Geographical Analysis. 53:397-421. 2021
- Exploring the determinants of older adults’ susceptibility to pedestrians’ incidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 155:106100-106100. 2021
- Do drivers dream of walking? An investigation of travel mode dissonance from the perspective of affective values. Journal of Transport and Health. 20:101015-101015. 2021
- Geographic access to COVID-19 healthcare in Brazil using a balanced float catchment area approach. Social Science and Medicine. 273:113773-113773. 2021
- Student perceptions of reflection and the acquisition of higher-order thinking skills in a university sustainability course. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 45:108-127. 2021
- 2020 JGS Best Paper Award and the Editors’ Choice Paper Volume 23(1). Journal of Geographical Systems. 23:1-6. 2021
- The Accessibility Implications of a Pilot COVID-19 Vaccination Program in Hamilton, Ontario. Transport Findings. 2021. 2021
- Toll roads vs. Public transportation: A study on the acceptance of congestion-calming measures in Madrid. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 142:319-342. 2020
- Spatial patterns of mortality in the United States: A spatial filtering approach. Insurance, Mathematics & Economics. 95:28-38. 2020
- How do the perceptions of neighborhood conditions impact active transportation? A study in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Transportation Research. 87:102525-102525. 2020
- A systematic assessment of the use of opponent variables, data subsetting and hierarchical specification in two-party crash severity analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 144:105666-105666. 2020
- Geographic access to COVID-19 healthcare in Brazil using a balanced float catchment area approach 2020
- Time, space, money, and social interaction: Using machine learning to classify people’s mobility strategies through four key dimensions. Travel Behaviour and Society. 20:1-11. 2020
- Ambient Population and Larceny-Theft: A Spatial Analysis Using Mobile Phone Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 9:342-342. 2020
- Betweenness-accessibility: Estimating impacts of accessibility on networks. Journal of Transport Geography. 84:102680-102680. 2020
- Advancing combination therapy for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions. 6:e12073. 2020
- Changes in Trip-making Frequency by Mode during COVID-19. Transport Findings. 2020. 2020
- Comparing distance, time, and metabolic energy cost functions for walking accessibility in infrastructure-poor regions. Journal of Transport Geography. 82:102564-102564. 2020
- Using Google Community Mobility Reports to investigate the incidence of COVID-19 in the United States. Transport Findings. 2020. 2020
- Welcome to a New Editor-in-Chief. Journal of Geographical Systems. 21:451-452. 2019
- Measuring relative non-motorized accessibility to retail activities. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 13:639-651. 2019
- Using Spatial Filters and Exploratory Data Analysis to Enhance Regression Models of Spatial Data. Geographical Analysis. 51:314-338. 2019
- Inducing non-orthogonal and non-linear decision boundaries in decision trees via interactive basis functions. Expert Systems With Applications. 122:183-206. 2019
- Individual and geographic variations in the propensity to travel by active modes in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Journal of Transport Geography. 76:103-113. 2019
- Demand and level of service inflation in Floating Catchment Area (FCA) methods. PLoS ONE. 14:e0218773-e0218773. 2019
- Development of a New Framework to Guide, Assess, and Evaluate Student Reflections in a University Sustainability Course. Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal. 7:55-77. 2019
- Built environment and violent crime: An environmental audit approach using Google Street View. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 66:83-95. 2017
- Spatial clustering of high‐tech manufacturing and knowledge‐intensive service firms in the Greater Toronto Area. Canadian Geographer. 61:240-252. 2017
- Vulnerability of nodes under controlled network topology and flow autocorrelation conditions. Journal of Transport Geography. 59:77-87. 2017
- Persistence of Crime Hot Spots: An Ordered Probit Analysis. Geographical Analysis. 49:3-22. 2017
- Accessibility to urban green spaces in Chilean cities using adaptive thresholds. Journal of Transport Geography. 57:227-240. 2016
- An investigation of the attributes of walkable environments from the perspective of seniors in Montreal. Journal of Transport Geography. 51:85-96. 2016
- A note on the SG(m) test. Journal of Geographical Systems. 18:87-96. 2016
- Social interactions in transportation: analyzing groups and spatial networks. Transportation. 42:723-731. 2015
- Travel behavior of low income older adults and implementation of an accessibility calculator. Journal of Transport and Health. 2:257-268. 2015
- Testing for Spatial Independence Using Similarity Relations. Geographical Analysis. 47:97-120. 2015
- Trip Generation of Seniors and the Geography of Walking in Montreal. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 47:957-976. 2015
- Temporal stability of model parameters in crime rate analysis: An empirical examination. Applied Geography. 58:141-152. 2015
- Gender and commuting time in São Paulo Metropolitan Region. Urban Studies. 52:298-313. 2015
- Location-Aware Scheduling and Control of Linear Projects: Introducing Space-Time Float Prisms. Journal of construction engineering and management. 141. 2015
- Compliance potential mapping: a tool to assess potential contributions of walking towards physical activity guidelines. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 14:511. 2014
- Building obesity in Canada: understanding the individual- and neighbourhood-level determinants using a multi-level approach. Geospatial health. 9:45-45. 2014
- Assessing social equity in distance based transit fares using a model of travel behavior. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 67:291-303. 2014
- A Bayesian approach to hedonic price analysis. Papers in Regional Science. 93:663-684. 2014
- Walking accessibility to urban parks by children: A case study of Montreal. Landscape and Urban Planning. 125:38-47. 2014
- Posttranslational Nitro-Glycative Modifications of Albumin in Alzheimer's Disease: Implications in Cytotoxicity and Amyloid-β Peptide Aggregation. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 40:643-657. 2014
- Developing a web-based accessibility calculator prototype for the Greater Montreal Area. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 58:103-115. 2013
- Exploring resource allocation and alternate clinic accessibility landscapes for improved blood donor turnout. Applied Geography. 45:89-97. 2013
- Driving out of choices: An investigation of transport modality in a university sample. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 57:37-46. 2013
- Development of an indicator to assess the spatial fit of discrete choice models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 56:217-233. 2013
- Jobs and the Single Parent: An Analysis of Accessibility to Employment in Toronto. Urban Geography. 34:815-842. 2013
- Using Synthetic Variables in Instrumental Variable Estimation of Spatial Series Models. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 45:2227-2242. 2013
- Mode choice of university students commuting to school and the role of active travel. Journal of Transport Geography. 31:132-142. 2013
- The social dimension of activity, travel and location choice behavior. Journal of Transport Geography. 31:212-215. 2013
- Mode use and trip length of seniors in Montreal. Journal of Transport Geography. 30:89-99. 2013
- Preoperative antithrombin supplementation in cardiac surgery: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 145:1393-1399. 2013
- Mapping travelers’ attitudes: does space matter?. Journal of Transport Geography. 26:117-125. 2013
- Infant mortality in Brazil, 1980-2000: A spatial panel data analysis. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 12:181. 2012
- Modeling isoexposure to transit users for market potential analysis. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 46:1517-1527. 2012
- A model-based approach to select case sites for walkability audits. Health & Place. 18:1323-1334. 2012
- Measuring accessibility: positive and normative implementations of various accessibility indicators. Journal of Transport Geography. 25:141-153. 2012
- Participation and desire: leisure activities among Canadian adults with disabilities. Transportation. 39:1055-1078. 2012
- Accessibility to transit, by transit, and mode share: application of a logistic model with spatial filters. Journal of Transport Geography. 24:198-205. 2012
- T-communities and Sense of Community in a University Town: Evidence from a Student Sample using a Spatial Ordered-response Model. Urban Studies. 49:1357-1376. 2012
- Explaining transport mode use of low-income persons for journey to work in urban areas: a case study of Ontario and Quebec. Transportmetrica. 8:157-179. 2012
- Investigating the Effects of Social Influence on the Choice to Telework. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 44:1016-1031. 2012
- Transportation infrastructure impacts on firm location: the effect of a new metro line in the suburbs of Madrid. Journal of Transport Geography. 22:236-250. 2012
- Urban Mobility and Social-Spatial Contact-Introduction. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 44:1011-1015. 2012
- Comparison of thematic maps using symbolic entropy. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS). 26:413-439. 2012
- Individual and contextual determinants of blood donation frequency with a focus on clinic accessibility: A case study of Toronto, Canada. Health & Place. 18:424-433. 2012
- Activity Spaces and the Measurement of Clustering and Exposure: A Case Study of Linguistic Groups in Montreal. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 44:315-332. 2012
- Forecasting Ontario's blood supply and demand. Transfusion. 52:366-374. 2012
- Measuring Ethnic Clustering and Exposure with theQStatistic: An Exploratory Analysis of Irish, Germans, and Yankees in 1880 Newark. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 102:84-102. 2012
- A Simulation-Based Study of Geographically Weighted Regression as a Method for Investigating Spatially Varying Relationships. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 43:2992-3010. 2011
- Neighborhood and Efficiency in Manufacturing in Brazilian Regions. International Regional Science Review. 34:397-418. 2011
- Geodemographic analysis and the identification of potential business partnerships enabled by transit smart cards. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 45:640-652. 2011
- Running to stay in place: the time-use implications of automobile oriented land-use and travel. Journal of Transport Geography. 19:782-793. 2011
- Transportation and social interactions. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 45:239-247. 2011
- Why do you care what other people think? A qualitative investigation of social influence and telecommuting. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 45:269-282. 2011
- A time-use investigation of shopping participation in three Canadian cities: is there evidence of social exclusion?. Transportation. 38:17-44. 2011
- Analysis of House Prices to Assess Economic Impacts of New Public Transport Infrastructure. Transportation Research Record. 2245:131-139. 2011
- Distance traveled in three Canadian cities: Spatial analysis from the perspective of vulnerable population segments. Journal of Transport Geography. 19:39-50. 2011
- Employment status and commute distance of Canadians with disabilities. Transportation. 37:931-952. 2010
- Testing for spatial association of qualitative data using symbolic dynamics. Journal of Geographical Systems. 12:281-309. 2010
- The mobility of older people – an introduction. Journal of Transport Geography. 18:591-595. 2010
- Transport policy and the provision of mobility options in an aging society: a case study of Ontario, Canada. Journal of Transport Geography. 18:649-661. 2010
- Enjoyment of commute: A comparison of different transportation modes. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 44:537-549. 2010
- Efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of intramuscular hepatitis B immune globulin, Igantibe®, for the prophylaxis of viral B hepatitis after liver transplantation. Digestive and Liver Disease. 42:509-514. 2010
- Relative Accessibility Deprivation Indicators for Urban Settings: Definitions and Application to Food Deserts in Montreal. Urban Studies. 47:1415-1438. 2010
- Trip generation of vulnerable populations in three Canadian cities: a spatial ordered probit approach. Transportation. 37:525-548. 2010
- Spatial analysis in Canada: introduction. Canadian Geographer. 54:1-3. 2010
- Accessibility to health care facilities in Montreal Island: an application of relative accessibility indicators from the perspective of senior and non-senior residents. International Journal of Health Geographics. 9:52-52. 2010
- Road accessibility and cohesion in lagging regions: Empirical evidence from Portugal based on spatial econometric models. Journal of Transport Geography. 18:125-132. 2010
- Estimating commercial property prices: an application of cokriging with housing prices as ancillary information. Journal of Geographical Systems. 11:407-425. 2009
- Geographical variations in the correlates of blood donor turnout rates: An investigation of Canadian metropolitan areas. International Journal of Health Geographics. 8:56. 2009
- Recent research in spatial real estate hedonic analysis. Journal of Geographical Systems. 11:311-316. 2009
- Spatial analysis of economic systems and land use change. Papers in Regional Science. 88:251-258. 2009
- IMPACT: An integrated GIS-based model for simulating the consequences of demographic changes and population ageing on transportation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 33:200-210. 2009
- My car, my friends, and me: a preliminary analysis of automobility and social activity participation. Journal of Transport Geography. 17:216-225. 2009
- A Demographic Model for Small Area Population Projections: An Application to the Census Metropolitan Area of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 41:964-979. 2009
- Topology and Dependency Tests in Spatial and Network Autoregressive Models. Geographical Analysis. 41:158-180. 2009
- New Insights into Senior Travel Behavior: The Canadian Experience. Growth and Change. 40:140-168. 2009
- Determinants of distance traveled with a focus on the elderly: a multilevel analysis in the Hamilton CMA, Canada. Journal of Transport Geography. 17:65-76. 2009
- A Discrete-Choice Approach to Modeling Social Influence on Individual Decision Making. Environment and planning. B: Urban analytics and city science. 35:1055-1069. 2008
- Social Networks, Choices, Mobility, and Travel. Environment and planning. B: Urban analytics and city science. 35:956-960. 2008
- Weight matrices for social influence analysis: An investigation of measurement errors and their effect on model identification and estimation quality. Social Networks. 30:309-317. 2008
- Moving Window Approaches for Hedonic Price Estimation: An Empirical Comparison of Modelling Techniques. Urban Studies. 45:1565-1581. 2008
- Simulation Framework for Analysis of Elderly Mobility Policies. Transportation Research Record. 2078:62-71. 2008
- Transport Policy in Aging Societies: An International Comparison and Implications for Canada. The Open Transportation Journal. 1:1-13. 2007
- A systematic investigation of cross-validation in GWR model estimation: empirical analysis and Monte Carlo simulations. Journal of Geographical Systems. 9:371-396. 2007
- Spatial perspectives on urban systems: developments and directions. Journal of Geographical Systems. 9:1-6. 2007
- Social Influence on Travel Behavior: A Simulation Example of the Decision to Telecommute. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 39:647-665. 2007
- Elderly Mobility: Demographic and Spatial Analysis of Trip Making in the Hamilton CMA, Canada. Urban Studies. 44:123-146. 2007
- Exploring contextual variations in land use and transport analysis using a probit model with geographical weights. Journal of Transport Geography. 14:167-176. 2006
- Nonstationary Spatial Interpolation Method for Urban Model Development. Transportation Research Record. 1977:103-111. 2006
- Travel behavior within Canada’s older population: a cohort analysis. Journal of Transport Geography. 13:340-351. 2005
- Anisotropic Variance Functions in Geographically Weighted Regression Models. Geographical Analysis. 36:299-314. 2004
- Network Accessibility and the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity in Eastern Asia. Urban Studies. 41:2211-2230. 2004
- Spatial statistics for urban analysis: A review of techniques with examples. GeoJournal. 61:53-67. 2004
- Anisotropic Variance Functions in Geographically Weighted Regression Models. Geographical Analysis. 36:299-314. 2004
- Sustainable Urban Transportation: Performance Indicators and Some Analytical Approaches. Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE. 128:184-209. 2002
- A General Framework for Estimation and Inference of Geographically Weighted Regression Models: 2. Spatial Association and Model Specification Tests. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 34:883-904. 2002
- A General Framework for Estimation and Inference of Geographically Weighted Regression Models: 1. Location-Specific Kernel Bandwidths and a Test for Locational Heterogeneity. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 34:733-754. 2002
- Spatial Association and Heterogeneity Issues in Land Price Models. Urban Studies. 38:1493-1508. 2001
- Spatial Association and Heterogeneity Issues in Land Price Models. Urban Studies. 38:1493-1508. 2001