selected scholarly activity
- Digital Media and the Dual Aspect of Adolescent Identity Development. 63-84. 2022
- A Survey of Dynamic Systems Methods for Developmental Psychopathology. 889-930. 2015
- Autonomous and Controlled Motivation in a Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing School-based and Computerized Depression Prevention Programs. 125-135. 2014
- Common and Unique Intervention Targets for Girls’ Aggression. 181-186. 2013
- Phases of Social–Emotional Development from Birth to School Age. 179-212. 2010
- A dynamic systems approach to understanding family and peer relationships: implications for effective interventions with aggressive youth. 216-224. 2007
- Peers and Adolescent Substance Use. 47-60. 2006
- The Family Ecology of Adolescence: A Dynamic Systems Perspective on Normative Development. 60-91. 2006
- Introduction: A New Approach to the Study of Emotional Development. 1-12. 2000
- The Self-Organization of Parent-Child Relations: Beyond Bidirectional Models. 267-297. 2000
- Self‐Organization of Cognition‐Emotion Interactions. 683-701. 1999
- A Survey of Dynamic Systems Methods for Developmental Psychopathology. 1-43.
- Developing and Testing ScrollQuest. Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. 213-221. 2017
- Exploring the Role of Self-efficacy in Biofeedback Video Games. Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. 453-461. 2017
- Games for the Assessment and Treatment of Mental Health. Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. 673-678. 2017
- DEEP. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1989-1997. 2016
- Designing and Utilizing Biofeedback Games for Emotion Regulation. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1945-1951. 2016
journal articles
- Effectiveness of applied and casual games for young people's mental health: A systematic review of randomised controlled studies. Clinical Psychology Review. 108:102396-102396. 2024
- Heterogeneity in some relationships between social media use and emerging adults’ affective wellbeing. Current Psychology. 42:30277-30292. 2023
- A Game-Based School Program for Mental Health Literacy and Stigma on Depression (Moving Stories): Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mental Health. 9:e26615-e26615. 2022
- Visualization, Self-Efficacy, and Locus of Control in a Virtual Reality Biofeedback Video Game for Anxiety Regulation. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 25:360-368. 2022
- Deep-Breathing Biofeedback Trainability in a Virtual-Reality Action Game: A Single-Case Design Study With Police Trainers. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:806163. 2022
- Mechanisms of change in a go/no-go training game for young adult smokers.. Health Psychology. 40:998-1008. 2021
- A Game-based Assessment of the Effects of Rejection on Young Adults. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. 5:1-27. 2021
- Reductions of Anxiety Symptoms, State Anxiety, and Anxious Arousal in Youth Playing the Videogame MindLight Compared to Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Games for Health Journal. 10:330-338. 2021
- A randomized controlled trial assessing the efficacy of a virtual reality biofeedback video game: Anxiety outcomes and appraisal processes.. Technology, Mind, and Behavior. 2. 2021
- The Effect of Expectations on Experiences and Engagement with an Applied Game for Mental Health. Games for Health Journal. 10:207-219. 2021
- Insights about Screen-Use Conflict from Discussions between Mothers and Pre-Adolescents: A Thematic Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18:4686-4686. 2021
- Breathing Biofeedback for Police Officers in a Stressful Virtual Environment: Challenges and Opportunities. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:586553. 2021
- From Wellbeing to Social Media and Back: A Multi-Method Approach to Assessing the Bi-Directional Relationship Between Wellbeing and Social Media Use. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:789302. 2021
- Effects of the video game ‘Mindlight’ on anxiety of children with an autism spectrum disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 68:101548-101548. 2020
- Mental Health Outcomes of an Applied Game for Children with Elevated Anxiety Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Non-inferiority Trial. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 29:2169-2185. 2020
- The role of motivation to change and mindsets in a game promoted for mental health. Entertainment Computing. 35:100371-100371. 2020
- An Integrative Model for the Effectiveness of Biofeedback Interventions for Anxiety Regulation: Viewpoint. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 22:e14958-e14958. 2020
- Beyond Screen Time: Identity Development in the Digital Age. Psychological Inquiry. 31:195-223. 2020
- Young People’s Digital Interactions from a Narrative Identity Perspective: Implications for Mental Health and Wellbeing. Psychological Inquiry. 31:258-270. 2020
- Toward improved methods in social media research.. Technology, Mind, and Behavior. 1. 2020
- Efficacy of a Virtual Reality Biofeedback Game (DEEP) to Reduce Anxiety and Disruptive Classroom Behavior: Single-Case Study. JMIR Mental Health. 7:e16066-e16066. 2020
- A Stimulated Recall Method for the Improved Assessment of Quantity and Quality of Social Media Use. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 22:e15529-e15529. 2020
- Can a Commercial Video Game Prevent Depression? Null Results and Whole Sample Action Mechanisms in a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:575962. 2020
- A randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of a peer-based social mobile game intervention to reduce smoking in youth. Development and Psychopathology. 31:1923-1943. 2019
- Behavioral trainings and manipulations to reduce delay discounting: A systematic review. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 26:1803-1849. 2019
- Reducing the Noise of Reality. Psychological Inquiry. 30:203-210. 2019
- Do smokers devaluate smoking cues after go/no-go training?. Psychology and Health. 34:609-625. 2019
- A Game-Based School Program for Mental Health Literacy and Stigma Regarding Depression (Moving Stories): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols. 8:e11255-e11255. 2019
- Improving Methodological Standards in Behavioral Interventions for Cognitive Enhancement. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement. 3:2-29. 2019
- What keeps them motivated? Children’s views on an applied game for anxiety. Entertainment Computing. 29:69-74. 2019
- Use of the Principles of Design Thinking to Address Limitations of Digital Mental Health Interventions for Youth: Viewpoint. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 21:e11528-e11528. 2019
- Emotion regulation in action: Use, selection, and success of emotion regulation in adolescents’ daily lives. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 43:1-11. 2019
- In-Game Play Behaviours during an Applied Video Game for Anxiety Prevention Predict Successful Intervention Outcomes. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 40:655-668. 2018
- When winning is losing: A randomized controlled trial testing a video game to train food-specific inhibitory control. Appetite. 129:143-154. 2018
- Investigating the impact of a health game on implicit attitudes towards food and food choice behaviour of young adults. Appetite. 128:294-302. 2018
- Linking Mother–Child Discrepancies to Behavioral Observations of Children’s Anxiety. Child and Youth Care Forum. 47:481-498. 2018
- Complex Pathways to Psychopathology. Psychological Inquiry. 29:145-150. 2018
- The impact of explicit mental health messages in video games on players’ motivation and affect. Computers in Human Behavior. 83:16-23. 2018
- Using a Videogame Intervention to Reduce Anxiety and Externalizing Problems among Youths in Residential Care: an Initial Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 40:344-354. 2018
- Emotion differentiation and its relation with emotional well-being in adolescents. Cognition and Emotion. 32:651-657. 2018
- Investigating the impact of a health game on implicit and explicit attitude towards food and food choice behaviour. Appetite. 123:465-465. 2018
- A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err on the side of caution. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 7:1-9. 2018
- Preventing Childhood Anxiety Disorders: Is an Applied Game as Effective as a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Based Program?. Prevention Science. 19:220-232. 2018
- The role of trauma in the hormonal interplay of cortisol, testosterone, and oxytocin in adolescent aggression. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 88:24-37. 2018
- Explicit Mental Health Messaging Promotes Serious Video Game Selection in Youth With Elevated Mental Health Symptoms. Frontiers in Psychology. 9:1837. 2018
- Prevalence and Risk Factors of Anxiety in a Clinical Dutch Sample of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 9:50. 2018
- Measuring Anxiety in Children: The Importance of Separate Mother and Father Reports. Child and Youth Care Forum. 46:643-659. 2017
- User Statistics for an Online Health Game Targeted at Children. Games for Health Journal. 6:319-325. 2017
- A mathematical model of embodied consciousness. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 428:106-131. 2017
- Video Gaming and Children’s Psychosocial Wellbeing: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 46:884-897. 2017
- Measuring child personality when child personality was not measured: Application of a thin‐slice approach. Personality and Mental Health. 11:4-13. 2017
- Jealousy in adolescents' daily lives: How does it relate to interpersonal context and well‐being?. Journal of Adolescence. 54:18-31. 2017
- A neurofeedback video game (MindLight) to prevent anxiety in children: A randomized controlled trial. Computers in Human Behavior. 63:321-333. 2016
- Breaking Down the Coercive Cycle: How Parent and Child Risk Factors Influence Real-Time Variability in Parental Responses to Child Misbehavior. Parenting. 16:237-256. 2016
- A Feasibility Study on the Effectiveness of a Full-Body Videogame Intervention for Decreasing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms. Games for Health Journal. 5:258-269. 2016
- Maternal and Peer Regulation of Adolescent Emotion: Associations with Depressive Symptoms. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. 44:963-974. 2016
- A randomized controlled trial comparing two cognitive-behavioral programs for adolescent girls with subclinical depression: A school-based program (Op Volle Kracht) and a computerized program (SPARX). Behaviour Research and Therapy. 80:33-42. 2016
- Does Mother–Child Interaction Mediate the Relation Between Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Children’s Mental Health Problems?. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 25:1257-1268. 2016
- Associations Between Interpersonal Relationships and Negative Affect in Adolescents. Swiss Journal of Psychology. 75:71-79. 2016
- A Randomized Controlled Trial to Test the Effectiveness of an Immersive 3D Video Game for Anxiety Prevention among Adolescents. PLoS ONE. 11:e0147763-e0147763. 2016
- Executive function in children with externalizing and comorbid internalizing behavior problems. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 57:30-38. 2016
- Dyadic Attunement and Physiological Synchrony During Mother-Child Interactions: An Exploratory Study in Children With and Without Externalizing Behavior Problems. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 37:624-633. 2015
- The effect of the video game Mindlight on anxiety symptoms in children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. BMC Psychiatry. 15:138. 2015
- A Pilot Study Evaluating “Dojo,” a Videogame Intervention for Youths with Externalizing and Anxiety Problems. Games for Health Journal. 4:401-408. 2015
- Videospellen: de positieve effecten. Kind en adolescent. 36:1-22. 2015
- Maternal regulation of child affect in externalizing and typically-developing children.. Journal of Family Psychology. 29:10-19. 2015
- Neural Rhythms of Change: Long-Term Improvement after Successful Treatment in Children with Disruptive Behavior Problems. Neural Plasticity. 2015:1-11. 2015
- The role of anxiety in the development, maintenance, and treatment of childhood aggression. Development and Psychopathology. 26:1515-1530. 2014
- Associations Between Children's Video Game Playing and Psychosocial Health: Information from Both Parent and Child Reports. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 17:639-643. 2014
- Stressful Gaming, Interoceptive Awareness, and Emotion Regulation Tendencies: A Novel Approach. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 17:222-227. 2014
- The benefits of playing video games.. American Psychologist. 69:66-78. 2014
- The Relation Between Co-rumination, Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Child Psychopathology. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 35:335-345. 2013
- Drinking in a Micro-Perspective: The Role of Engagement in Imitation of Sips of Alcoholic Beverages. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. 4:226-238. 2013
- Does Stress Increase Imitation of Drinking Behavior? An Experimental Study in a (Semi‐)Naturalistic Context. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 37:477-483. 2013
- Effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) manualized program for clinically anxious children: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry. 12:16. 2012
- Maternal depression mediates the link between therapeutic alliance and improvements in adolescent externalizing behavior.. Journal of Family Psychology. 26:880-885. 2012
- Emotion regulation in children with behavior problems: Linking behavioral and brain processes. Development and Psychopathology. 24:1019-1029. 2012
- Implicit and explicit alcohol cognitions and observed alcohol consumption: three studies in (semi)naturalistic drinking settings. Addiction. 107:1420-1428. 2012
- A characteristic destabilization profile in parent-child interactions associated with treatment efficacy for aggressive children.. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences. 16:353-379. 2012
- Paternal involvement in Multisystemic Therapy: Effects on adolescent outcomes and maternal depression. Journal of Adolescence. 35:743-751. 2012
- The Strong Effect of Other People's Drinking: Two Experimental Observational Studies in a Real Bar. American Journal on Addictions. 21:168-175. 2012
- Understanding treatment effectiveness for aggressive youth: The importance of regulation in mother–child interactions.. Journal of Family Psychology. 26:66-75. 2012
- Magnitude and chronometry of neural mechanisms of emotion regulation in subtypes of aggressive children. Brain and Cognition. 77:159-169. 2011
- Neural Changes Associated with Treatment Outcome in Children with Externalizing Problems. Biological Psychiatry. 70:873-879. 2011
- The Role of Maternal Depression on Treatment Outcome for Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 33:178-186. 2011
- De invloed van het DRD4 VNTR polymorfisme op adaptatie aan andermans alcoholconsumptie Een onderzoek naar een genomgevinginteractie. Psychologie en Gezondheid. 39:5-11. 2011
- Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words? Classroom Attitudes and Behavior in Relation to Bullying in Early Adolescence. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. 39:789-799. 2010
- Imitation of Alcohol Consumption in Same-sex and Other-sex Dyads. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 45:557-562. 2010
- Initiation and continuation of best friends and adolescents’ alcohol consumption: Do self-esteem and self-control function as moderators?. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 34:406-416. 2010
- A Variable-Number-of-Tandem-Repeats Polymorphism in the Dopamine D4 Receptor Gene Affects Social Adaptation of Alcohol Use. Psychological Science. 21:1064-1068. 2010
- Peer influence in a micro-perspective: Imitation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Addictive Behaviors. 35:49-52. 2010
- Changes in maternal depression are associated with MST outcomes for adolescents with co‐occurring externalizing and internalizing problems. Journal of Adolescence. 32:1415-1423. 2009
- An Experimental Study on Imitation of Alcohol Consumption in Same-Sex Dyads. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 44:250-255. 2009
- Changes in the neural bases of emotion regulation associated with clinical improvement in children with behavior problems. Development and Psychopathology. 20:913-939. 2008
- A Dynamic Systems Analysis of Parent–child Changes Associated with Successful “Real-world” Interventions for Aggressive Children. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. 35:845-857. 2007
- Neurophysiological mechanisms of emotion regulation for subtypes of externalizing children. Development and Psychopathology. 19:455-480. 2007
- Behavioral Differences in Aggressive Children Linked with Neural Mechanisms of Emotion Regulation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1094:164-177. 2006
- Review of The Development and Treatment of Girlhood Aggression.. Canadian Psychology. 47:150-152. 2006
- Toward a comprehensive model of antisocial development: A dynamic systems approach.. Psychological review. 113:101-131. 2006
- Timing is everything: Developmental psychopathology from a dynamic systems perspective☆. Developmental Review. 25:386-407. 2005
- Rigidity in Parent–Child Interactions and the Development of Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior in Early Childhood. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. 32:595-607. 2004
- Dynamic systems methods for models of developmental psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology. 15:641-669. 2003
- Deviant Talk in Adolescent Friendships: A Step Toward Measuring a Pathogenic Attractor Process. Social Development. 12:314-334. 2003
- Longitudinal analysis of flexibility and reorganization in early adolescence: A dynamic systems study of family interactions.. Developmental Psychology. 39:606-617. 2003
- Pragmatism in modeling peer influence: Dynamics, outcomes, and change processes. Development and Psychopathology. 14:969-981. 2002
- Combining dynamic systems and multivariate analyses to compare the mother-child interactions of externalizing subtypes.. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. 30:265-283. 2002
- The self-organization of the Internet and changing modes of thought. New Ideas in Psychology. 18:93-107. 2000
- Who put the self in self-organization? A clarification of terms and concepts for developmental psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology. 11:365-374. 1999
- The relation between anger and antisocial beliefs in young offenders. Personality and Individual Differences. 24:759-765. 1998
- A Randomized Controlled Effectiveness Study Comparing Manualized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Treatment-As-Usual for Clinically Anxious Children. Journal of Clinical Trials. 7:1-9.
- Everyone does it—differently: A window into emerging adults’ smartphone use. Palgrave Communications. 8:177.
- Gaining a competitive edge: Longitudinal associations between children’s competitive video game playing, conduct problems, peer relations, and prosocial behavior.. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 8:76-87.
- Supplemental Material for A randomized controlled trial assessing the efficacy of a virtual reality biofeedback video game: Anxiety outcomes and appraisal processes.. Technology, Mind, and Behavior. 2.
- Preparing The Heart for Duty: Virtual Reality Biofeedback in an Arousing Action Game Improves in-action Voluntary Heart Rate Variability Control in Experienced Police 2024
- Deep-Breathing Biofeedback Trainability in a Virtual-Reality Action Game: A Single-Case Study with Police Trainers 2021
- A Stimulated Recall Method for the Improved Assessment of Quantity and Quality of Social Media Use (Preprint) 2019
- An Integrative Model for the Effectiveness of Biofeedback Interventions for Anxiety Regulation: Viewpoint (Preprint) 2019
- Use of the Principles of Design Thinking to Address Limitations of Digital Mental Health Interventions for Youth: Viewpoint (Preprint) 2018
- A Game-Based School Program for Mental Health Literacy and Stigma Regarding Depression (Moving Stories): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint) 2018