Vocabulary Service
subject area of
'Human Milk Oligosaccharide Concentrations Are Associated with Multiple Fixed and Modifiable Maternal Characteristics, Environmental Factors, and Feeding Practices Journal Articles
A Simple Model for Complex Dynamical Transitions in Epidemics Journal Articles
A Virulence and Antimicrobial Resistance DNA Microarray Detects a High Frequency of Virulence Genes in
Escherichia coli
Isolates from Great Lakes Recreational Waters Journal Articles
A century of transitions in New York City's measles dynamics Journal Articles
A comparative study of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) prophylaxis in premature infants within the Canadian Registry of Palivizumab (CARESS) Journal Articles
A descriptive analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution of enteric diseases in New Brunswick, Canada Journal Articles
A population based time series analysis of asthma hospitalisations in Ontario, Canada: 1988 to 2000. Journal Articles
A review of staphylococcal colonization and infection rates in a family-centred maternity unit 1979-89. Journal Articles
A system dynamics approach for regional environmental planning and management: A study for the Lake Erhai Basin Journal Articles
A test for seasonality of events with a variable population at risk. Journal Articles
Absence of detection of RSV and influenza during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Brazilian cohort: Likely role of lower transmission in the community Journal Articles
Accurately Assessing the Expected Impact of Universal First Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Season Immunization With Nirsevimab Against RSV-Related Outcomes and Costs Among All US Infants Journal Articles
Acute Rehabilitation Practices in Critically Ill Children Journal Articles
Age-Specific Incidence of Influenza A Responds to Change in Virus Subtype Dominance Journal Articles
Airborne lead and particulate levels in Semarang, Indonesia and potential health impacts Journal Articles
Allergen‐induced early and late asthmatic responses to inhaled seasonal and perennial allergens Journal Articles
An Open Trial of Light Therapy in Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Journal Articles
An evaluation of southeastern Ontario recreational water quality. Journal Articles
An experimental field evaluation of winter carryover effects in semi‐anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) Journal Articles
An investigation of microbial groundwater contamination seasonality and extreme weather event interruptions using "big data", time-series analyses, and unsupervised machine learning. Journal Articles
Annual and Seasonal Trends in Ambulatory Visits for Pediatric Concussion in Ontario between 2003 and 2013 Journal Articles
Antifreeze proteins from the shorthorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus scorpius: isolation and characterization. Journal Articles
Antigenic drift and epidemiological severity of seasonal influenza in Canada Journal Articles
Aquarium Nitrification Revisited: Thaumarchaeota Are the Dominant Ammonia Oxidizers in Freshwater Aquarium Biofilters Journal Articles
Are There Seasonal Patterns to Ruptured Aortic Aneurysms and Dissections of the Aorta? Journal Articles
Assessing recovery of in vitro steroid production in male rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) in response to municipal wastewater treatment plant infrastructure changes Journal Articles
Assessing temporal and spatial variation in sensitivity of communities of periphyton sampled from agroecosystem to, and ability to recover from, atrazine exposure Journal Articles
Assessing the toxicity and risk of salt-impacted winter road runoff to the early life stages of freshwater mussels in the Canadian province of Ontario Journal Articles
Assessing wild fish exposure to ligands for sex steroid receptors from pulp and paper mill effluents in the Biobio River Basin, Central Chile Journal Articles
Assessment of the potential of the rock gunnel (Pholis gunnellus) along the Atlantic coast of Canada as a species for monitoring the reproductive impacts of contaminant exposures Journal Articles
Association between polarity of first episode and solar insolation in bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Association between solar insolation and a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Association of Respiratory Viruses with Outcomes of Severe Childhood Pneumonia in Botswana Journal Articles
Association of circulating Chlamydia pneumoniaeDNA with cardiovascular disease: a systematic review Journal Articles
Asthma and increases in nonallergic bronchial responsiveness from seasonal pollen exposure Journal Articles
Asthma and the role of inflammation. Journal Articles
Asthma exacerbations {middle dot} 1: Epidemiology Journal Articles
Atmospheric remote sensing to detect effects of temperature inversions on sputum cell counts in airway diseases Journal Articles
Attenuation of the September Epidemic of Asthma Exacerbations in Children: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Montelukast Added to Usual Therapy Journal Articles
Bacteria, viruses, and parasites in an intermittent stream protected from and exposed to pasturing cattle: Prevalence, densities, and quantitative microbial risk assessment Journal Articles
Biochemical and histopathological effects in pearl dace (Margariscus margarita) chronically exposed to a synthetic estrogen in a whole lake experiment Journal Articles
Biochemical biomarkers in barnacles Balanus improvisus: Pollution and seasonal effects Journal Articles
Biochemical biomarkers in gills of mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae from three Brazilian estuaries Journal Articles
Biofilm Hydrous Manganese Oxyhydroxides and Metal Dynamics in Acid Rock Drainage Journal Articles
Biomarkers in croakers Micropogonias furnieri (Teleostei: Sciaenidae) from polluted and non-polluted areas from the Patos Lagoon estuary (Southern Brazil): Evidences of genotoxic and immunological effects Journal Articles
Biomarkers of exposure and effect in the Brazilian flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus (Teleostei: Paralichthyidae) from the Patos Lagoon estuary (Southern Brazil) Journal Articles
Biomass fuel use and the exposure of children to particulate air pollution in southern Nepal Journal Articles
Calendar Effects in the Analysis of Seasonal Data Journal Articles
Can routinely collected laboratory and health administrative data be used to assess influenza vaccine effectiveness? Assessing the validity of the Flu and Other Respiratory Viruses Research (FOREVER) Cohort Journal Articles
Changes in vegetation phenology are not reflected in atmospheric CO2 and 13C/12C seasonality Journal Articles
Chaos and complexity in measles models: A comparative numerical study Journal Articles
Characterization of Three Related Low-Temperature-Regulated cDNAs from Winter Brassica napus Journal Articles
Characterization of airborne mineral dusts associated with farming activities in rural Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
China’s Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions Estimated Using Surface Observations of Coemitted NO2 Journal Articles
Citizen Science: linking the recent rapid advances of plant flowering in Canada with climate variability Journal Articles
Cold-Active Winter Rye Glucanases with Ice-Binding Capacity Journal Articles
Combined research and clinical learning make rural summer studentship program a successful model Journal Articles
Comparative assessment of leaf photosynthetic capacity datasets for estimating terrestrial gross primary productivity Journal Articles
Comparing estimates of influenza-associated hospitalization and death among adults with congestive heart failure based on how influenza season is defined Journal Articles
Comparison of asymptomatic and symptomatic rhinovirus infections in university students: incidence, species diversity, and viral load Journal Articles
Comparison of topical nedocromil sodium and oral terfenadine for the treatment of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis Journal Articles
Consequences of nest site selection vary along a tidal gradient Journal Articles
Constant ambient temperature of 24°C significantly reduces FDG uptake by brown adipose tissue in children scanned during the winter Journal Articles
Contribution of immunoglobulin products in influencing seasonal influenza infection and severity in antibody immune deficiency patients receiving immunoglobulin replacement therapy. Journal Articles
Corticosteroid Therapy in Critical Illness due to Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza Journal Articles
Croup Hospitalizations in Ontario: A 14-Year Time-Series Analysis Journal Articles
Cryptic phenology in plants: Case studies, implications, and recommendations Journal Articles
DO IT Trial: vitamin D Outcomes and Interventions in Toddlers –a TARGet Kids! randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Detection of COPD Exacerbations and Compliance With Patient-Reported Daily Symptom Diaries Using a Smartphone-Based Information System Journal Articles
Determinants of Influenza Mortality Trends: Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Influenza Mortality in the United States, 1959–2016 Journal Articles
Determining optimal community protection strategies for the influenza vaccine Journal Articles
Developing multimetric indices for monitoring ecological restoration progress in salt marshes Journal Articles
Distribution and Characteristics of
Listeria monocytogenes
Isolates from Surface Waters of the South Nation River Watershed, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Diurnal, seasonal and interannual variability of carbon isotope discrimination at the canopy level in response to environmental factors in a boreal forest ecosystem Journal Articles
Divergent Hypoxia Tolerance in Adult Males and Females of the Plainfin Midshipman (Porichthys notatus) Journal Articles
Does consecutive influenza vaccination reduce protection against influenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Dominance of Plastic Emission in the High Arctic Aerosol in Light Spring. Journal Articles
Dynamical resonance can account for seasonality of influenza epidemics Journal Articles
Dynamically-downscaled probabilistic projections of precipitation changes: A Canadian case study Journal Articles
Effect of Brood Size Manipulation on Offspring Physiology: An Experiment with Passerine Birds Journal Articles
Effect of Gender, Age, and Severity of Asthma Attack on Patterns of Emergency Department Visits due to Asthma by Month and Day of the Week Journal Articles
Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D Supplementation on Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Symptom Severity in Healthy Children Journal Articles
Effect of brood size manipulation on offspring physiology: an experiment with passerine birds. Journal Articles
Effect of light on the growth of non-nitrogen-fixing and nitrogen-fixing phytoplankton in an aquatic system Journal Articles
Effect of seasonal influenza vaccination on influenza symptom severity among children in Hutterite communities: Follow‐up study of a randomized trial Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy Against Laboratory-Confirmed Seasonal Influenza Among Infants Under 6 Months of Age in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy Against Laboratory-Confirmed Seasonal Influenza Among Infants Under 6 Months of Age in Ontario, Canada. Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Live Attenuated vs Inactivated Influenza Vaccines in Children During the 2012-2013 Through 2015-2016 Influenza Seasons in Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Effects of School Closure on Incidence of Pandemic Influenza in Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Effects of freeze–thawing cycles on desorption behaviors of PAH-contaminated soil in the presence of a biosurfactant: a case study in western Canada Journal Articles
Effects of local climate and hydrological conditions on the thermal regime of a reservoir at Tropic of Cancer, in southern China Journal Articles
Effects of sodium chloride exposure on ion regulation in larvae (glochidia) of the freshwater mussel Lampsilis fasciola Journal Articles
Effects of the infectious period distribution on predicted transitions in childhood disease dynamics Journal Articles
Epidemiological effects of seasonal oscillations in birth rates Journal Articles
Epidemiology of asthma exacerbations Journal Articles
Evaluating the Impact of Statin Use on Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness and Influenza Infection in Older Adults Journal Articles
Evidence for a link between local and seasonal cycles in gene frequencies and latitudinal gene clines in a cyclic parthenogen Journal Articles
Evidence that translational control mechanisms operate to optimize antifreeze protein production in the winter flounder. Journal Articles
Exact significance levels for Hewitt's test for seasonality. Journal Articles
Exhaled carbon monoxide and its associations with smoking, indoor household air pollution and chronic respiratory diseases among 512 000 Chinese adults Journal Articles
Experimental evidence for within‐ and cross‐seasonal effects of fear on survival and reproduction Journal Articles
Factors Associated with Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration in Two Cohorts of Pregnant Women in Southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Factors affecting water strider (Hemiptera: Gerridae) mercury concentrations in lotic systems Journal Articles
Fall-Related Hospitalizations: What’s in Season? Journal Articles
Global change‐driven effects on dissolved organic matter composition: Implications for food webs of northern lakes Journal Articles
Global vegetation productivity response to climatic oscillations during the satellite era Journal Articles
Groundwater source contamination mechanisms: Physicochemical profile clustering, risk factor analysis and multivariate modelling Journal Articles
Growth Hormone and Cortisol Levels in the Annual Cycle of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Journal Articles
Guillain-Barré Syndrome After Influenza Vaccination in Adults Journal Articles
Herald waves of cholera in nineteenth century London Journal Articles
Hidden semi‐Markov models reveal multiphasic movement of the endangered Florida panther Journal Articles
Immunohistochemical Assessment of Melatonin Binding in the Pineal Gland Journal Articles
Impact of a peer comparison intervention on seasonal influenza vaccine uptake in community pharmacy: A national cluster randomized study Journal Articles
Impact of seasonal blood pressure changes on visit-to-visit blood pressure variability and related cardiovascular outcomes Journal Articles
Impact of sunlight on the age of onset of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Impacts of Chemical Degradation on the Global Budget of Atmospheric Levoglucosan and Its Use As a Biomass Burning Tracer Journal Articles
Impacts of temperature, morpholine, and chronic radiation on the embryonic development of round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum) Journal Articles
Impacts of wastewater treatment plants on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in summer and winter Journal Articles
Implications of seasonal priming and reproductive activity on the interpretation of Comet assay data derived from the clam, Tapes semidecussatus Reeves 1864, exposed to contaminated sediments Journal Articles
Improved estimates of global terrestrial photosynthesis using information on leaf chlorophyll content Journal Articles
Inactivated and live-attenuated seasonal influenza vaccines boost broadly neutralizing antibodies in children Journal Articles
Increased winter mortality from acute myocardial infarction and stroke: the effect of age Journal Articles
Inferring the causes of the three waves of the 1918 influenza pandemic in England and Wales Journal Articles
Influence of Season and Latitude in a Community Sample of Subjects with Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Influence of light exposure during early life on the age of onset of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Influenza Vaccination and Major Adverse Vascular Events in High-Risk Patients Journal Articles
Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Against All-Cause Mortality Following Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza in Older Adults, 2010–2011 to 2015–2016 Seasons in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Influenza and pneumonia hospitalizations in Ontario: a time-series analysis Journal Articles
Influenza vaccination in paediatric nurses: Cross-sectional study of coverage, refusal, and factors in acceptance Journal Articles
Influenza vaccine effectiveness against influenza-related hospitalization during a season with mixed outbreaks of four influenza viruses: a test-negative case-control study in adults in Canada Journal Articles
Influenza vaccine effectiveness to prevent influenza-related hospitalizations and serious outcomes in Canadian adults over the 2011/12 through 2013/14 influenza seasons: A pooled analysis from the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS Network) Journal Articles
Instantaneous-to-daily GPP upscaling schemes based on a coupled photosynthesis-stomatal conductance model: correcting the overestimation of GPP by directly using daily average meteorological inputs Journal Articles
Interannual variation in methane emissions from tropical wetlands triggered by repeated El Niño Southern Oscillation Journal Articles
Intercommunity and temporal variation of eleven essential and five toxic elements in human placentas from deliveries in thirteen arctic and sub-arctic areas of Russia and Norway Journal Articles
Interim estimates of 2013/14 influenza clinical severity and vaccine effectiveness in the prevention of laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalisation, Canada, February 2014 Journal Articles
Interim estimates of 2014/15 influenza vaccine effectiveness in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalisation from the Serious Outcomes Surveillance Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network, January 2015 Journal Articles
Interim estimates of 2014/15 influenza vaccine effectiveness in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalisation from the Serious Outcomes Surveillance Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network, January 2015 Journal Articles
Interval multistage joint-probabilistic integer programming approach for water resources allocation and management Journal Articles
Invariant predictions of epidemic patterns from radically different forms of seasonal forcing Journal Articles
Is there a clinically significant seasonal component to hospital admissions for atrial fibrillation? Journal Articles
Isoprene, Monoterpene, and Sesquiterpene Oxidation Products in the High Arctic Aerosols during Late Winter to Early Summer Journal Articles
Isotope hydrology of the intermontane Elk Valley, British Columbia: an assessment of water resources around coal mining operations Journal Articles
Isotopic biosignatures in carbonate‐rich, cyanobacteria‐dominated microbial mats of the Cariboo Plateau, B.C. Journal Articles
Kinetics of Serological Responses in Critically Ill Patients Hospitalized With 2009 Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1) Virus Infection in Canada, 2009–2011 Journal Articles
Large diurnal compensatory effects mitigate the response of Amazonian forests to atmospheric warming and drying Journal Articles
Latex allergy: epidemiological study of 1351 hospital workers. Journal Articles
Leaf chlorophyll content as a proxy for leaf photosynthetic capacity Journal Articles
Light therapy: does it play an important role in mental health? Journal Articles
Liver ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase and brain acetylcholinesterase in two freshwater fish species of South America; the effects of seasonal variability on study design for biomonitoring Journal Articles
Long-Term Monitoring of Waterborne Pathogens and Microbial Source Tracking Markers in Paired Agricultural Watersheds under Controlled and Conventional Tile Drainage Management Journal Articles
Longitudinal growth hormone studies in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Mapping context of sedentary behaviour in older adults who are prefrail and frail: an analysis of secondary outcomes from a longitudinal study (MAPS-B). Journal Articles
Mapping sedentary behaviour (MAPS-B) in winter and spring using wearable sensors, indoor positioning systems, and diaries in older adults who are pre-frail and frail: A feasibility longitudinal study Journal Articles
Mapping sex and gender differences in falls among older adults: A scoping review Journal Articles
Measuring waning protection from seasonal influenza vaccination during nine influenza seasons, Ontario, Canada, 2010/11 to 2018/19 Journal Articles
Melatonin and steroids in human pre-ovulatory follicular fluid: seasonal variations and granulosa cell steroid production Journal Articles
Melatonin receptor mRNA expression in human granulosa cells Journal Articles
Memory effects of climate and vegetation affecting net ecosystem CO2 fluxes in global forests Journal Articles
Microbial Engineering of Floc Fe and Trace Element Geochemistry in a Circumneutral, Remote Lake Journal Articles
Micro‐CT assessment of dental mineralization defects indicative of vitamin D deficiency in two 17th–19th century Dutch communities Journal Articles
Modeling the Interplay Between Seasonal Flu Outcomes and Individual Vaccination Decisions Journal Articles
Modeling the lagged and nonlinear effects of weather conditions on abundance of Culex tarsalis mosquitoes in Saskatchewan, Western Canada using a bi-dimensional distributed lag nonlinear model. Journal Articles
Molecular Markers of Secondary Organic Aerosol in Mumbai, India Journal Articles
Monthly intra-individual variation in lipids over a 1-year period in 22 normal subjects Journal Articles
Morphological alterations in the liver of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from a biological mercury hotspot Journal Articles
Mortality due to Influenza in the United States—An Annualized Regression Approach Using Multiple-Cause Mortality Data Journal Articles
Multibiomarker approach at different organization levels in the estuarine Perinereis gualpensis (Polychaeta; Nereididae) under chronic and acute pollution conditions Journal Articles
Municipal wastewater as an ecological trap: Effects on fish communities across seasons Journal Articles
Muscle remodeling in relation to blood supply: implications for seasonal changes in mitochondrial enzymes Journal Articles
Nasal polyps: Effects of seasonal allergen exposure Journal Articles
Natural and human factors influencing urban particulate matter concentrations in central heating areas with long-term wearable monitoring devices Journal Articles
Nedocromil sodium in golfers with seasonal allergic conjunctivitis Journal Articles
Objectively Measured Sedentary Time in Youth With Cerebral Palsy Compared With Age-, Sex-, and Season-Matched Youth Who Are Developing Typically: An Explorative Study Journal Articles
Organophosphate esters flame retardants in the indoor environment Journal Articles
Oxidative stress in Laeonereis acuta (Polychaeta, Nereididae): environmental and seasonal effects Conferences
Parameterizing state–space models for infectious disease dynamics by generalized profiling: measles in Ontario Journal Articles
Parental and neonatal risk factors for atopy, airway hyper-responsiveness, and asthma. Journal Articles
Patterns of seasonal and pandemic influenza-associated health care and mortality in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Patterns of spread of influenza A in Canada Journal Articles
Peak event analysis: a novel empirical method for the evaluation of elevated particulate events Journal Articles
Physical Activity Levels Are Low in Free‐Living Adults with Chronic Paraplegia Journal Articles
Plasma steroid hormone concentrations, aromatase activities and GSI in ranid frogs collected from agricultural and non-agricultural sites in Michigan (USA) Journal Articles
Populations at risk for severe or complicated influenza illness: systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Predicting West Nile virus transmission in North American bird communities using phylogenetic mixed effects models and eBird citizen science data Journal Articles
Predictors of influenza a molecular viral shedding in Hutterite communities Journal Articles
Prevalence of Asthma and Allergies and Risk of Relapse in Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome: Insight into Nephrotic Syndrome Cohort Journal Articles
Prevalence of Vitamin D Inadequacy in Athletes: A Systematic-Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Prevalence of winter migration to warmer destinations among Ontarians (“snowbirds”) and patterns of their use of health care services: a population-based analysis Journal Articles
Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices — United States, 2022–23 Influenza Season Journal Articles
Quantification of Urinary Sex Steroids in the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus). Conferences
Relationship between sunlight and the age of onset of bipolar disorder: An international multisite study Journal Articles
Repeated Seasonal Influenza Vaccination: How Much Is Too Much of a Good Thing? Journal Articles
Repeated systematic surveillance of Kawasaki disease in Ontario from 1995 to 2006 Conferences
Reproductive strategies and seasonal changes in the somatic indices of seven small-bodied fishes in Atlantic Canada in relation to study design for environmental effects monitoring Journal Articles
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prophylaxis in Immunocompromised Children Journal Articles
Responses of phenology to preseason drought and soil temperature for different land cover types on the Mongolian Plateau Journal Articles
Retrieving leaf area index for coniferous forest in Xingguo County, China with Landsat ETM+ images Journal Articles
Risk scoring tool to predict respiratory syncytial virus hospitalisation in premature infants Journal Articles
SafeSport: Perceptions of Harassment and Abuse From Elite Youth Athletes at the Winter Youth Olympic Games, Lausanne 2020 Journal Articles
Satellite chlorophyll fluorescence measurements reveal large‐scale decoupling of photosynthesis and greenness dynamics in boreal evergreen forests Journal Articles
Satellite detection of cumulative and lagged effects of drought on autumn leaf senescence over the Northern Hemisphere Journal Articles
Season of Birth and Dopamine Receptor Gene Associations with Impulsivity, Sensation Seeking and Reproductive Behaviors Journal Articles
Seasonal Distribution of Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Second National Registry of Myocardial Infarction 11The National Registry of Myocardial Infarction is supported by Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, California. Genentech, Inc. reimburses ClinTrials Research, Inc. for the cost of data analysis and biostatistical services. Journal Articles
Seasonal Leaching and Biodegradation of Dicamba in Turfgrass Journal Articles
Seasonal Trends in Adolescent Pregnancy Conception Rates Journal Articles
Seasonal Variation in Leisure-time Physical Activity Among Canadians Journal Articles
Seasonal and environmental variation in volatile emissions of the New Zealand native plant Leptospermum scoparium in weed-invaded and non-invaded sites Journal Articles
Seasonal and geographic variations in the incidence of asthma exacerbations in the United States Journal Articles
Seasonal and interannual risks of dengue introduction from South-East Asia into China, 2005-2015 Journal Articles
Seasonal bed closures in an intensive care unit: A qualitative study Journal Articles
Seasonal distribution and demographical characteristics of carpal tunnel syndrome in 1039 patients Journal Articles
Seasonal exposure of fish to neurotoxic pesticides in an intensive agricultural catchment, Uma‐oya, Sri Lanka: Linking contamination and acetylcholinesterase inhibition Journal Articles
Seasonal exposures to triazine and other pesticides in surface waters in the western Highveld corn-production region in South Africa Journal Articles
Seasonal influenza vaccination campaigns for health care personnel: systematic review Journal Articles
Seasonal influenza vaccines: Variability of immune responses to B lineage viruses. Journal Articles
Seasonal plasticity in telencephalon mass of a benthic fish Journal Articles
Seasonal relationships among indicator bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, Cryptosporidium oocysts, Giardia cysts, and hydrological indices for surface waters within an agricultural landscape Journal Articles
Seasonal transfer and quantification of urinary estradiol in the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) Journal Articles
Seasonal variability of forest sensitivity to heat and drought stresses: A synthesis based on carbon fluxes from North American forest ecosystems Journal Articles
Seasonal variation in admissions of psychiatric patients and its relation to seasonal variation in their births. Journal Articles
Seasonal variation in baseline and maximum whole-body glucocorticoid concentrations in a small-bodied stream fish independent of habitat quality Journal Articles
Seasonal variation in hospital encounters with hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia Journal Articles
Seasonal variation in the canopy color of temperate evergreen conifer forests Journal Articles
Seasonal variation in the effect of constant ambient temperature of 24°C in reducing FDG uptake by brown adipose tissue in children Journal Articles
Seasonal variation in the relationship between leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthetic capacity Journal Articles
Seasonal variations in prolactin levels in Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Seasonal variations in the prevalence ofCryptococcus neoformansvar.grubiiandCryptococcus gattiiin decayed wood inside trunk hollows of diverse tree species in north-western India: a retrospective study Journal Articles
Seasonality and circadian preference in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: clinical and neuropsychological correlates Journal Articles
Seasonality in a community sample of bipolar, unipolar and control subjects Journal Articles
Seasonality of Mania: a Reappraisal Journal Articles
Seasonality of SIDS in Canada. Journal Articles
Seasonality of conception in hutterite colonies of Europe (1758–1881) and North America (1858–1964) Journal Articles
Seasonality of primary care utilization for respiratory diseases in Ontario: A time-series analysis Journal Articles
Seasonality of service provision in hip and knee surgery: A possible contributor to waiting times? A time series analysis Journal Articles
Seasonality of sodium and potassium consumption in Switzerland. Data from three cross-sectional, population-based studies Journal Articles
Seasonally variable effects of conspecific odors upon capture of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus gambelii) Journal Articles
Secondary Production of Organic Aerosols from Biogenic VOCs over Mt. Fuji, Japan Journal Articles
Serum leptin concentration during the terrestrial phase of the Southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina (Carnivora: Phocidae) Journal Articles
Sex steroid regulation of brain glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) mRNA is season-dependent and sexually dimorphic in the goldfish Carassius auratus Journal Articles
Simplicity within complexity: Seasonality and predictability of hospital admissions in the province of Ontario 1988–2001, a population-based analysis Journal Articles
Size‐Dependent Consequences of Exogenous Cortisol Manipulation on Overwinter Survival and Condition of Largemouth Bass Journal Articles
Skin-type Antifreeze Protein from the Shorthorn Sculpin,Myoxocephalus scorpius Journal Articles
Smoking, season, and detection of chlamydia pneumoniaeDNA in clinically stable COPD patients Journal Articles
Sodium cromoglycate eye drops: Regular versus “as needed” use in the treatment of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis Journal Articles
Solar insolation in springtime influences age of onset of bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Spatial and Temporal Drivers of Zoonotic Pathogen Contamination of an Agricultural Watershed Journal Articles
Spatial heterogeneity, nonlinear dynamics and chaos in infectious diseases Journal Articles
Strategies for Reducing the Risk of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Infants and Young Children: A Canadian Nurses’ Perspective Journal Articles
Structural studies on the freezing-point-depressing protein of the winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus Journal Articles
Summer Season and Recommended Vitamin D Intake Support Adequate Vitamin D Status throughout Pregnancy in Healthy Canadian Women and Their Newborns Journal Articles
Supplementation of fexofenadine therapy with nedocromil sodium 2% ophthalmic solution to treat ocular symptoms of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis Journal Articles
Tackling the Tibetan Plateau in a down suit: insights into thermoregulation by bar-headed geese during migration Journal Articles
Telemetry-Determined Habitat Use Informs Multi-Species Habitat Management in an Urban Harbour Journal Articles
Temporal analysis of acute myocardial infarction in Ontario, Canada. Journal Articles
Temporal neural networks for downscaling climate variability and extremes Journal Articles
Temporal trends and determinants of longitudinal change in 25-hydroxyvitamin D and parathyroid hormone levels Journal Articles
Temporal-Spatial changes of monthly vegetation growth and their driving forces in the ancient Yellow river irrigation system, China Journal Articles
Ten‐week exposure to treated sewage discharge has relatively minor, variable effects on reproductive behavior and sperm production in goldfish Journal Articles
Terrestrial lipid biomarkers in marine aerosols over the western North Pacific during 1990–1993 and 2006–2009 Journal Articles
Testosterone and estradiol concentrations in serum, velvet skin, and growing antler bone of male white-tailed deer Journal Articles
The 2 °C global warming effect on summer European tourism through different indices Journal Articles
The Back to School asthma study: the effect of montelukast on asthma burden when initiated prophylactically at the start of the school year Journal Articles
The Christmas Season as a Risk Factor for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations Journal Articles
The Impact of Prior Season Vaccination on Subsequent Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness to Prevent Influenza-related Hospitalizations Over 4 Influenza Seasons in Canada Journal Articles
The Impact of Weather Factors, Moon Phases, and Seasons on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Rupture Journal Articles
The Importance of Frailty in the Assessment of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Against Influenza-Related Hospitalization in Elderly People Journal Articles
The Limitations of Point of Care Testing for Pandemic Influenza: What Clinicians and Public Health Professionals Need to Know Journal Articles
The Risk of a Mosquito-Borne Infectionin a Heterogeneous Environment Journal Articles
The Seasonality of Total Hospitalizations in Ontario by Age and Gender Journal Articles
The September epidemic of asthma exacerbations in children: A search for etiology Journal Articles
The September epidemic of asthma hospitalization: School children as disease vectors Journal Articles
The Similarities and Differences of Epidemic Cycles of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma Exacerbations Journal Articles
The association of outdoor temperature and self-reported Raynaud's phenomenon severity among people with systemic sclerosis: a Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network Cohort study. Journal Articles
The changing epidemiology of chickenpox in Alberta Journal Articles
The effect of social group size on feather corticosterone in the co-operatively breeding Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani): An assay validation and analysis of extreme social living Journal Articles
The effects of fluctuating temperature regimes on the embryonic development of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
The historical roots of high rates of infant death in Aboriginal communities in Canada in the early twentieth century: the case of Fisher River, Manitoba Journal Articles
The impact of airborne dust on respiratory health in children living in the Aral Sea region Journal Articles
The impact of repeated vaccination using 10-year vaccination history on protection against influenza in older adults: a test-negative design study across the 2010/11 to 2015/16 influenza seasons in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The paradox of extreme high-altitude migration in bar-headed geeseAnser indicus Journal Articles
The potential use of Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) for monitoring estuarine pollution Journal Articles
The power of a test for seasonality. Journal Articles
The role of conjugated linoleic acid in reducing body fat and preventing holiday weight gain Journal Articles
The seasonal distribution of immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura is influenced by geography: Epidemiologic findings from a multi‐center analysis of 719 disease episodes Journal Articles
The trans-Himalayan flights of bar-headed geese (
Anser indicus
) Journal Articles
Time series analysis of age related cataract hospitalizations and phacoemulsification Journal Articles
Toward quantifying the effectiveness of water trading under uncertainty Journal Articles
Towards a more accurate quantitative assessment of seasonal Cryptosporidium infection risks in surface waters using species and genotype information Journal Articles
Toxicity of Nitrogenous Compounds to Juveniles of Flatfish Paralichthys orbignyanus Journal Articles
Tracking the phenology of photosynthesis using carotenoid‐sensitive and near‐infrared reflectance vegetation indices in a temperate evergreen and mixed deciduous forest Journal Articles
Transients and attractors in epidemics Journal Articles
Treatment Effect of the Tree Pollen SLIT-Tablet on Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis During Oak Pollen Season Journal Articles
Tryptophan Treatment and Melatonin Response in a Patient with Journal Articles
Tundra ecosystems observed to be CO2sources due to differential amplification of the carbon cycle Journal Articles
Understanding changes over time in workers' compensation claim rates using time series analytical techniques Journal Articles
Understanding the September asthma epidemic Journal Articles
Use of the Atlantic nut clam (Nucula proxima) and catworm (Nephtys incisa) in a sentinel species approach for monitoring the health of Bay of Fundy estuaries Journal Articles
Using stable isotope analysis with telemetry or mark-recapture data to identify fish movement and foraging Journal Articles
Vaccine Effectiveness of non-adjuvanted and adjuvanted trivalent inactivated influenza vaccines in the prevention of influenza-related hospitalization in older adults: A pooled analysis from the Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) Journal Articles
Varicella-zoster infection in adult cancer patients. A population study Journal Articles
Vitamin D deficiency and biochemical variations among urban Saudi adolescent girls according to season Journal Articles
Wastewater Surveillance to Confirm Differences in Influenza A Infection between Michigan, USA, and Ontario, Canada, September 2022-March 2023. Journal Articles
Wastewater-based surveillance identifies start to the pediatric respiratory syncytial virus season in two cities in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
When, Where and How Osteoporosis-Associated Fractures Occur: An Analysis from the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW) Journal Articles
Which healthcare workers work with acute respiratory illness? Evidence from Canadian acute-care hospitals during 4 influenza seasons: 2010–2011 to 2013–2014 Journal Articles