Primary Health Care
Vocabulary Service
subject area of
"There's Rural, and Then There's Rural": Advice from Nurses Providing Primary Healthcare in Northern Remote Communities Journal Articles
171 Primary health care use and health care accessibility among adolescents in the United Arab Emirates Journal Articles
A 26-week, prospective, open-label, uncontrolled, multicenter study to evaluate the effect of an escalating-dose regimen of trandolapril on change in blood pressure in treatment-naive and concurrently treated adult hypertensive subjects (TRAIL) Journal Articles
A Clinical Decision Support System for Chronic Pain Management in Primary Care: Usability testing and its relevance Journal Articles
A Comparison of Methods for Capturing Patient Preferences for Delivery of Mental Health Services to Low-Income Hispanics Engaged in Primary Care Journal Articles
A Controlled Trial of the Impact of the Family Practice Nurse on Volume, Quality, and Cost of Rural Health Services Journal Articles
A Decade of Dementia Care Training: Learning Needs of Primary Care Clinicians Journal Articles
A Medical Care Information System: Evaluation of Changing Patterns of Primary Care Journal Articles
A One-Year Economic Evaluation of Six Alternative Strategies for the Management of Uninvestigated Upper Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Canadian Primary Care Journal Articles
A Positive Association Between Dietary Intake of Higher Cow's Milk-Fat Percentage and Non−High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Young Children Journal Articles
A Primary Care Provider’s Guide to Diet and Nutrition After Spinal Cord Injury Journal Articles
A Primary Care Provider’s Guide to Management of Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction and Urinary Tract Infection After Spinal Cord Injury Journal Articles
A Primary Care Provider’s Guide to Pain After Spinal Cord Injury: Screening and Management Journal Articles
A Primary Care Provider’s Guide to Preventive Health After Spinal Cord Injury Journal Articles
A Win–Win for Sport and Exercise Medicine and Primary Care: A Qualitative Case Study of the Added Competence Model in Canada Journal Articles
A cohort study found the RAND-12 and Health Utilities Index Mark 3 demonstrated construct validity in high-risk primary care patients Journal Articles
A comparison of the assessment and management of cardiometabolic risk in patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus in Canadian primary care Journal Articles
A meta‐analysis of ethnic differences in pathways to care at the first episode of psychosis Journal Articles
A national surveillance project on chronic kidney disease management in Canadian primary care: a study protocol Journal Articles
A novel primary-specialist care collaborative demonstration project to improve the access and health care of medically complex patients Journal Articles
A patient-oriented approach to the development of a primary care physical activity screen for embedding into electronic medical records Journal Articles
A population-based analysis of incentive payments to primary care physicians for the care of patients with complex disease Journal Articles
A population-based approach to integrated healthcare delivery: a scoping review of clinical care and public health collaboration Journal Articles
A pragmatic randomized controlled trial of group transdiagnostic cognitive-behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders in primary care: study protocol Journal Articles
A pragmatic single-blind randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of the use of leukotriene receptor antagonists in primary care at steps 2 and 3 of the national asthma guidelines (ELEVATE study). Journal Articles
A pre-implementation examination of barriers and facilitators of an electronic prospective surveillance model for cancer rehabilitation: a qualitative study Journal Articles
A primary care cardiovascular risk reduction clinic in Canada was more effective and no more expensive than usual on-demand primary care - a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
A protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial using the Health Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality (Health TAPESTRY) platform approach to promote person-focused primary healthcare for older adults Journal Articles
A randomised controlled trial assessing the use of citalopram, sertraline, fluoxetine and mirtazapine in preventing relapse in primary care patients who are taking long-term maintenance antidepressants (ANTLER: ANTidepressants to prevent reLapse in dEpRession): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
A randomized controlled trial of a pharmacist consultation program for family physicians and their elderly patients. Conferences
A retrospective observational study of osteoporosis management after a fragility fracture in primary care Journal Articles
A scoping literature review of collaboration between primary care and public health Journal Articles
A scoping review of the role of primary care providers and primary care-based interventions in the treatment of pediatric eating disorders Journal Articles
A survivorship care plan for breast cancer survivors: extended results of a randomized clinical trial Journal Articles
A “Patient Preference” Model of Recruitment for Research from Primary-Care-Based Memory Clinics: A Promising New Approach Journal Articles
Absence of Disparities in the Quality of Primary Diabetes Care for South Asians and Chinese in an Urban Canadian Setting Journal Articles
Access to Primary Care for Persons Recently Released From Prison Journal Articles
Access to a regular primary care physician among young people with early psychosis in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Access to primary care in adults in a provincial correctional facility in Ontario Journal Articles
Accessibility and use of primary healthcare for immigrants living in the Niagara Region Journal Articles
Acid-Suppressive Therapy With Esomeprazole for Relief of Unexplained Chest Pain in Primary Care: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Acting on climate change for a healthier future Journal Articles
Acute Care Use for Ambulatory Care–Sensitive Conditions in High-Cost Users of Medical Care with Mental Illness and Addictions Journal Articles
Adapting Our SCOPE: Lessons Learned from Spreading and Scaling Efforts to Integrate Care Journal Articles
Addressing quadruple aims through primary care and public health collaboration: ten Canadian case studies Journal Articles
Advance care planning conversations in primary care: a quality improvement project using the Serious Illness Care Program Journal Articles
Advance care planning: Let's start sooner. Journal Articles
Advance directives: survey of primary care patients. Journal Articles
Advanced Care Planning for Persons With Dementia in Primary Care: Attitudes and Barriers Among Health-Care Professionals Journal Articles
Advancing primary and community care for persons with spinal cord injury: Key findings from a Canadian summit Journal Articles
After-hours services in capitation-funded primary care practice: use and satisfaction. Journal Articles
Alternative funding and delivery models Journal Articles
Amoxicillin oral provocation challenge in a primary care clinic: a descriptive analysis Journal Articles
An Assessment of How Nurse Practitioners Create Access to Primary Care in Canadian Residential Long-Term Care Settings Journal Articles
An Innovative Approach to Recruiting Participants for Dementia Research: Primary Care and Researcher Perspectives Journal Articles
An Interdisciplinary Memory Clinic Journal Articles
An administrative data validation study of the accuracy of algorithms for identifying rheumatoid arthritis: the influence of the reference standard on algorithm performance Journal Articles
An explorative study of factors contributing to the job satisfaction of primary care midwives Journal Articles
An institutional ethnography of chronic pain management in family medicine (COPE) study protocol Journal Articles
An integrated primary care workforce planning toolkit at the regional level (part 1): qualitative tools compiled for decision-makers in Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
An integrated primary care workforce planning toolkit at the regional level (part 2): quantitative tools compiled for decision-makers in Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
An international perspective on the basis for payment for performance. Journal Articles
An updated overview of clinical guidelines for the management of non-specific low back pain in primary care Journal Articles
Antibiotics in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal Articles
Antidepressant medication to prevent depression relapse in primary care: the ANTLER RCT Journal Articles
Applying knowledge translation tools to inform policy: the case of mental health in Lebanon Journal Articles
Approach to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in primary care. Journal Articles
Approach to the detection and management of chronic kidney disease: What primary care providers need to know. Journal Articles
Approach to traumatic hand injuries for primary care physicians. Journal Articles
Appropriate Use of Short-Course Antibiotics in Common Infections: Best Practice Advice From the American College of Physicians. Journal Articles
Are Older Cancer Patients Being Referred to Oncologists? A Mail Questionnaire of Ontario Primary Care Practitioners to Evaluate Their Referral Patterns Conferences
Are family physician visits and continuity of care associated with acute care use at end-of-life? A population-based cohort study of homecare cancer patients Journal Articles
Ask not what your REB can do for you; ask what you can do for your REB. Journal Articles
Assessing Primary Care Trainee Comfort in the Diagnosis and Management of Thermal Injuries. Conferences
Assessing Unperceived Learning Needs in Continuing Medical Education for Primary Care Physicians: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Assessing care models implemented in primary healthcare for persons with dementia: a mixed-methods study protocol Journal Articles
Assessing the Effect of Quality-Improvement Strategies for Organization of Care in Type 2 Diabetes Outcomes in Adults: Aim-Strait Journal Articles
Assessment of the role of the family practice nurse in urban medical practices. Journal Articles
Association between frailty, chronic conditions and socioeconomic status in community-dwelling older adults attending primary care: a cross-sectional study using practice-based research network data Journal Articles
Association of Patient, Prescriber, and Region With the Initiation of First Prescription of Biologic Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug Among Older Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Identical Health Insurance Coverage Journal Articles
Association of Primary Care Involvement with Death or Hospitalizations for Patients Starting Dialysis Journal Articles
Association of a Heart Failure Management Incentive in Primary Care With Clinical Outcomes: A Retrospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Association of care specialty with anticoagulant prescription and clinical outcomes in newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation: Results from the GARFIELD-AF registry. Journal Articles
Associations between continuity of primary and specialty physician care and use of hospital-based care among community-dwelling older adults with complex care needs Journal Articles
Asthma Management Guidelines: The issue of implementation Journal Articles
Attachment to primary care and team-based primary care: Retrospective cohort study of people who experienced imprisonment in Ontario. Journal Articles
Autonomic dysreflexia: recognizing a common serious condition in patients with spinal cord injury. Journal Articles
Availability and Primary Health Care Orientation of Dementia-Related Services in Rural Saskatchewan, Canada Journal Articles
Back to Back: Adherence to evidence-based guidelines is the key to improved health outcomes for general practice patients: No Journal Articles
Barriers and enablers to implementing interprofessional primary care teams: a narrative review of the literature using the consolidated framework for implementation research Journal Articles
Barriers and facilitators to implementation of essential health benefits package within primary health care settings in low-income and middle-income countries: A systematic review Journal Articles
Barriers and facilitators to implementing Decision Boxes in primary healthcare teams to facilitate shared decisionmaking: a study protocol Journal Articles
Barriers to and enablers of advance care planning with patients in primary care: survey of health care providers Journal Articles
Barriers to implementing the “2008 Mexican Clinical Practice Guideline recommendations for the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis” in primary healthcare practice Journal Articles
Best Practices for Smoking Cessation Interventions in Primary Care Journal Articles
Big ideas Journal Articles
Big ideas Journal Articles
Blended capitation and incentives: Fee codes inside and outside the capitated basket Journal Articles
Blood pressure control rates with an antihypertensive regimen including trandolapril in a canadian usual-care setting Journal Articles
Blood pressure self-monitoring in pharmacies. Building on existing resources. Journal Articles
Breast reconstruction: Updated overview for primary care physicians. Journal Articles
Brief Interventions for Cannabis Use in Healthcare Settings: Systematic Review and Meta-analyses of Randomized Trials Journal Articles
Brokering for the primary healthcare needs of recent immigrant families in Atlantic, Canada Journal Articles
Building Primary Care Capacity in Palliative Care: Proceedings of an Interprofessional Workshop Journal Articles
Building bridges: the World Organization of Family Doctors’ work in education Journal Articles
Building capacity for dementia care: training program to develop primary care memory clinics. Journal Articles
Building capacity for palliative care delivery in primary care settings Journal Articles
Burden of dysthymia and comorbid illness in adults in a Canadian primary care setting: high rates of psychiatric illness in the offspring Journal Articles
Can A Community Evidence-based Asthma Care Program Improve Clinical Outcomes? Journal Articles
Can a GP be a generalist and a specialist? Stakeholders views on a respiratory General Practitioner with a special interest service in the UK Journal Articles
Can an Educational Program Optimize PDE5i Therapy? A Study of Canadian Primary Care Practices Journal Articles
Canadian Adult Asthma Update 2008 Key Messages: A Focus on Translating Knowledge into Action in Primary Care Journal Articles
Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds: First Nations Cohort Study Rationale and Design Journal Articles
Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonized National Guideline Endeavour (C-CHANGE) guideline for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in primary care: 2022 update Journal Articles
Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonized National Guidelines Endeavour (C-CHANGE) guideline for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in primary care: 2018 update Journal Articles
Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) in Primary Care: A Profile of Practice Journal Articles
Capacity building and mentorship among pan-Canadian early career researchers in community-based primary health care Journal Articles
Capacity building to address antimicrobial resistance in remote Australia: The inaugural HOT NORTH Antimicrobial Academy Journal Articles
Capacity development among academic trainees in community-based primary health care research: The Aging, Community and Health Research Unit Experience Journal Articles
Capitation and Primary Care in Canada: Financial Incentives and the Evolution of Health Service Organizations Journal Articles
Care-seeking experiences of unattached patients in the Canadian health care system Journal Articles
Career in family medicine. Journal Articles
Career plans of primary care midwives in the Netherlands and their intentions to leave the current job Journal Articles
Case management in primary care for frequent users of healthcare services with chronic diseases and complex care needs: an implementation and realist evaluation protocol Journal Articles
Challenges and practical solutions for managing secondary genomic findings in primary care Journal Articles
Chaperone use during intimate examinations in primary care: postal survey of family physicians Journal Articles
Characteristics of Patients Who Leave Emergency Departments without Being Seen Journal Articles
Characteristics of family physicians with additional training or focused practices in caring for older adults: Population-based retrospective cohort study. Journal Articles
Characteristics of medical students who choose primary care as a career: the McMaster experience. Journal Articles
Chronic Disease Management for Depression in Primary Care: A Summary of the Current Literature and Implications for Practice Journal Articles
Citizen perspectives on the use of publicly reported primary care performance information: Results from citizen‐patient dialogues in three Canadian provinces Journal Articles
Clinical Manifestations. Journal Articles
Clinical and economic consequences of dyspepsia in the community Conferences
Clinical inertia in patients with T2DM requiring insulin in family practice. Journal Articles
Clinical utility of cancer family history collection in primary care. Journal Articles
Cluster randomized controlled trial of a simple warfarin maintenance dosing algorithm versus usual care among primary care practices Journal Articles
Co-developing an integrated primary care workforce planning approach at a regional level: overarching framework and guiding principles Journal Articles
Collaboration of midwives in primary care midwifery practices with other maternity care providers Journal Articles
Collaborative Practice in Health Systems Change: The Nova Scotia Experience with the Strengthening Primary Care Initiative Journal Articles
Collaborative practice in a global health context: Common themes from developed and developing countries Journal Articles
Collection and use of cancer family history in primary care. Journal Articles
ColonCancerCheck Primary Care Invitation Pilot project: family physician perceptions. Journal Articles
ColonCancerCheck primary care invitation pilot project: patient perceptions. Journal Articles
Colorectal and Breast Cancer Screening Status for People in Ontario Provincial Correctional Facilities Journal Articles
Combining alcohol interventions with tobacco addictions treatment in primary care—the COMBAT study: a pragmatic cluster randomized trial Journal Articles
Combining volunteers and primary care teamwork to support health goals and needs of older adults: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Common care practices among effective community-based specialist palliative care teams: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Common mental disorders within chronic inflammatory disorders: a primary care database prospective investigation Journal Articles
Communication Accommodation and Managing Musculoskeletal Disorders: Doctors' and Patients' Perspectives Journal Articles
Community acquired pneumonia Journal Articles
Comorbidity Burden and Health Services Use in Community-Living Older Adults with Diabetes Mellitus: A Retrospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Comorbidity in Very Old Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Journal Articles
Comparing short form and RAND physical and mental health summary scores: Results from total hip arthroplasty and high-risk primary-care patients Journal Articles
Comparing the Attainment of the Patient’s Medical Home Model across Regions in Three Canadian Provinces: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal Articles
Comparison of Access to Nurse Practitioners in Primary Healthcare across Three Team Structures Journal Articles
Competence trust among providers as fundamental to a culturally competent primary healthcare system for immigrant families Journal Articles
Computerized Cognitive Testing in Primary Care Journal Articles
Computerized clinical decision support systems for primary preventive care: A decision-maker-researcher partnership systematic review of effects on process of care and patient outcomes Journal Articles
Computerized clinical decision support to improve stroke prevention therapy in primary care management of atrial fibrillation: a cluster randomized trial Journal Articles
Concomitant pulmonologist and primary care for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a population study Journal Articles
Concordance between supervised and postal administration of the Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (MiniAQLQ) and Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) was very high Journal Articles
Confidential Survey Into Southwestern Ontario Suicide Journal Articles
Confidentiality Journal Articles
Confronting complexity and supporting transformation through health systems mapping: a case study Journal Articles
Conservative versus aggressive follow up of mildly abnormal Pap smears: Testing for process utility Journal Articles
Consolidation of primary care physicians and its impact on healthcare utilization Journal Articles
Consortium approach for nurse practitioner education Journal Articles
Consumer inclusion: Experience of patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities informs primary care. Journal Articles
Consumo de alcohol entre profesionales médicos de atención primaria Journal Articles
Contemporary practice patterns in the management of newly diagnosed hypertension. Journal Articles
Contextual factors influencing the implementation of innovations in community-based primary health care: the experience of 12 Canadian research teams Journal Articles
Continuing education for primary health care nurse practitioners in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Contributors to patient engagement in primary health care: perceptions of patients with obesity Journal Articles
Cost Effectiveness of a Survivorship Care Plan for Breast Cancer Survivors Journal Articles
Cost effectiveness of a systematic guidelines-based approach to the prevention and management of vascular disease in a primary care setting Journal Articles
Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Utility of Long-Term Management Strategies for Heartburn Journal Articles
Cost-Utility Analysis of Discontinuing Antidepressants in England Primary Care Patients Compared with Long-Term Maintenance: The ANTLER Study Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness analysis of health tapestry, a complex primary care program for older adults: a post-hoc analysis Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness of a shared computerized decision support system for diabetes linked to electronic medical records Journal Articles
Counsellors in Primary Care: Benefits and Lessons Learned Journal Articles
Crisis leadership behaviors in healthcare: survey validation and influence on staff outcomes in primary care clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Critical analysis of the evolution of a Canadian nurse practitioner role. Journal Articles
Cultivating a psychological health and safety culture for interprofessional primary care teams through a co-created evidence-informed toolkit Journal Articles
Cultural continuity and Inuit health in Arctic Canada Journal Articles
Current Weight Management Approaches Used by Primary Care Providers in Six Multidisciplinary Healthcare Settings in Ontario Journal Articles
DE!O'Donnell, P!Hernandez, A!Kaplan, et al.: Canadian Thoracic Society recommendations for management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -: 2008 update -: highlights for primary care.: Can Respir J 2008; 15 (Suppl A): 1A-8A Journal Articles
Data quality in electronic medical records in Manitoba: Do problem lists reflect chronic disease as defined by prescriptions? Journal Articles
Data quality of electronic medical records in Manitoba: do problem lists accurately reflect chronic disease billing diagnoses? Journal Articles
Deaths from heart failure in general practice: implications for palliative care Journal Articles
Debt Counselling for Depression in Primary Care: an adaptive randomised controlled pilot trial (DeCoDer study). Journal Articles
Defining the role of primary health care nurse practitioners in rural Nova Scotia. Journal Articles
Degenerative cervical myelopathy: Diagnosis and management in primary care. Journal Articles
Delphi consensus on core criteria set selecting among health-related outcome measures (HROM) in primary health care Journal Articles
Dementia Care Practice. Journal Articles
Demystifying spasticity in primary care. Journal Articles
Deprescribing antihyperglycemic agents in older persons: Evidence-based clinical practice guideline. Journal Articles
Deprescribing benzodiazepine receptor agonists: Evidence-based clinical practice guideline. Journal Articles
Deprescribing interventions in primary health care mapped to the Behaviour Change Wheel: A scoping review Journal Articles
Depression in the community dwelling elderly: Do clinical and sociodemographic factors influence referral to psychiatry? Journal Articles
Describing primary care patterns before and during the COVID-19 pandemic across Canada: a quasi-experimental pre–post design cohort study using national practice-based research network data Journal Articles
Design and rationale for a pragmatic cluster randomized trial of the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) for social housing residents in Ontario and Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Detecting and managing elder abuse: challenges in primary care. The Research Subcommittee of the Elder Abuse and Self-Neglect Task Force of Hamilton-Wentworth. Journal Articles
Determinants of masked hypertension in hypertensive patients treated in a primary care setting Journal Articles
Determining research knowledge infrastructure for healthcare systems: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Determining the impact of a new physiotherapist-led primary care model for back pain: protocol for a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Developing Memory Clinics in Primary Care: An Evidence-Based Interprofessional Program of Continuing Professional Development Journal Articles
Developing an Institute of Medicine–Aligned Framework for Categorizing Primary Care Indicators for Quality Assessment Journal Articles
Developing and user-testing Decision boxes to facilitate shared decision making in primary care - a study protocol Journal Articles
Developing the Patient Falls Risk Report: A Mixed-Methods Study on Sharing Falls-Related Clinical Information from Home Care with Primary Care Providers Journal Articles
Development and Implementation of Training for Interdisciplinary Research in Primary Health Care Journal Articles
Development of a program for improving interprofessional relationships through intentional conversations in primary care Journal Articles
Development of practice-based quality indicators for the primary care of older adults: a RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method study protocol Journal Articles
Development of two shortened systematic review formats for clinicians Journal Articles
Development, Testing, and Implementation of a Training Curriculum for
Nonphysician Health Workers to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Journal Articles
Diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and differentiation from asthma Journal Articles
Digital Rectal Examination for Prostate Cancer Screening in Primary Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Digital encounter decision aids linked to clinical practice guidelines: results from user testing SHARE-IT decision aids in primary care Journal Articles
Digitally mediated relationships: How social representation in technology influences the therapeutic relationship in primary care Journal Articles
Dipstick Proteinuria as a Screening Strategy to Identify Rapid Renal Decline Journal Articles
Disconnected relationships between primary care and community-based health and social services and system navigation for older adults: a qualitative descriptive study Journal Articles
Disease-specific education in the primary care setting increases the knowledge of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Do family health clinics provide primary-level palliative care in Ontario and the eastern regions of Quebec? Journal Articles
Doctor–patient interaction for irritable bowel syndrome in primary care Journal Articles
Does Primary Care Model Effect Healthcare at the End of Life? A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Does This Patient Have Generalized Anxiety or Panic Disorder? Journal Articles
Does capitation affect the delivery of oral healthcare and access to services? Evidence from a pilot contact in Northern Ireland Journal Articles
Does depression screening in primary care improve mental health outcomes? Journal Articles
Does the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) meet patients’ needs? A survey‐based study Journal Articles
Dyspepsia results may not apply in primary care Journal Articles
Early Identification and Incidence of Mild TBI in Ontario Journal Articles
Early Psychosis Intervention and Primary Care: A Mixed Methods Study of Family Physician Knowledge, Attitudes, Preferences, and Needs Journal Articles
Economists’ dream or nightmare? Maximizing health gains from available resources using the NICE guidelines Journal Articles
Effect of Access to After-Hours Primary Care on the Association Between Home Nursing Visits and Same-Day Emergency Department Use Journal Articles
Effect of Motor Control Exercises Versus Graded Activity in Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Effect of Primary Care‐Based Memory Clinics on Referrals to and Wait‐Time for Specialized Geriatric Services Journal Articles
Effect of Storage Temperature for B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Concentrations for Primary Healthcare Populations Journal Articles
Effect of a Legal Clinic Program Within an Urban Primary Health Care Center on Social Determinants of Health: A Program Evaluation Journal Articles
Effect of a structured diabetes education programme in primary care on hospitalizations and emergency department visits among people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus: results from the Patient Empowerment Programme Journal Articles
Effect of a training and educational intervention for physicians and caregivers on antibiotic prescribing for upper respiratory tract infections in children at primary care facilities in rural China: a cluster-randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Effect of an Interactive Website to Engage Patients in Advance Care Planning in Outpatient Settings Journal Articles
Effect of maternal depression and anxiety on use of health services for infants. Journal Articles
Effect of multimorbidity on health service utilisation and health care experiences Journal Articles
Effect of preventive primary care outreach on health related quality of life among older adults at risk of functional decline: randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Effect of provider and patient reminders, deployment of nurse practitioners, and financial incentives on cervical and breast cancer screening rates. Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Academic Detailing to Optimize Medication Prescribing Behaviour of Family Physicians Journal Articles
Effectiveness of a smartphone application to promote physical activity in primary care: the SMART MOVE randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Effectiveness of an Online Pediatric Primary Care Curriculum Journal Articles
Effectiveness of desloratadine 5 mg once daily in patients with symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis: Results of a Canadian multicenter, open-label trial Journal Articles
Effectiveness of interventions to prevent pre-frailty and frailty progression in older adults: a systematic review Journal Articles
Effectiveness of non-pharmacological strategies in the management of type 2 diabetes in primary care: a protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effectiveness of preventive primary care outreach interventions aimed at older people: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal Articles
Effectiveness of registered nurses on patient outcomes in primary care: a systematic review Journal Articles
Effectiveness of registered nurses on system outcomes in primary care: a systematic review Journal Articles
Effectiveness of the Diagnose-Intervene- Verify-Adjust (DIVA) model for integrated primary healthcare planning and performance improvement: an embedded mixed methods evaluation in Kaduna state, Nigeria Journal Articles
Eliciting Provider and Patient Perspectives on New Obesity Management Services in a Team-Based Primary Care Organization Journal Articles
Enabling Advance Care Planning in Dementia Care: A Primary Care Approach Journal Articles
Endurance, resistance and resilience in the South African health care system: case studies to demonstrate mechanisms of coping within a constrained system Journal Articles
Engagement with partners is a leading practice in health workforce planning: What health leaders need to know Journal Articles
Enhancing Dementia Care: A Primary Care–Based Memory Clinic Journal Articles
Enhancing care for individuals with mobility impairments: lessons learned in the implementation of a primary care-based mobility clinic. Journal Articles
Enhancing primary care for complex patients. Demonstration project using multidisciplinary teams. Journal Articles
Enhancing primary care for persons with spinal cord injury: More than improving physical accessibility Journal Articles
Ensuring the Success of Interprofessional Teams: Key Lessons Learned in Memory Clinics Journal Articles
Epidemiology and treatment of heart failure with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Canadian primary care Journal Articles
Estimating the Size of Family Practice Populations Journal Articles
Ethnic Diversity and Pathways to Care for a First Episode of Psychosis in Ontario Journal Articles
Evaluating interactive weekly mobile phone text messaging plus motivational interviewing for breastfeeding promotion among women living with HIV, giving normal birth at a primary healthcare facility in South Africa: a feasibility randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Evaluating the sub-national fidelity of national Initiatives in decentralized health systems: Integrated Primary Health Care Governance in Nigeria Journal Articles
Evaluation of a chronic disease management system for the treatment and management of diabetes in primary health care practices in Ontario: an observational study. Journal Articles
Evaluation of a mentorship program to support chronic kidney disease care. Journal Articles
Evaluation of evidence-based literature and formulation of recommendations for the clinical preventive guidelines for immigrants and refugees in Canada Journal Articles
Evaluation of innovations in nursing practice: report and discussion Journal Articles
Evaluation of primary care midwifery in the Netherlands: design and rationale of a dynamic cohort study (DELIVER) Journal Articles
Evidence-Based Recommendations for Short- and Long-Term Management of Uninvestigated Dyspepsia in Primary Care: An Update of the Canadian Dyspepsia Working Group (CanDys) Clinical Management Tool Journal Articles
Evidence-based well-baby care. Part 2: Education and advice section of the next generation of the Rourke Baby Record. Journal Articles
Evolution and 15-year effect of a pan-Canadian training program: Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research-Primary Health Care. Journal Articles
Evolving through multiple, co-existing pressures to change: a case study of self-organization in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada Journal Articles
Examining Interprofessional teams structures and processes in the implementation of a primary care intervention (Health TAPESTRY) for older adults using normalization process theory Journal Articles
Examining experiences and system impacts of publicly funded episodic virtual care: protocol for a cross-provincial mixed methods study. Journal Articles
Exclusion of deep vein thrombosis using the Wells rule in clinically important subgroups: individual patient data meta-analysis Journal Articles
Expanded role nurses: an education program in Newfoundland and Labrador. Journal Articles
Expanding the horizons of practice-based small-group learning: what are we learning? Journal Articles
Expanding the role of PAs in the treatment of severe and persistent mental illness Journal Articles
Experiences of integrating community volunteers as extensions of the primary care team to help support older adults at home: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Exploration of volunteers as health connectors within a multicomponent primary care‐based program supporting self‐management of diabetes and hypertension Journal Articles
Exploratory factor analysis and reliability of the Primary Health Care Engagement (PHCE) Scale in rural and remote nurses: findings from a national survey Journal Articles
Exploring health education with midwives, as perceived by pregnant women in primary care: A qualitative study in the Netherlands Journal Articles
Exploring patient demographic and clinical characteristics associated with lipid-lowering pharmacotherapy use in primary care Journal Articles
Exploring primary care providers’ understandings of body image in patient care Journal Articles
Exploring the implementation and delivery of primary care services for transgender individuals in Ontario: case study protocol Journal Articles
Exploring the perspectives of primary care providers on use of the electronic Patient Reported Outcomes tool to support goal-oriented care: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Exploring the roles and factors influencing community health workers’ performance in managing and referring severe acute malnutrition cases in two subdistricts in South Africa Journal Articles
Exploring the use and challenges of implementing virtual visits during COVID-19 in primary care and lessons for sustained use Journal Articles
Factors Enabling Advanced Practice Nursing Role Integration in Canada Journal Articles
Factors Enabling Shared Care with Primary Healthcare Providers in Community Settings: The experiences of Interdisciplinary Palliative Care Teams Journal Articles
Factors affecting nurse practitioner role implementation in Canadian practice settings: an integrative review Journal Articles
Factors contributing to the effectiveness of physical activity counselling in primary care: A realist systematic review Journal Articles
Factors influencing nurse practitioner panel size in team-based primary care: a qualitative case study Journal Articles
Family physicians' involvement and self-reported comfort and skill in care of children with behavioral and emotional problems: a population-based survey Journal Articles
Family physicians’ Perspectives On Memory Clinics in Primary Care Journal Articles
Family physicians’ moral distress when caring for patients experiencing social inequities: a critical narrative inquiry in primary care Journal Articles
Feasibility and Validity of the Self-administered Computerized Assessment of Mild Cognitive Impairment With Older Primary Care Patients Journal Articles
Fee-for-service payment and exemption from payment increased the probability of undergoing radiography in a primary care population Journal Articles
Feedback GAP: pragmatic, cluster-randomized trial of goal setting and action plans to increase the effectiveness of audit and feedback interventions in primary care Journal Articles
Feeling welcomed, time spent on appointment, and receiving information were associated with patient satisfaction in highly satisfied patients from a primary care setting Journal Articles
Fielding standardized patients in primary care settings: lessons from a study using unannounced standardized patients to assess preventive care practices Journal Articles
Flexible ngo-donor coordination in aid interventions to strengthen resilience: the case of Lebanon's primary healthcare system. Journal Articles
Focusing on Provider Quality Measurement: Continued Consensus and Feasibility Testing of Practice-Based Quality Measures for Primary Care Providers in Long-Term Care Journal Articles
Frailty prevalence and efficient screening in primary care-based memory clinics Journal Articles
Frailty screening in older adults: is annual screening necessary in primary care? Journal Articles
Frailty: Identifying elderly patients at high risk of poor outcomes. Journal Articles
Framework for Advancing Improvement in Primary Care Journal Articles
Frequency of risk factors that potentially increase harm from medications in older adults receiving primary care. Journal Articles
From ABCs to GRADE: Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care's new rating system for clinical practice guidelines. Journal Articles
From Around the World Journal Articles
Future Directions for Cost-effectiveness Analyses in Health and Medicine Journal Articles
GERIATRIC MEDICINE IN CANADA: Preparing Canadian Physicians for Health Care of Older Adults Journal Articles
General practitioners with a special interest in respiratory medicine: national survey of UK primary care organisations Journal Articles
Generalizability of results from the recent FDA-guided cardiovascular outcomes trials to a representative population with Type 2 Diabetes attending primary care clinics Journal Articles
Genetic education for primary care providers: improving attitudes, knowledge, and confidence. Journal Articles
Geriatrics, interprofessional practice, and interorganizational collaboration: a knowledge-to-practice intervention for primary care teams. Journal Articles
Getting a “SMART START” to gestational diabetes mellitus education: a mixed-methods pilot evaluation of a knowledge translation tool in primary care Journal Articles
Global primary care as an incubator for good ethical practice Journal Articles
Greater Mortality Risk Among Patients With Delayed Follow-up After Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Procedures Journal Articles
Group Interprofessional Chronic Pain Management in the Primary Care Setting: A Pilot Study of Feasibility and Effectiveness in a Family Health Team in Ontario Journal Articles
Guideline for opioid therapy and chronic noncancer pain Journal Articles
Guideline for referral of patients with suspected colorectal cancer by family physicians and other primary care providers. Journal Articles
Guideline for referral of patients with suspected lung cancer by family physicians and other primary care providers. Journal Articles
Guideline for referral of patients with suspected prostate cancer by family physicians and other primary care providers. Journal Articles
Guidelines for allergic rhinitis need to be used in primary care Journal Articles
HELP for behaviours that challenge in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal Articles
HIV Infection Status as a Predictor of Hepatitis C Virus RNA Testing in Primary Care Journal Articles
HRH dimensions of community health workers: a case study of rural Afghanistan Journal Articles
Health Care Utilization After a Visit to a Within-Group Family Physician vs a Walk-In Clinic Physician. Journal Articles
Health Care Utilization for Musculoskeletal Issues During the Prediagnosis Period in Psoriatic Arthritis: A Population‐Based Study Conferences
Health TAPESTRY: co-designing interprofessional primary care programs for older adults using the persona-scenario method Journal Articles
Health care charges: lessons from the U.K. Journal Articles
Health care utilization by people with HIV on release from provincial prison in Ontario, Canada in 2010: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Health policy and system support to optimise community health worker programmes: an abridged WHO guideline Journal Articles
Health-care providers’ perspectives on uncertainty generated by variant forms of newborn screening targets Journal Articles
Health-related quality of life and utilities in primary-care patients with generalized anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Healthcare providers’ perspectives on implementing a brief physical activity and diet intervention within a primary care smoking cessation program: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario (HSFO) high blood pressure strategy's hypertension management initiative study protocol Journal Articles
Helicobacter pylori Eradication for Functional Dyspepsia: What Are We Treating? Journal Articles
Helicobacter pylori eradication for functional dyspepsia: what are we treating?: comment on "Helicobacter pylori eradication in functional dyspepsia". Journal Articles
Helping primary care teams emerge through a quality improvement program Journal Articles
High sensitivity cardiac troponin testing Journal Articles
How Do Type 2 Diabetes Patients Value Urban Integrated Primary Care in China? Results of a Discrete Choice Experiment Journal Articles
How representative are clinical study patients with allergic rhinitis in primary care? Journal Articles
How to reduce the impact of cervical cancer worldwide: Gaps and priority areas identified through the essential cancer and primary care packages: An analysis of effective interventions Journal Articles
Hypertension in the Elderly Journal Articles
Hypertension, self-perceived health status and use of primary care services. Journal Articles
Hypocalcemia: updates in diagnosis and management for primary care. Journal Articles
Identification and Management of Patients at Elevated Cardiometabolic Risk in Canadian Primary Care: How Well Are We Doing? Journal Articles
Identifying adults at risk of COPD who need confirmatory spirometry in primary care: Do symptom-based questions help? Journal Articles
Identifying and managing adverse environmental health effects: 2. Outdoor air pollution. Journal Articles
Identifying frailty in primary care: A systematic review Journal Articles
Identifying patients with asthma in primary care electronic medical record systems Chart analysis-based electronic algorithm validation study. Journal Articles
Identifying strategies to support implementation of interprofessional primary care teams in Nova Scotia: Results of a survey and knowledge sharing event Journal Articles
Impact of Depression and Anxiety on the Quality of Life of Constipated Patients Journal Articles
Impact of Integrated Care Pathways Within the Framework of Collaborative Care on Older Adults With Anxiety, Depression, or Mild Cognitive Impairment Journal Articles
Impact of a centralized osteoporosis coordinator on post-fracture osteoporosis management: a cluster randomized trial Journal Articles
Impact of deprivation, dementia prevalence and regional demography on prescribing of antidementia drugs in England: A time trend analysis Journal Articles
Impact of patient partner co-design on survey development in primary care research Journal Articles
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Care and Clinical Parameters in a Primary Care Setting in Ontario, Canada: A Cross-sectional Study Journal Articles
Impact of the KidneyWise toolkit on chronic kidney disease referral practices in Ontario primary care: a prospective evaluation Journal Articles
Implementation and adaptation of a hub-based psychiatric and primary care program: A qualitative descriptive analysis of The Seamless Care Optimizing the Patient Experience (SCOPE) Mental Health program Journal Articles
Implementation and impact of an online tool used in primary care to improve access to financial benefits for patients: a study protocol Journal Articles
Implementation and maintenance of patient navigation programs linking primary care with community-based health and social services: a scoping literature review Journal Articles
Implementation of a new clinical and organisational practice to improve access to primary care services: a protocol for an effectiveness-implementation hybrid study Journal Articles
Implementation of the Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Role in Ontario Journal Articles
Implementation process and quality of a primary health care system improvement initiative in a decentralized context: A retrospective appraisal using the quality implementation framework Journal Articles
Implementation strategy for advanced practice nursing in primary health care in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Articles
Implementing leading practices in regional-level primary care workforce planning: Lessons learned in Toronto Journal Articles
Implementing palliative care education into primary care practice: a qualitative case study of the CAPACITI pilot program Journal Articles
Implementing without guidelines, learning at the coalface: a case study of health promoters in an era of community health workers in South Africa Journal Articles
Importancia de los profesionales de atención primaria en la educación sanitaria de la donación de órganos Journal Articles
Improving Health and Healthcare Access for People who Experience Imprisonment in Ontario Journal Articles
Improving Quality of Preventive Care at a Student-Run Free Clinic Journal Articles
Improving access to community support and services for persons living with dementia: Integration of home care services into primary care‐based memory clinics Journal Articles
Improving collaboration between primary care and mental health services Journal Articles
Improving dementia care: insights from audit and feedback in interdisciplinary primary care sites Journal Articles
Improving family medicine resident training in dementia care: An experiential learning opportunity in Primary Care Collaborative Memory Clinics Journal Articles
Improving primary care for persons with spinal cord injury: Development of a toolkit to guide care Journal Articles
Improving primary healthcare through accreditation: baseline assessment of readiness and challenges in lebanese context Journal Articles
Improving spine surgical access, appropriateness and efficiency in metropolitan, urban and rural settings Journal Articles
Improving the effectiveness of smoking cessation in primary care: lessons learned. Journal Articles
Improving the management of chronic kidney disease in primary care by enhancing laboratory reports with additional information and follow-up procedures. Journal Articles
Improving transition to adulthood for adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Proactive developmental and systems perspective. Journal Articles
Incentives and barriers to adopting the family doctor model in Hong Kong: an in-depth qualitative study of the views, knowledge, and attitudes of patients. Journal Articles
Increasing Patient Charges in the National Health Service: A Method of Privatizing Primary Care Journal Articles
Increasing interprofessional collaboration in community-based palliative care: a pilot study of the CAPACITI education program for primary care providers Journal Articles
Increasing palliative care capacity in primary care: study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial of the CAPACITI training program Journal Articles
Indigenous mothers’ experiences of using primary care in Hamilton, Ontario, for their infants Journal Articles
Individualized electronic decision support and reminders to improve diabetes care in the community: COMPETE II randomized trial Journal Articles
Inequities in access to primary care among opioid recipients in Ontario, Canada: A population-based cohort study Journal Articles
Infection biomarkers in primary care patients with acute respiratory tract infections–comparison of Procalcitonin and C-reactive protein Journal Articles
Infographic summaries for clinical practice guidelines: results from user testing of the BMJ Rapid Recommendations in primary care Journal Articles
Informed consent for uninsured services: a primary care perspective on the new childhood vaccines Journal Articles
Initiation and maintenance of cardiovascular medications following cardiovascular risk assessment in a large primary care cohort: PREDICT CVD-16 Journal Articles
Integrated model for mental health care. Are health care providers satisfied with it? Journal Articles
Integrating Community Services into Primary Care: Improving the Quality of Dementia Care Journal Articles
Integrating Mental Health Services Within Primary Care Settings Journal Articles
Integrating Primary Care Providers through the Seasons of Survivorship Journal Articles
Integrating a brief alcohol intervention with tobacco addiction treatment in primary care: qualitative study of health care practitioner perceptions Journal Articles
Integrating community paramedicine with primary health care: a qualitative study of community paramedic views Journal Articles
Integrating mental health services within primary care Journal Articles
Integrating nutrition services into primary care: Experience in Hamilton, Ont. Journal Articles
Integrating physiotherapists within primary health care teams: perspectives of family physicians and nurse practitioners Journal Articles
Interactive weekly mobile phone text messaging plus motivational interviewing in promotion of breastfeeding among women living with HIV in South Africa: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Primary Health Care Reform Journal Articles
Interdisciplinary collaboration and primary health care reform Statement from the Ontario Chairs of Family Medicine and the Council of Ontario University Programs in Nursing. Journal Articles
International health and Canadian family practice: relevant to me, is it? Journal Articles
Interprofessional dietary assessment practices in primary care: A mixed-methods study Journal Articles
Interventions for prevention and treatment of tobacco smoking in school-aged children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Interventions to Improve Medication Reconciliation in Primary Care Journal Articles
Interventions to address potentially inappropriate prescriptions and over-the-counter medication use among adults 65 years and older in primary care settings: protocol for a systematic review Journal Articles
Interventions to enhance self management support Journal Articles
Interventions to reduce unintended pregnancies among adolescents: systematic review of randomised controlled trials Journal Articles
Intrauterine Contraception: Knowledge and Prescribing Practices of Canadian Health Care Providers Journal Articles
Introducing supported self-management for depression to primary care in Vietnam: A feasibility study in preparation for a randomized controlled trial. Journal Articles
Introducing video recording in primary care midwifery for research purposes: Procedure, dataset, and use Journal Articles
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A 10-Yr Natural History of Symptoms and Factors That Influence Consultation Behavior Journal Articles
Is attending birth dying out? Trends in obstetric care provision among primary care physicians in British Columbia. Journal Articles
Is bias in the eye of the beholder? A vignette study to assess recognition of cognitive biases in clinical case workups Journal Articles
It takes a village: a realist synthesis of social pediatrics program Journal Articles
Key Lessons Learned in the Strategic Implementation of the Primary Care Collaborative Memory Clinic Model: A Tale of Two Regions Journal Articles
Key Lessons Learned in the Strategic Implementation of the Primary Care Collaborative Memory Clinic Model: A Tale of Two Regions Journal Articles
Large care gaps in primary care management of asthma: a longitudinal practice audit Journal Articles
Large vulvar skin tag removed in a primary care office setting Journal Articles
Latest Canadian Consensus Conference on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia: What’s in It for Primary Care? Journal Articles
Legacy Drug-Prescribing Patterns in Primary Care Journal Articles
Lessons learned from Integrated Management Program Advancing Community Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation (IMPACT-AF): a pragmatic clinical trial of computerized decision support in primary care Journal Articles
Letters to the Editor Journal Articles
Ligne directrice C-CHANGE pour l’harmonisation des lignes directrices nationales de prévention et de prise en charge des maladies cardiovasculaires en contexte de soins primaires au Canada: mise à jour 2022 Journal Articles
Lipid-lowering therapies for cardiovascular disease prevention and management in primary care Journal Articles
Listening is paramount when discussing sensitive topics with patients Journal Articles
Long term benzodiazepine use for insomnia in patients over the age of 60: discordance of patient and physician perceptions Journal Articles
Low-acuity emergency department use among patients in different primary care models in Hamilton and Ontario Journal Articles
Machine learning for identification of frailty in Canadian primary care practices Journal Articles
Maintenance or Discontinuation of Antidepressants in Primary Care Journal Articles
Management of anaphylaxis in primary care: Canadian expert consensus recommendations Journal Articles
Management of asthma exacerbation in adults – guidelines for primary care doctors Journal Articles
Management of bone health in patients with celiac disease: Practical guide for clinicians. Journal Articles
Managing dyspepsia without alarm signs in primary care: new national guidance for England and Wales Journal Articles
Managing hypertension in primary care. Journal Articles
Mapping primary and generalist palliative care: Taking a closer look at the base of the pyramid Journal Articles
Maternal cytomegalovirus infection prevention: The role of Dutch primary care midwives Journal Articles
Measurement of Physician Performance by Standardized Patients Journal Articles
Medical care delivery at the Inaugural Youth Olympic Games Singapore 2010 Journal Articles
Medical characteristics of the oldest old: retrospective chart review of patients aged 85+ in an academic primary care centre Journal Articles
Medication-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations among older adults. Journal Articles
Mental Health Practices of Ontario Family Physicians: A Study Using Qualitative Methodology Journal Articles
Mental health care and nutrition. Integrating specialist services into primary care. Journal Articles
Methods, strategies and technologies used to conduct a scoping literature review of collaboration between primary care and public health Journal Articles
Mild chronic kidney disease and functional impairment in community-dwelling older adults Journal Articles
Modelling the Cost Effectiveness of Antidepressant Treatment in Primary Care Journal Articles
Monitoring physical functioning as the sixth vital sign: evaluating patient and practice engagement in chronic illness care in a primary care setting--a quasi-experimental design Journal Articles
Mucopolysaccharidosis type II detection by Naïve Bayes Classifier: An example of patient classification for a rare disease using electronic medical records from the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network Journal Articles
Multidisciplinary care for opioid dose reduction in patients with chronic non-cancer pain: A systematic realist review Journal Articles
Multimorbidity, eHealth and implications for equity: a cross-sectional survey of patient perspectives on eHealth Journal Articles
National Competencies for Registered Nurses in Primary Care: A Delphi Study Journal Articles
National primary care responses to COVID-19: a rapid review of the literature Journal Articles
Navigation delivery models and roles of navigators in primary care: a scoping literature review Journal Articles
Needs-based primary medical care capitation: development and evaluation of alternative approaches. Journal Articles
Nephrology comanagement and the quality of antibiotic prescribing in primary care for patients with chronic kidney disease: a retrospective cross-sectional study Journal Articles
No improvement in disclosure of natural health product use to primary care medical doctors in the last 15 years: A survey of naturopathic patients Journal Articles
Not neutral: reimagining antiracism as a professional competence Journal Articles
Nurse Practitioner Role Implementation in Ontario Public Health Units Journal Articles
Nurse practitioners in primary care. V. Development of the utilization and financial index to measure effects of their deployment. Journal Articles
Nurse practitioners in primary care. VI. Assessment of their deployment with the Utilization and Financial Index. Journal Articles
Nurturing a culture of curiosity in family medicine and primary care Journal Articles
Nutrition care practices of primary care providers for weight management in multidisciplinary primary care settings in Ontario, Canada - a qualitative study Journal Articles
Obesity in adults: a clinical practice guideline Journal Articles
Obesity services planning framework for interprofessional primary care organizations Journal Articles
One EHR should not rule them all Journal Articles
Optimal Positioning of Occupational Therapy Journal Articles
Optimizing Cancer Survivorship Care: Examination of Factors Associated with Transition to Primary Care Journal Articles
Optimizing Electronic Consultation Between Primary Care Providers and Psychiatrists: Mixed-Methods Study Journal Articles
Optimizing Registered Nurse Roles in the Delivery of Cancer Survivorship Care within Primary Care Settings Journal Articles
Optimizing care in osteoporosis: The Canadian quality circle project Journal Articles
Optimizing continuity of care throughout incarceration: case and opportunities. Journal Articles
Optimizing medications in older adults with cognitive impairment: Considerations for primary care clinicians. Journal Articles
Optimizing primary care management of atrial fibrillation: The rationale and methods of the Integrated Management Program Advancing Community Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation (IMPACT-AF) study Journal Articles
Oral vitamin B12 therapy in the primary care setting: a qualitative and quantitative study of patient perspectives. Journal Articles
Organization of Diabetes Care Journal Articles
Organizational factors influencing successful primary care and public health collaboration Journal Articles
Osteoporosis prescribing trends in primary care: a population-based retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
PEER simplified chronic pain guideline Journal Articles
PEER simplified lipid guideline 2023 update Journal Articles
PSA implications and medical management of prostate cancer for the primary care physician. Journal Articles
Pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09: risk of infection in primary healthcare workers Journal Articles
Partnerships for improving dementia care in primary care: Extending access to primary care‐based memory clinics in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Patient Empowerment Programme in primary care reduced all‐cause mortality and cardiovascular diseases in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a population‐based propensity‐matched cohort study Journal Articles
Patient Preferences of a Low-Income Hispanic Population for Mental Health Services in Primary Care Journal Articles
Patient Views on Reminder Letters for Influenza Vaccinations in an Older Primary Care Patient Population Journal Articles
Patient and Physician Factors Associated with First Diagnosis of Non-affective Psychotic Disorder in Primary Care Journal Articles
Patient perspectives on primary care for multimorbidity: An integrative review Journal Articles
Patient-specific academic detailing for smoking cessation: feasibility study. Journal Articles
Patients living with disabilities: The need for high-quality primary care. Journal Articles
Patients report high information coordination between rostered primary care physicians and specialists: A cross-sectional study. Journal Articles
Patients’ desires and expectations for medical care in primary care clinics Journal Articles
Patient‐Reported Outcomes and Patient‐Reported Experience of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation in the IMPACT‐AF Clinical Trial Journal Articles
Patterns of Care After Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Spine in Primary Care Journal Articles
Patterns of medical drug use - a community focus. Journal Articles
Payment models in primary health care: A driver of the quantity and quality of medical laboratory utilization Journal Articles
Perceptions of labour pain management of Dutch primary care midwives: a focus group study Journal Articles
Perceptions of older adults in Ontario, Canada on the implementation and impact of a primary care programme, Health Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality (Health TAPESTRY): a descriptive qualitative study Journal Articles
Perceptions of primary healthcare services among people with physical disabilities - part 1: access issues. Journal Articles
Perceptions of primary healthcare services among persons with physical disabilities - part 2: quality issues. Journal Articles
Performance management in times of change: experiences of implementing a performance assessment system in a district in South Africa Journal Articles
Performance of BNP and NT-proBNP for diagnosis of heart failure in primary care patients: a systematic review Journal Articles
Perinatal Depression: A Guide to Detection and Management in Primary Care Journal Articles
Person-Centered Risk Assessment Framework: Assessing and Managing Risk in Older Adults Living With Dementia Journal Articles
Persona-scenario exercise for codesigning primary care interventions. Journal Articles
Persons with Dementia and Care Partners’ Perspectives on Memory Clinics in Primary Care Journal Articles
Perspectives of Nurse Practitioner–Physician Collaboration among Nurse Practitioners in Canadian Long-Term Care Homes: A National Survey Journal Articles
Perspectives of Primary-Care Providers on Heart Failure in Long-Term Care Homes Journal Articles
Perspectives on low-value care and barriers to de-implementation among primary care physicians: a multinational survey Journal Articles
Physical Activity Prescription Journal Articles
Physical Function and Frailty for Predicting Adverse Outcomes in Older Primary Care Patients Journal Articles
Physical Therapists in Primary Care Are Interested in High Quality Evidence Regarding Efficacy of Therapeutic Ultrasound for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Provincial Survey Journal Articles
Physical activity prescription: a critical opportunity to address a modifiable risk factor for the prevention and management of chronic disease: a position statement by the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine Journal Articles
Physical and Emotional Function of Primary Care Patients: Scientific Requirements for the Measurement of Functional Health Status Journal Articles
Physician perspectives on care of individuals with severe mobility impairments in primary care in Southwestern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Physicians' perceptions of capacity building for managing chronic disease in seniors using integrated interprofessional care models. Journal Articles
Phytophotodermatitis: Rash with many faces. Journal Articles
Piloting an A&E and practice nurse educational exchange Journal Articles
Position paper: expanded role of the nurse. Journal Articles
Posttraumatic stress disorder in primary care. Journal Articles
Practice Patterns in the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Primary Practice: The Cage Study Journal Articles
Predictive Validity of the Infant Toddler Checklist in Primary Care at the 18-month Visit and School Readiness at 4 to 6 Years Journal Articles
Predictors of persistent gastrointestinal symptoms among new presenters to primary care Journal Articles
Prescribed medications and pharmacy interventions for acute respiratory tract infections in Swiss primary care Journal Articles
Prevalence and underdiagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among patients at risk in primary care Journal Articles
Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Across Medical and Surgical Health Care Settings Journal Articles
Prevalence of dysthymic disorder in primary care1Drs Steiner and Browne are co-principal investigators of this study.1 Journal Articles
Prevalência de transtornos mentais em indivíduos de uma unidade de referência para Programa Saúde da Família em Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Journal Articles
Preventing Suicidal Behaviour in a General Hospital Psychiatric Service: Priorities for Programming Journal Articles
Preventing cardiovascular disease in primary care Journal Articles
Preventing cardiovascular disease in primary care: Role of a national risk factor management program Journal Articles
Preventive care among primary care patients living with spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Primary Care Collaborative Memory Clinics: Building Capacity for Optimized Dementia Care Journal Articles
Primary Care In Canada: So Much Innovation, So Little Change Journal Articles
Primary Care Performance Measurement and Reporting at a Regional Level: Could a Matrix Approach Provide Actionable Information for Policy Makers and Clinicians? Journal Articles
Primary Care Physician Follow-up of Distal Radius Buckle Fractures Journal Articles
Primary Care Physician Volume and Quality of Diabetes Care Journal Articles
Primary Care Provider and Child Characteristics Associated with Age of Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Population-Based Cohort Study Journal Articles
Primary Care Screening and Comorbidity Management in Rheumatoid Arthritis in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Primary Care Severe Asthma Registry and Education Project (PCSAR-EDU): Phase 1 – an e-Delphi for registry definitions and indices of clinician behaviour Journal Articles
Primary Care Versus Oncology-Based Surveillance Following Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Resected Pancreatic Cancer Journal Articles
Primary Care–Based Memory Clinics: Expanding Capacity for Dementia Care Journal Articles
Primary Health Care Providers’ Perspectives: Facilitating Older Patients’ Access to Community Support Services Journal Articles
Primary Health care and Disasters—The Current State of the Literature: What We Know, Gaps and Next Steps Journal Articles
Primary care access for mental illness in Australia: Patterns of access to general practice from 2006 to 2016 Journal Articles
Primary care clinicians’ confidence, willingness participation and perceptions of roles in advance care planning discussions with patients: a multi-site survey Journal Articles
Primary care intervention to address cardiovascular disease medication health literacy among Indigenous peoples: Canadian results of a pre-post-design study Journal Articles
Primary care of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: 2018 Canadian consensus guidelines. Journal Articles
Primary care physicians' perspectives on facilitating older patients' access to community support services: Qualitative case study. Journal Articles
Primary care practice characteristics associated with team functioning in primary care settings in Canada: A practice-based cross-sectional survey Journal Articles
Primary care practice transformation: start with roles and relationships Journal Articles
Primary care providers’ perceptions on the integration of community-led advance care planning activities with primary care: a cross-sectional survey Journal Articles
Primary care psychiatry in Pakistan--a long way ahead. Journal Articles
Primary care reform. Physicians' participation in Hamilton-Wentworth. Journal Articles
Primary care utilization in people who experience imprisonment in Ontario, Canada: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Primary care-based integrated disease management for heart failure: a study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Primary care-based interventions to address the financial needs of patients experiencing poverty: a scoping review of the literature Journal Articles
Primary health care in the Philippines: Banking on the barangays? Journal Articles
Primary health care models: medical students’ knowledge and perceptions Journal Articles
Primary health care needs for a priority population: A survey of professional truck drivers Journal Articles
Primary health care nurse practitioners in Canada Journal Articles
Primary health care teams: team members' perceptions of the collaborative process Journal Articles
Primary hyperparathyroidism: Update on presentation, diagnosis, and management in primary care. Journal Articles
Print media coverage of primary healthcare and related research evidence in South Africa Journal Articles
Printed educational messages fail to increase use of thiazides as first-line medication for hypertension in primary care: a cluster randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN72772651] Journal Articles
Priority measures for publicly reporting primary care performance: Results of public engagement through deliberative dialogues in 3 Canadian provinces Journal Articles
Pro-Adrenomedullin predicts 10-year all-cause mortality in community-dwelling patients: a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Probabilistic Analysis of Cost-Effectiveness Models: Choosing between Treatment Strategies for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Journal Articles
Probabilistic Analysis of Cost-Effectiveness Models: Choosing between Treatment Strategies for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Journal Articles
Procalcitonin Algorithms for Antibiotic Therapy Decisions Journal Articles
Procalcitonin-Guided Antibiotic Use vs a Standard Approach for Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in Primary Care Journal Articles
Procalcitonin-guided antibiotic use versus a standard approach for acute respiratory tract infections in primary care: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial and baseline characteristics of participating general practitioners [ISRCTN73182671] Journal Articles
Project ALIVE: An Action-Research Exploration of EMR Value in Primary Care. Journal Articles
Promoting cross-jurisdictional primary health care research: developing a set of common indicators across 12 community-based primary health care teams in Canada Journal Articles
Promoting uptake of influenza vaccination among health care workers: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Prospective care of elderly patients in family practice. Is screening effective? Journal Articles
Protocol for a Delphi consensus exercise to identify a core set of criteria for selecting health related outcome measures (HROM) to be used in primary health care Journal Articles
Providing Psychiatric Backup to Family Physicians by Telephone Journal Articles
Providing primary health care to immigrants and refugees: the North Hamilton experience. Journal Articles
Provincial primary care and cancer engagement strategy. Journal Articles
Psychiatry and Family Medicine: Sharing Care Journal Articles
Public Health and Primary Care: Competition or Collaboration Journal Articles
Public experiences and perspectives of primary care in Canada: results from a cross-sectional survey Journal Articles
Quality assurance as a foundational element for an integrated system of dementia care Journal Articles
Quality indicators for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in primary care. Journal Articles
Quality of Chronic Kidney Disease Management in Canadian Primary Care Journal Articles
Quality of Diabetes Care in Blended Fee-for-Service and Blended Capitation Payment Systems Journal Articles
Reasons and Determinants for Perceiving Unmet Needs for Mental Health in Primary Care in Quebec Journal Articles
Recommendation on screening adults for asymptomatic thyroid dysfunction in primary care Journal Articles
Recommendation on screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea in primary care for individuals not known to be at high risk Journal Articles
Recommendations for growth monitoring, and prevention and management of overweight and obesity in children and youth in primary care Journal Articles
Recommendations for prevention of weight gain and use of behavioural and pharmacologic interventions to manage overweight and obesity in adults in primary care Journal Articles
Recommendations for the management of irritable bowel syndrome in family practice. IBS Consensus Conference Participants. Journal Articles
Record linkage as a research tool for office-based medical care. Journal Articles
Recruiting regional primary care leads for cancer care ontario. Journal Articles
Recruitment of Participants for Dementia Research: Interprofessional Perspectives From Primary care-based Memory Clinics Journal Articles
Reducing emergency hospital admissions: a population health complex intervention of an enhanced model of primary care and compassionate communities Journal Articles
Referral letter from family physician to psychiatrist: would it have educational, service or research implications? Journal Articles
Referral processes and wait times in primary care. Journal Articles
Refinement of indicators and criteria in a quality tool for assessing quality in primary care in Canada: a Delphi Panel study Journal Articles
Reflective impressions of a precepted clinical experience caring for people with disabilities Journal Articles
Regional variation in primary care improvement strategies and policy: case studies that consider qualitative contextual data for performance measurement in three Canadian provinces Journal Articles
Reliability of routinely collected anthropometric measurements in primary care Journal Articles
Report of the Asia–Pacific consensus on the management of gastroesophageal reflux disease Journal Articles
Requesting and Interpreting Urine Albumin Measurements in the Primary Health Care Setting Journal Articles
Responsiveness of Lebanon's primary healthcare centers to non‐communicable diseases and related healthcare needs Journal Articles
Riding the wave of primary care research: development of a primary health care research centre. Journal Articles
Risk Stratification and Stroke Prevention Therapy Care Gaps in Canadian Atrial Fibrillation Patients (from the Co-ordinated National Network to Engage Physicians in the Care and Treatment of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Chart Audit) Journal Articles
Role construction and boundaries in interprofessional primary health care teams: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Routine primary care screening for intimate partner violence and other adverse psychosocial exposures: what’s the evidence? Journal Articles
Ruling out DVT using the Wells rule and a D-dimer test Journal Articles
Rural Geriatric Glue: A Nurse Practitioner–Led Model of Care for Enhancing Primary Care for Frail Older Adults within an Ecosystem Approach Journal Articles
Screening Accuracy of the Parent-Report Preschool Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Primary Care Journal Articles
Screening Urine with a Leukocyte Esterase Strip and Subsequent Chlamydial Testing of Asymptomatic Men Attending Primary Care Practitioners Journal Articles
Screening for Atrial Fibrillation Using a Mobile, Single-Lead Electrocardiogram in Canadian Primary Care Clinics Journal Articles
Screening for Atrial Fibrillation in the Older Population Journal Articles
Screening for Cognitive Impairment in General Practice Journal Articles
Screening for bipolar disorder in the primary care: A Brazilian survey Journal Articles
Screening for chlamydia and/or gonorrhea in primary health care: protocol for systematic review Journal Articles
Screening for depression in children and adolescents: a protocol for a systematic review update Journal Articles
Screening for depression in primary care: recommendation statement from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care Journal Articles
Screening for depression with Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale Revised and its implication for consultation–liaison psychiatry practice among cancer subjects: a perspective from a developing country Journal Articles
Screening for frailty in primary care: Accuracy of gait speed and hand-grip strength. Journal Articles
Screening to prevent fragility fractures among adults 40 years and older in primary care: protocol for a systematic review Journal Articles
Seasonality of primary care utilization for respiratory diseases in Ontario: A time-series analysis Journal Articles
Selective Opportunistic Screening for Hypercholesterolemia in Primary Care Practice Journal Articles
Sepsis survivors monitoring and coordination in outpatient health care (SMOOTH): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Journal Articles
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among children receiving primary care in Toronto, Ontario. Journal Articles
Sertraline and/or interpersonal psychotherapy for patients with dysthymic disorder in primary care: 6-month comparison with longitudinal 2-year follow-up of effectiveness and costs Journal Articles
Sex differences in the clinical presentation of early psychosis in a primary care setting Journal Articles
Shared Care for High-Dependency Patients: Mental Illness, Neurological Disorders and Terminal Care—A Review Journal Articles
Shared Electronic Vascular Risk Decision Support in Primary Care Journal Articles
Shared care: the barriers encountered by community-based palliative care teams in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Shared decision-making in primary care: Tailoring the Charles et al. model to fit the context of general practice Journal Articles
Shared vision for primary care delivery and research in Canada and the United States: Highlights from the cross-border symposium. Journal Articles
Sharing Care: The Psychiatrist in the Family Physician's Office Journal Articles
Sharing Mental Health Care: Training Psychiatry Residents to Work With Primary Care Physicians Journal Articles
Short report: managing anticoagulation. Comparison of results at three primary care centres. Journal Articles
Should Health Professionals Screen All Women for Domestic Violence? Journal Articles
Should we step‑up or step‑down in the treatment of new‑onset dyspepsia in primary care? Journal Articles
Situating Primary Health Care within the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Enabling the Canadian Family Health Team Initiative Journal Articles
Spatial patterns of surgery attendance: some implications for the provision of primary health care. Journal Articles
Specialist and family physician collaboration: Insights from primary care‐based memory clinics Journal Articles
Stakeholders’ perceptions of policy options to support the integration of community health workers in health systems Journal Articles
Strategies for working across Canadian practice-based research and learning networks (PBRLNs) in primary care: focus on frailty Journal Articles
Strengthening Primary Care Through Family Medicine Around the World Journal Articles
Strengthening decentralized primary healthcare planning in Nigeria using a quality improvement model: how contexts and actors affect implementation Journal Articles
Strengthening primary health care through primary care and public health collaboration: the influence of intrapersonal and interpersonal factors Journal Articles
Supporting Models to Transition Breast Cancer Survivors to Primary Care: Formative Evaluation of a Cancer Care Ontario Initiative Journal Articles
Supporting ethical practice in primary care research: strategies for action. Journal Articles
Supporting the delivery of cost-effective interventions in primary health-care systems in low-income and middle-income countries: an overview of systematic reviews Journal Articles
Sustainability and scalability of a volunteer-based primary care intervention (Health TAPESTRY): a mixed-methods analysis Journal Articles
Sustainability science: an integrated approach for health-programme planning Journal Articles
Systematic review of clinical features of suspected colorectal cancer in primary care. Journal Articles
Systematic review of clinical features of suspected prostate cancer in primary care. Journal Articles
Systematic review of guidelines for the management of suspected lung cancer in primary care. Journal Articles
Systematic review: family history in risk assessment for common diseases. Journal Articles
Team approach to polypharmacy evaluation and reduction: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Teaming-up nurses with ophthalmologists to expand the reach of eye care in a middle-income country: Validation of health data acquisition by nursing staff in a telemedicine strategy Journal Articles
The Alumni Program: Redefining Continuity of Care in Psychiatry Journal Articles
The Beginning of the Research Stream in Family Medicine Residency Program at McMaster University Journal Articles
The Burlington Randomized Trial of the Nurse Practitioner Journal Articles
The Burlington Randomized Trial of the Nurse Practitioner: Health Outcomes of Patients Journal Articles
The C5-75 Program: Meeting the Need for Efficient, Pragmatic Frailty Screening and Management in Primary Care Journal Articles
The Electronic Asthma Management System (eAMS) improves primary care asthma management Journal Articles
The Emerging Role of Social Work in Primary Health Care: A Survey of Social Workers in Ontario Family Health Teams. Journal Articles
The GINA asthma strategy report: what’s new for primary care? Journal Articles
The Gain in Quality-Adjusted Life Months by Switching to Esomeprazole in Those With Continued Reflux Symptoms in Primary Care: EncomPASS—A Cluster-Randomized Trial Journal Articles
The IMPACT clinic: innovative model of interprofessional primary care for elderly patients with complex health care needs. Journal Articles
The Integrated Health Hub (IHH) Model: The Evolution of a Community Based Primary Care and Mental Health Centre Journal Articles
The Interface of Primary and Oncology Specialty Care: From Diagnosis Through Primary Treatment Journal Articles
The KwaZulu‐Natal Health Promotion Model Journal Articles
The Lake Clinic - providing primary care to isolated floating villages on the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia Journal Articles
The Potential Role of Primary Care in Case Detection/Screening of Primary Aldosteronism Journal Articles
The Primary Healthcare Nurse Practitioner Role in Canada Journal Articles
The Role of Primary Care in a Pandemic: Reflections During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada Journal Articles
The Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB): A Quick and Useful Tool for Fall Risk Stratification Among Older Primary Care Patients Journal Articles
The Spoke-Hub-and-Node Model of Integrated Heart Failure Care Journal Articles
The Untold Story: Examining Ontario’s Community Health Centres’ Initiatives to Address Upstream Determinants of Health Journal Articles
The Use of Fluoride Varnish in Primary Care in Ontario: A Qualitative Study. Journal Articles
The VA and Medicare HMOs — Complementary or Redundant? Journal Articles
The arthritic complaint in primary care: prevalence, related disability, and costs. Journal Articles
The association between patients’ frailty status, multimorbidity, and demographic characteristics and changes in primary care for chronic conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a pre-post study Journal Articles
The challenge of objective confirmation of asthma diagnosis in primary care Journal Articles
The co-occurrence of multimorbidity and polypharmacy among middle-aged and older adults in Canada: A cross-sectional study using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) and the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN). Journal Articles
The current state of cancer family history collection tools in primary care: a systematic review Journal Articles
The economics of health information technology in medication management: a systematic review of economic evaluations Journal Articles
The effect of a clinical decision support system on prompting an intervention for risky alcohol use in a primary care smoking cessation program: a cluster randomized trial Journal Articles
The effect of an online referral system on referrals to bariatric surgery Journal Articles
The effect of clinical teaching on patient satisfaction in rural and community settings. Journal Articles
The effectiveness of a Supported Self-management task-shifting intervention for adult depression in Vietnam communities: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
The emerging role of occupational therapy in primary care Journal Articles
The expanding role of primary care in cancer control Journal Articles
The impact of a 24-hour syringe dispensing machine on a face-to-face needle and syringe program and targeted primary healthcare clinic. Journal Articles
The impact of accreditation of primary healthcare centers: successes, challenges and policy implications as perceived by healthcare providers and directors in Lebanon Journal Articles
The impact of eHealth on relationships and trust in primary care: a review of reviews Journal Articles
The impact of transitional care programs on health services utilization in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review Journal Articles
The implementation and validation of the NoMAD during a complex primary care intervention Journal Articles
The implications of the feminization of the primary care physician workforce on service supply: a systematic review Journal Articles
The importance of real-life research in respiratory medicine: manifesto of the Respiratory Effectiveness Group Journal Articles
The inevitable drift to triple therapy in COPD: an analysis of prescribing pathways in the UK Journal Articles
The management of dyspepsia: a systematic review. Journal Articles
The mismeasurement of complexity: provider narratives of patients with complex needs in primary care settings Journal Articles
The nurse practitioner in North America: from concept to reality. Journal Articles
The periodic health examination: 3. An evolving concept. Journal Articles
The private finance initiative: The politics of the private finance initiative and the new NHS Journal Articles
The relationship between patient experience and real-world digital health access in primary care: A population-based cross-sectional study Journal Articles
The retention of health human resources in primary healthcare centers in Lebanon: a national survey Journal Articles
The role of VES-13 to identify limited life expectancy in older adults in primary healthcare settings Journal Articles
The role of registered nurses in primary care and public health collaboration: A scoping review Journal Articles
The use of PHC clinic-based women’s groups for financial empowerment in a rural area Journal Articles
The use of telemedicine to support Brazilian primary care physicians in managing eye conditions: The TeleOftalmo Project Journal Articles
The “Patient-centered coordination by a care team” questionnaire achieves satisfactory validity and reliability Journal Articles
Time to reshape our delivery of primary care to vulnerable older adults in social housing? Journal Articles
Top 2020 studies relevant to primary care Journal Articles
Toronto's G20 one year later: missed opportunity for a Canadian contribution to global health. Journal Articles
Toward a Shared-Care Model of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: Role of the Primary Care Practitioner Journal Articles
Towards Integrating Primary Care with Cancer Care: A Regional Study of Current Gaps and Opportunities in Canada Journal Articles
Towards improving the identification of anterior cruciate ligament tears in primary point-of-care settings Journal Articles
Training specialists as consultants integrated into primary care Journal Articles
Transforming community-based primary health care delivery through comprehensive performance measurement and reporting: examining the influence of context. Journal Articles
Transforming primary care for older Canadians living with frailty: mixed
methods study protocol for a complex primary care intervention Journal Articles
Treatment Satisfaction with Sildenafil in a Canadian Real-Life Setting. A 6-Month Prospective Observational Study of Primary Care Practices Journal Articles
Treatment of depression by obstetrician-gynecologists: A survey study Journal Articles
Trends in Providing Out-of-Office, Urgent After-Hours, and On-Call Care in British Columbia Journal Articles
Trends in health services utilization, medication use, and health conditions among older adults: a 2-year retrospective chart review in a primary care practice Journal Articles
Understanding Clinical Complexity the Hard Way: A Primary Care Journey Journal Articles
Understanding and addressing changing administrative workload in primary care in Canada: protocol for a mixed-method study Journal Articles
Understanding how context and culture in six communities can shape implementation of a complex intervention: a comparative case study Journal Articles
Understanding integrated mental health care in “real-world” primary care settings: What matters to health care providers and clients for evaluation and improvement? Journal Articles
Understanding the Role of Values in Health Policy Decision-Making From the Perspective of Policy-Makers and Stakeholders: A Multiple-Case Embedded Study in Chile and Colombia Journal Articles
Urinary tract infection in primary care Journal Articles
Use of Clinical Decision Support Systems for Kidney-Related Drug Prescribing: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Use of electronic dietary assessment tools in primary care: an interdisciplinary perspective Journal Articles
Uses of Virtual Care in Primary Care: Scoping Review. Journal Articles
Using the behavior change wheel to link published deprescribing strategies to identified local primary healthcare needs Journal Articles
Utilization of Nurse Practitioners to Increase Patient Access to Primary Healthcare in Canada – Thinking Outside the Box Journal Articles
Validation of the GALS musculoskeletal screening exam for use in primary care: A pilot study Conferences
Validation of the GALS musculoskeletal screening exam for use in primary care: a pilot study Journal Articles
Viewpoints about collaboration between primary care and public health in Canada Journal Articles
Virtual colonoscopy, optical colonoscopy, or fecal occult blood testing for colorectal cancer screening: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Weight Communication: How Do Health Professionals Communicate about Weight with Their Patients in Primary Care Settings? Journal Articles
What do evidence-based secondary journals tell us about the publication of clinically important articles in primary healthcare journals? Journal Articles
What information do Dutch midwives give clients about toxoplasmosis, listeriosis and cytomegalovirus prevention? An exploratory study of videotaped consultations Journal Articles
What is the role of primary care in the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out and the barriers and facilitators to an equitable vaccine roll-out? A rapid scoping review of nine jurisdictions Journal Articles
What systemic factors contribute to collaboration between primary care and public health sectors? An interpretive descriptive study Journal Articles
Which journals do primary care physicians and specialists access from an online service? Journal Articles
Widening the lens of actionability: A qualitative study of primary care providers’ views and experiences of managing secondary genomic findings Journal Articles
Will nurse practitioners achieve full integration into the Canadian health-care system? Journal Articles
Work and workload of Dutch primary care midwives in 2010 Journal Articles
Work and workload of Dutch primary care midwives in 2010. Journal Articles
Workshop to implement the baby-friendly office initiative. Effect on community physicians' offices. Journal Articles
[The periodic health examination. 3. An evolving concept]. Journal Articles
‘Gearing Up’ to improve interprofessional collaboration in primary care: a systematic review and conceptual framework Journal Articles
‘Reasonable access’ to primary care: assessing the role of individual and system characteristics Journal Articles
‘Who is on your health‐care team?’ Asking individuals with heart failure about care team membership and roles Journal Articles
“Booster Days”: An educational initiative to develop a community of practice of primary care collaborative memory clinics Journal Articles
“Delays” in Diagnosis Journal Articles
“I don’t see the whole picture of their health”: a critical ethnography of constraints to interprofessional collaboration in end-of-life conversations in primary care Journal Articles
“My pharmacist”: Creating and maintaining relationship between physicians and pharmacists in primary care settings Journal Articles
“Primary care is primary care”: Use of Normalization Process Theory to explore the implementation of primary care services for transgender individuals in Ontario Journal Articles
“You’ve got to look after yourself, to be able to look after them” a qualitative study of the unmet needs of caregivers of community based primary health care patients Journal Articles