Importancia de los profesionales de atención primaria en la educación sanitaria de la donación de órganos Journal Articles uri icon

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  • AIM: To determine the influence of the information on donation generated from primary health-care on the attitude towards organ donation. DESIGN: Descriptive transversal study. SETTING: 45 municipalities of Murcia Region, Spain. PARTICIPANTS: The population in this study was randomly selected and stratified according to age, sex, and geographic localization among people over > or =15 years of age (n=1887). INTERVENTIONS AND MEASURES: The attitude was evaluated according to a questionnaire psychosocial aspects of donation. There is valued the information transmitted on donation to the population from primary care (group A) or other informative sources (group B), and if this information was to favour or in opposition to the same one. STATISTICS: chi2 test, t Student, and logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Of 1887 surveys, 129 cases (group A) (7%) had received information from primary care. In this group, the 89% is in favour of the donation. In 120 cases the received information was favourable, presenting an attitude in favour of the donation of 93%, whereas in all 9 remaining cases the information was in against, decreasing the attitude to favour up to 44% (P<.05). In the group B (n=1758) the attitude in favour of the donation was of 65% (P<.05, with regard to the group A). The 62% (n=1083) received favourable information, improving in them the favourable attitude towards the donation up to 74%. The rest (38%; n=675) had received also unfavourable information, decreasing his attitude to favour up to 51% (P<.05). CONCLUSIONS: Little information about organ donation is transmitted from primary care, but when it is realized a very positive impact has if it is favourable and very negative if it is unfavourable.


  • Jordana, Manel
  • Conesa Bernal, C
  • Ríos Zambudio, A
  • Ramírez Romero, P
  • Rodríguez Martínez, MM
  • Canteras Jordana, M
  • Parrilla Paricio, P

publication date

  • 2004