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A Survey on the Prevalence of Pseudotumors with Metal-on-Metal Hip Resurfacing in Canadian Academic Centers Conferences
A Versatile Endoribonuclease Mimic Made of DNA: Characteristics and Applications of the 8–17 RNA‐Cleaving DNAzyme Journal Articles
An integrated approach in subtropical agro-ecosystems: Active biomonitoring, environmental contaminants, bioaccumulation, and multiple biomarkers in fish Journal Articles
An opposed matched field IMRT technique for prostate cancer patients with bilateral prosthetic hips Journal Articles
Application of Parallel Factor Analysis for Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Implication for Metal Speciation Study Journal Articles
Arsenic and metal levels in snake tissues from Lagoa Santa Karst, Brazil Journal Articles
Arthroplasty with a Metal Radial Head for Unreconstructible Fractures of the Radial Head Journal Articles
Arthroplasty with a metal radial head for unreconstructible fractures of the radial head. Journal Articles
Assemblage of Signaling DNA Enzymes with Intriguing Metal-Ion Specificities and pH Dependences Journal Articles
Assessing multigenerational exposure to metals in elasmobranchs: Maternal transfer of contaminants in a yolk-sac viviparous species Journal Articles
Bare metal versus drug eluting stents for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in the TOTAL trial Journal Articles
Blood metal levels and early childhood anthropometric measures in a cohort of Canadian children Journal Articles
Can one oxidize an atom by reducing the molecule that contains it? Journal Articles
Characterization of non-8–17 sequences uncovers structurally diverse RNA-cleaving deoxyribozymes Journal Articles
Characterizing the Secondary Structure and Identifying Functionally Essential Nucleotides of pH6DZ1, a Fluorescence-Signaling and RNA-Cleaving Deoxyribozyme Journal Articles
Chelating Silicone Dendrons: Trying to Impact Organisms by Disrupting Ions at Interfaces Journal Articles
Combining elevated temperature with waterborne copper: Impacts on the energy metabolism of the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Comparing plasma concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and metals in primiparous women from northern and southern Canada Journal Articles
Consequences of prenatal exposure to contaminants in elasmobranchs: Biochemical outcomes during the embryonic development of Pseudobatos horkelii Journal Articles
Cross-linked chitosan as biomacromolecular adsorbents for adsorption of precious metal-chloride complexes from aqueous media. Journal Articles
Crystal structures of homoserine dehydrogenase suggest a novel catalytic mechanism for oxidoreductases Journal Articles
DNAzyme-mediated catalysis with only guanosine and cytidine nucleotides Journal Articles
Defining high bleeding risk in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary
intervention: a consensus document from the Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding
Risk Journal Articles
Dentures fixed with double crowns with friction pins may have high survival after 5 years Journal Articles
Development of an Embryo Toxicity Test to Assess the Comparative Toxicity of Metal Exposure on Different Life Stages of Freshwater Gastropods Journal Articles
Direct and indirect effects of chemical contaminants on the behaviour, ecology and evolution of wildlife Journal Articles
Directed Remote Aromatic Metalations: Mechanisms and Driving Forces Journal Articles
Does bearing size influence metal ion levels in large-head metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty? A comparison of three total hip systems Journal Articles
Ecotoxicological impacts of the Fundão dam failure in freshwater fish community: Metal bioaccumulation, biochemical, genetic and histopathological effects Journal Articles
Effect of Cations on the Structure of Bilayers Formed by Lipopolysaccharides Isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 Journal Articles
Effect of bare metal stenting on angiographic and clinical outcomes in diabetic and nondiabetic patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention of nonacute occluded coronary arteries: A report from the total occlusion study of Canada (TOSCA) Journal Articles
Effects of blood metal(loid) concentrations on genomic damages in sharks Journal Articles
Effects of chronic metal exposure and metamorphosis on the microbiomes of larval and adult insects and riparian spiders through the aquatic-riparian food web. Journal Articles
Effects of metal binding affinity on the chemical and thermal stability of site-directed mutants of rat oncomodulin Journal Articles
Eliminating Competition: Characterizing and Eliminating Competitive Binding at Separate Sites between DAHP Synthase’s Essential Metal Ion and the Inhibitor DAHP Oxime Journal Articles
Entrapment of Fluorescence Signaling DNA Enzymes in Sol−Gel-Derived Materials for Metal Ion Sensing Journal Articles
Environmental and occupational factors affecting fertility and IVF success Journal Articles
Environmental health in southwestern Atlantic coral reefs: Geochemical, water quality and ecological indicators Journal Articles
Epidemiology of Antibiotic and Heavy Metal Resistance in Bacteria: Resistance Patterns in Staphylococci Isolated from Populations Not Known to be Exposed to Heavy Metals Journal Articles
Epidemiology of Antibiotic and Heavy Metal Resistance in Bacteria: Resistance Patterns in Staphylococci Isolated from Populations in Iraq Exposed and Not Exposed to Heavy Metals or Antibiotics Journal Articles
Evaluation of in-stent restenosis in the APPROACH trial (assessment on the prevention of progression by Rosiglitazone on atherosclerosis in diabetes patients with cardiovascular history) Journal Articles
Evolution of High-Branching Deoxyribozymes from a Catalytic DNA with a Three-Way Junction Journal Articles
Expression, Purification and Characterisation of the Product from the Bacillus Subtilis hemD gene, Uroporphyrinogen III Synthase Journal Articles
Failure Mechanisms and Neoatherosclerosis Patterns in Very Late Drug-Eluting and Bare-Metal Stent Thrombosis Journal Articles
Gill and liver histopathological changes in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed to oil sands process-affected water Journal Articles
Homology Models of μ-Opioid Receptor with Organic and Inorganic Cations at Conserved Aspartates in the Second and Third Transmembrane Domains Journal Articles
Human health and environmental risk assessment of metals in community gardens of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Journal Articles
Impact of stent diameter and length on in‐stent restenosis after DES vs BMS implantation in patients needing large coronary stents—A clinical and health‐economic evaluation Journal Articles
In vitro selection of small RNA-cleaving deoxyribozymes that cleave pyrimidine–pyrimidine junctions Journal Articles
Inspired by nature: investigating tetrataenite for permanent magnet applications Journal Articles
Is There a Risk to Humans from Consuming Octopus Species from Sites with High Environmental Levels of Metals? Journal Articles
Life-time exposure to waterborne copper II: Patterns of tissue accumulation and gene expression of the metal-transport proteins ctr1 and atp7b in the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Life-time exposure to waterborne copper IV: Sperm quality parameters are negatively affected in the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Making Phytoremediation Work Better: Maximizing a Plant’s Growth Potential in the Midst of Adversity Journal Articles
Marine shrimps as biomonitors of the Fundão (Brazil) mine dam disaster: A multi-biomarker approach Journal Articles
Meeting report ESC Forum on Drug Eluting Stents, European Heart House, Nice, 27-28 September 2007 Journal Articles
Membrane bioreactor technology: A novel approach to the treatment of compost leachate Journal Articles
Metabolic status of the coral Mussismilia harttii in field conditions and the effects of copper exposure in vitro Journal Articles
Metal Accumulation and Ion Regulation in the Fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii Living in a Site Chronically Contaminated by Copper: Insights from Translocation Experiments Journal Articles
Metal Artifact Reduction: Added Value of Rapid-Kilovoltage-Switching Dual-Energy CT in Relation to Single-Energy CT in a Piglet Animal Model Journal Articles
Metal Cation Detection in Drinking Water Journal Articles
Metal Wear in Lillehei‐Kaster Heart Valve Prostheses Journal Articles
Metal accumulation induces oxidative stress and alters carbonic anhydrase activity in corals and symbionts from the largest reef complex in the South Atlantic ocean Journal Articles
Metal and selenium concentrations in blood and feathers of petrels of the genus procellaria Journal Articles
Metal contact dermatitis: a common and potentially debilitating disease Journal Articles
Metal contamination as a possible etiology of fibropapillomatosis in juvenile female green sea turtles Chelonia mydas from the southern Atlantic Ocean Journal Articles
Metal deposition at the bone–cartilage interface in articular cartilage Journal Articles
Metal fume fever Journal Articles
Metal sulfides in oxygenated aquatic systems: implications for the biotic ligand model Journal Articles
Metal(loid) contamination in tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) from a remote oceanic island in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean and potential impacts on physiological parameters. Journal Articles
Metallic and Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Differentiating Individual SWCNTs by Their Carbon 1s Spectra Journal Articles
Mg^2+- or Ca^2+-Activated ATPase Activities of
Plasma Membranes Isolated from Vascular Smooth Muscle Journal Articles
Microbial Geoengineers Journal Articles
Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of 3,1,2- and 2,1,8-Re(I) and 99mTc(I)−Metallocarborane Complexes Journal Articles
Migration of retained broken chopper tip after phacoemulsification Journal Articles
Multiple stressor effects of radiation and metals in salmon (Salmo salar) Journal Articles
Na--Ca exchange in rat myometrium membrane vesicles highly enriched in plasma membranes Journal Articles
Nanoscopic Patterned Materials with Tunable Dimensions via Atomic Layer Deposition on Block Copolymers Journal Articles
No evidence of differences in survival and failure rates of endodontically treated teeth restored with composite resin or metal crowns Journal Articles
Novel hybrid plasmonic waveguide consisting of two identical dielectric nanowires symmetrically placed on each side of a thin metal film Journal Articles
Occupational asthma from nickel sensitivity: I. Human serum albumin in the antigenic determinant. Journal Articles
Occupational asthma from nickel sensitivity: II. Factors influencing the interaction of Ni2+, HSA, and serum antibodies with nickel related specificity. Journal Articles
Occupational exposure assessment of metals. Journal Articles
Perioperative Management of Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With a Coronary Stent Who Need Noncardiac Surgery Journal Articles
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and metals in primiparous women: a comparison from Canada and Mexico Journal Articles
Persistently Folded Circular Aromatic Amide Pentamers Containing Modularly Tunable Cation-Binding Cavities with High Ion Selectivity Journal Articles
Phylogenetic and environmental components of inter-specific variability in the antioxidant defense system in freshwater anomurans Aegla (Crustacea, Decapoda) Journal Articles
Physical and Ecological Controls on Freshwater Floc Trace Metal Dynamics Journal Articles
Physiological effects of marine natural organic matter and metals in early life stages of the North Pacific native marine mussel Mytilus trossulus; a comparison with the invasive Mytilus galloprovincialis Journal Articles
Preformed-metal posts seem to have a lower cost than and similar effectiveness as cast-metal, glass-fiber, and carbon-fiber posts Journal Articles
Proactive Screening Approach for Detecting Groundwater Contaminants along Urban Streams at the Reach-Scale Journal Articles
Purification and properties of Escherichia coli dimethyl sulfoxide reductase, an iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme with broad substrate specificity Journal Articles
Quenching of Fluorophore-Labeled DNA Oligonucleotides by Divalent Metal Ions: Implications for Selection, Design, and Applications of Signaling Aptamers and Signaling Deoxyribozymes Journal Articles
Real-space localization and quantification of hole distribution in chain-ladder Sr
superconductor Journal Articles
Reduction in reproductive activity from degeneration of testicular follicles in Megapitaria squalida (Mollusca: Bivalvia) exposed to metal pollution in the Gulf of California Journal Articles
Renal function in the freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following acute and prolonged exposure to waterborne nickel Journal Articles
Responses of biomarkers in wild freshwater mussels chronically exposed to complex contaminant mixtures Journal Articles
Revitalization of Six Abandoned Catalytic DNA Species Reveals a Common Three-way Junction Framework and Diverse Catalytic Cores Journal Articles
Scanning Kelvin nanoprobe detection in materials science and biochemical analysis Journal Articles
Self-expanding oesophageal metal stents for the palliation of dysphagia due to extrinsic compression Journal Articles
Serendipitous Discovery of a Guanine-rich DNA Molecule with a Highly Stable Structure in Urea Journal Articles
Silver Oxynitrate, an Unexplored Silver Compound with Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activity Journal Articles
Soft X‐ray spectromicroscopy for speciation, quantitation and nano‐eco‐toxicology of nanomaterials Journal Articles
Structural and phylogenetic analysis of a conserved actinobacteria-specific protein (ASP1; SCO1997) from Streptomyces coelicolor Journal Articles
Structure and dissociation characteristics of metal chloride anion clusters containing redox‐active metal ions studied by laser desorption and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and ab initio calculations Journal Articles
Structure and mechanism ofStaphylococcus aureusTarM, the wall teichoic acid α-glycosyltransferase Journal Articles
Swelling of phospholipid membranes by divalent metal ions depends on the location of the ions in the bilayers Journal Articles
Synergistic utilization of industrial solid wastes: Extraction of valuable metals from tungsten leaching residue by photovoltaic sawing waste Journal Articles
The Incidence of Early Metallic Suture Anchor Pullout After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Journal Articles
The composition of unrecorded alcohol from eastern Ukraine: Is there a toxicological concern beyond ethanol alone? Journal Articles
The interaction of metal ions with synthetic DNA: Induction of conformational and structural transitions Journal Articles
Trachemys dorbigni as a metal(loid) bioindicator: a study in rural and urban areas. Journal Articles
Tracing Sequence Diversity Change of RNA-Cleaving Deoxyribozymes under Increasing Selection Pressure during in Vitro Selection Journal Articles
Treatment of esophageal obstruction from mediastinal compressive tumors with covered, self-expanding metallic Z-stents Journal Articles
Two-dimensional numerical modelling of sediment and chemical constituent transport within the lower reaches of the Athabasca River Journal Articles
Universal Method for the Fabrication of Detachable Ultrathin Films of Several Transition Metal Oxides Journal Articles
Use of the Atlantic nut clam (Nucula proxima) and catworm (Nephtys incisa) in a sentinel species approach for monitoring the health of Bay of Fundy estuaries Journal Articles
Vgb from Staphylococcus aureus inactivates streptogramin B antibiotics by an elimination mechanism not hydrolysis Journal Articles
Wetlands as long-term sources of metals to receiving waters in mining-impacted landscapes Journal Articles
[Predisposition of the optimal conformations of adrenergic compounds to the formation of polydentate complexes with metal ions]. Journal Articles