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10th Anniversary Review: when healthy food becomes polluted—implications for public health and dietary advice Journal Articles
A Meta-analysis on the Effectiveness of Offsetting Strategies to Address Harm to Freshwater Fishes Journal Articles
A broader look at ammonia production, excretion, and transport in fish: a review of impacts of feeding and the environment Journal Articles
A history of total mercury in edible muscle of fish from lakes in northern Canada Journal Articles
A marine fish diet reduces spontaneous lymphoma in outbred Swiss-Webster mice Journal Articles
A population-based study on peanut, tree nut, fish, shellfish, and sesame allergy prevalence in Canada Journal Articles
A survey of Canadian mechanical pulp and paper mill effluents: Insights concerning the potential to affect fish reproduction Journal Articles
Abandoned Mid-Canada Radar Line sites in the Western James region of Northern Ontario, Canada: A source of organochlorines for First Nations people? Journal Articles
Acute exposition to Roundup Transorb® induces systemic oxidative stress and alterations in the expression of newly sequenced genes in silverside fish (Odontesthes humensis) Journal Articles
Afferent neural activity from pseudobranch of teleosts. Effects of Po2, pH, osmotic pressure and Na+ ions Journal Articles
Age, body size, growth and dietary habits: What are the key factors driving individual variability in mercury of lacustrine fishes in northern temperate lakes? Journal Articles
Altered distribution of lipid‐soluble antioxidant vitamins in juvenile sturgeon exposed to waterborne ethynylestradiol Journal Articles
Altered reproduction in fish exposed to pulp and paper mill effluents: Roles of individual compounds and mill operating conditions Journal Articles
Alternative reproductive tactics in goby fishes of the Caspian Sea Journal Articles
An approach to feeding high-percentage fish diets to mice for human and wildlife toxicology studies Journal Articles
An overview of recent studies on the potential of pulp‐mill effluents to alter reproductive parameters in fish Journal Articles
Antifreeze protein genes of the winter flounder. Journal Articles
Antifreeze proteins from the sea raven, Hemitripterus americanus. Further evidence for diversity among fish polypeptide antifreezes. Journal Articles
Antifreeze proteins from the shorthorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus scorpius: isolation and characterization. Journal Articles
Aquatic and terrestrial organic matter in the diet of stream consumers: implications for mercury bioaccumulation Journal Articles
Assessing reproductive effects and epigenetic responses in Austrolebias charrua exposed to Roundup Transorb®: Insights from miRNA profiling and molecular interaction analysis. Journal Articles
Assessing reproductive effects on fish populations: an evaluation of methods to predict the reproductive strategy of fishes Journal Articles
Assessing the bioaccumulation potential of ionizable organic compounds: Current knowledge and research priorities Journal Articles
Assessing the potential of fish cell lines as tools for the cytotoxicity testing of estuarine sediment aqueous elutriates Journal Articles
Assessing wild fish exposure to ligands for sex steroid receptors from pulp and paper mill effluents in the Biobio River Basin, Central Chile Journal Articles
Assessment of oxidative stress biomarkers in the threatened annual killifish Austrolebias charrua exposed to Roundup Journal Articles
Assessment of the potential of the rock gunnel (Pholis gunnellus) along the Atlantic coast of Canada as a species for monitoring the reproductive impacts of contaminant exposures Journal Articles
Associations of Fish Consumption With Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality Among Individuals With or Without Vascular Disease From 58 Countries Journal Articles
Biomagnification of DDT through the Benthic and Pelagic Food Webs of Lake Malawi, East Africa: Importance of Trophic Level and Carbon Source Journal Articles
Biomarkers of waterborne copper exposure in the Neotropical fish Prochilodus lineatus Journal Articles
Biotic interactions in temporal trends (1992–2010) of organochlorine contaminants in the aquatic food web of Lake Laberge, Yukon Territory Journal Articles
Blood and hair mercury concentrations among Cree First Nations ofEeyou Istchee(Quebec, Canada): time trends, prenatal exposure and links to local fish consumption Journal Articles
Body burdens, sources and interrelations of selected toxic and essential elements among the nine Cree First Nations of Eeyou Istchee, James Bay region of northern Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Bone microstructure and bone mineral density are not systemically different in Antarctic icefishes and related Antarctic notothenioids Journal Articles
Ca2+-dependent Antifreeze Proteins Journal Articles
Cardiac Remodeling in Fish: Strategies to Maintain Heart Function during Temperature Change Journal Articles
Challenges and opportunities with the use of biomarkers to predict reproductive impairment in fishes exposed to endocrine disrupting substances Journal Articles
Characterizing Transcriptional Networks in Male Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) that Regulate Testis Development over a Complete Reproductive Cycle Journal Articles
Circulatory adaptation to bimodal respiration in the dipnoan lungfish Journal Articles
Collapse of a fish population after exposure to a synthetic estrogen Journal Articles
Communication of ionising radiation signals – a tale of two fish Journal Articles
Comparative study of gill neuroepithelial cells and their innervation in teleosts and Xenopus tadpoles Journal Articles
Comparing responses in the performance of sentinel populations of stoneflies (Plecoptera) and slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) exposed to enriching effluents Journal Articles
Comparison of direct and bystander effects induced by ionizing radiation in eight fish cell lines Journal Articles
Concentration and Trophic Transfer of Copper, Selenium, and Zinc in Marine Species of the Chilean Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula Area Journal Articles
Considering Fish as Recipients of Ecosystem Services Provides a Framework to Formally Link Baseline, Development, and Post-operational Monitoring Programs and Improve Aquatic Impact Assessments for Large Scale Developments Journal Articles
Correlation between stable nitrogen isotope ratios and concentrations of organochlorines in biota from a freshwater food web Journal Articles
Countermeasures against viral diseases of farmed fish Journal Articles
Critical windows in embryonic development: Shifting incubation temperatures alter heart rate and oxygen consumption of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) embryos and hatchlings Journal Articles
Crystal structure of an antifreeze polypeptide and its mechanistic implications Journal Articles
Dealing with heterogeneous regression slopes in analysis of covariance: new methodology applied to environmental effects monitoring fish survey data Journal Articles
Defining the role of omics in assessing ecosystem health: Perspectives from the Canadian environmental monitoring program Journal Articles
Detection of reproductive impacts of effluents from pulp and paper mills: Shifts in issues and potential causes Journal Articles
Development and validation of probe-based multiplex real-time PCR assays for the rapid and accurate detection of freshwater fish species Journal Articles
Development of an adaptive monitoring framework for long‐term programs: An example using indicators of fish health Journal Articles
Development of environmental effects monitoring protocol in Brazil: a fish guide study of three river estuaries Journal Articles
Dietary Intakes and Plasma Organochlorine Contaminant Levels among Great Lakes Fish Eaters Journal Articles
Dietary patterns in men and women are simultaneously determinants of altered glucose metabolism and bone metabolism Journal Articles
Digestion under Duress: Nutrient Acquisition and Metabolism during Hypoxia in the Pacific Hagfish Journal Articles
Divergent Pathways of Ammonia and Urea Production and Excretion during the Life Cycle of the Sea Lamprey Journal Articles
Do circulating plasma AVT and/or cortisol levels control pulsatile urea excretion in the gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta)? Journal Articles
Ecological Benefits of Contaminated Sediment Remediation Journal Articles
Ecotoxicological effects of salicylic acid in the freshwater fish Salmo trutta fario: antioxidant mechanisms and histological alterations Journal Articles
Ecotoxicological impacts of the Fundão dam failure in freshwater fish community: Metal bioaccumulation, biochemical, genetic and histopathological effects Journal Articles
Effect of teleost GnRH on reinitiation of oocyte meiosis in goldfish, in vitro Journal Articles
Effects of Anabaena spiroides (cyanobacteria) aqueous extracts on the acetylcholinesterase activity of aquatic species Journal Articles
Effects of Atrazine in Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles: An Analysis Based on Quantitative Weight of Evidence Journal Articles
Effects of Atrazine on Fish, Amphibians, and Aquatic Reptiles: A Critical Review Journal Articles
Effects of atrazine on fish, amphibians, and reptiles: update of the analysis based on quantitative weight of evidence Journal Articles
Effects of depth on reef fish communities: Insights of a “deep refuge hypothesis” from Southwestern Atlantic reefs Journal Articles
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on gonad development: Mechanistic insights from fish and mammals Journal Articles
Effects of forest management on mercury bioaccumulation and biomagnification along the river continuum Journal Articles
Effects of long-term cortisol treatments on gonadal development, sex steroids levels and ovarian cortisol content in cultured great sturgeon Huso huso Journal Articles
Effects of ocean acidification on dopamine-mediated behavioral responses of a coral reef damselfish Journal Articles
Effects of pulp and paper mill effluent on fish: A temporal assessment of fish health across sampling cycles Journal Articles
Elements and omega-3 fatty acids in fishes along a large, dammed river Journal Articles
Elevated Ovarian Follicular Apoptosis and Heat Shock Protein-70 Expression in White Sucker Exposed to Bleached Kraft Pulp Mill Effluent Journal Articles
Elevated mercury concentrations in fish in lakes in the Mackenzie River Basin: The role of physical, chemical, and biological factors Journal Articles
Embryological incubation temperature modulates behaviour in larval white sturgeon (Acispencer transmontanus). Journal Articles
Endocrine Disruptor Impacts on Fish From Chile: The Influence of Wastewaters Journal Articles
Environmental, geographic and trophic influences on methylmercury concentrations in macroinvertebrates from lakes and wetlands across Canada Journal Articles
Essential and non-essential trace elements in fish consumed by indigenous peoples of the European Russian Arctic Journal Articles
Estrogen-responsive gene networks in the teleost liver: What are the key molecular indicators? Journal Articles
Evaluating the efficacy of ecological restoration of fish habitat in coastal waters of Lake Ontario. Journal Articles
Evidence That the Inhibitory Effects of Stress on Reproduction in Teleost Fish Are Not Mediated by the Action of Cortisol on Ovarian Steroidogenesis Journal Articles
Evidence that translational control mechanisms operate to optimize antifreeze protein production in the winter flounder. Journal Articles
Evolutionary attempts at 4 eyes in vertebrates. Journal Articles
Examination of the responses of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) and white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) collected on the Saint John River (Canada) downstream of pulp mill, paper mill, and sewage discharges Journal Articles
Exposure to bleached kraft pulp mill effluent disrupts the pituitary-gonadal axis of white sucker at multiple sites Journal Articles
Exposure to low level chronic radiation leads to adaptation to a subsequent acute X-ray dose and communication of modified acute X-ray induced bystander signals in medaka (Japanese rice fish, Oryzias latipes) Journal Articles
Expression of an adenovirus encoded reporter gene and its reactivation following UVC and oxidative damage in cultured fish cells Journal Articles
Expression patterns of cytochrome P450 3B and 3C genes in model fish species Journal Articles
Fish assemblages on fringe coral reefs of the northern coast of Cuba near Havana Harbor Journal Articles
Fish gill morphology: inside out Journal Articles
Fish-Derived Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Fishes as indicators of untreated sewage contamination in a Mexican coastal lagoon Journal Articles
Forests fuel fish growth in freshwater deltas Journal Articles
Gene Expression and Enzyme Activity of Mitochondrial Proteins in Irradiated Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Walbaum) TissuesIn Vitro Journal Articles
General and histological indicators of health in wild fishes from a biological mercury hotspot in northeastern North America Journal Articles
Gill Morphology and Acid-Base Regulation in Freshwater Fishes Journal Articles
Gill paracellular permeability and the osmorespiratory compromise during exercise in the hypoxia-tolerant Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) Journal Articles
Global change‐driven effects on dissolved organic matter composition: Implications for food webs of northern lakes Journal Articles
Growth and otolith morphology vary with alternative reproductive tactics and contaminant exposure in the round goby Neogobius melanostomus Journal Articles
High arsenic and low lead concentrations in fish and reptiles from Taim wetlands, a Ramsar site in southern Brazil Journal Articles
Historical decline and altered congener patterns of polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins and dibenzofurans in fish and sediment in response to process changes at a pulp mill discharging into Jackfish Bay, Lake Superior Journal Articles
Human induced fish declines in North America, how do agricultural pesticides compare to other drivers? Journal Articles
Identification and Occurrence of Analogues of Dechlorane 604 in Lake Ontario Sediment and their Accumulation in Fish Journal Articles
Identification of the Ice-Binding Surface on a Type III Antifreeze Protein with a “Flatness Function” Algorithm Journal Articles
Identifying and managing adverse environmental health effects: 5. Persistent organic pollutants. Journal Articles
Immunohistochemical evidence for the presence of melatonin in the pineal gland, the retina and the Harderian gland Journal Articles
Impact on blood Pb levels of maternal and early infant feeding practices of First Nation Cree in the Mushkegowuk Territory of northern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Impacts of nonpoint inputs from potato farming on populations of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) Journal Articles
Impacts of tailings of Fundão dam (Brazil) rupture on marine fish: Metals bioaccumulation and physiological responses Journal Articles
Importance of cholinesterase kinetic parameters in environmental monitoring using estuarine fish Journal Articles
Influence of a contaminated fish diet on germline expanded‐simple‐tandem‐repeat mutation frequency in mice Journal Articles
Intersex Gonad Differentiation in Cultured Russian (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) and Siberian (Acipenser baerii) Sturgeon1 Journal Articles
Intersex in teleost fish: Are we distinguishing endocrine disruption from natural phenomena? Journal Articles
Intracellular vesicular trafficking in the gill epithelium of urea-excreting fish Journal Articles
Iodine and bromine in fish consumed by indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic Journal Articles
Isolation of MFO inducers from tissues of white suckers caged in bleached kraft mill effluent Journal Articles
Liver ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase and brain acetylcholinesterase in two freshwater fish species of South America; the effects of seasonal variability on study design for biomonitoring Journal Articles
Localisation histochimique de l'anhydrase carbonique au niveau des ch�mor�cepteurs art�riels des mammif�res, des batraciens et des poissons Journal Articles
Low-Temperature Increases the Yield of Biologically Active Herring Antifreeze Protein in Pichia pastoris Journal Articles
Making in vitro conditions more reflective of in vivo conditions for research on the teleost gastrointestinal tract. Journal Articles
Maxed Out: Optimizing Accuracy, Precision, and Power for Field Measures of Maximum Metabolic Rate in Fishes Journal Articles
Mercury Biomagnification through Food Webs Is Affected by Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Lakes Journal Articles
Mercury Concentrations in Arctic Food Fishes Reflect the Presence of Anadromous Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus), Species, and Life History Journal Articles
Mercury and Other Contaminants in Fish from Lake Chad, Africa Journal Articles
Mercury bioaccumulation in aquatic biota along a salinity gradient in the Saint John River estuary Journal Articles
Mercury concentrations and stable isotopes (δ15N and δ13C) in fish muscle indicate human impacts in tropical coastal lagoons Journal Articles
Mercury-Associated Nephrotic Syndrome: A Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature Journal Articles
Methylmercury and the health of autochthons in northwest Quebec. Journal Articles
Methylmercury biomagnification in coastal aquatic food webs from western Patagonia and western Antarctic Peninsula Journal Articles
Mixed Model Approaches Can Leverage Database Information to Improve the Estimation of Size-Adjusted Contaminant Concentrations in Fish Populations. Journal Articles
Morphology of gill epithelia in fish Journal Articles
Muscle Remodeling and the Exercise Physiology of Fish Journal Articles
Neuroepithelial cells in fish gill primary lamellae Journal Articles
Nitrogen Excretion and the Cardiorespiratory Physiology of the Gulf Toadfish,Opsanus beta Journal Articles
Often overloo ked: Biological QA/QC Journal Articles
Ontogenesis of oxygen chemoreception in aquatic vertebrates Journal Articles
Organic contamination and multi-biomarker assessment in watersheds of the southern Brazil: an integrated approach using fish from the Astyanax genus Journal Articles
Peanut Oral Immunotherapy With or Without H1 and H2 Antihistamine Premedication for Peanut Allergy (PISCES): A Placebo-Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial Journal Articles
Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Compounds in Lake Food Webs from the Canadian High Arctic Journal Articles
Peripheral Chemoreceptors in Air- Versus Water- Breathers Chapters
Permeability Characteristics of Isolated Brockmann Bodies Conferences
Plants as Reef Fish: Fitting the Functional Form of Seedling Recruitment Journal Articles
Practical advice for selecting or determining trophic magnification factors for application under the European Union Water Framework Directive Journal Articles
Predator density and timing of arrival affect reef fish community assembly Journal Articles
Pulmonary mechanoreceptors in the dipnoi lungfish Protopterus and Lepidosiren Journal Articles
Pulsatile Urea Excretion In Gulf Toadfish (Opsanus Beta): Evidence For Activation Of A Specific Facilitated Diffusion Transport System Journal Articles
Pulsatile urea excretion in the gulf toadfish: mechanisms and controls Journal Articles
Radiation-induced adaptive response in fish cell lines Journal Articles
Recovery of a Wild Fish Population from Whole-Lake Additions of a Synthetic Estrogen Journal Articles
Reproductive strategies and seasonal changes in the somatic indices of seven small-bodied fishes in Atlantic Canada in relation to study design for environmental effects monitoring Journal Articles
Roundup® Herbicide Decreases Quality Parameters of Spermatozoa of Silversides Odontesthes Humensis Journal Articles
Seasonal plasticity in telencephalon mass of a benthic fish Journal Articles
Serum nonesterified fatty acids have utility as dietary biomarkers of fat intake from fish, fish oil, and dairy in women Journal Articles
Short-term effects of cortisol implantation on blood biochemistry and thyroid hormones in previtellogenic great sturgeon Huso huso Journal Articles
Short‐term exposures of fish to perfluorooctane sulfonate: Acute effects on fatty acyl‐CoA oxidase activity, oxidative stress, and circulating sex steroids Journal Articles
Single Crystals of a Type III Antifreeze Polypeptide from Ocean Pout Journal Articles
Sodium turnover rate determines sensitivity to acute copper and silver exposure in freshwater animals Journal Articles
Spinules: a case for synaptic plasticity Journal Articles
Square root identities for harvested Beverton–Holt models Journal Articles
Startle-response in Teleost Fish: an Elementary Circuit for Neural Discrimination Journal Articles
Structural studies on the freezing-point-depressing protein of the winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus Journal Articles
Structures of shorthorn sculpin antifreeze polypeptides Journal Articles
Study design considerations for assessing the health of fish populations impacted by agriculture in developing countries: a Sri Lankan case study Journal Articles
Sturgeons Are Biodiversity Priorities Needing Special Protection from Chemicals and Waste Journal Articles
Telemetry-Determined Habitat Use Informs Multi-Species Habitat Management in an Urban Harbour Journal Articles
Terminology of Gonadal Anomalies in Fish and Amphibians Resulting from Chemical Exposures Journal Articles
The Ice-Binding Site of Atlantic Herring Antifreeze Protein Corresponds to the Carbohydrate-Binding Site of C-Type Lectins Journal Articles
The Sesame-Peanut Conundrum in Israel: Reevaluation of Food Allergy Prevalence in Young Children Journal Articles
The common field lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol is a potential radiosensitizer in fish cells Journal Articles
The effects of chronic, low doses of Ra-226 on cultured fish and human cells Journal Articles
The effects of environmental pollutants on complex fish behaviour: integrating behavioural and physiological indicators of toxicity Journal Articles
The fight between the teleost fish immune response and aquatic viruses Journal Articles
The function of dendritic spines: an analysis. Journal Articles
The gut content microbiome of wild-caught rainbow darter is altered during laboratory acclimation Journal Articles
The induction of a radiation-induced bystander effect in fish transcends taxonomic group and trophic level Journal Articles
The movement ecology of fishes Journal Articles
The rostral pars distalis of the pituitary gland of the freshwater and marine alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus). A light and electron microscope study. Journal Articles
The round goby genome provides insights into mechanisms that may facilitate biological invasions Journal Articles
The skin of fish as a transport epithelium: a review Journal Articles
The use of Fish Cells in Ecotoxicology: The Report and Recommendations of ECVAM Workshop 47, Journal Articles
Thermal stress and the heat shock response in embryonic and young of the year juvenile lake whitefish Journal Articles
Thyroid abscess resulting from transesophageal migration of a fish bone: Ultrasound appearance Journal Articles
Thyroid hormone regulation of thermal acclimation in ectotherms: Physiological mechanisms and ecoevolutionary implications Journal Articles
Toxicity of Nitrogenous Compounds to Juveniles of Flatfish Paralichthys orbignyanus Journal Articles
Trophodynamics of trace elements in marine organisms from cold and remote regions of southern hemisphere Journal Articles
Twenty years of transcriptomics, 17alpha-ethinylestradiol, and fish Journal Articles
Ultrastructure of marine teleost gill epithelia: SEM and TEM study of the chloride cell apical membrane Journal Articles
Understanding fish cognition: a review and appraisal of current practices Journal Articles
Understanding the Chronic Impacts of Oil Refinery Wastewater Requires Consideration of Sediment Contributions to Toxicity Journal Articles
Urea and water permeability in the ureotelic gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) Journal Articles
Use of Fish Telemetry in Rehabilitation Planning, Management, and Monitoring in Areas of Concern in the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Using stable isotope analysis with telemetry or mark-recapture data to identify fish movement and foraging Journal Articles
Using sulfur stable isotopes to assess mercury bioaccumulation and biomagnification in temperate lake food webs Journal Articles
Using tissue cysteine to predict the trophic transfer of methylmercury and selenium in lake food webs Journal Articles
What do warming waters mean for fish physiology and fisheries? Journal Articles
[Action of pH and PO2 on the membrane potential of epithelial receptor cells in the pseudobranch of a teleostean fish]. Journal Articles
[Anatomical relationships of the ionocytes (chloride cells) with the branchial venous compartment: definition of two types of epithelium in fish gills]. Journal Articles
[Cholinesterase activity of different macerated organs of the silurid Ameiurus nebulosus Lesieur]. Journal Articles
[Influence of temperature on cholinesterase activity in the silurid Ameiurus nebulosus Lesieur]. Journal Articles
[Innervation of the auricle of the heart of teleosts]. Journal Articles
[Morphology and physiology of organs of aquatic respiration in vertebrates: the gill]. Journal Articles
[PaO2 changes during rapid PwO2 changes in 2 teleosts with different biotopes: Salmo gairdnerii and Ictalurus melas (author's transl)]. Journal Articles
[Pharmacological analysis at the level of the isolated fish-cat auricle, of efferent cardiac innervation]. Journal Articles
[Studies on the innervation of the pseudobranchia of teleostean fish]. Journal Articles
[The pseudo-branchia of teleosts: electrophysiological tests of its chemoreceptor and baroreceptor functions]. Journal Articles
[Vascular perfusion of an intestinal segment in the catfish (Ictalurus melas, R): demonstration of the vasoactive effects of mammalian VIP and of gastrointestinal extracts from teleost fish]. Journal Articles
n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Increase: Thermic Effect of Food in Men with Metabolic Syndrome Journal Articles