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A Revisitation on the Mechanism of Action of KCI-lnduced Vascular Smooth Muscle Contraction: A Key Role of Cation Binding to the Plasma Membrane Journal Articles
ATP stimulates Ca2+-waves and gene expression in cultured human pulmonary fibroblasts Journal Articles
Academic Performance, Motor Function, and Behavior 11 Years After Neonatal Caffeine Citrate Therapy for Apnea of Prematurity Journal Articles
Acetaminophen plus caffeine or plus codeine probably results in less pain but more swelling in patients undergoing placement of a single implant without bone grafting in the posterior zone Journal Articles
Acetylcholine and caffeine activate Cl- and suppress K+ conductances in human bronchial smooth muscle Journal Articles
Acetylcholine and caffeine activate Cl- and suppress K+ conductances in human bronchial smooth muscle Journal Articles
Adenosine receptor link in an adrenal opioid-induced antinociception in the rat tail-flick test Journal Articles
Afterhyperpolarization Current in Myenteric Neurons of the Guinea Pig Duodenum Journal Articles
Agonist interactions at the calcium pools in skinned and unskinned canine tracheal smooth muscle Journal Articles
Alcohol, drugs, caffeine, tobacco, and environmental contaminant exposure: Reproductive health consequences and clinical implications Journal Articles
Alteration of arterial smooth muscle potassium channel composition and BKCa current modulation in hypertension Journal Articles
An acute oral dose of caffeine does not alter glucose kinetics during prolonged dynamic exercise in trained endurance athletes Journal Articles
Archimedes: does caffeine treatment for apnoea of prematurity improve neurodevelopmental outcome in later life? Journal Articles
Are energy Drinks Scapegoats? Decomposing Teenagers' Caffeine intake from Energy Drinks and Soda Beverages Journal Articles
Association between tea consumption and risk of cancer: a prospective cohort study of 0.5 million Chinese adults Journal Articles
Atrial arrhythmia after newborn eye exam, to caffeine or not to caffeine? Journal Articles
Ca2+-dependence of vasoconstriction mediated by α1a-adrenoceptors in perfused rat hindlimb: A pharmacological approach Journal Articles
Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages Journal Articles
Caffeine Therapy for Apnea of Prematurity Journal Articles
Caffeine and Coffee Tolerance Journal Articles
Caffeine and Creatine Use in Sport Journal Articles
Caffeine and Endurance Performance Journal Articles
Caffeine blocks SREBP2-induced hepatic PCSK9 expression to enhance LDLR-mediated cholesterol clearance Journal Articles
Caffeine consumption and incident atrial fibrillation in women Journal Articles
Caffeine editorial Journal Articles
Caffeine for Apnea of Prematurity Trial: Benefits May Vary in Subgroups Journal Articles
Caffeine for Apnea of Prematurity: Too Much or Too Little of a Good Thing Journal Articles
Caffeine increases time to fatigue by maintaining force and not by altering firing rates during submaximal isometric contractions. Journal Articles
Caffeine potentiates low frequency skeletal muscle force in habitual and nonhabitual caffeine consumers Journal Articles
Caffeine relaxes smooth muscle through actin depolymerization Journal Articles
Clinical nutrition: 2. The role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of adult osteoporosis. Journal Articles
Combining chemical, bioanalytical and predictive tools to assess persistence, seasonality, and sporadic releases of organic micropollutants within the urban water cycle Journal Articles
Computational Study of the Binding Modes of Caffeine to the Adenosine A2AReceptor Journal Articles
Cyclopiazonic acid, inhibiting the endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump, reduces the canine colonic pacemaker frequency. Journal Articles
DNA Damage and Biological Function of Human Adenovirus after U.V.-irradiation Journal Articles
Decaffeinated coffee and nicotine-free tobacco provide neuroprotection in Drosophila models of Parkinson's disease through an NRF2-dependent mechanism. Journal Articles
Development of machine learning prediction models to explore nutrients predictive of cardiovascular disease using Canadian linked population-based data Journal Articles
Drugs to Prevent Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Effect of Baseline Risk on the Number Needed to Treat Journal Articles
Economic Evaluation of Caffeine for Apnea of Prematurity Journal Articles
Effect of caffeine on the neuromuscular system — potential as an ergogenic aid Conferences
Electronic device use and beverage related sugar and caffeine intake in US adolescents Journal Articles
Emptying and refilling of Ca2+ store in tracheal myocytes as indicated by ACh-evoked currents and contraction Journal Articles
Energy Drinks and Their Adverse Health Effects: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Environmental and occupational factors affecting fertility and IVF success Journal Articles
Evidence that adenosine mediates the depression of spinal dorsal horn neurons induced by peripheral vibration in the cat Journal Articles
Evidence-Based Neonatal Drug Therapy for Prevention of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants Journal Articles
Excitation-contraction coupling in pulmonary vascular smooth muscle involves tyrosine kinase and Rho kinase Journal Articles
High Coffee Intake, but Not Caffeine, is Associated with Reduced Estrogen Receptor Negative and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Risk with No Effect Modification by CYP1A2 Genotype Journal Articles
Homer modulates NFAT-dependent signaling during muscle differentiation Journal Articles
Hormone-sensitive lipase activity and triacylglycerol hydrolysis are decreased in rat soleus muscle by cyclopiazonic acid Journal Articles
Hot-Melt Granulation in a Twin Screw Extruder: Effects of Processing on Formulations with Caffeine and Ibuprofen Journal Articles
Impact of non-binder ingredients and molecular weight of polymer binders on heat assisted twin screw dry granulation Journal Articles
Impacts of caffeine on fathead minnow behaviour and physiology Journal Articles
Impulsivity and alcohol demand in relation to combined alcohol and caffeine use. Journal Articles
Inhibitors of ADP-induced platelet aggregation prevent fibrinogen binding to rabbit platelets and cause rapid deaggregation and dissociation of bound fibrinogen Other
Initial development of a measure of expectancies for combinations of alcohol and caffeine: The Caffeine + Alcohol Combined Effects Questionnaire (CACEQ). Journal Articles
Long-Term Effects of Caffeine Therapy for Apnea of Prematurity Journal Articles
Long-Term Effects of Caffeine Therapy for Apnea of Prematurity on Sleep at School Age Journal Articles
Mania Associated with an Energy Drink: The Possible Role of Caffeine, Taurine, and Inositol Journal Articles
Membrane bioreactor technology: A novel approach to the treatment of compost leachate Journal Articles
Membrane currents in canine bronchial artery and their regulation by excitatory agonists Journal Articles
Motor Unit Counting and the Caffeine Contracture Test in Malignant Hyperthermia Journal Articles
Neurobehavioral Outcomes 11 Years After Neonatal Caffeine Therapy for Apnea of Prematurity Journal Articles
Neurotransmission in lower esophageal sphincter ofW/Wvmutant mice Journal Articles
New algorithm for quantifying vascular changes in dynamic contrast‐enhanced MRI independent of absolute T1 values Journal Articles
Non-invasive measurement of oxygen saturation in the spinal vein using SWI: Quantitative evaluation under conditions of physiological and caffeine load Journal Articles
Nutrition for distance events Conferences
Nutritional Strategies to Promote Postexercise Recovery Journal Articles
Paraxanthine, a caffeine metabolite, dose dependently increases [Ca2+]iin skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Partitioning of caffeine in lipid bilayers reduces membrane fluidity and increases membrane thickness Journal Articles
Physiological responses to caffeine during endurance running in habitual caffeine users Journal Articles
Quantifying the changes in oxygen extraction fraction and cerebral activity caused by caffeine and acetazolamide Journal Articles
Rate of Caffeine Metabolism and Risk of Spontaneous Abortion Journal Articles
Reduction in Developmental Coordination Disorder with Neonatal Caffeine Therapy Journal Articles
Regulation of muscle glycogenolytic flux during intense aerobic exercise after caffeine ingestion Journal Articles
Regulation of slow wave frequency by IP3-sensitive calcium release in the murine small intestine Journal Articles
Relation between fractures and mortality: results from the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study Journal Articles
Repurposing Two Old Friends to Fight Cancer: Caffeine and Statins Journal Articles
Role of Tyrosine Phosphorylation in U46619-induced Vasoconstriction of Pulmonary Vasculature and Its Modulation by Genistein, Daidzein, and Equol Journal Articles
Self-reported Quality of Life at Middle School Age in Survivors of Very Preterm Birth Journal Articles
Separate and joint effects of alcohol and caffeine on conflict monitoring and adaptation Journal Articles
Skeletal Muscle Metabolic Dysfunction in Patients With Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptibility Journal Articles
Subcellular-membrane characterization of [3H]ryanodine-binding sites in smooth muscle Journal Articles
Substance P released endogenously by high-intensity sensory stimulation potentiates purinergic inhibition of nociceptive dorsal horn neurons induced by peripheral vibration Journal Articles
Sucralose and caffeine as chemical indicators of domestic wastewater contamination in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin. Journal Articles
Summary of the 2024 Professionals in Nutrition for Exercise and Sport "10 Questions/10 Experts" Session-Hot Topics for the Paris Olympic Games. Journal Articles
Superficial buffer barrier and preferentially directed release of Ca2+ in canine airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Superficial buffer barrier and preferentially directed release of Ca2+in canine airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Survival Without Disability to Age 5 Years After Neonatal Caffeine Therapy for Apnea of Prematurity Journal Articles
Tachykinins enhance the depression of spinal nociceptive neurons caused by cutaneously applied vibration in the cat Journal Articles
Tetrandrine inhibits electrically induced [Ca2+]i transient in the isolated single rat cardiomyocyte Journal Articles
Tetrandrine potentiates caffeine-induced contraction but inhibits phenylephrine-induced contraction in perfused rat mesenteric artery Journal Articles
The Effects of Resveratrol, Caffeine, β‐Carotene, and Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) on Amyloid‐β25--35 Aggregation in Synthetic Brain Membranes Journal Articles
The reverse mode of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger provides a source of Ca2+ for store refilling following agonist-induced Ca2+ mobilization Journal Articles
Timing of Caffeine Therapy in Very Low Birth Weight Infants Journal Articles
Vasomodulation of skeletal muscle BOLD signal Journal Articles