selected scholarly activity
- Speleothems. 492-504. 2024
- Stable carbon isotope evidence of ancient maize cultivation on the soils of Motul de San Jose. 386-400. 2015
- Stable isotopic evidence for diet. 310-322. 2014
- The Axed Man of Mosfell: Skeletal Evidence of a Viking Age Homicide and the Icelandic Sagas. 26-43. 2014
- Biogeochemical Signatures of Marine and Estuarine Bivalves: Implications for Interpreting Seasonality at Shell Midden Sites Using High-Resolution Stable Isotope Sclerochronology. 241-250. 2014
- 14.22 - Human Physiology in Relation to Isotopic Studies of Ancient and Modern Humans. 357-369. 2014
- Biogeochemical signatures of archaeological shells: Implications for interpreting seasonality at shell midden sites 2014
- Human Physiology in Relation to Isotopic Studies of Ancient and Modern Humans. 357-369. 2014
- Oxygen Isotopes from Maya Archaeological Deer Remains: Experiments in Tracing Droughts Using Bones. 231-254. 2014
- CARBONATE STABLE ISOTOPES | Overview. 291-293. 2013
- CARBONATE STABLE ISOTOPES | Speleothems. 294-303. 2013
- Dietary carbonate analysis of bone and enamel for two sites in Belize.. 221-243. 2012
- Stable Isotopes of Carbon and Nitrogen as Tracers for Paleo-Diet Reconstruction. Advances in Isotope Geochemistry. 725-742. 2012
- Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen as tracers for paleo-diet reconstruction. 725-742. 2012
- Archaeological and Anthropological Applications of Isotopic and Elemental Geochemistry. 238-253. 2011
- Social directions in the isotopic anthropology of maize in the Maya Region. 142-158. 2010
- Stable carbon isotope analysis and human diet in Mesoamerica. 184-189. 2010
- A framework for the incorporation of isotopes and isoscapes into geospatial forensic investigations. 357-387. 2010
- Stable and radiogenic isotopes in biological archaeology: some applications. 335-356. 2010
- Fire in the desert: The occurrence of a high-Ca silicate glass near the Dakhleh Oasis. 55-71. 2008
- Radiometric Dates. 117-126. 2008
- CARBONATE STABLE ISOTOPES | Overview. 287-290. 2007
- CARBONATE STABLE ISOTOPES | Speleothems. 290-300. 2007
- Geoarchaeological investigations in Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt: Did a meteorite strike Dakhleh during the time of Middle Stone Age occupations?. 437-447. 2006
- Isotopes in speleothems. 185-226. 2006
- Social Directions in the Isotopic Anthropology of Maize in the Maya Region. 143-159. 2006
- Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis and Human Diet a Synthesis. 315-321. 2006
- Use of helium flow in retrieving fluid inclusions from speleothems. 72-75. 2006
- Feast, field and forest: Deer and dog diets at Lagartero, Tikal and Copan. 141-158. 2004
- A Pleistocene Catastrophic Event at Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt 2004
- Paleoclimate Information from Speleothems: The Present as a Guide to the Past. 199-226. 2004
- Paleoclimate information from speleothems: The present as the guide to the past. 199-226. 2004
- Geomorphological Techniques. 463-468. 2003
- Uranium-series disequilibrium dating methods. 456-462. 2003
- Some biochemical aspects of carbon isotopic paleodiet studies. 189-210. 2002
- Tracing human migration with stable isotopes. 183-202. 2002
- Chronometric dating of the Middle Pleistocene. 41-54. 2001
- Dating bones and teeth: The beautiful and the dangerous. 249-256. 2001
- ESR, OSL and U-series chronology of Gorham's Cave, Gibraltar. 165-170. 2000
- Results of the current program of ESR dating of Gorham's Cave teeth from the Gibraltar Museum. 163-164. 2000
- ESR dating of times of movement on the San Gabriel fault in the Little Tujunga region, Los Angeles, California. 553-556. 2000
- Electron spin resonance dating of fault rocks. 177-186. 2000
- Geography, geology, geochronology and geoarchaeology of the Dakhleh Oasis region: An interim report. 1-54. 1999
- ESR dating of times of movement on the San Gabriel fault in the Little Tujunga region, Los Angeles, California 1998
- Electron spin resonance dating. Physical Review. 975-978. 1998
- Progress in ESR and U-series chronology of the Levantine Paleolithic. 57-67. 1998
- Problems and limitations of absolute dating of the appearance of modern man in Southwestern Europe 1997
- Absolute dating of Holocene archaeological sites 1997
- Chronologic contexts of Middle Palaeolithic horizons at the Ain Difla rockshelter (WHS 634), West Central Jordan. 77-100. 1997
- Uranium Series Dating. 159-182. 1997
- Paleoclimate inferences from stable isotopic studies of speleothem. 145-147. 1996
- Paleoclimatic record from the Mediterranean-desert border Karst, Israel 1996
- The last two interglacials in the midcontinent from vadose and phreatic speleothem records, Jewel Cave and Wind Cave 1996
- Dating the archaeological materials at La Chaise-de-Vouthon (Charente), France 1995
- Uranium series disequilibrium dating. 167-208. 1995
- ESR dating of tooth enamel: A universal growth curve. 521-530. 1994
- A chronology for the Middle and Late Pleistocene wet episodes in the eastern Sahara. 147-168. 1994
- Chronology of modern humans in the Levant. 21-31. 1994
- The potential for ESR dating at archaeological sites in teh Great Lakes Region: Mammal teeth, gar scales, burnt flint, hearth sand.. 321-366. 1994
- Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Dating of the Origin of Modern Man. 40-48. 1993
- Archaeochronology and scale. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 39-58. 1993
- ESR dating and the origin of modern man. 40-48. 1993
- Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of the Lower Industry. 207-217. 1993
- Electron spin resonance dating of tooth enamel from Bir Tarfawi. 234-237. 1993
- Problems and limitations of absolute dating in the appearance of modern man Southwestern Europe. 23-45. 1993
- Uranium series dating and the origin of modern man. 12-26. 1993
- Uranium-series dating of carbonates from Bir Tarfawi and Bir Sahara East. 205-217. 1993
- Chemical analysis of bone as a means of addressing subsistence problems in complex ecosystems 1992
- Datations 230Th/234U et 14C de concrétions stalagmitiques. 159-172. 1992
- Oxygen isotope analysis of bones from Snake Hill as indicator of place of origin. 263-268. 1991
- Archaeometry. 513-552. 1991
- Carbonate and sulphate precipitates. 423-459. 1991
- Dating Travertines. 113-115. 1990
- Absolute age determinism of travertines from the Vertesszolos site. 549-552. 1990
- Application of stable isotopes in waters, sedimentary deposits, and fossil plants and animals. 400-404. 1990
- Magnetic polarity of travertine samples from Vertesszolos. 553-554. 1990
- Radiometric dating of the Mousterian site at Quneitra. 232-235. 1990
- Uranium series dating of travertines from Abri Vaufrey. 365-379. 1990
- Uranium-series disequilibrium dating methods. 394-399. 1990
- A Sr-isotopic study of the Eye-Dashwa Lakes pluton, ONtario and the Lac du Bonnet pluton, Manitoba: plagioclas/water reaction. 441-444. 1989
- Archaeology and human biology of the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in southern Portugal. 632-640. 1989
- Fishing and Foraging. Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. 279-291. 1987
- Fishing and foraging: Marine resources in the Upper Paleolithic of France. 279-291. 1986
- Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry of Speleothem. 271-303. 1986
- Paleodiet determinations by stable carbon-isotope analysis 1985
- Radiometric dating of travertines in archeological sites. 575-581. 1984
- Uranium series dating of Quaternary deposits. Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy. 33-51. 1984
- Uranium series disequilibrium dating. 9-18. 1983
- Uranium-series dating and stable-isotope analyses of calcite deposits from Pontnewydd Cave. 88-97. 1983
- Archaeometry. 302-325. 1982
- Carbonate and sulfate precipitates. 268-301. 1982
- Paleoclimate. 326-350. 1982
- Radioisotopic studies of rocks. 113-119. 1982
- Applications of stable isotope fractionation effects in water sedimentary deposits, flora and fauna. 288-291. 1981
- Uranium-series disequilibrium dating methods. 284-287. 1981
- Stable isotope Geochemistry. 114-117. 1980
- The Stable Isotopes of Carbon 1969
- Dating calcite deposits by the uranium disequilibrium method: Some preliminary results from Crowsnest Pass, Alberta. 247-255.
- Stable isotope studies of bones from Lago di Castiglione
- NANOMETER-SCALE POLYCRYSTALLINE APATITE PLATES ARE THE RE-BARS OF BONE. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 2018
- Assessing Demographic Change From the Iron Age (7th-4th c.BCE) through the Roman Period (1st-3rd c.CE) in Southern Italy Using Isotope and Whole-Mitochondrial Genome Analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 172-172. 2017
- Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Archaeological Dental Calculus: Potential for Future Study. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 321-321. 2017
- Kennewick Man: paleodiet, and the people of the Pacific Northwest Coast. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 281-282. 2015
- The ultrastructure of bone: two new levels of hierarchy revealed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 246-247. 2013
- A new method for the determination of post-mortem interval: citrate content of bone.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 267-267. 2011
- Heterogeneity of maternal diet in a stable isotope weaning study.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 130-131. 2010
- Potential consequences of a Mid-Pleistocene impact event for the Middle Stone Age occupants of Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt. Quaternary International. 138-149. 2009
- Nanoscale characterization of bone with transmission electron microscopy. 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008. 347. 2008
- The Dakhleh Glass: Product of an impact airburst or cratering event in the Western Desert of Egypt?. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2089-2107. 2008
- GEOC 28-Identification of maize agriculture on the terraces of the ancient Maya sites of Caracol and Minanha (Belize) using the carbon-isotope compositions of humic substances. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2007
- Ultrastructure of bone: Hollow apatite crystals, solution chemistry and organic inhibitors. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. A909-A909. 2007
- Stable carbon isotope signature of ancient maize agriculture in the soils of Motul de San José, Guatemala. Geoarchaeology. 291-312. 2007
- Characterization of a murder victim using stable isotopic analyses.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 160-160. 2006
- Isotopic evidence of consumption of marine foods by ancestral Chumash.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 185-185. 2005
- Use of hydrogen isotope variations in speleothem fluid inclusions as an independent measure of paleoclimate. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 43-53. 2005
- Theoretical estimates of equilibrium O-18/O-16 fractionation between phosphate minerals and water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. A797-A797. 2004
- Single osteons and seasonality: A SIMS analysis of human bone from Wadi Halfa. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 176-176. 2004
- Geochemical controls on quaternary dating. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. A420-A420. 2003
- Isotopic evidence of migration at the imperial port of Portus Romae, Italy.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 172-172. 2003
- Seasonality data from tooth enamel composition: The Levantine Holocene.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 108-108. 2003
- Paleotemperature reconstruction using isotopic variations in speleothem fluid inclusion water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. A697-A697. 2002
- Natural variation of the potassium (K) to rubidium (Rb) ratio in various biological compartments.. The FASEB Journal. A1025-A1026. 2002
- Evidence for summer rains during Neandertal occupation at Amud Cave, Israel: the stable isotope data.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 81-81. 2002
- Fishy diets?: Isotopic and chemical methods for testing.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 137-137. 2002
- Patterns of isotopic disequilibria in azooxanthellate coral skeletons. Hydrobiologia. 111-115. 2002
- ESR dating of the subsidiary faults in the Yangsan fault system, Korea. Quaternary Science Reviews. 999-1003. 2001
- Skinflint dating. Quaternary Science Reviews. 1047-1050. 2001
- Dating methods for sediments of caves and rockshelters with examples from the Mediterranean Region. Geoarchaeology. 355-371. 2001
- Evidence for summer rains during Neandertal occupation at Amud, Israel: the stable isotope data. Journal of Human Evolution. A8-A8. 2001
- Alpha and beta dose gradients in tooth enamel. Radiation Measurements. 759-765. 2000
- Crushing effects on TL and OSL on quartz: relevance to fault dating. Radiation Measurements. 667-672. 2000
- Skinflint: a potential new method of dating Paleolithic flint tools. Journal of Human Evolution. A27-A28. 2000
- Chemical analysis of infant feeding practices from the Imperial Roman site of Portus Romae, Italy.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 254-254. 2000
- Timeless tomb: Stable carbon evidence for tomb reuse in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 143-143. 2000
- 15N Enrichment in the Sahara: In Search of a Global Relationship. Journal of Archaeological Science. 629-636. 1999
- Infant feeding practices in Roman Egypt: Evidence from the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 122-122. 1999
- Paleoclimate at Amud Cave, Israel: stable isotope analysis of tooth enamel carbonate.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 143-144. 1999
- Neanderthal skeleton from Tabun: U-series date by gamma-ray spectrometry. Journal of Human Evolution. A18-A19. 1998
- Beta doses in tooth enamel by “one-group” theory and the ROSY ESR dating software. Radiation Measurements. 307-314. 1997
- Comparison of ESR signal dose-responses in modern and fossil tooth enamels. Radiation Measurements. 405-411. 1997
- Simulation of the gamma radiation field in lumpy environments. Radiation Measurements. 299-305. 1997
- The hazard of the counterfeit E1′ signal in quartz to the ESR dating of fault movements. Quaternary Science Reviews. 483-486. 1997
- Formation of E′1 precursors in quartz: applications to dosimetry and dating. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 1393-1398. 1996
- The isotopic composition and diagenesis of human bone from Teotihuacan and Oaxaca, Mexico. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 1-14. 1996
- The spatial distribution of ESR signals in fault gouge revealed by Abrading technique. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 1409-1413. 1996
- Tests for Diagenesis in Tooth Enamel: ESR Dating Signals and Carbonate Contents. Journal of Archaeological Science. 251-255. 1995
- Dose response of ESR signals in tooth enamel. Radiation Measurements. 481-484. 1994
- Current challenges to ESR dating. Quaternary Science Reviews. 601-605. 1994
- ESR plateau dating of fault gouge. Quaternary Science Reviews. 629-634. 1994
- Annealing and etching of corals for ESR dating. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 153-156. 1993
- ESR dating of the Rotoiti Breccia in the Taupo volcanic zone, New Zealand. Quaternary Science Reviews. 267-271. 1992
- ESR dating of tooth enamel: comparison with speleothem dates at La Chaise-de-Vouthon (Charente), France. Quaternary Science Reviews. 231-244. 1992
- Dating lacustrine episodes in the eastern Sahara by the epimerization of isoleucine in ostrich eggshells. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 175-189. 1991
- ESR dating of tooth enamel from prehistoric archaeological sites. Applied Geochemistry. 329-330. 1989
- Editorial comments on the first international workshop on fossil bone. Applied Geochemistry. 211-213. 1989
journal articles
- Curved mineral platelets in bone. Acta Biomaterialia. 183:201-209. 2024
- Effect of plate orientation on apparent thickness of mineral plates by transmission electron microscopy. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 42:344-351. 2024
- Examining prehistoric diet at Tung Wan Tsai, Ma Wan Island, Hong Kong through stable isotope analysis. Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology. 19:196-210. 2024
- Winter sources of ascorbic acid for Pleistocene hominins in northern Eurasia. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 15. 2023
- Plant foods: Important nutrients for the people of prehistoric Prince Rupert Harbour. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 48:103836-103836. 2023
- Ashing of bone: errors due to loss of CO2 and their correction. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 40:594-601. 2022
- Assessing Gallo-Roman mobility at the Rue Jacques Brel necropolis site (1st to 3rd c. CE), France. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 43:103470-103470. 2022
- The Green Deer: Chaya as a Potential Source of Protein for the Ancient Maya. Latin American Antiquity. 33:175-186. 2022
- Dataset of oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotope values from the Imperial Roman site of Velia (ca. 1st-2nd c. CE), Italy. Genomics Data. 38:107421-107421. 2021
- Theoretical and observed C/N ratios in human bone collagen. Journal of Archaeological Science. 131:105396-105396. 2021
- Modeling of bending and torsional stiffnesses of bone at sub-microscale: Effect of curved mineral lamellae. Journal of Biomechanics. 123:110531-110531. 2021
- Interfacial bonding between mineral platelets in bone and its effect on mechanical properties of bone. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 113:104132-104132. 2021
- X-ray diffraction and in situ pressurization of dentine apatite reveals nanocrystal modulus stiffening upon carbonate removal. Acta Biomaterialia. 120:91-103. 2021
- A search for apatite crystals in the gap zone of collagen fibrils in bone using dark-field illumination. Bone. 135:115304-115304. 2020
- Imperial Roman mobility and migration at Velia (1st to 2nd c. CE) in southern Italy. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 30:102217-102217. 2020
- Carbon and oxygen isotope systematics in cave environments: Lessons from an artificial cave “McMaster Cave”. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 272:137-159. 2020
- Identification of collagen fibrils in cross sections of bone by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Micron. 124:102706-102706. 2019
- Ultrastructure of Bone: Hierarchical Features from Nanometer to Micrometer Scale Revealed in Focused Ion Beam Sections in the TEM. Calcified Tissue International. 103:606-616. 2018
- Ancient Roman mitochondrial genomes and isotopes reveal relationships and geographic origins at the local and pan-Mediterranean scales. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 20:200-209. 2018
- Mapping the origins of Imperial Roman workers (1st–4th century CE) at Vagnari, Southern Italy, using 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O variability. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 166:837-850. 2018
- Speleothem evidence for the greening of the Sahara and its implications for the early human dispersal out of sub-Saharan Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews. 188:67-76. 2018
- Testing the validity of stable isotope analyses of dental calculus as a proxy in paleodietary studies. Journal of Archaeological Science. 91:92-103. 2018
- Calcite raft geochemistry as a hydrological proxy for Holocene aquifer conditions in Hoyo Negro and Ich Balam (Sac Actun Cave System), Quintana Roo, Mexico. Quaternary Science Reviews. 175:97-111. 2017
- The Ultrastructure of Bone and Its Relevance to Mechanical Properties. Frontiers in Physics. 5. 2017
- Geographic origins of a War of 1812 skeletal sample integrating oxygen and strontium isotopes with GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 14:323-331. 2017
- Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic variations between adjacent drips in three caves at increasing elevation in a temperate coastal rainforest, Vancouver Island, Canada. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 172:370-386. 2016
- Exploring Dietary Variability in a War of 1812 Skeletal Collection from Stoney Creek, Ontario, Using Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes. Historical Archaeology. 49:54-70. 2015
- The ultrastructure of bone as revealed in electron microscopy of ion-milled sections. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 46:44-50. 2015
- You are not what you eat during physiological stress: Isotopic evaluation of human hair. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 157:374-388. 2015
- Dark-field transmission electron microscopy of cortical bone reveals details of extrafibrillar crystals. Journal of Structural Biology. 188:240-248. 2014
Isotopic studies of the diet of the people of the coast of
B ritishC olumbia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 155:460-468. 2014 - Caves in caves: evolution of post-depositional macroholes in stalagmites. International Journal of Speleology. 43:323-334. 2014
- Erratum: Corrigendum: Rapid climate change in the North Atlantic during the Younger Dryas recorded by deep-sea corals. Nature. 502:258-258. 2013
- Scanning transmission electron microscopic tomography of cortical bone using Z-contrast imaging. Micron. 49:46-53. 2013
- Bone mineralization is elevated and less heterogeneous in adults with type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis compared to controls with osteoarthritis alone. Bone. 54:76-82. 2013
- Inter-site variability in the season of shellfish collection on the central coast of British Columbia. Journal of Archaeological Science. 40:626-636. 2013
- Correction to “Macroholes in stalagmites and the search for lost water”. Journal of Geophysical Research. 117. 2012
- Macroholes in stalagmites and the search for lost water. Journal of Geophysical Research. 117. 2012
- A Model for the Ultrastructure of Bone Based on Electron Microscopy of Ion-Milled Sections. PLoS ONE. 7:e29258-e29258. 2012
- Paleoclimate during Neandertal and anatomically modern human occupation at Amud and Qafzeh, Israel: the stable isotope data. Journal of Human Evolution. 62:59-73. 2012
- Assessing surficial foraminiferal distributions as an overwash indicator in Sur Lagoon, Sultanate of Oman. Marine Micropaleontology. 80:62-73. 2011
- Oxygen isotopic evidence of residence and migration in a Greek colonial population on the Black Sea. Journal of Archaeological Science. 38:2658-2666. 2011
- Possible paleohydrologic and paleoclimatic effects on hominin migration and occupation of the Levantine Middle Paleolithic☆. Journal of Human Evolution. 60:437-451. 2011
- Contextes et âge des nouveaux restes dentaires humains du Pléistocène moyen de la carrière Thomas I à Casablanca (Maroc). Bulletin de la Societe Prehistorique Francaise. 108:645-669. 2011
- A New Method for Determination of Postmortem Interval: Citrate Content of Bone*. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 55:1516-1522. 2010
- New parameters for the characterization of diagenetic alterations and heat-induced changes of fossil bone mineral using Fourier transform infrared spectrometry. Journal of Archaeological Science. 37:2265-2276. 2010
- The children of Kaminaljuyu: Isotopic insight into diet and long distance interaction in Mesoamerica. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 29:155-178. 2010
- Age of the Dakhleh impact event and implications for Middle Stone Age archeology in the Western Desert of Egypt. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 291:201-206. 2010
- New insights from old bones: DNA preservation and degradation in permafrost preserved mammoth remains. Nucleic Acids Research (NAR). 37:3215-3229. 2009
- Multi‐proxy geoarchaeological study redefines understanding of the paleocoastlines and ancient harbours of Liman Tepe (Iskele, Turkey). Terra Nova. 21:97-104. 2009
- Isoscapes to Address Large‐Scale Earth Science Challenges. Eos. 90:109-110. 2009
- Foraminifera and testate amoebae (thecamoebians) in an anchialine cave: Surface distributions from Aktun Ha (Carwash) cave system, Mexico. Limnology and Oceanography. 54:391-396. 2009
- Stable isotopic evidence for diet in a Roman and Late Roman population from Leptiminus, Tunisia. Journal of Archaeological Science. 36:51-63. 2009
- Isotopic and dental evidence for infant and young child feeding practices in an imperial Roman skeletal sample. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 137:294-308. 2008
- Evidence for Holocene Marine Transgression and Shoreline Progradation Due to Barrier Development in Iskele, Bay of Izmir, Turkey. Journal of Coastal Research. 245:1269-1280. 2008
- Electron paramagnetic resonance dosimetry and dating potential of whewellite (calcium oxalate monohydrate). Radiation Measurements. 43:1219-1225. 2008
- An absolute paleotemperature record from 10 to 6Ka inferred from fluid inclusion D/H ratios of a stalagmite from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 72:1014-1026. 2008
- Testing the reliability of ESR dating of optically exposed buried quartz sediments. Radiation Measurements. 42:1618-1626. 2007
- Isotopic evidence for age‐related immigration to imperial Rome. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 132:510-519. 2007
- High-resolution paleosalinity reconstruction from Laguna de la Leche, north coastal Cuba, using Sr, O, and C isotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 245:535-550. 2007
- New dates for the Fontéchevade (Charente, France) Homo remains. Journal of Human Evolution. 52:217-221. 2007
- Chronology of termination II and the Last Interglacial Period in North Spain based on stable isotope records of stalagmites from Cueva del Cobre (Palencia). Journal of Iberian Geology. 33:17-30. 2007
- Evidence for a ∼200–100 ka meteorite impact in the Western Desert of Egypt. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 253:378-388. 2007
- Stable isotopic evidence of diet in a Greek colonial population from the Black Sea. Journal of Archaeological Science. 33:1205-1215. 2006
- Isotopic evidence for age‐related variation in diet from Isola Sacra, Italy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 128:2-13. 2005
- ESR and uranium series dating of teeth from the lower Paleolithic site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov, Israel: Confirmation of paleomagnetic age indications. Geoarchaeology. 20:57-66. 2005
- Use of hydrogen isotope variations in speleothem fl uid inclusions as an independent measure of paleoclimate. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 395:43-53. 2005
- Detection of ancient maize in lowland Maya soils using stable carbon isotopes: evidence from Caracol, Belize. Journal of Archaeological Science. 31:1039-1052. 2004
- Age of the Mousterian industry at Hayonim Cave, Northern Israel, using electron spin resonance and 230Th/234U methods. Journal of Archaeological Science. 31:953-964. 2004
- Carbon isotopic records from the otoliths of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from eastern Newfoundland, Canada. Fisheries Research. 68:83-97. 2004
- A reconstruction of Quaternary pluvial environments and human occupations using stratigraphy and geochronology of fossil‐spring tufas, Kharga Oasis, Egypt. Geoarchaeology. 19:407-439. 2004
- The grasshopper or the ant?: cultigen-use strategies in ancient Nubia from C-13 analyses of human hair. Journal of Archaeological Science. 31:753-762. 2004
- Palaeodietary implications from stable isotopic analysis of residues on prehistoric Ontario ceramics. Journal of Archaeological Science. 31:503-517. 2004
- Constraints on Pleistocene pluvial climates through stable-isotope analysis of fossil-spring tufas and associated gastropods, Kharga Oasis, Egypt. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 206:157-175. 2004
- Holocene climatic variation recorded in a speleothem from McFail's Cave, New York. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. 66:20-27. 2004
- Isotopic paleodiet studies of skeletons from the Imperial Roman-age cemetery of Isola Sacra, Rome, Italy. Journal of Archaeological Science. 31:259-272. 2004
- Confirmation of a near 400 ka age for the Yabrudian industry at Tabun Cave, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science. 31:15-20. 2004
- Late Pleistocene paleoclimate in the Black Hills of South Dakota from isotope records in speleothems. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 203:1-17. 2004
- ISOTOPIC (Sr, O, C) INDICATORS OF SALINITY AND TAPHONOMY IN MARGINAL MARINE SYSTEMS. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 33:262-272. 2003
- Age of the Middle Palaeolithic Site of Rosh Ein Mor, Central Negev, Israel: Implications for the Age Range of the Early Levantine Mousterian of the Levantine Corridor. Journal of Archaeological Science. 30:195-204. 2003
- U-series Dating of a Speleothem from Inazumi Cave, Oita Prefecture, Japan. Journal of Ion Exchange. 14:225-228. 2003
- ESR of E′ centres in unstrained geological quartz grains. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 57:491-496. 2002
- Chronometric Dating in Archaeology: A Review. Accounts of Chemical Research. 35:637-643. 2002
- Timing of the Lower to Middle Paleolithic boundary: new dates from the Levant. Journal of Human Evolution. 43:107-122. 2002
- Organic substances in cave drip waters: studies from Marengo Cave, Indiana. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 39:279-284. 2002
- ESR studies of E′ centres in geological flint. Radiation Measurements. 33:893-898. 2001
- Strangers in a Strange Land: Stable Isotope Evidence for Human Migration in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. Journal of Archaeological Science. 28:1199-1208. 2001
- Areal distribution of sulphur and oxygen isotopes in sulphate of rain over eastern North America. Journal of Geophysical Research. 106:20883-20895. 2001
- Electron spin resonance (ESR) and thermal ionization mass spectrometric (TIMS) 230Th/234U dating of teeth in Middle Paleolithic layers at Amud Cave, Israel. Geoarchaeology. 16:701-717. 2001
- Seasonal Stable Isotope Records of Otoliths from Ocean-pen Reared and Wild Cod, Gadus morhua. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 61:445-453. 2001
- Infant feeding and weaning practices in Roman Egypt. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 115:204-212. 2001
- Causes of colour and fluorescence in speleothems. Chemical Geology. 175:319-341. 2001
- ESR signals from clusters of iron ions as indicators of the thermal history of fault gouge. Applied Magnetic Resonance. 20:519-530. 2001
- Human-induced desalinization of Manzala lagoon, Nile delta, Egypt: Evidence from isotopic analysis of benthic invertebrates. Journal of Coastal Research. 17:431-442. 2001
- Isotopic Evidence for Maya Patterns of Deer and Dog Use at Preclassic Colha. Journal of Archaeological Science. 28:89-107. 2001
- The 2001 W.A. Johnston medallist - Derek Ford. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire. 55:207-211. 2001
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- 大分県稲積水中鍾乳洞と阿蘇巨大噴火