Curved mineral platelets in bone Journal Articles uri icon

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  • Bone is a composite material principally made up of a mineral phase (apatite) and collagen fibrils. The mineral component of bone occurs in the form of polycrystalline platelets 2-6 nm in thickness. These platelets are packed and probably glued together in stacks of two or more, ranging up to >30 platelets. Here we show that most of these stacks are curved flat sheets whose cylindrical axes are oriented parallel to the long axes of collagen fibrils. Consequently, the curvature of the platelets is not detectable in TEM sections cut parallel to the collagen fibril axes. The radius of curvature around these axes ranges from about 25 nm (the average radius of the collagen fibrils) to 100's of nm. The shapes of these curved forms contribute to the compressive strength of bone. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Bone, the material of which bones are made, is mainly composed of a protein, collagen, and the mineral apatite (calcium phosphate). The crystals have long been known to be flat plates about 5 nanometers (nm) thick. Here we show that the crystals are bound together in curved platelets with a radius of curvature between 25 and several hundred nm, which weave between fibrils of collagen. Some platelets wrap tightly around fibrils. The platelets form stacks of from two to up to 30. The crystals in the platelets are all oriented parallel to the cylindrical fibrils even though most crystals are not in contact with collagen. These curved structures provide greater strength to bone.

publication date

  • July 2024