Age determination of travertine from archaeologic sites Journal Articles uri icon

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  • Where travertine has formed by slow passage of calcite saturated water on to archaeological sites, the deposits of cultural materials may be enclosed within material which is datable by a number of isotopic methods. Th-230/U-234 dating is generally applicable for travertines which are not contaminated by detritus, not too porous or permeable, and containing more than 0.1 ppm of uranium. Travertines containing 1 ppm U or more can be also dated by Pa-231/Th-230 methods. The presence of detritus may result in contamination of the sample by varying amounts of U and Th ; the latter can be recongnized by the presence of Th-232 in alpha spectra and various procedures for adjusting data to correct for Th-contamination are presented. Dates for sites ranging in age from 10.000 to greater than 350.000 yerars have been obtained for sites in Europe, Asia and North America. The use of U-234/U-238 ratio measurements, independent of knowledge of initial ratios, may now also be possible for samples of sufficiently high U content ; the ana- lysus depends on the recognition that "hot" atoms of U-234 are more readily leachable than atoms deposited at the time of formation of the sample. Leaching of the sample allows discrimination between these populations. Coupling of U-series dating with either thermoluminescence or electron spin resonance dating may extend the range of applicability.

publication date

  • 1980