selected scholarly activity
book reviews
- Migration, Mobility and the Creative Class. Ed. 16. 2024
- Population Geography. 1-8. 2024
- Equity implications of COVID-19 on older adults’ mobility: Evidence and examples from South Asia. Advances in Transport Policy and Planning. 1-40. 2023
- Exploring Human Mobilities in the COVID-19 Era in Urban and Rural Canada. 1049-1062. 2022
- Geography of Migration: An Introduction. 3-13. 2021
- Rural ageing and transportation How a lack of transportation options can leave older rural populations stranded. 140-151. 2021
- The New Economic Geography in the Context of Migration. 1375-1384. 2021
- The New Economic Geography in the Context of Migration. 1-10. 2020
- Introduction to A Research Agenda for Migration and Health. 1-10. 2019
- Securing culturally appropriate food for refugee women in Canada: opportunities for research. 107-127. 2019
- Short-Term Relocation Versus Long-Term Migration: Measuring Income Transfers by Inter-provincial Employees Across Canadian Provinces. 157-170. 2019
- Immigrant health. 202-208. 2018
- “This place is getting to me”. 216-224. 2018
- Aging and Migration: An Overview. Advances in Spatial Science. 19-30. 2018
- Older drivers in rural areas: Implications for health, social inclusion and caregiving. Advances in Transport Policy and Planning. 107-123. 2018
- Chapter 2: Understanding the healthy immigrant effect: evidence from Canada 2017
- Chapter 3: Graduate migration in Canada 2017
- Human Capital Research in an Era of Big Data: Linking People with Firms, Cities and Regions. Advances in Spatial Science. 317-328. 2017
- Developing a Psychometric Scale for Measuring Sense of Place and Health: An Application of Facet Design. 73-85. 2016
- Place and residence attachments in Canada's older population. 43-66. 2013
- Place and residence attachments in Canada’s older population. 43-66. 2013
- Place and residence attachments in Canada’s older population. 43-66. 2013
- Urbanization and the Growth of the Canadian City. 175-189. 2011
- Immigrant Women, Preventive Health and Place in Canadian CMAs. Advances in Spatial Science. 363-380. 2010
- Dynamic Migration Modeling. 705-714. 2005
- Dynamic Migration Modeling. V1-705-V1-714. 2004
- Population Mobility and Indigenous Peoples in Australasia and North America. 117-132. 2003
- Immigrant health. 202-208.
- Immigration, Housing and Health
- Individuals and Households-Migration
- Migration and Labor Markets
- Place and residence attachments in Canada’s older population. 43-66.
- Population Aging. 1-3.
- Yorgos Papageorgiou: Theorizing Urban Structure
- Bluesky and the AT Protocol: Usable Decentralized Social Media. DIN 2024 - Proceedings of the ACM Conext-2024 Workshop on Decentralization of the Internet, Co-Located with: CoNEXT 2024. 1-7. 2024
- Community-based physical activity and/or nutrition interventions to promote mobility in older adults: An umbrella review. Annals of Family Medicine. 2937. 2022
- The EMBOLDEN Co-design study: Partnering with older adults and communities to develop a community program to enhance mobility. Annals of Family Medicine. 2945. 2022
- Population aging: What role for regional science?. Annals of Regional Science, The. 357-372. 2015
- Spatial Analysis of Air Pollution and Mortality in Los Angeles. Epidemiology. S69-S69. 2006
- Reconciling and translating migration data collected over time intervals of differing widths. Annals of Regional Science, The. 581-601. 2003
- The Relevance of NEG (the New Economic Geography) in the Context of Migration
internet publications
journal articles
- LGBTQA Embodiment and Spatiality in Hamilton, Ontario: A Phenomenological Investigation.. Journal of Homosexuality. ahead-of-print:1-23. 2025
- ‘I thought we would be cherished and safe here’: understanding the multi-faceted nature of mental health among Arab immigrants/refugees in Ontario, Canada— the CAN-HEAL study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 60:163-179. 2025
- 'We Need Equitable Exercise Opportunities': The Complexity of Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Its Relationship to Mental Health among Arab Canadians: The CAN-HEAL Study.. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2024
- Racialized Immigrants' Encounters of Barriers and Facilitators in Seeking Mental Healthcare Services in Ontario, Canada.. Community Mental Health Journal. 2024
- Housing and the resettlement experiences of refugee claimants in Hamilton, Ontario. Housing Studies. 39:1832-1853. 2024
- The influence of disability-related dwelling adaptations on household dwelling satisfaction. Housing and Society. 51:146-166. 2024
- Age and domestic migration effects on workers’ commuting distance. Transportation. 51:673-688. 2024
- ‘I thought we would be nourished here’: The complexity of nutrition/food and its relationship to mental health among Arab immigrants/refugees in Canada: The CAN-HEAL study. Appetite. 195:107226-107226. 2024
- Do key informants and commuters share the same thoughts on modal shifts? Reflection from in-depth interviews conducted during COVID-19 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.. Cities and Health. ahead-of-print:1-5. 2024
- ‘It's overwhelming at the start’: transitioning to public transit use as an older adult. Ageing and Society. 44:43-60. 2024
- Analysis of millennials and older adults’ automobility behavior in Hamilton, Ontario. Urban, Planning and Transport Research. 11:2197979. 2023
- A few “big players”: Systems approach to immigrant employment in a mid‐sized city. Canadian Geographer. 67:513-524. 2023
- Developing a typology of daily travelers based on transportation attitudes: Application of latent class analysis using a survey of millennials and older adults in Hamilton, Ontario. Growth and Change. 54:870-884. 2023
- A Scoping Review of the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Mental Health Among Immigrants in Western Countries: An Integrated Bio-Psycho-Socio-Cultural Lens. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 25:1137-1151. 2023
- Air Pollution Health Literacy among Active Commuters in Hamilton, Ontario. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20:6282-6282. 2023
- A mixed-methods investigation of older adults’ public transit use and travel satisfaction. Travel Behaviour and Society. 32:100577-100577. 2023
- Enhancing Physical and Community MoBility in OLDEr Adults with Health Inequities Using CommuNity Co-Design (EMBOLDEN): Results of an Environmental Scan. Canadian Geriatrics Journal. 26:23-30. 2023
- The promise of co-design for improving transit service for older immigrants: Development of a co-design framework for Hamilton, Ontario. Urban Governance. 3:83-91. 2023
- Exploring Pedestrian Injury Severity by Incorporating Spatial Information in Machine Learning. Transport Findings. 2023. 2023
- Monitoring mobility in older adults using a Global Positioning System (GPS) smartwatch and accelerometer: A validation study. PLoS ONE. 18:e0296159-e0296159. 2023
- Strengthening Community Roots: Anchoring Newcomers in Wellness and Sustainability (SCORE!): A protocol for the co-design and evaluation of a healthy active living program among a newcomer community in Canada. PLoS ONE. 18:e0288851-e0288851. 2023
- Community-based group physical activity and/or nutrition interventions to promote mobility in older adults: an umbrella review. BMC Geriatrics. 22:539. 2022
- Understanding the Healthy Immigrant Effect in the Context of Mental Health Challenges: A Systematic Critical Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 24:1564-1579. 2022
- ‘Strange eyes’: Immigrant perceptions of racism during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Population, Space and Place. 28. 2022
- Systemic and Individual Factors That Shape Mental Health Service Usage Among Visible Minority Immigrants and Refugees in Canada: A Scoping Review. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 49:552-574. 2022
- Factors Affecting Driving Cessation of Older Adults and Their Satisfaction with Mobility Options. Transportation Research Record. 2676:315-324. 2022
- A comparison of young and older adults’ attitudes and preferences towards different travel modes and residential characteristics: A study in Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Geographer. 66:76-93. 2022
- Transport preferences and dilemmas in the post-lockdown (COVID-19) period: Findings from a qualitative study of young commuters in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 10:406-416. 2022
- COVID-19 and Modal Shift towards Motorized Two-wheelers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Transport Findings. 2022. 2022
- Immigrant Employment Integration in Canada: A Narrative Review. Canadian Ethnic Studies. 54:99-117. 2022
- The EMBOLDEN study: Using intervention co-design to enhance physical and community mobility in older adults. International Journal of Integrated Care. 22:66-66. 2022
- Gender, Space, and Precarious Employment in Canada. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. 112:566-588. 2021
- Impact of COVID-19 on mobility and participation of older adults living in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: a multimethod cohort design protocol. BMJ Open. 11:e053758-e053758. 2021
- Re-engaging in Aging and Mobility Research in the COVID-19 Era: Early Lessons from Pivoting a Large-Scale, Interdisciplinary Study amidst a Pandemic. Canadian Journal on Aging. 40:669-675. 2021
- ‘Mobility work’: Older adults' experiences using public transportation. Journal of Transport Geography. 97:103221-103221. 2021
- Recency of immigration and utilization of dental care services in Canada. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 49:487-493. 2021
- Community-Based Group Physical Activity and/or Nutrition Interventions to Promote Health and Mobility in Older Adults: An Umbrella Review 2021
- Canadian’s attitudes toward immigration in the COVID-19 era. Migration Letters. 18:401-412. 2021
- Older adults and their willingness to use semi and fully autonomous vehicles: A structural equation analysis. Journal of Transport Geography. 95:103133-103133. 2021
- Community-Based Group Physical Activity and/or Nutrition Interventions to Promote Health and Mobility in Older Adults: An Umbrella Review 2021
- Extreme heat events and health vulnerabilities among immigrant and newcomer populations. Environmental Health Review. 64:28-34. 2021
- Physical activity participation among Arab immigrants and refugees in Western societies: A scoping review. Preventive Medicine Reports. 22:101365-101365. 2021
- The spatial dimensions of temporary employment in Canada. Canadian Geographer. 65:215-232. 2021
- Does the use of smartphones affect discretionary trips? An analysis of smartphone use data from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Transportation Planning and Technology. 44:418-435. 2021
- Factors Associated with Travel Behavior of Millennials and Older Adults: A Scoping Review. Sustainability. 12:8236-8236. 2020
- Geographic variations in precarious employment outcomes between immigrant and Canadian‐born populations. Papers in Regional Science. 99:1185-1214. 2020
- To drive or not to drive: Driving cessation amongst older adults in rural and small towns in Canada. Journal of Transport Geography. 86:102773-102773. 2020
- The impact of driving status on out-of-home and social activity engagement among older Canadians. Journal of Transport Geography. 85:102698-102698. 2020
- Influences on mental health and health services accessibility in immigrant women with post‐partum depression: An interpretive descriptive study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 27:87-96. 2020
- “I wouldn’t want to get on the bus”: Older Adult Public Transit Use and Challenges during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Transport Findings. 2020. 2020
- Book Review: High-Skilled Migration to the United States and Its Economic Consequences. Economic Development Quarterly. 33:377-378. 2019
- Constitutional reform, referendums and sovereignty association: Quebec's search for a distinct society in Canada. Regional Science Policy and Practice. 11:763-775. 2019
- The human and economic implications of twenty‐first century immigration policy. Regional Science Policy and Practice. 11:751-752. 2019
- Provider Perspectives on Facilitators and Barriers to Accessible Service Provision for Immigrant Women With Postpartum Depression: A Qualitative Study. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 51:191-201. 2019
- Short‐term relocation versus long‐term migration: Implications for economic growth and human capital change. Population, Space and Place. 25. 2019
- Sense of place and mental wellness amongst African immigrants in Canada. Journal of Urbanism. 12:188-202. 2019
Low prioritization of latent tuberculosis infection—
A systemic barrier to tuberculosis control:A qualitative study inO ntario,C anada. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 34:384-395. 2019 - Journey to Health: (Re) Contextualizing the Health of Canada’s Refugee Population. Journal of Refugee Studies. 31:687-704. 2018
- Generational Differences in Trip Timing and Purpose: Evidence from Canada. Growth and Change. 49:361-373. 2018
- Barriers to treatment adherence for individuals with latent tuberculosis infection: A systematic search and narrative synthesis of the literature. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 33:e416-e433. 2018
- Insights into public transit use by Millennials: The Canadian experience. Travel Behaviour and Society. 11:62-68. 2018
- Transportation barriers to Syrian newcomer participation and settlement in Durham Region. Journal of Transport Geography. 68:181-192. 2018
- Destination Choice of the Newly Arrived Immigrants to the U.S. from 2000 to 2005–2007: A Multivariate Explanation for Immigrants from Top Source Countries. Growth and Change. 48:512-531. 2017
- Understanding the healthy immigrant effect: evidence from Canada 2017
- ‘There is always this feeling of otherness’: exploring the lived experiences of visually impaired immigrant women in Canada. Disability & Society. 32:1121-1141. 2017
- Investigating the diversity of Canada’s refugee population and its health implications: does one size fit all?. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care. 13:145-156. 2017
- Graduate migration in Canada 2017
- Cultural Dimensions of Food Insecurity among Immigrants and Refugees. Human Organization. 76:15-27. 2017
- Driving over the life course: The automobility of Canada’s Millennial, Generation X, Baby Boomer and Greatest Generations. Travel Behaviour and Society. 6:57-63. 2017
- Immigrant status and commute distance: an exploratory study based on the greater Golden Horseshoe. Transportation. 44:181-198. 2017
- Factors influencing health care and service providers’ and their respective “at risk” populations’ adoption of the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI): a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research. 16:107. 2016
- Religion/spirituality, therapeutic landscape and immigrant mental well-being amongst African immigrants to Canada. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 19:674-685. 2016
- Public Perceptions of Pathogen Reduction Technology in the Canadian Donor Blood Supply. ISBT Science Series. 11:14-23. 2016
- Factors influencing health behaviours in response to the air quality health index: a cross-sectional study in Hamilton, Canada. Environmental Health Review. 59:17-29. 2016
- Predictors of Postpartum Depression Among Immigrant Women in the Year After Childbirth. Journal of Women's Health. 25:155-165. 2016
- Sense of Place and Mental Wellness of Visible Minority Immigrants in Hamilton, Ontario: Revelations from Key Informants. Canadian Ethnic Studies. 48:101-122. 2016
- Telemedicine: Bridging the Gap between Refugee Health and Health Services Accessibility in Hamilton, Ontario. Refuge. 32:108-118. 2016
- Air quality and health education to increase knowledge and encourage health protective behaviour among older adults in Hamilton, Canada. Environmental Health Review. 58:87-94. 2015
- Immigrants' perceptions of quality of life in three second‐ or third‐tier Canadian cities. Canadian Geographer. 59:489-503. 2015
- Comparing disability amongst immigrants and native-born in Canada. Social Science and Medicine. 145:53-62. 2015
- Emigration of Scottish Steelworkers to Canada: Impacts on Social Networks. Population, Space and Place. 21:720-734. 2015
- Going up? Canada's metropolitan areas and their role as escalators or elevators. Canadian Studies in Population. 42:49-62. 2015
- Housing Trajectories Across the Urban Hierarchy: Analysis of the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada, 2001–2005. Housing Studies. 29:1096-1116. 2014
- Building obesity in Canada: understanding the individual- and neighbourhood-level determinants using a multi-level approach. Geospatial health. 9:45-45. 2014
- Immigrants, islandness and perceptions of quality-of-life on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Island Studies Journal. 9:343-362. 2014
- Exploring socio-cultural factors that mediate, facilitate, & constrain the health and empowerment of refugee youth. Social Science and Medicine. 117:34-41. 2014
- Risks, benefits and the role of stakeholders in pathogen reduction technology. Health, Risk & Society. 16:547-564. 2014
- Implementation and public acceptability: lessons from food irradiation and how they might apply to pathogen reduction in blood products. Vox Sanguinis. 107:50-59. 2014
- Validity of the SF-12 in a Canadian Old Order Mennonite Community. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 9:429-448. 2014
- Acculturation and Nutritional Health of Immigrants in Canada: A Scoping Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 16:24-34. 2014
M igration, commuting distance, and urban sustainability in Ontario's Greater Golden Horseshoe: Implications of the Greenbelt and Places to Grow legislation. Canadian Geographer. 57:474-487. 2013 - Exploring resource allocation and alternate clinic accessibility landscapes for improved blood donor turnout. Applied Geography. 45:89-97. 2013
- Access to Health Care: The Experiences of Refugee and Refugee Claimant Women in Hamilton, Ontario. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. 11:431-449. 2013
- Exploring the Relationship between Food Access and Foodborne Illness by Using Spatial Analysis. Journal of Food Protection. 76:1615-1620. 2013
- Discrimination and the Health of Immigrants and Refugees: Exploring Canada’s Evidence Base and Directions for Future Research in Newcomer Receiving Countries. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 15:141-148. 2013
- Brokering for the primary healthcare needs of recent immigrant families in Atlantic, Canada. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 14:63-79. 2013
- Competence trust among providers as fundamental to a culturally competent primary healthcare system for immigrant families. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 14:80-89. 2013
- Mental health in a Canadian Old Order Mennonite community. Health. 05:538-556. 2013
- Physical health in a Canadian Old Order Mennonite community. Rural and Remote Health. 13:2252. 2013
- An ecological quantification of the relationships between water, sanitation and infant, child, and maternal mortality. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source. 11:4. 2012
- Testing and Extending the Escalator Hypothesis: Does the Pattern of Post-migration Income Gains in Toronto Suggest Productivity and/or Learning Effects?. Urban Studies. 49:3447-3465. 2012
- Air Quality in Hamilton: Who is Concerned? Perceptions from Three Neighbourhoods. Social Indicators Research. 108:239-255. 2012
- Disaggregating Canadian immigrant smoking behaviour by country of birth. Social Science and Medicine. 75:997-1005. 2012
- Factors influencing commute distance: a case study of Toronto’s commuter shed. Journal of Transport Geography. 24:123-129. 2012
- Migration, urban growth and commuting distance in Toronto's commuter shed. Area. 44:344-355. 2012
- Provider Perspectives on Barriers and Strategies for Achieving Culturally Sensitive Mental Health Services for Immigrants: A Hamilton, Ontario Case Study. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 13:383-397. 2012
- Migration and regional science: opportunities and challenges in a changing environment. Annals of Regional Science, The. 48:451-468. 2012
- Individual and contextual determinants of blood donation frequency with a focus on clinic accessibility: A case study of Toronto, Canada. Health & Place. 18:424-433. 2012
- Forecasting Ontario's blood supply and demand. Transfusion. 52:366-374. 2012
- Cities and Growth: Moving to Toronto - Income Gains Associated with Large Metropolitan Labour Markets. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2012
- Discrimination in the Doctor’s Office: Immigrants and Refugee Experiences. Critical Social Work. 13:60-79. 2012
- Water and health adaptation strategies: Overview and outlook. Human Evolution. 27:35-38. 2012
- What Ontario's Greenbelt and Places to Grow Legislation means for Commuting in the GGH. Plan Canada. 52:13-15. 2012
- Defining Socially-Based Spatial Boundaries in the Region of Peel, Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Health Geographics. 10:38. 2011
- Psychological Distress Among Immigrants and Visible Minorities in Canada: a Contextual Analysis. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, The. 57:428-441. 2011
- Migration up and down Canada's urban hierarchy. Canadian Journal of Urban Research. 20:131-149. 2011
- Health care providers’ perspectives on the provision of prenatal care to immigrants. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 13:561-574. 2011
- Internal migration of Canadian immigrants, 1993–2004: Evidence from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics. Canadian Studies in Population. 38:1-1. 2011
- Water and Health Adaptation Strategies: Overview and Outlook. Global Bioethics. 24:39-42. 2011
- Barriers to Care: The Challenges for Canadian Refugees and their Health Care Providers. Journal of Refugee Studies. 23:523-545. 2010
- Sense of Place in Hamilton, Ontario: Empirical Results of a Neighborhood-Based Survey. Urban Geography. 31:905-931. 2010
- Editorial. Canadian Journal on Aging. 29:301-302. 2010
- Transport policy and the provision of mobility options in an aging society: a case study of Ontario, Canada. Journal of Transport Geography. 18:649-661. 2010
- Éditorial. Canadian Journal on Aging. 29:303-304. 2010
- Growth and Change in Human Capital across the Canadian Urban Hierarchy, 1996—2001. Urban Studies. 47:1571-1586. 2010
- Geographical variations in the correlates of blood donor turnout rates: An investigation of Canadian metropolitan areas. International Journal of Health Geographics. 8:56. 2009
- Later-Life Migrations in Canada in 2001: A Multilevel Approach. Journal of Population Ageing. 2:161-181. 2009
- Spatial analysis of air pollution and childhood asthma in Hamilton, Canada: comparing exposure methods in sensitive subgroups. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source. 8:14. 2009
- Health Care Use and the Canadian Immigrant Population. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services. 39:545-565. 2009
- The short-term health of Canada's new immigrant arrivals: evidence from LSIC. Ethnicity and Health. 14:315-336. 2009
- Extended follow-up and spatial analysis of the American Cancer Society study linking particulate air pollution and mortality.. Research report (Health Effects Institute). 5-114. 2009
- IMPACT: An integrated GIS-based model for simulating the consequences of demographic changes and population ageing on transportation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 33:200-210. 2009
- Providing family planning and reproductive healthcare to Canadian immigrants: perceptions of healthcare providers. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 11:369-382. 2009
- A Demographic Model for Small Area Population Projections: An Application to the Census Metropolitan Area of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 41:964-979. 2009
- New Insights into Senior Travel Behavior: The Canadian Experience. Growth and Change. 40:140-168. 2009
- Of Flights and Flotillas: Assimilation and Race in the Cuban Diaspora. Professional Geographer. 61:70-86. 2009
- Transport mobility benefits and quality of life: A time-use perspective of elderly Canadians. Transport Policy. 16:1-11. 2009
- Restaurant inspection frequency and food safety compliance.. Journal of Environmental Health. 71:56-61. 2008
- Poverty Catchments: Migration, Residential Mobility, and Population Turnover in Impoverished Rural Illinois Communities. Rural Sociology. 73:440-462. 2008
- Interprovincial Migration and Retirement Income Transfers among Canada's Older Population: 1996–2001. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 40:1501-1516. 2008
- Using alternative data sources to study rural migration: examples from Illinois. Population, Space and Place. 14:177-188. 2008
- Return immigration: the chronic migration of Canadian immigrants, 1991, 1996 and 2001. Population, Space and Place. 14:85-100. 2008
- Cities and Growth: In Situ Versus Migratory Human Capital Growth. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2008
- Simulation Framework for Analysis of Elderly Mobility Policies. Transportation Research Record. 2078:62-71. 2008
- Transport Policy in Aging Societies: An International Comparison and Implications for Canada. The Open Transportation Journal. 1:1-13. 2007
- Onward Emigration to the United States by Canadian Immigrants between 1995 and 2000. International Migration Review. 41:909-929. 2007
- Immigrant Women and Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 98:470-475. 2007
- Short-Term Residential Changes to Toronto's Immigrant Communities: Evidence from Lsic Wave 1. Urban Geography. 28:635-656. 2007
- Geographies of uncertainty in the health benefits of air quality improvements. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 21:511-522. 2007
- Six Billion Plus: World Population in the Twenty-First Century by K. Bruce Newbold. Professional Geographer. 59:402-404. 2007
- Secondary migration of immigrants to Canada: an analysis of LSIC wave 1 data. Canadian Geographer. 51:58-71. 2007
- Elderly Mobility: Demographic and Spatial Analysis of Trip Making in the Hamilton CMA, Canada. Urban Studies. 44:123-146. 2007
- Immigrant women and cervical cancer screening uptake: a multilevel analysis.. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 98:470-475. 2007
- A land use regression model for predicting ambient concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (vol 56, pg 1059, 2006). Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 56:1366-1366. 2006
- A Land Use Regression Model for Predicting Ambient Concentrations of Nitrogen Dioxide in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 56:1059-1069. 2006
- Chronic Conditions and the Healthy Immigrant Effect: Evidence from Canadian Immigrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 32:765-784. 2006
- Use of dental services by immigrant Canadians.. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. 72:143. 2006
- Health Status of Older Immigrants to Canada. Canadian Journal on Aging. 25:305-319. 2006
- Travel behavior within Canada’s older population: a cohort analysis. Journal of Transport Geography. 13:340-351. 2005
- Spatial Analysis of Air Pollution and Mortality in Los Angeles. Epidemiology. 16:727-736. 2005
- Spatial scale, return and onward migration, and the Long‐Boertlein index of repeat migration. Papers in Regional Science. 84:281-290. 2005
- Geographic Mobility and Residential Instability in Impoverished Rural Illinois Places. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 37:845-860. 2005
- Health status and health care of immigrants in Canada: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 10:77-83A. 2005
- Self-rated health within the Canadian immigrant population: risk and the healthy immigrant effect. Social Science and Medicine. 60:1359-1370. 2005
- Chinese Assimilation Across America: Spatial and Cohort Variations. Growth and Change. 35:198-219. 2004
- Editorial introduction to Population, Space and Place. Population, Space and Place. 10:1-1. 2004
- Geography and segmented assimilation: examples from the New York Chinese. Population, Space and Place. 10:3-18. 2004
- Segmented Paths and the Differential Role of Primate Immigrant Centers. Geographical Analysis. 36:21-37. 2004
- Segmented Paths and the Differential Role of Primate Immigrant Centers. Geographical Analysis. 36:21-37. 2004
- Health status and Canada's immigrant population. Social Science and Medicine. 57:1981-1995. 2003
- Editorial. Population, Space and Place. 9:1-2. 2003
- Immigration, spatial assimilation, and segmented paths within the metropolis. Geography Research Forum. 23:56-77. 2003
- Immigration, Intended Settlement Patterns, and their Dynamics in the United States, 1980-1990. International Regional Science Review. 25:219-244. 2002
- Estimating the Refugee Population from PUMS Data: Issues and Demographic Implications. Growth and Change. 33:370-389. 2002
- Measuring Internal Migration Among the Foreign-Born: Insights from Canadian Data. Review of Regional Studies. 31:177-195. 2001
- Return and Onwards Migration in Canada and Australia: Evidence from Fixed Interval Data. International Migration Review. 35:1157-1184. 2001
- Immigrant Settlement Patterns in Metropolitan Chicago. Urban Studies. 38:1903-1919. 2001
- Distance weighted migration measures. Papers in Regional Science. 80:371-380. 2001
- Distance weighted migration measures. Papers in Regional Science. 80:371-380. 2001
- Yankeys now: Immigrants in the antebellum US, 1840-1860. Journal of Regional Science. 41:367-369. 2001
- Counting Migrants and Migrations: Comparing Lifetime and Fixed-Interval Return and Onward Migration. Economic Geography. 77:23-23. 2001
- Counting Migrants and Migrations: Comparing Lifetime and Fixed‐Interval Return and Onward Migration. Economic Geography. 77:23-40. 2001
- Intended and initial settlement patterns of recent immigrants to the U.S., 1985–1990: A comparison of PUMS and INS public use files. Population and Environment. 21:539-563. 2000
- Migration Propensities, Patterns, and the Role of Human Capital: Comparing Mexican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican Interstate Migration, 1985–1990. Professional Geographer. 52:133-145. 2000
- Short PapersDisability and use of support services within theCanadian aboriginal population. Health and Social Care in the Community. 7:291-300. 1999
- Spatial Distribution and Redistribution of Immigrants in the Metropolitan United States, 1980 and 1990. Economic Geography. 75:254-254. 1999
- Spatial Distribution and Redistribution of Immigrants in the Metropolitan United States, 1980 and 1990*. Economic Geography. 75:254-271. 1999
- Internal migration of the foreign-born: Population concentration or dispersion?. Population and Environment. 20:259-276. 1999
- Book review: Interregional Migration and Regional Development by Jinsuk Chun. Avebury Press, Aldershot, 1996. No. of pages: xiv + 179. Price: 35.00 (hardback). ISBN 1 85972 461 2.. Population, Space and Place. 4:204-205. 1998
- Outmigration from California: The Role of Migrant Selectivity. Geographical Analysis. 30:138-152. 1998
- Allocating resources in health care: alternative approaches to measuring needs in resource allocation formula in Ontario. Health & Place. 4:79-89. 1998
- Problems in search of solutions: health and Canadian aboriginals.. Journal of Community Health. 23:59-74. 1998
- The Effects of Paid and Unpaid Work on Nurses' Well-being: the Importance of Gender. Sociology of Health and Illness. 19:328-347. 1997
- The effect of paid and unpaid work on nurses' well-being: the importance of gender.. Sociology of Health and Illness. 19:328-347. 1997
- Aboriginal Physician Use in Canada: Location, Orientation and Identity. Health Economics. 6:197-207. 1997
- Race and Primary, Return, and Onward Interstate Migration. Professional Geographer. 49:1-14. 1997
- Determinants of Elderly Interstate Migration in the United States, 1985-1990. Research on Aging. 18:451-476. 1996
- Paid work, unpaid work and social support: A study of the health of male and female nurses. Social Science and Medicine. 43:1627-1636. 1996
- Proxies for healthcare need among populations: validation of alternatives--a study in Quebec.. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 50:564-569. 1996
- Income, Self-Selection, and Return and Onward Interprovincial Migration in Canada. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 28:1019-1034. 1996
- Income, self-selection, and return and onward interprovincial migration in Canada.. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 28:1-034. 1996
- Internal Migration of the Foreign-Born in Canada. International Migration Review. 30:728-728. 1996
- Delivering the Goods? Access to Family Physician Services in Canada: A Comparison of 1985 and 1991. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 36:322-322. 1995
- Equity in health care: Methodological contributions to the analysis of hospital utilization within Canada. Social Science and Medicine. 40:1181-1192. 1995
- A description and interpretation of changing primary, return and onward interprovincial migrations in Canada: 1976 to 1986. Great Lakes Geographer. 1. 1994
- Return and Onward Interprovincial Migration through Economic Boom and Bust in Canada, from 1976–81 to 1981–86. Geographical Analysis. 26:228-245. 1994
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- Older Adults: Exclusion, Isolation, and Unmet Transportation Needs 2023
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