Smoking Cessation
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2016 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidemia for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in the Adult Journal Articles
2018 American College of Rheumatology/National Psoriasis Foundation Guideline for the Treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis Journal Articles
A Family Physician Smoking Cessation Program: An Evaluation of the Role of Follow-up Visits Journal Articles
A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effect of Exercise on Smoking Cessation Journal Articles
A Nurse-coordinated Model of Care versus Usual Care for Stage 3/4 Chronic Kidney Disease in the Community Journal Articles
A Perioperative Smoking Cessation Intervention With Varenicline, Counseling, and Fax Referral to a Telephone Quitline Versus a Brief Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
A Perioperative Smoking Cessation Intervention with Varenicline Journal Articles
A randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of a peer-based social mobile game intervention to reduce smoking in youth Journal Articles
An Appraisal of the Evidence Underlying Performance Measures for Community-acquired Pneumonia Journal Articles
An exploratory pilot study of the relationship between neural correlates of cognitive control and reduction in cigarette use among treatment-seeking adolescent smokers. Journal Articles
Are women who quit smoking at high risk of excess weight gain throughout pregnancy? Journal Articles
Assessing nicotine dependence: A comparison of the fagerström tolerance questionnaire (FTQ) with the fagerström test for nicotine dependence (FTND) in a clinical sample Journal Articles
Association of Diet, Exercise, and Smoking Modification With Risk of Early Cardiovascular Events After Acute Coronary Syndromes Journal Articles
Awareness of the Harms of Continued Smoking Among Cancer Survivors Journal Articles
Barriers and facilitators to perioperative smoking cessation: A scoping review Journal Articles
Best Practices for Smoking Cessation Interventions in Primary Care Journal Articles
Biennial lung cancer screening in Canada with smoking cessation—outcomes and cost-effectiveness Journal Articles
Building Your Peripheral Artery Disease Toolkit: Medical Management of Peripheral Artery Disease in 2022 Journal Articles
Building the evidence base for global tobacco control. Journal Articles
COPD and its association with smoking in the Mainland China: a cross-sectional analysis of 0.5 million men and women from ten diverse areas Journal Articles
Cardiovascular Events Associated With Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapies Journal Articles
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Journal Articles
Cigarette Smoking and Structural Brain Deficits in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. Conferences
Cigarette demand and delayed reward discounting in nicotine-dependent individuals with schizophrenia and controls: an initial study Journal Articles
Cigarette pack labelling in 12 countries at different levels of economic development Journal Articles
Clinical impact and cost-effectiveness of integrating smoking cessation into lung cancer screening: a microsimulation model Journal Articles
Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT): changes in community attitudes toward cigarette smoking Journal Articles
Comparing the regulation and incentivization of e-cigarettes across 97 countries Journal Articles
Comparisons of high-dose and combination nicotine replacement therapy, varenicline, and bupropion for smoking cessation: A systematic review and multiple treatment meta-analysis Journal Articles
Computed Tomography Screening for Lung Cancer without a Smoking Cessation Program—Not a Cost-Effective Idea Journal Articles
Continuous and Discontinuous Cigarette Smoke Exposure Differentially Affects Protective Th1 Immunity against Pulmonary Tuberculosis Journal Articles
Correlates of former smoking in patients with cerebrovascular disease: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Randomized Trial Comparing Care Models for Chronic Kidney Disease Journal Articles
Cytisine for smoking cessation: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Delay Discounting, Locus of Control, and Cognitive Impulsiveness Independently Predict Tobacco Dependence Treatment Outcomes in a Highly Dependent, Lower Socioeconomic Group of Smokers Journal Articles
Delayed Reward Discounting as a Prognostic Factor for Smoking Cessation Treatment Outcome: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Delayed reward discounting predicts treatment response for heavy drinkers receiving smoking cessation treatment Journal Articles
Design of effective interventions for smoking cessation through financial and non-financial incentives Journal Articles
Determinants of tobacco smoking abstinence one year after major noncardiac surgery: a secondary analysis of the VISION study Journal Articles
Disaggregating Canadian immigrant smoking behaviour by country of birth Journal Articles
Do smokers devaluate smoking cues after go/no-go training? Journal Articles
E-cigarettes Journal Articles
Early Life Exposure to Nicotine: Postnatal Metabolic, Neurobehavioral and Respiratory Outcomes and the Development of Childhood Cancers Journal Articles
Economic evaluation of smoking cessation in Ontario's regional cancer programs Journal Articles
Economics and the evaluation of health care programmes: generalisability of methods and implications for generalisability of results Journal Articles
Effect of Smoking Cessation on Mortality After Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Effective practices for school-based tobacco use prevention Journal Articles
Effectiveness of smoking cessation therapies: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effects of acute tyrosine/phenylalanine depletion on the selective processing of smoking-related cues and the relative value of cigarettes in smokers Journal Articles
Effects of the nicotine patch on performance during the first week of smoking cessation Journal Articles
Effects of varenicline versus transdermal nicotine replacement therapy on cigarette demand on quit day in individuals with substance use disorders Journal Articles
Efficacy of a novel online integrated treatment for problem gambling and tobacco smoking: Results of a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Electronic nicotine delivery systems and/or electronic non-nicotine delivery systems for tobacco smoking cessation or reduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Evaluating the Associations Between Exposure to Tobacco Interventions During Inpatient Treatment and Substance Use Outcomes: Findings From a Natural Experiment Journal Articles
Evaluating the role of panic disorder in emotional sensitivity processes involved with smoking Journal Articles
Evaluating the short-term impact of a tobacco-free policy in an inpatient addiction treatment setting Journal Articles
Evidence regarding effects of smoking cessation on tooth loss is low quality and insufficient to support the presence of a benefit Journal Articles
Extended Duration Treatment of Tobacco Dependence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Feasibility, tolerability, and potential advantages of a dyadic financial incentive treatment for smoking cessation among dual-smoker couples: A pilot study. Journal Articles
Healthcare providers’ perspectives on implementing a brief physical activity and diet intervention within a primary care smoking cessation program: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Healthy Behavior, Risk Factor Control, and Survival in the COURAGE Trial Journal Articles
Identifying Best Implementation Practices for Smoking Cessation in Complex Cancer Settings Journal Articles
Identifying contexts and mechanisms in multiple behavior change interventions affecting smoking cessation success: a rapid realist review Journal Articles
Ignoring the Obvious: Smoking Cessation Improves Survival Journal Articles
Impact of inflammation, emphysema, and smoking cessation on V/Q in mouse models of lung obstruction Journal Articles
Impact of marginalization on tobacco use in individuals diagnosed with head and neck Cancer Journal Articles
Improving the effectiveness of smoking cessation in primary care: lessons learned. Journal Articles
Induction of pulmonary antibodies against oxidized lipids in mice exposed to cigarette smoke Journal Articles
Influence of Current or Former Smoking on Asthma Management and Control Journal Articles
Inpatient smoking-cessation counseling and all-cause mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction Journal Articles
Interventions for prevention and treatment of tobacco smoking in school-aged children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Interventions for waterpipe tobacco smoking prevention and cessation: a systematic review Journal Articles
Interventions in the preoperative clinic for long term smoking cessation: A quantitative systematic review Journal Articles
Intra-individual changes in Stroop-related activations linked to cigarette abstinence in adolescent tobacco smokers: Preliminary findings Journal Articles
Is it safe to use smoking cessation therapeutics during pregnancy? Journal Articles
Left-digit price effects on smoking cessation motivation Journal Articles
Long-Term Consequences of Fetal and Neonatal Nicotine Exposure: A Critical Review Journal Articles
Longitudinal rates of smoking in a schizophrenia sample Journal Articles
Lung Cancer Screening, Cancer Treatment, and Addressing the Continuum of Health Risks Caused by Tobacco Journal Articles
Management of peripheral arterial disease in the elderly: focus on cilostazol Journal Articles
Measuring attitudes towards smoking in the Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT) Journal Articles
Mechanisms of change in a go/no-go training game for young adult smokers. Journal Articles
Medical Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Disease Journal Articles
Neural correlates of graphic cigarette warning labels predict smoking cessation relapse Journal Articles
Neural correlates of tobacco cue reactivity predict duration to lapse and continuous abstinence in smoking cessation treatment Journal Articles
Neuroeconomic predictors of smoking cessation outcomes: A preliminary study of delay discounting in treatment-seeking adult smokers Journal Articles
Nicotine Replacement Combined with a Novel Compound (ProBAN) for Smoking Cessation: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
No evidence of differences in smoking levels, nicotine dependence, carbon monoxide or motivational indices between cigarette smokers and cigarette + e-cigarette dual users in two samples Journal Articles
No magic bullets: a systematic review of 102 trials of interventions to improve professional practice. Journal Articles
Non-pharmacological management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal Articles
Novel therapy for COPD Journal Articles
Optimal Medical Therapy With or Without Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Older Patients With Stable Coronary Disease Journal Articles
Overview of systematic reviews on the health-related effects of government tobacco control policies Journal Articles
Partner-Involved Financial Incentives for Smoking Cessation in Dual-Smoker Couples: A Randomized Pilot Trial Journal Articles
Patient-specific academic detailing for smoking cessation: feasibility study. Journal Articles
Peripheral arterial disease. Journal Articles
Peripheral arterial disease. Journal Articles
Peripheral arterial disease: prognostic significance and prevention of atherothrombotic complications Journal Articles
Periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit (PAVK) Journal Articles
Persistence of pulmonary tertiary lymphoid tissues and anti-nuclear antibodies following cessation of cigarette smoke exposure Journal Articles
Personalized dosing of nicotine replacement therapy versus standard dosing for the treatment of individuals with tobacco dependence: study protocol for a randomized placebo-controlled trial Journal Articles
Perspective on the National Comprehensive Cancer Network’s (NCCN) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Smoking Cessation Journal Articles
Physician-brief advice for promoting smoking cessation among cancer patients on treatment in low and middle-income countries: a scoping review Journal Articles
Postnatal Metabolic and Reproductive Consequences of Fetal and Neonatal Exposure to the Smoking Cessation Drug Bupropion Journal Articles
Postpartum care – what's new? Journal Articles
Predictive Validity of a Cigarette Purchase Task in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Contingent Vouchers for Smoking in Individuals With Substance Use Disorders Journal Articles
Prevalence of a Healthy Lifestyle Among Individuals With Cardiovascular Disease in High-, Middle- and Low-Income Countries Journal Articles
Prevalence of smoking before and during pregnancy and changes in this habit during pregnancy in Northwest Russia: a Murmansk county birth registry study Journal Articles
Prävalenz des Rauchens vor und während der Schwangerschaft - populationsbasierte Daten Journal Articles
Public Health Policy in Support of Insurance Coverage for Smoking Cessation Treatment Journal Articles
Pulmonary rehabilitation programs in Canada: national survey. Journal Articles
RETIRED: Substance Use in Pregnancy Journal Articles
Randomized trial of a “stage-of-change” oriented smoking cessation intervention in infertile and pregnant women Journal Articles
Return on investment of Canadian tobacco control policies implemented between 2001 and 2016 Journal Articles
Reward-related frontostriatal activity and smoking behavior among adolescents in treatment for smoking cessation Journal Articles
Risk Factor Control for Coronary Artery Disease Secondary Prevention in Large Randomized Trials Journal Articles
Risk Perception Among a Lung Cancer Screening Population Journal Articles
Role of BAFF in pulmonary autoantibody responses induced by chronic cigarette smoke exposure in mice Journal Articles
Safety and Tolerability of Varenicline Tartrate (Champix®/Chantix®) for Smoking Cessation in HIV-Infected Subjects: A Pilot Open-Label Study Journal Articles
Self-control depletion and nicotine deprivation as precipitants of smoking cessation failure: A human laboratory model. Journal Articles
Short-term preoperative smoking cessation and postoperative complications: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Smokers and Postcessation Weight Gain After Acute Coronary Syndrome Journal Articles
Smoking Cessation Interventions and Cessation Rates in the Oncology Population: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis Journal Articles
Smoking Cessation Programs for Women in Non-reproductive Contexts: A Systematic Review. Journal Articles
Smoking Cessation Reduces Postoperative Complications: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Smoking Cessation in Patients Diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancer Conferences
Smoking During Pregnancy and Postpartum: Smoking Rates and Intention to Quit Smoking or Resume After Pregnancy Journal Articles
Smoking abstinence 1 year after acute coronary syndrome: follow-up from a randomized controlled trial of varenicline in patients admitted to hospital Journal Articles
Smoking as a risk factor for duodenal ulcer relapse. RUDER Study Group. Journal Articles
Smoking cessation: health system challenges and opportunities Journal Articles
Smoking cues impair monitoring but not stopping during response inhibition in abstinent male smokers Journal Articles
Social Deprivation and Peripheral Artery Disease Journal Articles
Social media use for public health campaigning in a low resource setting: the case of waterpipe tobacco smoking Journal Articles
Socioeconomic and Geographic Patterning of Smoking Behaviour in Canada: A Cross-Sectional Multilevel Analysis Journal Articles
Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of chewing tobacco use in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Journal Articles
State of the Art Compendium: Canadian Thoracic Society Recommendations for Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Conferences
Stopping Smoking During Pregnancy Journal Articles
Systematic Review of the Literature on Postpartum Care: Effectiveness of Interventions for Smoking Relapse Prevention, Cessation, and Reduction in Postpartum Women Journal Articles
The Impact of a Clinical Decision Support System for Addressing Physical Activity and Healthy Eating During Smoking Cessation Treatment: Hybrid Type I Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
The Optimal Timing of Smoking Cessation Before Surgery Journal Articles
The Prognostic Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Stroke Severity, Disability, Length of Stay in Hospital, and Mortality in a Cohort with Cerebrovascular Disease Journal Articles
The allure of the waterpipe: a narrative review of factors affecting the epidemic rise in waterpipe smoking among young persons globally Journal Articles
The effect of a clinical decision support system on prompting an intervention for risky alcohol use in a primary care smoking cessation program: a cluster randomized trial Journal Articles
The effect of cigarette prices on smoking cessation in South Africa using duration analysis: 1970-2017. Journal Articles
The effect of smoking cessation pharmacotherapies on pancreatic beta cell function Journal Articles
The effect of smoking on arterial stiffness Journal Articles
The effects of interventions targeting multiple health behaviors on smoking cessation outcomes: a rapid realist review protocol Journal Articles
The efficacy and short-term effects of electronic cigarettes as a method for smoking cessation: a systematic review and a meta-analysis Journal Articles
The impact of a quit smoking contest on smoking behaviour in Ontario. Journal Articles
The impact of job strain on smoking cessation and relapse in the Canadian population: a cohort study Journal Articles
The role of pharmacotherapy in mild to moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Journal Articles
Tobacco Control and Nicotine Addiction in Canada: Current trends, Management and Challenges Journal Articles
Tobacco use, smoking quit rates, and socioeconomic patterning among men and women: a cross-sectional survey in rural Andhra Pradesh, India Journal Articles
Trends and Correlates of Cigarette Smoking and Its Impacts on Health-Related Quality of Life Among People Living with HIV: Findings from the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Cohort Study, 2008–2014 Journal Articles
Trends in smoking in Canada from 1950 to 2011: progression of the tobacco epidemic according to socioeconomic status and geography Journal Articles
Two decades of progress in preventing vascular disease Journal Articles
Underdiagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Rationale for Spirometry as a Screening Tool Journal Articles
Validation of a brief behavioral economic assessment of demand among cigarette smokers. Journal Articles
Validation of a survey instrument to measure the extent to which physician and dentist office environments discourage smoking. Journal Articles
Varenicline for Smoking Cessation in Hospitalized Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome Journal Articles
Varenicline for Tobacco-Dependent Adults Who Are Not Ready to Discontinue Use: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
What do Physicians Need to Know in Order to ‘Prescribe’ Mobile Applications to Patients with Cardiovascular Disease? Journal Articles
What's new in smoking cessation: Zyban. Journal Articles
Willingness to provide support for a quit attempt: A study of partners of smokers Journal Articles
“Pragmatic” clinical trials: from whose perspective? Journal Articles