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A Bayesian-based two-stage inexact optimization method for supporting stream water quality management in the Three Gorges Reservoir region Journal Articles
A bi-level chance-constrained programming method for quantifying the effectiveness of water-trading to water-food-ecology nexus in Amu Darya River basin of Central Asia Journal Articles
A factorial Bayesian copula framework for partitioning uncertainties in multivariate risk inference Journal Articles
A pilot study of radiation-induced bystander effect in radio-adapting frogs at a radiologically contaminated site located on the chalk river laboratories property Journal Articles
A rapid on-site loop-mediated isothermal amplification technology as an early warning system for the detection of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in water. Journal Articles
A six-year ecotoxicological assessment of the Doce river and coastal marine areas impacted by the Fundão tailings dam failure, Brazil. Journal Articles
Adsorption behavior of bisphenol A on sediments in Xiangjiang River, Central-south China Journal Articles
An Assessment of the Toxicity of Pesticide Mixtures in Periphyton from Agricultural Streams to the Mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer Journal Articles
An Interval-Parameter Waste-Load-Allocation Model for River Water Quality Management Under Uncertainty Journal Articles
An approach for runoff and sediment nexus analysis under multi-flow conditions in a hyper-concentrated sediment river, Southwest China Journal Articles
An experimental field evaluation of winter carryover effects in semi‐anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) Journal Articles
An integrated optimization method for river water quality management and risk analysis in a rural system Journal Articles
Ancient genomes reveal millet farming-related demic diffusion from the Yellow River into southwest China. Journal Articles
Aquatic and terrestrial organic matter in the diet of stream consumers: implications for mercury bioaccumulation Journal Articles
Assessing a landscape barrier using genetic simulation modelling: Implications for raccoon rabies management Journal Articles
Assessing effects of legacy nuclear waste on plants: Sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis) gametophyte viability at the Chalk River site Journal Articles
Assessing microbial risk through event-based pathogen loading and hydrodynamic modelling Journal Articles
Assessing sensitivity and recovery of field-collected periphyton acutely exposed to atrazine using PSII inhibition under laboratory conditions Journal Articles
Assessing temporal and spatial variation in sensitivity of communities of periphyton sampled from agroecosystem to, and ability to recover from, atrazine exposure Journal Articles
Assessing wild fish exposure to ligands for sex steroid receptors from pulp and paper mill effluents in the Biobio River Basin, Central Chile Journal Articles
Assessment of the effects of human activity and natural condition on the outflow of Syr Darya River: A stepwise-cluster factorial analysis method Journal Articles
Associations among pathogenic bacteria, parasites, and environmental and land use factors in multiple mixed-use watersheds Journal Articles
Avian blood and feathers as biological tools to track impacts from trace-metals: Bioaccumulation data from the biggest environmental disaster in Brazilian history Journal Articles
Bacteria, viruses, and parasites in an intermittent stream protected from and exposed to pasturing cattle: Prevalence, densities, and quantitative microbial risk assessment Journal Articles
Barriers and Facilitators of a Community-Based, Slow-Stream Rehabilitation, Hospital-to-Home Transition Program for Older Adults: Perspectives of a Multidisciplinary Care Team Journal Articles
Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the natural waters of the Yellow River: Effects of high sediment content on biodegradation Journal Articles
Biostabilization and erodibility of cohesive sediment deposits in wildfire-affected streams Journal Articles
Changes in Population, Growth, and Physiological Indices of Longnose Dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) in the Red Deer River, Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Changes of vegetational cover and the induced impacts on hydrological processes under climate change for a high-diversity watershed of south China Journal Articles
Characterizing the exposure of streams in southern Ontario to agricultural pesticides Journal Articles
Coherence among Different Microbial Source Tracking Markers in a Small Agricultural Stream with or without Livestock Exclusion Practices Journal Articles
Comparing responses in the performance of sentinel populations of stoneflies (Plecoptera) and slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) exposed to enriching effluents Journal Articles
Comparison of Microbial and Chemical Source Tracking Markers To Identify Fecal Contamination Sources in the Humber River (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and Associated Storm Water Outfalls Journal Articles
Complete Genome Sequence of the Cellulose-Degrading Bacterium Cellulosilyticum lentocellum Journal Articles
Coping with the curse of freshwater variability Journal Articles
Data-driven interval credibility constrained quadratic programming model for water quality management under uncertainty Journal Articles
Developing Triggers for Environmental Effects Monitoring Programs for Trout‐Perch in the Lower Athabasca River (Canada) Journal Articles
Developing and applying control charts to detect changes in water chemistry parameters measured in the Athabasca River near the oil sands: A tool for surveillance monitoring Journal Articles
Development of a New Approach to Cumulative Effects Assessment: A Northern River Ecosystem Example Journal Articles
Development of a distributive Three Gorges Project input-output model to investigate the disaggregated sectoral effects of Three Gorges Project Journal Articles
Development of environmental effects monitoring protocol in Brazil: a fish guide study of three river estuaries Journal Articles
Differential permeability of rivers to raccoon gene flow corresponds to rabies incidence in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Distribution and Characteristics of
Listeria monocytogenes
Isolates from Surface Waters of the South Nation River Watershed, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Distribution and Diversity of
Escherichia coli
Populations in the South Nation River Drainage Basin, Eastern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Distribution of PAEs in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, China Journal Articles
Dorset Pre-Inuit and Beothuk foodways in Newfoundland, ca. AD 500-1829 Journal Articles
Drainage isolation and climate change-driven population expansion shape the genetic structures of Tuber indicum complex in the Hengduan Mountains region Journal Articles
Dry conditions disrupt terrestrial–aquatic linkages in northern catchments Journal Articles
Dynamic Existence of Waterborne Pathogens within River Sediment Compartments. Implications for Water Quality Regulatory Affairs Journal Articles
Ecological trap for seabirds due to the contamination caused by the Fundão dam collapse, Brazil Journal Articles
Ecological variation in invasive brown trout (Salmo trutta) within a remote coastal river catchment in northern Patagonia complicates estimates of invasion impact Journal Articles
Ecotoxicological impacts of the Fundão dam failure in freshwater fish community: Metal bioaccumulation, biochemical, genetic and histopathological effects Journal Articles
Effects of 90Sr on Tree Swallow Nestlings Near Groundwater Contaminant Plumes Journal Articles
Effects of fullerene (C60), multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and hydroxyl and carboxyl modified single wall carbon nanotubes on riverine microbial communities Journal Articles
Effects-based assessment in a tropical coastal system: Status of bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) on the north shore of Cuba Journal Articles
Elevated Dissolved Phosphorus in Riparian Groundwater along Gaining Urban Streams Journal Articles
Endobenthic Organisms Exposed to Chronically High Chloride from Groundwater Discharging along Freshwater Urban Streams and Lakeshores Journal Articles
Endocrine Disruptor Impacts on Fish From Chile: The Influence of Wastewaters Journal Articles
Environmental health in southwestern Atlantic coral reefs: Geochemical, water quality and ecological indicators Journal Articles
Estrogenicity and intersex in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to Pine/Eucalyptus pulp and paper production effluent in Chile Journal Articles
Examination of the responses of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) and white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) collected on the Saint John River (Canada) downstream of pulp mill, paper mill, and sewage discharges Journal Articles
Exposure Assessment of Pesticides in Surface Waters of Ontario, Canada Reveals Low Probability of Exceeding Acute Regulatory Thresholds Journal Articles
Food web analysis reveals effects of pH on mercury bioaccumulation at multiple trophic levels in streams Journal Articles
Forest management influences the effects of streamside wet areas on stream ecosystems Journal Articles
Forests fuel fish growth in freshwater deltas Journal Articles
Genotypic diversity and antifungal susceptibility of environmental isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans from the Yangtze River Delta region of East China Journal Articles
Global change‐driven effects on dissolved organic matter composition: Implications for food webs of northern lakes Journal Articles
HT to HTO conversion and field experiments near Darlington Nuclear Power Generating Station (DNPGS) site Journal Articles
High‐Frequency Sampling of Small Streams in the Agroecosystems of Southwestern Ontario, Canada, to Characterize Pesticide Exposure and Associated Risk to Aquatic Life Journal Articles
How to balance ecosystem services and economic benefits? – A case study in the Pearl River Delta, China Journal Articles
Human health and ecological risk assessment of pesticides from rice production in the Babol Roud River in Northern Iran Journal Articles
Identification of the origin of faecal contamination in estuarine oysters using Bacteroidales
and F-specific RNA bacteriophage markers Journal Articles
Impact of Riparian Zone Protection from Cattle on Nutrient, Bacteria, F-coliphage,Cryptosporidium, andGiardiaLoading of an Intermittent Stream Journal Articles
Impact of sample collection on prokaryotic and eukaryotic diversity of niche environments of the oil-sand mining impacted Athabasca River Journal Articles
Impacts of climate variations on non-stationarity of streamflow over Canada Journal Articles
Increased Mercury and Body Size and Changes in Trophic Structure of Gambusia puncticulata (Poeciliidae) Along the Almendares River, Cuba Journal Articles
Increased reliance of stream macroinvertebrates on terrestrial food sources linked to forest management intensity Journal Articles
Indigenous sex-selective salmon harvesting demonstrates pre-contact marine resource management in Burrard Inlet, British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Individual Variation in Migration Speed of Upriver‐Migrating Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River in Relation to Their Physiological and Energetic Status at Marine Approach Journal Articles
Landscape characteristics driving spatial variation in total phosphorus and sediment loading from sub-watersheds of the Nottawasaga River, Ontario Journal Articles
Landscape modelling spatial bottlenecks: implications for raccoon rabies disease spread Journal Articles
Larvae of the South Atlantic coral Favia gravida are tolerant to salinity and nutrient concentrations associated with river discharges Journal Articles
Long-Term Monitoring of Waterborne Pathogens and Microbial Source Tracking Markers in Paired Agricultural Watersheds under Controlled and Conventional Tile Drainage Management Journal Articles
Long‐Term Studies of Fish Health before and after the Closure of a Bleached Kraft Pulp Mill in Northern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Low concentrations of selenium in stream food webs of eastern Canada Journal Articles
Marine shrimps as biomonitors of the Fundão (Brazil) mine dam disaster: A multi-biomarker approach Journal Articles
Mercury bioaccumulation in aquatic biota along a salinity gradient in the Saint John River estuary Journal Articles
Metal accumulation and expression of genes encoding for metallothionein and copper transporters in a chronically exposed wild population of the fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii Journal Articles
Microparticles in Wild and Caged Biota, Sediments, and Water Relative to Large Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharges Journal Articles
Modelling sediment-microbial dynamics in the South Nation River, Ontario, Canada: Towards the prediction of aquatic and human health risk Journal Articles
Molecular and phylogenetic approaches for assessing sources of Cryptosporidium contamination in water Journal Articles
Molecular pathways associated with the intersex condition in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) following exposures to municipal wastewater in the Grand River basin, ON, Canada. Part B Journal Articles
Molecular signatures in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) inhabiting an urbanized river reach receiving wastewater effluents Journal Articles
Molecular subtypes of Campylobacter spp., Salmonella enterica, and Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolated from faecal and surface water samples in the Oldman River watershed, Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Multi-regional industrial wastewater metabolism analysis for the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China Journal Articles
Natural Attenuation of Perchlorate in Denitrified Groundwater Journal Articles
New insights into pesticide occurrence and multicompartmental monitoring strategies in stream ecosystems using periphyton and suspended sediment Journal Articles
Nitrification in natural waters with high suspended-solid content––A study for the Yellow River Journal Articles
No Evidence for Long-Term Carryover Effects in a Wild Salmonid Fish Journal Articles
Occurrence of Virulence and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in
Escherichia coli
Isolates from Different Aquatic Ecosystems within the St. Clair River and Detroit River Areas Journal Articles
Optical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter and Their Relation to Mercury Concentrations in Water and Biota Across a Remote Freshwater Drainage Basin Journal Articles
Organic contaminant removal efficiency of sodium bentonite/clay (BC) mixtures in high permeability regions utilizing reclaimed wastewater: A meso-scale study Journal Articles
Organically bound tritium (OBT) activity concentrations in surface soil at the Chalk River Laboratories, Canada Journal Articles
Oxidative stress responses in longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus) exposed to pulp and paper mill and municipal sewage effluents Journal Articles
Pesticide presence in stream water, suspended sediment and biofilm is strongly linked to upstream catchment land use and crop type. Journal Articles
Physiological Condition Differentially Affects the Behavior and Survival of Two Populations of Sockeye Salmon during Their Freshwater Spawning Migration Journal Articles
Planning of water resources management and pollution control for Heshui River watershed, China: A full credibility-constrained programming approach Journal Articles
Poly(divinylbenzene) as a fiber coating for headspace solid-phase microextraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from river water Journal Articles
Population impacts in white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) exposed to oil sands–derived contaminants in the Athabasca River Journal Articles
Post-exposure effects of the piscicide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) on the stress response and liver metabolic capacity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Proactive Screening Approach for Detecting Groundwater Contaminants along Urban Streams at the Reach-Scale Journal Articles
Quantifying the mutual effects of water trading and systematic water saving in a water-scarce watershed of China Journal Articles
Quantitative mapping of chlorhexidine in natural river biofilms Journal Articles
Real-time prediction of river chloride concentration using ensemble learning Journal Articles
Regional and Long‐Term Analyses of Stable Isotopes of Fish and Invertebrates Show Evidence of the Closure of a Pulp Mill and the Influence of Additional Stressors Journal Articles
Regional scale selenium loading associated with surface coal mining, Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Residues of the herbicide glyphosate in riparian groundwater in urban catchments Journal Articles
Response of stream habitat and microbiomes to spruce budworm defoliation: New considerations for outbreak management Journal Articles
Response of white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) to pulp and paper mill effluent in the Androscoggin River, Maine, USA Journal Articles
Responses of biomarkers in wild freshwater mussels chronically exposed to complex contaminant mixtures Journal Articles
Rethinking the effects of micro/nanoplastics from the global environmental change and systematic perspective: An aquatic environmental system-based comprehensive assessment approach of micro/nanoplastic impacts Journal Articles
Screening of endocrine disruption activity in sediments from the Uruguay River Journal Articles
Seasonal relationships among indicator bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, Cryptosporidium oocysts, Giardia cysts, and hydrological indices for surface waters within an agricultural landscape Journal Articles
Seasonal variation in baseline and maximum whole-body glucocorticoid concentrations in a small-bodied stream fish independent of habitat quality Journal Articles
Short-Term, Community-Based, Slow-Stream Rehabilitation Program for Older Adults Transitioning from Hospital to Home: A Mixed Methods Program Evaluation Journal Articles
Simulation-based interval chance-constrained quadratic programming model for water quality management: A case study of the central Grand River in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Soft X‐ray spectromicroscopy of nickel sorption in a natural river biofilm Journal Articles
Sources of microbial contamination in the watershed and coastal zone of Soufriere, St. Lucia Journal Articles
Spatial and Temporal Trends of Mercury Concentrations in Young-of-the-Year Spottail Shiners (Notropis hudsonius) in the St. Lawrence River at Cornwall, ON Journal Articles
Spatial and temporal trends of mercury in the aquatic food web of the lower Penobscot River, Maine, USA, affected by a chlor-alkali plant Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal investigation of geochemical and hydrological controls on release of soluble reactive phosphorus from the shallow aquifer of a riparian zone Journal Articles
Stepwise clustering future meteorological drought projection and multi-level factorial analysis under climate change: A case study of the Pearl River Basin, China Journal Articles
Streamflow hydrology in the boreal region under the influences of climate and human interference Journal Articles
Study design considerations for assessing the health of fish populations impacted by agriculture in developing countries: a Sri Lankan case study Journal Articles
Surface temperature variations and their relationships with land cover in the Pearl River Delta Journal Articles
Temporal and spatial trends in riverine suspended sediment and associated polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC) within the Athabasca oil sands region Journal Articles
Temporal changes in metal and arsenic concentrations in blood and feathers of tropical seabirds after one of the largest environmental disasters associated with mining Journal Articles
Temporal-Spatial changes of monthly vegetation growth and their driving forces in the ancient Yellow river irrigation system, China Journal Articles
The Alberta oil sands eroded bitumen/sediment transitional journey: Influence on sediment transport dynamics, PAH signatures and toxicological effect Journal Articles
The Han River watershed management initiative for the South-to-North Water Transfer project (Middle Route) of China Journal Articles
The effects of tertiary treated municipal wastewater on fish communities of a small river tributary in Southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The first polluted river? Repeated copper contamination of fluvial sediments associated with Late Neolithic human activity in southern Jordan Journal Articles
The impact of municipal wastewater effluent on field‐deployed freshwater mussels in the Grand River (Ontario, Canada) Journal Articles
The influence of the Doce River mouth on the microbiome of nearby coastal areas three years after the Fundão Dam failure, Brazil Journal Articles
The microbial profile of rivers and lagoons three years after the impact of the world's largest mining disaster (Fundão dam, Brazil) Journal Articles
The molecular diversity of dissolved organic matter in forest streams across central Canadian boreal watersheds Journal Articles
The presence of acidic and neutral drugs in treated sewage effluents and receiving waters in the Cornwallis and Annapolis River watersheds and the Mill CoveSewage Treatment Plant in Nova Scotia, Canada Journal Articles
Toxic Groundwater Contaminants: An Overlooked Contributor to Urban Stream Syndrome? Journal Articles
Tracking Host Sources of
spp. in Raw Water for Improved Health Risk Assessment Journal Articles
Two-dimensional numerical modelling of sediment and chemical constituent transport within the lower reaches of the Athabasca River Journal Articles
Understanding the Chronic Impacts of Oil Refinery Wastewater Requires Consideration of Sediment Contributions to Toxicity Journal Articles
Unveiling impacts and optimal strategies of water-saving system for integrated water resources management in a water-scarce watershed. Journal Articles
Using molecular biomarkers and traditional morphometric measurements to assess the health of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) from streams with elevated selenium in North‐Eastern British Columbia Journal Articles
Variation in septic system effluent inputs to tributaries in multiple subwatersheds and approaches to distinguish contributing pathways and areas Journal Articles
Water environmental planning considering the influence of non-linear characteristics. Journal Articles
Watershed-Scale Land Use Activities Influence the Physiological Condition of Stream Fish Journal Articles
Wetlands as long-term sources of metals to receiving waters in mining-impacted landscapes Journal Articles
Whole organism responses and intersex severity in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) following exposures to municipal wastewater in the Grand River basin, ON, Canada. Part A Journal Articles