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109Cd Kxray fluorescence measurements of tibial lead content in young adults exposed to lead in early childhood Journal Articles
A Brief Educational Intervention About Pain and Aging for Older Members of the Community and Health Care Workers Journal Articles
A Latent Class Analysis of the Social Determinants of Health Impacting Heavy Alcohol Consumption Among Women Living with HIV in Canada: The Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study Journal Articles
A Novel Method to Evaluate the Community Built Environment Using Photographs – Environmental Profile of a Community Health (EPOCH) Photo Neighbourhood Evaluation Tool Journal Articles
A longitudinal cohort study examining determinants of overweight and obesity in adulthood Journal Articles
A model-based approach to select case sites for walkability audits Journal Articles
A multilevel examination of gender differences in the association between features of the school environment and physical activity among a sample of grades 9 to 12 students in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
A review of neighborhood effects and early child development: How, where, and for whom, do neighborhoods matter? Journal Articles
A scoping review of the literature on grandparents of children with disabilities Journal Articles
A systematic review of the effects of poverty deconcentration and urban upgrading on youth violence. Journal Articles
APPLIED RESEARCH: Reflecting the Relative Values of Community, Faculty, and Students in the Admissions Tools of Medical School Journal Articles
Absolute and relative densities of fast-food versus other restaurants in relation to weight status: Does restaurant mix matter? Journal Articles
Accelerated surgery versus standard care in hip fracture (HIP ATTACK): an international, randomised, controlled trial Journal Articles
Accessibility to health care facilities in Montreal Island: an application of relative accessibility indicators from the perspective of senior and non-senior residents Journal Articles
Acculturation in elite sport: a thematic analysis of immigrant athletes and coaches Journal Articles
Adolescent Body Image Distortion: A Consideration of Immigrant Generational Status, Immigrant Concentration, Sex and Body Dissatisfaction Journal Articles
Adolescent Smoking Journal Articles
Aging in the Right Place for Older Adults Experiencing Housing Insecurity: An Environmental Assessment of Temporary Housing Program Journal Articles
Aging trends-Hong Kong Journal Articles
Aging trends-Singapore Journal Articles
An ecologically based examination of barriers to physical activity in students from grade seven through first-year university Journal Articles
An integrated model of social environment and social context for pediatric rehabilitation Journal Articles
Anemia Near Delivery Is Prevalent, Pernicious, and Associated With Lower Neighbourhood Income: An Analysis of Over 50 000 Pregnancies. Journal Articles
Are US degree-granting institutions associated with better community health determinants and outcomes? Journal Articles
Are residents of downtown Toronto influenced by their urban neighbourhoods? Using concept mapping to examine neighbourhood characteristics and their perceived impact on self-rated mental well-being Journal Articles
Area-Level Variation in Children’s Unmet Need for Community-Based Mental Health Services: Findings from the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Assessing the built environment through photographs and its association with obesity in 21 countries: the PURE Study. Journal Articles
Assessment of Racial Disparity in Survival Outcomes for Early Hormone Receptor–Positive Breast Cancer After Adjusting for Insurance Status and Neighborhood Deprivation Journal Articles
Assessment of the Burden of SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern Among Essential Workers in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada Journal Articles
Association of Universal Bilirubin Screening With Socioeconomic Disparities in Newborn Follow-up Journal Articles
Association of Urban Slum Residency with Infant Mortality and Child Stunting in Low and Middle Income Countries Journal Articles
Associations Between Family and Community Protective Factors and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Outcomes Among US Children Journal Articles
Associations of perceived built environment characteristics using NEWS questionnaires with all-cause mortality and major cardiovascular diseases: The prospective urban rural epidemiology (PURE)-China study Journal Articles
Barriers to Physical Activity and Restorative Care for Residents in Long-Term Care: A Review of the Literature Journal Articles
Barriers to Walking: An Investigation of Adults in Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) Journal Articles
Barriers to physical activity and restorative care for residents in long-term care: a review of the literature. Journal Articles
Building obesity in Canada: understanding the individual- and neighbourhood-level determinants using a multi-level approach Journal Articles
Built environment interventions aimed at improving physical activity levels in rural Ontario health units: a descriptive qualitative study Journal Articles
Canadian study of health and aging: study methods and prevalence of dementia. Journal Articles
Capturing how age-friendly communities foster positive health, social participation and health equity: a study protocol of key components and processes that promote population health in aging Canadians Journal Articles
Changes in Job Stressors in the Canadian Working Population Journal Articles
Changing roles of universities in the era of SDGs: rising up to the global challenge through institutionalising partnerships with governments and communities Journal Articles
Changing trends (1986–2003) in the use of lipid lowering medication in patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction: A community-based perspective Journal Articles
Characteristics of physicians practising in Lebanon: a survey Journal Articles
Child physical and sexual abuse in a community sample of young adults: Results from the Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Child well-being and neighbourhood quality: evidence from the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth Journal Articles
Childhood Abuse and Lifetime Psychopathology in a Community Sample Journal Articles
Childhood poverty, social support, immigration background and adolescent health and life satisfaction: A population-based longitudinal study. Journal Articles
Circadian preferences, oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines in bipolar disorder: A community study Journal Articles
Clinical Telemedicine Utilization in Ontario over the Ontario Telemedicine Network Journal Articles
Close to home Journal Articles
Co-residence of Household Heads with Parents in Japan: A Multivariate Explanation Journal Articles
Cognitive function and self-care management in older patients with heart failure Journal Articles
Community Outcome in Cognitively Normal Schizophrenia Patients Journal Articles
Community influences on intimate partner violence in India: Women's education, attitudes towards mistreatment and standards of living Journal Articles
Community- and individual-level factors associated with smoking and heavy drinking among Aboriginal people in Canada Journal Articles
Comparative trends in incident fracture rates for all long-term care and community-dwelling seniors in Ontario, Canada, 2002–2012 Journal Articles
Comparing the Age-Friendliness of Different Neighbourhoods Using District Surveys: An Example from Hong Kong Journal Articles
Contextual determinants of health behaviours in an aboriginal community in Canada: pilot project Journal Articles
Correlates of depressive illness among the elderly in a mixed urban community in Lagos, Nigeria Journal Articles
Cultural Preferences and Economic Constraints: The Living Arrangements of Elderly Canadians Journal Articles
Defining Socially-Based Spatial Boundaries in the Region of Peel, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Dental insurance, income and the use of dental care in Canada. Journal Articles
Determinants of variation in food cost and availability in two socioeconomically contrasting neighbourhoods of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Developing a Theoretical Framework for Complex Community-Based Interventions Journal Articles
Developing a workbook to support the contextualisation of global health systems guidance: A case study identifying steps and critical factors for success in this process at the World Health Organization. Journal Articles
Developing a workbook to support the contextualisation of global health systems guidance: a case study identifying steps and critical factors for success in this process at WHO Journal Articles
Development of the Canadian Marginalization Index: a new tool for the study of inequality. Journal Articles
Development of the participation and environment measure for children and youth: conceptual basis Journal Articles
Differences in perceptions and fast food eating behaviours between Indians living in high- and low-income neighbourhoods of Chandigarh, India Journal Articles
Difficulties in Daily Living Experienced by Adolescents, Transition‐Aged Youth, and Adults With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Disaggregating Canadian immigrant smoking behaviour by country of birth Journal Articles
Discounting preferences and response consistency as markers of functional ability in community-dwelling older adults Journal Articles
Do the determinants of health differ between people living in the community and in institutions? Journal Articles
Drinking in context: the influence of gender and neighbourhood deprivation on alcohol consumption Journal Articles
Durations and Domains of Daily Aerobic Activity: Evidence From the 2010 Canadian Time-Use Survey Journal Articles
Effect of sibling number in the household and birth order on prevalence of Helicobacter pylori: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Environmental Profile of a Community’s Health (EPOCH): An Ecometric Assessment of Measures of the Community Environment Based on Individual Perception Journal Articles
Environmental inequality and circulatory disease mortality gradients Journal Articles
Equitable access to health care: Methodological extensions to the analysis of physician utilization in Canada Journal Articles
Estimating modifiable coronary heart disease risk in multiple regions of the world: the INTERHEART Modifiable Risk Score Journal Articles
Estimating multiple morbidity disease burden among older persons: a convergent construct validity study to discriminate among six chronic illness measures, CCHS 2008/09 Journal Articles
Evaluating loss to follow-up in newborn hearing screening in Massachusetts. Journal Articles
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Complex, Multi-component, Dynamic, Community-Based Injury Prevention Interventions: A Statistical Framework Journal Articles
Evidence of dietary inadequacy in adults with chronic spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Examining the effects of household chaos on child executive functions: A meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Examining the social determinants of children's developmental health: protocol for building a pan-Canadian population-based monitoring system for early childhood development Journal Articles
Excess years of life lost to COVID-19 and other causes of death by sex, neighbourhood deprivation, and region in England and Wales during 2020: A registry-based study Journal Articles
Explaining hierarchical and interprovincial migrations of Chinese young adults by personal factors and place attributes: A nested logit analysis Journal Articles
Exploring the Relationship between Food Access and Foodborne Illness by Using Spatial Analysis Journal Articles
Exposure to traffic emissions throughout life and risk of breast cancer: the Western New York Exposures and Breast Cancer (WEB) study Journal Articles
Factors Affecting Change Over Time in Self-reported Health Journal Articles
Factors affecting the uptake of prenatal screening tests for congenital anomalies; a multicentre prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Foodscapes of southern Ontario: Neighbourhood deprivation and access to healthy and unhealthy food retail Journal Articles
Functional Fitness and Physical Activity of Portuguese Community-Residing Older Adults Journal Articles
Functional impairment and cognitive performance in mood disorders: A community sample of young adults Journal Articles
Gait Asymmetry in Community-Ambulating Stroke Survivors Journal Articles
Geographic and socioeconomic factors affecting delivery of bariatric surgery across high- and low-utilization healthcare systems Journal Articles
Geographic clustering of residence in early life and subsequent risk of breast cancer (United States) Journal Articles
Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 333 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 Journal Articles
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Journal Articles
Grand Challenges in Global Health: Community Engagement in Research in Developing Countries Journal Articles
Grannies, Elders, and Friends: Aging Aboriginal Women in Toronto Journal Articles
Greater Mortality Risk Among Patients With Delayed Follow-up After Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Procedures Journal Articles
Handling Regional Variation in Health State Preferences within a Country Journal Articles
Health in Hamilton neighbourhoods: Exploring the determinants of health at the local level Journal Articles
Health services use among children diagnosed with medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency through newborn screening: a cohort study in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Health status and Canada's immigrant population Journal Articles
Health status and health behaviours in neighbourhoods: A comparison of Glasgow, Scotland and Hamilton, Canada Journal Articles
Health-adjusted potential years of life lost due to treatable causes of death and illness. Journal Articles
Healthy Active Living: A Residence Community–Based Intervention to Increase Physical Activity and Healthy Eating During the Transition to First-Year University Journal Articles
Heterogeneities in the production of health: smoking, health status and place Journal Articles
Housing Characteristics and their Influence on Health-Related Quality of Life in Persons Living with HIV in Ontario, Canada: Results from the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study Journal Articles
Housing and Healthy Child Development: Known and Potential Impacts of Interventions Journal Articles
Housing and inequalities in health: a study of socioeconomic dimensions of housing and self reported health from a survey of Vancouver residents Journal Articles
How effective is high‐support community‐based step‐down housing for women in secure mental health care? A quasi‐experimental pilot study Journal Articles
How place matters: unpacking technology and power in health and social care Journal Articles
Hypertriglyceridemic Waist Phenotype and Chronic Kidney Disease in a Chinese Population Aged 40 Years and Older Journal Articles
INSPIRE (INvestigating Social and PractIcal suppoRts at the End of life): Pilot randomised trial of a community social and practical support intervention for adults with life-limiting illness Journal Articles
Identifying Social Pathways for Health Inequalities: The Role of Housing Journal Articles
Immigrant women and cervical cancer screening uptake: a multilevel analysis. Journal Articles
Impact of Outdoor Gyms on Adults’ Participation in Physical Activity: A Natural Experiment in Chile Journal Articles
Impact of neighbourhood walkability on the onset of multimorbidity: a cohort study Journal Articles
Inclusive Mosaic: Promoting Diversity in Nursing through Youth Mentorship Journal Articles
Income and neighbourhood deprivation in relation to obesity in urban dwelling children 0–12 years of age: a cross-sectional study from 2013 to 2019 Journal Articles
Income, self-selection, and return and onward interprovincial migration in Canada. Journal Articles
Increased urban greenness associated with improved mental health among middle-aged and older adults of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Individual and Regional Determinants of Mammography Uptake Journal Articles
Individual and socio-environmental determinants of overweight and obesity in Urban Canada Journal Articles
Influence of Neighborhood Characteristics and Weather on Movement Behaviors at Age 3 and 5 Years in a Longitudinal Birth Cohort Journal Articles
Influence of Season and Latitude in a Community Sample of Subjects with Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Injury mortality in local communities in Sweden and in the three Baltic States: implications for prevention Journal Articles
Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Lengths of Stay in Canada Derived From the National Rehabilitation Reporting System, 2008 and 2009 Journal Articles
Interprofessional Stroke Rehabilitation for Stroke Survivors Using Home Care Journal Articles
Is there a geographical variation in eczema prevalence in the U.K.? Evidence from the 1958 British birth cohort study Journal Articles
Isolated calf deep vein thrombosis in the community setting: the Worcester Venous Thromboembolism study Journal Articles
Key Age-Friendly Components of Municipalities that Foster Social Participation of Aging Canadians: Results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Knee Extensor Power Relates to Mobility Performance in People With Knee Osteoarthritis: Cross-Sectional Analysis Journal Articles
Landscapes of inequities, structural racism, and disease during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences of immigrant and racialized populations in Canada Journal Articles
Late-life depression: Burden, severity and relationship with social support dimensions in a West African community Journal Articles
Levels of Influence in the Built Environment on the Promotion of Healthy Child Development Journal Articles
Linking perceptions of neighbourhood to health in Hamilton, Canada Journal Articles
Long-term stability of resting frontal EEG alpha asymmetry and power in a sample of stable community outpatients with schizophrenia Journal Articles
Long-term trends in the use of coronary reperfusion strategies in acute myocardial infarction: a community-wide perspective Journal Articles
Los jóvenes en favelas de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: de la vulnerabilidad social a las oportunidades para el desarrollo humano Journal Articles
Mapping distance-decay of cardiorespiratory disease risk related to neighborhood environments Journal Articles
Meanings of Aging in the Right Place for Older Clients of a Temporary Housing Program Journal Articles
Measuring Participation of Children and Environmental Factors at Home, School, and in Community: Construct Validation of the Korean PEM-CY Journal Articles
Measuring multimorbidity series. An overlooked complexity - Comparison of self-report vs. administrative data in community-living adults: Paper 3. Agreement across data sources and implications for estimating associations with health service use Journal Articles
Measuring multimorbidity series—an overlooked complexity comparison of self-report vs. administrative data in community-living adults: paper 2. Prevalence estimates depend on the data source Journal Articles
Medicare’ Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program and Community Diversity in the United States: The Need to Account for Racial and Ethnic Segregation Journal Articles
Medication use and falls in community-dwelling older persons Journal Articles
Meeting health need, accessing health care: the role of neighbourhood Journal Articles
Meeting the many health and social needs of the elderly. Journal Articles
Migraine and Mental Health in a Population-Based Sample of Adolescents Journal Articles
Mortality among residents of shelters, rooming houses, and hotels in Canada: 11 year follow-up study Journal Articles
Moving towards a new vision: implementation of a public health policy intervention Journal Articles
Neighborhood Greenspace and Socioeconomic Risk are Associated with Diabetes Risk at the Sub-neighborhood Scale: Results from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) Study Journal Articles
Neighborhood and Family Influences on Educational Attainment: Results from the Ontario Child Health Study Follow‐Up 2001 Journal Articles
Neighborhood socioeconomic factors and characteristics correlated with avoidable emergency department visits: A spatial analysis of a Canadian academic hospital. Journal Articles
Neighborhood, Family, and Child Predictors of Childhood Injury in Canada Journal Articles
Neighborhood-Level Disadvantage Impacts on Patients with Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Disease Journal Articles
Neighbourhood chronic stress and gender inequalities in hypertension among Canadian adults: a multilevel analysis Journal Articles
Neighbourhood deprivation and regional inequalities in self-reported health among Canadians: Are we equally at risk? Journal Articles
Neighbourhood influences on participation in activities among older adults with chronic health conditions Journal Articles
Nevi and migration within the United States and Canada: a population-based cross-sectional study Journal Articles
New plans for housing in urban Kenya, 1939–63 Journal Articles
Novel therapeutic concepts * The epidemic of cardiovascular disease in the developing world: global implications Journal Articles
Nurses' experiences providing palliative care to individuals living in rural communities: aspects of the physical residential setting Journal Articles
Participation in Out-of-Home Environments for Young Children With and Without Developmental Disabilities Journal Articles
Participation in home, extracurricular, and community activities among children and young people with cerebral palsy Journal Articles
Path analysis of income, coping and health at the local level in a Canadian context Journal Articles
Patient adherence with emergency department referral to a cardiovascular evaluation and risk assessment clinic. Journal Articles
Patterns and Health Effects of Caring for People With Dementia: The Impact of Changing Cognitive and Residential Status Journal Articles
Patterns of social inequalities across pregnancy and birth outcomes: a comparison of individual and neighborhood socioeconomic measures Journal Articles
Peer Research Assistantships and the Ethics of Reciprocity in Community-Based Research Journal Articles
Perceived stigma and school attendance among children and adolescents with epilepsy in South Western Uganda Journal Articles
Performance of the cancer risk management model lung cancer screening module Journal Articles
Physical activity levels, ownership of goods promoting sedentary behaviour and risk of myocardial infarction: results of the INTERHEART study Journal Articles
Population attributable risk for functional disability associated with chronic conditions in Canadian older adults Journal Articles
Poverty, Neighbourhood Antisocial Behaviour, and Children’s Mental Health Problems: Findings from the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Predicting use of case management support services for adolescents and adults living in community following brain injury: A longitudinal Canadian database study with implications for life care planning Journal Articles
Predictors of Postpartum Depression Among Immigrant Women in the Year After Childbirth Journal Articles
Prenatal Material Hardships and Infant Regulatory Capacity at 10 Months Old in Low-Income Hispanic Mother-Infant Pairs Journal Articles
Prevalence of Migraine Headache in Canada: A Population-Based Survey Journal Articles
Prevalence of depression and the associated risks factors among adult women in a fishing community. Journal Articles
Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Journal Articles
Preventing Antiretroviral Treatment Interruptions among HIV/AIDS Patients in Africa Journal Articles
Priority-setting in public health research funding organisations: an exploratory qualitative study among five high-profile funders Journal Articles
Quality of diet is associated with insulin resistance in the Cree (Eeyouch) indigenous population of northern Québec Journal Articles
Randomized trial of a clinic-based, community-supported, lifestyle intervention to improve physical activity and diet: The North Carolina enhanced WISEWOMAN project Journal Articles
Rationale, design, and methods for Canadian alliance for healthy hearts and minds cohort study (CAHHM) – a Pan Canadian cohort study Journal Articles
Real-Life Research Journal Articles
Recruitment and retention of blood donors in four Canadian cities: an analysis of the role of community and social networks Journal Articles
Regional Variations in the Public Delivery of Bariatric Surgery Journal Articles
Relationship and community factors related to better mental health following child maltreatment among adolescents Journal Articles
Relationships Between Material Hardship, Resilience, and Health Care Use Journal Articles
Residential green space and pathways to term birth weight in the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study Journal Articles
Residential moves, neighbourhood walkability, and physical activity: a longitudinal pilot study in Ontario Canada Journal Articles
Results from Canada’s 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth Conferences
Rethinking measurement of neighborhood in the context of health research Journal Articles
Revisiting the use of ‘place’ as an analytic tool for elucidating geographic issues central to Canadian rural palliative care Journal Articles
Risk prediction in the community: A systematic review of case-finding instruments that predict adverse healthcare outcomes in community-dwelling older adults Journal Articles
Rural/urban migrations in Zimbabwe in 1982-92: selectivity by gender, place of birth, and educational attainment. Journal Articles
Salt intake and cardiovascular disease: why are the data inconsistent? Journal Articles
School and Community Predictors of Smoking: A Longitudinal Study of Canadian High Schools Journal Articles
Seasonal and geographic variations in the incidence of asthma exacerbations in the United States Journal Articles
Sense of belonging to local community in small-to-medium sized Canadian urban areas: a comparison of immigrant and Canadian-born residents Journal Articles
Sex differences in completion of a 12-month cardiac rehabilitation programme: an analysis of 5922 women and men Journal Articles
Shared environments: a multilevel analysis of community context and child nutritional status in Bangladesh Journal Articles
Short-term impact of a neighbourhood-based intervention on mental health and self-rated health in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Smoking Among U.S. Hispanic/Latino Adults Journal Articles
Social and economic consequences of workplace injury: A population‐based study of workers in British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Social capital and self-rated health: A cross-sectional study of the general social survey data comparing rural and urban adults in Ontario Journal Articles
Social capital, collective action and access to water in rural Kenya Journal Articles
Social determinants of health and sepsis: a case-control study Journal Articles
Social determinants of health associated with hepatitis C co-infection among people living with HIV: results from the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places study. Journal Articles
Social determinants of health inequalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina Journal Articles
Social phobia, anxiety, oppositional behavior, social skills, and self-concept in children with specific selective mutism, generalized selective mutism, and community controls Journal Articles
Socio-economic Correlates of Municipal-level Pollution Emissions on Montreal Island Journal Articles
Socioeconomic factors and use of secondary preventive therapies for cardiovascular diseases in South Asia: The PURE study Journal Articles
Socioeconomic gradient in the developmental health of Canadian children with disabilities at school entry: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Socioeconomic status and risk of hemorrhage during warfarin therapy for atrial fibrillation: A population-based study Journal Articles
Speed and Distance Requirements for Community Ambulation: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Spousal-Residence Separation among Chinese Young Couples Journal Articles
Stability and change in symptoms, cognition, and community outcome in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Standardized observation of neighbourhood disorder: does it work in Canada? Journal Articles
Stature and adiposity among children in contrasting neighborhoods in the city of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The 2014 Survey on Living with Chronic Diseases in Canada
on Mood and Anxiety Disorders: a methodological overview Journal Articles
The Argentinian mother-and-child contaminant study: a cross-sectional study among delivering women in the cities of Ushuaia and Salta Journal Articles
The Dynamics of Spatial Labor Mobility in the Netherlands Journal Articles
The Effect of Community-Based Specialist Palliative Care Teams on Place of Care Journal Articles
The Hispanic Community Children's Health Study/Study of Latino Youth (SOL Youth): design, objectives, and procedures Journal Articles
The Impact of Neighborhood Composition on Work-Family Conflict and Distress Journal Articles
The Local Food Environment and Obesity: Evidence from Three Cities Journal Articles
The Mediating Role of the Environment in Explaining Participation of Children and Youth With and Without Disabilities Across Home, School, and Community Journal Articles
The Neighbourhood Effects on Health and Well-being (NEHW) study Journal Articles
The Talk of the Town: Kit Manufacturers Negotiate the Building Industry, 1905-1929 Journal Articles
The associations between sex, immigrant status, immigrant concentration and intimate partner violence: Evidence from the Canadian General Social Survey Journal Articles
The average cost of pressure ulcer management in a community dwelling spinal cord injury population Journal Articles
The dependence of marriage migrations in Japan on personal factors and ecological variables Journal Articles
The effect of the environment on participation of children and youth with disabilities: a scoping review Journal Articles
The effects of geography on survival in patients with oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma Journal Articles
The effects of local and non-local traffic on child pedestrian safety: A spatial displacement of risk Journal Articles
The emerging role of occupational therapy in primary care Journal Articles
The environmental profile of a community’s health: a cross-sectional study on tobacco marketing in 16 countries Journal Articles
The evolution of health outcomes from childhood to adolescence Journal Articles
The health competence measurement tool (HCMT): Developing a new scale to measure self-rated “health competence” Journal Articles
The impact of a quit smoking contest on smoking behaviour in Ontario. Journal Articles
The impact of tobacco prices on smoking onset in Vietnam: duration analyses of retrospective data Journal Articles
The influence of immigrant status and concentration on psychiatric disorder in Canada: a multi-level analysis Journal Articles
The natural history of health-related quality of life: a 10-year cohort study. Journal Articles
The physical environment as a fall risk factor in older adults: Systematic review and meta‐analysis of cross‐sectional and cohort studies Journal Articles
The prognostic role of gender in survival of adult cancer patients Journal Articles
The prognostic role of gender in survival of adult cancer patients. EUROCARE Working Group. Journal Articles
The relationship between parental substance abuse and child maltreatment: findings from the Ontario Health Supplement Journal Articles
The social uses of history in the Russian Far East. Journal Articles
The technical report on sodium intake and cardiovascular disease in low- and middle-income countries by the joint working group of the World Heart Federation, the European Society of Hypertension and the European Public Health Association Journal Articles
Theoretical foundations of the Study of Latino (SOL) Youth: implications for obesity and cardiometabolic risk Journal Articles
Traffic Air Pollution and Mortality Rate Advancement Periods Journal Articles
Use of administrative record linkage to measure medical and social risk factors for early developmental vulnerability in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Using administrative data to understand the geography of case ascertainment. Journal Articles
Wait times among patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis requiring carotid endarterectomy for stroke prevention Journal Articles
Waiting times for cancer care in Canadian children: Impact of distance, clinical, and demographic factors Journal Articles
Web-Based Interventions to Improve Mental Health, General Caregiving Outcomes, and General Health for Informal Caregivers of Adults With Chronic Conditions Living in the Community: Rapid Evidence Review Journal Articles
Weighing the importance of neighbourhood: A multilevel exploration of the determinants of overweight and obesity Journal Articles
Who you know, where you live: social capital, neighbourhood and health Journal Articles
Work–family conflict in context: The impact of structural and perceived neighborhood disadvantage on work–family conflict Journal Articles
You cannot prevent a disease; you only treat diseases when they occur: knowledge, attitudes and practices to water-health in a rural Kenyan community. Journal Articles
‘Reasonable access’ to primary care: assessing the role of individual and system characteristics Journal Articles
‘When you think your neighbour's cooking pot is better than yours’: A mixed-methods exploration of inequality and wellbeing in Ghana Journal Articles
“Socioeconomic inequalities in children's accessibility to food retailing: Examining the roles of mobility and time” Journal Articles