Autistic Disorder
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A CGG-Repeat Expansion Mutation inZNF713Causes FRA7A: Association with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in two Families Journal Articles
A Kinematic Analysis of How Young Adults with and Without Autism Plan and Control Goal-Directed Movements Journal Articles
A Longitudinal Study of Pretend Play in Autism Journal Articles
A Prospective Case Series of High-risk Infants who Developed Autism Journal Articles
A Prospective Study of Autistic-Like Traits in Unaffected Siblings of Probands With Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
A common X-linked inborn error of carnitine biosynthesis may be a risk factor for nondysmorphic autism Journal Articles
A follow-up study of high-functioning autistic children Journal Articles
A genome-wide linkage and association scan reveals novel loci for autism Journal Articles
A genome-wide scan for common alleles affecting risk for autism Journal Articles
A longitudinal comparison of emotional, behavioral and attention problems in autistic and typically developing children Journal Articles
A pilot dose finding study of pioglitazone in autistic children Journal Articles
A qualitative investigation of changes in the belief systems of families of children with autism or Down syndrome Journal Articles
A retrospective journal-based case study of an infant with autism and his twin Journal Articles
A review of the DSM-III-R criteria for autistic disorder Journal Articles
A risk‐factor model of epistatic interaction, focusing on autism Journal Articles
A threat-detection advantage in those with autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
A vote for Asperger's syndrome Journal Articles
Abnormal Social Interactions in a Drosophila Mutant of an Autism Candidate Gene: Neuroligin 3 Journal Articles
Absence of a Paternally Inherited FOXP2 Gene in Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia Journal Articles
Adaptation, Content Validity and Reliability of the Autism Classification System of Functioning for Social Communication: From Toddlerhood to Adolescent-Aged Children with Autism Journal Articles
Alexithymia in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Altered Balance of Proteolytic Isoforms of Pro-Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Autism Journal Articles
An inversion inv(4)(p12-p15.3) in autistic siblings implicates the 4p GABA receptor gene cluster Journal Articles
Asperger's Syndrome and Autism: Differences in Behavior, Cognition, and Adaptive Functioning Journal Articles
Asperger's Syndrome and Autism: Neurocognitive Aspects Journal Articles
Asperger's Syndrome: A Review of Clinical Features Journal Articles
Asperger's Syndrome: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcome Journal Articles
Assessing the accuracy of the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Assessment of Autism Symptoms From 6 to 18 Months of Age Using the Autism Observation Scale for Infants in a Prospective High‐Risk Cohort Journal Articles
Association of autism severity with a monoamine oxidase A functional polymorphism Journal Articles
Autism and the X chromosome: No linkage to microsatellite loci detected using the affected sibling pair method Journal Articles
Autism associated mutations in β2 subunit of voltage-gated calcium channels constitutively activate gene expression Journal Articles
Autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia and diagnostic confusion Journal Articles
Autistic Adults Show Intact Learning on a Visuospatial Serial Reaction Time Task Journal Articles
BDNF, proBDNF and IGF-1 serum levels in naïve and medicated subjects with autism Journal Articles
Backward masking: Evidence of reduced subcortical amygdala engagement in autism Journal Articles
Balanced translocation t(3;18)(p13;q22.3) and points mutation in the ZNF407 gene detected in patients with both moderate non-syndromic intellectual disability and autism Journal Articles
Behavioral Pediatrics Feeding Assessment Scale in Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Psychometrics and Associations With Child and Parent Variables Journal Articles
Behavioral and cardiac responses to emotional stroop in adults with autism spectrum disorders: influence of medication Journal Articles
Behavioral and molecular changes in the mouse in response to prenatal exposure to the anti-epileptic drug valproic acid Journal Articles
Behavioral manifestations of autism in the first year of life Journal Articles
Birth order effects on nonverbal IQ scores in autism multiplex families. Journal Articles
Brief Report: A Scale for Rating Conversational Impairment in Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Brief Report: Autistic-Like Traits in Childhood Predict Later Age at Menarche in Girls Journal Articles
Brief Report: Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Heterogeneity of the Restricted, Repetitive Behaviours and Interests Domain of Autism: A Greek Study Journal Articles
Brief Report: Relationship Between Non-verbal IQ and Gender in Autism Journal Articles
CNTN5-/+or EHMT2-/+human iPSC-derived neurons from individuals with autism develop hyperactive neuronal networks Journal Articles
CRISIS AFAR: an international collaborative study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and service access in youth with autism and neurodevelopmental conditions Journal Articles
Challenges in Evaluating Psychosocial Interventions for Autistic Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Challenges of Service-Dog Ownership for Families with Autistic Children: Lessons for Veterinary Practitioners Journal Articles
Child Clinical/Pediatric Neuropsychology: Some Recent Advances Journal Articles
Clinical and parental predictors of emotion regulation following cognitive behaviour therapy in children with autism Journal Articles
Clinical assessment of autism in high-risk 18-month-olds Journal Articles
Clustering autism: using neuroanatomical differences in 26 mouse models to gain insight into the heterogeneity Journal Articles
Co-occurring trajectories of anxiety and insistence on sameness behaviour in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Cognitive underpinnings of pretend play in autism. Journal Articles
Cohesive discourse in pervasive developmental disorders Journal Articles
Combining Information From Multiple Sources in the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Coming to understand the child has autism: A process illustrating parents’ evolving readiness for engaging in care Journal Articles
Commentary: ‘Camouflaging’ in autistic people – reflection on Fombonne (2020) Journal Articles
Comparing face processing strategies between typically-developed observers and observers with autism using sub-sampled-pixels presentation in response classification technique Journal Articles
Complete Disruption of Autism-Susceptibility Genes by Gene Editing Predominantly Reduces Functional Connectivity of Isogenic Human Neurons Journal Articles
Complexity and Parsimony in Natural History Studies of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Conducting Genetic Epidemiology Studies of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Issues in Matching Journal Articles
Construct Validity of the Autism Classification System of Functioning: Social Communication (ACSF:SC) Across Childhood and Adolescence Journal Articles
Continuity of trajectories of autism symptom severity from infancy to childhood Journal Articles
Contribution of SHANK3 Mutations to Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Contribution of SHANK3 mutations to autism spectrum disorder. Journal Articles
Coping, fostering resilience, and driving care innovation for autistic people and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond Journal Articles
Copy number variation analysis and sequencing of the X-linked mental retardation gene TSPAN7/TM4SF2 in patients with autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Cortical Serotonin Type-2 Receptor Density in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Creating “therapeutic landscapes” at home: The experiences of families of children with autism Journal Articles
Credible knowledge: A pilot evaluation of a modified GRADE method using parent-implemented interventions for children with autism Journal Articles
Cross-Diagnosis Structural Correlates of Autistic-Like Social Communication Differences Journal Articles
Cross-sectional studies of grammatical morphemes in autistic and mentally retarded children Journal Articles
CyberSearch: Quick clicks to answer clinical questions Journal Articles
Cybersearch. Quick clicks to answer clinical questions. Journal Articles
DIXDC1 Phosphorylation and Control of Dendritic Morphology Are Impaired by Rare Genetic Variants Journal Articles
Decomposing the autism phenotype into familial dimensions Journal Articles
Decreased mTOR signaling pathway in human idiopathic autism and in rats exposed to valproic acid Journal Articles
Differences Between the Pattern of Developmental Abnormalities in Autism Associated With Duplications 15q11.2-q13 and Idiopathic Autism Journal Articles
Differences in discrimination of eye and mouth displacement in autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Differentiating Autism and Asperger Syndrome on the Basis of Language Delay or Impairment Journal Articles
Disruption at the
Locus on Xp22.11 in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability Journal Articles
Does Joe influence Fred's action? Not if Fred has autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Early Autism Detection: Are We Ready for Routine Screening? Journal Articles
Early Language and Communication Development of Infants Later Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Early language and communication development of infants later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Journal Articles
Educators Describe the “Best Things” About Students with Autism at School Journal Articles
Effect of non‐invasive brain stimulation on behavior and serum brain‐derived neurotrophic factor and insulin‐like growth factor‐1 levels in autistic patients Journal Articles
Elevated basal transcription can underlie timothy channel association with autism related disorders Journal Articles
Emotional Responsivity in Children with Autism, Children with Other Developmental Disabilities, and Children with Typical Development Journal Articles
Enhanced Salience and Emotion Recognition in Autism: A PET Study Journal Articles
Eps8 controls dendritic spine density and synaptic plasticity through its actin-capping activity Journal Articles
Evaluation of Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Using Latent Class Models Journal Articles
Examining clinical characteristics of autism and links with parent perceptions of sibling relationship quality Journal Articles
Examining the effect of chronic intranasal oxytocin administration on the neuroanatomy and behavior of three autism-related mouse models Journal Articles
Exploring Autism, Culture, and Immigrant Experiences: Lessons from Sri Lankan Tamil Mothers Journal Articles
Exploring sensory phenotypes in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Exploring the association between social skills struggles and social communication difficulties and depression in youth with autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Exposure to family stressful life events in autistic children: Longitudinal associations with mental health and the moderating role of cognitive flexibility Journal Articles
Extracting Latent Subdimensions of Social Communication: A Cross-Measure Factor Analysis Journal Articles
Eye Direction, Not Movement Direction, Predicts Attention Shifts in Those with Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Facilitating sensorimotor integration via blocked practice underpins imitation learning of atypical biological kinematics in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Factors Affecting Behavior and Welfare of Service Dogs for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Family‐centredness of a provincial autism programme: A quality assurance evaluation using the Measure of Processes of Care Journal Articles
Fetal androgen exposure and pragmatic language ability of girls in middle childhood: Implications for the extreme male-brain theory of autism Journal Articles
Field trial for autistic disorder in DSM-IV Journal Articles
Functional DNA methylation signatures for autism spectrum disorder genomic risk loci: 16p11.2 deletions and CHD8 variants Journal Articles
GABAB Receptor Agonist R-Baclofen Reverses Social Deficits and Reduces Repetitive Behavior in Two Mouse Models of Autism Journal Articles
Gender diversity is correlated with dimensional neurodivergent traits but not categorical neurodevelopmental diagnoses in children Journal Articles
Gene-ontology enrichment analysis in two independent family-based samples highlights biologically plausible processes for autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Genetic and Neurodevelopmental Influences in Autistic Disorder Journal Articles
Genetically determined low maternal serum dopamine ?-hydroxylase levels and the etiology of autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Genetics of autism: overview and new directions. Journal Articles
Genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 Interrogation of Splicing Networks Reveals a Mechanism for Recognition of Autism-Misregulated Neuronal Microexons Journal Articles
Genome-wide Linkage Analyses of Quantitative and Categorical Autism Subphenotypes Journal Articles
Genomic and epigenetic evidence for oxytocin receptor deficiency in autism Journal Articles
Genomic architecture of autism from comprehensive whole-genome sequence annotation Journal Articles
Greater Individual Variability in Functional Brain Activity during Working Memory Performance in young people with Autism and Executive Function Impairment Journal Articles
Harmonizing two measures of adaptive functioning using computational approaches: prediction of vineland adaptive behavior scales II (VABS-II) from the adaptive behavior assessment system II (ABAS-II) scores. Journal Articles
Heterogeneity and the genetics of autism. Journal Articles
High functioning autism and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder in half brothers. Journal Articles
High phenotypic correlations among siblings with autism and pervasive developmental disorders Journal Articles
How do Individuals with Autism Plan Their Movements? Journal Articles
Human Chromosome 7: DNA Sequence and Biology Journal Articles
Human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) and organoid models of autism: opportunities and limitations Journal Articles
IQ and the Genetics of Autism Journal Articles
Imaging of Autism: Lessons from the Past to Guide Studies in the Future Journal Articles
Immunization Uptake in Siblings of Children With Autism Journal Articles
Implementation Science: Buzzword or Game Changer? Journal Articles
In utero exposure to valproic acid and autism — A current review of clinical and animal studies Journal Articles
Index of Suspicion * Case 1: Status Epilepticus, Hypertension, and Tachycardia in a 5-year-old Boy * Case 2: Cardiopulmonary Arrest During Gymnastics Practice in a Teenage Girl * Case 3: Acute Renal Failure in a Teenage Boy Who Has Autism and Pica Journal Articles
Individuals with Autism can Categorize Facial Expressions Journal Articles
Investigating longitudinal associations between parent reported sleep in early childhood and teacher reported executive functioning in school-aged children with autism Journal Articles
Investigating the structure of the restricted, repetitive behaviours and interests domain of autism Journal Articles
Is Autism, at Least in Part, a Disorder of Fetal Programming? Journal Articles
Labelling faces as ‘Autistic’ reduces the inversion effect Journal Articles
Lack of Cognitive Impairment in First-Degree Relatives of Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders Journal Articles
Lack of expansion of triplet repeats in the FMR1, FRAXE, and FRAXF loci in male multiplex families with autism and pervasive developmental disorders Journal Articles
Linkage of whole genome sequencing and administrative health data in autism: A proof of concept study Journal Articles
Low Fidelity Imitation of Atypical Biological Kinematics in Autism Spectrum Disorders Is Modulated by Self-Generated Selective Attention Journal Articles
MELAS syndrome, cardiomyopathy, rhabdomyolysis, and autism associated with the A3260G mitochondrial DNA mutation Journal Articles
Mapping autism risk loci using genetic linkage and chromosomal rearrangements Journal Articles
Middle‐childhood executive functioning mediates associations between early‐childhood autism symptoms and adolescent mental health, academic and functional outcomes in autistic children Journal Articles
Minor physical anomalies in childhood autism Journal Articles
Minor physical anomalies in childhood autism. Part I. Their relationship to pre- and perinatal complications Journal Articles
Modifier effects in autism at the MAO‐A and DBH loci Journal Articles
Molecular Diagnostic Yield of Chromosomal Microarray Analysis and Whole-Exome Sequencing in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Mouse Models of Autism: Testing Hypotheses About Molecular Mechanisms Journal Articles
Movement Planning and Reprogramming in Individuals With Autism Journal Articles
Mutations inSYNGAP1Cause Intellectual Disability, Autism, and a Specific Form of Epilepsy by Inducing Haploinsufficiency Journal Articles
Neural self-representation in autistic women and association with ‘compensatory camouflaging’ Journal Articles
Neuron-specific protein network mapping of autism risk genes identifies shared biological mechanisms and disease-relevant pathologies Journal Articles
Non-verbal IQ and change in restricted and repetitive behavior throughout childhood in autism: a longitudinal study using the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised Journal Articles
Nonfamiliality of the sex ratio in autism Journal Articles
Parent and teacher agreement in the assessment of pervasive developmental disorders Journal Articles
Phonological investigation of verbal autistic and mentally retarded subjects Journal Articles
Physical health of autistic girls and women: a scoping review Journal Articles
Possible Similarities Between the Fragile X and Asperger's Syndromes Journal Articles
Prediction in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review of Empirical Evidence Journal Articles
Predictors of language regression and its association with subsequent communication development in children with autism Journal Articles
Predictors of longer‐term development of expressive language in two independent longitudinal cohorts of language‐delayed preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Predictors of outcome among high functioning children with autism and Asperger syndrome Journal Articles
Pregnancy and Birth Complications in Autism and Liability to the Broader Autism Phenotype Journal Articles
Prevalence of co-occurring conditions in children and adults with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Prevalence of co-occurring mental health diagnoses in the autism population: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Profiles and Predictors of Academic and Social School Functioning among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Prolongation of Brainstem Auditory-Evoked Responses in Autistic Probands and Their Unaffected Relatives Journal Articles
Proteomic Analysis Reveals Autism-Associated Gene DIXDC1 Regulates Proteins Associated with Mitochondrial Organization and Function Journal Articles
Psychopharmacology for the Clinician Journal Articles
Quantifying Dimensions in Autism: A Factor-Analytic Study Journal Articles
Quantifying and exploring camouflaging in men and women with autism Journal Articles
Quantitative and Qualitative Sex Modulations in the Brain Anatomy of Autism Journal Articles
Rare Copy Number Variation Discovery and Cross-Disorder Comparisons Identify Risk Genes for ADHD Journal Articles
Rare exonic deletions implicate the synaptic organizer Gephyrin (GPHN) in risk for autism, schizophrenia and seizures Journal Articles
Reading the mind in the voice: a study with normal adults and adults with Asperger syndrome and high functioning autism. Journal Articles
Reduced Excitatory Neurotransmission and Mild Autism-Relevant Phenotypes in AdolescentShank3Null Mutant Mice Journal Articles
Reduced Prefrontal Synaptic Connectivity and Disturbed Oscillatory Population Dynamics in the CNTNAP2 Model of Autism Journal Articles
Reduced scent marking and ultrasonic vocalizations in the BTBR T+tf/J mouse model of autism Journal Articles
Reliability and Accuracy of Differentiating Pervasive Developmental Disorder Subtypes Journal Articles
Rhythmic and interval‐based temporal orienting in autism Journal Articles
Ring chromosome 22 and autism: Report and review Journal Articles
Roadblocks and detours on pathways to a clinical diagnosis of autism for girls and women: A qualitative secondary analysis Journal Articles
Rules versus Prototype Matching: Strategies of Perception of Emotional Facial Expressions in the Autism Spectrum Journal Articles
Scan Path Differences and Similarities During Emotion Perception in those With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Segregating patterns of copy number variations in extended autism spectrum disorder (ASD) pedigrees Journal Articles
Sentinels of Safety: Service Dogs Ensure Safety and Enhance Freedom and Well-Being for Families With Autistic Children Journal Articles
Sex and gender impacts on the behavioural presentation and recognition of autism Journal Articles
Sex differences in pervasive developmental disorders Journal Articles
Sex differences in repetitive stereotyped behaviors in autism: Implications for genetic liability Journal Articles
Sex differences in scores on standardized measures of autism symptoms: a multisite integrative data analysis Journal Articles
Similar developmental trajectories in autism and Asperger syndrome: from early childhood to adolescence Journal Articles
Specifying PDD-NOS: A Comparison of PDD-NOS, Asperger Syndrome, and Autism Journal Articles
Specifying PDD-NOS: a comparison of PDD-NOS, Asperger syndrome, and autism. Journal Articles
Stability and change among high-functioning children with pervasive developmental disorders: a 2-year outcome study. Journal Articles
Statistical and functional convergence of common and rare genetic influences on autism at chromosome 16p Journal Articles
Stereotyped Motor Behaviors Associated with Autism in High-risk Infants: A Pilot Videotape Analysis of a Sibling Sample Journal Articles
Stoppage rules and genetic studies of autism Journal Articles
Structural Variation of Chromosomes in Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Structure of the Autism Symptom Phenotype Journal Articles
Symptom trajectories in the first 18 months and autism risk in a prospective high‐risk cohort Journal Articles
TAOK2 rescues autism-linked developmental deficits in a 16p11.2 microdeletion mouse model Journal Articles
Task-based functional neural correlates of social cognition across autism and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Journal Articles
Temperament and its Relationship to Autistic Symptoms in a High-Risk Infant Sib Cohort Journal Articles
Temporal judgements of internal and external events in persons with and without autism Journal Articles
The Classification of Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Journal Articles
The Familial Aggregation of the Lesser Variant in Biological and Nonbiological Relatives of PDD Probands: a Family History Study Journal Articles
The Family-Check-Up® Autism Implementation Research (FAIR) Study: protocol for a study evaluating the effectiveness and implementation of a family-centered intervention within a Canadian autism service setting Journal Articles
The Influence of Bilingual Language Exposure on the Narrative, Social and Pragmatic Abilities of School-Aged Children on the Autism Spectrum Journal Articles
The Lancet Commission on the future of care and clinical research in autism Journal Articles
The Microglial Innate Immune Receptor TREM2 Is Required for Synapse Elimination and Normal Brain Connectivity Journal Articles
The Pediatric Autism Research Cohort (PARC) Study: protocol for a patient-oriented prospective study examining trajectories of functioning in children with autism Journal Articles
The Perception of Animacy in Young Children with Autism Journal Articles
The Toronto Empathy Questionnaire: Scale Development and Initial Validation of a Factor-Analytic Solution to Multiple Empathy Measures Journal Articles
The Use of Intonation to Communicate in Pervasive Developmental Disorders Journal Articles
The autism susceptibility kinase, TAOK2, phosphorylates eEF2 and modulates translation Journal Articles
The causes of autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
The effect of selection criteria on outcome studies of children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) Journal Articles
The impact of COVID‐19 on the mental health and wellbeing of caregivers of autistic children and youth: A scoping review Journal Articles
The impact of the metabotropic glutamate receptor and other gene family interaction networks on autism Journal Articles
The role of vision for online control of manual aiming movements in persons with autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
The search for autism disease genes Journal Articles
The serine protease inhibitor neuroserpin is required for normal synaptic plasticity and regulates learning and social behavior Journal Articles
The use of genetic epidemiology to guide classification in child and adult psychopathology Journal Articles
The validity of autistic spectrum disorders: A literature review Journal Articles
The ‘Reading the Mind in the Voice’ Test-Revised: A Study of Complex Emotion Recognition in Adults with and Without Autism Spectrum Conditions Journal Articles
Trajectories of Symptom Severity in Children with Autism: Variability and Turning Points through the Transition to School Journal Articles
Trajectory research in children on the autism spectrum: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Trajectory research in children with an autism diagnosis: A scoping review Journal Articles
Transdiagnostic Patterns of Sensory Processing in Autism and ADHD Journal Articles
Two children with muscular dystrophies ascertained due to referral for diagnosis of autism. Journal Articles
Two-Year Outcome of Preschool Children With Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome Journal Articles
Visual Afterimages of Emotional Faces in High Functioning Autism Journal Articles
What does this study test, and why? Journal Articles
“Best Things”: Parents Describe Their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Over Time Journal Articles