selected scholarly activity
- Sensorimotor Control After Stroke. 37-49. 2014
- Coming off cannabis: a cognitive and functional MRI study in people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS). Multiple Sclerosis. 250-250. 2019
- Coming off cannabis: a working memory and fMRI study in people with Multiple Sclerosis (pwMS). Multiple Sclerosis. 466-466. 2019
- Effects of abnormal binocular vision due to amblyopia on early stages of somatosensory processing. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2015
- Post-stroke hemispatial neglect: Evidence for dual networks mediating spatial attention. Brain and Cognition. 197-197. 2007
- Are there differences in the critical neuroanatomical substrates for left and right hemispatial neglect?. Brain and Cognition. 86-86. 2006
- Anatomical evidence from stroke patients with hemispatial neglect for dual networks mediating spatial attention. Neurology. 299-299. 2006
- Paraventricular white matter tract damage is a critical substrate of hemispatial neglect. Stroke. 442-442. 2005
- Somatosensory extinction of simultaneous bilateral stimuli is associated with decreased activation of contralateral somatosensory cortices: A fMRI study. Neurology. A104-A104. 2000
- Bilateral movement enhances cortical activity associated with the paretic hand in acute stroke: A functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) study. Stroke. 299-299. 2000
journal articles
- Neural correlates of trait anxiety in sensory processing and distractor filtering.. Psychophysiology. 62:e14706. 2025
- Long-term effects of concussion on attention, sensory gating and motor learning.. Experimental Brain Research. 243:30. 2024
- Persistent adaptations in sensorimotor interneuron circuits in the motor cortex with a history of sport-related concussion.. Experimental Brain Research. 243:5. 2024
- A preliminary investigation of sex differences in cognitive and fMRI changes following 28 days of cannabis abstinence. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. 89:105759-105759. 2024
- The effects of cannabis abstinence on cognition and resting state network activity in people with multiple sclerosis: A preliminary study. NeuroImage: Clinical. 43:103622-103622. 2024
- Investigating Cerebellar Modulation of Premovement Beta-Band Activity during Motor Adaptation. Brain Sciences. 13:1523-1523. 2023
- Can we use peripheral vision to create a visuospatial map for compensatory reach-to-grasp reactions?. Experimental Brain Research. 240:2739-2746. 2022
- EEG reveals deficits in sensory gating and cognitive processing in asymptomatic adults with a history of concussion. Brain Injury. 36:1266-1279. 2022
- Chronic Exercise as a Modulator of Cognitive Control: Investigating the Electrophysiological Indices of Performance Monitoring. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:814199. 2022
- Long-term effects of concussion on relevancy-based modulation of somatosensory-evoked potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology. 132:2431-2439. 2021
- Impaired awareness: Why people with multiple sclerosis continue using cannabis despite evidence to the contrary. Brain and Behavior. 11:e2220. 2021
- The effect of acute aerobic exercise on the consolidation of motor memories. Experimental Brain Research. 239:2461-2475. 2021
- Investigating Parietal and Premotor Influence on Motor Cortical Excitability Associated with Visuomotor Associative Plasticity. Brain Sciences. 11:452-452. 2021
- Discontinuing cannabis improves depression in people with multiple sclerosis: A short report. Multiple Sclerosis. 27:636-639. 2021
- The influence of an acute bout of moderate‐intensity cycling exercise on sensorimotor integration. European Journal of Neuroscience. 52:4779-4790. 2020
- A History of Concussion Affects Relevancy-Based Modulation of Cortical Responses to Tactile Stimuli. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 14:33. 2020
- Transient inhibition of the cerebellum impairs change-detection processes: Cerebellar contributions to sensorimotor integration. Behavioural Brain Research. 378:112273-112273. 2020
- The contribution of the prefrontal cortex to relevancy-based gating of visual and tactile stimuli. Experimental Brain Research. 237:2747-2759. 2019
- Coming off cannabis: a cognitive and magnetic resonance imaging study in patients with multiple sclerosis. Brain. 142:2800-2812. 2019
- A Single Session of Aerobic Exercise Mediates Plasticity-Related Phosphorylation in both the Rat Motor Cortex and Hippocampus. Neuroscience. 412:160-174. 2019
- Activity in Functional Cortical Networks Temporally Associated with Postural Instability. Neuroscience. 401:43-58. 2019
- Cortical processing of irrelevant somatosensory information from the leg is altered by attention during early movement preparation. Brain Research. 1707:45-53. 2019
- Single session, high-intensity aerobic exercise fails to affect plasticity-related protein expression in the rat sensorimotor cortex. Behavioural Brain Research. 359:853-860. 2019
- Suppression of somatosensory stimuli during motor planning may explain levels of balance and mobility after stroke. European Journal of Neuroscience. 48:3534-3551. 2018
- Sensorimotor integration in healthy aging: Baseline differences and response to sensory training. Experimental Gerontology. 112:1-8. 2018
- The neurocognitive mechanisms underlying food cravings and snack food consumption. A combined continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) and EEG study. NeuroImage. 177:45-58. 2018
- Symmetry of cortical planning for initiating stepping in sub-acute stroke. Clinical Neurophysiology. 129:787-796. 2018
- Sensorimotor integration in chronic stroke: Baseline differences and response to sensory training. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 36:245-259. 2018
- Frontal alpha asymmetry and aerobic exercise: are changes due to cardiovascular demand or bilateral rhythmic movement?. Biological Psychology. 132:9-16. 2018
- Simultaneity and Temporal Order Judgments Are Coded Differently and Change With Age: An Event-Related Potential Study. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 12:15. 2018
- The Acute Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Control among People with Chronic Stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 26:2742-2748. 2017
- The medium latency muscle response to a vestibular perturbation is increased after depression of the cerebellar vermis. Brain and Behavior. 7:e00782. 2017
- Human dorsomedial parieto-motor circuit specifies grasp during the planning of goal-directed hand actions. Cortex. 92:175-186. 2017
- A single aerobic exercise session accelerates movement execution but not central processing. Neuroscience. 346:149-159. 2017
- Effects of Moderate Exercise on Cortical Resilience: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study Targeting the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex. Psychosomatic Medicine. 79:143-152. 2017
- Gating at early cortical processing stages is associated with changes in behavioural performance on a sensory conflict task. Behavioural Brain Research. 317:179-187. 2017
- The direction of the postural response to a vestibular perturbation is mediated by the cerebellar vermis. Experimental Brain Research. 234:3689-3697. 2016
- Aerobic exercise abolishes cTBS-induced suppression of motor cortical excitability. Neuroscience Letters. 633:215-219. 2016
- Abnormal visual experience during development alters the early stages of visual-tactile integration. Behavioural Brain Research. 304:111-119. 2016
- Abstracts: Scientific papers, education sessions to be presented at the May 26–28, 2016 Victoria, BC. Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie Canada. 68:1-63. 2016
- Aerobic exercise enhances neural correlates of motor skill learning. Behavioural Brain Research. 301:19-26. 2016
- Total protein or high-abundance protein: Which offers the best loading control for Western blotting?. Analytical Biochemistry. 496:76-78. 2016
- Differential effects of continuous theta burst stimulation over left premotor cortex and right prefrontal cortex on modulating upper limb somatosensory input. NeuroImage. 127:97-109. 2016
- Interhemispheric inhibition of corticospinal projections to forearm muscles. Clinical Neurophysiology. 126:1934-1940. 2015
- Cannabis-induced alterations in brain activation during a test of information processing speed in patients with MS. Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental, Translational and Clinical. 1:205521731558822-205521731558822. 2015
- Bilateral primary motor cortex circuitry is modulated due to theta burst stimulation to left dorsal premotor cortex and bimanual training. Brain Research. 1618:61-74. 2015
- The time course for visual extinction after a ‘virtual’ lesion of right posterior parietal cortex. Brain and Cognition. 98:27-34. 2015
- The Effects of Acute Aerobic Exercise on the Primary Motor Cortex. Journal of Motor Behavior. 47:328-339. 2015
- Somatosensory input to non-primary motor areas is enhanced during preparation of cued contraterlateral finger sequence movements. Behavioural Brain Research. 286:166-174. 2015
- Acute aerobic exercise enhances attentional modulation of somatosensory event-related potentials during a tactile discrimination task. Behavioural Brain Research. 281:267-275. 2015
- Task-relevancy effects on movement-related gating are modulated by continuous theta-burst stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and primary somatosensory cortex. Experimental Brain Research. 233:927-936. 2015
- Modulatory effects of movement sequence preparation and covert spatial attention on early somatosensory input to non-primary motor areas. Experimental Brain Research. 233:503-517. 2015
- Multiple sclerosis, cannabis, and cognition: A structural MRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical. 8:140-147. 2015
- Aerobic exercise modulates intracortical inhibition and facilitation in a nonexercised upper limb muscle. Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy & Technology. 6:23. 2014
- Acute exercise enhances the response to paired associative stimulation-induced plasticity in the primary motor cortex. Experimental Brain Research. 232:3675-3685. 2014
- The influence of an acute bout of aerobic exercise on cortical contributions to motor preparation and execution. Physiological Reports. 2:e12178-e12178. 2014
- The Effects of Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation to the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex on Executive Function, Food Cravings, and Snack Food Consumption. Psychosomatic Medicine. 76:503-511. 2014
- Frequency characteristics of cortical activity associated with perturbations to upright stability. Neuroscience Letters. 578:33-38. 2014
- Selective modulation of left primary motor cortex excitability after continuous theta burst stimulation to right primary motor cortex and bimanual training. Behavioural Brain Research. 269:138-146. 2014
- Timing of response differentiation in human motor cortex during a speeded Go/No-Go task. Neuroscience Research. 85:65-68. 2014
- Localizing evoked cortical activity associated with balance reactions: does the anterior cingulate play a role?. Journal of Neurophysiology. 111:2634-2643. 2014
- Effects of cannabis on cognition in patients with MS. Neurology. 82:1879-1887. 2014
- Attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli: A comparison between prefrontal lesion patients and healthy age-matched controls. Neuropsychologia. 57:101-111. 2014
- Functional Neuroimaging of Sensory Conversion Disorder: The Role of Ancillary Activation (P2.158). Neurology. 82. 2014
- Modulation of left primary motor cortex excitability after bimanual training and intermittent theta burst stimulation to left dorsal premotor cortex. Behavioural Brain Research. 261:289-296. 2014
- The attentional‐relevance and temporal dynamics of visual‐tactile crossmodal interactions differentially influence early stages of somatosensory processing. Brain and Behavior. 4:247-260. 2014
- Early modality-specific somatosensory cortical regions are modulated by attended visual stimuli: interaction of vision, touch and behavioral intent. Frontiers in Psychology. 5:351. 2014
- Functional neuroimaging of conversion disorder: The role of ancillary activation. NeuroImage: Clinical. 6:333-339. 2014
- Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation of the Supplementary Motor Area: Effect Upon Perception and Somatosensory and Motor Evoked Potentials. Brain Stimulation. 6:877-883. 2013
- Corticomotor excitability changes seen in the resting forearm during contralateral rhythmical movement and force manipulations: A TMS study. Behavioural Brain Research. 257:265-274. 2013
- Crossmodal influences on early somatosensory processing: interaction of vision, touch, and task-relevance. Experimental Brain Research. 226:503-512. 2013
- Human parietal and primary motor cortical interactions are selectively modulated during the transport and grip formation of goal-directed hand actions. Neuropsychologia. 51:410-417. 2013
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques to study the somatosensory system. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 116:671-679. 2013
- Contribution of primary motor cortex to compensatory balance reactions. BMC Neuroscience. 13:102. 2012
- Externally cued inphase bimanual training enhances preparatory premotor activity. Clinical Neurophysiology. 123:1846-1857. 2012
- Age-related loss in attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing. Neuropsychologia. 50:1502-1513. 2012
- The cerebellum and its role in word generation: A cTBS study. Cortex. 48:718-724. 2012
- Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts somatosensory modulation during standing balance as measured by electroencephalography. NeuroReport. 23:369-372. 2012
- Erratum to: The impact of light fingertip touch on haptic cortical processing during a standing balance task. Experimental Brain Research. 218:161-161. 2012
- Primary motor cortex excitability is modulated with bimanual training. Neuroscience Letters. 514:147-151. 2012
- Isolating a cerebellar contribution to rapid visual attention using transcranial magnetic stimulation. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 6:55. 2012
- Transient inhibition of primary motor cortex suppresses hand muscle responses during a reactive reach to grasp. Neuroscience Letters. 504:83-87. 2011
- Inhibition of contralateral premotor cortex delays visually guided reaching movements in men but not in women. Experimental Brain Research. 212:315-325. 2011
- The impact of light fingertip touch on haptic cortical processing during a standing balance task. Experimental Brain Research. 212:279-291. 2011
- Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing. Neuropsychologia. 49:1928-1937. 2011
- Non-dominant hand movement facilitates the frontal N30 somatosensory evoked potential. BMC Neuroscience. 11:112. 2010
- Cortical and behavioral adaptations in response to short-term inphase versus antiphase bimanual movement training. Experimental Brain Research. 205:465-477. 2010
- Erratum to: Sex-related differences in the hemispheric laterality of slow cortical potentials during the preparation of visually guided movements. Experimental Brain Research. 202:647-647. 2010
- Sex-related differences in the hemispheric laterality of slow cortical potentials during the preparation of visually guided movements. Experimental Brain Research. 202:633-646. 2010
- Crossmodal influences in somatosensory cortex: Interaction of vision and touch. Human Brain Mapping. 31:14-25. 2010
- Challenging the brain: Exploring the link between effort and cortical activation. Brain Research. 1301:9-19. 2009
- Spatiotemporal properties modulate intermodal influences on early somatosenory processing during sensory-guided movement. Clinical Neurophysiology. 120:1371-1380. 2009
- Novel vibrotactile discrimination task for investigating the neural correlates of short-term learning with fMRI. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 178:65-74. 2009
- Task‐relevance and temporal synchrony between tactile and visual stimuli modulates cortical activity and motor performance during sensory‐guided movement. Human Brain Mapping. 30:484-496. 2009
- Electrodermal Recording and fMRI to Inform Sensorimotor Recovery in Stroke Patients. Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation. 22:728-736. 2008
- Paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation of primary somatosensory cortex differentially modulates perception and sensorimotor transformations. Neuroscience. 157:424-431. 2008
- Poster 44: Posterior Putamen Damage is Associated With Persistent Poststroke Motor Impairment. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 89:e39-e39. 2008
- Gait Asymmetry in Community-Ambulating Stroke Survivors. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 89:304-310. 2008
- The relationship between frontal somatosensory-evoked potentials and motor planning. NeuroReport. 19:87-91. 2008
- Functional MRI of working memory and selective attention in vibrotactile frequency discrimination. BMC Neuroscience. 8:48. 2007
- The effect of task-relevance on primary somatosensory cortex during continuous sensory-guided movement in the presence of bimodal competition. Brain Research. 1138:148-158. 2007
- Unexplained neurologic symptoms: An fMRI study of sensory conversion disorder. Neurology. 67:2036-2038. 2006
- Predictability of the target stimulus for sensory-guided movement modulates early somatosensory cortical potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology. 117:1345-1353. 2006
- Predictability of the target stimulus for sensory-guided movement modulates early somatosensory cortical potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology. 117:1345-1353. 2006
- Cortical adaptations and motor performance improvements associated with short-term bimanual training. Brain Research. 1071:165-174. 2006
- Physiotherapy Coupled With Dextroamphetamine for Rehabilitation After Hemiparetic Stroke. Stroke. 37:179-185. 2006
- Assessing linear time‐invariance in human primary somatosensory cortex with BOLD fMRI using vibrotactile stimuli. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 53:304-311. 2005
- Brain mechanisms for preparing increasingly complex sensory to motor transformations. NeuroImage. 23:1100-1111. 2004
- Optimizing the experimental design for ankle dorsiflexion fMRI. NeuroImage. 22:1619-1627. 2004
- Activation in SI and SII; the influence of vibrotactile amplitude during passive and task-relevant stimulation. Brain Research. 19:174-184. 2004
- Cortical activation following a balance disturbance. Experimental Brain Research. 155:393-400. 2004
- Tactile stimulus predictability modulates activity in a tactile-motor cortical network. Experimental Brain Research. 154:22-32. 2004
- The effect of a concurrent cognitive task on cortical potentials evoked by unpredictable balance perturbations.. BMC Neuroscience. 5:18-18. 2004
- A Platform for Combining Virtual Reality Experiments with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 6:359-368. 2003
- Modulation of afferent inflow during the control of balancing tasks using the lower limbs. Brain Research. 961:73-80. 2003
- Somatosensory Gating and Recovery From Stroke Involving the Thalamus. Stroke. 33:2642-2651. 2002
- The time course of attention shifts following perturbation of upright stance. Experimental Brain Research. 146:315-321. 2002
- Frontal–parietal event-related potential changes associated with practising a novel visuomotor task. Brain Research. 13:195-202. 2002
- Adaptation in the motor cortex following cervical spinal cord injury. Neurology. 58:794-801. 2002
- Task-Relevant Modulation of Contralateral and Ipsilateral Primary Somatosensory Cortex and the Role of a Prefrontal-Cortical Sensory Gating System. NeuroImage. 15:190-199. 2002
- Bilateral movement enhances ipsilesional cortical activity in acute stroke: A pilot functional MRI study. Neurology. 57:1740-1741. 2001
- New devices to deliver somatosensory stimuli during functional MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 46:436-442. 2001
- Quantifying Head Motion Associated with Motor Tasks Used in fMRI. NeuroImage. 14:284-297. 2001
- Cortical representation of whole-body movement is modulated by proprioceptive discharge in humans. Experimental Brain Research. 138:235-242. 2001
- Bilateral movement enhances ipsilesional cortical activity in acute stroke: A pilot functional MRI study. Neurology. 56:401-404. 2001
- The afferent origin of the secondary somatosensory evoked potential from the lower limb in humans. Brain Research. 887:432-435. 2000
- Task-relevant selective modulation of somatosensory afferent paths from the lower limb. NeuroReport. 11:1713-1719. 2000
- Upper limb H reflexes and somatosensory evoked potentials modulated by movement. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 10:211-215. 2000
- Cortical networks associated with sensorimotor integration. NeuroImage. 11:S849-S849. 2000
- Cutaneous reflexes of the human leg during passive movement. Journal of Physiology. 518:619-628. 1999
- Prefrontal cortex regulates inhibition and excitation in distributed neural networks. Acta Psychologica. 101:159-178. 1999
- Generalisability of sensory gating during passive movement of the legs. Brain Research. 801:125-129. 1998
- Movement-induced modulation of soleus H reflexes with altered length of biarticular muscles. Brain Research. 795:25-36. 1998
- Crossed inhibition of the soleus H reflex during passive pedalling movement. Brain Research. 779:280-284. 1998
- Modulation of H reflexes in human tibialis anterior muscle with passive movement. Brain Research. 766:236-239. 1997
- Movement-induced gain modulation of somatosensory potentials and soleus H-reflexes evoked from the leg I. Kinaesthetic task demands. Experimental Brain Research. 115:147-155. 1997
- Movement-induced gain modulation of somatosensory potentials and soleus H-reflexes evoked from the leg II. Correlation with rate of stretch of extensor muscles of the leg. Experimental Brain Research. 115:156-164. 1997
- Modulation of cerebral somatosensory evoked potentials arising from tibial and sural nerve stimulation during rhythmic active and passive movements of the human lower limb.. Clinical Neurophysiology. 37:451-461. 1997
- Phasic modulation of somatosensory potentials during passive movement. NeuroReport. 7:2971-2974. 1996
- H-reflex modulation during reverse passive pedalling. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 6:111-116. 1996
- Long-lasting conditioning of the human soleus H reflex following quadriceps tendon tap. Brain Research. 681:197-200. 1995
- Long-lasting inhibition of the human soleus H reflex pathway after passive movement. Brain Research. 677:69-81. 1995
- The relationship between the kinematics of passive movement, the stretch of extensor muscles of the leg and the change induced in the gain of the soleus H reflex in humans. Brain Research. 672:89-96. 1995