selected scholarly activity
- Information Technology Issues in Canada. World Scientific-Now Publishers Series in Business. 57-68. 2020
- Intellectual Capital for Communities. 113-138. 2012
- 5. Citizen Relationship Management in Canadian Cities: Starting to Dial 311 2007
- 6. Mining the Nation’s Intellectual Capital: Knowledge Management in Government 2007
- National Intellectual Capital Index: The Benchmarking of Arab Countries. 113-138. 2005
- Introduction. xxxiii-xxxvii. 2002
- Managing Organizational Knowledge by Diagnosing Intellectual Capital: Framing and Advancing the State of the Field. 13-56. 2002
- Thought Leadership on Intellectual Capital. 1-12. 2002
- Managing Organizational Knowledge by Diagnosing Intellectual Capital. 267-297. 2001
- An Application of the Knowledge Management Maturity Model: The Case of Credit Unions. AMCIS 2014 PROCEEDINGS. 2014
- Examining the Transfer of Academic Knowledge to Business Practitioners: Doctoral Program Graduates as Intermediaries. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, ICICKM. 272-281. 2013
- Exploring the Intellectual Core and Impact of the Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Academic Discipline. AMCIS 2012 PROCEEDINGS. 2012
- Practical Relevance of Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Scholarly Research: Books as Knowledge Translation Agents.. Knowledge and Process Management. 43-43. 2011
- Exploring the Role of Books as a Knowledge Translation Mechanism: Citation Analysis and Author Survey. AMCIS 2011 PROCEEDINGS. 2011
- Exploring the use of the Academic Body of Knowledge by Practitioners: The Case of Chartered Business Valuators in Canada. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING, VOLS 1 AND 2. 90-98. 2011
- Practical relevance of knowledge management and intellectual capital scholarly research: Books as knowledge translation agents. 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2010, AMCIS 2010. 4545-4553. 2010
- Blackberry addiction: Symptoms and outcomes. 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2008. 2754-2764. 2008
- The Impact of Distractions on the Usability and the Adoption of Mobile Devices for Wireless Data Services.. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2007. 1851-1862. 2007
- User acceptance of hedonic information technologies: A perceived value perspective. Association for Information Systems - 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2007: Reaching New Heights. 1705-1715. 2007
- Constructing a definition for intangibles using the resource based view of the firm. Management Decision. 1510-1524. 2007
- Managing risk with intellectual capital statements. Management Decision. 1470-1483. 2007
- The mediating effect of organizational reputation on customer loyalty and service recommendation in the banking industry. Management Decision. 1426-1445. 2007
- Ethical values and leadership: a study of business school deans in Canada. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. 217-217. 2006
- Communicative Action in Intellectual Capital Creation: An Empirical Test. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM. 357-365. 2005
- User acceptance of short messaging services: The convergence of marketing and MIS views. Association for Information Systems - 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2005: A Conference on a Human Scale. 2720-2729. 2005
- National intellectual capital index - NICI™ a United Nations Initiative: Intellectual capital development in the Arab region. Collected Papers InfoToday 2002. 115-124. 2002
- Association for Information Systems AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) A Meta Review of HCI Literature: Citation Impact and Research Productivity Rankings A Meta Review of HCI Literature: Citation Impact and Research Productivity Rankings
- Blackberry Addiction: Symptoms and Outcomes.. 73-73.
- User Acceptance of Hedonic Information Technologies: A Perceived Value Perspective.. 475-475.
- User Acceptance of Short Messaging Services: The Convergence of Marketing and MIS Views.. 321-321.
journal articles
- Analysing the Dimensions of Workplace Spirituality and Job Satisfaction: a Field Study in the Turkish Banking Industry. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion. 16. 2025
- Analyzing the effects of knowledge management on organizational performance through knowledge utilization and sustainability. Knowledge and Process Management. 31:261-272. 2024
- Dancing with the devil: the use and perceptions of academic journal ranking lists in the management field. Journal of Documentation. 80:773-792. 2024
- Integrating knowledge management with intellectual capital to drive strategy: a focus on Italian SMEs. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems. 54:22-42. 2024
- Perceptions and configurations of balanced scorecard use: evidence from Portuguese SMEs. Management Research. ahead-of-print. 2024
- Understanding the drivers of organizational business performance from the human capital perspective. Knowledge and Process Management. 31:48-59. 2024
- Opportunity recognition and exploitation in resource-scarce contexts: the role of relational capital and bricolage in African social enterprise. Knowledge Management Research and Practice. 21:1124-1136. 2023
- Knowledge assets, innovation ambidexterity and firm performance in knowledge-intensive companies. Journal of Knowledge Management. 27:2136-2161. 2023
- The moderating effect of corporate size on the relationship between prospector strategy and management accounting practices. Journal of Management Control. 34:135-165. 2023
- Intellectual capital's link with financing opportunities. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 24:359-374. 2023
Corporate social responsibility and performance measurement systems in
Iran : A levers of control perspective. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 30:574-588. 2023 - Intellectual capital stocks and flows: examining the mediating roles of social capital and knowledge transfer. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems. 53:11-42. 2023
- Is maximising creativity good? The importance of elaboration and internal confidence in producing creative ideas. Knowledge Management Research and Practice. 20:776-791. 2022
- Mapping the conceptual structure of intellectual capital research: A co-word analysis. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge. 7:100202-100202. 2022
- The neglected role of knowledge assets interplay in the pursuit of organisational ambidexterity. Technovation. 114:102452-102452. 2022
- The role of sustainability control systems in translating CSR into performance in Iran. Management Decision. 60:1438-1468. 2022
- Intellectual capital and supply chain resilience. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 23:713-738. 2022
- Global ranking of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic journals: a 2021 update. Journal of Knowledge Management. 26:126-145. 2022
- Green intellectual capital and environmental management accounting: Natural resource orchestration in favor of environmental performance. Business Strategy and the Environment. 31:76-93. 2022
- Influence of YouTube commercial communication on organic eWOM, purchase intent and purchase associations among young consumers. International Journal of Web Based Communities. 18:87-87. 2022
- Intellectual capital as a longitudinal predictor of company performance in a developing economy. Knowledge and Process Management. 29:53-69. 2022
- Intellectual capital, leadership and competitive advantage: a study of the Malaysian electrical and electronics industry. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. 19:562-562. 2022
- SMEs Managers’ Perceptions of MCS: A Mixed Methods Approach. Journal of Small Business Strategy. 32:30-47. 2022
- Social media as a proxy for intellectual capital: Twitter posts in the cryptocurrency market. International Journal of Web Based Communities. 18:1-1. 2022
- Social media as a proxy for intellectual capital: Twitter posts in the cryptocurrency market. International Journal of Web Based Communities. 18:1-1. 2022
- Knowledge assets, capabilities and performance measurement systems: a resource orchestration theory approach. Journal of Knowledge Management. 25:1947-1976. 2021
- Local relationships matter! The impact of intellectual capital on entrepreneurial bricolage in African social entrepreneurs. Knowledge and Process Management. 28:321-330. 2021
- Human resource practices and performance in microfinance organizations: Do intellectual capital components matter?. Knowledge and Process Management. 28:209-222. 2021
- Corporate social responsibility and sustainability performance measurement systems: implications for organizational performance. Journal of Management Control. 32:85-126. 2021
- Intellectual capital, leadership and competitive advantage: a study of the Malaysian electrical and electronics industry. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. 1:1-1. 2021
- Intellectual capital in East and West African social enterprises. Knowledge and Process Management. 27:332-344. 2020
- The confluence of knowledge management and management control systems: A conceptual framework. Knowledge and Process Management. 27:133-142. 2020
- Unpacking the black box. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 21:809-834. 2020
- From sustainability constraints to innovation. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. 11:695-715. 2020
- Impact of Intellectual Capital on Innovation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing SMEs in Pakistan. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. 17:1-1. 2020
- Impact of intellectual capital on innovation in pharmaceutical manufacturing SMEs in Pakistan. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. 17:61-61. 2020
- Technological intensity as a moderating variable for the intellectual capital–performance relationship. Knowledge and Process Management. 27:3-14. 2020
- Intellectual capital and performance in temporary teams. Management Decision. 58:410-427. 2019
- Using a balanced scorecard to manage corporate social responsibility. Knowledge and Process Management. 26:371-379. 2019
- Translating knowledge management into performance. Management Research Review. 43:113-132. 2019
- Creativity from paradoxical experience: a theory of how individuals achieve creativity while adopting paradoxical frames. Journal of Knowledge Management. 23:397-418. 2019
- Intellectual capital, entrepreneurial orientation, and technical innovation in small and medium‐sized enterprises. Knowledge and Process Management. 26:69-85. 2019
- Key factors that improve knowledge-intensive business processes which lead to competitive advantage. Business Process Management Journal. 25:126-143. 2019
- Intellectual capital and financial performance in social cooperative enterprises. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 19:712-731. 2018
- A critical evaluation of expert survey‐based journal rankings: The role of personal research interests. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 69:749-752. 2018
- Impact of knowledge management processes on business performance: Evidence from Kuwait. Knowledge and Process Management. 25:77-87. 2018
- Intellectual capital and performance measurement systems in Iran. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 19:294-320. 2018
- Intellectual capital and organisational performance in Malaysian knowledge-intensive SMEs. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. 15:20-20. 2018
- Impact of intellectual capital on corporate performance: evidence from the Arab region. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 18:884-903. 2017
- Emotional Intelligence and Career Outcomes: Evidence from Lebanese Banks. Knowledge and Process Management. 24:161-169. 2017
- Global ranking of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic journals: 2017 update. Journal of Knowledge Management. 21:675-692. 2017
- Intellectual capital, knowledge management and social capital within the ICT sector in Jordan. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 18:437-462. 2017
- Knowledge management, problem solving and performance in top Italian firms. Journal of Knowledge Management. 21:355-375. 2017
- Intellectual capital and organizational performance in Malaysian knowledge-intensive SMEs. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. 1:1-1. 2017
- Understanding counterproductive knowledge behavior: antecedents and consequences of intra-organizational knowledge hiding. Journal of Knowledge Management. 20:1199-1224. 2016
- An application of the knowledge management maturity model: the case of credit unions. Knowledge Management Research and Practice. 14:338-352. 2016
- Negotiate, reciprocate, or cooperate? The impact of exchange modes on inter-employee knowledge sharing. Journal of Knowledge Management. 20:687-712. 2016
- Knowledge Management Capabilities and Organizational Performance in Roads and Transport Authority of Dubai: The mediating role of Learning Organization. Knowledge and Process Management. 23:184-193. 2016
- Intellectual capital and financial performance in the Serbian ICT industry. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 17:373-396. 2016
- Intellectual capital in Serbia’s hotel industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 27:1365-1384. 2015
- Intellectual capital in small and medium enterprises in Pakistan. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 16:224-238. 2015
- Trouble with tacit: developing a new perspective and approach. Journal of Knowledge Management. 18:1127-1140. 2014
- Examining the Transfer of Academic Knowledge to Business Practitioners. International Journal of Knowledge Management. 10:70-95. 2014
- Examining the Transfer of Academic Knowledge to Business Practitioners: Doctoral Program Graduates as Intermediaries. International Journal of Knowledge Management. 10:70-95. 2014
- The Financial Crisis of Banks (Before, During and After): An Intellectual Capital Perspective. Knowledge and Process Management. 21:103-111. 2014
- Intellectual Wealth of Nations Revisited: Operationalising the Value Cycle of Innovation. Knowledge and Process Management. 21:1-12. 2014
- Investigating the current state and impact of the intellectual capital academic discipline. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 14:476-500. 2013
- National Intellectual Capital and Economic Performance: Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries. Knowledge and Process Management. 20:131-140. 2013
- Intellectual capital and performance within the banking sector of Luxembourg and Belgium. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 14:286-309. 2013
- Global ranking of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic journals: 2013 update. Journal of Knowledge Management. 17:307-326. 2013
- The intellectual core and impact of the knowledge management academic discipline. Journal of Knowledge Management. 17:137-155. 2013
- First in, best dressed: The presence of order-effect bias in journal ranking surveys. Journal of Informetrics. 7:138-144. 2013
- Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance in Serbia. Knowledge and Process Management. 20:1-11. 2013
- Intellectual capital and corporate performance of Serbian banks. Actual Problems of economics. 142:287-299. 2013
- Understanding the practical relevance of academic research in knowledge management: A lay epistemic theory approach. 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2013 - Hyperconnected World: Anything, Anywhere, Anytime. 5:3822-3832. 2013
- Evidence‐Based Management and Academic Research Relevance. Knowledge and Process Management. 19:121-130. 2012
- Exploring the Role of Books as a Knowledge Translation Mechanism: Citation Analysis and Author Survey.. Journal of Knowledge Management. 16:495-511. 2012
- Managing intellectual capital in Nigerian telecommunications companies. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 13:262-282. 2012
- The impact of distractions on the usability and intention to use mobile devices for wireless data services. Computers in Human Behavior. 28:1439-1449. 2012
- Intellectual capital disclosure payback. Management Decision. 49:1080-1098. 2011
- Parallels in knowledge cycles. Computers in Human Behavior. 27:1438-1444. 2011
- Improving service delivery: Investigating the role of information sharing, job characteristics, and employee satisfaction. Learning Organization. 18:239-250. 2011
- Family and work-related consequences of addiction to organizational pervasive technologies. Information & Management. 48:88-95. 2011
- The superstar phenomenon in the knowledge management and intellectual capital academic discipline. Journal of Informetrics. 5:333-345. 2011
- What's familiar is excellent: The impact of exposure effect on perceived journal quality. Journal of Informetrics. 5:219-223. 2011
- Family ties and emotions: a missing piece in the knowledge transfer puzzle. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 17:418-436. 2010
- A scientometric analysis of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic literature (1994‐2008). Journal of Knowledge Management. 14:3-23. 2010
- Intellectual capital and business performance in the pharmaceutical sector of Jordan. Management Decision. 48:105-131. 2010
- Curbing economic crime with RFID enabled currency. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. 5:26-26. 2010
- Curbing economic crime with RFID enabled currency. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. 5:26-37. 2010
- User acceptance of hedonic digital artifacts: A theory of consumption values perspective. Information & Management. 47:53-59. 2010
- A cluster analysis of the KM field. Management Decision. 47:792-805. 2009
- A follow‐up ranking of academic journals. Journal of Knowledge Management. 13:16-26. 2009
- Global ranking of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic journals. Journal of Knowledge Management. 13:4-15. 2009
- A causal model of human capital antecedents and consequents in the financial services industry. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 10:53-69. 2009
- A scientometric analysis of the Proceedings of the McMaster World Congress on the Management of Intellectual Capital and Innovation for the 1996‐2008 period. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 10:8-21. 2009
- Guest editorial. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 10. 2009
- Intellectual capital management: pathways to wealth creation. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 10:81-92. 2009
- Intra‐organizational knowledge exchange. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 10:149-164. 2009
- The relationship between culture and corruption: a cross‐national study. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 10:165-184. 2009
- A citation-based ranking of the business ethics scholarly journals. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. 4:390-390. 2009
- Longitudinal knowledge strategising in a long-term healthcare organisation. International Journal of Technology Management. 47:250-271. 2009
- Longitudinal knowledge strategising in a long-term healthcare organisation. International Journal of Technology Management. 47:250-250. 2009
- Techniques for assessing skills and knowledge in a business strategy classroom. International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies. 2:162-162. 2009
- & Research Article The Relevance of Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Research. Knowledge and Process Management. 15:235-246. 2008
- The strategic challenge: from serfdom to surfing in the global village. Charles J. McMillan (2007). Concord, ON, Canada: Captus Press, 568 pp. ISBN 978‐1‐55322‐136‐4. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. 25:83-85. 2008
- Intellectual capital and business performance in the Portuguese banking industry. International Journal of Technology Management. 43:212-212. 2008
- Self-efficacy and KM course weighting selection: can students optimise their grades?. International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies. 1:189-189. 2008
- Editorial. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 8. 2007
- Long‐term stewardship and our capital markets. Management Decision. 45:1387-1396. 2007
- Organizational size and knowledge flow: a proposed theoretical link. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 8:610-627. 2007
- Strategic business valuation. Management Decision. 45:187-203. 2007
- The German guideline for intellectual capital reporting: method and experiences. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 8:563-576. 2007
- The impact of voluntary disclosure on cost of equity capital estimates in a temporal setting. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 8:577-594. 2007
- The Role of Intellectual Capital in Mexican Family-Based Businesses: Understanding their Soul, Brain and Heart. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. 06:189-200. 2007
- The Role of Intellectual Capital in Mexican Family-Based Businesses: Understanding their Soul, Brain and Heart. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. 6:189-200. 2007
- A model for resource allocation using operational knowledge assets. Learning Organization. 14:345-374. 2007
- The moderating role of human capital management practices on employee capabilities. Journal of Knowledge Management. 11:31-51. 2007
- Human capital and organizational performance: a study of Egyptian software companies. Management Decision. 45:789-801. 2007
- End-user adoption of animated interface agentsin everyday work applications. Behaviour and Information Technology. 26:119-132. 2007
- Managing intellectual capital: the MIC matrix. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. 3:316-316. 2007
- Managing intellectual capital: the MIC matrix. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. 3:316-328. 2007
- Modelling the creation of value from intellectual capital: a Portuguese banking perspective. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. 3:266-266. 2007
- Modelling the creation of value from intellectual capital: a Portuguese banking perspective. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. 3:266-280. 2007
- Positioning management accounting on the intellectual capital agenda. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation. 4:336-336. 2007
- Positioning management accounting on the intellectual capital agenda. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation. 4:336-359. 2007
- Strategic business valuation. Management Decision. 45:1385-1386. 2007
- The Role of Intellectual Capital in Mexican Family-Based Businesses: Understanding their Soul, Brain and Heart. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management. 06:189-200. 2007
- User acceptance of wireless short messaging services: Deconstructing perceived value. Information & Management. 44:63-73. 2007
- Ethical values and leadership: a study of business school deans in Canada. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. 2:217-236. 2006
- MBA knowledge management course: is there an impact after graduation?. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. 2:216-216. 2006
- MBA knowledge management course: is there an impact after graduation?. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. 2:216-237. 2006
- On the “essential condition” of intellectual capital: labour!. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 7:111-128. 2006
- The knowledge-based view of the firm and its theoretical precursor. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. 3:367-367. 2006
- Board composition, non‐executive directors and governance cultures in Irish ICT firms: a CFO perspective. Corporate Governance (Bingley). 5:56-63. 2005
- Communicative Action in Intellectual Capital Creation: A Habermasian 'Account'. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2005
- On the 'Essential Condition' of Intellectual Capital: Labour!. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2005
- Intellectual capital in Egyptian software firms. Learning Organization. 11:332-346. 2004
- Meta‐review of knowledge management and intellectual capital literature: citation impact and research productivity rankings. Knowledge and Process Management. 11:185-198. 2004
- CFOs in e‐business: e‐architects or foot‐soldiers?. Knowledge and Process Management. 11:105-116. 2004
- National Intellectual Capital Index. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 5:13-39. 2004
- Organisational learning via groupware: a path to discovery or disaster?. International Journal of Technology Management. 27:591-591. 2004
- Distinguishing between the board and management in company mission. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 4:361-381. 2003
- The e‐flow audit: an evaluation of knowledge flow within and outside a high‐tech firm. Journal of Knowledge Management. 7:6-19. 2003
- Transformational leadership: an examination of cross‐national differences and similarities. Leadership and Organization Development Journal. 24:5-15. 2003
- Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Canadian Corporations. Journal of Human Resource Costing and Accounting. 7:9-20. 2003
- E‐improvisation: collaborative groupware technology expands the reach and effectiveness of organizational improvisation. Knowledge and Process Management. 9:219-227. 2002
- Intellectual capital ROI: a causal map of human capital antecedents and consequents. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 3:223-247. 2002
- Voluntary turnover: knowledge management – friend or foe?. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 3:303-322. 2002
- Managing An Organizational Learning System By Aligning Stocks and Flows. Journal of Management Studies. 39:437-469. 2002
- Thought leadership on intellectual capital. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 2:183-191. 2001
- Reviews. Management Learning. 32:274-277. 2001
- Assessing knowledge assets: a review of the models used to measure intellectual capital. International Journal of Management Reviews. 3:41-60. 2001
- A model of the impact of mission statements on firm performance. Management Decision. 39:19-35. 2001
- Perceptions of Intellectual Capital: Irish Evidence. Journal of Human Resource Costing and Accounting. 6:29-38. 2001
- CKO wanted — evangelical skills necessary: a review of the Chief Knowledge Officer position. Knowledge and Process Management. 8:29-38. 2001
- The First World Congress on the Management of Electronic Commerce: review and commentary. Internet Research. 10:365-374. 2000
- The evolution of software pricing: from box licenses to application service provider models. Internet Research. 10:246-255. 2000
- Organizational learning: from world-class theories to global best practices. Choice (Chicago, Ill.). 37:37-5190-37-5190. 2000
- Intellectual capital and business performance in Malaysian industries. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 1:85-100. 2000
- A CKO's raison d'etre: driving value-based performance gains by aligning human capital with business strategy 2000
- Software pricing structures in electronic commerce: 3 different cases 2000
- Teaching knowledge management and intellectual capital lessons: an empirical examination of the Tango simulation. International Journal of Technology Management. 20:545-555. 2000
- Teaching knowledge management and intellectual capital lessons: an empirical examination of the Tango simulation. International Journal of Technology Management. 20:545-545. 2000
- Web-based metrics and internet stock prices 2000
- The knowledge toolbox:. European Management Journal. 17:391-402. 1999
- Leadership for extraordinary performance. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 27:32-37. 1999
- Managing an organizational learning system by aligning stocks and flows of knowledge: an empirical examination of intellectual capital, knowledge management, and business performance 1999
- Managing organisational knowledge by diagnosing intellectual capital: framing and advancing the state of the field. International Journal of Technology Management. 18:433-433. 1999
- Managing organizational knowledge by diagnosing intellectual capital: Framing and advancing the state of the field. International Journal of Technology Management. 18:433-462. 1999
- The knowledge toolbox:: A review of the tools available to measure and manage intangible resources. European Management Journal. 17:391-402. 1999
- Intellectual capital: an exploratory study that develops measures and models. Management Decision. 36:63-76. 1998
- A Model of User Adoption of Mobile Portals Alexander Serenko and Nick Bontis
- A model of user adoption of mobile portals
- Alexander Serenko and Nick Bontis
- Dot-bomb Post-mortem: Web-based metrics and internet stock prices
- Exploring Intellectual Capital Practice in the Irish ICT Sector
- HR’s role in knowledge management. Canadian HR Reporter. 16:G8-G8.
- HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: An examination of Canadian financial service firms and their current practices
- Hands off our tacit—ownership, employee stock options and the intellectual/capital-labour relation!
- IC What You See: Canada”s Intellectual Capital Performance
- Intellectual capital and the nature of business in Malaysia. J. Intellect. Cap.. 1.
- Journal of Management Studies 39:4June 2002
- Les indicateurs de l’immatériel.. L’Expansion Management Review. 37-46.
- Research Article
- Royal bank invests in knowledge-based industries. Knowledge Inc. 2:1-4.
- The Benchmarking of Arab Countries
- The rising star of the Chief Knowledge Officer. Ivey Business Journal. 66.
- There”s a price on your head: managing intellectual capital strategically. Business Quarterly. 60.
- Unknown