selected scholarly activity
- From the 'micro' to the 'mega': Toward a multi-level approach to supporting and assessing student-staff partnership. 110-124. 2020
- From the ‘micro’ to the ‘mega’. 110-124. 2020
- Student–staff partnerships in teaching and learning. 81-94. 2019
- Growing the Canadian SoTL Community through a Collaborative Writing Initiative. 200-211. 2019
- Chapter 2 Valuing Knowledge(s) and Cultivating Confidence: Contributions of Student–Faculty Pedagogical Partnerships to Epistemic Justice. 35-48. 2019
- International Collaborative Writing Groups as Communities of Practice. 597-617. 2017
- Developing an Interdisciplinary Inquiry Course on Global Justice: An Inquiry-Informed, Cross-Campus, Collaborative Approach. 101-117. 2015
journal articles
- Enacting and/or contesting the ‘normal TA body’: social location and the experiences of teaching assistants. Teaching in Higher Education. 29:454-470. 2024
- Orientations to teaching more accessibly in postsecondary education: mandated, right, pedagogically effective, nice, and/or profitable?. Disability & Society. 37:849-874. 2022
- ‘It’s a little complicated for me’: faculty social location and experiences of pedagogical partnership. Higher Education Research and Development. 40:1191-1204. 2021
- "I Saw a Change": Enhancing Classroom Equity through Student-Faculty Pedagogical Partnership. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 12. 2021
- Cues, emotions and experiences: How teaching assistants make decisions about teaching. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 44:29-42. 2020
- Just entertainment? Student and faculty responses to the pedagogy of media representations of higher education. Pedagogy, Culture & Society. 28:59-76. 2020
- Promoting and/or evading change: the role of student-staff partnerships in staff teaching development. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 43:1315-1330. 2019
- Teachers interacting with students: an important (and potentially overlooked) domain for academic development during times of impact. International Journal for Academic Development. 24:342-353. 2019
- Motivations, barriers, & understandings: how students at four universities perceive student–faculty partnership programs. Higher Education Research and Development. 38:1240-1254. 2019
- Mobilizing a Culture Shift on Campus: Underrepresented Students as Educational Developers. New Directions for Teaching and Learning. 2019:21-30. 2019
- Enhancing outcomes and reducing inhibitors to the engagement of students and staff in learning and teaching partnerships: Implications for academic development. International Journal for Academic Development. 24:246-259. 2019
- Growing partnership communities: What experiences of an international institute suggest about developing student-staff partnership in higher education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 56:184-194. 2019
- Toward theories of partnership praxis: An analysis of interpretive framing in literature on students as partners in teaching and learning. Higher Education Research and Development. 38:280-293. 2019
- Asking Critical Questions: An Introduction to Issue 10.3. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 10. 2019
- Canadian SoTL in 10 Parts: An Introduction to Issue 10.2. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 10. 2019
- Tin Anniversaries and Teaching and Learning Scholarship: An Introduction to Issue 10.1. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 10. 2019
- Beautiful minds and unruly bodies: embodiment and academic identity inStill AliceandThe Theory of Everything. Discourse. 39:829-840. 2018
- Navigating complexity, culture, collaboration, and emotion: student perspectives on global justice and global justice education. Teaching in Higher Education. 23:853-868. 2018
- Countering Pedagogical Somnambulism: An Introduction to Issue 9.2. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 9. 2018
- Public pedagogy and representations of higher education in popular film: New ground for the scholarship of teaching and learning.. Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal. 6:25-37. 2018
- Undergraduate Research and Student-Staff Partnerships: Supporting the Development of Student Scholars at a Canadian Teaching and Learning Institute. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research. 1:39-44. 2017
- Responding to the challenges of student-staff partnership: the reflections of participants at an international summer institute. Teaching in Higher Education. 22:720-735. 2017
- Leadership in an international collaborative writing groups (ICWG) initiative: implications for academic development. International Journal for Academic Development. 22:211-222. 2017
- A present absence: undergraduate course outlines and the development of student creativity across disciplines. Teaching in Higher Education. 22:222-238. 2017
- Defining the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 8. 2017
- Moving Towards Inclusive Learning and Teaching: A Synthesis of Recent Literature. Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal. 5. 2017
- Promoting and Celebrating International SoTL Collaborations: An Introduction to the Special Issue. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 8. 2017
- SoTL Research Fellows: Collaborative Pathfinding through Uncertain Terrain. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 8. 2017
- Stories We Tell: An Introduction to Volume 8, Issue 3. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 8. 2017
- Tools and Questions: An Introduction to Volume 8, Issue 1. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 8. 2017
- Tools and Questions: An Introduction to Volume 8, Issue 1. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 8. 2017
- Developing inclusive educators: enhancing the accessibility of teaching and learning in higher education. International Journal for Academic Development. 21:337-349. 2016
- Developing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the McMaster Institute for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching and Learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning. 2016:47-54. 2016
- Fostering collaborative teaching and learning scholarship through an international writing group initiative. Higher Education Research and Development. 35:531-544. 2016
- Navigating the threshold of student–staff partnerships: a case study from an Ontario teaching and learning institute. International Journal for Academic Development. 21:4-15. 2016
- Charting the Landscape of Accessible Education for Post-secondary Students with Disabilities. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. 5:31-71. 2016
- Examining Impact and Access: An Introduction to Volume 7, Issue 1. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 7. 2016
- An Introduction to Volume 6, Issue 1. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 6. 2015
- Developing SoTL through Organized Scholarship Institutes. Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal. 3:19-36. 2015
- Developing SoTL through Organized Scholarship Institutes. Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal. 3:19-36. 2015
- Of Landmarks and Learning: An Introduction to Volume 6, Issue 3. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 6. 2015
- On Being ‘Special’: An Introduction to the Issue. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 6. 2015
- Teaching Creativity Across Disciplines at Ontario Universities. Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 45:148-166. 2015
- An Individualist, Just Like the Rest of Us: The Performance of Hegemonic Masculinities in "The Case of Milo Radulovich". Journal of Film and Video. 66:39-51. 2014
- Exploring SoTL through International Collaborative Writing Groups. Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal. 1:3-8. 2013
- Conceptualizing documentary performance. Studies in Documentary Film. 7:45-60. 2013
- THE RHETORICAL FORCE OF CONFLICTING EMOTIONS IN OPERATION FILMMAKER A cognitive approach to documentary performance and emotion. Film International. 11:42-56. 2013
- Performance, emotion, and persuasion inThe Ground Truth. New Review of Film and Television Studies. 10:425-442. 2012
- Creating, Resisting or Neglecting Change: Exploring the Complexities of Accessible Education for Students with Disabilities. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 3. 2012
- We'll Always Have Bogart: Allusion, Nostalgia, and Critique inPlay It Again, Sam. Journal of Popular Film and Television. 39:174-182. 2011
- A Systematic Literature Review of Students as Partners in Higher Education. International Journal for Students as Partners. 1.
- Building Capacity for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Using International Collaborative Writing Groups. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 8.
- Considerations for Seeking Equity and Justice through Pedagogical Partnership. Imagining SoTL: Selections from the Banff Symposium. 2:19-38.
- Creative Differences: Teaching Creativity Across the Disciplines. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 6.
- Growing the Canadian Teaching Commons: An Introduction to Volume 7, Issue 2. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 7.
- Introduction to Volume 6 Issue 1. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 6.
- Launching a Journal About and Through Students as Partners. International Journal for Students as Partners. 1.
- Powerful learning tool or ‘cool factor’? Instructors’ perceptions of using film and video within teaching and learning. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 20.
- Shaping and Supporting Teaching, Learning, & SoTL: An Introduction to Issue 9.1. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 9.
- Toward redressing inequities through partnership: A critical assessment of an equity-focused partnership initiative. International Journal for Students as Partners. 6:10-29.
- “I Saw a Change”: Enhancing Classroom Equity through Student-Faculty Pedagogical Partnership. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 12.
- “I feel like some students are better connected”: Students’ perspectives on applying for extracurricular partnership opportunities. International Journal for Students as Partners. 2:64-81.