subject area of
- A Methanol Intoxication Outbreak From Recreational Ingestion of Fracking Fluid Journal Articles
- A Thiolate Anion Buried within the Hydrocarbon Ruler Perturbs PagP Lipid Acyl Chain Selection Journal Articles
- Accurate dispensing of volatile reagents on demand for chemical reactions in EWOD chips Journal Articles
- Alcohol Fixation of Induced Sputum Samples for Applications in Rural Communities Journal Articles
- An RNA‐Cleaving DNAzyme That Requires an Organic Solvent to Function Journal Articles
- Benchmarking pKa prediction methods for Lys115 in acetoacetate decarboxylase Journal Articles
- Beta-frequency (15–35Hz) electroencephalogram activities elicited by toluene and electrical stimulation in the behaving rat Journal Articles
- CD,1H NMR and molecular modeling studies of the interaction of Ca2+ with substance P and Ala7-substance P in a non-polar solvent Journal Articles
- Capillary-Scale Frontal Affinity Chromatography/MALDI Tandem Mass Spectrometry Using Protein-Doped Monolithic Silica Columns Journal Articles
- Cardiovascular and airway relaxant activities of peony root extract Journal Articles
- Catalytic Mechanism of Enterococcal Kanamycin Kinase (APH(3‘)-IIIa): Viscosity, Thio, and Solvent Isotope Effects Support a Theorell−Chance Mechanism Journal Articles
- Comment on “Mobilization and entry of DNAPL pools into finer sand media by cosolvents: two-dimensional chamber studies” by Michael E. Van Valkenburg and Michael D. Annable Journal Articles
- Comparative growth and toxin profile of cultured Ostreopsis ovata from the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas. Journal Articles
- Comprehensive and simultaneous coverage of lipid and polar metabolites for endogenous cellular metabolomics using HILIC-TOF-MS Journal Articles
- Conformational and Quantitative Characterization of Lysozyme Extracted from Galyfilcon and Senofilcon Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses Journal Articles
- Congenital anomalies in newborns to women employed in jobs with frequent exposure to organic solvents - a register-based prospective study Journal Articles
- Density Functional Study for Homodendrimers and Amphiphilic Dendrimers Journal Articles
- Derivatization of small oligosaccharides prior to analysis by matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization using glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride and Girard's reagent T Journal Articles
- Dimerization and interactions of Brucella suis VirB8 with VirB4 and VirB10 are required for its biological activity Journal Articles
- Dissolution of Entrapped DNAPLs in Variable Aperture Fractures: Experimental Data and Empirical Model Journal Articles
- Dithiafulvenyl-grafted phenylene ethynylene polymers as selective and reversible dispersants for single-walled carbon nanotubes Journal Articles
- Docking flexible ligands in proteins with a solvent exposure- and distance-dependent dielectric function Journal Articles
- Drawing the Battle Lines: Tracing the "Science War" in the Construction of the Chloroform and Human Health Risks Debate Journal Articles
- Effects of Processing at 45 C on Staining Journal Articles
- Efficacy of an Extraction Solvent Used to Quantify Albumin Deposition on Hydrogel Contact Lens Materials Journal Articles
- Excluded volume effects in compressed polymer brushes: A density functional theory Journal Articles
- Fractional Simplex Designs for Interaction Screening in Complex Mixtures Journal Articles
- High yield synthesis of 6-[18F]fluoro-L-dopa. Journal Articles
- Hydration dynamics of the collagen triple helix by NMR11Edited by P. E. Wright Journal Articles
- Interpenetrating Polymer Networks as a Route to Tunable Multi-responsive Biomaterials: Development of Novel Concepts Journal Articles
- Ion Solvation in Liquid Mixtures: Effects of Solvent Reorganization Journal Articles
- Isotopic fractionation during reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene by zero-valent iron: influence of surface treatment Journal Articles
- Kinetic mechanism of the GCN5-related chromosomal aminoglycoside acetyltransferase AAC(6')-Ii from Enterococcus faecium: evidence of dimer subunit cooperativity Journal Articles
- Line tension of multicomponent bilayer membranes Journal Articles
- Low birth weight in newborns to women employed in jobs with frequent exposure to organic solvents Journal Articles
- Method to Our Madness or Madness in Our Methods? Pitfalls in Trial Methodology Journal Articles
- Molecular Dynamics of Fibrinogen Adsorption onto Graphene, but Not onto Poly(ethylene glycol) Surface, Increases Exposure of Recognition Sites That Trigger Immune Response Journal Articles
- Mylodon darwinii DNA sequences from ancient fecal hair shafts Journal Articles
- Nanoscale surface roughness induced by poor solvents on polymer film surfaces Journal Articles
- Occurrence of inhibitors in previously untreated or minimally treated patients with haemophilia A after exposure to a plasma‐derived solvent‐detergent factor VIII concentrate Journal Articles
- Oestradiol transmission from males to females in the context of the Bruce and Vandenbergh effects in mice (Mus musculus) Journal Articles
- On-demand droplet loading for automated organic chemistry on digital microfluidics Journal Articles
- Optimization of a Fluorescence-based Lysozyme Activity Assay for Contact Lens Studies Journal Articles
- Organic solvent exposure and systemic sclerosis: A retrospective cohort study based on the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group registry Journal Articles
- PagP Crystallized from SDS/Cosolvent Reveals the Route for Phospholipid Access to the Hydrocarbon Ruler Journal Articles
- Propylene Glycol Is Essential in the LCModel Basis Set for Pediatric 1H-MRS Journal Articles
- Purification of phage for therapeutic applications using high throughput anion exchange membrane chromatography Journal Articles
- Quantification of protein surfaces, volumes and atom–atom contacts using a constrained Voronoi procedure Journal Articles
- Rapid temperature programmed gas-liquid chromatography of volatile fatty acids (C1−C7) for the identification of anaerobic bacteria Journal Articles
- Role of Dynamics in the Autoinhibition and Activation of the Exchange Protein Directly Activated by Cyclic AMP (EPAC) Journal Articles
- Screening for the Major Methadone Metabolite and Methamphetamine in Urine Journal Articles
- Selective cleavage of heparin using aqueous 2-hydroxypyridine: Production of an aldose-terminating fragment with high anticoagulant activity Journal Articles
- Small-Angle Neutron Scattering to Detect Rafts and Lipid Domains Journal Articles
- Solvent accessibility properties of complex proteins. Journal Articles
- Solvent-free production of thermoplastic lignocellulose from wood pulp by reactive extrusion Journal Articles
- Solvent‐Mediated Generation of Cobalt‐Cluster‐Stabilised Propargyl Cations and Radicals: Allyl Migration versus Peroxide Formation Journal Articles
- Surface nucleation in the crystallisation of polyethylene droplets Journal Articles
- Temperature-sensitive aqueous microgels Journal Articles
- The Effects of <I>In Utero</I> and Lactational Exposure to Chloroform on Postnatal Growth and Glucose Tolerance in Male Wistar Rats Journal Articles
- Transition-State Analysis of the DNA Repair Enzyme MutY Journal Articles
- Unusual difference spectra of proteins containing tryptophan. I. Studies with model compounds. Journal Articles
- Variability in Carbon Isotopic Fractionation during Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes: Implications for Field Applications Journal Articles
- Water solubilization of membrane proteins. Extensive derivatization with a novel polar derivatizing reagent. Journal Articles
- When Attempting Chain Extension, Even Without Solvent, It Is Not Possible to Avoid Chojnowski Metathesis Giving D3 Journal Articles