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A harmonized analysis of five Canadian pregnancy cohort studies: exploring the characteristics and pregnancy outcomes associated with prenatal alcohol exposure Journal Articles
A high-resolution PheWAS approach to alcohol-related polygenic risk scores reveals mechanistic influences of alcohol reinforcing value and drinking motives Journal Articles
A preliminary study on the effects of acute ethanol ingestion on default mode network and temporal fractal properties of the brain Journal Articles
A realist review of brief interventions for alcohol misuse delivered in emergency departments Journal Articles
A systematic review of the epidemiology of unrecorded alcohol consumption and the chemical composition of unrecorded alcohol Journal Articles
Acute in vitro effects of ethanol on responses of platelets from cholesterol-fed and Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits. Journal Articles
Acute interstitial nephritis with acetaminophen and alcohol intoxication Journal Articles
Adaptive Voltage Controller for Flux-weakening Operation in PMSM Drives Conferences
Additive roles of tobacco and cannabis co-use in relation to delay discounting in a sample of heavy drinkers Journal Articles
Alcohol Fixation of Induced Sputum Samples for Applications in Rural Communities Journal Articles
Alcohol as a risk factor for pancreatitis. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Alcohol demand as a predictor of drinking behavior in the natural environment Journal Articles
Alcohol septal ablation complicated by complete heart block and permanent pacemaker failure Journal Articles
An Audit of the Effect of Two Cord-Care Regimens on Bacterial Colonization in Newborn Infants Journal Articles
Anaerobic biodegradation of dissolved ethanol in a pilot-scale sand aquifer: Gas phase dynamics Journal Articles
Anaerobic biodegradation of dissolved ethanol in a pilot-scale sand aquifer: Variability in plume (redox) biogeochemistry Journal Articles
Area under the curve as a novel metric of behavioral economic demand for alcohol. Journal Articles
Association Between Alcohol and Mortality in Patients With Severe Traumatic Head Injury Conferences
Association between non-medical cannabis legalization and alcohol sales: Quasi-experimental evidence from Canada Journal Articles
Association between overall rate of change in rising breath alcohol concentration and the magnitude of acute tolerance of subjective intoxication via the Mellanby method Journal Articles
Association of electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) and cigarette solo and dual use with alcohol-related consequences among US adults Journal Articles
Associations Between Drinking and Cortical Thickness in Younger Adult Drinkers: Findings From the Human Connectome Project Journal Articles
Associations between alcohol demand, delayed reward discounting, and high-intensity drinking in a diverse emerging adult sample. Journal Articles
Attenuation of ethanol tolerance by a novel stimulus Journal Articles
Behavioral economic analysis of topiramate pharmacotherapy for alcohol: a placebo-controlled investigation of effects on alcohol reinforcing value and delayed reward discounting Journal Articles
Binding of lithium and boron to human plasma proteins Journal Articles
Biodegradable asparagine–graphene oxide free chlorine sensors fabricated using solution-based processing Journal Articles
Biphasic effects of alcohol on delay and probability discounting. Journal Articles
Breast cancer, alcohol, and phosphate toxicity Journal Articles
Cannabidiol as a candidate pharmacotherapy for sleep disturbance in alcohol use disorder Journal Articles
Cardiovascular and airway relaxant activities of peony root extract Journal Articles
Catching the Alcohol Buzz: An Examination of the Latent Factor Structure of Subjective Intoxication Journal Articles
Cation-induced aggregation of membrane vesicles isolated from vascular smooth muscle Journal Articles
Causality between polyhexamethyleneguanidine occurrence in unrecorded alcohol and cholestatic hepatitis outbreak in Russia Journal Articles
Cellular Electrophysiological Actions of Ethanol on Mammalian Neurons in Brain Slicesa Journal Articles
Central interleukin-1 receptors contribute to suppression of feeding after acute colitis in the rat Journal Articles
Characterization of suppression of food intake following acute colon inflammation in the rat Journal Articles
Chronic prenatal ethanol exposure alters expression of central and peripheral insulin signaling molecules in adult guinea pig offspring Journal Articles
Combined effect of alcohol and cannabis on simulated driving Journal Articles
Comment on “Mobilization and entry of DNAPL pools into finer sand media by cosolvents: two-dimensional chamber studies” by Michael E. Van Valkenburg and Michael D. Annable Journal Articles
Concurrent binge drinking and depression among Canadian youth: prevalence, patterns, and suicidality Journal Articles
Concurrent validity of the Alcohol Purchase Task for measuring the reinforcing efficacy of alcohol: an updated systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Diagnosis and management of acute alcohol withdrawal. Journal Articles
Disruption of tolerance to the ataxic effect of ethanol by an extraneous stimulus Journal Articles
Does Low Urine Creatinine Level Indicate the Presence of Urine Alcohol in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Patients? Journal Articles
Does Stress Increase Imitation of Drinking Behavior? An Experimental Study in a (Semi‐)Naturalistic Context Journal Articles
Effect of using alcoholic and non‐alcoholic skin cleansing swabs when sampling blood for alcohol estimation using gas chromatography Journal Articles
Effects of Ethanol on Pathways of Platelet Aggregation In Vitro Journal Articles
Effects of Naltrexone During the Descending Limb of the Blood Alcohol Curve Journal Articles
Effects of Topiramate on Urge to Drink and the Subjective Effects of Alcohol: A Preliminary Laboratory Study Journal Articles
Effects of acute alcohol tolerance on perceptions of danger and willingness to drive after drinking Journal Articles
Effects of ethanol consumption by adult female rats on subsequent consumption by adolescents Journal Articles
Effects of ethanol on rabbit platelet responses to collagen in vitro and ex vivo and on platelet adhesion to de-endothelialzed aortae in vivo \textbar Request PDF Other
Effects of naltrexone on alcohol self‐administration and craving: meta‐analysis of human laboratory studies Journal Articles
Effects of naltrexone on cortisol levels in heavy drinkers Journal Articles
Electrophysiological actions of acetate, a metabolite of ethanol, on hippocampal dentate granule neurons: interactions with adenosine Journal Articles
Environmental and occupational factors affecting fertility and IVF success Journal Articles
Ethanol Inhibition of Haemoglobin Synthesis: In Vitro Evidence for a Haem Correctable Defect in Normal Subjects and in Alcoholics Journal Articles
Ethanol consumption by rat dams during gestation, lactation and weaning increases ethanol consumption by their adolescent young Journal Articles
Ethanol during adolescence decreased the BDNF levels in the hippocampus in adult male Wistar rats, but did not alter aggressive and anxiety-like behaviors Journal Articles
Ethanol enhances collective dynamics of lipid membranes Journal Articles
Ethanol enhances the inhibitory effect of an oral GPIIb/IIIa antagonist on human platelet function Journal Articles
Ethanol euthanasia and its effect on the binding of antibody generated against an immunogenic peptide construct Journal Articles
Factor Structure of the Alcohol Urge Questionnaire Under Neutral Conditions and During a Cue‐elicited Urge State Journal Articles
Hemodialysis for methanol intoxication Journal Articles
Hemoglobin synthesis in siderocytes of flexed-tailed mutant (f/f) fetal mice Journal Articles
High Blood Alcohol Levels in Women Journal Articles
Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Characteristics of Mast Cells in Nasal Polyps Journal Articles
Human Laboratory Paradigms in Alcohol Research Journal Articles
Implicit and explicit alcohol cognitions and observed alcohol consumption: three studies in (semi)naturalistic drinking settings Journal Articles
Impulsivity and alcohol demand in relation to combined alcohol and caffeine use. Journal Articles
In Vitro Effects of Ethanol on Rabbit Platelet Aggregation, Secretion of Granule Contents, and Cyclic AMP Levels in the Presence of Prostacyclin Journal Articles
In vitro effects of ethanol on rabbit platelet aggregation, secretion of granule contents, and cyclic AMP levels in the presence of prostacyclin. Journal Articles
Income shock increases preferences for smaller immediate rewards and reduces alcohol demand among a sample of crowd-sourced adults. Journal Articles
Inflammation modulates in vitro colonic myoelectric and contractile activity and interstitial cells of Cajal Journal Articles
Inhibition by Ethanol of Thrombus Formation Induced by Indwelling Aortic Catheters in Rabbits Journal Articles
Instructional cues modify performance on the Iowa Gambling Task Journal Articles
Intravenous Alcohol Administration Selectively Decreases Rate of Change in Elasticity of Demand in Individuals With Alcohol Use Disorder Journal Articles
Is Addiction Really a Chronic Relapsing Disorder? Journal Articles
Is Fructose a Story of Mice but Not Men? Journal Articles
Large variations in the practice patterns of surgical antiseptic preparation solutions in patients with open and closed extremity fractures: a cross-sectional survey Journal Articles
Learning and Tolerance to the Ataxic Effect of Ethanol Journal Articles
Long lasting effects of rearing by an ethanol-consuming dam on voluntary ethanol consumption by rats Journal Articles
Marketing a Hard-to-Swallow Message Journal Articles
Meta-analysis of benzodiazepine use in the treatment of acute alcohol withdrawal. Journal Articles
Microbial lipid production from banana straw hydrolysate and ethanol stillage Journal Articles
Modelo experimental de tratamiento con extracto de semillas de uva, vino tinto y etanol del melanoma metastásico pulmonar Journal Articles
Neural correlates of increased alcohol demand following alcohol cue exposure in adult heavy drinkers Journal Articles
Nitric oxide mediates the inhibitory effect of ethanol on the motility of isolated longitudinal muscle of proximal colon in rats Journal Articles
Occasion setting and drug tolerance Journal Articles
Oestradiol transmission from males to females in the context of the Bruce and Vandenbergh effects in mice (Mus musculus) Journal Articles
Omission of alcohol skin cleansing and risk of adverse events in long-term care residents undergoing COVID-19 vaccination: A cohort study Journal Articles
Pavlovian conditioning and ethanol tolerance. Journal Articles
Percutaneous treatment of facial venous malformations: a matched comparison of alcohol and bleomycin sclerotherapy. Journal Articles
Porphyria cutanea tarda: clinical and laboratory features. Journal Articles
Prevalence and characteristics of opioid-related deaths involving alcohol in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Prolonged ethanol administration prevents the development of tolerance to morphine-induced respiratory depression Journal Articles
Quantified scoring of the amniotic fluid surfactant foam test and assessment of factors contributing to false negative test results Journal Articles
Reactivity to Alcohol Cues: Isolating the Role of Perceived Availability. Journal Articles
Self-administration cues as signals: Drug self-administration and tolerance. Journal Articles
Self‐adjoint sensitivity analysis of lossy dielectric structures with electromagnetic time‐domain simulators Journal Articles
Sensory neuron and substance P involvement in symptoms of a zymosan-induced rat model of acute bowel inflammation Journal Articles
Separate and joint effects of alcohol and caffeine on conflict monitoring and adaptation Journal Articles
Serum BDNF levels increase during early drug withdrawal in alcohol and crack cocaine addiction Journal Articles
Shortening the Application Time of Alcohol-Based Hand Rubs to 15 Seconds May Improve the Frequency of Hand Antisepsis Actions in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Journal Articles
Skin Antisepsis before Surgical Fixation of Extremity Fractures Journal Articles
Subjective Response to Alcohol Among Alcohol‐Dependent Individuals: Effects of the Mu‐Opioid Receptor (OPRM1) Gene and Alcoholism Severity Journal Articles
TGF-β1 gene transfer to the mouse colon leads to intestinal fibrosis Journal Articles
The Assessment of Deviant Sexual Arousal as a Function of Intelligence, Instructional Set and Alcohol Ingestion Journal Articles
The Determination of Plasma Ethanol by Gas Liquid Chromatography using Trichloracetic Acid as the Protein Precipitant Journal Articles
The commercial determinants of Indigenous health and well-being: a systematic scoping review Journal Articles
The composition of unrecorded alcohol from eastern Ukraine: Is there a toxicological concern beyond ethanol alone? Journal Articles
The contribution of unrecorded alcohol to health harm Journal Articles
The effect of ethanol on the radiation response of CHO-K1 cells Journal Articles
The role of Pavlovian processes in drug tolerance and dependence: Implications for treatment Journal Articles
The role of conditional drug responses in tolerance to the hypothermic effects of ethanol Journal Articles
The stress–response-dampening effects of placebo Journal Articles
Thrombin-induced inositol trisphosphate production by rabbit platelets is inhibited by ethanol Journal Articles
Tin-oxide-coated single-walled carbon nanotube bundles supporting platinum electrocatalysts for direct ethanol fuel cells Journal Articles
Understanding naltrexone mechanism of action and pharmacogenetics in Asian Americans via behavioral economics: A preliminary study. Journal Articles
Use of a competitive inhibitor in a kinetic enzymatic method for measuring ethanol in serum. Journal Articles