selected scholarly activity
- Reconciliation and education. 88-101. 2021
- The ethics and politics of careRelationality, responsibility and hope in post-secondary art education. 137-152. 2020
- Learning to be affected: Matters of pedagogy in the artists’ soup kitchen. 36-46. 2020
- Arts Education and Curriculum Studies. 162-178. 2017
- The city of richgate: A/r/tographic cartography as public pedagogy. 179-192. 2017
- The Routledge International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research. 259-267. 2016
- The Primacy of Movement in Research-Creation: New Materialist Approaches to Art Research and Pedagogy. 151-162. 2015
- Posthumanism and Educational Research. 76-88. 2014
- The City of Richgate 2013
- The Knitivism Club 2013
- Arts-Based Research in Education. 103-124. 2013
- Nurse-in: Breastfeeding and a/r/tographical research. 137-141. 2013
- Problematizing Public Pedagogy. 133-148. 2013
- Tasting the m/other as sensational pedagogy. 255-270. 2012
- Breasted Bodies as Pedagogies of Excess Towards a Materialist Theory of Becoming M/other. 351-363. 2010
- The City of Richgate Decentered Public Pedagogy. 299-312. 2010
- The Knitivism Club Feminist Pedagogies of Touch. 327-332. 2010
- Sleeping with Cake and Other Touchable Encounters: Performing a Bodied Curriculum. 246-261. 2009
- Sleeping with Cake and Other Touchable Encounters Performing a Bodied Curriculum. 228-239. 2009
- A/R/Tographers and Living Inquiry. 83-92. 2008
- An Ethics of Embodiment. 151-165. 2008
- The Rhizomatic Relations of A/r/tography. 205-218. 2008
- Extreme Bodies: The Body as Represented and Experienced through Critical and Popular Visual Culture. 1143-1160. 2007
- Mid-Course Feedback on Faculty Teaching: a Pilot Project. 171-184. 2007
journal articles
- Walking Body as Barometer: Trans Ecologies of Gichigami (Lake Superior). PUBLIC. 35:66-73. 2024
- Critical Walking Methodologies and Oblique Agitations of Place. Qualitative Inquiry. 28:171-176. 2022
- Feltness: On How to Practice Intimacy. Qualitative Inquiry. 27:210-214. 2021
- Stitching Language: Sounding Voice in the Art Practice of Vanessa Dion Fletcher. Studies in Social Justice. 15:265-281. 2021
- The indeterminate influence of Fluxus on contemporary curriculum and pedagogy. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 33:1007-1021. 2020
- Socially Engaged Art, Experimental Pedagogies, and Anarchiving as Research-Creation. Qualitative Inquiry. 26:897-907. 2020
- Book Reviews. Journal of Curatorial Studies. 8:271-298. 2019
- Queer Walking Tours and the affective contours of place. Cultural Geographies. 26:527-534. 2019
- Counterfuturisms and speculative temporalities: walking research-creation in school. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 32:547-559. 2019
- Research-Creation Walking Methodologies and an Unsettling of Time. International Review of Qualitative Research. 12:85-93. 2019
- ‘How to Write as Felt’ Touching Transmaterialities and More-Than-Human Intimacies. Studies in Philosophy and Education. 38:57-69. 2019
- On the Need for Methods Beyond Proceduralism: Speculative Middles, (In)Tensions, and Response-Ability in Research. Qualitative Inquiry. 24:203-214. 2018
- A Transmaterial Approach to Walking Methodologies. Body and Society. 23:27-58. 2017
- Stone Walks: inhuman animacies and queer archives of feeling. Discourse. 38:851-863. 2017
- Learning to be affected: Matters of pedagogy in the artists’ soup kitchen. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 49:273-283. 2017
- Towards a rhythmic account of working together and taking part. Research in Education. 96:71-77. 2016
- How do you make a classroom operate like a work of art? Deleuzeguattarian methodologies of research-creation. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 28:552-572. 2015
- Diagrams and Cuts. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies. 15:136-144. 2015
- “You go to my head”: art, pedagogy and a “politics-to-come”. Pedagogies. 8:278-290. 2013
- “The Chinatown Foray” as Sensational Pedagogy. Curriculum Inquiry. 41:636-656. 2011
- “Crafting is a luxury that many women cannot afford”: campus knitivism and an aesthetic of civic engagement. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 24:607-613. 2011
- Editors' Introduction: The Politics of Creativity, Urban Renewal, and Education. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. 8:97-100. 2011
- A/r/tographic Collaboration as Radical Relatedness. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 10:86-102. 2011
- Editors’ Introduction: The Willfulness of Curriculum and Pedagogy. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. 8:1-3. 2011
- Technology and Collaboration. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. 7:1-5. 2010
- The Absurdity of Excuse. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. 7:1-5. 2010
- Knitting as an Aesthetic of Civic Engagement: Re-conceptualizing Feminist Pedagogy through Touch. Feminist Teacher: a journal of the practices, theories, and scholarship of feminist teaching. 20:111-123. 2010
- The fantastical body and the vulnerability of comfort: Alternative models for understanding body image. Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 55:109-123. 2009
- The City of Richgate: A/r/tographic Cartography as Public Pedagogy. International Journal of Art and Design Education. 28:61-70. 2009
- Cookies for Peace and a Pedagogy of Corporeal Generosity. Review of Education, Pedagogy, & Cultural Studies, The. 31:74-93. 2009
- Corporeal Pedagogy and Contemporary Video Art. Art Education. 61:18-24. 2008
- A/r/tography as an Ethics of Embodiment. Qualitative Inquiry. 14:67-89. 2008
- “Unframing” Arts Based Research: New Directions and Conversations. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. 4:9-15. 2007
- Richgate: Transforming Public Spaces through Community-Engaged Art. Amerasia Journal. 33:115-124. 2007
- The Rhizomatic Relations of A/r/tography. Studies in Art Education. 48:70-88. 2006
- A/r/tography as Living Inquiry Through Art and Text. Qualitative Inquiry. 11:897-912. 2005
- Thinking through Bodies: Bodied Encounters and the Process of Meaning Making in an E-Mail Generated Art Project. Studies in Art Education. 47:34-50. 2005
- Inside the Visible: Arts-Based Educational Research as Excess. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. 1:8-18. 2004
- Learning to be Affected in Contemporary Art. PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies. 13.
- Walking in/as Publics: Editors Introduction. Journal of Public Pedagogies.