selected scholarly activity
- Correction to: Prioritization of Pesticides for Assessment of Risk to Aquatic Ecosystems in Canada and Identification of Knowledge Gaps. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. C1-C1. 2022
- Ecotoxicology of Glyphosate, Its Formulants, and Environmental Degradation Products. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 129-205. 2021
- Prioritization of Pesticides for Assessment of Risk to Aquatic Ecosystems in Canada and Identification of Knowledge Gaps. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 171-231. 2021
journal articles
- Toxicity and bioconcentration of bisphenol A alternatives in the freshwater pulmonate snail Planorbella pilsbryi.. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 1-14. 2025
- Parental exposure of the freshwater snail Planorbella pilsbryi to copper results in transgenerational effects in offspring.. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 44:542-551. 2025
- Spatial patterns of microplastics in freshwater bivalves (Bivalvia: Unionidae and Sphaeriidae) relative to municipal wastewater discharges.. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 44:508-523. 2025
- Dietary exposure of stormwater contaminants in biofilm to two freshwater macroinvertebrates.. Science of the Total Environment. 957:177390. 2024
- Pesticide presence in stream water, suspended sediment and biofilm is strongly linked to upstream catchment land use and crop type.. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 288:117382. 2024
- Quantifying Effects and Ingestion of Several Pristine Microplastics in Two Early Life Stages of Freshwater Mussels. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 43:2557-2568. 2024
- Correction: Exposure Assessment of Pesticides in Surface Waters of Ontario, Canada Reveals Low Probability of Exceeding Acute Regulatory Thresholds.. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 113:64. 2024
- Effect of Insecticide Exposure Across Multiple Generations of the Earthworm Eisenia andrei. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 43:2058-2070. 2024
- Characterization of Springtail (Arrhopalites caecus) for Use in Soil Ecotoxicity Testing. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 43:1820-1835. 2024
- Where have all the flowers gone? A systematic evaluation of factors driving native terrestrial plant decline in North America. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 31:48460-48483. 2024
- Characterizing the Microplastic Content of Biosolids in Southern Ontario, Canada. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 43:793-806. 2024
- Exposure Assessment of Pesticides in Surface Waters of Ontario, Canada Reveals Low Probability of Exceeding Acute Regulatory Thresholds. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 112:53. 2024
- Novel Reproduction Toxicity Test Method for Hyalella azteca Using Sexually Mature Amphipods Provides More Robust Data Than Standard Methods in Exposures to Imidacloprid. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 43:723-735. 2024
- Optimizing Sex Ratios of Hyalella azteca to Reduce Variability in Reproduction and Improve Reproductive Toxicity Test Methods. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 43:712-722. 2024
- Terrestrial Isopods Generate Microplastics from Low‐Density Polyethylene Without Effects on Survival. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 43:784-792. 2024
- Natural compounds from freshwater mussels disrupt fungal virulence determinants and influence fluconazole susceptibility in the presence of macrophages in Cryptococcus neoformans. Microbiology spectrum. 12:e0284123. 2024
- Human health and environmental risk assessment of metals in community gardens of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 31:20293-20310. 2024
- New insights into pesticide occurrence and multicompartmental monitoring strategies in stream ecosystems using periphyton and suspended sediment. Science of the Total Environment. 915:170144-170144. 2024
- Urban-use pesticides in stormwater ponds and their accumulation in biofilms. Science of the Total Environment. 918:170534-170534. 2024
- Toxicity of 6PPD-quinone to four freshwater invertebrate species. Environmental Pollution. 337:122512-122512. 2023
- An Assessment of the Toxicity of Pesticide Mixtures in Periphyton from Agricultural Streams to the Mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 42:2143-2157. 2023
- Development of an Embryo Toxicity Test to Assess the Comparative Toxicity of Metal Exposure on Different Life Stages of Freshwater Gastropods. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 42:1791-1805. 2023
- Risk of Pesticides Mixtures in Rice to Birds and Humans in Iran. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 85:147-164. 2023
- Comparison of Established and Novel Insecticides on Survival and Reproduction ofFolsomia candida. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 42:1516-1528. 2023
- Lethal and Sub-lethal Implications of Sodium Chloride Exposure for Adult Unionid Mussel Species: Eurynia dilatata and Lasmigona costata. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 85:1-12. 2023
- Differentiated extracts from freshwater and terrestrial mollusks inhibit virulence factor production in Cryptococcus neoformans. Scientific Reports. 13:4928. 2023
- Investigation of the potential effects of firefighting water additives on soil invertebrates and terrestrial plants. Chemosphere. 313:137496-137496. 2023
- Potential risk to aquatic biota from aerial application of firefighting water additives. Environmental Pollution. 316:120651-120651. 2023
- Assessing the Putative Anticryptococcal Properties of Crude and Clarified Extracts from Mollusks. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2022. 2022
- Freshwater mussels in an impacted watershed: Influences of pollution from point and non-point sources. Chemosphere. 307:135966-135966. 2022
- Human induced fish declines in North America, how do agricultural pesticides compare to other drivers?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 29:66010-66040. 2022
- Acute oral toxicity and risks of four classes of systemic insecticide to the Common Eastern Bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Chemosphere. 295:133771-133771. 2022
- Characterizing the exposure of streams in southern Ontario to agricultural pesticides. Chemosphere. 294:133769-133769. 2022
- Yield to the data: some perspective on crop productivity and pesticides. Pest Management Science. 78:1765-1771. 2022
- Hydroxyl-radical activated water for inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes on germinating mung beans. International journal of food microbiology. 367:109587-109587. 2022
- Towards regulation of Endocrine Disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water resources using bioassays – A guide to developing a testing strategy. Environmental Research. 205:112483-112483. 2022
- Fate of thiamethoxam from treated seeds in mesocosms and response of aquatic invertebrate communities. Ecotoxicology. 31:341-356. 2022
- Salt-Laden Winter Runoff and Freshwater Mussels; Assessing the Effect on Early Life Stages in the Laboratory and Wild Mussel Populations in Receiving Waters. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 82:239-254. 2022
- Taxonomic Chauvinism in Pesticide Ecotoxicology. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 40:3223-3225. 2021
- Clothianidin alters leukocyte profiles and elevates measures of oxidative stress in tadpoles of the amphibian, Rana pipiens. Environmental Pollution. 284:117149-117149. 2021
- Degradation of boscalid, pyraclostrobin, fenbuconazole, and glyphosate residues by an advanced oxidative process utilizing ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 418:113382-113382. 2021
- Human health and ecological risk assessment of pesticides from rice production in the Babol Roud River in Northern Iran. Science of the Total Environment. 772:144729-144729. 2021
- Pulsed exposure of the macrophyte Lemna minor to herbicides and the mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer to diamide insecticides. Chemosphere. 273:128582-128582. 2021
- Deterministic risk assessment of firefighting water additives to terrestrial organisms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 28:20883-20893. 2021
- A probabilistic risk assessment of microplastics in soil ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment. 757:143987-143987. 2021
- Bioaccumulation of sediment-associated dinonylnaphthalene sulfonates in the freshwater mussel Lampsilis siliquoidea and oligochaete Tubifex tubifex. Chemosphere. 264:128391-128391. 2021
- Hazard assessment using an in-silico toxicity assessment of the transformation products of boscalid, pyraclostrobin, fenbuconazole and glyphosate generated by exposure to an advanced oxidative process. Toxicology in Vitro. 70:105049-105049. 2021
- High‐Frequency Sampling of Small Streams in the Agroecosystems of Southwestern Ontario, Canada, to Characterize Pesticide Exposure and Associated Risk to Aquatic Life. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 39:2570-2587. 2020
- The influence of organic carbon on the toxicity of sediment-associated dinonylnaphthalene sulfonic acids to the benthic invertebrates Tubifex tubifex and Hyalella azteca. Environmental Pollution. 267:115604-115604. 2020
- Degradation ofboscalid, pyraclostrobin, fenbuconazole, andglyphosateresidues by an advanced oxidative process utilizing ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide 2020
- Deterministic risk assessment of firefighting water additives to aquatic organisms. Ecotoxicology. 29:1377-1389. 2020
- Toxicity of dinonylnaphthalene sulfonates to Pimephales promelas and epibenthic invertebrates. Science of the Total Environment. 741:140260-140260. 2020
- Investigation of Microplastics in Freshwater Mussels (Lasmigona costata) From the Grand River Watershed in Ontario, Canada. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 231. 2020
- Detection of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) using environmental DNA in riverine systems. Environmental DNA. 2:321-329. 2020
- Sub-lethal effects of calcium dinonylnaphthalenesulfonate on Western clawed frog embryos. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics. 34:100658-100658. 2020
- A review of the effectiveness of vegetated buffers to mitigate pesticide and nutrient transport into surface waters from agricultural areas. Journal of Environmental Management. 261:110210-110210. 2020
- Transgenerational Effects of Copper on a Freshwater Gastropod, Planorbella pilsbryi. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation. 23:42-42. 2020
- Degradation of chlorpyrifos and inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Aspergillus niger on apples using an advanced oxidation process. Food Control. 109:106920-106920. 2020
- Periphyton bioconcentrates pesticides downstream of catchment dominated by agricultural land use. Science of the Total Environment. 702:134472-134472. 2020
- Acute oral toxicity and risks of exposure to the neonicotinoid thiamethoxam, and other classes of systemic insecticide, for the Common Eastern Bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) 2020
- Sensitivity of larval and juvenile freshwater mussels (unionidae) to ammonia, chloride, copper, potassium, and selected binary chemical mixtures. Environmental Pollution. 256:113398-113398. 2020
- Variation in Response of Laboratory-Cultured Freshwater Macroinvertebrates to Sediment from Streams with Differential Exposure to Agriculture. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 231. 2020
- Effect of Microcystis aeruginosa–Associated Microcystin‐LR on the Survival of 2 Life Stages of Freshwater Mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 38:2137-2144. 2019
- Assessment of risk to hoary squash bees (Peponapis pruinosa) and other ground-nesting bees from systemic insecticides in agricultural soil. Scientific Reports. 9:11870. 2019
- The role of vegetated buffers in agriculture and their regulation across Canada and the United States. Journal of Environmental Management. 243:12-21. 2019
- Investigation of clearance rate as an endpoint in toxicity testing with freshwater mussels (Unionidae). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 163:165-171. 2018
- Sensitivity of multiple life stages of 2 freshwater mussel species (Unionidae) to various pesticides detected in Ontario (Canada) surface waters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 37:2871-2880. 2018
- Assessment of risk to hoary squash bees (Peponapis pruinosa) and other ground-nesting bees from systemic insecticides in agricultural soil 2018
- Fate of thiamethoxam in mesocosms and response of the zooplankton community. Science of the Total Environment. 637-638:1150-1157. 2018
- Evidence of citation bias in the pesticide ecotoxicology literature. Ecotoxicology. 27:1039-1045. 2018
- The facultatively parasitic ciliated protozoan, Tetrahymena glochidiophila (Lynn, 2018), causes a reduction in viability of freshwater mussel glochidia. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 157:25-31. 2018
- Bioaccumulation of sediment-associated substituted phenylamine antioxidants in Tubifex tubifex and Lampsilis siliquoidea. Ecotoxicology. 27:578-589. 2018
- Tetrahymena glochidiophila n. sp., a new species of Tetrahymena (Ciliophora) that causes mortality to glochidia larvae of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 127:125-136. 2018
- Assessing the toxicity and risk of salt-impacted winter road runoff to the early life stages of freshwater mussels in the Canadian province of Ontario. Environmental Pollution. 230:589-597. 2017
- Effect of substituted phenylamine antioxidants on three life stages of the freshwater mussel Lampsilis siliquoidea. Environmental Pollution. 229:281-289. 2017
- Toxicity of sediment‐associated substituted phenylamine antioxidants on the early life stages of Pimephales promelas and a characterization of effects on freshwater organisms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36:2730-2738. 2017
- Variation in the toxicity of sediment-associated substituted phenylamine antioxidants to an epibenthic ( Hyalella azteca ) and endobenthic ( Tubifex tubifex ) invertebrate. Chemosphere. 181:250-258. 2017
- Evaluating the effects of triclosan on 3 field crops grown in 4 formulations of biosolids. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36:1896-1908. 2017
- Assessing the bioaccumulation potential of ionizable organic compounds: Current knowledge and research priorities. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36:882-897. 2017
- Comparative evaluation of four biosolids formulations on the effects of triclosan on plant-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal interactions in three crop species. Science of the Total Environment. 583:292-299. 2017
- Aquatic hazard assessment of MON 0818, a commercial mixture of alkylamine ethoxylates commonly used in glyphosate‐containing herbicide formulations. Part 1: Species sensitivity distribution from laboratory acute exposures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36:501-511. 2017
- Aquatic hazard assessment of MON 0818, a commercial mixture of alkylamine ethoxylates commonly used in glyphosate‐containing herbicide formulations. Part 2: Roles of sediment, temperature, and capacity for recovery following a pulsed exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36:512-521. 2017
- Effects of the herbicide surfactant MON 0818 on oviposition and viability of eggs of the ramshorn snail (Planorbella pilsbryi). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36:522-531. 2017
- Sensitivity of the early-life stages of freshwater mollusks to neonicotinoid and butenolide insecticides. Environmental Pollution. 218:428-435. 2016
- Influence of light, nutrients, and temperature on the toxicity of atrazine to the algal species Raphidocelis subcapitata: Implications for the risk assessment of herbicides. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 132:250-259. 2016
- Indirect effects of herbicides on biota in terrestrial edge-of-field habitats: A critical review of the literature. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 232:59-72. 2016
- Bioaccumulation of perfluorinated carboxylates and sulfonates and polychlorinated biphenyls in laboratory-cultured Hexagenia spp., Lumbriculus variegatus and Pimephales promelas from field-collected sediments. Science of the Total Environment. 543:715-726. 2016
- Review of laboratory‐based terrestrial bioaccumulation assessment approaches for organic chemicals: Current status and future possibilities. Integrated environmental assessment and management. 12:109-122. 2016
- Corrigendum to: “Human health risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in plant tissue due to biosolids and manure amendments, and wastewater irrigation” [Environ. Int. 75 (2015) 223–233]. Environment International. 84:203-208. 2015
- Response to the comments on “Human health risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in plant tissue due to biosolids and manure amendments, and wastewater irrigation”. Environment International. 84:209-212. 2015
- Assessing temporal and spatial variation in sensitivity of communities of periphyton sampled from agroecosystem to, and ability to recover from, atrazine exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 118:204-216. 2015
- Growth Recovery of Lemna gibba and Lemna minor Following a 7-Day Exposure to the Herbicide Diuron. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 95:150-156. 2015
- Toxicity of Cúspide 480SL® spray mixture formulation of glyphosate to aquatic organisms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 34:1178-1184. 2015
- Effect of biosolids-derived triclosan and triclocarban on the colonization of plant roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Science of the Total Environment. 508:427-434. 2015
- Human health risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in plant tissue due to biosolids and manure amendments, and wastewater irrigation. Environment International. 75:223-233. 2015
- Modeling Uptake of Selected Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products into Food Crops from Biosolids-Amended Soil. Environmental Science and Technology. 48:11397-11404. 2014
- Toxicity of biosolids‐derived triclosan and triclocarban to six crop species. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 33:1840-1848. 2014
- Bioaccumulation of triclosan and triclocarban in plants grown in soils amended with municipal dewatered biosolids. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 33:975-984. 2014
- Assessing sensitivity and recovery of field-collected periphyton acutely exposed to atrazine using PSII inhibition under laboratory conditions. Ecotoxicology. 22:1367-1383. 2013
- Sensitivity of a green alga to atrazine is not enhanced by previous acute exposure. Environmental Pollution. 181:325-328. 2013
- Assessing the Putative Anticryptococcal Properties of Crude and Clarified Extracts from Mollusks. Journal of Visualized Experiments.
- Toxicity and bioconcentration of Bisphenol A alternatives in the freshwater pulmonate snail Planorbella pilsbryi 2024
- Urban-use pesticides in stormwater ponds and their accumulation in biofilms 2023
- Lethal and sub-lethal implications of sodium chloride exposure for adult Unionid mussel species; Eurynia dilatata and Lasmigona costata 2023
- Differentiated extracts from freshwater and terrestrial mollusks inhibit virulence factor production in Cryptococcus neoformans 2022
- Risk Assessment of Metals in Community Gardens: A Case Study in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 2022