selected scholarly activity
- First-Year Students in Experiential Learning in Engineering Education: A Systematic Literature Review. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2023
- Collaborative Teaching Model: Synergy of Teaching Assistants in a First-year Engineering Course During the Pandemic. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2022
- Understanding Pre-solidified Grains in Structural Castings of Nemalloy HE700 Experiments. Minerals, Metals and Materials Series. 148-155. 2022
- Visualisation of the 3D Microstructure of a Monodisperse Fibre Assembly Under Uniaxial Compression. Trans. of the XVIIth Fund. Res. Symp. Cambridge, 2022. 91-103. 2022
- Solidification microstructure selection maps for laser powder bed fusion of multicomponent alloys. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 012005-012005. 2020
- In Situ Tomographic Observation of Dendritic Growth in Mg/Al Matrix Composites. Minerals, Metals and Materials Series. 1561-1567. 2019
- A 3D meso-scale solidification model for steels. AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings. 2663-2670. 2018
- A Systematic Analysis of Terminal Bronchiole Remodeling in COPD Patients with and Without Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2018
- Quantifying the Effects of Grain Refiner Addition on the Solidification of Fe-Rich Intermetallics in Al–Si–Cu Alloys Using In Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Tomography. Minerals, Metals and Materials Series. 1067-1073. 2018
- Synchrotron Tomographic Imaging of Softwood Paper: A 4D Investigation of Deformation and Failure Mechanism. Trans. of the XVIth Fund. Res. Symp. Oxford, 2017. 611-625. 2017
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation Of Airflow And Gaseous Diffusion In Emphysematous Lung Parenchyma. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2016
- Micro-Computed Tomography Imaging Of Frozen Human Lung Tissue Samples. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2016
- A Multi-scale Thermomechanical-Solidification Model to Simulate the Transient Force Field Deforming an Aluminum 6061 Semisolid Weld. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 1942-1950. 2015
- Development of an Optimization Methodology for the Aluminum Alloy Wheel Casting Process. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 1586-1595. 2015
- Investigation of Gas Diffusion Layer Properties Using X-Ray Microtomography. ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. v001t04a001-v001t04a001. 2015
- Application of Numerical Optimization to Aluminum Alloy Wheel Casting. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 012036-012036. 2015
- On the hot cracking susceptibility of a semisolid aluminium 6061 weld: Application of a coupled solidification- thermomechanical model. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 012030-012030. 2015
- Stereological Analysis Of The Peripheral Lung Anatomy In Patients With Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Using Mdct And Micro-CT. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2015
- High Resolution Micro CT Imaging and 3D Image Analysis of Paper Products. 3DMS 2014 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on 3D Materials Science. 41-46. 2014
- Comprehensive Assessment Of The Human Lung By Combining Stereology Based Sampling With Computed Tomography. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2014
- A 3D coupled hydro-mechanical granular model for the prediction of hot tearing formation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 012070-012070. 2012
- In Situ High Speed X‐Ray Observation of the Solidification of AL15CU with and without Al2O3Composite Addition. SHAPE CASTING: 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2011 IN HONOR OF PROF. JOHN T. BERRY. 87-93. 2011
- Measurement of as-cast residual stresses in an aluminium alloy AA6063 billet using neutron diffraction. JIM EVANS: HONORARY SYMPOSIUM, 2010. 43-52. 2010
- Prediction of solidification behaviour via microstructure models based on granular structures. International Journal of Cast Metals Research. 240-243. 2009
- Damage formation during the deformation of a solidifying Al-Mg Alloy. TMS Annual Meeting. 97-107. 2007
- Coupled thermal-stress model of the start-up phase of the aluminum direct chill casting process: Predictions relating to hot tearing. Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes - XI. 807-814. 2006
- Implementation of a strain-based hot tearing criterion in direct chill cast aluminum ingots. Light Metals. 1063-1068. 2005
- Studies of the influence of alloying elements on the growth of ferrite from austenite under decarburization conditions: Fe-C-Nl alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 1237-1242. 2004
- Prediction of hot tears in DC-cast aluminium ingots. Light Metals. 673-678. 2004
- EMBER: Bridging academic, social, and personal skills of students in transition to university. 2021 ASEE St. Lawrence Section Conference Proceedings.
- Who are the instructional assistant interns?: Examining the synergy of teaching assistants in first-year engineering course during the pandemic. 2021 ASEE St. Lawrence Section Conference Proceedings.
journal articles
- Effect of Time and Temperature on the Microstructural Evolution of Wide-Gap Brazed MAR-M247 Nickel Superalloy Using BNi-9 Braze Alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 55:4408-4422. 2024
- Analysis of microscopy techniques to measure segregation in continuous‐cast steel slabs. Journal of Microscopy. 295:266-277. 2024
- Numerical-Experimental Assessment of the Semi-Solid Contraction Behavior of Grain-Refined High Strength Aluminum Alloy, B206. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 55:3164-3171. 2024
- Evaluation of microstructure heterogeneity in INCONEL 625 thin-wall fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion additive manufacturing. Materialia. 35:102126-102126. 2024
- Multi-scale and multi-physics simulation of central segregation in an equiaxed dendritic mushy zone during continuous casting of steel. Materialia. 33:102003-102003. 2024
Deep learning‐based hybrid reconstruction algorithm for fibre instance segmentation from
3D x‐ray tomographic images. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 101:6817-6826. 2023 - Influence of mould level instability on the unevenness of solidified shell deformations during continuous casting. Ironmaking and Steelmaking. 50:818-827. 2023
- Development of a Multi-oxide Kinetic Model to Study Inclusion Transient Evolution in Molten Steel: Application to Si–Mn Killed Steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 54:2244-2257. 2023
- A 3D simulation of grain structure evolution during laser rescanning process of powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1281:012009-012009. 2023
- A phase field methodology for simulating the microstructure evolution during laser powder bed fusion in-situ alloying process. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1281:012017-012017. 2023
- Non-metallic inclusion (NMI) deposition in a slide-gate submerged entry nozzle (SEN). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1281:012031-012031. 2023
- A quantitative comparison between pseudo-binary and multi-component phase field models. Computational Materials Science. 222:112101-112101. 2023
- Microstructural Characterization and Mechanical Properties Investigation of Nemalloy HE700 alloy: Effect of Pre-Solidified Grains. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1274:012060-012060. 2023
- Mathematical Study of the Formation Mechanisms of Complex Oxide Inclusions in Si–Mn-Killed Steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 53:3690-3706. 2022
- Modeling Study of Steel–Slag–Inclusion Reactions During the Refining of Si–Mn Killed Steel. Steel Research International. 93. 2022
- Predicting solid–liquid interfacial characteristics during rapid solidification. Computational Materials Science. 213:111629-111629. 2022
- Comparison of Semi-Solid Contraction of Aluminum Alloys During Solidification Quantified by a Combined Numerical-Experimental Approach. Metals and Materials International. 28:1783-1793. 2022
- Microstructure evolution of Inconel 625 alloy during single-track Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Additive Manufacturing. 55:102824-102824. 2022
- Fast prediction of phase equilibrium at varying temperatures for use in multi-component phase field models. Computational Materials Science. 206:111251-111251. 2022
- Achieving homogeneity in a high-Fe β-Ti alloy laser-printed from blended elemental powders. Materials and Design. 210:110072-110072. 2021
- On the hot embrittlement of continuously-cast and transfer-bar structures in DP600 advanced high-strength steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 289:116936-116936. 2021
- Calculation of Initial Stage of Solidified Shell Deformation during δ to γ Transformation in Mold. Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. 107:112-120. 2021
- Semi-solid compression of nano/micro-particle reinforced Al-Cu composites: An in situ synchrotron tomographic study. Materialia. 12:100817-100817. 2020
- 4D synchrotron tomographic imaging of network and fibre level micromechanics in softwood paper. Materialia. 11:100680-100680. 2020
- Comprehensive stereological assessment of the human lung using multiresolution computed tomography. Journal of applied physiology. 128:1604-1616. 2020
- Meso-scale modelling of semi-solid deformation in aluminum foundry alloys: Effects of feeding and microstructure on hot tearing susceptibility. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 279:116551-116551. 2020
- Meso-scale simulation of liquid feeding in an equiaxed dendritic mushy zone. Materialia. 9:100612-100612. 2020
- Evaluating the Effect of the Competition between NbC Precipitation and Grain Size Evolution on the Hot Ductility of Nb Containing Steels. Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. 106:429-437. 2020
- Revisiting solidification microstructure selection maps in the frame of additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing. 31:100936-100936. 2020
- Calculation of Initial Stage of Solidified Shell Deformation during <i>γ</i> to <i>δ</i> Transformation in Mold. ISIJ International. 59:2036-2043. 2019
- Porosity Prediction in A356 Wheel Casting. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 50:2421-2435. 2019
- Evaluating the Effect of the Competition between NbC Precipitation and Grain Size Evolution on the Hot Ductility of Nb Containing Steels. ISIJ International. 59:1064-1071. 2019
- A 3D meso-scale solidification model for metallic alloy using a volume average approach. Materialia. 6:100329-100329. 2019
- A 3D discrete-element model for simulating liquid feeding during dendritic solidification of steel. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 529:012031-012031. 2019
- Growth of β intermetallic in an Al-Cu-Si alloy during directional solidification via machine learned 4D quantification. Scripta Materialia. 165:29-33. 2019
- Metallurgical and mechanical assessment of hybrid additively-manufactured maraging tool steels via selective laser melting. Additive Manufacturing. 27:389-397. 2019
- Comparison of the semi-solid constitutive behaviour of A356 and B206 aluminum foundry alloys. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 266:37-45. 2019
- Corrigendum to “Synchrotron tomographic quantification of the influence of Zn concentration on dendritic growth in Mg-Zn alloys” [Acta Mater. 156 (2018) 287–296]. Acta Materialia. 165:751-752. 2019
- Estimating the transverse dimensions of cellulose fibres in wood and paper using 2D and 3D microscopy techniques. Cellulose. 26:2099-2108. 2019
- Corrigendum to “Evaluation of an Al-Ce alloy for additive manufacturing” [Acta Mater. 126 (2017) 507–519]. Acta Materialia. 159:439-441. 2018
- Synchrotron tomographic quantification of the influence of Zn concentration on dendritic growth in Mg-Zn alloys. Acta Materialia. 156:287-296. 2018
- Examination and Simulation of Silicon Macrosegregation in A356 Wheel Casting. Metals. 8:503-503. 2018
- Simulation of Airflow in an Idealized Emphysematous Human Acinus. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 140:071001. 2018
- The influence of nanoparticles on dendritic grain growth in Mg alloys. Acta Materialia. 152:127-137. 2018
- Additive manufacturing of a novel Ti-Al-V-Fe alloy using selective laser melting. Additive Manufacturing. 21:529-535. 2018
- 3D multi-scale multi-physics modelling of hot cracking in welding. Materials and Design. 144:45-54. 2018
- Evolution of a mushy zone in a static temperature gradient using a volume average approach. Acta Materialia. 141:206-216. 2017
- Model-based iterative reconstruction using higher-order regularization of dynamic synchrotron data. Measurement Science and Technology. 28:094004-094004. 2017
- A Combined Numerical–Experimental Approach to Quantify the Thermal Contraction of A356 During Solidification. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 48:3370-3376. 2017
- Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation and Subsequent Silicon Spheroidizing Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an Al–Si–Mg Alloy. Advanced Engineering Materials. 19. 2017
- Characterization of transport phenomena in porous transport layers using X-ray microtomography. Journal of Power Sources. 353:221-229. 2017
- Revealing dendritic pattern formation in Ni, Fe and Co alloys using synchrotron tomography. Acta Materialia. 128:241-248. 2017
- Dendritic evolution during coarsening of Mg-Zn alloys via 4D synchrotron tomography. Acta Materialia. 123:373-382. 2017
- Nondestructive cryomicro-CT imaging enables structural and molecular analysis of human lung tissue. Journal of applied physiology. 122:161-169. 2017
- Fast synchrotron X-ray tomographic quantification of dendrite evolution during the solidification of Mg Sn alloys. Acta Materialia. 118:260-269. 2016
- 4D synchrotron X-ray tomographic quantification of the transition from cellular to dendrite growth during directional solidification. Acta Materialia. 117:160-169. 2016
- Microstructure and mechanical characterization of rapidly solidified Cr-C tool steel: Annealing effects. Advanced Powder Technology. 27:2076-2083. 2016
- Alloy development and reheating process exploration of Al–Si casting alloys with globular grains for thixoforming. Journal of Materials Research. 31:2482-2492. 2016
- Application of a Pore Fraction Hot Tearing Model to Directionally Solidified and Direct Chill Cast Aluminum Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 47:4217-4225. 2016
- Microscale X-ray tomographic investigation of the interfacial morphology between the catalyst and micro porous layers in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 319:82-89. 2016
- 3-D multi-scale modeling of deformation within the weld mushy zone. Materials and Design. 94:536-545. 2016
- Modelling the constitutive behaviour of aluminium alloy B206 in the as-cast and artificially aged states. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 649:382-389. 2016
- Toward better understanding of the effect of fiber distribution on effective elastic properties of unidirectional composite yarns. Computers & structures. 163:29-40. 2016
- Automated segmentation of wood fibres in micro‐CT images of paper. Journal of Microscopy. 260:400-410. 2015
- Different Methods for Determining Porosity of Gas Diffusion Layer using X-ray Microtomography. Electrochimica Acta. 185:34-39. 2015
Vesiculation in rhyolite at low
H 2O contents: A thermodynamic model. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 16:4292-4310. 2015 - An Innovative Two-Stage Reheating Process for Wrought Aluminum Alloy During Thixoforming. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 46:4191-4201. 2015
- Determination of Permeability of the Gas Diffusion Layer of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs). ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2015-02:1555-1555. 2015
- Microstructure Characterization and Thermal Analysis of Aluminum Alloy B206 During Solidification. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 46:2073-2081. 2015
- Microstructure, Macrosegregation, and Thermal Analysis of Direct Chill Cast AA5182 Aluminum Alloy. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 24:2067-2073. 2015
- X-ray Tomographic Analysis of Porosity Distributions in Gas Diffusion Layers of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. Electrochimica Acta. 152:464-472. 2015
- On filtration and heat insulation properties of foam formed cellulose based materials. Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. 29:584-591. 2014
- Development of a visco-plastic constitutive modeling for thixoforming of AA6061 in semi-solid state. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 609:290-295. 2014
- In situ quantification of the nucleation and growth of Fe-rich intermetallics during Al alloy solidification. Acta Materialia. 79:292-303. 2014
- A mesoscale solidification simulation of fusion welding in aluminum–magnesium–silicon alloys. Acta Materialia. 77:162-172. 2014
- Recent Experimental and Numerical Developments in Semisolid Deformation. JOM. 66:1406-1407. 2014
- Ultra-lightweight paper foams: processing and properties. Cellulose. 21:2023-2031. 2014
- Characterization of Micro-Porous Layer of Gas Diffusion Layer of a PEM Fuel Cell Via X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2014-01:566-566. 2014
- Influence of Fe-rich intermetallics on solidification defects in Al–Si–Cu alloys. Acta Materialia. 68:42-51. 2014
- Coupling in situ synchrotron X-ray tomographic microscopy and numerical simulation to quantify the influence of intermetallic formation on permeability in aluminium–silicon–copper alloys. Acta Materialia. 64:316-325. 2014
- Microstructural investigation of D2 tool steel during rapid solidification. Powder Metallurgy. 57:70-78. 2014
- 3D Meso-Scale Modeling of Solidification for Aluminum-Alloy Welding. Materials Science Forum. 790-791:79-84. 2014
- Stress–Strain Predictions of Semisolid Al-Mg-Mn Alloys During Direct Chill Casting: Effects of Microstructure and Process Variables. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 44:1287-1295. 2013
- Prediction of Hot Tear Formation in Vertical DC Casting of Aluminum Billets Using a Granular Approach. JOM. 65:1131-1137. 2013
- Simulation of Solidification Across the Length Scales. JOM. 65:1094-1095. 2013
- 3-D granular modeling and in situ X-ray tomographic imaging: A comparative study of hot tearing formation and semi-solid deformation in Al–Cu alloys. Acta Materialia. 61:3831-3841. 2013
- Morphology and Growth Kinetic Advantage of Quenched Twinned Dendrites in Al-Zn Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 44:2699-2706. 2013
- A 3-D coupled hydromechanical granular model for simulating the constitutive behavior of metallic alloys during solidification. Acta Materialia. 60:6793-6803. 2012
- The Effect of Temperature Dependency of Surface Emissivity in 1-D and 2-D Nonlinear Heat Radiation Equations. Heat Transfer Engineering. 33:982-990. 2012
- Three-dimensional granular model of semi-solid metallic alloys undergoing solidification: Fluid flow and localization of feeding. Acta Materialia. 60:3902-3911. 2012
- In Situ Observation of Solidification Phenomena. JOM. 64:66-67. 2012
- Quantitative 3D Characterization of Solidification Structure and Defect Evolution in Al Alloys. JOM. 64:89-95. 2012
- Phase quantification of impulse atomized Al68.5Ni31.5 alloy. Journal of Materials Science. 46:6235-6242. 2011
- Solidification of electronic materials: An overview. JOM. 63:37-37. 2011
- In situ X-ray observation of semi-solid deformation and failure in Al–Cu alloys. Acta Materialia. 59:1436-1444. 2011
- Simulation of Semi-Solid Material Mechanical Behavior Using a Combined Discrete/Finite Element Method. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 42:239-248. 2011
- As-Cast Residual Stresses in an Aluminum Alloy AA6063 Billet: Neutron Diffraction Measurements and Finite Element Modeling. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 41:3396-3404. 2010
- Modeling the Stress-Strain Behavior and Hot Tearing during Direct Chill Casting of an AZ31 Magnesium Billet. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 41:2067-2077. 2010
- Connectivity of Phases and Growth Mechanisms in Peritectic Alloys Solidified at Low Speed: an X-Ray Tomography Study of Cu-Sn. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 41:563-567. 2010
- Predicting the constitutive behavior of semi-solids via a direct finite element simulation: application to AA5182. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 17:055011-055011. 2009
- Constitutive behavior of as-cast magnesium alloy Mg–Al3–Zn1 in the semi-solid state. Scripta Materialia. 60:427-430. 2009
- Tensile properties of as-cast aluminum alloys AA3104, AA6111 and CA31218 at above solidus temperatures. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 497:388-394. 2008
- Quantitative Assessment of Deformation-Induced Damage in a Semisolid Aluminum Alloy via X-ray Microtomography. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 39:2459-2469. 2008
- A new methodology for measurement of semi-solid constitutive behavior and its application to examination of as-cast porosity and hot tearing in aluminum alloys. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 491:237-247. 2008
- A three-phase simulation of the effect of microstructural features on semi-solid tensile deformation. Acta Materialia. 56:4328-4338. 2008
- X-ray micro-tomographic observations of hot tear damage in an Al–Mg commercial alloy. Scripta Materialia. 55:489-492. 2006
- Casting defects in low-pressure die-cast aluminum alloy wheels. JOM. 57:36-43. 2005
- In-situ confocal microscopy study on dissolution kinetics of calcium aluminate inclusions in CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 type steelmaking slags. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International.
- A Study on Hot Tearing in Direct Chill Casting of Al-Mn-Mg Alloys Using a Multi-scale Approach. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 2021