publication venue for
- Direct high-resolution determination of vacancy-type defect profiles in ion-implanted silicon 2005
- Spin dynamics in geometrically frustrated antiferromagnetic pyrochlores 2004
- Nature of anisotropic fluctuation modes in ordered systems 1999
- Evidence for a surface resonance feature in the very low-energy electron spectrum of ZrN 1991
- Planar XY magnetic glass state in the Gd2ScNbO7pyrochlore.. 36. 2024
- Non-magnetic ion site disorder effects on the quantum magnetism of a spin-1/2 equilateral triangular lattice antiferromagnet. 34:205401-205401. 2022
- Atomic scale chemical ordering in franckeite—a natural van der Waals superlattice. 34:055403-055403. 2022
- Frustration in block copolymer assemblies. 33:253001-253001. 2021
- Magnetic ordering in the Ising antiferromagnetic pyrochlore Nd2ScNbO7. 33:245802-245802. 2021
- Absence of magnetic ordering in the spin liquid candidate Ca3Cu2GeV2O12. 32:134001-134001. 2020
- μSR study of spin freezing and persistent spin dynamics in NaCaNi2F7. 30:385802-385802. 2018
μsR study of spin freezing and persistent spin dynamics in NaCaNi
2 F7 . 30:385802. 2018 - Evidence for negative thermal expansion in the superconducting precursor phase SmFeAsO. 30:095601-095601. 2018
- Evidence for negative thermal expansion in the superconducting precursor phase SmFeAsO.. 30:095601. 2018
- Evidence for the confinement of magnetic monopoles in quantum spin ice. 29:45LT01-45LT01. 2017
- Evidence for the confinement of magnetic monopoles in quantum spin ice.. 29:45LT01. 2017
- Stability of icosahedral quasicrystals in a simple model with two-length scales. 29:124003-124003. 2017
- Vortices and vortex lattices in quantum ferrofluids. 29:103004-103004. 2017
- μSR investigation of a new diluted magnetic semiconductor Li(Zn,Mn,Cu)As with Mn and Cu codoping at the same Zn sites. 28:366001-366001. 2016
- Shake-up effect in photoluminescence of integer quantum Hall system formed in InGaAs/InP quantum wells. 28:175602-175602. 2016
- Orientational coupling between the vortex lattice and the crystalline lattice in a weakly pinned Co0.0075NbSe2single crystal. 28:165701-165701. 2016
- Magnetic field driven interminiband charge transfer in InGaAs/InP superlattices. 27:245601-245601. 2015
- A quantum fidelity study of the anisotropic next-nearest-neighbour triangular lattice Heisenberg model. 26:425602-425602. 2014
- Long-range magnetic order in the 5d2double perovskite Ba2CaOsO6: comparison with spin-disordered Ba2YReO6. 26:306003-306003. 2014
- Marble game with optimal ferroelectric switching. 26:135901-135901. 2014
- Inspired by nature: investigating tetrataenite for permanent magnet applications. 26:064213-064213. 2014
- Equation of state of zircon- and scheelite-type dysprosium orthovanadates: a combined experimental and theoretical study. 26:025401-025401. 2014
- X-ray scattering studies of structural phase transitions in pyrochlore Cd2Nb2O7. 25:435902-435902. 2013
- Room temperature single-crystal diffuse scattering andab initiolattice dynamics in CaTiSiO5. 25:315402-315402. 2013
- Phase diagram and magnetic structures of the Co-bearing dugganites Pb3TeCo3A2O14(A = V, P). 25:246004-246004. 2013
- Observation of magnetic polarons in the magnetoresistive pyrochlore Lu2V2O7. 25:115601-115601. 2013
- Lead monoxide α-PbO: electronic properties and point defect formation. 25:075803-075803. 2013
- The nature and stability of the Au(110)/electrochemical interface produced by flame annealing. 24:482002-482002. 2012
- Modeling the radiation ionization energy and energy resolution of trigonal and amorphous selenium from first principles. 24:455502-455502. 2012
- Spin dynamics of theS= 5/2 2D triangular antiferromagnet Ba3NbFe3Si2O14. 24:246001-246001. 2012
- Morphology of monolayer films on quasicrystalline surfaces from the phase field crystal model. 24:135002-135002. 2012
- From amorphous to crystalline silicon nanoclusters: structural effects on exciton properties. 23:505302-505302. 2011
- Absence of long-range magnetic ordering in the pyrochlore compound Er2Sn2O7. 23:382201-382201. 2011
- A search for disorder in the spin glass double perovskites Sr2CaReO6and Sr2MgReO6using neutron diffraction and neutron pair distribution function analysis. 23:164213-164213. 2011
- Order and disorder in the local and long-range structure of the spin-glass pyrochlore, Tb2Mo2O7. 23:164214-164214. 2011
- Short range ordering in the modified honeycomb lattice compound SrHo2O4. 23:164203-164203. 2011
- Generalized lucky-drift model for impact ionization in semiconductors with disorder. 23:055802-055802. 2011
- Effective model hierarchies for dynamic and static classical density functional theories. 22:364111-364111. 2010
- Lone-pair states as a key to understanding impact ionization in chalcogenide semiconductors. 22:355803-355803. 2010
- Itinerant spin excitations near the hidden order transition in URu2Si2. 21:192202-192202. 2009
- Is Sr2RuO4a chiral p-wave superconductor?. 21:164210-164210. 2009
- Pressure effects on the electron-doped highTcsuperconductor BaFe2−xCoxAs2. 20:472201-472201. 2008
- Unconventional spin glass behavior in the cubic pyrochlore Mn2Sb2O7. 20:325201-325201. 2008
- Ac susceptibility and51V NMR study of MnV2O4. 20:135218-135218. 2008
- Theory of size mismatched alloy systems: many-body Kanzaki forces. 20:045207-045207. 2008
- The effect of Er doping on the multiferroics of Ho1−xErxMnO3. 20:035211-035211. 2008
- Dynamic strain measurements in a sliding microstructured contact. 20:015004-015004. 2008
- Spectral and time dependences of the energy transfer of bound optical excitations in GaP(N). 20:015217-015217. 2008
- The effect of the annealing ramp rate on the formation of voids in silicon. 19:466202-466202. 2007
- Extended Hubbard model on a C20molecule. 19:456206-456206. 2007
- Neutron and x-ray scattering studies of the lightly doped spin–Peierls system Cu1−xCdxGeO3. 19:436222-436222. 2007
- Cluster expansions in multicomponent systems: precise expansions from noisy databases. 19:406206-406206. 2007
- The origin of persistent spin dynamics and residual entropy in the stuffed spin ice Ho2.3Ti1.7O7−δ. 19:342201-342201. 2007
- Doping through the percolation limit in GeNi2−xCoxO4. 19:156202-156202. 2007
- Electrical conduction of silicon oxide containing silicon quantum dots. 18:9943-9950. 2006
- Probing the electronic structure of complex crystals with electron energy loss spectroscopy: a study ofnatisites. 18:3629-3637. 2006
- 2D Kagomé ordering in the 3D frustrated spinel Li2Mn2O4. 17:6469-6482. 2005
- The adsorption of bipyridine molecules on Au(110) as measured by reflection anisotropy spectroscopy. 16:S4385-S4392. 2004
- Observing 2-channel Kondo physics in a carbon nanotube single-electron transistor. 16:749-755. 2004
- From quantum critical to two-channel Kondo physics via charge fluctuations in a quantum dot. 15:7047-7053. 2003
- Electric and magnetic properties of the stage-2 FeBr2graphite intercalation compound. 15:203-215. 2003
- At-temperature annealing of near-surface vacancy-type defects observed by positronium formation spectroscopy. 14:681-688. 2002
- X-ray study of structural modulations in Cs2HgCl4. 12:8111-8125. 2000
- Structural effects in R0.5Sr0.5MnO3perovskites (R = rare earth). 11:8103-8109. 1999
- Bond-valence analysis on the structural effects in magnetoresistive manganese perovskites. 10:L757-L763. 1998
- Parity, precision and spin inversion within the density matrix renormalization group. 10:10655-10665. 1998
- Positron spectroscopy of vacancy-type defects in Si created by 5 keV implantation. 10:10403-10408. 1998
- Electronic structure of possible 3d `heavy-fermion' compound. 10:L119-L126. 1998
- First-principles calculations of band offsets of heterostructures. 9:L279-L283. 1997
- X-ray single-crystal study of the low-temperature structure of. 8:10899-10906. 1996
- Investigation of magnetron-sputtered titanium nitride films using positron annihilation spectroscopy. 8:2479-2486. 1996
- Positron studies of polycrystalline TiC. 7:9091-9099. 1995
- Relative probabilities of work-function and epithermal positron re-emission from silver. 7:6477-6482. 1995
- The observation of structure in the dependence of the 1 keV positron backscattering coefficient on target atomic number. 7:3485-3492. 1995
- Optical properties of pyrochlore oxides R2Mo2O7- delta(R: Sm, Gd, and Ho). 7:2489-2506. 1995
- Energy spectroscopy of positrons re-emitted from polycrystalline tungsten. 6:9601-9611. 1994
- A novel model for the ionic conducting polymers with non-Arrhenius temperature dependence. 6:5833-5837. 1994
- The phase diagram and thermodynamics of sodium fulleride from electrochemical measurements. 6:5387-5396. 1994
- Crystalline symmetry effects in X-ray magnetic circular dichroism in angle-resolved core-level photoemission. 5:1239-1256. 1993
- Positron lifetime studies of defects in MBE-grown silicon. 4:8511-8518. 1992
- Effect of dislocations on the Langer-Schwartz model of nucleation and growth. 4:4359-4371. 1992
- Magnet susceptibility, thermoelectric power and specific heat of UNi2Si2. 3:4399-4403. 1991
- Thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria of the potassium-indium system by electromotive force measurements. 3:1603-1612. 1991
- Thermodynamic properties of liquid Rb-Pb alloys. 2:209-220. 1990
- On the character of defects in GaAs. 1:3213-3238. 1989
- Experimental confirmation of the existence of a new universality class for stacked triangular lattices. 20:L945-L948. 1987
- Orientation and temperature dependence of the Cd K-shell EXAFS of polycrystalline and single-crystal Cd metal. 20:981-992. 1987
- A Monte Carlo study of crossover behaviour and solitons in an anisotropic Heisenberg chain. 19:5483-5494. 1986
- A new surface phase for CO-covered Pt(110). 15:L99-L104. 1982
- Glass surface analysis by Auger electron spectroscopy. 11:2183-2193. 1978
- Comment on 'The band structure and optical properties of sulphur nitride polymer'. 9:L283-L287. 1976
- CPA for a simple model of mixed diatomic crystals. 9:453-464. 1976
- The three-dimensional band structure of polysulphur-nitride. 8:3549-3557. 1975
- Electron-hole liquid in heavily doped n-type ge and si. 8:1377-1386. 1975
- A comparison of calculated and measured critical temperatures in Heisenberg magnetic materials. 7:573-580. 1974
- Dynamics of the rutile structure. III. Lattice dynamics, infrared and Raman spectra of SnO2. 4:2421-2431. 1971
- Optical phonons in MnO. 4:1299-1305. 1971
- The vibrational spectrum of zircon (zrsio4). 4:240-256. 1971
- Lattice dynamics of argon at 4 degrees K. 3:249-255. 1970
- Calculations of the X-ray emission bands of copper using augmented plane wave Bloch functions. 2:1808-1816. 1969
- Lattice dynamics of MnO. 2:46-51. 1969
- Magnetization and magnetic specific heat of terbium. 1:1596-1603. 1968
- Spin-wave theory of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy in gadolinium metal. 1:1279-1287. 1968
- Exchange interactions and the spin-wave spectrum of terbium. 1:125-131. 1968
- Temperature-dependent crystal field effects in the spin-wave spectrum of terbium. 1:132-145. 1968
- Effect of three body force on the correlation energy of liquid 4He - IOPscience 1971